”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Bethlehem Township
GEORGE HORNEY, farmer, a native of Noble Township, Cass Co., Ind., was born January 14, 1858, and is a son of James and Matilda (Page) Homey, natives of Ohio and Virginia, respectively. Our subject attended the district schools in his youth, was raised on a farm, and on attaining his majority began doing for himself, continuing to farm with his father until the latter's death, which occurred in February, 1884. His marriage with Lucia L. Horn was solemnized April 20, 1882. Mrs. Horney was born in Bethlehem Township May 17, 1857, a daughter of Thaddeus M. and Sinah (Burson) Horn, both natives of Pennsylvania and of German descent. They immigrated to Cass County in 1852, settling in Clay Township; thence, in 1855, to Bethlehem Township. The father, in conjunction with farming, followed blacksmithing, sawmilling and threshing. He died suddenly of heart disease, April 20, 1884, his wife having preceded him April 18, 1882. They were members of the Baptist Church. Mr. Horney owns a good farm of ninety-four acres; is a Republican in politics, a hard working industrious farmer, and a man with many friends. He and wife had born to them three children on June 2, 1883, but lived only a short time. Mrs. Horney is a member of the Presbyterian Church.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Bethlehem Township
DAVID M. KINGERY, farmer, was born in Preble county, Ohio, November 27, 1840. His parents are Hiram and Nancy (McElheny) Kingery, both of whom are natives of Botetourt County, Va., and of German and Scotch descent, respectively. They emigrated from Virginia to Ohio in 1832; thence, in 1844, to Cass county. David M. passed his early life in receiving such an education as the common schools afforded, and assisting in tilling the soil of his father's farm. In July, 1862, he enlisted in his country's cause in Company E, Eighty-seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He served in the Fonrteenth Army Corps of the Department of the Cumberland. At different times during the war he was under the command of Gens. Buell, Rosecrans, Thomas and Slocum. He was a participant in the battles of Perryville, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge, Buzzard Roost, Dalton, Resacca, Allatoona Pass, Lost Mountain, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek and Jonesboro; was a brave and efficient soldier, and was honorably discharged June 24, 1865. Returning home from the war, and feeling the need of a better education, he entered the Logansport schools, remaining three years, and then engaged in teaching for a period of ten years with the best of success. Mr. Kingery has, by business ability and energy, succeeded in accumulating a good farm, located in Section 9, and has the social esteem of all well disposed citizens and a name and reputation beyond reproach. He is a Republican in politics, and in April, 1882, was elected trustee of his township, which office he held two terms, to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. He was married, June 26, 1872, to Mary L. Benham, born in Cass County, February 22, 1849, a daughter of Silas and Ellen (Fuller) Benham, natives of Vermont. Six children were born to this marriage, namely: Ada, born March 31, 1873, died January 30, 1874; Arthur M., born November 10, 1874, died August 5, 1876; Jay B., born September 13, 1876; Elsie, born March 11, 1881; Orlen, born February 23, 1883, and Lloyd, born February 21, 1885. The parents are members of the Baptist Church. Mr. Kingery's antecedents served in the Revolutionary war and war of 1812.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Bethlehem Township
NATHAN KINNAMAN, fsrmer, was born in Cass County, Ind., June 4, 1838. He was reared at home in Washington Township, and received his eclucation in the neighborhood schools. At the age of twenty-six he was united in marriage with Miss Bettie Wagner, daughter of John and Jane Wagner, natives of Pennsylvania and of German descent. Seven children were born to this union, all of whom are living: Andrew J., Thomas A., Willis C., Addie E., Ida J., Carrie E. and Jessie. November 29, 1873, Mr. Kinnarnan lost his first wife by death, and February 24, 1855, he was married to Sarah E. Staley, daughter of George and Adaline (Bray) Staley. She is a native of Indiana, born March 3, 1842. The occupation of Mr. Kinnaman has always been farming, and in that pursuit has been successful, owning at the present time 133 acres of good, tillable land, and living comfortably and happy. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is a Republican in politics.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Bethlehem Township
ISAIAH W. KRIDER. Among the substantial citizens of Cass County, none are more highly respected than the above. He was born June 4, 1830, in Montgomery County, Ohio, a son of Henry and Susanna (Custer) Krider. The former was born in Lancaster County, Penn., July 14, 1779; the latter is also a native of Pennsylvania, born March 23, 1802. In 1837 the parents removed to Cass County, and became associated with the county and its interests. The father was a man of quiet and unpretentious habits, yet, withal, he was a man of substantial worth and merit. His death occurred March 3, 1868. His widow, who still survives him, resides in Bethlehem Township, is in her eighty-fifth year, and is remarkably active, both of body and mind. She is a descendant of Paul Custer, an English gentleman of wealth, and is admired for her qualities of true womanhood. Christian Krider, the paternal grandfather of our subject, was a native of Pennsylvania, but left his native county in 1810, going to Erie County, where he remained until 1815, in which year he removed to Washington County where he continued to live fourteen years; then removed to Montgomery County, Ohio; subsequently, in 1837, he came to Cass County, and here took his share in the perils and privations, the valor and enterprise of the early pioneer days. In his eighty-sixth year he went from Logansport to Chicago, thence to Peoria, Ill., going the entire distance on horse-back. His death occurred December 23, 1817, and his remains now rest in the Bethlehem Church-yarcl. Isaiah W., the immediate subject of this sketch, was the fifth child of a family of eight, namely: Elizabeth, George C., Christian E., David H., subject, Mary M., Rebecca and Susan, born to his parents. He removed with them to Cass County, and remained under the parental roof until twenty-four years of age. December 30, 1852, he married Martha T. Genung, a daughter of Ira and Hannah J. (Sterges) Genung,, natives of New Jersey. Eleven children were the fruit of this union, viz.: Anthony A. born October 21, 1853, died January 1860; Leroy M., born April 5, 1855; Alice C., born January 9, 1857; Ira G., born October 7, 1858; Jay H., born January 5, 1861, died July 24, 1851; Laura A., born September 21, 1862, died October 30, 1863; Mary F., born September 26, 1864; Clarance E., born December 14, 1866, died February 17, 1867; Isaiah Wesley, born March 1, 1869; Elizabeth, born September 6, 1872, and Elda T., born February 13, 1877. The oldest living son, Leroy M., was educated at Fort Wayne, Ind., also a graduate of De Pauw University. He is a minister of ability, and is now located at Wabash, Ind. Mr. Krider located where he now lives in 1853, and owns 193 acres of good land. He has been hard working and industrious, and what he now has is mainly the fruit of his own accumulation. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Bethlehem Township
HARRISON LAYTON was born in Tippecanoe County, Ind., January 11, 1832, and is a son of James and Eliza (Russel) Layton, natives of Ohio. He received the advantages to be derived from the common schools, and until eighteen years of age made his home with his parents. At this age he engaged in the occupation of farming, continuing until 1864, at which time he enlisted in Company E, One Hundred and Thirty-fifth Indiana Volunteers 100-day service. After returning home he again enlisted in Company D, One Hundred and Fiftieth Indiana Volunteers, with which he remained until the close of the war. On his return home he again engaged in farming, and October 24, 1867 was united in marriage with Susannah Rockeyfield, a daughter of Isaac and Mary Rockeyfield, natives of Pennsylvania. This union has been blessed with two children: Joseph Edward, born July 21, 1868, and Lizzie May, born May 8, 1874. Mr. Layton commenced life with nothing, and has worked hard, and by industry has in his possession seventy-five acres of well improved land. He has been a resident of Cass County since the fall of 1873, and is a useful and well-known citizen, and a Republican in politics. The parents are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Bethlehem Township
HENRY LEMON, farmer, was born in Bedford County Penn., April 11, 1845, son of Samuel and Rebecca (Repine) Lemon, natives of Virginia and New Jersey respectively. Our subject remained in his native county and acquired such an education as the common schools afforded, and in the fail of 1861, at the age of sixteen, he volunteered his services in his country's behalf, as a member of CompanyH, F ifty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, and was with his regiment through many engagements. He was severely wounded in the left limb, which procured him an honorable dischargef rom the service April 24, 1865. In the latter year he came to Cass County, where he has since remained engaged in agricultural pursuits, and owns a small well improved farm. On October 8, 1868, he was united in marriage with Mary E. Early, who was born July 1, 1848, and daughter of Isaac and Mary (Zeigler) Early, mention of whom is made in the biography of David Early. They have a family of four children: Rose Ella, born August 16, 1869; Lilla May, born January 14, 1871; Bertha E., born October 30, 1876, and Nina R., born May 16, 1881. The parents are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and are well respected in the community in which they reside.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Bethlehem Township
ABRAHAM McDONALD, farmer, was born in Washington County, Penn., February 24, 1819, son of John and Rachel (Prong) McDonald, natives of Pennsylvania. Abraham was raised and educated by is parents, and continued at home until the age of eight, when he began working on a farm, which he continued until fifteen, when he began learning the blacksmith's trade, and continued as an apprentice for three years. He then established a blacksmith shop at Bellville, Penn., where he enjoyed a good trade for six years. In 1840 he immigrated to Cass County, settling in Bethlehem Township, and followed his vocation. August 4, 1842, he married Malinda Conrad, a native of Washington County, Penn., born Augnst 6, 1821, a daughter of Henry and Sarah (Spindler) Conrad, and six children were born to them: Sarah J., born September 9, 1843, died March 12, 1845; John, born February 12, 1845, died March 29, 1881; William H., born April 9, 1846, died September 21, 1846; Benjamin, born April 15, 1847, died May 3, 1847; Jerome, born March 4, 1831, died January 27, 1864; and Frank, born April 27, 1854, died August 25, 1854, all of whom are buried in the Spring Creek Graveyard. Mrs. McDonald died March 9, 1878, and October 8, 1879, Phoebe Brown became his second wife. She is a daughter of Mercer and Nancy (Thompson) Brown, and was born in Cass County July 29, 1837. Mr. McDonald owns 110 acres of good land, well irnprovecl, and is an esteemed neighbor and citizen, a member of the Masonic fraternity, and a Republican in politics. He has also served his township as trustee, and is a member of the Baptist Church. He began life a poor boy, but with industry and frugality has secured a comfortable home and valuable property.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Bethlehem Township
ROBERT F. McKEE, one of the oldest and most prominent citizens of Bethlehem Township, is a native of Chester County, Penn., where he was born October 14, 1816. His parents are William and Mary (Carvin) McKee, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Scotch-Irish extraction. Our subject was reared in Ohio County, W. Va., where he received the usual education obtainable in the schools of his day. At the age of twenty he began for himself, and went to Washington County, Penn., where he worked at the wagon-maker's trade until 1860. In 1861 he removed to Cass County and located in Clay Township, where he lived three years, when he purchased his present home and has ever since lived, having won an honored and respected position in the neighborhood. He was married, in West Virginia, to Miss Adaline Orwin, a daughter of Fleury and Hannah (Smith) Orwin, natives of Germany. Fourteen sons and one daughter have been the fruit of this union, whose names are follows: John M., born October 28, 1836, and died July 26, 1838; William H., born November 9, 1838; Basil and James (twins) born December 28, 1840; Thomas H., born October 30, 1843; Joseph P., born May 15, 1844; George P., born February 2, 1846; Mary A., born May 26, 1848; Robert O., born February 25, 1851, died May 25, 1852; Litten P. and Miller C. (twins), born February 9, 1853 (the latter died March 20, 1870); David G., born May 6, 1855, died October 11, 1871; Avery H., born Novernber 15, 1857; Bruce C., born August 30, 1862, and Irvin, born in March, 1850; and all of those that are living are occupying good positions in life. Five sons served their country during the War of the Rebellion. Mr. McKee is the owner of a good farm, comprising 120 acres, the results of his own labors. In politics he has always been a firm advocate of the principles of the Republican party, and has held the office of justice of the peace for a perod of seventeen years. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is one of the influential men of the county and enjoys the high esteem of all who know him.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Bethlehem Township
ABNER J. MORROW was born in Washington County Penn., April 1, 1843, son of John B. and Elizabeth (Clouse) Morrow, natives of Pennsylvania. Our subject was reared upon his father's farm, also worked at blacksmithing, having secured in youth a fair education. At the age of twenty he enlisted in Company 8, One Hundred and Eighteenth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and served in the late war until its close, when he was honorably discharged. March 14, 1867, he was united in marriage with Margaret E., daughter of Hiram Teal, a, native of Ohio. To this union the following named children were born: John M., born January 24, 1868; Henry E., born January 3, 1870; William E., born April 13, 1872; Marcus M., born January 18, 1874; Charles R., born March 18, 1877; Otto M., born September 27, 1881, and Ollie Edith, born November 6, 1883, died July 26, 1884. Mr. Morrow began life with little or 110 means at his command, but by industry and frugality has secured a fine farm of 170 acres, located in Section 36, and in conjunction with farming is engaged in threshing grain during the fall. In politics he is a stanch Republican, and he and wife are members of the Baptist Church. He is interested in all matters of public welfare and is one of the county's progressive and useful citizens.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Bethlehem Township
ORLANDO POWELL, one of the leading farmers of Bethlehem Township, was born January 17, 1843, near Wabash, Ind., being the third of a family of four - Maria, Matilda, Orlando and Jehu - born to Jacob and Martha (Troutman) Powell, the former a native of Washington County, Penn., and of Welsh descent; the latter a native of Illinois, and of English descent. The father came to Cass County in 1835, locating in Bethlehem Township. Our subject was reared upon the farm where he now resides, and, in addition to the ordinary common-school education he attended the scllools at Logansport. At the age of seventeen he enlisted in Company K, Ninety-ninth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, under command of Capt. George W Julian, and faithfully served until the close of the war. He fought with his company in many of the important battles of the Atlanta campaign, and at the conclusion of the war returned home, and was successfully engaged in school teaching for a number of years. October 12, 1871, he married Sarah S. McElheny, a daughter of Moses and Philena (Treen) McElheny, by whom he is the father of five children, viz.: Ada F., born August 14, 1872; Tacy C., born July 31, 1874; Dyer J., born December 8, 1878; Martha P., born July 6, 1881, and Emma B., born March 6, 1883, all of whom are now living. Mr. Powell owns a valuable farm of 226 acres, and in politics he advocates the principles of the Republican party, and, as a member of this organization, held the office of township trustee for a number of years. He is a member of the G. A. R. and Mrs. Powell of the Presbyterian Church, and they are highly respected as citizens in the community where they live.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Bethlehem Township
DANIEL SCOTT, farmer, was born in Burlington County, N. J., January 10, 1811, and is a son of Thomas and Mary (Smith) Scott. When six years old his father removed with him to Preble County, Ohio, where he was reared and acquired a common education. November 3, 1836, he was united in marriage with Eleanor Dilhorn, who is a native of Brownsville, Penn., born April 7, 1818. To this union ten cllilclren have been born: Thomas, born October 3, 1837, died in March, 1872; Sarah, born March 18, 1839; William H., born April 16, 1841; Mariban, born January 8, 1843; Daniel, born November 26, 1844; Elias W., born Decernber 5, 1847; Joshua, born August 13, 1849, died in August, 1850; Mary E., born September 9, 1854, died December 30, 1883; Ann E., born December 6, 1856, died in November, 1860; Henrietta, born May 10, 1858, died in October, 1860. The parents began life together in Preble County, Ohio, where they remained until the spring of 1847, at which time they came to Cass County and entered a tract of land in Bethlehem Township, which has ever since been their home. Mr. Scott now owns 100 acres of land, which he has acquired by hard work and honest dealing. He is now on the shady side of life, having passed the allotted period of man's existence, which is hoped by his many friends that he will greatly exceed. Himself and wife are members of the Society of Fnends, in which sobriety, peace and industry are the chief factors.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Bethlehem Township
SAMUEL A. WILLIAMSON, farmer, was born in Miami County, Ohio, November 14, 1825, son of David and Clarissa (Coleman) Williamson, the former a native of Cumberland County, Penn., born in 1784, and the latter a native of Glastonbury, Conn., born in 1797. They were married in Troy, Ohio, in 1822, and in 1836 removed to Cass County, where he entered 400 acres of land in Bethlehem Township, upon which they lived until tlieir deaths. The father died September 17, 1849, his widow surviving about twenty years, dying February 24, 1860. Samuel A. came with his parents to Cass County, with whom he remained on the home farm unti1 he was twenty-four years of age, during which period he acquired a common school education. January 18, 1850, he married Miss Ternperance Conrad, a native of Washington County, Penn., born January 1, 1828, and a daughter of Henry and Sarah (Spindler) Conrad. To this marriage four children were born: Cecelia M., born October 1, 1830, married to John Rohrer October 12, 1880; David M., born October 16, 1831, married to Miss Hattie Yantia April 27, 1876; John J., born October 3, 1833, married to Miss Agnes Tilton February 27, 1878, and Joseph S., born April 23, 1857, married to Miss Rachel Panabaker August 10, 1882 - all of whom are now living in Cass County. Mr. Williamson began life in moderate circnmstances, and by hard work and economy has accumalated considerable property, now owning 230 acres of well improved land, which he helped to improve from its wild and uncivilized condition. He and wife are members of the Presbyterian Church and are among Bethlehem Township's best citizens.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Bethlehem Township
BENJAMIN F. YANTIS, one of the substantial citizens and principal farmers of Bethlehem Township, is a native of Spencer County, Ky., and was born February 2, 1831, one of eight children born to Aaron and Martha ( Cochran) Yantis, natives of Virginia, the former born April 11, 1787. Aaron Yantis removed with his family to Cass County in 1836, settling in Logansport, where he lived two years; then removed to Clay Township; thence to Bethlehem Township, in 1841, where he resided until his death, which occurred July 19, 1861, his wife preceding him March 30, 1833. Benjamin F. was reared to farming pursuits, and remained at home until he attained his manhood, in the meantime having secured a good practical education. September 13, 1855, he married Mary J. Hill, a native of Washington County, Penn., born May 21, 1834, a daughter of Joseph and Esther (Jenkins) Hill, natives of Washington County, Penn., and Jefferson County, Ohio, respectively. Her parents removed to Fulton County, Ind., in 1832, where the mother died January 2 4, 1873. The father came to Cass County in 1873, where his death occurred May 12, 1876. Mr. and Mrs. Yantis have been blessed with a family of eight children: Harvey C., born August 18, 1857; Mary E., born December 5, 1858; Esther A,, born October 11, 1860, died September 9, 1862; Elvira A., born July 7, 1862; Ruthanna, born May 14, 1864; Joseph A,, born June 9, 1866; Lyman, born January 21, 1872, and Etta, born December 7, 1873, died March 26, 1880; one of whom, Elvira, is married to Sumner E. Buck, and resides in Bethlehem Township. Mr. Yantis had a small commencement in the way of this world's goods, and now has 330 acres of valuable land, as the fruit of his industry. For a number of years he held the office of township treasurer, also the office of trustee, which positions he filled with credit to himself and to the satisfaction of his friends. At the present time he is acting in tile capacity of drainage commissioner, and is now finishing the work assigned him by the court. He affiliates with the Republican party, and is a member of the F. & A. M., and is a valued member of the community in which he lives. Mrs. Yantis is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Bethlehem Township
H. C. YANTIS, a progressive and public-spiritecl citizen of his township is a native of Cass County, Ind., his birth occurring August 18, 1857. He was reared on his father's farm, upon which he worked in the summer and attended school during the winter, continuing in this way until twenty years of age. He then began to do for himself, and was for two years engaged in collecting delinquent tax. Since which time he, has been engaged in the manufacturing of lumber and drain tile, his mill and factory being located in Section 15, Bethlehem Township, and by an upright system in doing business, has a well established trade. He is also extensively engaged in farming, and is a substantial and much esteemed citizen.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Bethlehem Township
JOHN YUND, an old and prominent citizen of BethlehemTownship, was born in Northumberland County, Penn., October 11, 1807. He grew to manhood in his native county, received a practical education in the common schools, and at the age of nineteen removed with his father to Livingston County, N. Y. Here he remained three years, at which time he went to Canada, where he served an apprenticeship at wool-carding and coloring. In 1837 he came to Cass County, since which time he has been a resident and an honored citizen. Since his coming to the county he has followed farming with encouraging success, now owning a good farm, comprising 256 acres. He has been three times married, the first time, in 1831, to Miss Esther Brewer, who died after a short wedded life of six months. His second marriage was solemnized in 1833, with Miss Eliza Vandeventer, daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth (Culbertson) Vandeventer, who bore him seven chilclren, to wit: Jane E., born Augtist 3, 1835, died Fehmary 15, 1851; George, born September 11, 1837; Isaac V., born October 15, 1840, killed at the battle of Fair Oaks, in Virginia; John M., born December 20, 1842, died February 27, 1851; Solomon, born May 14, 1844 (deceased); Mary, born August 2, 1847, died February 14, 1851; Henry, born August 25, 1850, died in infancy. Mrs. Yund departed this life February 14, 1864; and on July 25, 1866, Mr. Yund was united in marriage to Jehaze Garnan, who bore him two children, both of whom died in infancy. The wife and mother died September, 1875. Since her death Mr. Yund resides on the home farm, with George, his only surviving child, and is passing his declining years in quiet and content. He is an ardent supporter of the principles of the Republican party, and a member of the Presbyterian Church.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Bethlehem Township
C. W. ANDERSON, dealer in general merchandise, Royal Centre, Ind., is a native of Butler County, Penn., where he was born June 19, 1822. The parents from whom he descended were Alexander and Jane (McQuiston) Anderson, who were natives of Scotland and Ireland, respectively, where they were born as follows: The father in the city of Glasgow, Scotland, in the year 1794, and the mother in the County Down, Ireland, in the year 1798. They irnmigrated to the United States in an early day, and were united in marriage in Butler County, Penn., in the year 1818. From thence they subsequently moved to Trumbull County, Ohio, and from there to Hardin County, Ohio, and from thence, in 1836, to Marion County, Ohio, where they resided until their death, which occurred as follows: The mother died in 1843, and the father in 1849. They were the parents of nine children: James M., Thomas N., Charles W., Alexander, Isabelle, Mary, Jane, Emily and Nancy. C. W., our subject, began, when about twelve years of age, at the blacksmith trade, which he completed, and engaged in the same for some time afterward. He was married, at Caledonia, Marion Co., Ohio, June 17, 1845, to Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh and Hannah (Debow) Wooley. She was born in New York State March 4, 1827. I n 1846 C. W. Anderson and wife moved to Pulaski County, Ind., and, in 1847 to Cass County, Ind., settling at Royal Centre, where he formed a partnership with William Krider in the blacksmith trade. In 1848 Mr. Anderson purchased Mr. Krider's interest in the shop, and carriecl on business himself until 1832, at which time he went to California, where he engaged in mining until 1854, when he returned to Royal Centre and resumed his trade, which he continued until the spring of 1861, at which time he began the mercantile business, which he continued some time; after which he subsequently engaged in saw-milling, and in December, 1884, he again engaged in the mercantile business, which he has since continued. His wife died in October, 1870, and he was again married, in December, 1879, to Mrs. Lucinda Tustison. Mr. Anderson has had born to him seven children: Loretta, Rollin W., Joseph A., George B. M. (deceased), Sarah C., Emily and Charles M. Mr. Anderson was one of the three trustees of Boone Township in 1855, held the office of justice of the peace for some time, and in 1872 was elected to the Legislature. Mr. Anderson is a fine man, highly esteemed by all who know him.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
CHARLES BERKSHIRE was born in Carroll County, Ind., November 18, 1833. The parentls, who were pioneers, were Soloman and Sarah (McCombs) Berkshire, who settled in Cass County in the year 1840. They were the parents of nine children: Charles, John, Martin V., Jane, Alice, Lucinda, William H., Rebecca and Sarah. Our subject, the eldest member of the family, was married in Boone Township, this county, in June, 1854, to Martha J. McPherson, and afterward settled upon the same farm on which he now resides, in Section 28, Boone Township, where she died September 14, 1855, having borne him one infant daughter, which died young and not named. He then married, in Pulaski County, Ind., a Miss Elizabeth Hall, on December 22, 1856, by whorn he has had born to him five children: Sarah E., Mary A., Soloman M., George and Edward H. Mr. Berlrshire owns at present 160 acres of fine and well improved land. He is an enterprising and highly esteemed citizen. He and wife are members of the Church of God, of which he has been a member for twenty-eight years, and has been for fourteen years a minister in the church.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
MARTIN BERKSHIRE, son of Soloman and Sarah Berkshire was born in Carroll County, Ind., August 25, 1839. He was married in Boone Township, this county, in October, 1862, to Margaret J., daughter of William and Elizabeth Steele; she was born in White County, Ind., June, 1842. In 1866 Mr. Berkshire settled upon his present farm where he has resided since. They have a family of eight children, viz.: William H., Mary A,, Laura J., Jasper N., Bertha A., James F., Ira A. and Nellie L.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
WILLIAM H. BERKSHIRE, son of the old and highly esteemed pioneers, Soloman and Sarah Berkshire, was born in Boone Township, this county, February 19, 1842. He was married in Boone township, this county, April 6, 1863, to Sarah E., daughter of William and Elizabeth Steele; she was born in White County, Ind., September 23, 1846. In the fall of 1863 Mr. Berkshire settled upon the farm in which he now resides, in Section 28, Boone Township. He owns 120 acres of fine and well improved land. He has had born to him ten children, viz.: Alice J., John M., James T., Erneline, Charles B., Willard M., Anna G., Oscar, Effie M. and Robert C.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
HEZEKIAH BURTON was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, November 20, 1826. The parents from whom he descended were John and Catherine (Steward) Burton, who were also, both natives of Fairfield County, Ohio. The former, John Burton, was a son of Jacob Burton, who was a native of Maryland, where he married Mary Swerngin, and from there moved to Fairfield County, Ohio, in a very early day, where he afterward resided until death. He was the father of eight children, viz.: Thomas, Polly, Hannah, Isaac, Van S., Elizabeth, Jacob and John, the father of our subject, the next to the eldest member of the family. He served in the war of 1812, and was married to the above Catherine Steward, in Fairfield County, Ohio, she was a daughter of Joseph and Catherine Steward, who were natives of Ireland, and emigrated from there to Fairfield County, Ohio; in a very early day. They were the parents of seven children, viz.: Joseph, Levi, Catherine, Jermima, Rachel, Sarah and Hezekiah. In 1837, Mr. John Burton came to Cass County, Ind., and entered a half section of land in Boone Township, Section 2, after which he returned to Fairfield County, Ohio, and in 1838 moved to Carroll County, Ind., where he died in September, 1839, and in March, 1841, his widow, with her family, moved to Cass County, Ind., and settled upon the land in Boone Township which he had entered in 1837; here she resided until death, which occured in September, 1847. Ten children were born to them, viz.: Jacob, Mary, Joseph, Jermima, Van S., Hezekiah, John, Harriet, Hannah and Catherine. Hezekiah, our subject, came with his mother to Cass County, Ind., in 1841, and was married, October 4, 1849, to Elizabeth, daughter of George and Lydia Kistler. She was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, December 31, 1831. About one year after Mr. Hezekial Burton's marriage he settled upon the farm on which he now resides, in Boone Township, Section 8, where he has resided since, with the exception of about two years in Fulton County, Ind. He owns 120 acres of land. Has had born to him ten children: Amos W., John H., Elias F., Elizabeth, Julia, Abraham
L., Thomas, Lydia A., Reuben and George.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
JOHN J. BURTON, M. D., is a native of Cass County, Ind., and is one of eight children born to John and Sarah (Sagaser ) Burton, who were natives of England and Pennsylvania, respectively. The former, John Burton, was a son of Leonard Burton, who was a native of Yorkshire, England, born May 15, 1793, and was there united in marriage, in the year 1815, to Emma Metcalf, born September 9, 1793. In 1819, Mr. Leonard Burton, with his family, immigrated to the United States, settling first in Rush County, Ind., and thence, in 1834, removed to Cass County, Ind., where they resided until their deaths, which occurred as follows: The father died May 18, 1863, and the mother May 11, 1869. They were the parents of seven children: John, Richard, William, James, Levi, Phebe, and one which died in infancy and not named. John, the father of our subject, the eldest, member of the family, was born in Yorkshire, England, July 6, 1816. He came with his parents, in 1819, to Rush County. Ind., and was there wedded to the above Susan Sagaser, who was born in Pennsylvania, April 25, 1815, and was a daughter of Henry and Sarah (Swigart) Sagaser, who were both natives of Pennsylvania. The father was born April 8, 1786, and the mother September 13, 1789. They were married in Pennsylvania, June 29, 1809, and subsequently moved to Bourbon County, Ky., and thence to Rush County, Ind., where the father died November 29, 1839. The mother subsequently came to Cass County, Ind., and made her home with her children until her death, which occurred May 4, 1884. They were the parents of fourteen children: William J., George W., Daniel, Susan, Mary, Nancy, Elizabeth, Amanda, Sarah, Emily, Margaret, Samuel, Frederick and Martha E. After John and Susan (Sagaser) Burton's marriage, they, in the fall of the same year, moved to Cass County, Ind., and settled upon land which his father had entered for him in Section 18, Harrison Township, where they resided until their deaths, which occurred as follows: the father's August 12, 1868, and the mother's December 29, 1876. Their family was as follows: Sarah J., born June 7, 1839; Emma, born June 2, 1841, and died July 1, 1843; Amanda E., born April 2, 1843; Elizabeth, born December 23, 1844 and died May 16, 1845; Leonard R., born April 7, 1848; John J., born March 23, 1850; William L., born September 30, 1852, and Elizabeth A., born May 12, 1855. John J., our subject, after acquiring quite a thorough education in the home district schools of the vicinity in which he resided, attended, in the winter of 1867-68, the Logansport Academy, and in the winter of 186S-69 he attended Hall's Business College, of Logansport, and in the fall of 1869 he entered the Logansport High School, and, at the same time, read medicine under Dr. George Smith. He graduated at the Logansport High School June 12, 1873; after which he devoted his whole attention to reading medicine, Dr. J. B. Shultz, of Logansport, Ind., being his preceptor. In the winter of 1874-75, he attended the Eclectic Meclical College, of Cincinnati, Ohio; after which he returned to Logansport and resumed his studies under the same preceptor, which and he continued until the winter of 1875 -1876, at which time he again attended the Eclectic Medical College, of Cincinnati, Ohio, where he graduated May 9, 1876. He then returned to Logansport, and formed a partnership with his preceptor, Dr. J. B. Shultz, in the practice of medicine. He was married, at Logansport, June 23, 1877, to Mary B., daughter of Hiram and Maria (Anderson) Lumbirt; she was born in Cass County, Ind., May 10, 1854. In August, 1878, Dr. Burton moved to Royal Centre, Ind., where he resumed the practice of medicine, which he has since continued. In November, 1885, he, in partnership with Mr. George Kistler, opened up a drug store at this place, which he sold out to Kistler in April, 1886. He was appointed postmaster of Royal Centre, Ind., July 9, 1885, which office he at presellt holds. He is also president of the town school board, at this place, which office he has held since 1881. The Doctor is an intelligent, wide-awake and enterprising citizen, as well as a thorough medical scholar and a successful and eminent physician and surgeon. He is a member of the Indiana State Eclectic Meclical Association and a member of the order of Odd Fellows.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
JOHN F. COLEMAN was born at Fort Wayne, Ind., November 21, 1855. His parents, Michael and Caroline (Schrock) Coleman, were both natives of Franklin County, Ohio, where they married, and from thence moved to Fort Wayne, Ind., and subsequently to Fulton County, Ind., where they resided some time, and from there moved to Cass County, Ind., where the mother departed life. The father subsequently went to Iowa, where he now resides. They were the parents of thirteen children, viz.: Calvin, Lafayette, Lydia, Henry, Enlrnn, John F., William, Alice, Laura, Francis, Marion, and two others who died in infancy and not named.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
JOHN DAVIS is a native of Cass County, Inc., and was born in Jefferson Township, November 29, 1848. The parents from whorn he descended were William and Maria (Sloop) Davis, who settled in Jefferson Township, this county, in an early day, where the mother still resides. The father died in 1870. Seven children were born to them, viz.: Nancy, John, George, Amanda, Rose, Hester and James W. John, our subject, was married in Boone Township, this county, February 26, 1866, to Amy J., daughter of Morris T. and Elizabeth (Conn) Harvey; she was born in Cass County, Ind., June 22, 1841. After Mr. John Davis' marriage he first settled upon his father's old homestead, and in 1873 he purchased and settled on a farm in Section 6, Jefferson Township, where he resided until 1853, when he purchased and settled upon the farm on which he now resides, in Sections 32 and 33, Boone Township. He owns at present 245 acres of fine and well improved land - 166 acres in Boone Townshipand 80 acres in Jefferson Township. Has had born to him six children, viz.: Andrew J., Harvey T., Charles M., Elizabeth, Anzonettie, Daisy.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
DAVID N. FOUTS, M. D., was born at Dayton, Montgomery Co., Ohio, December 9, 1840. His parents David E. and Sarah (Nail) Fouts, were both natives of North Carolina, where they were born as follows: The father, January 5, 1800, and the mother September 17, 1801. The former, David R. Fouts, was a son of David and Elizabeth (Burket) Fouts, who were both natives of Germany, and from thence immigrated to the United States in a very early day, settling first in North Carolina, and from there moved to Dayton, Ohio, where they afterward resided until their deaths. They were the parents of six chilclren, viz.: Catherine, Joseph, Andrew, Sarah and David R., the father of our subject, the eldest member of the family. He and the above Sarah Nail were united in marriage in Montgomery County, Ohio, October 7, 1822, and afterward settled at Dayton, where they resided until 1840, in which year they moved to Cass County, Ind., entered land in Washington Township, upon which they settled and resided until 1860, when they moved to Fulton County, Ind., where they now reside. They were the parents of ten children, viz.: Andrew, Nancy, Jacob W., Susanna, Joseph, Barbara, Elizabeth, David N., Hannah and John. Dr. David N., our subject, was educated at the Yellowsprings College, at Yellowsprings, Ohio, where he graduated in 1853, after which he clerked in a store at Sabine, Ohio, until August 15, 1861, at which time he entered the service of his country in Company D, Forty-eighth Ohio Infantry Volunteers, as hospital steward; in which capacity he served until December 13, 1862, when he was discharged on account of injury, and returned to Cass County, Ind., where he engaged in teaching school and reading medicine. In the winter of 1870 and 1871 he attended the Ohio Medical College, at Cincinnati, Ohio, and in the winter of 1873 and 1874 attended the Rush Medical College, at Chicago, Ill., where he graduated March 16, 1874; after which he came to Royal Centre, Ind., and began the practice of medicine, which he has since pursued. He was united in marriage, in Miami Township, this county, July 27, 1865, to Abbie Miller, who was born in Cass County, Ind., July 19, 1844. After his marriage he settled at New Waverly, Ind., where he resumed his practice, and resided until 1874, at which time he removed to Royal Centre, Ind., where he has since resided. He has had born to him two children, viz.: Frank Q. and Emma E. The Doctor is a member of the Masonic order; also a member of the Pulaski County Medical Society, and also a member of the Indiana State Medical Association. He and wife arc members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The Doctor is an intelligent and enterprising man, highly esteemed by all who know him. He is a thorough medical scholar and a successful and practical physician and surgeon.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
SAMUEL FRYE, an old andl highly esteemed pioneer of Cass County, is a native of Franklin County, Penn., where he was born October 2, 1824. His father, Samuel Frye, was also a native of Franklin County, Penn., and was born May 1, 1797. He was a son of Andrew Frye, who was a native of Virginia, and emigrated from thence to Maryland, and from there to Franklin County, Penn., in a very early day. He was twice married, and raised to men and women a family of eight children. Samuel, the father of our subject, was married in Franklin County, Penn., May 25, 1820, to Elizabeth Frederick, who was born in Franklin County, Penn., October 31, 1798. In about the year 1833 Mr. Samuel Frye, Sr., moved from Franklin County, Penn., to Bedford County, Penn., and from thence, in 1844, to Cass County, Ind., and settled upon land in Section 29, Boone Township, which he improved, and on which he resided until death. They were the parents of ten children, viz.: Jacob F., John A., Samuel, Daniel, William M., Caleb, Rachel, Jerome, Rebecca E. and Emanuel F. Samuel, our subject, came with his parents to this county in 1844, and has since resided. He was married in Jefferson Township, this county, September 10, 1851, to Sarah, daughter of John and Eiizabeth (Gray) Benson. She is a native of Pennsylvania, where she was born June 9, 1833. About one year after our subject’s marriage, he settled upon the farm on which he now resides, which he has improved from the wild, and upon which he has since lived. He owns at present 179 acres of land, which are well improved and under a high state of cultivation. He has had born to him three children, viz.: Mary H. (deceased), Alexander and Elizabeth.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
JOHN A. FULLER a native of Cass County. Ind., was born in Boone Township, March 1, 1844. His parents. Aaron J. and Irene (Luce) Fuller, were both natives of Vermont, of English extraction, and were born as follows: The father in November, 1807, and the mother in November, 1809. They were married in Vermont, and from thence, in 1841, moved to Sandusky County, Ohio, and from there, 1843, to Cass County, Ind., where he died January 18, 1869. His widow still survives, and resides in Miami County, Ind. Six children were born to them, viz.: Ellen, Martha, Hannah, Mary, William H. and John A., our subject, the youngest member of the family. He was married at Covington, Fountain Co., Ind., October 17, 1862, to Sarah J., daughter of James and Susan (Lobach) Wattsbaugh. She was born in Jefferson Township, this county, September 4, 1845. After Mr. John A. Fuller’s marriage he settled upon the farm on which he now resides, where he has since lived. He lost his wife by death February 4, 1869, having born to him by her two children, viz.: James A. and Lewis E. (deceased). On December 7, 1871, Mr. Fuller married Elizabeth M., daughter of Jeptha and Ruhamah (Trene) Powell. She was born in Cass County, Ind., July 1, 1853. Mr. Fuller has had born to him by this union, three children, viz.: Milo N., Jethro and Edith R.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
RUDOLPH FUNK was born in Lancaster County, Penn., January 23, 1818. His parents, Jacob and Anna (Killhefer) Funk, were also both natives of Pennsylvania, where they resided until their deaths. They were the parents of four children, viz.: Jacob, Mary, Anna and Endnlpl, our subject, the youngest member of the family. He was married in Lancaster County, Penn., October 6, 1842, to Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew and Elizabeth (Fishel) Dritt. She was born in Lancaster County, Penn., April 3, 1821. In 1832 Mr. Rudolph Funk moved to Cass County, Ind., and in October of that year, he settled upon the same farm on which he now resides. He owns 100 acres of fine and well-improved land. He has had born to him eleven children, viz.: Sarah A., Rudolph, Elizabeth, Andrew, Catherine E., Ira, and five others who died in infancy and not named. Mr. Funk is a member of the Evangelical Association.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
HIRAM HARVEY, one of the most extensive farmers and stock-dealers of Cass County, was born in Harrison T'ownship, this county, October 13, 1840. The parents from whom he descended were the old and highly esteemed pioneers, Morris T. and Elizabeth (Conn) Hnney, who were both natives of Pennsylvania, where they were born as follows: The father in Bucks County November 16, 1808, and the mother in Lycoming County June 7, 1814. They were married in Lycoming County, Penn., in 1834, and soon afterward moved to the State of Ohio, settling near Hamilton, where they resided until February, 1836, at which time they moved to Cass County, Ind., where they have since resided. They are the parents of eleven children, viz.: Charles, John W., Rachel, Susan, Hiram, Henry, Elizabeth, Amy, Lafayette, George and Anzonette. Hiram, our subject, was educated in the district schools of this county and at the high schools of Burnettsville, Ind., after which he engaged in teaching school for some time. He was married in Jefferson Township, this county, in September, 1860, to Maria, daughter of Walter B. and Anna Carter, by whom he has had born to him six children, viz.: Willard M., Morris T., Rachel C., John W., Mary J. and Hiram. In the spring of 1862 Mr. Harvey moved to Carroll County, Ind., where he resided until the spring of 1864, at which time he removed to Cass County, Ind., where he has since resided. In 1870 he settled upon the farm on which he now resides. He lost his wife by death in March, 1872, and he was again married, December 14, 1880, to Sarah J. McDonnal, by whom he has had three children born to him, viz.: Blanche, Dennis and Susan A. Mr. Harvey owns at present 3,167 acres of land. He is an intelligent and enterprising citizen, highly esteemed by all who know him, and one of Cass County's most successful farmers and stock-dealers. He is a member of the Odd Fellow’s order.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
HENRY T. HARVEY, son of Morris T. and Elizabeth (Conn) Harvey, was born in Harrison Township, this county, January 7, 1842. He was united in marriage, in Jefferson Township, this county, March 1, 1874, to Missouri E., daughter of Judge Lewis Bailey, and afterward settled upon the same farm on which he now resides, in Section 33, Boone Township. He owns at present 230 acres of fine land, which is well improved and under a high state of cultivation. He has had born to him six children, viz.: Alwilda, George W., Bertie (deceased), Harry, Ernest and Frances C.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
PETER HEIL, is a native of Germany, where he was born January 28, 1833. He is the next to the eldest member of six children born to Daniel and Mary A. (Kennel) Heil. He immigrated with his father to Cass County, Ind., in 1857, where he was united in marriage April 29, 1861, to Barbara, daughter of John and Mary M. (Mierhofer) Roman. She was born in Switzerland October 28, 1843. In 1864 Mr. Neil, our subject, purchased and settled upon the farm on which he now resides. Mr. Heil owns at present 263 acres of fine and well improved land, all of which lies in Boone Township, Cass County, with the exception of 58 acres in Harrison Township. Mr. Heil has had born to him eleven children: Daniel R., born February 16, 1862; Catherine, born November 27, 1863, and died September 10, 1864; Mary J., born July 27, 1865; Elizabeth A., born February 21, 1869; George, born April 3, 1871; Sarah E., born March 22, 1873; Margaret E., born May 21, 1853; infant daughter, born August 10, 1878 and died August 11, 1878; William P., born April 9, 1880; Addie M., born September 19, 1882, and Oscar N., born January 3, 1885. Mr. Heil and family are members of the Evangelical Church.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
HENRY HEIL was born in Germany September 8, 1835, and is a son of Daniel and Mary A. (Kennel) Heil. He came with his father to this county in 1857, where he was married July 1, 1861, to Eliza A., daughter of Frederick J. and Margaret (Adams) Riep; she died April 3, 1866, and he was again married in Pulaski County, Ind., April 9, 1867, to Mary, daughter of Valentine and Elizabeth (Harker) Culp. After this he settled upon the farm on which he now resides, in Section 25, Boone Township. He owns at present 160 acres of fine land. Has had born to him, three children, viz.: Mina, (deceased), Albert (deceased), and Addie (deceased). Mr. Heil is a fine man and is highly esteemed by all who know him.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
DANIEL HEIL was born in Germany March 1, 1830. He immigrated to the United States in 1855, and settled in Cass County, Ind., where he has resided since. He was married in White County, Ind., in September, 1878, to Dora, daughter of Samnel and Christina Kies, she was born in Germany, September 14, 1839. After Mr. Daniel Heil's marriage he settled in Boone Township, where he has resided since. He owns at present 240 acres of land in Boone Township and 15 acres in Harrison Township. Has had born to him nine children, viz.: Mary A., born August 12, 1859; Christina, born February 1, 1862; Samnel, born October 27, 1864; Catherine A., born February 28, 1868; Rosettie, born March 4, 1870; Alfred, born December 23, 1871; John H., born April 12, 1874; James, H., born December 21, 1876, and Thomas, born March 31, 1879. He and family are members of the Evangelical Church.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
NICHOLAS HILE, son of Daniel and Mary (Kennel) Hile, is a native of Germany, where he was born December 4, 1841. He immigrated to the United States in 1837, and settled in Cass County, Ind., where he has resided since, and was married in Boone Township April 28, 1868, to Nancy J., daughter of Daniel and Rebecca Kistler. She was born in Cass County, Ind., November 24, 1840. In the fall of 1881 Mr. Hile settled upon the farm on which he now resides, which he had purchased in the year 1878, consisting of seventy-six acres of fine and well improved land. Mr. Hile is an enterprising and highly esteemed citizen.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
JACKSON HOLMES, an old and highly esteemed pioneer of Cass County, is a native of Preble County, Ohio, and was born May 30, 1825. His parents, Moses R. and Sarah (Jeffrey) Holmes, were both natives of Monmouth County, N. J., and were born as follows: The father in the year 1790, and the mother in 1796. They were also married in Monmouth County, N. J., in the year 1816. From thence, about 1820, they moved to Preble County, Ohio, and in 1831 to Tippecanoe Connty, Ind.; from thence to Cass County, in 1833, where they resided uutil 1838, when they moved to Pulaski County, Ind., where they afterward resided until death, which occurred as follows: The father died in 1852 and the mother in 1868. They were the parents of eleven children, viz.: Job J., Mary, Catherine, Amy I., Jackson, Segions, John, James, Ephraim, and two which died in infancy and not named. Jackson, our subject, was married in Monroe Township, this county, June 22, 1848, to Mary J., daughter of Joseph and Ruth Corbet. She was born in Ross County, Ohio, March 22, 1827. In 1862 Mr. Holmes settled upon a farm in Boone Township, Section 9, which he has improved, and upon which he has since lived. His wife died March 5, 1856, having born to him six chilclren, viz.: William (deceased), Mary A., James E., Thomas (deceased), Sarah E., and a son which died in infancy and not named. June 22, 1868, he married Mrs. Rosanna Rogers, widow of John Rogers, by whom he has had born to him three chilclren, viz.: George G. (deceased) , Egbert (deceased) and Rosettie D.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
JOHN KENNEL was born in Germany, December 15, 1822. His parents, Jacob and Catherine (Mishler) Kennel, were also both natives of Germany, and emigrated from thence to Erie County, N. Y., in 1843, and in 1853 to Cass County, Ind., settlin in Boone Township, where they afterward resided until their deaths. They were the parents of seven children, viz.: John, Louisa, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Caroline, and two who died in infancy and not named. John, our subject, immigrated with his parents to Erie County, N. Y., in 1848, and was married at Buffalo, N. Y., January 25, 1852, to Catherine, daughter of Jacob and Catherine Mitzel. She was born in Germany, August 21, 1827. In 1853 Mr. John Kennel, in company with his parents, moved to Cass County, Ind., and in the same fall he purchased and settled upon the farm on which he now resides, consisting of 170 acres of fine and well-improved land. His wife died October 26, 1871, and July 23, 1872, he married Rosanna Seacrist, widow of Peter Seacrist. Mr. Kennel has had born to him eleven children: Jacob, H. John, George P., A. Andrew, Samuel, Catherine, George (deceased), and a pair of twins, who died in infancy and not named, by first wife; and William and Frederick. Mr. Kennel and family are members of the Evangelical Association.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
HENRY KRAMER, dealer in general merchandise, Royal Centre, Ind., is a native of Fairfield County, Ohio, where he was born August 1, 1837. His father, Lewis Kramer, is also a native of Fairfield County, Ohio, and was born February 4, 1817. His parents, Lewis and Margaret Kramer, were both natives of Lancaster County, Penn., where the father was born in December, 1779, and the mother in December, 1776. They were married in Lancaster County, Penn., and from thence moved to Fairfield County, Ohio, where they afterward resided until their deaths. They were the parents of eight children, viz.: Jacob, George, Sarah, Polly, Adam, Margaret, Christina and Lewis, the father of our subject. He was married in Fairfield County, Ohio, October 3, 1837, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of George and Hannah (Myers) Benadum. She was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, August 16, 1820. In the fall of 1863 Mr. Lewis Kramer and family moved to Cass County, Ind., settling upon the same farm on which he at present resides, in Section 23, Boone Township, where he has lived since. He has had born to him fourteen children, viz .: Almina, Aaron, Emma, Hannah M., Eliza, Martha E., Joshua, William, Adeline, Mary, Minerva, Elizabeth, Clement L. V. and Henry, our subject, the eldest member of the family. He was married in Fairfield County, Ohio, January 10, 1857, to Sarah, daughter of Henry and Margaret (Bumbarger) Heller. She was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, July 29, 1837. In 1863, Mr. Henry Kramer, in company with his parents, moved to Cass County, Ind., and settled at Royal Centre, and engaged in grocery business for about two years, after which he rented what is known as the Laselle tract of land in White County, where he moved and engaged in farming and stock-raising until 1871, in which year he moved to Logansport, Ind., and engaged in butchering business. His wife died April 3, 1872, and on February 23, 1873, he wedded Anna McLaughlin, and in July of that year he moved to Boone Township, where he purchased a farm in Section 14, upon which he resided until 1883, in which year he moved to Royal Centre, and in the following year began the mercantile business agan, which he has since continued. He has had born to him nine children, viz.: William J., Sylvester (deceased), Douglass, Elizabeth R., Minerva (deceased) , an infant son (deceased), Clara, Daisy D. and Lewis.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
JOHN W. LAYNE, one of Cass County's extensive farmers, and wide-awake and enterprising men, was born in Campbell County, Va., October 12, 1836. His parents, Orrison V. and Mary (Organ) Layne, were also both natives of Campbell County, Va., where they were married and resided until death. They were the parents of eleven children, viz.: Louisa M., William H., David O., Robert F., John W., Edward Y., Richard L., Alice, Ida and two that died in in infancy both not named. John W., our subject, in 1853, came to Laporte, Ind., where he clerked in a store three years, after which he returned to Campbell County, Va., and remained until the spring of 1857, when he again returned to Laporte, Ind., purchased a stock of goods, and engaged in mercantile business until 1860. He was united in marriage, at Logansport, Ind., May 10, 1864, to Elizabeth J., daughter of Dr. George M. and Margaret (Weakley) Jerolaman, she was born at Logansport, Ind., September 14, 1842. In 1872 Mr. Layyne settled on the farm where he now resides, in Boone Township, known as the old Jerolaman tract of land, which consists of 860 acres of fine and well improved prairie land, which his wife became heiress to upon her father's death. She also owns a half interest in a large cotton plantation in Louisiana. Mr. and Mrs. Layne are the parents of four children, viz.: George W., born May 29, 1863; Walter E., born January 9, 1867, and died September 5, 1877; Guy M., born September 18, 1868, and died December 11, l869 and Grace I., born December 8, 1869.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
CURTIS LONG is a native of Sussex County, Del., where he was born January 6, 1825. His parents, John and Sarah (Tingle) Long, were also natives of Sussex County, Del., where they were married, and f rom thence, in 1827, m oved to Preble County, Ohio, where the mother died, and the father, in 1833, moved to Cass County, Ind., where he married a Miss Mary E. Sizor and resided until death. He was the father of eight children, viz.: Peter, William, Mary, Edward, Curtis, Ann and Eliza, by first wife, and John by second wife. Curtis, our subject, came with his father to Cass County in 1833, and when seventeen years of age he went to Logansport, where he learned the carpenter's trade, which he afterward engaged in for twelve years. He was united in marriage, in Clay Township, this county, Septwmber 2, 1847, to Catherine, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Copenhauer) Etmier. She was born in Huntingdon County, Penn., December 7, 1821. After Mr. Curtis Long's marriage, he first settled in Clay Township, where he resided until 1849, when he moved to Logansport and resided there until the spring of 1855, at which time he moved to Boone Township and settled on the same farm on which he now lives, in Section 1, which he purchased in the falll previous. He owns at present 200 acres of fine and well improved land, 160 acres of which lies in Boone Township, and 40 acres in Pulaski County. He had born to him five children, viz.: William, born July 8, 1848; Clarisa, born February 15, 1850; Margaret, born October 6, 1852; John, born March 4, 1855; Arabella, born March 20, 1858. Mr. Long and family are members of the Metodist Episcopal Church.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
HON. JAMES THOMAS, M. D., is a native of Baltimore, Md., where he was born December 4, 1828. His parents, John and Mary M. (Burtouline) Thomas, were natives of Maryland and France. The father, John Thomas, was born in Baltimore, Md., April 6, 1783. His parents, John and Eleanor Thornas, were natives of Wales and Scotland, and immigrated to the United States in an early day, settling at Baltimore, Md., where he engaged in the banking business and afterward resided until death. They were the parents of six children, of whom John, the father of our subject, was the eldest. He was educated at Baltimore, and for a number of years engaged in book-keeping there, but subsequently went to New Orleans, La.. where he engaged in the mercantile business, and was there united in marriage, September 26, 1806, to the above Mary M. Burtouline, who was born in France October 29, 1790, and was a daughter of Joseph and Eve Burtouline. After Mr. John Thomas was united in marriage, he subsequently moved to Baltimore, Md., where he resided until 1832, in which year he moved to Fayette County, Ind., where he purchased land and engaged in farming, and resided until 1840, when he moved to Wabash County, Ind., where he died December 3, 1864. His widow afterward made her home with her children until death, which occurred August 22, 1875. They were the parents of twelve children, viz.: Joseph B., John, Eleanor, Oliver W., Felix B., Rosetta, Elizabeth, James, Alexander, and three who died in infancy and not named. James, our subject, moved with his parents to Fayette County, Ind., and until his sixteenth year remained upon the farm with them, during which time he attended the district schools of the vicinity. He then attended the high scllools of Connersville, and in 1847 began reading medicine at Laurel, Franklin Co., Ind., under the instruction of Dr. William Kitchen, with whom he remained about two and a half years as a student. He then formed a partnership with Dr. Kitchen and engaged in the practice of medicine with him at that place about six months. He then went to Wabash County, Ind., where he opened up a practice, which he continued at that place about nine months. He then went to Winnimac, Ind., and formed a partnership with his brother, Dr. F. B. Thomas, and engaged in the practice of medicine at that place about four years. He was married near Royal Centre, Ind., May 24, 1857, to Rachel A,, daughter of Moses L. and Rachel Washburn. In February, 1858, Dr. Thomas moved to Royal Centre and resumed the practice of medicine, which he has since continued at that place. He lost his wife by death May 30, 1858, and he was again married, May 14, 1859, to Mary A. Kistler, by whom he had one child born to him, James, deceased. This wife died February 12, 1860. He then married his present wife, Elizabeth Lytle, on February 9, 1861, having born to him, by her, seven children, viz.: Mary (deceased), William, Laura, Ernest, James, and two who died in infancy and not named. Dr. Thomas is an intelligent, wide-awake and enterprising citizen, as well as a thorough medical scholar and a successful and eminent physician and surgeon. He is a member of the Cass County Medical Society, and also a member of the Grant County Medical Society. He was elected to the Legislature in 1882.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
WILLIAM A. THOMPSON was born in Sussex County, Del., June 13, 1827. His parents, James S. and Nancy (Short) Thompson, were also both natives of Sussex County, Del., and were born as follows: The father January 12, 1779, and the mother January 26, 1796. They were married in Sussex County. Del., and from thence, in 1840, moved to Cass County, Ind., where they afterward resided until death, which occurred as follows: The father died May 6, 1844, and the mother December 10, 1870. They were the parents of nine children, viz.: Paynter S., Mary, Isaac W., James H., William A., Nancy E., Nevina W., James H., and Winget C. William A., our subject, was married in Boone Tonlship, this county, August 24, 1856, to Sarah J., daughter of Truett and Lupinkster (Marvel) Thompson, and afterward settled upon the same farm on which he now resicles, a part of which he had purchased previously. He lost his wife by death March 13, 1873, having born to him, by her, ten children, viz.: Nancy E., William P., Sarah A., Utica L., Ida A., Mary, Joseph, John, Earnest and a son who died in infancy and not named. On June 27, 1874, Mr. Thompson married Alice B. Gardner (wife of James Gardner, deceased) and daughter of Solomon and Sarah Berkshire, by whom he has had born to him three children, viz.: Anson L., Guy E. and Gracie E. Mr. Thompson owns 120 acres of fine and well improved land. He and wife are members of the Dunkard Church.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
NELSON TOUSLEY, dealer in general merchandise and grain, Royal Centre, Ind., is a native of Putnam County, Ohio. His parents, Royal and Armina (Hubbard) Tousley, were natives of Vermont and Canada where they were born as follows: The father was born in Addison County, June 8, 1804, and the mother August 23, 1808. They were married in Ohio, December 24, 1833, after which they settled in Putnam County, where they resided until 1872, in which year they moved to California, where the father died February 12, 1874. The mother subsequently came to Royal Centre, Ind., where she died April 19, 1882. They were the parents of nine children, viz.: Polly, born December 28, 1834; Hannah, born September 30, 1836; Lewis, born January 13, 1839; Ann, born February 1, 1841; Thomas, born June 23, 1843; Martha, born July 29, 1846; James, born July 9, 1848; Harriet, born February 8, 1851, and Nelson, our subject, born January 4, 1854. In 1881 he came to Royal Centre, Ind., and began mercantile business, which he has continued, and since 1883 has dealt extensively in grain. He was married at Royal Centre, Ind., April 18, 1883, to Rachel C., daughter of Hiram and Maria (Carter) Harvey. She was born in Carroll County, Ind., April 14, 1864. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Tousley, viz.: Nellie, May 8, 1884; William L., November 21, 1887. Mr. Tousley is an enterprising and highly esteemed citizen, a wide-awake and accornmodating business man.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
DANIEL WEYAND, one of the old and highly esteemed pioneers of Cass County, Ind., is a native of Lebanon County, Penn., where he was born May 11, 1807. His parents, Henry and Elizabeth (Wiser) Weyand, were also both natives of Pennsylvania, where they were born as follows: The father in Berks County February 28, 1764, and the mother in Burks County September 6, 1767. They were married in Bucks County, and afterward settled in Lebanon County, where they resided until 1812, in which year they removed to Northumberland County, Penn., where they afterward resided unti1 their deaths. The father died November 20, 1822, and the mother died February 10, 1826. They were the parents of six children, viz.: John, Mary, Elizabeth, Peter, Jonathan and Daniel, our subject, the youngest member of the family, and the only one who now survives. He moved with his parents to Northumberland County, Penn., where he resided until his twenty-second year, when he went to Marion County, Ohio, where he entered land, and was there married, June 29, 1830, to Eliza, daughter of John and Martha (Sweeney) Beckley. She was born in Dauphin County, Penn., May 19, 1810. After Mr. Weyand's marriage he settled upon his land in Marion County, Ohio, where he resided until the spring of 1836, at which time he moved to Cass County, Ind., and settled upon a part of the same farm on which he now resides. He was among the early settlers of Cass County, and well understands the hardships and inconveniences of a pioneer life. He has had born to him eight children, viz.: Isaiah, born June 18, 1831; Israel, born November 13, 1833, and died September 8, 1881; Enoch B., born September 11, 1834; John H., born September 25, 1836; Simon P., born May 9, 1839; Isaac S., born March 21, 1841; George W., born January 31, 1844; Lucy, born June 20, 1847, and died August 2, 1847. Mr. Weyand is an enterprising citizen, well respected by all who know him. Has held many offices of trust, was for nine years trustee of Boone Township, was the first postmaster in Boone Township, held the office during the administrations of Harrison and Taylor, both for four years.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
GEORGE W. WEYAND, trustee of Boone Township, was born in Boone Township, Cass Co., Ind., January 31, 1841, and is a son of Daniel and Eliza (Beckley) Weyand. He enlisted in the service of his country November 23, 1863, in Company F, Twentieth Indiana Volunteers, and served and July 12, 1865, when he was discharged and returned home. He was married in Boone Township, this county, December 30, 1867, to Mina, daughter of Lewis and Elizabeth (Benadum) Kramer, and soon settled upon the same farm on which he at present resides. He owns 108 acres of fine and highly improved land. Mr. Weyand has had born to him five children, viz.: Delina A., born June 20, 1869, and died March 9, 1874; Lizzie M., born August 25, 1870, and died March 18, 1874; Morris A., born December 20, 1872; Addie B., born February 23, 1874, and Aaron H., born July 31, 1875. Mr. Weyand was elected trustee of Boone Township in 1884, and re-elected in 1886.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
HENRY WIRWAHN, is a native of Prussia, Germany, and was born April 3, 1812. His parents, Henry and Catherine (Dornsef) Wirwahn, were also both natives of Prussia, Germany, and were born as follows: The father in the year 1784, and the mother in 1774. They were married in the same kingdom, in the year 1801, and resided there until their deaths, which occurred as follows: The mother died in the year 1840, and the father in 1855. They were the parents of seven children, viz.: John, Catherine, Henry, Andrew, Frederick, William and Conrad. Henry, our subject, was married in Germany in June, 1840, to Elizabeth Shaffer, who was born March 12, 1814. In 1842, Mr. Wirwahn, our subject, immigrated to the United States, landing at New York City on August 7 of that year, having started from Germany June 7 previous. Soon after his arrival at New York he went to Buffalo, where he engaged in shoemaking, having learned the tracle in Germany, which he followed for a number of years. In June, 1844, he immigrated to Cass County, Ind., and settled in Boone Township, where he has resided since. He landed in Cass County, with a wife and two children, with the small sum of $2.50, and with well directed industry and energy he managed to support his family, and accumulate little by little until, in 1846, he purchased forty acres of land in Section 9, Boone Township, for which he paid $103. He erected on it a small log cabin, to which he moved and began to subdue and improve his wild land, which was then a dense forest of heavy timber and underbrush. He subsequently entered forty acres more of land adjoining it, which he also improved, and in all made one of the finest farms in Boone Township, upon which he resided until 1875, when he moved to Royal Centre, Ind., where he has since lived. His wife died October 17, 1877, having borne to him seven children, viz.: John, Susan (deceased), Henry, Andrew, Amos (deceased), Pauline and Christopher. Mr. Wirwahn is a highly esteemed citizen. He is a member of the German Lutheran Church.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township
AMOS WISELEY, an old and highly esteemed pioneer of Cass County, is a native of Fairfield County, Ohio, where he as born September 30, 1813. His parents, Edward and Leah (Tomlinson) Wiseley, were both natives of Pennsylvania, and from thence immigrated to Fairfield County, Ohio, in the year 1800, where they were united in marriage and afterward resifed until their deaths. They eere the parents of fifteen children, viz.: William, Jesse, Rachel, Mary, Amos, Phebe, Henry, Sarah, Elizabeth, Malinda, Leah, Rhoda, Harriet, Neoma and Isaac N. Amos, our subject, was united in marriage, in Fairfield County, Ohio, August 28, 1846, to Elizabeth, daughter of Abraham and Elizabeth (Muck) Eversole. She was born in Fairfield County, Ohio, July 15, 1824. In September, 1846, Mr. Amos Wiseley immigrated to Cass County, Ind., and settled first upon land in Section 5, Boone Township, which was then owned by Henry Wiseley. He resided here unti1 he erected a house, which consisted of hewed logs, on his own land, in Section 4, Boone Township, which he had entered previously; here he then settled and has resided since. He has had born to him five children, viz.: Leah L. M., born October 3, 1847, and died February 13, 1853; Isaac N., born June 15, 1849, and died October 28, 1866; Elizabeth, born December 15, 1850, and died November 29, 1866; Henry, born July 22, 1853, and died November 3, 1866; William E., born September 23, 1862.
”History of Cass County, Indiana”
Edited by Thomas B. Helm
Brant & Fuller, Chicago, 1886
Boone Township