(Deceased) was born in New Hampshire, November 7, 1816, of English ancestry, and graduated from Harvard university in 1835. For a year or so he followed teaching, and in 1836 removed to Preble county, Ohio, where he was engaged in clerical work for a time, but later resumed teaching, and afterward became the first postmaster at West Florence. His marriage took place January 30, 1840, to Eleanor McWhinney, a native of Preble county, Ohio, born June 6, 1821, and daughter of Matthew and Temperanc McWhinney, of Scotch-Irish ancestry. To this union, which was consummated in Preble county, Ohio, were born twelve children, of whom five boys and five girls still survive, viz: Joseph [Emerson], a broker; Matthew [Emerson], in the lumber trade; Thomas M. [Emerson], traffic manager of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad; Charles [Emerson], publisher of the Muncie City and Delaware County (Indiana) directory, and an extensive dealer in real estate; Horace M. [Emerson], general passenger agent of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad; Elizabeth [Emerson], wife of J. D. Fudge; Temperance [Emerson], wife of A. C. Morse; Emmaretta [Emerson], wife of Albert H. Williams; Mary A. [Emerson] and Eleanor [Emerson]. The father remained in Preble county until February 23, 1864, when he received a commission as army paymaster of the late rebellion, and located his family at Yellow Springs, Ohio, to receive the benefit of the excellent schools at that point. He served as paymaster until November 1, 1866. He then located at Campbellstown, Ohio, where he was engaged in the mercantile business one year, and then moved to Marion, Indiana, and was in the employ of the railroad company three years. In March, 1872, he came to Muncie and engaged in the manufacture of staves, heading and plow beams until 1885, when he retired from active business on account of ill health. In politics he was a republican, and fraternally was a member of the A. F. & A. M.: in religion he was a Congregationalist, and died in that faith, November 3, 1890. He left his family in comfortable circumstances, and his sons all in prominent business positions, and his remains were followed by a large concourse of mourning relatives, friends and acquaintances to their last resting place from his late residence on east Jackson street, Muncie, Indiana His widow, who is a devout adherent of the Presbyterian church, is still an honored member of Muncie's best society, respected and honored by all who know her.
Charles Emerson, real estate dealer and publisher of Muncie City and Delaware County Directory, and son of Major Warren C. Emerson, whose sketch is given in detail above, was born in Butler county, Ohio, March 9, 1853. He attended school at Yellow Springs, Ohio, until fourteen years of age, when he was compelled to quit on account of ill health; he then engaged, as his first business venture, as assistant to his father in the railway office at Marion, Indiana, until 1872, when, with his parents, he moved to Muncie and became the supervising agent of the Singer Manufacturing company, which position he held until the spring of 1973, when, by the advice of his physician, he went south, locating at Nashville, Tenn., where he was engaged by the Howe Sewing Machine company to travel and establish agencies throughout eastern Tennessee until the fall of 1873, when he went to Savannah, Ga., and engaged with the New York Publishing company in publishing city, county and state directories, remaining with the company for one year. He then engaged in the directory publishing business for himself, and has published directories throughout eleven different states, gaining a national reputation as a competent and painstaking publisher. In 1886 he accepted a position with the Singer Manufacturing company as manager at Richmond, Va., which position he held until 1889, when he again engaged in the directory business and continued until February 1, 1892. He then came to Muncie, Indiana, and under the firm name of Lyons & Emerson opened an office in the real estate and loan business, which firm is now considered one of the leading real estate firms of the city. Mr. Emerson was married November 14, 1881, to Miss Maggie M. Houston, of Greensboro, N. C., and this union has been blessed by the birth of one child, William C. [Emerson].
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
Rebecca Harpers Yingling- deceased, the estimable lady for whom this biographical notice is prepared,, was born in Lawrence County, Ohio, January 25, 1820, the daughter of Hamilton Harpers and wife Catherine, both parents natives of the state of Maryland. Shortly after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Harpers moved to Virginia, and after a few years' residence in that state immigrated to Ohio, where Mr. Harpers' death occurred, at the advanced age of eighty-nine years. Hamilton Harpers was by occupation a farmer, in which useful calling he was very successful, and all who came in contact with him were ready to bear witness to his true worth as man and citizen. The marriage of Rebecca Harpers and William Yingling was consummated in the year 1837, in Lawrence County, Ohio, where Mr. Yingling was born, October 23, 1811. For the fifteen years following their marriage, this couple remained in Ohio, Mr. Yingling being engaged in farming and the manufacture of charcoal. About 1852 Mr. and Mrs.Yingling moved to Indiana and purchased a tract of eighty acres of land in Mount Pleasant Township, Delaware County, which is still the home of the family, and upon which Mrs. Yingling resided until her death. On moving to this county, the greater part of the township of Mount Pleasant was a comparative wilderness, and the land upon which Mr. Yingling located was an unbroken forest, made doubly forbidding on account of its being nearly covered with water, To redeem this woodland and make of it a home was a task of no small magnitude, but Mr. Yingling, aided and encouraged by the wise counsel of his excellent wife, labored diligently for a number of years and eventually saw his efforts crowned with success and a home prepared for his family.
Mr. Yingling was a most exemplary citizen, took an active interest in the public affairs of his time and was an earnest believer in the Christian religion, the precepts of which lie exemplified in his daily walk and conversation. During the last few years of his life, he was a great sufferer, becoming almost a helpless invalid, during which time the management of the farm devolved altogether upon his faithful wife, who right nobly performed the task. Mr. Yingling died in 1889, deeply lamented by all who knew him. Mrs. Mingling still resided on the home farm, which, under her management, was brought to a high state of cultivation, and she was considered one of the kind neighbors and excellent Christian women of the community in which she lived. She was a devoted member of the Christian church, to which denomination her husband also belonged. Mr. and Mrs. Mingling had a large family, consisting of fourteen children, whose names are as follows: Hamilton, who died in the army; Catherine, deceased; Elizabeth, deceased; John, married Sarah Preston, and is now a blacksmith; Nathaniel, a farmer and carpenter, married Lucinda Wilber; Mary, wife of Nicholas Finegan; Margaret, deceased; Lewis, deceased; Rebecca, deceased; Elias, deceased; Matthias, married Malinda Pugh; Thomas, married Mary Ephart, and George, who married Rose Bonner. Mrs. Rebecca Yingling passed from earth, February 15, 1893, most deeply mourned, not only by her own large family, but by an extensive circle of friends who appreciated her many good qualities, and who now sadly miss her venerable presence from their midst, and more especially will she be missed by the suffering poor.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
WILLIAM EDWARD HITCHCOCK, president of the Delaware County National Bank of Muncie, president of the Muncie Savings and Loan Company, vice president of the Warner Gear Company, treasurer of the Glascock Manufacturing Company, director of the American Gas and Electric Company of New York City, also of the Warner Electric Company of Muncie and numerous other enterprises, is a New Englander by birth but has been a resident of Muncie for the past forty years. He was thus here engaged in a manufacturing way when Muncie was entering upon her new era of industrial and commercial development back in the '80s and he has ever maintained his position as one of the chief individual factors contributing to that development. Mr. Hitchcock was born in Meriden, Conn., January 30, 1859, the older of two children, a son and a daughter, born to Edward A. and Mary A. (Green) Hitchcock, both of whom also were natives of Connecticut and members of New England Colonial families. He was a child when his parents moved to Ashtabula, Ohio, where his father engaged in the woodworking industries of that city, particularly in the manufacture of bentwood products. It was thus that William Hitchcock came to be reared in Ashtabula. Upon the completion of his school work he became employed as a teller in a bank there, remaining in that line of work until 1876, in which year he returned to the city of his birth and was for three years employed as a bookkeeper in the office of the Meriden Britania Company, manufacturers of silverware. Upon his return to Ashtabula in 1879 he became engaged with his father in the latter's skewer and bentwood works. In 1884, then being twenty-five years of age, Mr.Hitchcock came to Muncie and established a wood-working plant, associating with him in that enterprise J. C. and A. L. Johnson, under the name of the Muncie Skewer Company, for the manufacture of skewers, flag sticks, trunk slats, dowels and kindred products.
This concern proved successful from the outset and was later incorporated as the American Skewer Company. In 1894, in order to be nearer its source of supply, the plant was removed to Jackson, Tenn., with the general offices remaining in Muncie. Later this enterprise was consolidated with the Weis & Lesh Manufacturing Company, manu-facturers of oak and hickory spokes, with factories in Memphis and Jackson, Tenn. In 1919 this concern was sold to the Prudden Wheel Company of Lansing, Mich., Messrs. Hitchcock, Johnson and Morgan taking over the skewer and related products of the busi-ness and have since operated it under the name of the Morgan-Hitchcock Company, with factories at Jackson and Serles, Tenn., and general offices at Muncie, in the Johnson Block, with Mr.Hitchcock as secretary and treasurer. The Delaware County Bank, which had its beginning at the time of the opening of the gas boom, was in 1896 reorganized and chartered as a national bank with J. C. Johnson as president and W. E. Hitchcock as vice president.
Following Mr. Johnson's death in 1904 Mr. Hitchcock was elected president and has since retained that position. Mr. Hitchcock has always been at the forefront in all activities that have brought Muncie to its present standing as one of the most substantial cities of its size in the country. He was one of the organizers and served as president of the Delaware and Madison Counties Telephone Company until this company was taken over by the Indiana Bell Telephone Company. He was active in building the Muncie. Hartford & Ft. Wayne inter-urban railway line, and acted as disbursing agent for the government when the post office building at Muncie was erected. He was appointed by Governor Matthews as the Republican member and served on the first board of commissioners of the metropolitan police of Muncie. He was elected vice president of the National Manufacturers Association of Indiana in 1901. Also the same year he was appointed a member of Governor Durbin's staff with the rank of lieutenant colonel. Mr. Hitchcock is active in the support of local betterment work, is a member of the board of trustees of the Young Men's Christian Association, the board of governors of the Home Hospital, and for more than twenty years has served on the Beech Grove Cemetery board. From the days of its inception he has taken an interested part in the work of the Commercial Club and the Chamber of Commerce and is a member of the Rotary Club. He is a York Rite (Knights Templar) Mason and was reared in the faith of the Episcopal Church. On Sept 30, 1885, the year following his arrival in Muncie, Mr. Hitchcock was united in marriage to M. Estella Morehouse, a daughter of Henry and Mary M. Morehouse, of Muncie. To this union three children were born, Edward H., who died at the age of six years; Fred W., who died at the age of four years; and William E. Jr., the surviving son.
History of Delaware County - Heimbaugh Volume II
Shirley Baston
William R. Moore, the subject of this sketch, is an old Delaware county boy, born and reared in this county, where he has spent all of his life, with the exception of about eighteen years. He is one of a family of eight children, the son of William J. and Sarah Moore, nee Wilcoxin, both of whom are now deceased. His parents were born and raised in Scioto country, Ohio. They came west with their parents and settled in this county in 1832. John Moore, the paternal grandfather, who was quite well to do, located on the old State road, about three miles southeast of Muncie, and built for himself a substantial brick dwelling on what is now known as the James Boyce farm. Loyd Wilcoxin, senior, grandfather on the maternal side, located on the same road a little east of the other grandfather. William J. was given the farm by his father about one-half mile east of the old homestead, now known as the Charles W. Cecil farm, to which he added, by purchase, land enough to make in all 400 acres. He built for himself a comfortable two-story frame dwelling, which has been moved back to give place for Mr. Cecil's elegant farm dwelling.
There was quite a colony of Scioto county people located, about the same year, near and around the Moores and Wilcoxins, nearly all related to them by blood or marriage ties, of whom we will mention the Truitts, Parker, George and James; Jacksons, Mahlon and Lemuel G., the latter an Uncle of William J., and one of the founders of Muncietown, the Jackson donation to Muncie cornering at the northwest corner of Walnut and Jackson streets, being a part of his farm.
In 1822, when what is now a part of the Big Four railway system, then known as the Indianapolis, Pittsburg & Cleveland railroad, was being constructed through this country, William J. removed from his farm (which was at that time well-stocked, some eighteen head of horses, with cattle, sheep and hogs in proportion), to Selma, a new station on that road six miles east of Muncie, where he engaged in general merchandising and continued for many years. Unfortunately for him he could not deny anyone credit; the result was a large number of his customers afterward removed to the far west, owing him in the aggregate thousands of dollars. At about the same time he, like many others, put his fine farm and some Muncie property into a railraod company then proposed building between Cincinnati and Chicago, via Muncie, receiving therefor (sic) stock and bonds of the fraudulent corporations, which are still amongst the papers of his estate, and if they bore interest at six per cent, would amount to more than $75,000, and yet they are not worth the paper they are engraved on. He was of the kind that never became discouraged, and possessed indomitable will power. Possessing the confidence and respect of all who knew him, he set himself the task of retrieving his lost fortune, which he accomplished by slow but sure degrees. He and his life partner lived happily together for nearly fifty-eight years, both departing this life in the same year, 1893, in the firm belief that "Death does not end all."
William Roby, or "Robe," as many are in the habit of calling him, was the fifth child, was born on the farm referred to, March 9, 1845. He received a good common school education, becoming very proficient in mathematics. After leaving school he learned the black smith's trade. At the breaking out of the war of the rebellion, in '61, his father's patriotism was such that he volunteered his services to help put down the rebellion, which was then thought to be a matter that could be squelched before breakfast. He was too old to be received into the service. Roby was then but little past sixteen, too young, but owing to the trade that he was working at was remarkably well developed, physically, for his years. Patriotism was in he air, the war news and the fife and drum worked upon him until he finally persuaded his father to permit him to go in his stead. He enrolled himself in Capt. Samuel J. Williams' company, who was a near neighbor of the Moores. On the 2d day of July, '61, Capt. Williams proceeded to the state capitol with his company. It was ordered into camp at Camp Morton. The various companies that were encamped there were being drilled daily in the arts and tactics of war by experienced drill masters. On July 28, Capt. Williams' company was mustered into the United States service for three years or during the war. The company was assigned to the Ninetheenth regiment Indiana volunteer infantry and drew place as Co. K. Solomon Meredith, of Wayne county, and intimate friend of the governor, was commissioned as its colonel. The regiment left for the seat of war on August 5, arriving in Washington, D.C., on the 7th, and went into camp on Kolorama Heights where daily drills continued. At the time that this regiment was organized, the United States government had not adopted any particular uniform for its troops. The state of Indiana, through the indomitable will power of its great chief executive officer, that grandest of war governors, Oliver P. Morton, although handicapped by rebel sympathizers, at its own expense uniformed, armed and equipped its own volunteers and sent them to the front. The Nineteenth was supplied with a gray uniform which proved to be a rebel color. The first engagement that the regiment was in it was necessary to tie strips of white muslin around their arms to distinguish them from the rebel soldiers. The Second, Sixth, and Seventh Wisconsin regiments, the Nineteenth Indiana and the Twenty-fourth Michigan, composed the famous Iron Brigade, being given this name after withstanding the furious onslaught of a whole division of Stonewall Jackson's corps at the battle of Gainesville, Va. At the time of the battle of Gettysburg, this brigade wa the First brigade, First division of the First army corps. The First and Eleventh army corps opened the battle of Gettysburg and did heroic work in stemming the rebel advance during the first day until the Union army came up and secured position to wage successfully the decisive battle of the war. Young Moore took part with his regiment in various heavy battles - those of Gainesville, Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietam and other minor engagements, thirteen in all, without receiving so much as a scratch, until the battle of Gettysburg, in the afternoon of the first day's fight, while bearing the regimental banner, he had the index finger of his left hand shot away; was shortly after taken prisoner and held in the town of Gettysburg during all of the heavy engagements following. On the morning of the 4th day of July, 1863, the Union army having been victorious, he walked away from the place of his confinement, out through the streets of the little town, viewing the battle field covered with its thousand upon thousands of valiant dead soldiers - a battle field of historic renown, a battle feld where the noble martyr Lincoln in his unapproachable gem of a dedication address of the National cemetery said: "But in a larger sense we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow the ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggle here, have consecrated it far above our power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember, what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here."
From Gettysburg, young Moore was sent to Philadelphia, where he was given a clerkship after his wound healed. The last six months of his service were spent in Indianapolis as chief clerk for Dr. P.H. Jameson, surgeon in charge of the soldiers home. He was mustered out of the service in August, 1864, and immediately secured a position on what is now the main line of the Big 4 system. Afterwards he went to Cincinnati and took a commercial course in Bryant, Stratton & DeHans' Commercial College. Good luck seemed to follow him. He has seldom had to seek a situation. In 1865 he returned to his old home on a visit; while passing through Indianapolis the superintendent of the Bee Line tendered him the agency of his road at Selma. His parents persuaded him to accept it, which he concluded to do. In connection with that he engaged in buying and shipping grain and prospered in his business.
In 1866, he married Susanna, daughter of William Miller, who was at one time county commissioner. Two children, girls, blessed this union, but they were soon called to Him who gave them. In 1873 he was promoted and sent to take charge of the station at Sidney, Ohio. Two years after moving there the directory of the First National bank of that place tendered him a position as cashier of their bank at a salary greatly in advance of any that they had ever paid previously. He accepted the position, and the earnings of the bank during his management was the greatest in its history. The Resumption act, to take effect in 1879, scared hundrds (sic) of National banks into liquidation, paying its shareholders one hundred and seventy-five cents on the dollar. He afterwards engaged in the grain trade on an extensive scale, subsequently taking a partner in the business. They operated several grain elevators, and owned and operated a line of boats in connection with their business. Having splendid banking facilities, they engaged extensively in buying track grain of other dealers throughout Ohio and Indiana, and shipping it to the seaboard. During the large crop years of 1879-80, they got caught in a blockade with large quantities of grain, which they could not get into the seaport markets in time to apply on their sales, in consequence; they were squeezed badly, crippling them, which eventually ended in an assignment. Mr. Moore, when prosperous, had often said that he would not give shucks for a young man who could not get on his feet again after a financial failure, not knowing that he would so soon have a chance of trying it for himself. The loss of all of his money was as nothing as compared with the anguish and humiliation that he felt reflected on his business judgment, on which he prided himself. Two days after his failure a friend from another town came over expressly to offer him employment, knowing that it was needful for him to do something at once toward the wolf from the door. The friend pretended that it was doing him a favor, but it was principally in the fact of his enjoyment of the consciousness that he had done a kind act to a fellow man in distress. The offer of employment was appreciated and promptly accepted and afforded time for the "lame duck" to get its bearings. After traveling a few weeks another friend voluntarily offered him money for him to engage in his former business on a small scale; within six months he had cleared his first thousand dollars, passing the Rubicon.
Mr. Moore had inherited from his father father pluck (sic), perseverance and good common sense, and with practical knowledge gained in his varied business experiences was soon on the road to prosperity once more. He removed to Union City, Ind., where he remained two and one-half years, and where splendid opportunities offered for regaining lost wealth. In the spring of 1887 he removed to Muncie, and at the present time is devoting all of his business ability to official duties of the Delaware County Building, Savings and Loan association, one of the largest in the state, of which he was the promoter and principal organizer, he holding the principal office, that of secretary. He has had many years' experience in various capacities in the building and loan business, and has the reputation of being the best posted in this particular line of business of any one in the state.
Susanna Moore, the wife of William R., is the daughter of William and Anna Miller, nee Janney. Her parents were born and reared in Stark county, Ohio, and removed to Harrison
township, Delaware county, many years ago, where they continued to reside up to the year 1865, when they removed to Selma. Her mother was of English descent and was a remarkably beautiful woman in her day. She died at her home in Selma, June 4, 1882, and was interred in Mount Tabor cemetery. Her father possesses a vigorous constitution and is still living at an advanced old age. He is endowed with good common sense, has a cultivated mind and a large fund of general information. Susanna takes an active part in church work, in literary clubs and her domestic duties, and enjoys the confidence and respect of all who know her.
Sent in by Shirley Baston Pierce
Wallace Perkins-- is a native of Delaware County, Indiana, born in the city of Muncie on the 8th day of October, 1846, the son of William H. Perkins and Susan (Russey) Perkins. The father was a native of Kentucky and located in Muncie when it was but a mere village and started the first tailoring establishment in the place. He followed his trade in Muncie continuously until February, 1855, when he moved to Vandalia, Mich., thence two years later to the city of Niles, that state, where he resided until his death in 1875. William H. Perkins displayed commendable energy in his chosen calling and his death was the result of over exertion and exhaustion brought on by the sickness of his wife, who for a number of weeks had required his constant attention, He was the first man to introduce the sewing machine into Indiana, and the one he operated in Muncie cost him the sum of $250. He died at the age of sixty-three; his widow still survives, having reached the good old age of seventy-five years, and at this time resides with her youngest daughter in town of Carthage, Indiana Mr. and Mrs. Perkins reared a family of three sons and three daughters, namely: Harvey W. Perkins, Mary A. Perkins, John S. Perkins, J. Wallace, Martha J. Perkins and Minnie E. Perkins. Of the above sons , Harvey W. and John S. served in the late war as members of Michigan regiments.
J. W. Perkins spent the first nine years of his life in Muncie, and in 1855 was taken by his parents to Michigan, in which state he received his educational training, attended the common schools until his fourteenth year. On quitting school he entered a printing office in St. Joseph, Mich., where he worked for six months for $12.50 and board, and then secured a position in the office of Niles, where he was employed for about a half year at $30 an board. He remained at Niles until 1868, and for one year thereafter worked in a job office at Indianapolis, thence came to Muncie, where for six months he held a position in the office of the Muncie Times. Returning to Indianapolis at the end of that period, he followed his trade in that city until, in partnership with William Chandler, he became associate publisher of the Muncie Telegraph, with which paper he was identified for about eighteen months. On the suspension of the Telegraph, Mr. Perkins again accepted a position on the Times, with which he remained until 1877, when he accepted a place in the government printing office at Washington D. C., where he remained for a limited period. Returning to Muncie, he again engaged with the Times, and in 1880, started a job office which he has since successfully conducted, and with judicious management has made one of the leading printing establishments of the city. Mr. Perkins is a practical printer, thoroughly familiar with all the details of the trade, and his office is equipped with all the modern improvements and latest appliances, and its reputation for first class work is second to no other printing house in eastern Indiana.
Mr.Perkins is a republican in his political convictions and stands high in the councils of his party in Muncie and Delaware county. He is prominent in the Masonic order, having taken all the degrees of the York and Scottish rites of the fraternity, including the thirty second degree. He held the responsible position of eminent commander of Muncie commandery, No. 18, for two years, and for the past twelve years has served as secretary of Muncie lodge, No. 403. Mr. Perkins was married on October 25, 1877, to Miss Mary L. Winton, daughter of Dr. R. Winton, a late prominent physician of Muncie, whose sketch appears else where in these pages. Mrs. Perkins was born in the town of Wheeling, Delaware county, and has passed the greater part of her life in Muncie, to which city she was brought, when a mere child, by her parents. Mr. Perkins has an enviable reputation both as a citizen and business man, and his success in life has been altogether due to his own efforts. He may be truly styled a self made man, in all the term implies, and his example should serve to encourage others who start out to fight life's battles empty handed. Personally, he enjoys great popularity in Muncie and is highly esteemed by all for his integrity, good character and sterling qualities of manhood. He is strictly temperate in his habits, having always abstained from the use of all intoxicants and tobacco, and with his wife belongs to the Episcopal church, in which he holds the office of vestryman. In a financial sense, Mr. Perkins has met with well deserved success and owns several valuable pieces of property in the city.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
William N. Pixley, painter, was born in Adams County, Ohio, September 11, 1851, son of Elijah Pixley and Harriet A. (Abbot) Pixley. Elijah and Harriet Pixley were born and married in the above county and state and reared a family of three children: William N., Jennie Pixley (deceased), and James Pixley, who resides in Tacoma, Washington. The father died of cholera July 4, 1855, and the mother is living at this time with her son in the city of Tacoma. William N. received his education in the common schools of Ohio, and at the age of eighteen began learning the painter's trade, which he has made his life work. In February, 1869, Mr. Pixley came to Muncie and engaged in painting with Alexander Wiley and three years later became one of the principal workman for the firm of Slinger & Wiley, and was thus employed until 1892, when he became a member of the firm. Mr. Pixley is a skillful painter, as is proved by the many specimens of his handiwork, as seen in the sings he has turned out. He is a republican in his political affiliations, a member of the Odd Fellows' fraternity, and, for some years, has been an active worker in the Methodist Episcopal church. Mr. Pixley was married July 3, 1861, to Miss Rebecca J. Richey, of Delaware county, Indiana, and their home has been gladdened by two children: Gertrude Pixley and Arvil Pixley.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
THOMPSON SHARP, a prominent farmer of Washington Township, and one of the leading citizens of Delaware County, is a native of Indiana, born on the 12th day November, 1827, in the county of Henry. His father, Edward Sharp, was born June 4, 1801, in Tennessee, and the mother, whose maiden name was Anna Thompson, was a native of Virginia, where her birth occurred on the 18th day of January, 1808. Edward Sharp, in an early day, accompanied his father to Ohio, were he remained for a few years, and then came further west, locating, in 1820, in Henry county, Indiana Subsequently he purchased a farm in Salem township, Delaware county, where, in time, he became the possessor of a large tract of real estate, owning, at the time of his death, in 1855, 640 acres, the result of his own energy and thrift. In addition to the pursuit of agriculture, he dealt, quite extensively, for a number of years, in livestock, purchasing in various parts of Indiana and driving to Cincinnati, making of this a very profitable business. He was recognized as one of the leading citizens of the community in which he resided, was a prominent member of the Christian Church and exerted a wholesome moral influence upon all with whom he had business or other relations. His wife, a. most estimable Christian lady and a member of the Protestant Methodist church, departed this life in 1862, and were laid to rest by the side of her husband in the Sharp Cemetery, in the township of Salem.
Thompson Sharp remained under the parental roof until his majority, working on the farm during the summer attending school about three months of each year until reaching the age of thirteen, consequently he is not an educated man in his knowledge of books, but in the practical affairs of life possesses a knowledge such as institutions of learning fail to impart.
Immediately after his marriage, which occurred in his twenty-first year, he removed to his present farm in Washington Township, where he has since resided, actively engaged in the pursuit of agriculture. At that date the farm consisted, of 120 acres, but he has since enlarged its area until, at this time, it contains 340 acres, the entire place being under cultivation, the improvements upon the same ranking among the best in the township and county. Mr. Sharp has surrounded himself with all the modern improvements and conveniences of agriculture, and devotes to his calling the energies of a strong practical mind, believing in the true dignity of the
farmer's vocation. He is recognized as one of the intelligent and substantial citizens of the community, manifests a lively interest in everything that pertains to the material and moral well being of the township of which he has so long been a resident, and as an active worker in the republican party is widely and favorably known throughout the county. As a reward of his party service, he has been twice elected to the responsible position of county commissioner; in 1888 first, and second in 1892, of which office he is a present incumbent, and the duties of which he has discharged with ability and most commendable fidelity. His marriage, as already noted, was
solemnized on the 15th of November, 1849, with Miss Christena Bowers, who was born March 10, 1828, the daughter of Jacob and Susanah (Andes) Bowers. These parents were natives of the state of Virginia, born in the counties of Shenandoah and Rockingham, respectively, and became residents of Salem township in 1841, purchasing a farm of 160 acres of land, upon which the remaining years of, their lives were spent. The following are the names of the
children born to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Sharp: Jemima A., Florence O., Otto, married Kate Stradling; Oral L., wife of John Hall; Noah, married Amanda Prim; George, Nelson Grant, Dora, wife of James Lewis and Ozora T. This is a most interesting family, and the children, like their parents, are held in the highest esteem in the community. The youngest son, Ozora T., is a graduate of one of the leading literary and law schools of the country, and since his admission
to the federal and supreme courts at Indianapolis in June, 1893, has practiced the legal profession very successfully in Delaware county. He is a young man of more than ordinary ability and bids fair to make a creditable record as an attorney. Mr. Sharp, although in, his
sixty-sixth year, possesses in a remarkable degree his faculties, both mental and physical, and may be considered as in the prime of vigorous manhood. He has borne well his part in life, and it is with pleasure this brief tribute to his worth is presented in this connection.
A. W. Bowen & Co
Kelly Runyon-Bragg
William A. Thompson, former Judge of the Delaware Circuit Court and present dean of the bar of that court, is a native Hoosier and has spent all his life in this state, active in the practice of law - save for the period spent on the bench - for more than fifty years. Judge Thompson was born on a farm I Shelby County, Indiana, August 8, 1840, a son of pioneer parents of that county and oldest of the fourteen children born to that parentage. Reared on the farm, he received his early schooling in the district school in the neighborhood of his home, supplementing this by attendance on the Shelbyville High School and two years of study in old Moores Hill College (now Evansville College), and at eh age of eighteen years was made Principal of the graded school at St. Paul, in his home county. AT the age of seventeen he had united with the Methodist Episcopal Church and in 1862, at the age of twenty-two, he entered the ministry of that church and the next year was married. For seven years he continued in the ministry, these labors being confined to the field of the Southeastern Indiana Conference, and meanwhile took another course at Moores Hill College. In 1870, warned by failing health to relinquish the arduous duties of the Methodist itinerary, he reluctantly gave up the ministry and took up the study of law under the able preceptorship of Judge Lamb, these studies being completed in the office of Gordon, Brown & Lamb at Indianapolis, and in 1871 he became engaged in the practice of law at Winchester, Indiana, in association with General Thomas Browne. Two years later he became associated in practice with Judge J. J. Cheney and then in the next year, 1874, entered into a partnership with Judge Leander J. Monks, of Winchester, an association which continued for five years, or until 1879, when he formed a partnership with Captain O. A. Marsh and his brother, J. W. Thompson, under the firm name of Thompson, Marsh & Thompson, and this association continued for ten years, or until toward the end of 1889, when he came to Muncie and eh ever since has made his home here. Beginning in the spring of 1913, on account of the illness of Judge Ellis, he served for some time as Acting Judge of the Delaware Circuit Court and then, in 1916, as the nominee of the Republican Party in this county, was elected Judge of the Circuit Court and in that judicial capacity served for four years or until the beginning of the present judicial incumbency, November 15, 1922. Upon retiring form the bench Judge Thompson resumed his practice, with offices in No. 18 the Patterson Block, and has since been thus engaged, one of the oldest lawyers in continuing practice in the state of Indiana. Judge Thompson has been twice married. In 1863 he married Mary R. Wilkinson, of Decatur County, who died leaving him one child, a son, Clifford A., now deceased; and in 1868 he married Elizabeth S. Lamb, daughter of Judge Lamb of Indianapolis. To this latter union three children were born, a daughter, Mrs. Marietta T. Sprague, and two sons, Will H. and John M. Thompson. Will H. Thompson completed his schooling at DePauw University and Leland Stanford University and is now an attorney for the Bell Telephone Company.
History of Delaware County VOL II, Bibliographical by F. D. Haimbaugh
WILLIAM THOMPSON. -- The success that William Thompson has attained in life is due entirely to his own unaided efforts, as he was left an orphan at the tender age of five years. William Thompson was born in Coshocton county, Ohio, September 25, 1822, son of James and Margaret (Gary) Thompson, both parents natives of Wales. Mr. Thompson, Sr., served in the war of 1812 and died at the age of fifty-two years, leaving a family of nine children, of whom William was the youngest son. At the death of his father, the young boy went to live in the family of a resident of Coshocton, with whom he remained two years, at the end of which period he found a home with his eldest sister. Here he remained until attaining his majority, during which time he enjoyed the advantage of twenty?seven days of school. When his twenty-first birthday was passed, Mr. Thompson began work for a man by the, name of Jacob Elliott, a farmer, agreeing to give his services for $7 a month. This agreement lasted for a year, at the end of which time his employer failed, and consequently Mr. Thompson never received a single cent for his labor. In 18 43 he came to Indiana, and as he had greatly improved the knowledge gained in his three weeks' schooling by hard study at night, he began teaching school at Stringtown, in an old log cabin. All his school appliances were very primitive, the first writing lessons being given on the clap boards with a piece of char= coal. In spite of all the disadvantages under which both teacher and. pupils labored, the instruction gained in that little school was thorough, as the young instructor put all the energy of an earnest nature into his work.
Mr. Thompson was married March 12 1844, to Miss Elizabeth P. Drake, a daughter of Joel and Mary (Stewart) Drake, natives of Ohio and Virginia, both of Irish descent. Mrs. Thompson was an only child. Mr. Drake died in 1845, but his wife survived him until 1867. To the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson one child has been born, George O., whose birth occurred April 28,
1849. After marriage the young couple settled down on the farm where the ceremony was solemnized, and have made it their home ever since. Religiously Mr. Thompson is connected with the United Brethren church and has been the efficient superintendent of three Sunday
schools for as many successive years. Mrs. Thompson occupies a prominent place in the Methodist church. Politically Mr. Thompson is a stanch republican and is well informed on all the leading topics of the day. He is a farmer who keeps fully abreast of the times and is a man who enjoys the respect and esteem of the entire community.
A. W. Bowen & Co
Kelly Runyon-Bragg
City Attorney of Muncie, was born in Blountsville, Henry County, Indiana, April 18, 1856, son of Eli and Emily (Bunch) Warner, natives respectively of New ___ and Vermont, who settled in the above county about the year 1850. The father was engaged in mercantile pursuits for a period of twenty years and departed this life in 1871.
Rollin Warner received his rudimentary education in the township schools, later attended the national Normal School at Lebanon, Ohio, after which he entered his father's store, and after the latter's death conducted the business for some years. Having early manifested a decided preference for the legal profession, he determined to make it his life work; accordingly, he began the study of the same in the office of monks & Thompson of Winchester, and was admitted to the bar in the counties of Randolph, Henry and Delaware in the year 1879. For a period of ten years, from 1879 to 1889, he practiced his profession in New Castle, and then removed to Muncie, where he has since remained, having in the meantime built up a large and lucrative business in Delaware and other counties. With a mind naturally capable, well developed and enriched by close study and critical experiences, he has become one of the ablest lawyers of Muncie, and his connection with a number of very important cases, here and elsewhere, has gained for him much more than a state reputation. He was one of the counsel which defended Lake, Smeltzer, Roswell and Smith, who were tried for the murder of Eli Ladd, and he acquitted himself in that celebrated case with an ability that gave him a high standing as an astute and brilliant lawyer. Mr. Warner has also been retained as counsel in much other important litigation, and his services are frequently in demand where large and important interests are at stake. He is ambitious and zealous in his chosen calling, and, in addition to achieving what men call success, has established a reputation for honesty and integrity that has accomplished this laudable aim. In politics, Mr. Warner is an active Republican, and he is often called upon to canvass the county in the interests of his party being a forcible, effective and eloquent speaker. He served as Attorney for Henry County for two years and resigned the position of City Attorney of New Castle upon his removal to Muncie at the date above noted. In 1891 he was made City Attorney of Muncie, the duties of which position he has discharged in a very able and satisfactory manner ever since.
In October, 1889, Mr. Warner and Miss Mary V. Cecil, daughter of Gordon and Susan E. Cecil of Perry Township, Delaware County, were united in the bonds of wedlock, and their wedded life has been blessed by a family of five interesting children: Etta, Everett, Mabel, Cecil and Emily. Mrs. Warner is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and both she and her husband are prominent factors in the social life of Muncie.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana