Mr. McCreery was married October 25, 1849, to Miss Catherine Brown, daughter of Samuel and Phebe Brown, natives of Clinton county, Ohio. He came to this county and located in the western part of it, and was engaged in farming. He was also a cooper by trade. Mrs. Catherine McCreery was born April 7, 1828, and died April 15, 1886. Her remains rest in the Wheeling cemetery, where a beautiful monument marks the spot. She was a devoted member of the Methodist church, and enjoyed the esteem of everyone.
By the marriage the following children were born: Samuel J., married to Martha Trout; Hannah Elizabeth, wife of William Jenny; Rebecca, deceased; James William, living at home; Nathan Andrew, married to Nettie Trout; John Wesley, married to Martha Woodring; Sarah L., wife of John Kirkland; and Mary M., wife of Barney Harman. Mr. McCreery married September 18, 1888, for his second wife, Mrs. Margaret Ellen Anderson, widow of O. Anderson, a native of Clermont county, Ohio, who practiced medicine in Highland county, Ohio, a number of: years. Mr. McCreery is a republican in politics, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He is the son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Maynard) McCreery Samuel McCreery was born July 9, 1801, in Virginia; emigrated to Carroll Ohio, when a young man, and purchased one hundred acres of land, which he farmed, and remained there until 1838, when he came to this county and entered 36o acres of land, then in a primitive state. Mrs. McCreery departed this life February 2, 1889, and her remains rest in the Wheeling cemetery She was a Methodist and a devoted Christian woman. Samuel McCreery died November 21 1893, at the age of nicety-two, and was one of Harrison township's most highly respected citizens; he was a member of the Methodist church, and a stanch supporter of the republican party.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
VALENTINE SHOCKLEY, an old and highly respected farmer of Monroe township, now living a life of retirement, was born in Delaware Co. Indiana, March 11, 1838, the son of James and Mary (Ogle) Shockley. These parents emigrated from Virginia to Indiana in 1834, and settled in Delaware County, where they bought forty-five acres of land and cleared a farm. They bore their full share of hardships and vicissitudes of life in the back woods, and were creditable respresentative of the large clase of pioneers to whose industry and perseverance the county is so largely indebted for its present advanced and prosperous condition. James Shockley was a memeber of the Methodist Episcopal church for a great many years, as was also his wife, and they are remembered as people of excellent character and consitent christians. Valentine Shockley grew to manhood in Monroe township, where he was born, and remained with his father until the latter's death which occurred on the 15th day of June 1849. He learned those lessons of industry and economy which bore their fruit in the success of subsequent life, and having decided up on agriculture as an occupation, steadily pursued that useful calling until a competency enabled him to retire from the active duties of life. Mr. Shockley is a self made man in all that term implies, and the beautiful and highly cultivated farm of 150 acres and other property which he now owns are the direct results of his own efforts. Mr. Shockley was married February 2,1863, to Martha, daughter of John and Cynthia (DeWitt) Gibson. The wedded life of Mr.and Mrs. Shockley has been gladdened by the birth of seven children, namely: Etta, deceased wife of William Hutchings; she left one child, Gracie; Rebecca, wife of Allen (Should be Alvey) Drumm; Frank; Ollie, wife of Grant Keesling; Marion, Charles, and an infant that died without being named. The father and mother of Mrs. Shockley died in the years 1882 and 1844; respectively, and lie buried in the Reynolds cemetery. They were the parents of the following children: Rebecca, wife of Robert Turner; Mary wife of James Ross; Jane wife of John Nelson; Francis, deceased; Clark, and Gibson. Mr. Shockley is an active worker in the F.M.B.A. and a republican in his political affiliations. He is a member of the church of the Christian Connection, in which he is highly esteemed, and to which his wife also belongs.
Sent in by Donata Boyle
Page: 633 & 634 Monroe Township
WASHINGTON MAYNARD is a native of the Buckeye state, and a well known citizen of Washington township, this county. He was born in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, June 21, 1837, being the son of Benjamin and Letha (Tracy) Maynard, both natives of Virginia. The father removed to Tuscarawas county when a young man, farming there, and remained there until 1841, when, with his family, he came to Washington township and bought eighty acres of land in section 27. Later he purchased eighty acres, where he remained until his death, which occurred in August, 1883. He and his wife were members of the Methodist church. Benjamin Maynard was a republican, and gave his hearty support to that party. Washington Maynard came here with his parents, and remained with them until the age of twenty-four; receiving a good common school education as he grew up. At the age named he owned forty acres of land in Harrison township, which he sold, and bought the same amount in section 29, in Washington township. Here he lived until 1868, and then moved to New Corner, and engaged in mercantile business for fourteen months, at the expiration of which time he sold out and moved back to the farm. Here he remained until 1891, and then again moved to New Corner, where he now lives, and is a notary; having been a justice of the peace for twelve years, he is very familiar with all kinds of legal forms. Mr. Maynard was married September 24, 1860, to Martha J. Thompson, daughter of David and Melinda (Davis) Thompson. She was born January 10, 1842, in Delaware county. Her father was born October 27, 1817, and her mother May 13, 1820, in Butler county, Ohio, and came to this county in 1840, where Mr. Thompson engaged in farming up to 1872. In this year he removed his family to Muncie, where he now lives a quiet retired life. He and his wife are members of the Church of God. In politics he is a prohibitionist, and is very earnest in his support of that party. Mr. Maynard is the father of the following children: Mary Alice, George Thomas, and Munroe, deceased; John and Sherman. He and wife are members of the Methodist church, both identifying themselves with the church in early life. Mr. Maynard is a trustee in the church, and superintendent of the Sunday-school. In politics he is a prohibitionist, and firmly believes that party is necessary to the salvation of the country.
Submitted by: Dusti
WILLIAM BEALL is a well known and prosperous citizen of New Burlington, Perry Township, Delaware County, and a native of Henry County, Indiana, where he was born November 26, 1853. He is the son of Charles and Vashti (Rea) Beall - the father a native of Ohio, and the mother of Indiana, and both of English descent. The father was a farmer all of his life, and at the time of his death owned 173 acres of land. He and his wife were the parents of fourteen children, namely: Martha; Andrew J., Sarah M., and James R., deceased; William; John, deceased; Eliza E., Melinda; Lawson, deceased; Charles B.; Lawrence; Thomas; Marcus; and Lewis, deceased. The father was a hard workingman and gave his children every advantage that he could. His wife died in 1872, and was buried in the Friends' cemetery in Henry County. He died January 1892.
William Beall lived with his parents until he was of age, when he took his father's farm and managed it for four years. He was married, in 1877, to Lucy Wilkinson, daughter of Samuel and Angeline (Hubbard) Wilkinson, natives of Ohio, and of English descent. Mrs. Beall's father was born in 1833, and in 1860 moved to Henry County, where he was engaged in farming. Mrs. Beall was born March 2, 1862, and is one of eleven children, nine of whom are living. Both her parents reside in Henry County. By his marriage, William Beall is the father of three children, namely: Clement, born October 9, 1878; Bertha, born April 15, 1884; Lavaria, born April 3, 1892. After his marriage, Mr. Beall located on a farm of forty acres in Henry County; lived there five years, then bought the farm upon which he now lives, consisting of eighty-five acres of well-improved land. Mr. Beall has built a fine new house and barn, and although a young man he has earned every dollar that he owns, being a hard working farmer, and a good manager. He has never speculated, but has made his money as a farmer. He was a republican until 1892, when he voted the prohibition ticket.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
William Brotherton deceased lawyer of Muncie, was born near Winchester, Va., October 3, 1826. His father, John Brotherton, was a native of Yorkshire, England, and after coming to America, engaged in farming. His mother, whose maiden name was Mary P. Hodge, was born in Virginia. They removed in 1835 to Greene, county, Ohio, when their son William was nine years of age. His early education was largely obtained by earnest study at home, although good use was also made of the meager advantages afforded by a country school. In 1849, he gratified his long cherished desire to study law, becoming a student in the office of Judge Moses Barlow, of Xenia, Ohio, and in 1851, was admitted to the bar. Selecting Muncie, Indiana, as the field of his future efforts, Mr. Brotherton at once removed thither, and commenced the practice of law. With limited pecuniary means, without influence, and an entire stranger in the place, he entered upon the toilsom way for legal distinction. He gradually gained a lucrative practice, and also interested himself in politics, in which his abilities soon obtained general recognition. In 1852, only one year after his arrival in Muncie, he was elected district attorney of the common pleas court for the counties of Delaware, Grant, and Blackford, served two years, and in 1855 was elected prosecuting attorney of the Seventh judicial circuit.
The republican party had just begun the struggle for supremacy, and on that ticket, in 1858, Mr. Brotherton was elected to a seat in the legislature as representative from Delaware county. The nomination was accepted only by the urgent solicitation of friends. At the close of the term, in accordance with a resolution expressed at his election, he resumed the duties of his profession, and never afterward permitted himself to be made a candidate for any political office. In 1853 he married Miss Martha Richardson, of Centerville, Indiana They had three children, Lillie B. Brotherton, wife of W. H. Halliday, of Columbus, Ohio; William R. Brotherton, attorney of Muncie, and Mamie M. Brotherton. Mr. Brotherton's great independence of spirit, of which his life was a constant illustration, is shown particularly in the fact that when he was prosecuting attorney, and his duties requiring him to travel over the country, he refused the gift of a horse, proffered by his parents. He was a man of liberal religious opinions, and broad views, of a generous, sympathetic, and retiring disposition, and very humorous, which latter feature made him very companionable. In his domestic relations he was one of the most amiable of men, his home being the scene of perfect harmony. He was one of the ablest lawyers and most highly respected citizens of Delaware county. He continued in the practice of his profession until his death, which occurred July 11, 1888.
William R. Brotherton, son of William Brotherton, spoken of above, was born in Muncie Indiana, July 28, 1858, graduated from the high school of Muncie in 1878, studied law with his father and was his able office assistant. In 1888 he was admitted to the bar, since which date he has conducted his deceased father's legal business with the most satisfactory result.
Portrait & Biographical Record of Delaware County, Indiana
William F Watson-- Prominent among the representative businessmen of Delaware County the name of William F. Watson, now practically retired from active life, is worthy of specific mention. Mr.Watson is a native of Ohio, born July 31, 1829, in Licking County, the son of James Watson, a Virginian, who settled in the Buckeye state in early manhood. At the age of twenty-one, James Watson married Fannie Francis, daughter of William Francis, of Licking County, and immediately thereafter located on a farm and followed agricultural pursuits until his death, which occurred in the year 1842. He reared a large family, nine members of which, six sons and three daughters, are yet living, namely: Stephen, William F., James, Strawder, Levi, Abraham, Frances, Lacy and Miranda. Two years after her husband's death, Mrs. Watson moved with her family to Delaware County, Indiana, and settled on a farm, which Mr. Watson had previously bought, and there resided until her death in 1854.
William F. Watson accompanied his widowed mother to Delaware County in 1844, and was early obliged to contribute his full share to the support of her and the other members of the family. He worked at different places, principally as a farmer, until his twenty-fifth year, at which time he married Miss Mary Brown, daughter of Hugh and Ann (Stephenson) Brown, the ceremony which made them man and wife having been solemnized on the 26th day of March, 1856. After his marriage, Mr. Watson and wife moved to a farm in Monroe Township, where he lived for thirty years, giving his entire attention to agricultural pursuits, in which his success was satisfactory in an eminent degree. For some time he served as supervisor of highways of his Township, and in 1866 was elected trustee of the same, which position he filled by successive re-elections for a period of eight years, which fact attested his popularity with his fellow citizens, and was also a compliment to his ability as an official. In 1876 Mr. Watson was elected to the important office of County Commissioner, the duties of which responsible position he discharged with creditable ability for a period of fourteen years, and it was during his incumbency that the contract for the present beautiful court hoarse, one of the most imposing temples of justice in the state of Indiana, was awarded, ant the building finished. While a member of the board, he was untiring in his efforts to promote the welfare of the county by judicious legislation, and he became, in truth, a true guardian of the interests of the people. In the year 1881 he removed to a farm one and one-half miles south of Muncie, which he afterward sold and which is now within the corporate limits of Congerville, a suburb of Muncie, and in 1887 moved to the elegant home on east Washington Street, where he has since lived.
Mr. Watson still owns his farm in Monroe Township, besides other valuable property in the country and city. He was a director in the Delaware County Bank for five years, and has since held a similar position in the Delaware County National Bank, and is considered one of the financially strong and reliable men of Muncie. In addition to the property enumerated, he owns a fine farm on the Bethel Turnpike, which he still manages.
Mr. and Mrs. Watson are the parents of five children, namely: Emma, married to Benjamin Rees, died in 1888; Olive, wife of Frank Wilson; Frank, a highly respected young businessman of Muncie, who died October 12, 1892; Oscar and Hugh Watson. Mr. Watson has been a Republican ever since the organization of the party, and has taken a very active interest in political questions, on all of which he has very decided and intelligent opinions. Fraternally he is an Odd Fellow, belonging to Muncie lodge, No. 74. Mr. Watson's business career has been signally successful, and for years, he has been recognized as a man of force and character in the affairs of Delaware County and the city of Muncie. His chief characteristics, caution, resolution, and determination, combined with intelligent foresight, mark him as the peer of any man in Delaware County and fully justify the high estimate placed upon him by the business community in which for so many years he has been a prominent factor.
Source: Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
General William Harrison Kemper, M. D., was born in Rush County, Indiana, December 16, 1839. He enlisted as a private in Company B, Seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteers--three months enlistment,--April 18th, 1861, and carried a musket at the battles of Phillippi, Laurel Hill, or Bealington, and Carrick's Ford, all in West Virginia. Was mustered out with the regiment at the expiration of its term of enlistment,--August 2d, 1861. September 25th, 1861, he re-enlisted, and was appointed Hospital Steward, Seventeenth Regiment Indiana Volunteers. Was promoted to Assistant Surgeon of same regiment, February 20th, 1863, which office he held until the expiration of his term of service,--July 27th, 1864. He located in Muncie, Indiana, in August, 1865, where he has from that date been engaged in the practice of medicine. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and also the Indiana Commandery of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States. (He was author of "A medical history of the state of Indiana," which states he died in 1927.)
G. W. H. Kemper, M. D., The Seventh Regiment Indiana Volunteers, Three Months Enlistment, R. H. Cowan Printing Co., Muncie, IN 1903
He was born in Connersville in 1818 and was just an infant, Indian Name"CHERRMASSE" when his parents John Jr & Bethiah MCCORMICK founded Indianapolis,Indiana. raised in the new settlement, he later attended Boston Dental School and received his Dentistry Degree in six month's. he became one of the most influential citizens in Muncie,Indiana where he moved and opened his Dental Office in 1854. prior to coming to Muncie, Dr.MCCORMICK could have purchased land where Indianapolis Union Depot Stands for a small sum. Instead he bought a Sugar Mill. In 1839 he Married Katherine Anne b.1822 in Butler County,Indiana. He died Dec.1884 and Katherine died in 1890. Both buried in Muncie,Indiana. They Had Seven Children.....
(1) Margaret Ann b.1840- Married...Tom WILSON (2) Samuel Jefferson b.1842-d.1894 Married, Susan THOMPSON (3) Un-Named Baby 3 days old 1844 (4) Lafayette Monroe b. 1846-d.1923 Married..Mary Emorillis LEONARD (5) Katherine b.1849-d.1908 Married...Edward DAVIS (6) William Mortimor b.1851-d.1914 Married...Doris FLETCHER (7) Francis Helen b.1855 Married...Frank DOORLY
Data Entry Volunteer: Kelly Ann Runyon....Chattanooga,Tennessee
My McCormick History Web Site
WILLIAM SHARP, a representative of one of the pioneer families of Delaware County and a gentleman who has been identified for many years in the farming and horse raising interests of the county, was born in Henry County, Indiana, April 6, 1829, a son of Edward Sharp and Anna (Thompson) Sharp. Edward Sharp was born in 1801 and Mrs. Sharp in 1804, being of German and English ancestry, respectively. Delaware County, Indiana, in the spring of 1832, and Mr. Sharp died here in 1854. His wife survived until 1878, and both lie buried in the Sharp cemetery.
William Sharp was reared on the farm and during his minority had school advantages of about one month in the year. On December 1, 1849, he was married to Miss Desdamona Banks, the daughter of Thomas and Jane (Moffett) Banks, to which union five children were born, as follows: Perry E., who died at the age of eleven months, Sanford I., Mary A., Anna E. and Edward T. After marriage, Mr. Sharp bought a small farm, of which he cleared sixty acres and then traded it for 400 acres in Iowa, and realized a good sum of money for the place. He then bought 240 acres of fine land in Delaware County, known as Tomlinson Farm, where he lived for twelve years, at the end of which time he bought the place where he now lives.
When the late war broke out, Mr. Sharp offered himself as a soldier, but the medical examiner refused him and he was compelled to return home. In October 1860, Mrs. Sharp died, and Mr. Sharp found himself with four motherless little children. In 1862 he married Margaret Carmichael, a daughter of Andrew and Margaret (Mansfield) Carmichael, natives of Ohio, of Irish descent. Mr. and Mrs. Carmichael emigrated from Ohio to Indiana, November 2, 1 832, and here spent the remainder of their days, dying July 6, 1841, and in 1864 respectively. Mrs. Sharp is one of a family of ten children, three of whom are now living, and so scattered have been the family that no two of the band have been laid to rest in the same cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Sharp are consistent and valued members of the Christian church, in which he is a deacon, having held that office for thirteen years. Fraternally he is a, member of the Knights of Honor, in which order he has held the office of dictator for a year. Politically, he belongs to the Republican Party, and is one of the wealthiest and most esteemed citizens of Salem Township. He has made a great success of the raising of fine horses and takes great interest in all matters that promise good to the farming interests of the country. He spent eighteen years in handling fine stock, and brought more fine cattle into the state than any man in the county; chiefly short horn Durhams. Mrs. Sharp has had the care of thirteen orphan children and raised seven until they married.
Source: Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
Dr. Andrew R. MOCK, son of Peter and Sarah (AYERS) MOCK, was born near Muncie, March 13, 1859, and received his early education in the common schools of the city. In his youth and early manhood he was employed in farming and brickmaking, and in his maturer years became a street contractor. But medicine early attracted his attention, and for some time he was a student in the office of Dr. D. SCHAUB, of Muncie. In 1882 he graduated from the vitapathic school of the American Health College, and for three years was engaged in active practice, and still occasionally consents to give professional advice in urgent cases. The system includes clairvoyant diagnosis of diseases and the magnetic and massage treatment. In 1888 he entered largely upon taking street contracts, and improved several of the principal avenues of the city, graveling Ohmer avenue three miles, Macedonia avenue one-half mile, and finishing Heekin avenue over a half mile, and also graveling other streets and sidewalks, employing in active times twelve to fifteen men, five teams of his own, and hiring others.
The doctor was married, in 1883, to Miss Lillie F. STEWART, daughter of Mark O. and Hannah M. (BEEMER) STEWART, and this union has been blessed with the birth of five children, viz: Calaburn, George A., Ada May, Mabel and Grover MOCK. The doctor and his wife are among the respected members of Muncie society, and enjoy the reputation of being among the foremost to forward every enterprise calculated to advance the moral and material progress of the city of Muncie.
Contributed by Brenda Kerr
From A Portrait and Biographical Record of Delaware county, Indiana; 1894. 387-388
Borter LENOX, the eldest son of Isaac Lenox and wife Ann, was born in Monroe Township, Delaware County, Indiana, January 12, 1856. He was educated at the County Schools and remained on the home farm with his father until twenty one years of age, when he began general farming on his own account, and this pursuit he has succerssfully followed until the present time, living on the farm of his father, which comprises 160 acres, and is situated five miles south of Muncie. October 29, 1889, he married Miss Ann Evans, who was born in Henry county, Indiana, August 18, 1856, and is the daughter of David and Elizabeth (Johnson) Evans. The father is a native of Ohio, and is now fifty five years of age. Miss Evans had the misfortune to lose her mother, June 25, 1871, when the former was very little more than an infant. She was thus thrown upon the world at a tender age, but was taken charge of by Mrs. Catherine Gibson, her aunt, and Mr. William Gibson, her uncle, who reared her with parental affection and care until her marriage. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Lenox has been born one son, William Clifford, who consummated the happiness of his parents August 20 1890. The parents enjoy the esteem of all their neighbors and are considered to be among the most worthy of the county, Mrs. Lenox being an exemplary member of the Methodist church, of which he, also, is an attendant. In politics, he is a republican, and is a faithful worker for his party at the polls.
Contributed by Jill Cooper Childress
Portrait and Biographical Record, A. W. Bowen & Co., Chicago, 1894
Charles H, ANTHONY, real estate dealer and capitalist of Muncie, Ind., is a son of E. C. and Rebecca G. ANTHONY, of whom mention is made elsewhere, and was born in Muncie May 10,1858. Muncie, also, gave his earlier education, which was supplemented with two years' course at the Chester (Pa) Military Colege. In 1877, having become interested in business with his father, he visited Florida and made investments in lands, and in 1880 planted a sixty acre orange grove, which he brought to full fruition and five years later sold to an English syndicate. His land investments in Florida were greatly increased, and he now owns a large number of acres, containing beds or the most valuable phosphates, which he mines and ships for fertilizers to European markets for use on impoverished soils. But his active mind is not content alone with the handling of real estate in Florida. The industrial interests of Muncie and development also claim much of his attention. He is president of the Economy Co-operative Gas company, of which he was the principal organizer, and a member of the Citizens' Enterprise Company, is likewise a stokholder in the Delaware Co. National Bank, and his handling of Real Estate in the city, as dealer and agent, is something immense. In 1880 he and his mother sold the city and environs over 420 acres of land, now known as the Muncie Land Company's Addition, the Gray Addition, and the Anthony Park Addition. In 1887, Mr. ANTHONY erected the superb building known as the Anthony block on the northwest corner of Walnut and Jackson Streets, which has not its equal in the state. The development of natural gas has always been a matter of peculiar interest to him, inasmuch as in that great product he foresaw a source of wealth unequaled by any other than his native city. He was among the first to become financially interested in drilling in the Muncie field, and has not yet relinquished the concern he has felt in this great factor of Muncie's prosperity. In 1884 he became a partner in the extensive real estate firm of Heath, Lenon & Anthony, so well known in the city and throughout the country.
Fraternally he is a meber of Delaware Lodge, No. 46, F&A M and the Muncie commandery and chapter, and also of the BPOE and the IORM. In politics he is a republican. His marriage took place February 10, 1887, to Miss Harriet B. MITCHELL, and this union has been blessed with the birth of one child, Harvey M. ANTHONY, now four years old.
contributed by Brenda Kerr
from A Portrait and Biographical Record of Delaware county, Indiana; 1894. 182 &187
David T. HAINES, one of the representatives of business men, and for many years a prominent citizen of Delaware County, is a native of Ohio and a member of an old Virginia family which settled in the "Buckeye" state before the dawn of the present century. John HAINES, the grandfather of David T., was born in Virginia August 15, 1769, and married in Frederick County, W. Va., December 4, 1792, Elizabeth ALLEN, whose birth occurred on the 10th day of May, 1768. Shortly after marriage they moved to Warren county, Ohio and settled in Waynesville, where he built the first mill in that part of the state, which began operations in 1797. Subsequently, he disposed of the mill and moved to Greene county, Ohio, entered a tract of land in the vicinity of Xenia, cleared a farm and reared a family of nine children, eight of whom grew to years of maturity. He died November 1823, and was buried on the old home farm near Xenia, where an appropriate monument marks the place; his wife died in Highland county, Ohio. Stacy HAINES, son of John HAINES and father of David T., was born August 2, 1795, in Frederick county Va., and was united in marriage December 3, 1817, in Highland county, Ohio to Judith TERRELL, who became the mother of twelve children: David T., Noah, Mary, Amos, Samuel T., John, Sarah, Stacey A., Martha wife of John MOORE; Judith A., wife of George BRECKNEY; Edwin A. and Calvin. Of these children David T., Stacey, Martha, Judith, Edwin A., Calvin, and Allen are still living. Stacy and Judith HAINES were birthright members of the Society of Friends, to which both branches of the family have belonged for several generations. The father died October 5, 1854, and on the 6th day of January, 1861 the mother was called away.
David T. HAINES was born in Xenia, Ohio October 1, 1818. He was reared on the home farm in Ohio, and in the common schools received an education, which, supplemented by subsequent years of association of the world, has enabled him to transact to the duties of an active business life. While still young, he was engaged in teaming in Cincinnati, Dayton and other points, and at the age of twenty years began learning the trade of milling in Clinton county, Ohio, in the mill purchased there by his father in 1838. He continued the trade for over twelve years, and in 1848 he came to Muncie, Ind., where, until 1853, he was engaged in the wholesale and retail grocery business. To Mr. HAINES is largely due the credit for the general system of internal improvements which did so much towards developing central Indiana and Delaware county, and in locating the Fort Wayne and Southern railroad through this part of the state, of which company he was secretary from 1853 until its failure in 1855. He continued as custodian of the archives, stocks, bonds, and books of the company until 1868, when they were turned over to John C. PARKER, who attempted to rebuild the road from Jeffersonville to Muncie. After the failure of this project, he assisted in organizing the company that built the road from Fort Wayne to this city, now the Ft. W., C.& L., of which he was secretary and treasurer, and later became vice- president of the road until it sold to /Chas. H. DALTON and others. He was elected an official in 1868 of the company that constructed the road the road from Connersville to Fort Wayne, which was subsequently leased to the Cincinnati railroad company, after which he became secretary and a director of the same line, since known as the Fort Wayne & Cincinnati road. He was one of the committee that bought the iron for the road and the first six engines that are still in use by the company. He continued with the company until it disposed of its interest to a Boston syndicate, and retained his official connection until the road changed hands. Practically Mr. HAINES has personal charge of the construction of the road, and it was by his exertions alone, and careful management; that the company was enabled to complete the work at the time specified, in order to receive the subsidy promised by the citizens of Muncie and Delaware and Wells counties. He was identified with the company until the sale of the line in 1872, at which time he devoted his attention largely to the grain trade in=Muncie and other points. and in 1867 began to speculate in Kansas real estate. In 1865 he began buying grain in Chicago, later extended his operation in this line to Cleveland, Ohio, and in 1875 became prominently identified with the Muncie machine works, of which he was a director and of which he afterwards became general manager. In 1881 Mr. HAINES moved to Kansas, where he remained until 1892, at which time he returned to Muncie.
Mr. HAINES was married October 10, 1841, to Deborah SEVER, of Warren county, Ohio, where her birth occurred on the 17th day of October 1819; she bore her husband three children, namely: Elma, wife of A.D.F. JANES of Topeka Kan: Adelbert, of Kansas City Mo., and Melvina, widow of Samuel C. GREGG. Mrs, HAINES died in 1852, and December 7, 1853, Mr HAINES was united in marriage with Elizabeth DRAGOO, a daughter of William and Elizabeth (Crantz) DRAGOO. Mrs, HAINES is a native of West Virginia and dates her birth from May 19, 1827. To Mr. HAINES' second marriage three children have been born: Elizabeth, wife of J. N. SMITH: Allen, of this city, and David T., a commission merchant in Kansas City, Mo.
Mr. HAINES is a man of highest standing in the community, and his reputation has been gained by a long course of honest and straightforward conduct. He was a member of the common council of Muncie for two terms, and is entitled to the honor of introducing Odd Fellowship to the city - being a member of the original lodge organized here in 1849. He was the original proprietor of the National Hotel, which he conducted three and one half years under the name of the HAINES house, and it was by his capital that the building was erected. In his political affiliations Mr. HAINES was a republican, and in religion is a member of the Society of Friends, to which denomination his wife and different members of the family belong.
A note from the Librarian said that CRANTZ should be PRUNTY
contributed by Brenda Kerr
from A Portrait and Biographical Record of Delaware county, Indiana; 1894. 294-296