White was active in Republican politics. In 1898 he was named prosecuting attorney for Delaware County, and in 1902 he was elected city commissioner in Muncie. In both offices he took stands against monopolies and utilities-- traction, water, electric. In 1905 he was named judge of city court in Muncie.
He spent four years in Washington, D. C., as a legal adviser at the Justice Department. For sixteen years he was assistant attorney general of Indiana, serving under four different attorneys general. In this position he took action against gambling, notably at French Lick and at a notorious pool hall in Lake County.
White ended his legal career in Indianapolis, in partnership with James Bingham, one of his former chiefs at the state justice department.
Sources: Materials in collection Indiana Biographical Series, Vol. 13 page 64
ENOCH DRUMM, an enterprising critizen of Harrison township, Delaware county, Indiana, was born in the county of Muskingum, Ohio, on the 10th day of June, 1840, son of Peter and Clasissa (Lake) Drumm, Paternally, Mr. Drumm is descended from German ancestry, and his father was for many years a farmer and manufacturer of stoneware in the above county and state. Mr. Drumm's boyhood days were spent on the farm much the same as the majority of country lads and from the age of twelve his time was alternately devoted to tilling the soil and working in the stoneware factory in the summer and attending the district schools in the winter season. In his twentieth year Mr. Drumm came to Muncie, Indiana, near which city he found employment as a farm laborer, and later he taught in the public schools for a limited period. On the 21st day of August, 1861, he married Margaret Gibson, daughter of Andrew and Rebecca Gibson, of Delaware county, and from that time until April, 1867, lived in Monroe township. He then moved to his present beautiful farm in Harrison township, where he has since resided, and he now ranks among the most energetic and thrifty agriculturists in the county of Delaware. Mrs. Margaret Drumm bore her husband the following children: Emmanuel, Anderson, Peter Emsley, Marion, Howard, Clara R. and Enoch Orvil. Of these children Peter E. and Anderson preceded their mother to the grave, and on the 24th day of April 1879, she was summoned to her final rest, leaving a child twenty -two days old, Enoch O., who died shortly therafter. Left with a family of dependant children on his hands, Mr. Drumm managed to keep them all together and look after their interests as only an indulgent father could have done, until 1881, on October 29 of which year he married Mrs. Ann E. (Kern) Gough, who proved to be a kind mother to the family and a helpmate in the true sense of the word to her husband. Two children have been born to the second marriage: Addie F. and Maud. As already noted, Mr. Drumm is one of the leading farmers and stock raisers of Harrison township, and it is also just to class him with its most intelligent, wide-awake and broad minded citizens. His farm, consisting of 160 acres of highly cultivated land, is well provided with excellent buildings, among which is a silo, the first structure of the kind ever erected in Delaware county. Mr. Drumm was elected trustee of the township in 1873, the duties of which office he discharged with credit to himself and satisfaction to the public for a period of nine years. He takes considerable interest in all matters pertaining to natural gas and he uses that ideal fuel in his home also for pumping water and operating other kinds of machinery. He is essentially a self-made man in all that term implies, and his present comfortable competence and fortunate position in life are the results of his own unaided efforts. In all the relations of life Mr. Drumm has proven himself up to the mark, wheather those relations were of a public or private nature.
Sent in by Donata Boyle
Page: 583 Harrison Township
"MRS. ETHALINDA TUTTLE, a well known and highly respected lady, was born in Delaware County, Ind., March 27, 1831. Her parents, William and Tamer (Thornburg) Daugherty, were both natives of Clinton County, Ohio, but came to Indiana at an early day, locating in Delaware county, where Mr. Daugherty entered 160 acres of government land, from which he developed a home, and upon which he resided until his death at the advanced age of eighty-seven years, having been born in 1783. Both himself and wife were members of the Christian church, and were among the well known pioneers of this county.
The marriage of Ethalinda Daugherty with Daniel Tuttle was solemnized June 24, 1851, from which date until the present she has been a resident of Mount Pleasant Township. Daniel Tuttle was born in Butler County, Ohio, but came to Delaware county in early manhood, where for a number of years he was alternately engaged in farming and working at his trade of carpentering. Late in life he abandoned agricultural pursuits, and purchased a number of lots in the village of Reed station to which place he removed and in which the residue of his years were passed. Mr. Tuttle's birth occurred December 14, 1831, and he was called away by death October 13, 1892, his remains being laid to rest in what is known as the Hawk Cemetery. He was a faithful member of the Methodist Protestant church, with which he had been identified for a number of years, and was not only a christian in name, but his daily walk was a practical exemplification of the genuineness of his religious profession. He earned the reputation of a devoted husband and kind father, and those who knew him best bear testimony to this true worth as a citizen and neighbor.
The following are the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle: Rebecca, wife a A. Hayden; Mary E., deceased; Thomas, married Clara Conard; Lydia C., deceased; Marion, deceased; Silas Franklin; Monroe (deceased); Viola Florence, wife of Charles Mahoney; John William; and Sarah wife of C. Ensley. Mrs. Tuttle, like her husband, is a member of the Protestant Methodist church in which she is highly respected for her christian character." Other researchers have noted the union of Ethelinda Daugherty and Daniel Tuttle. In the 1870 they had six living children: Rebecca, John W., Sarah J., Darlin T., Viola. F., and Silas. However, they had other children who did not reach maturity. A search of the Hawk Cemetery records indicates that some of these children were:
10/26/1862 Lydia C. 1 year 2 days 8 months 4/23/1864 Mary Elizabeth 6 years 2 days and 8 months 6/7 /1867 Infant daughter 6/17/1867 2 Infant daughters 9/15/1867 Marion A. 3 years 7 months 19 days 9/17/1876 Silas Franklin 8 years 11 months 4 days (mentioned above in 1870 Census)
1 Helm (1864). In Branson R, (ed.) (1999) Portraits and bibliographical records, Delaware County, Indiana. Chicago: A.W. Bowen. 2 Ancestral File (R). The Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saints. 3 Tuttle, A. (1968). Tuttle Tuttle lines in America. Massachusetts: Higginson Book Company. 4 Arthur, F.H. and B.J. ( 1993). Hawk Cemetery, Mt. Pleasant Township, Delaware County, Indiana, passim. 5 Op.cit., Ancestral File
Frank Ellis was born in Delaware Township, Delaware County, Indiana, February 12, 1842, a son of John H. and Phebe (Kirkpatrick) Ellis, both natives of Ohio, who came to Delaware County at an early day, and were married in the county. By trade the father was a carpenter, but finally engaged in the collection business and the practice of law, in Muncie. At the breaking out of the war he raised Company B of the Eighty-fourth Indiana, and served as Captain of the same until he was killed at the battle of Chickamauga, on September 20, 1863. His wife survives him, and now resides in Muncie. Frank Ellis is the eldest of ten children, and received but a limited education in the township and village schools of that period. He engaged in brick making for a short period, and then entered the office of the Delaware County Free Press, as office boy, where he remained, except one term of three months, during which he taught a country school, until 1862, when he enlisted in his father's company and served until the close of the war, being mustered out in June, 1865. After the death of his father he was made captain of company B, and he held that position all through the remainder of the war. He participated in the battles of Sherman's Atlanta campaign, and was with Thomas' army at Franklin and Nashville. In 1864 Mr. Ellis was nominated for the office of treasurer of Delaware county, and in the fall of that year was elected to the position, taking possession of the same in August, 1865. In 1866, he was unanimously renominated and triumphantly re-elected, serving in all four years, after which he engaged in mercantile business for some years, in the meantime reading law, for which profession he had a great predilection. He was admitted to the Delaware county bar in 1882, and immediately formed a co-partnership with Judge Lotz, which continued until the latter was called to the bench, when Mr. Ellis formed a co-partnership with John T. Walterhouse.
Mr. Ellis is a prominent and active member of the republican party, and has been a member of the state central committe. He served as mayor of the city from 1883 to 1885, and had been a member of the city council from 1883 to 1891. On February 9, 1891, he was appointed postmaster of Muncie by Pres. Harrison, since which time he has efficiently served the people in that capacity. He is a member of William's Post, No. 78, G. A. R., and was one of the organizers of the Sons of Veterans. In early life he joined the Delaware lodge, A. F. & A. M., and is a member of Muncie commandery, No. 18. Also, he is a member of Muncie lodge, No. 74, I.O. O. F., and the encampment and canton, and the grand lodge and grand encampment of that order. He is a charter member of the Red Men, and of the Elks; and is also a member of the Ancile club of Muncie.
Mr. Ellis was married, in 1870, to Miss Mary E. Martindale, daughter of Benjamin F. Martindale, of Muncie, a well known minister of the Christian church. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Ellis: Elizabeth Ellis, Mary Ellis, deceased, and Ethel Joy Ellis.
Source: Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
Frank Hines, one of the progressive farmers of Centre township and one of John R. and Abigail Hines, was born in Delaware county, Indiana, January 6, 1860. He received a good education in the common schools, remained with his parents on the home farm until obtaining his legal majority, and then engaged in agriculture for himself, which vocation he has since carried on with success and financial profit. He purchased forty acres of land in 1881, and subsequently added another forty tract, thus making a comfortable home and one of the best farms of its size in the township of Centre. Mr. Hines believes in the dignity of his calling and is one of the representative men of his class in Delaware county. Intelligent, energetic, and possessed of good business ability, he has made a success of life, and he occupies a deservedly high place in the estimation of his many friends and fellow citizens, all of whom respect him for his many sterling qualities of manhood. He takes an active interest in matters political, and since his twenty-first year has exercised the elective franchise in behalf of the republican party. Mr. Hines was married April 4, 1887, to Lucy, the accomplished daughter of Caleb and Rachael Armitage, Mrs. Hines was born June 29, 1861. Her parents, Caleb Armitage and Rachael McDonnald, both natives of Ohio, were married in Centre township, Delaware county, Indiana, in the year 1858. To Mr. and Mrs. Hines have been born the following children: Ina, Claude, Berl, Grace, John, Charles, Walter, Blanche.
Submitted by: Cathy Marie (Kern) Davis
A Portrait and Biographical Record of Delaware County, Indiana. Prominent and Representative Citizens - Originally published in 1894 by A.W. Bowen & Co., Chicago
FRANK G. JACKSON M.D., one of the most efficient members of the medical brotherhood of Muncie, is a native of Delaware county, Ind., born November 25, 1858, the son of William N. and Sarah (Collins) Jackson. The father was a native of Greenup county, Ky., and a descendant of an old Virginia family which emigrated from Loudoun county, that state, to Ohio many years ago. The mother of the doctor was born in Delaware county, Ind., to which part of the state William N. Jackson had come with his parents in the year 1844. Thomas Jackson, the doctor's grandfather, was one of the pioneers of Muncie, in which city William N. now lives retired from active life. William N. Jackson was a soldier in the late war, entering the army ,in 1862, as a member of company E, Nineteenth Indiana infantry, with which he served until the cessation of hostilities. His regiment formed a part of the army of the Potomac, and took part in all the Virginia campaigns under Gens. Meade, Hooker, McClellan, Burnside and Grant, and participated in forty-nine battles, in all of which Mr. Jackson distinguished himself as a brave and gallant soldier. At this time he is adjutant of Williams post, G.A.R., in the organization of which he was a leading spirit, and in politics he wields an influence for the republican party. Religiously he isan active member of the Methodist church, as was also his wife, who died in the year 1879.
Dr. Jackson is the third in a family of eight children, and was educated in the Muncie schools, graduating from the city high school in1878. His early inclinations led him to select the medical profession for a life work, and he began preparation for the same in 1876 with Dr. H. C. Winans, under whose able instruction he pursued his studies for some time with most encouraging results. Subsequently he enlarged his professional knowledge by attendance at the Ohio Medical college, Cincinnati, in which he completed with prescribed course, graduating in 1882. With a thorough knowledge of his profession he entered upon the practice of the same, immediately after his graduation, at Mt. Summit, Henry county, Ind., where he remained six years, at the expiration of which period he removed to Muncie, where he has since resided and where he now enjoys a large and lucrative practice, yearly becoming better known and more appreciated. The doctor has met with much more than ordinary success in his chosen calling, and stands deservedly high among his professional brethern of Muncie and Delaware county. He keeps fully abreast of the times in all matters pertaining to his profession, is a close student and wide reader, and his large experience has won for him a prominent place in the medical fraternity of eastern Indiana. The doctor is a member of the Delaware County Medical society, and is now serving as secretary of the same. He was complimented by an offer of its presidential office, but was compelled to decline the honor on account of professional duties, which required his close and constant attention. He is also a member of the Delaware District society, the State Medical society and the American Medical association, to the last named of which he has been chosen delegate a number of times. His connection with the Masonic order is very prominent, having served indifferent official capacities at different times, and in 1891 was elected worshipful master of Delaware lodge, No. 46. He is considered one of the brightest blue lodge Masons in Muncie, and is widely and favorably known in the order throughout the state. The doctor is a charter member of Walterhouse camp, S. of V., and was also an original member of new Castle lodge, S. of V., in the organization of which he took an active part. For the past two years he has been surgeon of the Indiana division, and in 1890was the accredited delegate at large for the state of Indiana to the national commandery, which convened at St. Joseph, Mo. In addition to the above fraternal orders, Dr. Jackson is also a member of Twa Twa tribe of Red Men, in which he is as active as in the other societies with which he is so prominently identified.
Politically the doctor is a republican, and manifests a lively interest in public affairs. He has been successful financially, having by close attention to his profession succeeded in accumulating a valuable property, his real estate holding in Muncie being considerable. In 1892 he was made health officer, being the first official of the kind in the city, and he has since discharged the duties of the position with commendable fidelity. In 1883 Dr. Jackson was united in marriage with Miss Jesse Ice, daughter of E. T. Ice, of Mt. Summit, Ind., to which union two children have been born, Lola J. and Sarah R. The family are members of the First Baptist church and are among the esteemed residents of Muncie, where they enjoy the respect and esteem of a large circle of friends.
Submitted by: Peggy Karol
Fred M. Johnson was a partner in the Feeny Manufacturing Company of Muncie, Indiana, from circa 1916 until his death in an automobile accident in 1951. Fred Johnson may have been the son of James Johnson, a veteran of the Fifty-third Regiment of the Pennsylvania Volunteers. James Johnson lived in Pennville, Indiana circa 1890. He married Phila Parks and they had two daughters, Catherine and Phila. Catherine Johnson Goodin was a teacher in Muncie before marrying John H. Goodin, circa 1940. John H. Goodin was the son of E. S. Goodin, manager of the Three States Coal Company of Muncie. Phila R. Johnson worked as a stenographer in Muncie, and lived with her father until his death.
Sent in by Kelly Runyon Bragg
George W. Cromer, one of the enterprising and successful members of the Delaware county bar, and a prominent politician of this part of the state of Indiana, was born in Columbus, Madison county, Ind., May 13, 1857, a son of Joshua and Mary (Shultz) Cromer, natives of Maryland, and Wayne county, Ind., respectively. These parents moved to Salem township, Delaware county, in 1857, where they purchased a farm and where they now reside. George W. Cromer in early life attended the public schools in Salem township and supplemented his elementary education by a full course in the State university, at Bloomington, from which he graduated in 1882. Thus thoroughly equipped, he was ready to choose a profession, and, deciding upon the law, entered he office of Ellis & Walterhouse in 1883, and so great was his application and natural ability that one year later he was admitted to the Delaware county bar. Since that time he has been kept busy practicing in the district, county and state courts, and has succeeded in building up a large and lucrative legal business, being one of the most successful lawyers of the city of Muncie, which has long been know for its men of high legal attainments.
Politically, Mr. Cromer is a republican, and has always been an active and energetic worker for his party. In 1892 he was chairman of the county central committee and a member of the state republican committee for the Sixth congressional district. He as elected prosecuting attorney for the the Forty-sixth judicial district in 1886, and re-elected in 1888, and discharged the duties of that position in a manner highly creditable to himself and eminently satisfactory alike to his friends and to those opposed to him politically. Fraternally he is a member of the B. P. O. E., the I. o. R. N. and the I. O. O. F. He is also a member of the Evangelical Lutheran church. He is considered one of the rising men of the city, and his career is watched with much interest by his friends, who predict hor him a future of great promise.
End notes: George Cromer was married to Frances Josephine Soules, fourth daughter of Samuel and Maria (Drury) Soules, she was born in County Simcoe, Canada, March 13, 1871.
Contributed by Kelly Runyon Bragg
Sources: History, Biography and Genealogy of the Families Named Soule, Sowle and Soulis, Volume II
and also from the Portrait & Biographical Record, Delaware Co. Indiana by A. W. Boewn & Co., Chicago.
George H Richardson, b. July 8, 1834; unm. He was a teacher, and located at the West; was professor in the academy at Muncie, Indiana, and enlisted from that place as a recruit for the Nineteenth Indiana regiment, Co. E, in August, 1862, and was killed in the battle of South Mountain, Sept. 14, 1862, aged 28.
Source: The Richardson Memorial Book
Contributed by Kelly Runyon Bragg
He was born December 28th,1880 in Muncie,Indiana and died October 25th,1955 at age seventy-five from a stroke at his home in Escondido, Calif. He had been at failing health for a number of years. That summer they had came to Ohio to attend their grandson Richards wedding in Cleveland. He was raised in Muncie, attended school thru the third grade. He said he did not have the right cloths like the other children to continue. He learned to read by studying the dictionary and when he was 14 he got a job as a copy boy with the Muncie Star newspaper. There he quickly picked up newsprint education. Later he became a cab reporter. A couple of years later he heard of possible work on the Lima Ohio newspaper Lima Star. He went on the big four railroad from Muncie to Lima for a interview. He met Ada Blanch Pepple which resulted in a elopement marriage Nov. 28th 1898. They returned to Muncie to live with the McCormick's. One year I was born (Lotus Lilly) Nov.29th 1899 my grandmother named me Lotus Lilly. One year later McCormick known as Elliott by his family moved to Hartford City, Indiana working for the Hartford City newspaper. The next year George Elliott Jr. was born Oct. 7th 1901. March 13th 1902 the family moved to Marion Ohio where McCormick was hired by Warren G. Harding as news reporter for the Marion Star. Here he was known as George E. McCormick- soon became telegraph editor and eventually city editor. He served on the board of directors when Mr. Harding went to Washington. Before he left, he prorated newspaper stock to his employees. Harding died in 1923. When Breesh-Moore publishers bought into the Marion Star McCormick stayed until March 26th 1926. He excepted to be general manager of the Lima Star (the same paper that did not employee him years before). During Ohio governor Myers Y. Cooper administration he served as Ohio state librarian. He served until 1934. His wife worked for the Ohio state welfare dept. in Columbus at that time. They both retired and moved to Los Angeles, Calif. Later moving to Escondido, Calif. they both followed the spiritualist doctrin, settled in Harmony Grove, a spiritual development. He was a member of the first Presbyterian church in Marion Ohio - BPOE Elks Lodge #32 served as exalted ruler 1910-1912. (a life member). He was a Mason, Marion Masonic Lodge #70 , also the Sons of American Revolution War organization chapter. the Pythian Lodge and the Tally Ho's Social Club. His burial was not made until his son George E. McCormick Jr. returned to the states from Korea on emergency leave. His wife died Sept 1967- buried there also.
Data Entry Volunteer: Kelly Ann Runyon....Chattanooga,Tennessee
My McCormick History Web Site
George Nichols - Few residents of Monroe Township were more highly esteemed and universally respected than the late George Nichols, whose death was felt as a personal loss to the community in which he formerly resided. . He was born in Delaware county, Indiana, on the 14th day of May 1857, the son of John and Martha (Lyons) Nichols. He became a successful farmer, and displayed good ability as a financier, having accumulated during his life, a comfortable fortune, which he left to his widow, who still resides upon the home place. As a member of the German Baptist church, he exemplified the teachings of the Christian religion in his daily life, and as a citizen few men in the township enjoyed, in as great a degree, the confidence of the community. Educated in the common schools, which he attended at intervals in his youth, he was not, in the strict sense of the word, a scholar so far as books were concerned, but, possessing a fund of practical common sense, he was enabled to discharge very successfully the duties of a very active life. He was married September 11, 1878, to Ida L. Hill, daughter of Charles and Eunice Hill, to which union the following children were born: Charles E. deceased; Lemuel N., Arletta J., Roscoe J., John L., and Lulu M., deceased. Mr. Nichols died on the 20th day of August 1892, and amid a sorrowing concourse of friends and neighbors was laid to his last rest in what is known as the Fall Creek cemetery.
The parents of Mrs. Nichols were early settlers of Monroe Township, to which they removed many years ago, and where they still reside. Mr. Hill is a successful farmer, owning 12o acres of valuable land, is a republican in politics, and a member of the Odd Fellows fraternity.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
HANNAH McCREERY BROWN. -The well known lady whose name introduces the present sketch is the widow of William Brown, who, during life, was one of the largest land owners and most prominent men of Washington township, Delaware county, Ind. She was born March 24, 1831, in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, a daughter of Samuel McCreery, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this volume. In 1851 she was united in marriage with James Marshall, who was born in Harrison township and who engaged in farming there until the date of his death. He left two children, both of whom are deceased, namely: Rhoda Catherine, and Elizabeth. Some time later Mrs. Marshall married Mr. William Myers, a native of Clinton county, Ohio, who came to the county of Delaware when a young man. Again she was left a widow with three children, Mary Ellen now the wife of Frank Johnson, Lavina Ann and Jacob Henry, the last two of whom are deceased. Mrs. Myers is a woman of agreeable nature and of sociable temperament, eminently fitted to make a pleasant home for a husband, and March 20, 1867, she was married to William Brown. He was born in Ohio, and had come to this county at an early day and located in Washington township, where his father had previously entered a piece of land. After the death of the latter, William bought the old home place. He was a man of prominence and was successful in a financial way, owning, at the time of his lamented demise, 520 acres of fine land, which is now managed by his widow. In politics, Mr. Brown was a democrat, and was an important factor in the deliberations of his party in local affairs. Both he and his wife were valued members of the Methodist church. Beside his widow, he left the following children: Sarah Catherine, the wife of Otis Broyles; Cora Eddie, the wife of Frank Hayden; and Rebecca Leona, the wife of William Shipley.
Submitted by: Dusti
Henry Overmire is a well-to-do and contented citizen of Mount Pleasant Township. He was born in Hamilton County, Ohio, July 16, 1837, being the son of Henry and Elizabeth (Espells) Overmire, both natives of Germany. They were married and came to America in 1836, landing in New York, and going thence to Cincinnati, where Mr. Overmire engaged in a foundry for three years. After this he went to Franklin county, Indiana, where he employed his time in farming and shoemaking until his death, 1877. His widow lives with her daughter. The father and mother reared a family of six children, of whom three are living, namely: Henry, Elizabeth, living in Cincinnati, and Mary, wife of Joseph Groothouse, of Franklin county, Indiana The parents and other members of the family were members of the Catholic Church, with the exception of Henry, who left that body, and now belongs to the Methodist denomination.
Henry Overmire, when but fourteen years of age, was apprenticed to Henry Haffer, of Brookville, Indiana, to learn the trade of tanner. He lived with this man two and one half years, and then, receiving a higher offer, went to another tannery in the same place, receiving eight dollars per mouth, and remaining four months. He was then employed on a canal boat from Cincinnati to Larwell for a month, and after a short time spent' in traveling, he engaged in the trade of tanning for over two years for a number of different employers. Later, he went to Middleton, Indiana, and engaged as a tanner for a year, after which he followed the same trade with different men for three years longer. Then, having made some money, he bought a small tannery in Jerome, Howard, county, Indiana, which he operated one year; his venture being unsuccessful, he was compelled to make an assignment, and found himself in debt after his property had been taken. Subsequently, he came to Delaware ware county, Indiana, and worked for thirty dollars a month, one-half of which he applied on his debts, keeping the rest for himself, and living, very cheaply. He came to Yorktown about that time, where he engaged with Thomas Allen & Co. as a journeyman for three years, when he and Jacob Oerther bought the tannery, and the partnership continued for three years, purchasing his partner's interest at the end, of that time, and operating .it alone for ten years. He owns the site upon which the tan yards stood, but no vestige of it now remains. While thus engaged Mr. Overmire also conducted a large boot and shoe and. harness establishment, making up most of the leather he produced. In 1882, he enlarged his business, adding groceries, and his son, L. D. Overmire, before mentioned, was his partner. This partnership existed until 1892, when his son became sole proprietor, and the father, the subject, engaged in the harness business. He also carries gas supplies and fixtures.
Mr. Overmire was president of the first gas company in Yorktown, and superintendent of the two first gas wells. He served as president four years, and is now director, treasurer and collector of the company. He was married in Howard county, Indiana, in 1858, to Elizabeth Sharp, born in Delaware county, July 22, 1840, and daughter of H. B. and Tabitha Sharp. Two children, Lewis D., mentioned elsewhere and William M., a member of the Yorktown Novelty works, were born of this marriage. Mr. Overmire located in. this. County in 1862, and has since exerted himself to the advancements and interests of the county. He is a member of lodge No. 845, I. O. O. O., and in politics is an aggressive democrat, working with might and main for the success of that party. He is one of the' most enterprising and active citizens of Yorktown. He is also a member of the Muncie encampment, No. 74.
Source: Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana