Judge of the Appellate Court of Indiana, representing the Fourth Judicial District, was born January 15, 1851, in Jay County, Indiana, son of Jeremiah Lotz and Melissa A. Lotz. The father, whose birth occurred December, 1824, in Gallia County, Ohio, is a son of Abraham Lotz, who left the Buckeye state as early as the year 1830, immigrating to Indiana and locating in the county of Jay. For a number of years Jeremiah Lotz followed the farmer's vocation, but subsequently, about 1863, entered the Internal Revenue Service of the United States, with which he is still identified, being the oldest living official in that department of the government. His wife, whom he married about the year 1845, and whose maiden name was Melissa A. Schutt, was born of German and French parentage and departed this life in the year 1877 in Randolph County. Orlando J. Lotz spent his youthful years amid the active duties of the farm, received his rudimentary education in the common schools, and later pursued the more advanced branches of learning in the high school of Fort Recovery, Ohio. Subsequently, he was engaged, for a limited period, as a teacher, but having early chosen the legal profession for his life work, he began the study of law in 1837. Having gained a knowledge of the principles of his profession, Mr. Lotz entered the National Law school of Washington, D. C., in which he completed his prescribed course, graduating in 1874, and the following year began the practice in Muncie, Indiana From the beginning of his professional life Mr. Lots exhibited a high order of talent, and won for himself the reputation of an able and successful lawyer.
In March, 1885, upon the creation of the Forty-sixth judicial circuit, Mr. Lotz was appointed judge of the same, and at the ensuing election, in 1886, was duly chosen his own successor by the direct vote of the people. He adorned the circuit bench for a period of seven years and eight months at the end of which time he was called to a higher position of usefulness, being elected, in 1892, judge of the appellate court of Indiana from the Fourth judicial district. As a lawyer, Judge Lotz is studious, careful and judicious in the preparation of legal papers, and painstaking and thorough in their presentation to the court. He was successful in the practice and came to the bench with the knowledge that fitted him for a good judge. Few judges of his age have acquired so high a reputation for soundness in the knowledge of the law, and for careful application of principles in the investigation and determination of questions submitted for this disposal. Always ready in grasping facts pertinent to the issues involved, and fortified by his convictions of right, he seldom committed errors of sufficient import to justify reversal at the hands of the supreme court. As the outgrowth of his legal acumen and power of analysis, he came upon the bench at a comparatively early age, and, leaving that position with well earned judicial honors, it is but reasonable to predict for him a career of distinction as a member of the high tribunal to which he has so recently been called. Eminently popular in the profession, Judge Lotz is equal so as a man and citizen, and is held in great esteem by his fellow citizens. Politically, he is a democrat, and as such is recognized as a potent factor in the councils of his party in Indiana.
Judge Lotz was united in marriage May 16, 1878, in Muncie, to Miss Amanda Inlow, daughter of Walter and Rachael Inlow, residents of Delaware county; one child has been born of this marriage, a son, Walter J. Lotz.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
Otis Edgington, secretary and treasurer of the Props-Dunn Motor Company, dealers in automobiles, Muncie, is a native son of Delaware County, a member of one of the old families of this county, and has lived here all his life, a resident of Muncie since 1915. Mr. Edgington was born in the historic old river village of Granville on April 2, 1869, and is a son of William and Cornelia (Sloniker) Edgington, the latter of whom also was born in this county, a member of the pioneer Sloniker family that found settlement in this county in the '30s of the past century. The first of the Slonikers in this country came from Holland and the family was established in Pennsylvania, whence the local branch of the family came into Indiana out of Ohio. The Edgingtons are of English-Welsh stock and became established in Ohio out of North Carolina. William Edgington was born in Adams County, Ohio, and came into Indiana in 1865, locating at Granville, where after his marriage he established his home and became engaged in mercantile business. Otis Edgington supplemented the schooling received in the public schools of this county by a course in the Central Indiana Normal School at Danville and then became engaged as a teacher in the schools at Eaton. He presently became engaged as a bookkeeper in the Eaton State Bank and from there went into the offices of the Western Flint Glass Company at Eaton and was thus engaged for about ten years, or until in 1915, when he became connected with the organization of the Props-Dunn Motor Company at Muncie, was elected secretary-treasurer of that company, and has since been engaged in business here in that capacity, office manager of this concern at 110-114 East Gilbert street. Mr. Edgington is a Democrat. He is a Scottish Rite (32nd degree) Mason and is also affiliated with the Improved Order of Red Men. On October 15, 1892, Otis Edgington was united in marriage to Lucy V. Dragoo, who also was born in this county, daughter of John and Rhoda (Long) Dragoo, and a member of the pioneer Dragoo family in this county, and to this union have been born two sons, twins, Eugene and Glen Edgington. Mr. and Mrs. Edgington are members of the Methodist Episcopal church at Eaton.
From Heimbaugh Vol II
OTTO M. SHARP, a prominent businessman in the hardware line at Eaton, Delaware County, Indiana, and a member of the late prosperous firm of Sharp & Shirley, was born at new Corner, Delaware County, Indiana, January 24, 1856, a son of Thompson Sharp and Christina (Bowers) Sharp, whose biography appears in another part of this volume.
Mr. Sharp was reared on a farm and received the advantages of the public school, later attending three terms at the Ladoga Normal School. He then engaged in teaching and followed that profession, very successfully, in this county for seven successive terms, after which he bought a farm of eighty-two acres in Washington Township, which he cultivated for eight years. Leaving the farm, Mr. Sharp moved into Eaton, where he engaged in the hardware business with D. W. Younts, which partnership lasted but a month, and subsequently he effected a co-partnership with L: E. Shirey, with whom he continued in business until April, 1893. This firm did a large and lucrative trade in all kinds of hardware, implements, paints, oils, crockery, china, pumps, etc.
Mr. Sharp was married in Centre Township, December 4, 1881, to Miss Kate C. Stradling, who was born in Centre Township, a daughter of William Stradling, a biography of whom appears in this volume. Five children have been born of this marriage: Edna, Leda H., Albert, Hilda and
Ina. Politically, Mr. Sharp is a republican and is regarded as an important factor in his party in this county. He is considered one of the leading businessmen of the town and owns considerable property in the place. He is progressive and alert, and always is ready to look with favor upon any project, which seems to promise benefit to the town, and is an earnest advocate and liberal patron of all movements having for their object the public good. Mr. Sharp is now engaged in the lime and cement business, and contemplates farming for some time in the future.
A. W. Bowen & Co
Kelly Runyon-Bragg
Parker Moore, one of the oldest and most respected agriculturists of Centre township, Delaware county, Ind., deserves to the full a brief notice among those other worthies of the township of whom mention is made in these pages. He was born Feb 28, 1826, in Scioto county, Ohio. His father, Lewis Moore, was born in Pennsylvania January 4, 1797, and on the 4th day of January, 1816, married Patience Truitt, a native of Armstrong county, Pa., then residing in Scioto county, Ohio. They were the parents of ten children, namely: Nancy, Aaron, Amanda, Rhoda, Parker, John, Lewis, Sarah, Mary and Patience, of whom Nancy, Aaron and John are deceased. The father was a farmer, and followed that occupation during life. He sometimes built flat boats while living in Ohio, and loading them with produce, sold it to towns along the river. He came with his family to Delaware county, Ind., in 1829, and entered land in Centre township, where he claimed and proved a farm. He died November 20, 1841. His wife died September 22, 1874.
Parker Moore was but three years of age when he came to this country (sic), and grew up with but very limited educational advantages. At the age of twenty-three years he married Miss Martha, daughter of John and Harriet Smith, who died December 10, 1871, leaving four children - Caroline, William R., George W. and Parker T. August 8, 1872, he was united in marriage with Mrs. Christina, daughter of Gilpin E. Cook, and widow of the late Andrew N.Ribble, of this county. Her parents came to Delaware country in 1846, where the mother died in 1854. The father then moved to Blackford county, Ind., where he was engaged in milling operations until his death, which occurred in 1861. Mrs. Moore died July 17, 1876. April 16, 1887, Mr. Moore was wedded to his present companion, Miss Mary Cook, of this county, and the daughter of Gilpin and Sarah (Bush) Cook, who were natives of Pennsylvania and who are both now deceased. Mr. Moore is one of the representative men of this township and occupies the old homestead farm. He is a successful farmer and an active friend to public improvements and the cause of education. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and they enjoy the good will of all who know them. He is one of the earnest republicans of this county and has been voting that ticket since the organization of the party in 1854.
Sent in by Shirley Baston Pierce
Treasurer of Muncie, Indiana, is a well-known resident and one of her most esteemed citizens. He was born in Adams County, Ohio, April 4, 1855, son of Ebenezer B. and Catherine M. (Nesbit) Williams, who removed from Ohio to Grant County, Indiana, in 1855. The father was a carpenter by trade, politically a Democrat and served as a justice of the Peace in Grant County for many years. He and wife were both members of the Christian Church, and both passed their last days in Grant County.
James S. Williams is the third in a family of six children and was educated in the schools of Lebanon, attending the National Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio, and also the schools at Marion, Indiana, after which he engaged in teaching school in Grant and Tipton counties for several years. During this time he was unfortunately sun struck, and after recovering from this serious misfortune, found himself unable to accomplish anything in the way of employment, which would necessitate any hard labor, hence he learned the barber business. This he followed until August 1881, when he came to Muncie, Indiana, and opened up a barber business, so continuing until 1891, when he was elected on the Democratic ticket to his present responsible office. He is a prominent member of the I. O. O. F. and of the Citizens Enterprise Company.
Mr. Williams was married, in 1882, to Miss Martha A. Randall, daughter of Joseph Randall, of Muncie, and is the father of one little daughter, Blanche. He and wife are active members of the Central Christian Church, in which he is a deacon and has served as superintendent of the Sunday school. The family possesses the regard and esteem of the entire community.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
Celebrates the 81st Anniversary of Her Removal to Muncie Today
Eight-one years ago today, Mrs. Jane Patterson came to Muncie with her parents for the southern part of the State. Mrs. Patterson is 87 years old, who has been living in Portland for some time but is in Muncie today the guest of her son, County Clerk Robert I. Patterson and other relatives. She is accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. John S. Martin, of Portland. Mrs. Patterson despite her age, possesses an unusually good memory and talks interestingly of the time she came to Muncie, and of the place at that time, in 1820. There were perhaps a half dozen log huts near where the city is now located and there were plenty of Indians here at that time, there being a large tribe located on the present site of Whitely. She explained the manner in which the redskins sold "firewater," and traded horses. They were not troublesome, except when inebriated. Mrs. Patterson well remembers when the Indians were driven from this part of the State and they afterwards located and settled in Miami county. They were known as the tribe of Miamis and some of them were reputed to have been wealthy. There were no brick nor frame buildings; no churches nor Jail.There were many settlers coming and going. The manner in which the settlement grew into a hamlet, then a village, another transformation into a good sized town and then into a city, is remarkable in the opinion of the aged woman, who has witnessed the growth of Muncie since before it possessed a name. Mrs. Patterson recalls the building of the first church, store, blacksmithshop (sic) and, in fact, the first industry of any kind. She recalls the building of the early day railways in this State, and of the improvements made on them later.
Source: The Press, Muncie, Indiana
Saturday, July 6, 1907
Sent in by Shirley Baston Pierce
JOSIAH FERGUSON is a native of Southampton County, Virginia, and the youngest of six children of William and Mary (Glovier) Ferguson, as follows: Nancy, Drew, Lydia, Tabitha, Jane, and Josiah. But little is known of the history of his ancestors, the father dying when Josiah was but ten years of age, leaving him to the care of his aged mother and sisters. The family left their native state and emigrated westward to Ohio about the year 1834. The journey through a sparsely settled country was an undertaking of no little magnitude, and Josiah and his sisters were compelled to traverse the greater part of the distancse to their new home on foot. After comsuming about five weeks on the road, the family reached Clinton County, Ohio, and settled in a comparative wilderness, where Mr. Ferguson began clearing a farm. He possessed a strong rugged nature, and it is stated that he became one of the strongest and most able bodied men in the community where he resided. He worked early and late, and was a true type of those hardy pioneers through whose efforts civilization was introduced into the great states of Ohio and Indiana. In 1848 Mr. Ferguson came to Delaware County, Indiana and purchases a small tract of land in Harrison township, and at once went to work with his characteristic energy to make it habitable for his family. In 1856 he embarked in business in what is now known as the village of Gaston, which venture proved unsuccessful, and he returned to his farm, where, until the close of his life, he devoted his attention, exclusively, to the pursuits of agriculture. A few months previous to his death he suffered a stroke of paralysis, from the effects of which he never entirely recovered. The infirmities of age, together with the ailment mentioned, brought on the disease which ended his life; he died on the 30th day of October, 1891, aged seventy-five years, nine months, and sixteen days. Susan Ferguson, wife of Josiah Ferguson, was born in Northampton County, North Carolina, June 9, 1823, and was the daughter of Josiah [Joseph] Oliver and Tabitha. From the best information obtainable, her ancestors came from the British Isles and settled in North Carolina, at a period ante-dating the Revolutionary struggle. Her father, Josiah [Joseph] Oliver, was born 1782, married in 1807, Sallie Nelson, who became the mother of two children; Charlotte and Zachariah. Zachariah died early in life, but Charlotte became the wife of Drewry Ferguson, who in later years located in Grant County, Indiana. After the death of his first wife Josiah [Joseph] Oliver married Tabitha Thorpe, who bore him the following children: Joseph, John, Charity, William, James, Susan, Evart, Edmund, Mary, Thomas [Amos], and Benjamin Oliver. In 1833 Mr. Oliver met with the loss of his second wife, and a short time after that event removed to Ohio with his large family. At that time Susan Oliver was eleven years of age, and of the party she was one of the gayest, and she stood the trip remarkably well considering her youth, as the trip had to be made on foot, a distance of over 500 miles. It was while on this journey she first met Mr. Ferguson, who a few years later became her husband. He was then with a number of friends seeking a new home in the western country.
Josiah Ferguson and Susan Oliver were married in 1838. Being in very poor circimstances, they were obliged to encounter the vicissitudes of life in the best way possible, and he soon found employment in the family of Mr. Edward Thorpe. As soon as sufficient money could be procured, Mr. Ferguson procured the necessary household effects and farm implements, rented a place and began housekeeping. After leasing and clearing a considerable farm in Ohio, he concluded to better his condition by emigrating further westward; accordingly in 1848 the family removed to Delaware County, Indiana.
This country was at that time quite new, deer and wolves moved unmolested through the thick forests, and life in the woods had many hardships and obstacles for the pioneer family. It was in the Fall of 1848 that the new house was reached, and Mrs. Ferguson, who still survives to tell the story of those stirring times, recalls with pleasure the many meals she cooked in the hollow stumps and the many days and nights of toil spent with her husband in battling with adverse circumstances. Mrs. Ferguson has reached the good old age of seventy years. Sixteen children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson, namely: Lucinda, Elizabeth, Jane, George, Ruth, Mary, Rhoda, Emma, Lydia, John, Silas, Daniel, infant son, Caroline, Josiah, and Joshua. Of the above, death has claimed Elizabeth, Jane, George, Rhoda, Emma, Lydia, John, and Caroline and the infant, which died without being named.
[note: According to Thompson cemetery in Delaware County, the above named infant, was actually named David. He was a twin
brother to Daniel, and was born and died on the same day, 18 January 1861.]
History of Delaware and Randolph Counties, Indiana, 1894
page 798 Washington township
Contributed by Linda Chan
John C Dunn a highly respected citizen of Washington Township, was born in Blackford County, Indiana, August 28, 1840, and is the son of Thomas and Sarah (Reasoner) Dunn, the father having been born in Pennsylvania in 1812, and the mother in Ohio in 1815. Thomas Dunn immigrated with his parents to Virginia when a boy, remained there a short time, and accompanied them to Henry County, Indiana He lived with his parents until he was of age, and then learned the carpenter's trade. About this time, he entered eighty acres of land in Washington Township, Delaware County, which he afterward traded for another eighty acres in the same township, in section 10. This was about the year 1842. In 1865, he bought the Cumberland mills in Grant County, and operated them until the time of his death, which occurred in November 1881. This enterprising man also owned an interest in the Elizabeth mills in Washington Township, now operated by his son, John C. He likewise owned eighty acres of land in Jefferson Township, Grant County, and forty acres in Washington Township, Delaware County. This property was cleared by his own industry and good management. He filled the office of township trustee for sixteen years, and took a very active part in politics, always supporting the republican ticket. He and his wife were members of the Presbyterian Church, in which faith she lived and died in 1890.
John C. Dunn's boyhood days were spent upon the farm, where he acquired a thorough knowledge of farming. He enlisted in 1862 in the Eighty-fourth Indiana Infantry for three years, or during the war, all of which time he served except one month, taking part in the Atlanta campaign, and was in the following battles: Buzzard's Roost, Pulaski, Duck River, Franklin and Nashville. In the last named battle, he was wounded in the knee by a minie ball, and was in the hospital for five days. He was mustered out in June 1865, having served throughout the entire war. He has never made application for a pension. Upon his return, home he worked for his father one year in the mills, and then traveled for a few months in Iowa and Illinois and the northern part of this state.
Mr. Dunn was married May 19, 1870, to Sarah Horner, born in Darke county, Ohio, in 1843, daughter of Andrew and Nancy (Walker) Horner, natives of Pennsylvania. Her father was a farmer of Grant County; Indiana Mrs. Dunn died February 22, 1891, and was buried in Elizabethtown Cemetery. She was the mother of one child, Della, wife of William R. Janney, a farmer of this township. Mr. Dunn married again October 25, 1892, the maiden name of his wife being Clara E. Irwin, born in Clinton county, Ohio, October 30, 1852. She is the daughter of Joseph and Nancy (Killian) Irvin, the father having been born February 24, 1817, in Fayette county, Ohio, and the mother in Clinton county, Ohio, April 11, 1825. The father was a cabinetmaker, and followed that trade all his life. In the year 1856, he settled at Atlanta, Logan County, Illinois, where he remained until his, death, which occurred December 22, 1888. He was an active member of the Christian Church, and was the deacon in that body for years. Mr. Irvin was a strong supporter of the Republican Party. His widow is living with her daughter, Mrs. Dunn.
J. C. Dunn is a deacon in the Presbyterian Church, and his wife is a member of the Christian church. In politics, he is a republican, and always takes a lively interest in elections. Mr. Dunn has been in the milling business since 1866; first in Cumberland, and then in the Elizabeth mills; being now owner of the latter, and doing an excellent business. He also owns a store at that place, where he sells all kinds of merchandise. In addition to this property, he owns fifteen acres of land adjoining the mills, and is in very prosperous circumstances.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
JOHN D. ALLAN, secretary and treasurer of the Silverfild Company of Muncie, manufacturers and jobbers of table silverware, is a native of Scotland but has been a resident of this country for thirty years and more and of Muncie for the past twelve years. Mr. Allan grew up in Scotland. In 1893 he came to the United States and after a sometime residence in New York City, moved to Chicago, where he became engaged in the silverware business, establishing there a manufacturing concern which was developed into the present Silverfild Company. Mr. Allan is a Knight Templar Mason and he and his wife are members of the Presbyterian church. In 1898, at Chicago, Ill., John D. Allan was united in marriage to Jeannette Watt, daughter of Hugh Watt, and to this union three children have been born, Jeannette, John and Margaret, the former of whom is now a teacher in Wilson high school at Muncie. The son is a student at Depauw university and the younger daughter is a senior in Muncie high school.
History of Delaware County - Heimbaugh Volume II
Shirley Baston
John CRUM Sr. b. abt. 1782 Penn. According to family tradition told through the ages, John Sr. was stolen by the Indians as a small child and kept until the age of 12. According to the terms of the Greenville Treaty 3 Aug 1795 Article II "All prisoners shall on both sides be restored." It goes on to say "the people of the United States, still remaining prisoners among the Indians, shall be delivered up in ninety days from the date hereof, to the general or commanding officer at Greenville, Fort Wayne or Fort Defiance; and ten chiefs of the said tribes shall remain at Greenville as hostages, until the delivery of the prisoners shall be effected." During those tender years, John was raised and loved by an old Indian couple as their own child. Complying with the terms of the treaty they brought him back to his parents but John refused to stay. He ran away returning to his adopted Indian parents staying a short time longer with them. Once again the old Indian couple delivered him to his birth parents, his age now about 13. On this occasion his father gave him a rifle to induce him to stay with them. the next day John was missing again and his parents thought he had returned once more to be with his Indian family. They set out in search of him and found him up a small branch. John had killed a deer with his rifle and was roasting the venison over a small fire. His newly acquired gun was leaning against a nearby tree. John Sr. used to tell the story about how he and his Indian playmates would steal beeswax, from storage, to chew. John would always be the one punished for the deed because of tell tale teeth marks left in the remaining wax. His upper teeth were broad with a wide gap between the two front teeth (a trait still carried by present descendants) and the Indian children all had small, narrow upper teeth with no gap. When John figured out just how the Indians knew he was also a culprit, he solved the problem by biting only with his lower teeth which were narrow and smaller in size, comparable to the same size and shape of the Indian children's teeth. As of that time the Indian children were punished for sneaking bites of the treasured bees wax, as verified by the remaining evidence of the smaller teeth marks left in the wax. John CRUM Sr. m. 10 Apr 1806 Greene Co. Ohio to Mary LEE Their ch. were (1) William CRUM b. 1809 d. 9 Mar 1889 Calif. m. 3 Jun 1838 St. Joseph Co. IN to Ann RADABAUGH. They had one ch. 1.Mary Elizabeth CRUM who m. Christian HOLLER, Jr. (2) John CRUM Jr. b. 1810 Ohio d. 15 Apr 1892 m. three times (3) Steven CRUM b. abt 1 Sep 1811 Greene Co. Ohio d.16 Jan 1892 Crums Point (Now Crumstown named for the CRUM family) St. Joseph Co. IN m. 26 Oct 1833 Mahala BERRY Delaware Co., IN. They settled in St. Joseph Co. & had ch. 1.Rachel Ann 2.Rebecca M. who m. Charles Franklin PARTRIDGE; 3.Mary Ellen who m. Levi Sydney STOMBAUGH; 4.Martha Jane 5.Cornelia; 6.Elizabeth Catherine; 7.William B.; 8. Nathaniel H. who m. Hannah Jane WHITING; 9.Hannah C.; 10.Percilla Amelia who m. Franklin Pierce HAY & 11.Olive Mahala CRUM who m. John CUSTER. Some descendants still live in St. Joseph Co. (4) (4) Catherine CRUM (twin) b. abt. 1813 Ohio d. 1895 m. 22 Oct 1829 Fayette Co. Ind. to Isaac M. Smith They had ch. 1.Mary; 2.James; 3.Rachel; 4.Elias M.; 5.Robert A. 6.Sarah E.; 7.Alpheus N.; 8.Isaac M. Jr.; 9.Nancy K. Smith. (5) Mary CRUM (twin) who m. 30 Oct 1828 Delaware Co. to James GARNER. Nothing is known about the GARNER family. (6) Peter CRUM b. abt. 1815 Ohio d. bef. 31 Mar 1890 m. 3 Nov 1833 Cass Co. Mich. to Nancy RUNYAN. They had ch. 1.Mahala (Hale) who m. 1st. George SWANGER m. 2nd. James Wendel SMITH; 2.Benjamin F. who m. Mary ...; 3.William H. who m. R. ...; 4. John W. who m. Frances ...; 5.Peter J.; 6.Maria CRUM. They lived in St. Joseph Co. IN then went to the Dakota Territory. Mary Lee CRUM must have died sometime after Peter was born. John CRUM Sr. m. 2nd. Rachel Andrews NAPP 26 Nov 1815 Butler Co. Ohio. Rachel Andrews, dau. of James & Martha ANDREWS m. 1st. Feb 1804 Belmont Co. Ohio to Moses NAPP. Children of Rachel ANDREWS & Moses NAPP/KNAPP are unknown. No children known for John CRUM Sr. and Rachel ANDREWS NAPP. John CRUM Sr. entered land in Delaware Co. in 1827 and was soon followed by his sister, Rebecca CRUM MANSFIELD GOBLE In 1829. Twice a widow, Rebecca d. 1833 & is buried in the MANSFIELD Cem. Delaware Co. IN. John and Rachel CRUM were living June 1850 in the household of John CRUM Jr., Harrison Township., Delaware Co. Ind.
Sent in by Kelly Runyon-Bragg
John Dunn a prominent and popular citizen of Washington Township, was born in Monroe County, Ohio, August 26, 1829. He is the son of John and Cathander (Knight) Dunn. The father was born in 1775, in Monongalia county, Virginia, and the mother in Monroe county, Ohio. John Dunn went to Monroe County, when a young man, and remained there until his marriage. Following this event he engaged in farming, and pursued that occupation in Ohio until 1832, at which date he came to Delaware county, Indiana, locating in Washington township, on 160 acres of land, in section 15. He afterward bought 24 acres, but remained on the first purchase until his death, which occurred in 1865. His wife died in 1863, both being members of the Baptist church. The father was a democrat until 1856, and then he became a republican.
John Dunn remained obedient to his parents until he was twenty-one, and then rented his father's farm until the death of the latter, when he inherited eighty acres, and bought an adjoining eighty acres, living upon this land for ten or twelve years, and then bought too acres of his present farm in section to, Washington township. At the present time, he owns eighty acres in section 15, and 28o in section to, upon which he has erected one of the handsomest residences in the township.
Mr. Dunn was married September 3, 1854, to Sarepta Littler, born February 24, 1843; in Grant County, Indiana, She was the daughter of Thomas and Susan (Fry) Littler. Her father was born in Hardy county (now W. Virginia), in 1802, and her mother in the same county in 1805. The father removed to Grant County, Indiana, with his wife, in 1829, and entered 120 acres of land, afterward buying 138 acres more. Mrs. Littler died in 1869, and her husband in 1883. They were members of the Methodist church, and were worthy and greatly respected people.
To Mr. and Mrs. Dunn were born the following children: Rosetta, wife of John Dorton, a farmer of this township; Sylvester, married Angeline Richards, living in Jefferson township, Grant county, a farmer; Thomas L., at home; Alma Amanda, wife of Henry Dooling, of Grant county; Emma May, at home. Mrs. Dunn died August 27, 1893, and her remains rest in New Cumberland Cemetery. Mr. Dunn is a firm believer in the teachings of the Democratic Party, and gives it a hearty support at every election.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
John CRUM Jr. b. 1810 in Ohio when the woods were full of Indians. d. 15 Apr 1892 Harrison Township. Delaware Co. residing for over 50 years on the same farm where he died, son of John CRUM Sr. & Mary LEE. John CRUM Jr. m. 1st. 4 Mar 1830 Delaware Co. to Ruth SIMMONS b. 1815 Ohio d. bef. Aug 1837 Delaware Co., dau. of Peter SIMMONS & Rachel Mills. The ch. of John and Ruth SIMMONS CRUM were (1) William Riley CRUM b. abt. 1831 d. 14 Sep 1862 m. 24 May 1850 to Martha Ann SMITH. (2) Peter CRUM b. 1832 d. 23 Sep 1863 1. 8 Feb 1852 to Lucretia THORNBURG. (3) A male child b. abt. 1833 & d. bet. 1850. (4) Mary Jane CRUM b. 11 May 1835 d. 9 Jul 1919 m. 23 Mar 1853 to James C. VANBUSKIRK. After Ruth SIMMONS CRUM died, John CRUM m. 2nd. 20 Oct 1839 Delaware Co. to Lydia A. ODOM. It is not known if this was the only marriage for Lydia. She was born 20 Jan 1849 in Delaware Co. The only know child of this marriage was 1.Ruth CRUM b. abt. 1846 Harrison Township. Delaware Co. d. bet. Aug 1864. She m. 19 Mar 1863 Delaware Co. to Ephraim R. BLUNT. John CRUM m. 3rd. 30 Oct 1853 Delaware Co. to Deborah HUFFORD who d. aft. 9 Oct 1893. John & Deborah HUFFORD CRUM had ch. (1) Samuel Daniel CRUM b. Apr 1854 d. alter 1920 m. 5 Oct 1880 to Henrietta Ann (Retta) CAPLINGER. (2) Sarah Ellen CRUM b. abt. Dec 1861 Harrison Township. Delaware Co. d. 9 Nov 1901 of consumption near Selma, Liberty Township. Delaware Co. Sarah Ellen CRUM m. 13 Sep 1878 Delaware Co. to Charles I. OVERHOLT. They had a son 1.John OVERHOLT. (3) Cynthia Ann CRUM b. 17 Aug 1863 4. 13 Dec 1943 m. 23 Mar 1853 to Volney GIBSON. John CRUM was hailed by friends and neighbors as 'Uncle Johnny'. He owned land in Salem Township. as well as in Harrison Township. and Monroe Township. by 1842. He kept beehives and handled bees as well as being a capable farmer all of his life providing for the welfare and comfort of his family. Johns' education consisted of the 3 R's. He was guardian of the children of his deceased son, Peter, he handled many legal matters by virtue of the court system for the benefit of his family throughout the course of his long lifetime. If we could just tap the memories our lives would be endowed.
Sent in by Kelly Runyon-Bragg
Is a native of Licking County, Ohio, and dates his birth from the year 1832. His parents, Adam Losh and Elizabeth (Minick) Losh, were born in Northumberland County Pa., and in an early day emigrated to Ohio, settling in Licking County about 1830, where the father followed the trade of carpentering for a period of twelve years, moving, at the end of that time, to Delaware County, Indiana, where, in addition to his chosen calling, he was for sometime engaged in agricultural pursuits. After a residence of twenty-five years in this part of the state, he removed to the county of. Wayne, Illinois, where he engaged in farming and where his and his wife's deaths subsequently occurred.
John Losh passed his youth on his father's farm, with the rugged usages of which he early became familiar, and left the parental roof at the age of eighteen and found employment on a farm in Licking County, Ohio, and lived in that part of the state until his removal to Clermont county, Ohio, where be remained for a period of three years. Going thence to Lima, Ohio, he found employment at various occupations, and subsequently removed to Delaware county, Indiana, locating, in Washington township where he engaged in farming. In February 1865, he entered the army, enlisting for one year, or during the war, in, company D, Forty?seventh Indiana volunteer infantry, With which he served until honorably discharged August 4th of the same year. Although to the front but a short time, he experienced; in all of its reality, many of the vicissitudes of war, having undergone some very hard service, at one time being compelled to go seven days without food, the effect of which was to render him greatly disabled. From ailments contracted while in the army, he has never entirely recovered, and like many other brave men who went forth to do battle for the national Union, he is now remembered by a grateful country with a liberal pension of $30 per month.
On leaving the army, Mr. Losh returned to Indiana and engaged in blacksmithing at New Corner, the present sight of Gaston, Washington Township, where he carried on the trade successfully until about 1880. During the succeeding four years he was employed in carrying the mail between different points, but for some time has been living a retired life in Camack Station, Mount Pleasant township, where he owns a pleasant home, in which his declining years are being spent in quiet and content. Mrs. Losh was born in Trumbull county, Ohio, in the year 1829, and is the mother of the following children: Andrew, Joseph and Noah Losh. Religiously, Mr. Losh is a member of the church known as the Christian Connection, while the United Brethren denomination represents the creed in which Mrs.. Losh is a firm believer. In politics, Mr. Losh supports the principles of the Republican Party, but has never been a partisan in the sense of seeking official position. He belongs to that large and eminently respectable class of people who by their actions, rather than by loud professions, have been such important factors in building up and maintaining the well being of the community.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
JOHN LOSH (deceased) was born in Northumberland county, PA., June 18, 1819, the son of John and Susannah Losh, parents both natives of the same state. John Losh was reared a farmer and came to Delaware county in 1855, and purchased the farm still in possession of the family, upon which he resided until his death. He was married November 5, 1840, to Mary Tompson,daughter of Robert and Matilda (Hutchinson) Tompson, and became the father of the following children: Matilda, wife of James Watson; Robert T., died June 21, 1849; Martha, wife of Oliver Carmichael; Wilson, died June 24, 1865; John F., died June 21, 1885; infant, deceased, and Charles M. Losh, a resident of the city of Muncie. Mr. Losh was always a hard working man,was upright and honorable in his dealings, won universal respect and confidence, and was valued as a substantial and public spirited citizen, and loved as a friend and neighbor. He departed this life at Eaton Rapids, Mich., on the 17th day of July, 1880 at the age of 61 years 29 days old, John is buried in the Sharp cemetery in Delaware Co, Indiana. Directions to the cemetery from Muncie, Indiana.. 750 South and 500 West. Travel Indiana State Rd. 67 South to 438 West (State road curves to the right) 438 West goes southwest to 750 South, then west to next turn, cemetery is west of and back a short distance from the road.
A.W. Bowen & Co. 1894 - page 622
Transcribed by....Kelly Runyon Bragg- 3rd g-granddaughter of John Losh....
-- The county of Delaware, Indiana, has within its boarders many men of prominence in business circles, well known manufacturers, skillful physicians and lawyers of state reputation; and she is not lacking in those who have obtained prominence on account of intellectual merit in other and just as important callings. Among the latter Prof. John Lewellen, the present efficient county superintendent of schools, occupies a conspicuous place. Prof. Lewellen's birth occurred in the town of Smithfield, Liberty township, Delaware county, Indiana, on the 31st of July, 1852, a son of Z. M. and Sarah Ann (Truitt) Lewellen, natives of Virginia and Indiana, and of Welsh and English lineage respectively. These parents settled in Delaware county a number of years ago; the mother died June 3, 1893, but the father is still living, being among the old and substantial residents of Selma, Liberty township. Prof. Lewellen is the eldest of a family of six children. He was reared in Liberty and Harrison townships, and enjoyed excellent education advantages, attending first the schools of township and subsequently the Methodist college at Xenia, Ohio, the National Normal school of Lebanon, the same state, and the Northern Indiana Normal at Valparaiso, Indiana, in the last named of which he finished the scientific course, graduating in 1887. Following this excellent preparation, Prof. Lewellen taught one term of school at the town of Eaton, and then accepted a similar position at Albany, where he followed the profession successfully for a period of six years, conducting a normal school for teachers in the meantime. In 1833 he was elected county superintendent of Delaware county, and his since discharged the duties of that position in a highly satisfactory manner, having been unanimously re-elected each succeeding term, which fact is not only a compliment to his ability as an official, but attests his great personal popularity with the people.
Prof. Lewellen is a man of great force of character, possesses executive ability of a very high order, and under his able supervision the schools of the county have been brought to their present state of efficiency. The recent improvements in the grading of the country schools have been brought about altogether by his efforts, and through his influence, a class of teachers of exceptional professional ability has been secured, and the present high standard attained by the schools of Delaware county will compare favorably with that of any other part of the state. Mr. Lewellen is the originator of an outline course of study for district schools, which he has had copyrighted, and which is being extensively adopted in a number of counties of Indiana and other states. As a school official, Prof. Lewellen is widely and favorable known throughout Indiana, and his suggestions pertaining to matters educational are respectfully listened to in all the conventions of the county superintendents which he attends. Politically, he is a republican, and as such wields a potent influence for his party in Delaware county. He is a member of the Literary Fireside, and of the Pythian fraternity, in the latter of which he is past chancellor. He also belongs to Heart and Hand lodge, No. 316, of Albany, I. O. O. F., being past grand in the same, and is an active member of the Muncie tribe, No. 1454, of Red Men, also of F. & A. M. Prof. Lewellen was united in marriage December 25, 1887, to Miss Hudah Eleanor Crampton, daughter of Mahlon Crampton, of Harrison township, to which union two children have been born, namely; Albert Ross Lewellen and Harry Crampton Lewellen. Mr. and Mrs. Lewellen are members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and for the past two years have been teachers in the Sunday school. While residing in Albany, Prof. Lewellen officiated as Sunday school superintendent. and did much in awakening the keeping alive the religious interest in that place.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
A prominent real estate dealer of Muncie, was born in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 13, 1844, the son of John L. Little and Mary A. (Wilson) Little. John L. Little was a native of New Jersey, born in the year 1818, and his ancestors for several generations lived in that state. His parents were John and Mercy (Herbert) Little, both natives of New Jersey and the father a farmer by occupation. John L. Little also was reared on a farm, and when a young man learned the saddler's trade, which he followed successfully in the city of Philadelphia. In after years he engaged in general merchandising for a coal company in the interior of the state, but subsequently returned to Philadelphia, where he engaged in business, and in the spring of 1858 came to Muncie, Indiana, where until 1866 he dealt quite extensively in dry goods. In the latter year he began dealing in sewing machines, and was thus employed until 1870, at which time he began the manufacture of feather dusters, established the first and only enterprise of the kind ever operated in the city of Muncie. He disposed of his interest in this concern in 1882, and opened an insurance office and did a very flourishing business in that line until 1892, on September 16 of which year his death occurred. He was married in the city of Philadelphia, in 1840, to Mary Ann Wilson, who bore him five children, namely: William L. Little, boot and shoe dealer of Muncie; John W., whose name introduces this sketch; H. W. Little, deceased; Mary Little, wife of Dr. A. J. Finney; and D. B. F. Little, of Elwood, Indiana The mother of These children, at the age of sixty-eight years, died in Muncie. Mr. Little was a man of local prominence in Delaware county, took an active part in the material development of Muncie, and erected several buildings which are among the most substantial in the city. He was noted for his eminent social qualities, which made him popular with all, and his benevolence endeared him to a number of families of Muncie that received many tokens of his favor. He was the first man to introduce the use of coal oil in this city, and, in partnership with Thomas E. Neely, brought the first sewing machine that was ever used in Delaware county. Following are the names of the brothers and sisters of John L. Little: Gilbert C. Little, J. H. Little, Maria Little, Catherine Little, Ann Little, Hannah L. Little, Elizabeth Little and Jane Little, all deceased but Hannah, Elizabeth and Jane. John W. Little spent the first fourteen years of his life in his native state, where he received his early educational training, and in 1858 accompanied his father to Muncie, in the schools of which city he pursued his studies until the breaking out of the late rebellion. In August, 1861, he responded to the county's call for volunteers, enlisting in company B, Thirty-sixth Indiana volunteer infantry, for the three years' service. He was with his command until honorably discharged, September, 1864, at Indianapolis, a period of three years and one month, during which time he participated in a number of bloody battles, including Shiloh, Perryville, Murfreesboro, Lookout Mountain, Mission Ridge, Chickamauga, and the various engagements of the Atlanta campaign. In 1864, at Resaca, Ga., he received a severe wound in the arm, which necessitated his remaining in the hospital for a period of three months. After his discharge, he returned to Muncie and embarked in the dry good business, which he continued until 1866, when he went to Chicago, thence to Memphis, Tenn., where he clerked in a dry goods house until 1868. From the latter year until 1871, he traveled for a sewing machine company, selling machines and attachments, and then became a partner with his father in the manufacture of feather dusters at Muncie, a relationship which continued until 1882, when the son became sole proprietor. After operating his factory until 1889, he Sold out to Chicago parties, and engaged in real estate and loan business, to which he has since devoted his entire attention, and in which he has met with most gratifying success.
Mr. Little was married, in 1866, to Miss Flora Case, who died January 2, 1868. On the 11th day of June, 1871, Mr. Little was united in marriage to Miss Cornelia Longstreth of Lebanon, Ohio, who departed this live on the 16th day of June, 1889. Mr. Little's third marriage was solemnized on the 28th day of December, 1891, in Muncie, with Miss Eva Hageman of Lebanon, Ohio, daughter of Joseph and Amanda J. Hageman. Mr. Little has been a member of the I. O. O. F. for twenty-five years, and is a member of the G. A. R. of Muncie, his name appearing on the charter of the post of this city. From 1885 to 1887 and from 1890 to 1892, he was a member of the common council of Muncie, and, during that time, looked after the city's interest by promoting some very important municipal legislation. A republican in politics, he has never sought official recognition, but his party has always found in him a wise counselor and earnest supporter. His religious faith is that of the Presbyterian creed, and he and wife are active members of the congregation worshiping in Muncie. Possessing an active mind and having been trained to habits of industry, Mr. Little has made a success of life, and in the city of Muncie, where so many of his years have been passed, few enjoy the confidence and esteem of the public in a more generous degree. He is always interested in everything that pertains to the welfare of the city and county, and his many sterling qualities of manhood have rendered him one of Muncie's most useful and respected citizens.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana