John J. Darter, grain dealer, Crawfordsville, was born in Fayette Co, Indiana 1828. He had a good common school education, and taught school in the winters for about 4 years. He settled in Montgomery Co in 1855 and in Crawfordsville 1859. He was engaged in the produce and grocery business, and buying of grain for some 8 years. Since then he has been engaged in the grain business. He has been a member of the school board 10 years, city councilman 4 years and owns the city elevator on the Indianapolis, Bloomington & Western RR. He was married in 1866 to Miss Stincy Fuller and has 4 girls and 4 boys. His wife is a member of the Center Presbyterian church. Mr. Darter is a Republican and a pronounced temperance man. His father and mother, Joseph and Mary Darter are still living, the former 82 years old and the latter 84.

Submitted by: Karen Zach
History of Montgomery County, Indiana, HW Beckwith Reproduction by Unigraphic, Evansville, Ind p. 227


The name of Davidson is inseparably linked with the early days of its settlement, when William Fleming Davidson came here with his bride to found a home and identified himself with its sturdy, self-sacrificing, industrious pioneers, to the present time, when his son of whom we write is one of its most influential and honored citizens, whose practical work as a progressive farmer has materially contributed to its growth and prosperity, and whose enlightened and generous public spirit has advanced its welfare in other directions. He is the proprietor of Summit Farm, a beautiful place perfect in its arrangements and appointments and advantageously situated on section 35, South Union Township.

Our subject is a native of Montgomery County, born February 5, 1834, in one of the pioneer homes of South Union Township, and he has always lived within a mile of his birthplace. He is a descendent in a direct line on the paternal side of some Scotch people who emigrated from their native land to Pennsylvania prior to the Revolution. Seven brothers of this name fought for independence in the struggle of the colonists for freedom from the mother country, and all returned to their home uninjured, to found families in various parts of the Union which their valor had helped to establish. The great-grandfather of our subject was one of the number. He married Margaret Cochran Fleming, and their son, our subject’s grandfather, was born in Pennsylvania, and became a school teacher. He married Mary Lattimour, of a fine French family, and they had seven children, one of whom was William Fleming, the father of our subject.

William Fleming Davidson was born in Erie County, Pa., June 21, 1798, and was fairly educated for a boy of that time. He became a farmer, and first located in Butler County, Ohio, when he began life for himself, and there he found his first love. Early in 1828 he walked to this county from Ohio, and selected land on section 34, township 18 north, range 4 west, now known as Union Township. The money paid for his first land had been earned at the of $9 per month. Returning to Ohio for his promised bride, Miss Amanda Schnorf, they were married in Warren County, that State, September 11, 1828. She was born December 10, 1810, and was one of the eleven children, ten daughters and one son , of Jacob and Rachel Schnorf, who spent their last years in Covington, Fountain County, this State, where several of their daughters married. Jacob Schnorf’s father emigrated to this country some time during the last century from Germany, where he had owned a farm on the Rhine. Mrs. Davidson’s great-grandfather, Bailey, was one of the early settlers of Ohio. He built a rude cabin on the Miami River, that was primitively furnished and had a quilt for a door. He subsequently removed to Terre Haute, Ind., where he died. His only child, Catharine, married Abel Cook, who was killed by the Indians at the mouth of the Licking River, opposite the present site of Cincinnati, he having taken his gun thither for repairs, and he was scalped by the savages after starting home. He left his widow with two children: Abel, whose posterity live near Frankfort Ky., and Rachel, wife of Jacob Schnorf, as before mentioned.

William Davidson brought his young wife to their new home in the forest wilds of this county after their marriage. He walked while she rode on horseback, with her treasured china cups, saucers and plates in her lap, and clothing and linen behind. They experienced the usual trials and hardships of life on the frontier, bearing them with exemplary cheerfulness, and she bravely bore her share of the burdens of the day until death claimed her, July 17, 1838, while yet a young woman. She was the mother of four children; Cynthia M., Ann Eliza, Jasper N. and William Marion, all of whom died in childhood except Jasper. The father married, Mary Hostetter becoming his wife, and nine children were born of that union. He passed away February 1, 1864. He was a man of firm convictions and strict integrity, and, respected by all, he dwells in the memory of his children as a kind father and type of true manhood.

Jasper N. Davidson, to whom these lines principally refer, is a gentleman of sound culture, and of liberal views, and has well-defined opinions on all subjects of general interest. He attended the district school in his boyhood, generally during the winter term, which usually lasted three months, and he has supplemented the education thus obtained by extensive reading and keen observation of men and things. Reared a farmer, he settled on a rugged timber tract, the highest surveyed spot in Montgomery County. Nevertheless, after the forest was conquered, it needed drainage, and Mr. Davidson has over nine of tile on less than half a section of land. This farm, once a swamp, is now one of the first, as to improvements and production, in the county. April 16, 1863, the house that the family originally occupied was burned with its contents, but another was built in its stead the same year. In 1875 that cottage was replaced by a commodious residence, which stands out the top of a knoll, whence the name of "Summit Farm." Surrounded by nearly an acre of forest trees, their shade affords a pleasant retreat in which to spend the hours of rest and recreation.

The marriage of our subject to Miss Levanda J. Huff occurred March 27, 1862. Mrs. Davidson was born in Mercer County, Ky., May 27, 1844, and is a daughter of Abraham and Julia (Brassfield) Huff, who were born respectively March 7, 1821, and October 25, 1822, in Woodford County, Ky., and were married November 28, 1840. They also have one son, George, a resident of Chicago. Abraham Huff’s grandfather was a native of Wales, whence he emigrated to this country, and settled in New Jersey, where his son Peter, Abraham’s father, was born. In early life Peter moved to Harrodsburg, Ky., and was there married to Jerusha Van Arsdall, who was descended from a line of English ancestry. Mrs. Davidson’s maternal grandfather was George Brassfield, who was of English parentage, and a soldier in the War of 1812. Sophia Cotton, his wife was a descendant of the well-known Adams family of Massachusetts, and died March 12, 1887, at the age of eighty-three. The Huffs came to Indiana in 1849, and have since been residents of the State. The daughter Levanda was educated principally at Crawfordsville Seminary. Her marriage with our subject has been hallowed to them by the birth of two children: Julia, born April 2, 1863; and William A., born August 27, 1867, who is engaged with his father in the breeding of pedigreed stock. The daughter attended the Central Normal School three years, and subsequently married James M. Waugh, December 11, 1889. Mr. Waugh is a civil engineer, a native of Montgomery County, and a resident of Crawfordsville.

The subject of this sketch is a man of affairs, gifted with good-judgement, a rare stock of common-sense, and a far-reaching public spirit. Ably seconded by his wife in all things, theirs is a true marriage, and they have founded an ideal home. It has always been supplied with the best current literature, besides a standard library, which has kept the family in touch with the world, while enjoying the independence of country life. Reading and a free interchange of ideas add much to the pleasure of this home, which is the central thought of all its members, who extend to all friends a gracious hospitality. Childhood, fostered by loving, intelligent care, has there developed into manhood and womanhood which can never outlive the precious influence of the dear old home. It is said that, so far as history can trace, on either side there has been no intemperance in the family, even the use of tobacco being eschewed, save in one instance.

Politically, Mr. Davidson was reared a Democrat, but he has steadily believed in a protective tariff, and opposes and inflation of the currency. He also believes that only two great parties can survive, and that they are needed to maintain the balance necessary for the perpetuation of our Republic. In religion, our subject is non-sectarian, though from a Presbyterian family, and believes in the right to individual opinion and interpretation of the Scriptures, guided by care and reverence. He thinks sectarians as commonly preached a stumbling block in the path of Christianity and in the way of many who would otherwise seek the church. Having in his own life witnessed a wonderful advance in liberality and unity of effort, he believes the future will dissipate creeds and bring about an amalgamation of sects more conducive to the salvation of humanity than the present methods. He holds a man a Christian who follows Christian precepts, whether he can accept the tenets prescribed by man or not.

Mr. Davidson was one of the organizers of the Montgomery County Agricultural Society, its object being the improvement and development of agriculture and kindred industries. The annual fairs are the finest exhibitions of the kind in the State. Always a Director of the Board, Mr. Davidson was its first President, and served for nine years in that capacity. In 1882 he was elected a member of the State Board of Agriculture, and still belongs to that honorable body having been re-elected five times. During the greater part of this period he was one of the executive committee, and served two years as President. He is also Trustee of Purdue University, appointed first by Governor Hovey for a term of three years; he began a second term in August, 1892, by appointment of Governor Chase. He has always interested himself in public improvements, and strongly advocating good roads, he carried the first petition for the Crawfordsville & Whitesville free gravel road, which was the first one constructed in the State under the Free Gravel Road Law of 1878.



Dougherty, Rose, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Rhodes was b. Feb 8, 1834. Was married to JW Johnston Nov 1858 and by him had two children - -Fannie (died aged 3 years) and Frank. Mr. Johnston died of typhoid fever Sept 1866. After remaining a widow three years, Mrs. Johnston married James Dougherty Dec 24, 1869 and had 3 children: Cora May, b. March 3, 1870; Bertie M born Aug 8, 1875 and Lela Grace b. Oct 8, 1877. Mr. Dougherty d. May 4, 1877 and the widow received for her portion the old homestead in South Ladoga, a view of which is in this atlas.

Submitted by: Karen Zach
Atlas of Montgomery County. (Chicago: Beers, 1878) p 50


Elliot, William son of Samuel and Martha Elliott was born in Sullivan County, Indiana Dec 29, 1826 and to the age of 21 he assisted his father on the farm. He then engaged as farm hand at $100 per year and continued for 16 months. Then he came to Putnam Co, working on the farm for JB Fordice, where he continued for two and a half years. April 21, 1852, he was joined in marriage with Miss Sarah, daughter of James and Mary Haddon. For two years following, M/M Elliott lived on a rented farm in Putnam Co, after which they settled in Sullivan Co upon a farm previously purchased. Here they lived for 10 years, and then purchased a farm in Montgomery Co, upon which they lived 8 years; afterward purchasing the farm in Sec. 29, where he at present resides. A lithographic view of his residence is seen in this Atlas. They have 4 children: Mary Alice, now Mrs. Wm. H. Grantham, b. March 8, 1855; Henry C. Dec 9, 1857; Oscar W June 23, 1863; Carrie May, Sept 15, 1870. In religion they are Methodists. Mr. Elliott commenced poor, but by economy and industry, has accumulated a comfortable competence.

Submitted by: Karen Zach
Atlas of Montgomery County. (Chicago: Beers, 1878) p 50


John J. Elmore, farmer, Crawfordsville, was b. in Dearborn Co, Ky Sept 18, 1818. About 1823 he came with his parents to Mont CO with an ox-team hitched to a two-wheeled cart, and also with a wagon and team of horses. They settled in the forest, cleared off the land, erected a log cabin, and endured all the trials and hardships incident to pioneer life. They first traded and went to mill in Terre Haute. His father and mother were both Baptists. His father was an old-line whig, and afterward republican and d. in 1865. Mr. Elmore began farming for himself at the age of 22. He now has a nice home just E. of Crawfordsville. He was marr. the first time in 1840 to Ann Huffman. She died in 1878 and was a member of the Methodist Church. He was marr. the second time March 24, 1880, to Mattie McClasky, d/o James and Nancy McClaskey. Her parents were members of the Methodist Church, came from Ky and settled in this county in 1830. Mr. Elmore is a republican and was formerly a whig, voting first for Gen. Harrison, in 1q840. M/M Elmore are both members of the Methodist Church.

Submitted by: Karen Zach
History of Montgomery County, Indiana, HW Beckwith Reproduction by Unigraphic, Evansville, Ind p. 167


Hon. Richard Epperson, farmer and contractor, Crawfordsville. Among the most prominent of the many names mentioned in the history of Mont. Co. may be mentioned Hon. Richard Epperson, an affable, hospitable, gentleman and for many years one of the foremost contractors of In. His father, Daniel Epperson, was b. in Lunenburrg Co VA on a farm. Here his youth was spent at hard work, save a few weeks in the district school each winter. At the age of 21 he became an apprentice to his brother, Daniel to learn the blacksmith trade. At this trade he was a constant worker in connection with the farm until his 50th year. Dec 25, 1830, he reached Hamilton Co Ohio and located near Mt. Pleasant where he followed farming until Oct 1836 at which time he started for Mont. Co in reaching Crawfordsville Oct 18, where he resided until his death, Jan 13 1853. In 1802 he married Susanna Mathews of Lunenburg co Va and became the father of 12 children 8 of whom are now living. Mr. Epperson was a wide and constant reader, keeping well posted upon current matters as well as studying carefully the history of his country and was universally acknowledged as a superior man. His son, Richard Epperson, was b. May 15, 1818 on a farm in Lunenburg Co. His youth was spent upon the farm in hard work, save a few weeks spent each winter in school, when it was impossible to perform farm labor. At the age of 21 he began for himself, working upon a farm by the month, for about a year and a half. In April 1841 he began a new life, that of apprentice to his brother, William, to learn the trade of a carpenter and joiner, in the city of Crawfordsville. After learning his trade, which occupied about two years, he followed life as journeyman carpenter until 1848, when he formed a partnership with his bro. and former instructor, which lasted until 1857. Upon the 9th of April of this year he moved to his present delightful country home, where he was engaged in farming and building till the fall of 1860, when he was elected upon the Republican ticket to represent his district in the legislature. The following winter was spent in Indianapolis, attending to the duties devolving upon a legislator, as was also the following spring at the extra session. June 2, 1861, he received an appointment from the board of directors as the superintendent of the northern prison, which occupied his attention until March 11, 1863 when he again understood general contracting. April 3, 1865, he was appointed architect and gen. superintendent of the same prison at Michigan City. At the expiration of his term of 2 years, he was reappointed and served with credit to himself with honor to his state and to the satisfaction of all parties until the date of his resignation, Dec 31, 1867. Upon his ret. to C'ville he immediately engaged himself in contracting, which called him to be employed upon many of the substantial buildings of the state. Since 1873 his time has been mostly consumed in supt. his 200-acre farm situated six miles southeast of C'ville and W. of Whitesville. Mr. Epperson was first marr. to Eleanor C. Selders in Tippecanoe Co, second d/o Abraham and Mary (Campbell) Selders. She was b. July 29, 1819 and d. Dec 14, 1869 and was bur in the Masonic Graveyard in C'ville. They became the parents of 8 children, 7 of whom are living: Susan C; Mary E; William D; Rebecca A; Flora M; Sarah A; Richard H and Emma P. Jan 1, 1871 Mr. E. marr. in Warsaw IN Mrs. Catharine Aspinwall d/o Adam and Marg. Woods and the widow of Joseph Aspinwall. She was b. Sept 6, 1869 and is the mother of two children: Joseph Aspinwall, a member of the class of 1880 and a grad. of Wabash College who is now in Indianapolis preparing himself for the practice of medicine and Margare Aspinwall, who is still living at home. Mr. E. is a Universalist in faith while his wife is a member of the Presby. Church, his first wife being a Calvinistic Baptist. He is a member of the C'ville Masonic Lodge, having joined that order in 1857, and has taken every degree save the last. he is also an Odd Fellow joining the order in C'ville in June 1848. Mr. E. was a Democrat until 1856, casting his first presidential vote in 1840 for Martin Van Buren. He is now an earnest supporter and an unflinching defender of the principles of the Republic Party.

Submitted by: Karen Zach
History of Montgomery County, Indiana, HW Beckwith Reproduction by Unigraphic, Evansville, Ind


Epperson, William W., Ladoga, Farmer, Section 27, son of Francis Epperson, was born in Buckingham Co, Va 1796, and d. in Putnam Co In 1873; and Tabitha Epperson, born in Culpepper Co Va 1794 and died in Putnam Co In 1865. Was born Aug 18, 1815, in Shelby Co Ky and settled with his parents in Putnam Co 1824. Oct 7, 1842, married Miss Nancy S. Wright, and immediately moved on to a farm previously purchased, where they lived for 20 years, during which period the following named children were born: John B; Willis F; Keziah W (now Mrs. John C. Goodbar); Juriah C; William S; Charles J; died Oct 21, 1861; Nancy E.A; Daniel W.V;, died Dec 2, 1864. in 1863, Mr. Epperson moved to this county and on Aug 25, 1868, Mrs. Epperson Died. After 4 years, he marr. Mrs. Lou A, widow of Benniah Hostetter, deceased. By this marriage there are 3 children: Adelia, Walter W and Eva May. Mrs. Hostetter-Epperson was b. in Bath Co KY Feb 14, 1837, and had the following named children by Mr. Hostetter: Mary A, David b, William R, Henry B, Mattie J and BS Hosetter. Eliz. died in infancy. Mr. Epperson is a member of the Missionary Baptist Church, while Mrs. Hostetter is a Presbyterian; and they live in their pleasant home -- a view of which is seen in this Atlas -- happy and contended, surrounded by a large family of children. Mr. E. has been a lifelong Democrat, of strict integrity and an advocate of hard money.

Submitted by: Karen Zach
Atlas of Montgomery County. (Chicago: Beers, 1878) p 52


Fisher, James S, PO New Market, Farmer, son of Samuel and Sally Fisher, who settled in county in Oct 1829; was b. in Fayette Co KY July 26, 1820; settled on Sec 11, this township, Sept 1849; married Barbara E. Rice Jan 15, 1846 in Fayette Co Ky. Two children: Samuel R. and Sally M.

Submitted by: Karen Zach
Atlas of Montgomery County. (Chicago: Beers, 1878) p 5


Birthday celebration -- This was a surprise given Eleanor Flannigan, of Franklin Township, widow of Samuel Flannigan, one of the pioneers by her children, relatives and friends, who induced her to visit her brother-in-law Archibald Flannigan, one of the pioneers and only surviving brother of her husband. She went on the visit on Saturday evening. Early Monday morning the children and friends took possession of her old home and began to prepare for her reception on her return. They arranged with their uncle to return with her at 12 o'clock on Tuesday the 5th of April, that being her 78th birthday. On her arrival she was greeted with the presence of all her children but one, her son, Samuel of Illinois and about 70 guests, including grandchildren and friends. The five married daughters, Mrs. LB Castner of Ill; Mrs. ELP Needham, Mrs. John F. Harris, Mrs. T.E. McDaniel, Mrs. Alex Harper and her daughters-in-law, Rebecca and Sarah, wives of her deceased sons, all of this county, were present. Seeing so many of her relatives and friends and the sumptuous dinner, spread in her honor she was almost overcome with joy. Elder Johnson made a very appropriate and pretty reception speech. The table almost groaned under the heavy weight of luxuriant victuals which was prepared by her daughters and friends. Such a dinner is rarely met with and almost too inviting for the insatiable appetite. about one o'clock she was seated at the head of the table, where she had presided for the last 56 years. After all had satisfied their appetites the next thing in order was conferring the presents which were as follows: Caroline Harris, dress and trimmings; Crone McDaniel, ditto; Elizabeth Needham, maple molasses. Mr. Harper, combs; Sade Flannigan, pair kid gloves. Eleanor Deck, of Ill, pair slippers and many other presents from her children and friends, among which was a fine swinging rocking chair by her daughters, Mary E. Castner, Caroline Harris and granddaughter, Eleanor Deck and a $20 gold piece, by her son-in-law, IB Castner, and many other presents from her various friends. Among the number present, were 30 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. The subject of this sketch was born in Bartley Co, Va April 5,1 803 and removed with her parents to Ross Co, Ohio in 1808, then known as the "far West" where she remained with her parents until 1825. in Sept. of the same years, she was married to Samuel Flanningan and emigrated the following October to where she now lives. Her husband had been through this country some two or three years before and located and entered his land under the administration of James Monroe and cleared about 10 acres of ground and built a cabin, which was situated near the old Indiana trail, leading from Crawfordsville No. east to the upper Wabash. Many time she has fed the red man, her hand was always open to the wants of others. They lived happily together until the year 1849, when her husband died leaving her with 9 small children to care for, which she has successfully done as all of them are occupying honorable positions in life. She has been a consistent member of the Christian Church for 50 years. When they first settled in this county, there was (sorry, but I failed to get the complete article, but you could send a $1 or $2 to the Crawfordsville Public Library, 222 S. Washington St, C'ville In 47933 and they would, I'm sure be happy to send it to you. Sorry)

Submitted by: Karen Zach
Crawfordsville Weekly Review, 1881


William R. Frame, farmer and stock raiser, Parkersburg. Old Uncle William Frame came to this township as early as 1828. He was some of those men of sterling worth who, when they enter a new country, at once begin to look after its moral and religious interests. William Robert Frame, the subject of this sketch, is his grandson and was born on Sept 6, 1851, in Scott Township, and was like his father and grandfather reared a farmer. During his youth he received a fair common school education. He was marr. June 24, 1875 to Miss Mary A, d/o Mr. Thomas S. and Mary A. (Points) Doyle, and was born in this county Aug 22, 1858. They have two children: Charley W and Minnie A, a very intelligent child in Feb 1880, became afflicted with spinal disease and now, in August 1880 is unable to walk, though her parents are using every means that money can procure for her restoration, having her treated by eminent physicians, both here and in Indianapolis. Mr. Frame's parents were George W. and Betsey (LaFollett) Frame, the former dying Jan 26, 1863 and the latter still living. Mr. Frame has a fine farm of 160 acres and a very nice residence.

Submitted by: Karen Zach
History of Montgomery County, Indiana, HW Beckwith Reproduction by Unigraphic, Evansville, Ind page 427


Fullenwider, Joseph N, PO Browns Valley, Farmer, Stock Raiser and Feeder, Sec 20, son of Eleazer and Lavenia Fullenwider, who settled in this county in 1834; was born in Shelby Co, Ky Jan 1, 1830 and settled on Sec 29 1834; married Mary A. Elloitt Oct 12, 1852 and have 7 children: Robert E; Lavenia; Henry C and James Scott living; three died in infancy. Is a member of Waveland Lodge No. 300 F & AM.

Submitted by: Karen Zach
Atlas of Montgomery County. (Chicago: Beers, 1878) p 5


D.W. Galey, farmer, Brown's Valley, is one of the old and most respected citizens of Montgomery Co. He was b. in Mercer Co, Ky Oct 19, 1801. His father, Benj, was a native of SC and removed to Mont Co with his family in 1822. His wife was Elizabeth Woods. They lived a pioneer life, having settled in the woods, and improved a large farm. They both d. in the county, after living to a good old age. The subj. of this sketch has taken an active part in improving and cultivating quite a large tract of land in the county, and now owns 540 acres. Feb 16, 1832, he marr. Sophia Fisher, d/o Samuel Fisher. She was b. in Fayette Co KY Aug 9, 1809. They have had 6 children: Thomas M served in the rebellion and had two horses killed from under him, and had the crown of his hat shot off; Benjamin M; Sarah E w/o J. Armstrong; and the deceased are: Eliza, w/o R. Smith, during her life; Samuel F, taken prisoner at Macon GA and d. from the effects of starvation; William B, killed at Chattanooga. Mr. Galey has been a constant member of the church since 1844 and Mrs. G. has been since 1827 which speaks well for them in their old days.

Submitted by: Karen Zach
History of Montgomery County, Indiana, HW Beckwith Reproduction by Unigraphic, Evansville, Ind page 347


Samuel Smith Galey. But few of the residents of Montgomery County, had lived within its borders for so long a period of time as did Mr. Galey, who was a son of one of its early pioneers, and might himself have laid claim to that title, as he entered land from the Government in Union Township more than sixty years ago, when this part of the country was an almost unbroken wilderness, the home of the Indians, and where deer, panthers, and other wild beasts had their lair. That tract of forest-covered land still comprises a part of his late farm on section 24, cleared and improved by the hard and unremitting toil known only to the original settlers of the frontier.

Mr. Galey was born August 26, 1809, in Jessamine County, Ky., and lived there until he was three months old, when the family moved to Shelby County, in the same State. His father and grandfather both bore the name of Samuel Galey. The latter was of Irish birth, and came to this country when a boy, living first in Pennsylvania, whence he removed to North Carolina during the Revolution, and served with Sumner in he Continental Army. He married Miss Sallie Moore, a daughter of James Moore, a Pennsylvania farmer.

Samuel Galey, Jr., lived in North Carolina until after the Revolution, and then settled in Kentucky, on the Kentucky River near Frankfort, where he engaged in farming. He was married in Jessamine County, that State, to Miss Nancy, daughter of William Scott, a prominent pioneer farmer of Kentucky. After their marriage the Galeys settled in the home on the banks of the Kentucky River which was the birthplace of our subject. Soon after he was born they went to Shelby County to live, and Samuel continued to till the soil in that region until he came to Indiana in 1829. In that year he brought his family to this county, and took up eighty acres of land in Union Township, and made it his home until he retired from active business to Crawfordsville. He was much prospered as a farmer, and when he died left each of his children eighty acres of land as their share of the property he had accumulated by his untiring industry. He was a stanch member of the Presbyterian Church, and was a sturdy Whig in his political faith. He passed away February 16, 1876, and was buried in the Odd Fellows’ Cemetery at Crawfordsville, by the side of his wife, who died February 16, 1862. Of the children born to them all are dead.

Samuel Galey was twenty years old when he accompanied his parents to this State. He entered eighty acres of land just where his widow lives, bought a tract of one hundred and sixty acres next to it, and purchased a good deal of other realty besides. He had a large and well-conducted farm of three hundred and seventy-three acres of rich land, which he admirably tilled, and the place was supplied with substantial improvements, and well kept up. Mr. Galey had always been a general farmer, and his farm was stocked with a good class of cattle, horses, etc. He had been an important factor in developing the agricultural resources of the township and county, and the people among whom he lived so many years honored him not only as an old settler, but as a thoroughly good citizen, as an upright man, and as a good neighbor in every sense of the term. In his social relations he was long identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Politically, he was a Whig in early manhood and voted for Henry Clay, and after the formation of the Republican party he entered its ranks.

Before coming to Indiana our subject was married to Miss Eliza Van Nice, a daughter of John Van Nice, who was a prominent farmer of Kentucky. Mrs. Galey died in 1862, leaving behind her a worthy record as wife, mother, and friend. Mr. Galey was married a second time, in 1872, taking Miss Emeline Wilhite as his wife, and she ever devoted herself faithfully to his interests. Her father was William Wilhite, a former resident of Union Township, and one of the original settlers of the county, coming here at a very early day. Mr. Galey had ten children by his first marriage, all of whom grew to maturity, and seven are still living. Those that died were Mary Ann, who was the wife of Wesley Van Arsdall; and Nancy, who married F. Graham, who died in Newton County. The surviving children are John V., a resident of Crawfordsville; Susan (deceased), who was the wife of Martin Simpson; Sarah Eliza, who lives with her father; Martha Jane, wife of Greenberry McCrea, of Kenton; William Scott, a resident of this county; Malvina, wife of Ben Easly, a farmer in Brown Township; Samuel Smith, who resides in Union Township. S. S. Galey died February 15, 1893, at the age of eighty-three years.



Giltner, Mathis Liter, PO Waveland, Stock Trader and Farmer, son of Abram and Nancy Giltner who settled in county in 1829; was born near Browns Valley March 28, 1842. Is at present serving second term as Township Trustee.

Submitted by: Karen Zach
Atlas of Montgomery County. (Chicago: Beers, 1878) p 5


John L. Goben, serving as Auditor of Montgomery County, Ind., is one of the most genial and agreeable official that have ever served the citizens of that section. He was born in Walnut Township, Montgomery County, six miles east of Crawfordsville, May 23, 1844. He was the son of Rev. James J. and Araminta (Plunkett) Goben, natives of Kentucky, where they were married, and from which place they came to Montgomery County, Ind., in 1823, and secured a tract of eighty acres of land. Here Jesse Goben resided until 1858, but passed his last years in Crawfordsville, his death occurring March 5, 1887, in his seventieth year (see his biography). He was a Baptist minister and was one of the earliest and most active preachers in the church, and this interest and activity continued until his death. The mother of our subject was born in Kentucky, and died in 1884.

John L. Goben is the third son and seventh child of fourteen children, five of whom are still living. At the age of nineteen he entered Wesley Academy, Montgomery County, where he remained two years, and then went to school at Thornton, where he remained for two years longer. At the age of twenty-three he was married, November 7, 1867, to Mary A. Canine, the only daughter of William Canine (see sketch). She has two brothers, Thomas and John, farmers in Browns Township, near his father, until 1883.

In 1882 Mr. Goben was elected Trustee for the township for one year. Resigning his office, in 1883 he was elected County Treasurer with a majority of seventy-six votes, he opponent being John C. Dwiggin, the incumbent. After serving two year, he went into the real-estate business for one year, and in 1886 was elected Auditor, his opponent being George R. Brown. He was elected on the Democratic ticket, with nine majority, but on a re-count, called for by Brown, he had a gain of seven, making his majority sixteen. At this time the county had a Republican majority and he was the only Democrat elected. In 1890 he was re-elected over John C. Wingate with six hundred and fifty-five majority.

In 1886 the trials on the contested election of Mr. Goben before the commissioners took place. There were two trials in the Circuit Court before juries, and these were appealed to the Superior Court, and every trial resulted in his favor. The claim was that, at the end of one year as Treasurer, his account were short $27,723.12. He resigned his office, his bondsmen were released, and new bonds were furnished. He was re-instated, as per agreement with the County Commissioners, and continued in the office, until the close of the term, refusing a second nomination. He has always been a prominent figure in politics. Mr. Goben’s real-estate business has been a success, and he still owns the farm which he first purchased. It consists of Two hundred and fifty acres in Coal Creek and Madison Townships, and he also owns a beautiful residence, No. 212 South Grant Avenue. The family born to Mr. Goben and his wife has been as follows: William J., Deputy Auditor, who took a commercial course at Notre Dame, Ind.; Robert; Frankie, who died at the age of ten years; Clifford; Earl; and Pauline, who was the wife of A. E. Davis, of Indianapolis, a member of the Art and Supply Association. Mr. and Mrs. Goben are members of the Regular Baptist Church. Mr. Goben affiliates with the Knights of Pythias; De Baird Lodge, and has passed the chairs.

Pauline, the youngest daughter and child, graduated in the Class of ‘91 at St. Mary’s of the Woods, at Terre Haute; receiving class honors and the gold medal for superior scholarship, and is a lady of literary attainments. Her husband graduated from Wabash college in the Class of ‘91.

Mr. Goben’s popularity among his fellow-citizens is undiminished, in spite of the cruel aspirations cast upon his character during his term as Treasurer. No blame was ever attached to Mr. Goben personally, and the only criticism which could be justly made was that in his official position he had permitted himself to be blinded by friendship. Mr. Goben, not withstanding his trials, has not lost faith-in human nature, but his heart is as large and his love for his fellow-men is as great as ever before. Politically, he is a stanch Democrat.



Gott, William, PO Ladoga, Farmer, Sec 19, is a native of Shelby Co KY and settled in this county in 1829. (Note: A William N. Gott rec'd an orig. land grant ifor 160 acres 10-21-1820 in Scott Twp -- may/may not be the same one)

Submitted by: Karen Zach
Atlas of Montgomery County. (Chicago: Beers, 1878) p 50


Graves, Mrs. Agnes, daughter of Leonard and Mary J. GRAVES who settled in Montgomery Co 1834 was born in Randolph Co NC 1818. She was married in 1833 and settled in Scott Twp. She has 4 children: Mary H b. Aug 12, 1835,now Mrs.Kesler; John 1837; Calvin 1839; Sarah Jane 1842 now Mrs. F. Rose and Leonard 1844. Mrs. Graves owns the old home, a view of which is seen in the Atlas and 70 acres of good land. Is in good financial circumstances. Her son John lives with her and superintends the farm.

Submitted by: Karen Zach
Atlas of Montgomery County. (Chicago: Beers, 1878) p 50


M.W. Green, farmer, Waveland, was b. in New Haven Co, Conn. Aug 14, 1805 and at the age of 16 came to Hamilton Co, Ohio and began serving an apprenticeship at the tanner trade, working as journeyman for 17 years. In Jan 1832, he came to Montgomery Co and bought his present farm, where he moved in 1833, and in 1843, he built a tannery, which he now has. In 1846 he married Elizabeth Clark, who was a native of Va, and was b. Sept 13, 1808 and died April 61 873. He has one son living, Joseph W. Mr. Green is a radical republican and has done a great deal to help the cause in the late rebellion.

Submitted by: Karen Zach
History of Montgomery County, Indiana, HW Beckwith Reproduction by Unigraphic, Evansville, Ind page 353


William H. Grider, farmer and stock raiser, New Market, is a son of Thomas & Elizabeth (Button) Grider, and as b. in Putnam Co IN Feb 1, 1829. He was reared a farmer, and his advantages of school being limited he received only an educ. such as the pioneer log schools of his boyhood days afforded; but being a man of reading and observation he has become quite well posted in the business pertaining to intelligent farming. After staying with his father till the age of 22 years he began farming for himself of 40 acres of land given him by his father. April 3, 1851, he married Miss Frances, d/o Dennis and Susan Pottinger. She was b. in Montgomery Co IN on Sept 10, 1831 and d. Nov 10, 1863. For his second wife he marr. Mrs. Emily A. Maddox, d/o Mr. Michael Wilson, Esq. She was b. in Putnam Co IN March 29, 1835. They have 8 children: Oliver B; Emily J; Elizabeth C; Amanda M by his first wife; and Barton S; Jesse H; John and Charlie M. by his last wife. In 1856, he sold his farm in Putnam Co and removed to Brown Twp, Montgomery Co and there bought a farm of 139 acres but in 1860 sold that and moved into Scott Twp and bought this present farm of 288 acres near the center of the north side of the township. This farm he has highly improved and it is one of the best in the township. His father is dead, and his mother is still living on the old farm in Putnam co where she has lived the last 50 years.

Submitted by: Karen Zach
History of Montgomery County, Indiana, HW Beckwith Reproduction by Unigraphic, Evansville, Ind page 429