The Republican Party enunciates the principles with which Mr. Carmichael can agree, and it has his vote and influence. He is a man of prominence in the community where he resides, takes an active interest in all movements having for their object the public welfare and occupies a conspicuous place among the representative citizens of Perry Township.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
JAMES WATSON, a retired farmer, residing in Monroe Township, Delawqare County, Indiana, was born in Muskigum County, Ohio, January 1, 1834, a son of James and Frances (Frantz) Watson, natives of Virginia. In an early day these parents moved to the above named county and state, where they married, and where James Watson followed the occupation of farming until 1840, at which time he moved to Delaware county, Indiana, and purchased eighty acres of land. Returning to Ohio, he died the following year, and his wife in 1843 came to Indiana and occupied the farm that her husband had purchased until her death, in 1853. James Watson was a soldier in the war of 1812, and is remembered as a man of strong power of mind, and a most exemplary neighbor and citizen. James and Frances Watson reared a family of fifteen children, fourteen of whom reached maturity, the following now living: Frances, Stephen, James, Strawder, Miranda, Tacy, William F., Levi and Abraham.
James Watson grew to manhood a farmer, and remained with his parents until his eleventh year, at which early age he was thrown upon the world and obliged to rely upon his own resources for a livelihood. Until his eighteenth year he was variously employed, earning an honest dollar whenever a favorable opportunity presented itself, and by the exercise of the most rigid economy, succeeded in laying up sufficient means to purchase a home of his own, consisting of 172 acres of land in the state of Iowa. He resided in that state until 1855, conducting his farming operations very successfully in the meantime, and one year later exchanged his western land for an eighty acre tract in Delaware county, Indiana, which he afterward sold to good advantage, the money realized from the same being invested in 160 acres he purchased in 1963. In 1876, he bought his present farm, consisting of 320 acres of fine, arable land, which is well and substantially improved, and its high state of cultivation stamps its owner as one of the most intelligent and progressive farmers in the township in which he resides: On the 12th day of August, 1858, in Monroe Township, Mr. Watson and Miss Matilda Losh, daughter of John and Mary (Thompson) Losh, became husband and wife. To this union seven children were born, the following of whom reached the years of maturity, namely: Mary, wife of Charles Fleming; Martha, wife of Frank Nottingham: Laura, wife of John Pickingpaugh; George; and Homer. On the 9th day of May, 1890, the mother of these children was called away by death; she was a consistent member of the Christian church, greatly respected by all who knew her, and an imposing monument, erected to her memory, marks her last resting place in the Sharp cemetery. Mr. Watson's second marriage was solemnized June 9, 1892, in Indianapolis, with Miss Louisa Eglis, a native of Delaware county, Indiana, where her birth occurred November 5, 1854. Mr. Watson is justly recognized, by all who know him, as a man of sterling worth and integrity. Genial and hospitable in his home, honest and upright in his dealings with the world, he has won the confidence of all with whom he has been, associated. As already stated, his farm is one of the best improved in the township, and he pursues his chosen calling with a system of one whose heart is in his work. The citizens of his township elected him to the position of trustee, which office he held from 1884 to 1886, aside from which he has not been an aspirant for any other official honors, Fraternally he is connected with the I. O. O. F., being a member of the grand lodge; and also stands high in the society of Red Men. He is a republican in politics but liberal with those with whom he differs upon the great questions of the day. His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church.
Source: Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
JAMES H. JACKSON. - The following biography is written of one who has passed from the scenes of his earthly labors, but who has left behind him a record of an honest and industrious life, filled with kind deeds to those around him. James Jackson was born in Shelby county, Ohio, February6, 1823, a son of Jesse and Mary Jackson, both natives of Virginia, and both of English birth. He emigrated from Ohio to Delaware county, Ind., in the year 1873, and located in Perry township, where he engaged in the pursuit of agriculture. He married December 1, 1845, Miss Elizabeth West, a daughter of Thomas and Mary (Benbow) West, both of whom were natives of South Carolina, of english descent. Mrs. Jackson was one of six children, and she became the mother of four, as follows: John B., born September 3,1846; Edward D., born March 28, 1849; Elizabeth J., born February 11, 1853;the wife of Jacob H. Kilmore, of Henry county, and Emma C., born March 22,1859; the wife of Mark Swearengen.
After his marriage, Mr. Jackson located on his farm, and faithfully f ollowed agricultural pursuits until he was called away by death, October28, 1889. He was a man of excellent traits of character, kind, but just, and was a capable manager of his business. The fine farm of 184 acres of good land was earned by his own efforts, and he took great comfort in thinking how well he had provided for those dependent upon him. His remains lie in the peaceful cemetery at Mount Pleasant. Both he and his excellent wife, who still survives, were members of the United Brethren church, and were faithful in their attendance and support. Mr. Jackson always manifested the interest of a good citizen in the affairs of the nation, and voted with the republican party. He was in all respects a representative citizen, and his death was felt as a personal loss, not only by his immediate relatives, but by the people of his township, who had learned to respect him for his sterling worth and manly character. Page 724 . - Delaware county, Ind., is noted not only for its fine farms, but also for its wide awake and progressive citizens, and many of these reside in Perry township. Among the latter may be named John B. Jackson, who was born in Delaware county, September 3, 1846, a son of James H. and Elizabeth (West) Jackson, whose sketch precedes this.
John B. Jackson was the eldest of the family of our children, and lived with his parents until he was twenty-one, having attended the common schools during the winters, as was the custom of the boys of the time and neighborhood. When he was twenty-two he entered upon the life of schoolteacher, and successfully continued it for some time. Mr. Jackson was married July 2, 1870, to Miss Elizebeth J. Marshall, daughter of Miles and Elizabeth (Bell) Marshall, and by this union became the father of five children, as follows: Miles H., born December 12, 1871; Clyde E., born April 27, 1873, but was taken away September 12, of the same year; FatimaL., born December 20, 1875, who now is one of the efficient teachers of Delaware county; Gola M., born April 9, 1877, and Eva E., born November 16,1881. After his marriage, Mr. Jackson bought 100 acres of land and began the cultivation of it, giving up the teacher's profession entirely. He is now the owner of 140 acres, which are under a high state of cultivation, and he is considered one of the prosperous farmers of the community in which he resides. Socially, Mr. Jackson is a member of the Masonic order, belonging to Whitney lodge, No. 229, at New Burlington. In his political opinions, he is a republican, and has efficiently filled the office of assessor of Perry township for five years, and is at present serving as trustee of the same. He possesses in a marked degree the respect of the community and is justly entitled to a prominent place among the representative citizens of Perry township and Delaware county.
Submitted by: Peggy Karol
James Watson... is a well known citizen of Mount Pleasant Township, and a son of Strauder Watson and Emeline (Driscoll) Watson. Strauder Watson is one of the most successful farmers of Delaware County, and is, at this time, superintendent of the poor farm, in the management of which he displays great wisdom and forethought, and under his supervision, a number of very important reforms have been effected. He is in every respect a representative man of his class, stands high in the community where he resides, and but few people of the county are as widely and favorably known. Mrs. Watson, whom he married in 1857, is of Irish descent and a woman of most excellent judgment and intelligence.
James Watson has lived all of his life in Delaware county, Indiana, where he was born on the 2d day of November 1860. He was reared on the farm, received his educational training in the country schools and on attaining his majority rented the home place, which he has since operated and where he resides at the present time. In many respects, he is a model farmer, and in addition to the cultivation of the soil, gives considerable attention to stock raising, making a specialty of fine hogs, in the raising of which he has achieved well-merited success.
Mr. Watson was married on the 18th day of November, 1880, to Martha McGriff, daughter of James and Delila McGriff, who moved in an early day from Ohio to Madison county, Indiana James McGriff is living at this time in the state of Minnesota, but his wife, the mother of Mrs. Watson, died when the latter was but six years of age. Mr. Watson, while an earnest supporter of the principles of the, Republican Party, has never aspired to official honors. His livestock and his farm claim his chief and most serious attention, and the result is his present highly prosperous condition in life.
Source: Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
JOHN DRUMM - About as near as one gets in this country to being absolutely independent is to be the owner of a nice farm in a section that gives plenty of rain and sunshine for the crops. Take the case of John Drumm of Harrison township, with his broad acres, his nice house and barn, his horses and cattle and hogs, there is no noble in Europe half so happy and independent as he and his neighbors, who are fixed like him. Mr. Drumm has passed the three score and ten of the psalmist, and yet natural vigor is not abated, and he enjoys life as it passes. He was born October 20, 1820, at Hopewell , Muskingum county , Ohio, being the son of Samuel and Susan H. (Writner should be Rickner) Drumm, the father being born December 15, 1786, and the mother February 12, 1795, he being a native of Virginia, and she of Philadelphia, Pa. Samuel Drumm went to Ohio when a boy with his parents, and lived with them until he was of age, spending his time upon the farm. Then he went into the manufacturing business, continuing at it for fifteen years; after which he became a farmer and continued at that until his death, at the age of sixty - eight. In politics he was a democrat, and voted for the candidates of that party. His wife survived him six or seven years. He and she were members of the Methodist church. At the time of his death he owned 640 acres, the result of the labor of his own hands. He was the father of 12 children, all of whom lived to a good old age except one, who died in early womanhood. John Drumm remained at home upon the farm until he was of age and after that he continued there, farming on his own account, until 1863, when he came to Harrison township and bought land where he now lives - eighty acres, adn afterward added thirty acres to that purchase. He was married, at the age of twenty-four, to Sarah, daughter of Andrew and Mary (Weaver) Wise, natives of Pennsylvania, her mother being seven years the junior of her father. The father was a farmer and a member of the United Brethern church, the mother also being a member of that body. Mrs. Sarah Drumm bore her husband 13 children, and died in 1871 and was buried in Bethel cemetery. The names of these children: Ashford, married to Mary Eber; Millie Ann, married to John Eber; Mary, wife of Bolen Weaver; Leonard, deceased; Amelia wife of Leander Weaver; Elias (Should be Eluid) marreied to Mary Hale; Harry J.(aka Harvey), married to Mary Applegate; Jennie, wife of Peter Weir; George, married to Eva Shucks (Should be Shough); Norma Belle, deceased; Susannah, deceased, Caroline, deceased; and Laura, at home (Laura married Will King later on in life). Mr. Drumm next married, in July 1873, to Mrs. (Pamela) Auker, the widow of Henry Auker. Mrs. Drumm died in the following March. Mr. Drumm was reared a United Brethern, but after coming to this county he became a Methodist. In politics he is a democrat and always votes the ticket of that party.
Sent in by Donata Boyle
Page: 584 Delaware County
John F. Clevenger, trustee of Monroe township, former assessor of that township, formerly and for years widely known throughout this region as a music teacher and for the past twenty years giving his special attention to the tuning of pianos, making his home at Cowan, where he has resided for many years, is a native son of Delaware county, a member of one of the real pioneer families here, and has lived in this county all his life. Mr. Clevenger was born on a farm in Monroe township on March 1, 1853, and is a son of Joseph and Martha (Heinecker) Clevenger, the latter of whom was born in Rockingham county, Virginia, and both of whom were members of pioneer families in this county, the Clevengers and the Heineckers having been among the families that effected early settlement in the southern part of the county. Joseph Clevenger was born in Clermont county, Ohio, and was but a lad when he came into Delaware county with his parents Samuel Clevenger and wife, the family settling on an uncleared timber tract in Salem township, where he grew to manhood wrestling with the problems of developing a woodland farm. After his marriage he established his home on an eighty acre farm in Monroe township and there continued farming the rest of his life. Of the nine children born to him and his wife but two are now living, the subject of this sketch and his brother Joseph. Reared on the home farm in Monroe township, John F. Clevenger received his schooling in the local schools and early became recognized in the community for his musical proficiency. Developing this musical talent, he early began teaching music and for years was thus engaged, not only carrying his pupils along by means of private lessons but conducting singing schools throughout the county, in the days when the local singing schools were regarded not only as useful but highly enjoyable neighborhood diversions. Mr. Clevenger also for years taught instrumental music and served as bandmaster in the training of village bands and thus became widely known in musical circles hereabout. About twenty years ago he began to give his special attention to the tuning of pianos and has since been thus engaged. Mr. Clevenger is a Republican and has long given his attention to local civic affairs. In 1900 he was elected trustee of Monroe township and served four years in that public capacity. In 1918 he was again elected trustee and in 1922 was re-elected thus now serving his second consecutive term in that office. He also served one term as township assessor and has rendered other public service from time to time in appointive positions. He is a past noble grand of Cowan lodge No. 561, Independent Order of Odd fellows. John F. Clevenger married Kate S. Linville, daughter of Boyd and Mary Linville, pioneers of the southern part of the county, and he and his wife have two daughters, Louise L. and Edith, the latter of whom married Robert Beatty and has a son, George Franklin. Louise L. Clevenger married Vere Hamilton and has two children, Lillian Bernice and Robert A. Hamilton, the former of whom is a graduate of the Muncie high school and the Muncie Normal School.
History of Delaware County, Indiana Vol. 2
Frank D. Haimbaugh
Sent in by LeeAnne Thompson
John R. Hines. Perhaps no other citizen of Delaware county has resided within its borders during a longer period than has Mr. John R. Hines. He was reared amid its pioneer scenes, and in the olden days attended the primitive log school house with its greased paper windows, and they were known as pay or subscription schools. And even the limited advantages which these crude schools offered he was permitted to enjoy during only a few weeks throughout the year, for his services were needed at home on the farm. But the privations, hardships and earnest labor of these brave pioneers of Delaware county have resulted in establishing one of the foremost commonwealths in America.
Mr. Hines was born in Randolph county, Indiana, June 8, 1828, his parents being John and Rachael (Branson) Hines. The father was born in North Carolina March 17, 1789, and his death occurred in Monroe township of Delaware county in 1865. He was married in Highland county, Ohio, to a native daughter of Virginia, and her death occurred in 1838, when about forty-seven years of age. She bore her husband thirteen children, of whom John R. is the twelfth in order of birth and the only one now living. Her father, Robert Branson, was an early settler of Highland county, Ohio, and his wife before marriage was Beulah Painter. For his second wife Mr. Hines married Rebecca Branson, a sister of his first wife, and they became the parents of four children. From Highland county, Ohio, the family moved to Randolph county, Indiana, and in about 1830 came to Delaware county, casting in their lot with the first settlers of Perry township. After a residence there of about eight years they came to Monroe township, where the father spent the remainder of his life, he having been throughout his business career a prosperous and well known agriculturist. He was a Democrat in his political affiliations up to 1844, when he transferred his allegiance to the Whigs and later became a Republican.
John R. Hines was but a babe of two years when the family became residents of Delaware county, so that nearly the entire period of his long and useful life has been spent within its borders. Remaining in the parental home until the age of twenty-one, he then began the battle of life for himself, working first as a farm hand for wages, and later farmed on rented land. During the western gold excitement of 1851 he went to California, making the journey via New York and the Isthmus to San Francisco, spending three years in search of the precious metal in the Golden state and returning with a capital of three thousand dollars. He made the return journey by the same route and reaching Delaware county he purchased his present estate of two hundred acres, paying on an average of twenty dollars an acre, while the land is now worth at the least one hundred dollars and acre. Twenty acres of the tract was a dense woods at the time of the purchase, but with the passing years he cleared his land and placed it under an excellent state of cultivation, his being now one of the finest estates of Center township.
In 1853 Mr. Hines married Abigail Mansfield, the daughter of Charles Mansfield, and her death occurred about nineteen years ago. The issue of this union was nine children, two of whom died in childhood, and a son, Charles, died at the age of forty-nine years. He had married Lydia Landon, and at his death left three children, Chester, Mabel, and Ruth. Those living are: Hannah, who married Oliver McConnell, and has five children, Frank, Jane, Jesse, John and Hendricks; Frank, a prominent farmer of Center township, married Lucy Armitage and has eight children, Ina, Claude, Berle, Grace, John, Nellie, Walter and Blanche; George, an agriculturist in Kansas, married Ella Pearson and has five children, Eleanora, Edith, Henry L., Albert and Otto; Eleanor married Eldon Canada and has two children, Abigail and Cora; Lucy married Oliver Williams and has two children, Walter and Evangeline; and William, a resident of Muncie, married Catherine Neeley and has three children, Glendola, Hugh and Paul. Mr. Hines has eight great-grandchildren. Mrs. Hines was a faithful wife and a devoted mother and was a good and worthy member of the Christian church. The political affiliations of Mr. Hines are with the Republican party. He has devoted his entire business career to the work of the farm, in which success has attended his efforts, and since 1858 he has resided on the Hines homestead in Center township.
Taken from - A Twentieth Century History of Delaware County, Indiana, Volume I. By G.W.H. Kemper, M.D., Editor. Published - Chicago, The Lewis Publishing Company 1908.
Sent in by..... Cathy Marie (Kern) Davis
JOHN UNDERWOOD, a well-known farmer and good citizen of Harrison Township, is the subject of this sketch. He was born January 27, 1827, in Jefferson county, Indiana, a son- of James and Nancy (Ray) Underwood, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Jefferson county, Indiana, He came to the latter county at an early day and lived there until his death, which occurred in 1839, and that of his wife in 1834. Both were members of the Presbyterian Church and good and worthy people. Mr. Underwood made a success of his farming, owning, at the time of his death, 160 acres of fine land. John Underwood lived with his parents until he was twelve years of age, then he went to reside with his brother for two years, and then with a Mr. Camon, where he lived- until the time of his Marriage, in 1849, with a Miss Nancy Himelick, who was born April 8, 1833, and died April 4, 1881. Her parents died when she was young and she knew but little of them.
Mr. Underwood rented land until 1866, when he bought fifty-five acres in Jennings County, remained upon it for a few years, and then moved to Madison County, where he bought forty acres. He remained there twelve years and then came to this county, purchasing forty-five acres, upon which he now resides. Mr. Underwood's family consists of the following children: Samantha Jane, Elizabeth Ann, Mary Catherine, Cynthia Ellen, Sarah Alice and George W. His wife was a member of the Dunkard Church, and a most estimable lady.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
John Beal, retired farmer and prominent citizen of the town of Albany, was born and reared in Greene County, Ohio, about seven miles southeast of the city of Xenia, near Paintersville, on the 18th day of March, 1821. His father, George Beal, was one of the old Quaker settlers of that region, moving there in early life from his native state, Pennsylvania, where his ancestors for many generations had resided. By occupation he was a tiller of the soil, and he is remembered as a steady, honest citizen, honorable is all his transactions and eminently respected in the community where so many years of his life were passed. His death occurred in Greene County, Ohio, in the year 1877. John Beal spent his youthful days in the above county and state, and became a resident of Delaware county, Indiana, about forty years ago, settling in Niles township, of which he is now one of the oldest citizens in point of continuous residence. He followed farming very successfully until 1893; at which time, owing to advancing age and a competence acquire by years of patient toil; he retired from active life to the town of Albany, where he owns a. beautiful home, in which the declining years of his life are being passed. Mr. Beal's first marriage was solemnized in Greene County, Ohio, about the year 1844, with Rebecca Bales, who bore him thirteen children, but four of who are living at the time of this writing.
Like the rest of mankind Mr. Beal has frequently been called to pass through the deep waters of affliction, his children having been taken from him, one by one; and about eleven years ago his faithful wife, who had been his companion for so many years during the earlier and later struggle of life, was summoned to her final home by the unsparing hand of the grim destroyer, Death. Subsequently Mr. Beal chose for a wife Mrs. Eliza (Stafford) Warfel, widow of Daniel L. Warfel, late resident of Centre Township, this county. By her previous marriage, Mrs. Beal had seven children, four of whom are living at this time. Mr. Beal has always been a very industrious man, and as a reward of his thrift and economy, he is now enabled to live in a manner befitting one who has battled so long and so successfully with the world. A democrat in politics, he has never been an office seeker; and a member of the Old School Baptist church, his daily walk and conversation have ever been in harmony with his religious profession. His life has been fraught with good works, and the future awaits him with bounteous and abundant rewards.
Source: Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
JOHN LOSH (deceased) was born in Northumberland county, PA., June 18, 1819, the son of John and Susannah Losh, parents both natives of the same state. John Losh was reared a farmer and came to Delaware county in 1855, and purchased the farm still in possession of the family, upon which he resided until his death. He was married November 5, 1840, to Mary Tompson,daughter of Robert and Matilda (Hutchinson) Tompson, and became the father of the following children: Matilda, wife of James Watson; Robert T., died June 21, 1849; Martha, wife of Oliver Carmichael; Wilson, died June 24, 1865; John F., died June 21, 1885; infant, deceased, and Charles M. Losh, a resident of the city of Muncie. Mr. Losh was always a hard working man,was upright and honorable in his dealings, won universal respect and confidence, and was valued as a substantial and public spirited citizen, and loved as a friend and neighbor. He departed this life at Eaton Rapids, Mich., on the 17th day of July, 1880 at the age of 61 years 29 days old, John is buried in the Sharp cemetery in Delaware Co, Indiana. Directions to the cemetery from Muncie, Indiana.. 750 South and 500 West. Travel Indiana State Rd. 67 South to 438 West (State road curves to the right) 438 West goes southwest to 750 South, then west to next turn, cemetery is west of and back a short distance from the road.
A.W. Bowen & Co. 1894 - page 622
Transcribed by....Kelly Runyon Bragg- 3rd g-granddaughter of John Losh....
Joseph E. Kern is a native of West Virginia and dates his birth from the 20th day of December, 1855. His parents, Jacob and Mary (Dean) Kern, were of German descent and came from Virginia to, Indiana it) October, 1861 settling in Henry comity near the town of Luray, and seven years later, removed to Oakville where the mother's death occurred February 17, 1880. The father, by occupation, is a carpenter and he reared a family consisting of the following children, namely: Eliza, wife of Enoch Drumm; Sophia, wife of Samuel Drumm; Sarah, wife of Robert A. Johnson; James W., Mary, wife of Rev. L. T. Holsinger, Isaac Kern and Susan E., wife of James Harris.
Joseph E. Kern accompanied his parents from Virginia to Indiana and grew to manhood on the farm, attending, in the meantime such schools as the country afforded. He resided for some years near Oakville, Delaware county, and after beginning life for himself moved to his present farm, consisting of sixty acres of well improved land, situated in Monroe township, Delaware county, where he has since resided. Mr. Kern is a man of intelligence and excellent judgment and has been complimented by his fellow citizens by being elected to the responsible position of township trustee, the duties of which he has discharged in a highly commendable manner.
Mr. Kern was married January 21, 1877, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Hayden and Nancy Yelton, and his family consists of three children, Walter, Hayden and Jacob; the oldest child, whose name was Frank, is deceased. The parents of Mrs. Kern were natives of Kentucky and early settlers of Hancock County, Indiana Subsequently they removed to the county of Henry, and afterward purchased the present home west of New Castle, on the r 8th day of June, 1865. By his first marriage with Nancy Hopkins, Hayden Yelton had the following children: Varonia A., deceased; Mrs. Elizabeth Kern; Charles A., Amelia M., wife of Dr. R. Marshall; Sarah J., wife of Stephen Harlan; Mary L., wife of James Baughn, Peter, deceased, and Hayden. Two years after his first wife's death, Mr. Yelton married Jennie Cook, by whom he has one child; Joel C. Mr. and Mrs. Kern are members of the Society of Friends, in which church he has been an assistant in the ministry for five years. In politics, Mr. Kern is an ardent republican and is one of the representative men of Monroe Township.
Taken from: A Portrait and Biographical Record of Delaware County, Indiana. Prominent and Representative Citizens - Originally published in 1894 by A.W. Bowen & Co., Chicago
Sent in by..... Cathy Marie (Kern) Davis
Nick-Name(CRICKET)He was born in Connersville,Indiana in 1846 and came to Muncie,Indiana with his parents when he was eight years old.He lead an active and useful life. Coming from a family noteable for there musical talent. for Twenty-Five years he played the Cornet and Trombone in the Muncie Band with his sisters and brothers, and with the MCCORMICK Concert Company. He met his wife Mary Emorillis LEONARD at a Street Dance and they were Married June 23rd 1870.When he Married Mary Emorillis,the MCCORMICK'S accepted her, but considered her outside of their Social Status. her father was a Medicine Man and she and her sisters-and mother traveled through-out Ohio and Indiana like Gypsies.In the later years The MCCORMICK'S soon realized that she maintained stability thru their family life.she died in 1934. For Twenty Years he was a member of De Ember Tribe #30, Order of Red Men, a popular Fraternal at that time. His Political life was active with the Democrat Party and a long time member as Secretary of the Gray Club Organized during Grover Cleveland's Campaign. When the United States Post Office Dept. established free rural delivery MCCORMICK was the first rural mail carrier in Deleware County-he had his own Horse & Buggy.
The MCCORMICK'S Were Clannish Folks Who Did Not Mingle With Anyone Except Relatives. Most Of Them Lived On The West Side Of Muncie,Indiana Near Ball-State University.
(1) William Clarence b. February 6, 1872 Muncie IN (2) Thomas Kirby b. March 6, 1874 in Muncie d. October 18, 1943 in Muncie (3) George Elliott b. December 28, 1880 in Muncie m. Ada Blanch Pepple November 28 1898 d. October 21, 1955 in Escondido, CA (4) Suzie Maude b.March 15th 1883 Married.Franklin Ira LOSH Jan 5th 1905 (5) Milton James b. October 15, 1889 in Indiana. m. Mary Moon August 3, 1912 d. May 4, 1947 in Muncie Picture Of Milton As A Baby (6) Eva Luvancha b. February 3, 1877 in Muncie d. October 28, 1879 in Muncie (7) Archie Lafayette b. April 23, 1896 in Muncie d. June 29, 1896 death certificate said he died of Stomatitis.
Data Entry Volunteer: Kelly Ann Runyon....Chattanooga,Tennessee
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