Brown County Indiana Biography Surnames Click on the biography name to view that biography, use the back key to return to this page. SurnameFound in biography for: ALDRICHLewis Fritch ALEXANDERStephen KennedyAlexander SpencerJames Ward ALLENDavid Beck ANDERSONArnold Griffitt ARMSTRONGLewis M. Fritch ARWINEJames Moser BAINBRIDGEWilliam Cox BAKERWiley Burns BALSLEYJohn Wert BARKERSamuel Kent BARNESWilliam Hamblen BARRICKDavid Poling BARTHOLOMEWWilliam Cox BASSWilliam GrayAndrew Gray BEACHMichael Brown BENJAMINChick Waltman BIERBAUMChick Waltman BLOOMSHIELDChick Waltman BLUMSTONChick Waltman BREWERDaniel Stukey BROOMAbraham Clark BROWNGeorge Brummet BROWNINGW.C. Duncan BRUMMETWilliam Snider BRYANDavid James BULLJohn Richardson BUSKIRKW.C. Duncan CABLECharles Patterson CALVINGeorge CorneliusAquilla Moser CAMPCalvin Platt CAMPBELLAlexander SpencerWilliam StuartWilliam Hamblen John Ping CANNATSAYSamson Anderson CARRJohn Leonard CAUGHRONWilliam Gray CHAFINWilliam WaltmanWilliam Waltman CHANDLERJohn Stephens CLARKCharles GenolinJohn GenolinWilliam Mason Hughes Mason CLAUSJohn Deist CLEFTSolomon Wyatt CLEMONSGeorge Hamblen COFFEYW.C. DuncanWilliam Mason COLBYChick Waltman COOKMarion Duncan CORNETTWilliam Snider CORWINGeorge Hamblen CRISLERJohn Wert DAVISRobert Henderson DAVISONMilton Fleener DAYTOEWilliam Browning DEANSamuel Webber DOANGeorge Earlywine DOUGLASSLeander McIlvain DOWDENJohn Leonard DOWNEYCharles Patterson DUNCANSimon Neidigh DUNNHenry Legge ECKENROADJohn Urich EDWARDSLuther FlintJames Flint ELLENDERThomas WaltmanThomas Waltman FABERJohn Deist FARWELLLuther Flint FAULKNERRichard Coffey FERGUSONTimothy Calvin FISHERThomas McGlashan FLEENERHugh McLaryWilliam Ritter FLINTJames Campbell FLOUNCEChick Waltman FOLSOMLewis M. Fritch FOOTWilliam Mason FOOTEChick Waltman FRANCISMarion Duncan GASHWOOLERAbraham Canary GEORGEWilliam Crabb GOFORTHJohn CravenWilliam Hamblen GOSSERSamuel Walker GREENWOODJohn Milnes GREGGJohn Beaty GREYHannibal Mead GRIFFITTAdfred Ralphy GRIMESJohn Leonard GRINNELLArnold Griffitt GUTHRIE