JAMES CLARK, Randolph Township, one of the typical pioneers of Ohio County, was born in Virginia in 1810. He is a son of Robert Clark, who came to this part of the country with his brother, Isaac Clark, and was accidentally drowned in the Ohio River between Cincinnati and Rising Sun, leaving a wife and four children; our subject, James being the eldest. His mother passed away soon after his father’s death, and he was reared by his uncle, Isaac. The latter was also born in Virginia, and married there. He came West and located for a short time in Ohio, and in 1814, settled in this county, entering the quarter-section of land now owned by William Stopher. James Clark remained with his uncle till twenty-five years of age. He soon after purchased a portion of his present farm, which now comprises 130 acres, and here he has ever since resided. The land on which he now lives was entered by
John Dixon about 1816, and the log-house, in which Mr. Clark now lives, was built by Mr. Dixon about 1817-18. Mr. Clark has always engaged in farming. He married Nancy Dixon in 1835. She was a native of Ohio, and daughter of John and Elizabeth (Garrison) Dixon, who settled in this county as stated above, and reared a large family, his eldest daughter, Tamson (who afterward married John Hunter), said to have been the third child born in Cincinnati. Her father was a soldier of the Revolution, going into that war at the age of sixteen. He also assisted in erecting Fort Washington at Cincinnati, when that locality was yet a wilderness. To Mr. and Mrs. Clark were born five children: Mary, wife of Thomas Jackson; William D.,; Ellen; Lavina, wife of John t. Johnson, residents of Harvey County, Kas., and Sarah J., deceased wife of William L. Monroe. Mrs. Clark departed this life April 6, 1881, in her seventy-fourth year, having been married almost
fifty years. Mr. Clark is still living, and for one of his years is well preserved. He remembers distinctly when the wolves, deer and bears thickly infested this locality, which he has done his full share toward redeeming form its native wildness.
Submitted by: Phyllis Fleming
History of Dearborn and Ohio Counties, Indiana. Chicago: F. E. Weakley & Co., Publ, 1885