From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jackson Township
NELSON T. TILMAN, proprietor of the Tilman House, is a native of Darke County, Ohio, his birth occurring May 8, 1835, a son of Jacob and Mary (Thomas) Tilman, natives of South Carolina and Tennessee respectively. The father removed with his parents to Tennessee, thence to Ohio, where he resided until 1843, in which year he came to Wabash County, Indiana, where he followed farming, and died in 1869. His widow surviving him until 1871. The paternal grandfather was Tobias Tilman a native of Germany, who came to America and served his adopted country in the Revolutionary war, was a farmer, and was married to Catharine Sharp, also a native of Germany. They died in Darke County Ohio. The maternal grandfather, John Thomas, was also a native of Germany, was married to Catherine Albright. He served in the war of 1812 and died in Darke County, Ohio, as did also his wife. Nelson T. Tilman was reared on a farm and came with his parents to Wabash County, Indiana, and at the age of Twenty he began
doing for himself by engaging in saw-milling and the lumber business. He continued in this for a period of eleven years, then engaged in the mercantile business for one year, and then farmed for three years. In 1868 he came to Xenia and engaged in the drug business, continuing till the fall of 1885, since then he has conducted the Tilman House, of which he is the present popular proprietor. In 1856 his marriage with Miss Sarah A. ---- was solemnized, and one child, Minerva C., blessed this union. In 1864, Mrs. Tilman died, and in 1866 he was united in marriage with Jerusha A. Druley, who died November 27, 1880, after bearing the following children: Edy T., Ora L., Bertha, Cassandra, Mary and Edith. He chose for his third wife, Clara Atchinson, who died shortly after marriage. Mr. Tilman's fourth and present companion was formerly Mrs. Mary E. Hadley. Mr. Tilman has, by industry, accumulated a comfortable income. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and politically is a Republican.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jackson Township
CHARLES N. WALES, postmaster at Xenia, is a native of Union County, Indiana, where he was born, August 15, 1845, the youngest of eight children born to James and Jane (Haynes) Wales, the former a native of Sussexshire, England, born in 1789 and the latter a native of Tennessee, born in 1805. The father came to Union County, Indiana, in 1819, where he followed farmmg, and resided there until his death, February 29, 1856. His widow still survives and is living in Miami County at an advanced age. Peter Wales, the paternal grandfather of Charles N., was a native of England, was married to Martha Caffin and resided in his native country all his life. The maternal grandfather was Richard Haynes, a native of Virginia, born in the year of 1763, was a farmer by occupation, a soldier in the Revolutionary War, and died in Union County, Indiana. Charles N. was raised to manhood in his native county, where he received a common school education and in 1873, came to Miami County, located at Xenia and engaged in
the hardware business for one year and then for a period was engaged in the lumber business. In the fall of 1885 he was appointed Postmaster at Xenia and in addition to this he carries a stock of blank books, stationery, etc. He was married in September, 1876, to Miss Clara Kimball, by whom he is the father of one living child, Fannie. Mr. Wales is a member of the Masonic fraternity and a Democrat in politics.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jackson Township
OLIVER ARMANTROUT was born in Peru Township, this county, April 26, 1844. His parents, R. and Margaret (Hoover) Armantrout, were natives of Virginia and Pennsylvania respectively, and were born as follows: The father in Virginia July 25, 1809, and the mother in Pennsylvania, March 28, 1811. They were married in Montgomery County, Ohio, August 3, 1829, and from thence moved to Delaware County, Indiana, in 1831, and from there to Cass County, Indiana, and in 1835 to Miami County, settling at Peru, where he engaged in blacksmithing, and afterward resided until his death, which occurred November 3, 1843. His widow subsequently married Andrew Williams, and moved with him to Jefferson Township, where she still resides. Nine children were born to her, viz.: David H., born May 3, 1830; Margaret J., born Augnst 3, 1831 (deceased); Peter, born July 29, 1833; Lewis born March 28, 1835 (deceased); John S., born March 18, 1837; Elizabeth J., born March 4, 1839 (deceased); William F., born July 13, 1841
(deceased), and Oliver, born April 26, 1844, by Mr. Armantrout, and Mary (deceased), by Mr. Williams. Oliver, our subject, was married in Richland Township, this county, June 24, 1866, to Martha J., daughter of Adam and Elizabeth (Shoop) Hersey. She was born in Butler Township, this county, June 3,1849. After Mr. Armantrout, our subject's marriage, he settled on his present farm, where he has resided since. He owns at present 100 acres of fine and well improved land. Mr. Armantrout was elected to the office of trustee of Jefferson Township in 1882, and re-elected in 1884. He is a member of the Masonic Order, and a member of the G. A. R. Order. He enlisted in the service May, 1864, in Company K, 134th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and served as a private until September, 1864. Mr. Armantrout is a wide-awake and enterprising man, and is highly esteemed by all.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
JAMES S. BAIR (Trustee of Jefferson Township) is a native of Botetourt County, Virginia, born Nov. 13, 1848. His parents, George and Catherine (Crumpacker) Bair, were also both natives of Virginia, and were born as follows: The father in Franklin County, Jan. 1, 1812, and the mother in Botetourt County, Oct. 3, 1813. They were married in Botetourt County in October, 1839, where the mother died in June, 1856. The father subsequently married Barbara Snyder, and in 1857 moved to Miami County, Indiana. In 1858 he purchased and settled upon the farm on which our subject now resides, in Section 30, Jefferson Township, where he afterwards resided until his death, which occurred August 24, 1864. He was the father of seven children, viz: Mary J., Lewis E., Sarah, Ann, James S., Jones B. and Catherine E. James S., our subject, came with his parents to this county in 1857, was married Oct. 13, 1870, to Sarah, daughter of George and Catharine (Minick) Maus. She was born in Miami County, Ind., Jan. 7,
1850. After Mr. James S. Bair's marriage he first settled on the old home farm in Miami County, where he resided until the spring of 1872, at which time he moved to Fulton County, Ind., and resided until the following spring of 1873, when he removed to Miami County, Indiana, purchasing and settling upon the old home farm, where he has resided since. He owns eighty acres of fine and well improved land. Has had born to him three children, viz: Leota A, born July 11, 1871; Stella M., born Aug. 25, 1875; George F., born Sept. 9, 1878. Mr. Bair is an intelligent and enterprising man, and is highly esteemed by all who know him.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
ZERI M. BALDWIN, a native of Wayne County, Indiana, was born November 16, 1827, and is the eldest son of Enos and and Elizabeth (Hoover) Baldwin, natives of Guilford County, North Carolina. The subject was reared in Jefferson Township, and received a very good education, attending the first school in the township, taught by William M. Sumalt. He has always followed the occupation of farming, and now owns eighty acres of good land. In November, 1849, he was married to Rachel S. Ptomey, a native of Wayne County, Indiana, and is the father of four children - James N., Author C., Pearlie M. and Emma F. His wife died in 1885, and in 1873 he was again married to Miss Amanda English, of Licking County, Ohio, to whom four children were born.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
AUGUSTUS BANKS, a native of Mifflin County, Pennsylvania, was born November 29, 1800, to James and Catharine (Nelson) Banks, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Scotch and Irish nationality respectively. They settled about midway between Pittsburg and Philadelphia, and assisted in driving the Indians from the country. The subject remained on the farm until he was twenty-one years of age, and he was then engaged in Lewiston, Penn, to learn the printer’s trade, in which he succeeded, and afterwards worked in the cities of Baltimore and Philadelphia as a jour printer, he then went to Jackson, Tenn., and established the Western Republican, where he stayed about two years, and thence to Florida, after which tour he returned to Huntington, Penn., and assumed charge of the paper at that place and held editorial control about four years, when he went to Pittsburg to accept the position of foreman of one of the leading papers of that city. There he remained two years and then
emigrated westward to Peru in 1838 and became the editor of the Peru Gazelle, associated with James Scott, now of Delphi. After a time he purchased a yoke of oxen and commenced farming. In September, 1834, he married Miss Sarah McConnell, a native of Huntington, Penn., and their marriage resulted in the birth of the following children: John (deceased), James (killed at Mission Ridge), Mary, Catharine, Martha, Sarah, David (deceased) and Augustus. Politically he is a Republican.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
WILLIAM V. BEECHER is a native of Chester County; Pennsylvania, born December 4, 1831. His parents, Benjamin and Margaret (Finney) Beecher, were both natives of Pennsylvania. The former, Benjamin Beecher, was a son of John and Mary A. (Albert) Beecher, who were natives of Germany, and from thence emigrated to the United States in a very early day, settling in the State of Pennsylvania. They were the parents of fifteen children, viz.: George, Samuel, Jacob, William, Benjamin, John, Catherine, Lydia, Barbra, Mary, Margaret, and four whose names have been forgotten. Benjamin, the father of our subject, was born in Berks County, Pennsylvania, October 3, 1801. He was married in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, October 13, 1825, to the above Margaret Finney, who was born in Chester County, Pennsylvania, August 6, 1804, and a daughter of Samuel F. and Elizabeth Finney. After their marriage they settled in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and from thence moved to Chester County, Pennsylvania, and from there
to Franklin County, Ohio, in the year 1856, and in 1861 moved to Miami County, Indiana, where they afterward resided until their respective deaths. They were the parents of the following nine children, namely: Cyrus F., Samuel F., Eliza J., William V., Mary A., Catherine M., John J., Margaret S. and Lydia. William V., our subject, resided in Pennsylvania until 1852, when he went to Columbus, Ohio, where he engaged in the carpenter trade, and was there married, April 3, 1853, to Julia A., daughter of William and Julia A. (Carpenter) Beecher. She was born in Franklin County, Ohio, October 4, 1835. In 1861, Mr. Beecher, removed to Miami County, Indiana, and first settled in Peru Township, where he purchased land and resided until February, 1872, at which time he purchased and settled upon the farm on which he now resides in section 35, Jefferson Township. He owns at present 160 acres of fine and well improved land. He has had born to him nine children, viz.: Margaret J., born April 7, 1854;
Mary J., born January 31, 1858; Elizabeth E., born May 31, 1860; George L., born September 22 1862; Cyrus M. born January 22, 1865; William C. born March 2, 1868; Ulysses G., born June 22, 1870; Charles W., born December 30, 1872, and Gracie P., born July 23, 1875. Mr. Beecher is an intelligent and enterprising man, and is highly esteemed by all who know him. He is a member of the Odd Fellows’ order, and he and wife are members of the M.E. Church.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
A.D. COE, M.D., is a native of Portage County, Ohio, and was born January 24, 1824. His parents were Samuel A. and Lucy (Lester) Coe, native of Massachusetts and Connecticut, respectively. They were married at Granville, Massachusetts, and from thence, in an early day, emigrated to Portage County, Ohio. They were the parents of six children, viz.: Samuel A., William L., Eliza, Mary, Alonzo D., our subject, and Heman L. A.D. Coe was educated at Twinsburg Academy, Twinsburg, Ohio, and also at the Western Reserve College, at Hudson, Ohio. In 1847 he began reading medicine at Newark, Ohio, under the instruction of Dr. N.W. Hubbard of that place, remaining under his instructions until 1849, when he entered the Starling Medical College of Columbus, Ohio. In 1850 he attended the Albany Medical College, of Albany, New York, after which he returned to Portage County, Ohio and the following winter taught school, and in the spring of 1851, came to Indiana, locating the same fall in Miami County,
where he engaged in teaching school and practicing his profession. In November, 1856, he located at Mexico, Indiana, where he began the practice of medicine, which he has devoted his whole attention to since. In the winters of 1857 and ‘58 he attended the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Cincinnati, Ohio, where he graduated February 26, 1858. He was united in marriage at Mexico, Indiana, November 20, 1858, to Emily J. Hartpence (wife of John Hartpence, deceased), and daughter of Horace W. and Desire (Kent) Mason. She is a native of New York, born near Syracuse, February 24, 1831. The doctor has had born to him two children, viz.: William H. and Dulcenia C. He is a member of the Masonic order, and a member of the Logansport Medical and Surgical Association. He is an intelligent and enterprising man, as well as a thorough medical scholar, and a successful and eminent physician and surgeon.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
R.R. DONALDSON settled in the Miami Reserve in Jefferson Township, in the year 1841, and is a native of Louden County near Centerville, Virginia; born March 3, 1821, to Thomas and Nancy (Saffer) Donaldson, both natives of Virginia. He was brought up on a farm in Ohio and when he came to this county continued in the same vocation. For about sixteen years he bought and sold grain, and in May, 1886, came to Peru and now controls the Wabash elevators. In 1850 he served in the House of Representatives, and was re-elected in 1852 and 1863. In 1885 a convention of the members of the first constitutional convention was held, which he attended. He has also held the office of Township Trustee. In July, 1840, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Rickner, a native of Ohio, to whom five children were born, viz.: Leroy P., Lorenzo, L. B., Ruth A. and Emma. He is a Master Mason, a Royal Arch member and Knight Templar.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
MATTHEW DUNCAN (of the firm of Lantz & Duncan, dealers in general merchandise, Mexico, Indiana), was born in Clinton County, Ohio, July 7, 1854. His parents, Emanuel and Margaret (Stotlar) Duncan, moved to Grant County, Indiana, about 1856, and from thence, subsequently, to Miami County. In about 1877, he returned to Grant County, where he still resides; the mother died in Miami County in about 1868. Matthew Duncan, our subject, came with his parents to this county, where he was married August 20, 1877, to Julia A., daughter of John and Julia A. Hines. She was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, October 5, 1857. After Mr. Duncan's marriage, he first settled in Fulton County, Indiana, where he engaged in farming about one year, after which he moved to Miami County and, subsequently, to Grant County, where he resided until 1884, when he moved to Mexico, Indiana, and formed a partnership with Mr. Lantz in the mercantile business, purchasing the interest of Mr. Sullivan. He has had born to him four children,
viz.: Emanuel (deceased), Marion F., Lillie and Rosie B. Mr. Duncan and wife are members of the Baptist Church.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
GEORGE EIKENBERRY was born in Preble County, Ohio, May 6, 1830. His parents were Peter and Eliza (Morningstar) Eikenberry, natives of Virginia and Maryland, respectively, and of German and English extraction. The former, Peter Eikenberry, was a son of Henry Eikenberry, a native of Virginia. His father, Peter Eikenberry, emigrated from Germany to the United States in an early day. Henry Eikenberry was married in Virginia to Mary Landess, and from thence moved to Preble County, Ohio, in about the year 1806. They were the parents of seven children, viz.: Elizabeth, Samuel, Henry, Peter, Isaac, David and Benjamin. Peter Eikenberry, the father of our subject, was born in Virginia, May 8, 1803. He moved with his parents to Preble County, Ohio, and was there married to Eliza, daughter of George and Elizabeth (Swisher) Morningstar. She was born in Maryland on January 13, 1806. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Eikenberry settled in Preble County, Ohio, where they made their home until their
deaths, which occurred as follows: The father died February 14, 1871, and the mother Nov.29, 1885. They were the parents of eleven children, viz.: Mary, George, Elizabeth, Lydia, Levi, Henry, Isaac, Eliza, Peter, and two which died in infancy and not named. George, our subject, was married in Preble County, Ohio, March 21, 1851, to Rebecca, daughter of Abraham and Nancy (Moses) Miller. She was born in Augusta County, Va., Sept. 18, 1832. In the following October, after subject's marriage, he moved to Miami County, settling upon the same farm on which he now resides in Section 27, Jefferson Township. He owns 268 acres of fine land, well-improved and under a high state of cultivation. He has had born to him ten children, viz.: Henry F., born July 17, 1852, and died February 19, 1854; Sarah J., born Nov. 5, 1854; Ira L., born Aug.26, 1857; Mary A., born March I, 1860; Ida M., born Oct.27, 1862; Levi I., born March 11, 1865; Charles, born March 29, 1868, and died April 12, 1868; Peter A.,
born Jan. 11, 1871; Eliza O., born Feb.12, 1874; infant son, born Jan.28, 1877, deceased. Mr. Eikenberry was elected to the office of County Commissioner of this county in 1876, and re-elected in 1880. He is a member of the Masonic order. He is an enterprising man and is highly esteemed by all who know him.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
WILLIAM W. FETROW, one of the leading business men of Denver, was born in Coshocton County, Ohio, April. 2, 1832. He was the second son born to Daniel and Ruth Ann (Smith) Fetrow, both natives of Pennsylvania, of German descent. William spent his boyhood and youth with his parents in his native county. At the age of eighteen he began to learn the blacksmith's trade. He served an apprenticeship of three years in the town of Keene, Ohio. After finishing his trade, he engaged in blacksmithing first in Keene, Ohio. In January, 1856, he came to this county and located at Wooleytown, Richland Township. Here he worked at his trade fourteen years. In the spring of 1865 he went out into the service of the Union Army, in Company K, 155th Indiana Regiment, from which he was honorably discharged on the 6th of August following. At the close of the war he returned to Wooleytown and resumed his trade. In the spring of 1869 he removed to Milford, Kosciusko County, where he worked at his trade until
the fall of 1872. At that time he returned to this county and located in Denver, where, in the following spring, he engage in the drug business. February 8, 1857, he was married to Mrs. Ann E. Kirby, a native of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, born July 21, 1831. She was the daughter of Amos and Anna (Ellis) Wooley. To this union three children were born. They are Charles C., born December 13, 1858; Mary H., born February 18, 1861; and Ann Elizabeth, born July 6, 1863; all of whom are living. Mr. Fetrow lost his first wife December 27, 1871, and on the 14th day of December, 1876, he was married to Mrs. Eliza J. Ireland, a native of Preble County, Ohio, born May 8, 1844. She was the daughter of James P. and Rebecca J. (Johnson) Kemp, natives of Maryland and Ohio, respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Fetrow are both members of the M.E. Church. Mr. Fetrow is a member of the I.O.O. F. and G. A. R. Lodges and a Republican in politics. He is a pleasant, intelligent gentleman, a reliable business man
and a good citizen. He held the office of postmaster in Denver, from April 1, 1873, to September 30th, 1885, and discharged the duties of the office with credit to himself and satisfaction to its patrons. He has been the agent of the U. S. Express Company at Denver since October, 1873. From October, 1873, to June 1, 1883, he was the agent of the American Express Company and since the latter date he has been the Agent of the Pacific Express Company. He has a neat little drug store, well stocked, and is doing a fair business.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
JOSEPH FISHER, an old and highly esteemed pioneer of Miami County, Indiana, is a native of Franklin County, Virginia. His parents, Peter and Elizabeth (Brower) Fisher, were both natives of Franklin County, Virginia, and were born as follows: The father May 2, 1792, and the mother December 24, 1793. The former, Peter Fisher, was a son of Philip Fisher, who was a native of Germany, and from there immigrated to the United States, in an early day, settling first in the State of Pennsylvania, and from thence, in an early day, moved to Franklin County, Virginia, where he afterward resided for a number of years. He was the father of nine children, viz.: Solomon, Mary, Jacob, Daniel, Peter, Catharine, Abraham, Jonathan and John B. Peter, the father of our subject, and Miss Elizabeth Brower, were married in Franklin County, Virginia, and from thence they emigrated to the State of Ohio, in the fall of 1828, and settled in Preble County, where they resided until the fall of 1836, at which time,
they moved to Miami County, Indiana, and settled upon land in Sections 25 and 30, Jefferson Township, which he had entered previously, and upon which he resided until death. His wife died January 20, 1867, and he survived her until May 27, 1878. They were the parents of ten children, viz.: Lydia, born January 22, 1819; George, born July 23, 1820; Benjamin, born February 10, 1822; Joseph, born November 10, 1823; Mary, born April 10, 1826; Isaac, born August 22, 1828; Aaron, born October 7, 1830; Hannah, born December 28, 1833; Noah, born May 28, 1839; Jacob, July 14, 1842. Joseph, our subject, came with his parents to this county in 1836, where he has resided since. He was married in Jefferson Township, this county, January 12, 1848, to Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Teal) Brower. She was born in Preble County, Ohio, September 28, 1827. Her parents were both natives of Virginia, and settled in Ohio, in an early day, where they were married, and from thence, in 1837,
moved to Miami County, Indiana, settling in Jefferson Township. They were the parents of ten children, viz.: Aaron, Joseph, Noah, Mary Rebecca, Abraham, Elizabeth, Sarah, Susan and Jacob. In 1848, Mr. Joseph Fisher purchased land in Section, 35, Jefferson Township, this county, upon which he settled in August of the following year, and resided until 1864, when he settled upon land in Section 1, this township, which he had purchased in the year previous. Here he resided until March, 1884, when he moved to Mexico, Indiana, where he now resides. He owns at present 240 acres of fine and well improved land, and also one of the finest residences in Mexico. He has had born to him four children, viz.: Martha A., born October 30, 1848; Dulcinea E., born November 29, 1851; Sarah E., born August 15, 1857; Rosa J., born November 21, 1860. Mr. Fisher and wife are members of the German Baptist Church and are highly esteemed by all who know them.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township