James Chapman, A Tribute by a Friend

"To forget one's ancestors is to be a brook without a source; a tree without a root."

James Whitten Chapman, son of Elijah and Mariah (Johnson) Chapman, (b Oct. 4, 1818, d Feb 17, 1872) was of pioneer ancestry. An ancestor Timothy Chapman (b March 1728) came to New Jersey about 1748 from England. Some of his descendants came to Ohio where Betsey Chapman married Edward McKinley; Rachel married Patric McKinley, thence to Indiana where Elijah Chapman entered a large tract of land near Washington in 1813, which has been transferred but once. A splendid two story home, quite a mansion for those days was built near Pleasant Hill. The first piano in the community was placed in this home by the son Friend. Elijah Chapman erected the first saw mill and carding machine in Daviess county. He was the founder of New London, a town on White river, owned the first spring wagon in the county, served as Representative in 1844-46. He was associate judge of Daviess Co.s Circuit Court two terms, because of his efficiency obtained the title of "Judge Chapman." It is said the slogan "Crow, Chapman, Crow" originated from his extreme modesty manifested when elected to office over a popular opponent.  He was one of the founders and builders of Bethel M. E. Church.

James Chapman was the great grandson of Peter Johnson, who was born in Scotland, came to America before the Revolution.  His son James was born in Pennsylvania, near Pittsburg, in 1752. He was a lieutenant colonel in the war of Independence, under Geo. Washington, married Elizabethy Lindsey, an aunt of Lindsey Cooper, of Ky., near Madison, Ind. And of Mrs. Ramsey, of Indiana, Jas. Johnson with nine other families floated down the Ohio in "Keel boats" to the Wabash, thence to Vincennes, in 1785. He was the first justice of any court in the New Territory, in 1804 was a trustee with William Henry Harrison and twenty-four others for the Vincennes university. The first American child born in Indiana Territory was William Johnson, the second son of James Johnson, who reared a family of fourteen children, nine sons and five daughters, each of whom lived to rear families of their own. All of his children made homes in Knox and Daviess counties, except one who went further west. He was a gunsmith by trade and died in Iowa. Elijah, Abner and James were pioneers of Daviess county and their ashes rest in that county. James dies in Knox county in 1835 and was buried at St. Francisville, Ill., with military honors of war. James Chapman married Mathilda Wallace in 1828. The wedding was arranged for 22nd. of Feb., her father's and Geo. Washington's birthday. On this occasion and elaborate wedding feast was served to more than one hundred guests. The decorations were profuse. The bride's brother, Harrison, went several miles on horse to procure material for festooning. The center decorations were cedar and grasses dipped in flour or alum water making them glisten like frost. The beautiful bride in white, the groom in black were a handsome couple. Elijah Chapman (father of the groom) invited all present to come to his home the next day for the "infare" dinner. James with his bride in a sleigh drove to the Chapman home where a feast (equal to a barbecue) was served to many guests. Maltida Wallace was the daughter of Hon. William and Sarah Horrall Wallace, a descendant of Sir William Wallace of Scotland. (Sketch of the Wallace family found on another page.)

James W. Chapman and family as I knew them, coming to Madison Dec. 5, 1865, a family of nine - father, mother, Jane, John, William, Albert, Elijah, Ella and Josie. They united, by letter, with Roberts Chapel M. E. Church. The two little white haired girls were brought to my "infant class" (as we then called the primary department of S. S.) which led to an early call at the family residence and the beginning of a lasting friendship. Brother Chapman was soon assigned to Class No. 1 as it was yet in the good old days when membership in the M.E. church depended somewhat on attendance at "Class Meeting." The membership being divided into classes of from one to twenty-five. Each member expected to meet his leader once a week. Said leader to watch after our souls as one to give an account. Thus meeting and talking of our Christian experience and enjoying the fellowship of kindred minds, each little bank became much attached to each other. We soon found Bro. C. such a help in our spiritual life that we requested that he be made our leader, which office he had held before coming to Madison. Thus associated I became better acquainted and more intimate with his family until he gave me employment, as secretary, in his office, where there never was any gloom, but always an atmosphere of cheerfulness pervading work and conversation.

I came to know him in a business capacity as well as a Christian leader and scarcely know in which to esteem him most. He was as conscientious in the one as in the other, the religion was uppermost in his thought. He emphatically sought first the kingdom of God, believing all other needful things would be added. And they were. God's blessing attended all his efforts. He was a leading busiman and highly respected citizen. Among his intimate friends were D. G. Phillips, U. B. Stribling, McKim, Cochran & Co., Judge Friedley, M.C. Garber, S. B. Grayson, the Croziers, Dr. Mullen, Mr. Doolittle, R. J. Hurlbut. After visiting Indianapolis and Bloomington he selected Madison for its scenic beauty, its healthfulness and its good schools, which were among the best in the state. He always put the interest of his children foremost and wished for them the best educational advantages.  He found also that his business interests could best be served in Madison by the founderies and manufactories. He was something of a genius and had patented several articles and bought others. (We used to laugh at the number.) He made a specialty of his portable Soda Fountain, Sorghum Evaporator and Cane Mill. His patent churn, pump, carpenters' vice and other smaller articles received attention during the dull season of the fountain and evaporator. He made flavoring extracts and syrups to go with the fountains. We sometimes said he had too many irons in the fire, but for the sake of the younger boys and their chums he added the Shoe Polish and gave it into their hands so they could earn something for themselves while gaining an insight into business and encouraging habits of industry. The turning lathe was purchased for the youngest boy, Elijah, with which he made velocopedes," brackets, whatnots, and toys and furniture for his younger sisters and friends.

Bro. C. was a close Bible student and had begun to compile a Bible Dictionary but did not live to complete it. He believed in Printer's Ink and turned many dollars into the coffers of the Madison Courier. One year's advertising amounting to $1,500. "Live and let live" was one of his mottoes, hence we found him kind and generous toward his employees and they were always amply rewarded for time and labor. Honesty in business and a strict observance of the Sabbath were as tenets of religion with him. The shop and office were never opened on that Sacred day. He used to say: "If God gives us six days to labor for ourselves, we certainly should devote the entire Sabbath to His service, worship and good works. Nothing is ever gained by the desecration of the Sabbath." On one occasion it seemed necessary to ship a fountain on Sunday to reach its destination in time to secure the sale. The workers wanted to hasten the shipment, but he said, "No, no work ever prospers done in disobedience to God's command." The shipment was deferred. It was learned later that the train on which it would have gone was wrecked and the fountain would have been lost. We all had an object lesson in keeping the Sabbath. In the family there was the same sweet observance of the Sacred day. Coffee enough was ground in Saturday to last until Monday and put a tight receptacle to preserve its strength. All other preparations possible were made to avoid unnecessary work on Sunday. I remember seeing the children blacking their shoes when I had occasion to drop in on Saturday evening. A regiment of freshly blackened "boots" and shoes, arranged in uniform order at one side of the room. Religion in the home was made so cheerful and family devotion so enjoyable that the Sanctuary became a delight. Religion never was designed to make our pleasures less but to enhance the enjoyment of all life. Meal time in this home was a happy hour. The father at the head of the table would usually offer the following grace: "We thank Thee, our Heavenly Father, for these and all Thy blessings. Bless a portion of this food to the nourishment of our bodies, feed our souls on the bread if life and save us at last through Christ. Amen." (Recalled a half century after the passing of the father, by the daughter, Ella).

Bro. C. was a lover of the old time songs. He purchased a number of "Select Melodies" and distributed them among members to bring into more general use the songs of his choice. Bro. C. was almost an enthusiast in religion, yet never very demonstrative.  While decided and firm in his opinions there was a mildness and calmness in his manner of expressing them that gave them a lasting impression. I shall never forget the effect on our harts of the first prayer I heard him utter, in Wednesday night's service: "Thou art God and there is none beside Thee. Thou hast made us and not we ourselves." Then there were expressions of such love and confidence as brought our hearts into closer touch with our Heavenly Father and encouraged us to feel that there is a higher better life to live. This faith, this quiet confidence and calmness gave him power as a worker in the vineyard and never was he happier than when leading souls to the altar of prayer and pointing them to the Saviour. His delight was to be engaged in altar services whether in his own or other churches. It was this earnestness for the salvation of souls. Especially for one of his own dear boys that led him to originate the Camp Meeting held for three successive years on the Hendricks' farm among the hills east of Madison. How many souls were saved through these services none but God can know. We were certain that one sermon preached by Williamson Terrell enabled our beloved invalid boy, William, to accept Christ as his Saviour. Also another lad, Albert Richardson, whom John led to the altar was wonderfully converted and became a minister in the U. B. church and led many to Christ. So Brother Chapman rests from his labors but his works do follow.

The mother, always kind and gentle, reaching out a helping hand to others where ever sickness or trial that she could relieve, there you found her. As a member of the city's "Flower Mission" and "Ladies' Aid" societies to search out and help the poor, sick and unfortunate of city, she found much to do. Among her associates in this work were Madames Wm. Page, Robert Pattie, Kirk, Clements, D. G. Phillips, Hinds, Crozier, Harper, Dold. Using hospitality in her own home even strangers were not turned from her door. The Ministers of God and their families ever found a ready welcome. Bro. C. always joining her in free hospitality. Faithful in her attendance upon the means of grace, spared to the good old age of 83, she was the last to be called home. After several months of failing health on Aug. 3, 1903 she passed away at the home of her daughter, Ella Peek, attended by her daughters and grandchildren, Mary Joseph, Richard, Louise Peed, L. L. Chapman, and niece, Bell Wallace Brooks, of Bedford, and nephew A. S. Chapman of Madison. She realized the last sunset was approaching and talked cheerfully of going. She said, "I have lived the allotted time. Four score and three, a long time to live. God has been good to me. If I knew I could be of use to any one I should like to live, but my work is done. I must go to the mansions prepared for us." She told her wonderful dreams, a part of which follows - "Following a path on either side of which and all around were pretty flowers and trees, she came to the bank of a beautiful river, and hearing her husband's call from the other shore and seeing his beckoning hand she entered a boat, crossed the stream and joined him on the other side." She said, "I know I shall soon cross this river and meet your father and all the loved ones gone before." Said she wanted to meet the "Saviour first - then your father and baby Lucy, Charlie and all my children, parents and friends, and soon you and all of us will be there - a happy family together again. It won't be long, Josie, till we will all be there." She prayed that she might die possessed of right mind, not linger a helpless invalid and asked to die when flowers were plentiful and in summer when weather was fine. Her prayer was answered in every particular. As she was passing each one would clasp here hand and ask, "Who is this?" She would look into the face, smile so sweetly and give the name in strong clear voice. Joseph asked, "Who is this grandma?" She smiled and whispered, "Joseph" In a few minutes Richard asked, "Who is this, Grandma?" but she made no reply. She had passed beyond earthly call and sweetly slept, and now rests beside her beloved husband in Bethel Cemetery near the old home church where they began the Christian life and spent their happy youth. Rev. Albert Richardson, of Petersburg, previously mentioned. Rev. T. R. Ragsdale and Rev. Reed, of Washington, were the officiating ministers.

William, after three years' service in the Civil War, as cavalryman with Hood and Sherman opening the way from "Atlanta to the Sea," returned home and soon after became a victim of consumption. William made a brave fight but finding he must go sought earnestly to have a heart right with God, and lying on his couch at campmeeting under the sound of Rev. Terrell's lips he saw that it was by faith alone in the atonement of Christ that he could be saved. ; Ever after he was cheerful and jovial up to within a few hours of the cruel hemorrhage that snatched him from the loving attention of mother as she was preparing him for the night's rest, Oct. 13, 1868.

Dec. 12, 1870 - Elijah, the youngest of the boys was called home. Oh, how cruel death seemed to snatch him from us so suddenly after only three or four days' illness. I can hardly yet become reconciled to his going. So young, sprightly, bright, ingenious, ambitious and industrious. Earnestly striving as all Bro. C.'s children did to walk in the Light. I have never been able to visit his grave without a voice calling me to a renewed consecration to the service of our Saviour. Albert at the age of fifteen answered Lincoln's last call for volunteers. As a drummer boy he was with Sherman on his "March to the Sea." After close of war was held in the South for reconstruction work and contracted his fatal illness. When the disease began to prey upon him he made brave quest for health, travelling South and North doing all that could be suggested by his father and that John's loving heart could devise, for great was the devotion of John to his brother, he was willing to spend, and he spent to save Albert. At last the quest was given up. John made another trip to Minnesota and brought him home. They applied themselves to business as best they could. Albert was always so pleasant in the office. I remember visiting him frequently and it was my privilege to help minister to him the last evening he spent on earth, on Apr. 6, 1871. Going in about six o'clock he seemed so glad to see me and asked me to bathe his face and hands and kept me busy for some time; at last he fell into a quiet slumber. Near ten o'clock he wakened calling John, who said, "What is it Albert?" He said, "I am going to get well tonight, John. The angles told me God was going to make me well tonight." John went to waken mother but before she came Albert had straightened out his limbs and as his feet touched the other shore his voice was like an echo from the shining sands of the river of life. "I am saved" these were the last words we could hear, but they were certainly sounding back from the shores where the inhabitants were never sick. We laid him to rest beside his brothers (four months after Elijah's death) in the sure and certain hope of a glorious resurection at the coming of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Within eleven months after Albert's death, Feb. 17, 1872, the patient, loving husband and father left us to join those loved long since and lost awhile. Confined to the house for several months, he realized the end was near and arranged for his going, calmly and earnestly requesting that his body be taken to Daviess Co. Bethel Church where he had been converted and labored so happily in the vineyard of the Lord.  Rev. W. W. Snyder and R. R. Baldwin officiated at funeral. The latter, his pastor, accompanied the remains and family to Washington and there officiated in the last service. It was my privilege to help minister to him during his last days and hours and I know that his passing was calm and peaceful and we were comforted abundantly.

John, who answered Lincoln's first call, serving four long years, is now left to stand by mother and sisters, bereft of father and two brothers within fourteen months. Good, faithful, beloved John was permitted to live thirteen years after his father was gone. He had married and made a cozy home which he and Dora enjoyed. One of his chief characteristics was loyalty, always taking a charitable view of a personal critisicm, especially of a minister whose work among the people might be hindered by criticism. In testimony and prayer he often quoted, "For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." "They shall see his face and his name shall be in their foreheads." "And there shall be no night there - for the Lord God giveth them light and they shall reign forever and ever." The seeds of death sown as he languished in Salisbury prison developed to carry him away, May 16, 1885. His prayer was answered for near the time of his departure he was able to say - "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. Henseforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me on that day." Dr. F. C. Holliday officiated at the funeral in Trinity Church. The body was carried by the G. A. R. to Springdale where he sleeps until the resurrection morn shall reunite us all in new and beautious life eternal.

The two little white-haired girls as they grew to womanhood became earnest workers in church and Sunday school.  Ella as a student at the Bates' music academy (1871) became a sweet singer and a member of Trinity choir. After a season at (Moores Hill) college and as public school and music teacher chose a life companion, J. M. Peek, and returned to Daviess County to make her home in her parents' old neighborhood. Josephine continued her profession of teaching in public schools for almost forty years, but recently married Mr. George W. Williams and lives in a cozy home near Vincennes, where by phone and car she is in close touch with her sisters, Ella and Jane. Dear, faithful, self-sacrificing Jane, who makes her home with Ella Peek and family. Ella has blest the world in rearing four noble children, each of whom received college training. Mary and Louise at DePauw. Mary developed into a sweet singer and music teacher, appeared on Chautauqua platform and now lending her talent to the Master's cause. (Her husband Fenton R. Mathews received training at DePauw and is a talented musician, serving as instructor of music in the schools of Marshall, Ill.) Louise, a professional Latin teacher, now in Detroit. Joseph, an industrious genius, when at Butler and Winona called, "The Go Get `Em" is now engaged in government construction work in  Texas. Richard trained at Indiana and Chicago Universities, served as public school teacher in Colorado, now in Aviation service in World War. I doubt not each will reflect credit to his ancestors until the end of time while Josie's work in long years of teaching will bear fruit ad infinitum. I am so glad to have been associated with these dear people.

In loving remembrance of a family whose lives touched mine.
Louisville, Ky.
Jan. 16, 1919
Age 83 years

Submitted by: Joseph M. Wallace
Typed by: Lauren McNiece

WILLIAM GARTEN, an old settler of Daviess County, Ind., was born in Lawrence County, Ind., August 7, 1822, and is one of four children born to James and Betsey (Sears) Garten. Our subject's paternal grandfather was of Welsh descent. He was a pioneer of Virginia, Tennessee, Kentucky and Lawrence County, Ind., having killed deer and wild game of various kinds in each State. He was a skillful marksman and rivaled Daniel Boone in his love for forest life. James was born in Tennessee in 1788. He removed to Kentucky in youth, where he resided until 1816, when he moved to Lawrence County, Ind., purchased land and began tilling the soil. He speculated largely in stock, which he took to Chicago, driving them through unbroken forests and across rivers and creeks. He moved to Daviess County in 1839 and purchased 320 acres of land. He died in said county May 30, 1874. He was one of the first settlers in the township and  assisted largely in forming the first settlements. The mother died in 1822. Subject's mother died when he was but two week's old. He was reared by his people with whom he remained until twenty-two years old. February 22, 18t4, he married Margaret, daughter of Zacharias and Peggy Dicks. Mrs. Garten was born November 13, 1822, in Monroe County, Ind. To their union eight children were born, seven of whom are living. The children's names are Sarah E., Mary A., Zacharias T., James M.. John L., William H., Zimri M. and Henry S. After marriage Mr. Garten lived on the old home place for two years, and in 1846 he purchased 180 acres of land, where he settled and has since resided. He has been an industrious, hard-working man, and by his energy and close attention to business now owns 330 acres of land, besides giving 145 acres to his children. In politics he is a Republican and cast his first vote for Henry Clay.

Submitted by: Michael L Tedrow
History of Daviess County by: Goodspeed Publishing Company 1886

JAMES M. CROOKE is a native of Kentucky, where he was born August 12, 1822, son of Oily and Nancy (Cruse) Crooke (elsewhere written). Subject artended the subscripticm schools in beyhood and made his home with his parents until 1841. When nineteen years of age he began teaching school and continued that occupation for eight years, meeting with flattering success. He received for his services $12 per month. November 5, 1845, he married Maria Ann Barnes, bern November 4, 1827, in Orange County, Ind., daughter of Dean and Mahala (Athon) Barnes. January 24, 1861, his wife died after having born eight children, three of whom are living: Olly F., James M. and John B.. Olly is living in Martin County, farming; James is in Mitchell, Ind., in a printing office, and John is a teacher by profession. In 1858 Mr. Crooke came to Daviess County and settled at Odon. and entered into partnership with his brother Howard, and another gentleman, in a general merchandise store, at which he and his brother continued for several years after their partner had sold out his interest. In 1875 Mr. Crooke moved to California and lived for about three years near the "Golden Gate," keeping hotel; but not liking the country he returned to Odon, in 1878. July 17, 1862, he married Julia M. Calvert, born in Kentucky, April 24, 1833, daughter of George and Sarah Calvert. To their union five children were born, four of whom are living: Charles, who is in partnership with his father; William, clerking in a store in Mitchell; Lizzie Y., and Albert E. Mr. Crooke as a merchant is enterprising and possesses rare business qualities. He has a fine stock of goods and commands a large trade. He is the oldest merchant in Odon, a Democrat in politics, and he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Submitted by: Michael L Tedrow
History of Daviess County by: Goodspeed Publishing Company 1886

JOHN W. BURRELL, undertaker, of Odon, Ind., was born in Tuscarawas County, Ohio, January 3, 1829, son of Richard T. and Margaret (Canestrick) Burrell, who were born in Maryland and Ohio, respectively. The father went to Ohio in his youth, where he spent the remainder of his life. He died in the prime of his life, in 1844. At the time of his death he owned seventy-five acres of land. The mother was of German descent, and died in 1832. Our subject lived with his people until he was eighteen years old, working on the farm and attending district school. In 1847 he began working as an apprentice at the cabinet-makers trade, continuing at that occupation many years. July 7, 1853, he wedded Sarah, daughter of Hughey and Ruth McCoy. She was born in Ohio, in March, 1837. To their union eight children were born, six of whom are living: James A., Richard T., Harley T., Samuel D., Henry H. and Anna M. (wife of William Odell). The children are all industrious and are doing well for themselves. Mr. Burrell settled in New Cumberland, Ohio, after marriage, where he lived four years, working at his trade. In 1858 he moved to Daviess County, Ind., and began farming. In 1863 he abandoned this occupation and moved to Odon, where he resumed his trade. A few years later he gave up this occupation and began the undertaker's business. In politics he is a Republican. He was constable of Madison Township for about two and one-half years, and supervisor for eight years. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Submitted by: Michael L Tedrow
History of Daviess County by: Goodspeed Publishing Company 1886

FRANK B. ARFORD is a son of Jacob and Catharine (Bash) Afford, and was born in Ohio, October 26, 1851. The father was of German lineage, born in Maryland, in 1800. His first marriage occurred in Pennsylvania, in 1821. In 1831 he moved to Ohio, where his wife died. In 1843 he married our subject's mother, and in 1854 he came to Daviess County, Ind., where he purchased 160 acres of land in Madison Township.  His death occurred December 8, 1884. The mother was also of German lineage, born in Ohio, in 1812. She was twice married. Since the death of her husband, she has made her home with her son, Frank, who in boyhood artended the district schools and aided his father on the farm. He attended the seminary at Roanoke, Ind., for one term, and when nineteen years old began teaching school, and taught two terms. July 6, 1871, he married Jane Wilson, who was born in Ohio, February 5, 1852. She is a daughter of Dorsey and Caroline (Hayes) Wilson, and became the mother of these children: Albert R., Mary M., Carrie C., Roland D. and Lillian R.  Since his marriage, Mr. Arford has resided on the old home farm, where he owns 120 acres of land. He has been quite prosperous as a farmer, and is a good citizen of the township. In politics he is a Republican, and cast his first vote for U. S. Grant. He and wife are members of the United Brethren Church.

Submitted by: Michael L Tedrow
History of Daviess County by: Goodspeed Publishing Company 1886