Capt. Edwin C. ANTHONY, the son of one of Muncie's greatest benefactors as well as one of her earliest settlers, was born at Cincinnati, Ohio, May 29, 1818. In order to fully show his intimate relationship with with the growth of Muncie, it is necessary to revert somewhat liberally to the career of his father, Dr. Samuel P. ANTHONY, who was born December 2, 1792, in Lynchburg, VA, and at the age of twenty years, removed with his father to Ohio. During the war of 1812, he served as a teamster in the United States Army, and after the close of the war (in 1814), went to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he and his father started the first tobacco manufacturing establishment west of the Alleghany mountains, and conducted a very successful tobacco and general merchandise trade for several years. While at Cincinnati he studied medicine, and after completing his medical education, removed to Clinton County, Ohio where he was engaged for three years in the practice of his profession. At the end of that time he removed to Cedarville, in that state, where he was engaged in that practice for an equal length of time. He then located at Muncie, Ind., in 1831, where he spent the residue of his life, practicing medicine and selling merchandise. He invested largely in real estate, purchasing thousands of acres in this and adjoining counties, and, by close attention to business, amassed a large fortune, which, at the time of his death, was variously estimated at from $250,000 to $500,000. He opened a general merchandise store at Muncie, shortly after his arrival here, and for more than forty years was identified with that branch of the public interests of the town. He practiced medicine for more than 25 years, and, during that time, established a fine reputation as a successful physician. He was active in all public enterprises which seemed to him calculated to promote the interests of this city, and county. When the Bellefontaine & Indianapolis railroad was advocated, he at once enlisted to help the project along, by taking stock to the amount of several thousand dollars, and personally soliciting subscriptions to the road. He served as one of the directors of this road, and, later, was elected president, in which capacity he served about a year, He then resigned and was succeeded by Hon.. John BROUGH, of Ohio, and again became director. He was president of the Fort Wayne & Southern railway, and a director of the Lafayette, Muncie & Bloomongton railway.

He was active in the affairs of Muncie to the very last, and even on the day preceding his death, he transacted his business as usual, and at evening, repaired to the residence of his son, with whom he was living. He felt no premonitions of what was to come until late in the night, when he was seized with violent pains, which culminated in paralysis, and, at 1 o'clock on Saturday morning, July 22, 1876, he died. He was twice married - first in 1817, to Miss Narcissa HAINES, who died in May, 1858, leaving one son - Edwin C.; In 1859 he married Miss Emily V. VANNAMAN, who now resides in Muncie.

Capt. Edwin C. ANTHONY, the son of Dr. Samuel P. and Narcissa (HAINES) ANTHONY, attained distinguishment equal to that of his father, but chiefly as a merchant and a promoter of the interests of Muncie. After having been fully educated at Richmond, Ind., he entered the store of his father at Muncie, and then became his partner and so continued until the war of the rebellion burst forth. Then Edwin C. ANTHONY valiantly went to the front, raising a company of cavalry that was assigned to the army or the Cumberland, and of which he was commissioned Captain. In the winter of 1861-62 he had a arm broken, his health altogether ruined and was compelled to resign his commission and returned to Muncie, where after he recovered his health, he entered the dry goods business in which he continued until his father's death, when he, somewhat exhausted, sought relief by passing the winters for nearly ten years a the south. In Florida, during these ten closing years of his life, he became greatly interested in land on which were developed phosphate mines, that were discovered in Marion County, that state, in 1889. This interest, the care of his realty and care of his live stock at "Six Miles," where he had extensive live stock farms, occupied his attention during the last decade of his life, which ended at his farm in Florida, known as Anthony, June 7, 1884, at the age of sixty-six years.

The marriage of Captain ANTHONY took place on the 30th day of September, 1849, to Miss Rebecca VANNAMAN, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (CAMPBELL) VANNAMAN, at the time residents of Centerville, Wayne county, Ind. The parents were from Philadelphia, but Mrs. ANTHONY was born in Ohio, during a temporary stay of the parents in that state on their journey to Indiana. To the marriage of Capt. Edwin C. ANTHONY and Rebecca G. ANTHONY were born six children, viz: Florence Virginia, wife of Henderson SWAIN, fruit grower of Anthony, Fla.; Samuel P., who is still interested in the management of the immense phosphate industry established in Ocala, Fla.; Edwin C. Jr., who died at the age of twenty-eight; Ella, who was the wife of George GAMBLE, of Muncie but who died at the early age of twenty-five years; Charles H., whose sketch is given more in detail in close connection with this, and Addie ANTHONY, the deceased wife of Frank ROBINSON. Mrs. Rebecca G. ANTHONY still lives on the old homestead, in Muncie, an honored and respected lady, whose many acts of charity, indeed, command the respect bestowed upon her. To her, the sight of suffering on the part of others is something not to be borne, and her willing heart and ready purse in some way find a means of affording instant relief. Quick in her response to every cry of distress or every call of charity, she has won the gratitude of hundreds of hearts in Muncie, and will hold it until the uttermost end.

contributed by Brenda Kerr
from A Portrait and Biographical Record of Delaware county, Indiana; 1894. p.178, 181, & 182.

Isaac LENOX was born in Delaware County, Indiana, Montroe Township, and is a son of John Lenox and Nancy (Brown) Lenox. He was reared to manhood on the farm, and like the majority of country boys his life was comparative uneventful. His opportunities for acquiring an education were somwhat limited, and the schools he attended were supported by voluntary subscription and lasted but two or three months of the year. His life has been one of great industry, and, actuated by a determination to succeed, he early engaged in farming upon his responsibility, and in 1858 purchased a tract of woodland from which he cleared and developed a beautiful home, owning at this time a higly improved farm of 160 acres. He was married April 12, 1855, to Catherine; daughter of James and Thankful A. Masterson to which union the following children were born: Borter, Thankful A., died June 5, 1858; Thomas, died June, 1861; James, John T., Nancy, wife of Alonzo Cooper, and three children who died in infancy unnamed. The mother of these children died March 1, 1888, and lies within the silent shades of the Rees cemetery, where a handsome marble shaft with an appropriate eptitah serves to mark her last resting place. Mrs. Lenox was held in high esteem by her many friends and neighbors, and bore, nobly, her part towards the founding of the comfortable home where the family now reside. She was a woman of many excellent qualities, uniformly kind and considerate toall, and her life was a grand simple poem of toilsome duties well and uncomplainingly done. Mr. Lenox in his political affiliations was orginally a Whig and cast his first presidential vote for Gen. Winfield Scott. Since the birth of the Republican Party, he has been one of its supporters, and takes great interest in the leading questions of the day, butt has never been an aspirant for official position.

John P. Lenox, son of Isaac and Catherine Lenox, was born November 1, 1864, Delaware county, Indiana, and has passed the greater part of his life within the limits of his native township. He received a liberal education, early became a farmer and, in addition to agriculture pursuits, pays considerable attention to stock rising, which he has pursued very profitably. His life has been marked by industry and thrift, and he is a true type of that large and progressive class of American farmers to whose industry our wester country is largely due for much of its present advancement and prosperity. He is a member of the improved Order of Red Men and takes an active interest in the affairs of the fraternity. Mr. Lenox was married April 4, 1888 to Miss Sina Skinner daughter of William and Elizabeth Skinner, a union blessed with the birth of one child, namely Hazel A. Lenox. Mrs. Lenox is a consistent member of the Society of Friends and a lady highly repected by everybody in the community.

Contributed by Jill Cooper Childress
Portrait and Biographical Record, A. W. Bowen & Co., Chicago, 1894

Capt William A. McCLELLAN is of Scotch ancestry. His great grandfather, Benjamin McCLELLAN, was a native of Scotland, and having emigrated to America, at an early day, became one of the primitive settlers at Georgetown, KY. William McClellan, son of Benjamin and a native Kentuckian, was born in 1780. Growing to maturity, he married Miss Katie CRISWELL, and in 1816 after the birth of three children, they moved to Greene County, Ohio. Here he settled upon land adjacent to the present town of Cedarville, and in recent history of Greene county, he is mentioned as having been the first school teacher in the then hamlet of Xenia. He boarded and lodged at home, while his school was eight miles distant, and he walked this distance, twice each day, carrying his rifle with him as a defense against the Indians and wild animals. He died in 1863, at the age of eighty-three years. His son James was the father of our subject. He was born in Greene County, Ohio, December 5, 1817, and enjoyed the advantages of a good primary education at the hands of his father, who was an educated man. In addition he enjoyed the privileges of the common schools, when not engaged with his father upon the farm. In 1836 he married Miss Harriet BEEMER, and within a short time there after, engaged with his father-in-law, Frederick BEEMER, in a sawmill at Cedarville, Ohio. He was thus engaged until February, 1849, at which time he came, with his family, to Delaware county, Ind. Following his arrival, he located upon the farm, where he still resides, in the northwest portion of Center Township.

For a period of thirty-two years, he has been a faithful tiller of the soil in Delaware County, and has been highly respected as a citizen of integrity. He has reared a family of nine children who have honored him by taking their place, severally among the best citizens of the county. His children were William A., Frederick H., John F., James M., McHenry A., Julia F., George E., Charles A., and Katie B., all of whom now reside in this county excepting Frederick H. and Katie B., who are deceased.

William A., the oldest son, and the subject of this biography, was born June 27, 1837, at Cedarville, Greene County, Ohio, and accompanied his parents to Delaware County Ind., in 1849. He enjoyed the advantages of a good English education, and continued to assist his father about the farm until the spring of 1859. He then engaged as a clerk in the grocery store of his uncle G. BEEMER, at Muncie and remained in his employ until August 1862. The exigencies of the times demanding patriotic services, he abandoned his position and assisted in recruiting company D, of the eighty-fourth regiment Indiana Volunteers. He was commissioned Second Lieutenant of this company August 14, 1862, and promoted to the position of First Lieutenant on the 6th of January, 1863. On the 28th day of February, 1865, he was again promoted to the rank of Captain, and was finally mustered out with his regiment on the 14th of June, 1865. He was with his regiment, principally, during its eventful and gallant career, and acted a soldierly part throughout the war.

Returning from the army, he resumed his position as clerk in his uncle's store, remaining thus engaged up to Dec. 1868. He then withdrew to occupy his present farm of 168 acres, in Hamilton Township. This land he had purchased in the spring of 1865, prior to the close of his military life, but did not build his residence until the fall of 1868, just previous to him occupying the same.

He was married on the first day of July, 1868, to Miss Lydia A. BLACKFORD, of Delaware County. Five children have come to bless this union - Harry J., born January 31, 1862; Ney, born February 17, 1866; Wilbert E., born August 24, 1878; Bessie Katie, born October 8, 1875, and Robert H., born Sept. 16, 1879.

Capt. McCLELLAN is a man of sterling qualities; one who, by his upright life, genial and hospitable nature, and a force of character, has won many warm and personal friends and admirers. In politics, he acts with the democratic party. In the progress of public improvements, and in the interests of public schools, he bestows an approving affluence. Aside from the management of his farm, he is extensively employed by the county in the locating and construction of ditches and gravel roads. He is indeed, an honored and respected citizen.

Contributed by Brenda Kerr
From History of Delaware County, Indiana; 1881

Duncan WILLIAMS was born November 9, 1832, in Adams County, Ohio. This locality was likewise the birthplace of his father, Josiah D. WILLIAMS, who was born October 21, 1800. John WILLIAMS, the grandfather of the subject of this biography, had emigrated hither from the eastern shore of Maryland at an earlier date, accompanied by his wife and a family of small children. He was a farmer, and remained in Adams County, devoting his time to agricultural pursuits, until his death, which occurred about the year 1858. Josiah D., his son, remained at home assisting his father about the farm, until he was married, having in the meantime acquired a common-school education. On the 27th of December, 1821, he wedded Miss Emily, daughter of Solomon McCALL, a native Scotchman, who had emigrated to the Ohio valley among the early settlers. The McCALL family have since become numerous, and still reside, in large part, in the Valley of Ohio, being identified with various trades and professions. Emily, the mother of our subject, was born April 6, 1800. Seven children followed her marriage with Mr. WILLIAMS, viz: Maria, William McCall, John W., Mary, Duncan, Martha, and Sarah J., all of whom were born in Adams County, Ohio, and the four youngest of whom are now living. Hearing favorable reports as to the quality and price of the lands in the wilds of Indiana, Mr. WILLIAMS came to Delaware County in the fall of 1835,and entered a tract of 160 acres in Hamilton Township, this being the farm upon which his son Duncan now resides. Returning to his family in Ohio, he brought them, one year later, to this tract, arriving on the 30th of September, 1836. Once settled at their new home, the father went to work diligently to clear and improve the land, while his devoted wife did well her part in the economy of the pioneer household, making the forest home comfortable, cheerful, and happy. The family were devout Christian people, and active workers in the Methodist Episcopal Church and the father was prominent in helping to establish the first class of that denomination in their neighborhood. In politics, he adhered to the principals of the democratic party; and while not a politician, yet at the time of his death, he was serving his tenth year as Justice of the Peace for Hamilton township. He always bestowed his influences and support in behalf of public enterprises, and toward the maintenance of common schools. He died December 11, 1855, his life, perhaps, having been shortened by the severe hardships and exposures of pioneer life. He was a man of the strictest integrity, and his word was regarded as being as good as his bond. His fair dealing, and his honesty of word and purpose won for him universal confidence and esteem in his community.

His son Duncan grew up on the farm of his father, assisting him in the summer and attending the common schools of his neighborhood during the winter, until the fall of 1850, when he entered the seminary at Muncie, where, during two years, he pursued his studies with commendable results. Following this, he taught two terms of school in Delaware County, and on the 23rd of September 1858, he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah J., daughter of Robert CLARK, of this county. Five children have blessed their home, namely Lucy, William K., Emma F., Z Gertrude and Robert J., of whom all now survive save William K.

After his father's death, Duncan purchased the interest of the other heirs of the estate, thus retaining the old homestead, upon which he still resides. His mother was a member of his home circle until her decease, January 20, 1878. Like his father Mr. WILLIAMS is a zealous adherent to the faith of Methodist Episcopal church, in which he is joined by his family. He has clung to the political cause which his father espoused, and acts with the Democratic party. The confidence reposed in him by the community in which he resides is attested by his being called to serve them in the important office of Township trustee. He is a successful farmer, a good business man, and honorable and upright in all his dealings.

Contributed by Brenda Kerr
From History of Delaware County, Indiana; 1881

William Summers Sr. came with a colony from Germany and settled in Virginia, where he married Nancy Fenner, also of Germany. They moved to Highland Co. Ohio where they raised their family. Nancy died in Highland Co. Ohio. William and sons removed after her death to Salem Twp. Delaware Co. Indiana. William Sr. died in Delaware Co. Indiana, 1848. William Sr. was blind, due to a fall from a wagon and injuring the back of his head. He was very reticent and niggardly, meaning that he was a quiet, reserved man. He was a miser about his money. That may be why he was able to accumulate a large amount of property. After his death, a bushel of gold and silver coins were found which he had hidden away. His tax receipts and business papers, some of which were over 100 years old, as of 1899, were in the possession of his grandson, Simon H. Summers. Although a strictly moral man he was not a member of any certain church. William built the first frame house in Delaware County, Salem Twp. ---- According to History of Henry Co. Indiana 1884 pg 604

Transcribed & Contributed By Becky Brown Prince

According to the History of Henry Co. IN 1884; Simon H. Summers was born in Highland County, OH May 23, 1832, a son of William and Polly (Richardson) Summers, his father a native of Virginia and his mother of North Carolina...was reared and educated in Delaware Co. , remaining there until 1868, when he moved to Middletown and for three years engaged in the mercantile business. He then turned his attention to buying and selling grain and hogs, and became one of the largest dealers in the county, continuing the business until 1874. Since then he has lived a more quiet life, merely attending to his property. Mr. Summers has been a prominent, influential man in the county. He has been Superintendent of the Henry, Madison and Delaware Counties Agricultural Fairs for eleven years and under his management they have always been carreid on successfully. He was married in April 1851 to Louisa Sanders, of Henry Co. IN. They have four children - Sarah A., wife of Albert J. Griffis; Nettie, wife of F. L. Thornburg; William L. and Osa Ray. ' Transcribed & Contributed By Becky Brown Prince

According to Memories, Dreams and Reflections of Middletown, 1985 pg 28; "The home known as the Summers House, was built about 1856, for Frank Murphy, who owned a general store and slaughter house on Fall Creek. In 1868 the house was sold to Simon Summers, a prominent man in our history. His trade was buying and selling grain and hogs. A Prominent real estate man, the business block now occupied by Tucker's Furniture and Carpet Store was one of his enterprises, which remained in the Summer's estate until 1920 when it was sold to O. P. Greenlee and the house was sold to C. L. Ice and William Ice.

Mr. Summers' family contributed to our town's history also. Simon married Lovicy Sanders in 1851. Simon had traveled through Middletown in 1830 from Ohio, when the town consisted of three houses, but remembered it and returned to make it his home. Four children blessed this marriage, a son, W. L.; Nettie, who married Doctor Frank Thornburg who served our town nearly 60 years; Osa Ray Summers, who became a doctor and served our town until his death in 1904; and Sarah, who married A. J. Griffis, a local merchant whose father was Dr. Robert Griffis, one of the pioneer physicians of the town. The Griffis home was the lovely brick home at 850 Locust St.. Dr. Thornburg's home was located at 167 N. 7th St. Dr. Osa Ray lived just east of the Summers home at 821 Locust St. The Simon Summers family shows that each generation contributes to a town in its own way. No generation builds a town by itself, but each add, sometimes subtracts, to form a better place for us to call home."

Transcribed & Contributed By Becky Brown Prince

William Summers was born in Delaware County, Indiana September 2 1854, a son of Terrell and Elizabeth (McClintock) Summers. His father had come with his parents to Delaware County and was married January 13, 1842, to Miss Samantha Witt, but she died one year later and he then married Elizabeth McClintock, April 28, 1844. The first wife left one little daughter, who died at birth, but five children were born of the second marriage: Martha E. the wife of Michael Bowers; Sarah J., born in 1852, died October 9, 1890; John W., born in 1856, died in infancy, and Emma B., born August 18, 1862. The father of this family died July 12, 1887, and was buried in the Tumbleson cemetery. The date of birth of William is given above. William lived at home with his parents until he was twenty-four years old and attended the district schools. At the above age he married Josephine Thomas, the daughter of John, he being a tanner by trade and a native of the state of Virginia, dying in 1867. Mrs. Summers was one of eight children, three of whom are yet living, James L.., Charles L.., and Josephine. After marriage, Mr. Summers located on the old home farm, buying out the other heirs. He is the owner of 140 acres of well improved land and is one of the stockholders in the Richmond gas well. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Summers: Bertha F., born March 21, 1880, and Arthur T., born September 22, 1882. Mrs. Summers is a member of the Christian Church and Mr. Summers, like all his name, is a stanch reppublican.

Sent in by....Becky Brown Prince
Source: A Portrait and Biographical Record of Delaware Co. Indiana, 1894 page 761.

Aaron Moore (deceased). -- Few residents of Hamilton township were as widely and favorably known as the late Aaron Moore. He was the son of Lewis and Patience (Truitt) Moore, natives of Ohio, who came to Delaware county in the fall of 1829, settling in the township of Centre, the former dying November 20, 1841, and the latter in 1874. They were the parents of ten children, of whom the following are now living: Parker, of Centre township; Rhoda, wife of Lloyd (sic) Wilcoxon of Muncie; Lewis, who lives in Illinois, and Patience. The names of the deceased are as follows: Nancy, John, Aaron, Amanda, Sarah and Mary.

Aaron Moore was born in Scioto county, Ohio August 22, 1819, and grew to manhood on the farm, acquiring, in the meantime, a practical education in the common schools. He was married October 28, 1843 to Mary A. Truitt, and immediately thereafter located on 120 acres of unimproved land, from which he cleared a valuable farm and to which he subsequently added an additional seventy acres, making his home place one of the best in Hamilton township. He followed agricultural pursuits all his life and met with most flattering success, acquiring thereby a comfortable competence, which with an unblemished name he left to his descendants. Mr. and Mrs. Moore had a family of six children, two of whom are now living: Lewis and Florence, the latter born October 24, 1856, and who in 1885 was married to W.T. Minton. Mr. and Mrs. Minton have one child, Lucy, born June 21, 1886. They reside on the home place and are among the highly respected residents of Hamilton township. The following are the names of the children of Mr. and Mrs. Moore who have passed from life: George; Naomi, left one child; Mary E. Brook, born February 3, 1881; Sarah and Julia.

Mr. Moore was one of a class of men who are rapidly passing from this region, and possessed, in a marked degree, the characteristics which distinguish that class, namely, industry, economy, good business foresight and a high sense of moral obligation to the community. He was for years a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church, in which he held the position of class leader and Sunday school superintendent, and was always identified with the moral and spiritual advancement of his neighborhood.

Politically he supported the democratic party, and at one time held the office of trustee of his township.The death of this good man occurred June 25, 1873, and his body was laid to rest in the family plat of the Moore cemetery, followed to the grave by a large concourse of sorrowing relatives and friends.

Mary A. Moore is the daughter of George and Frances (Waldren) Truitt, both parents natives of the state of Pennsylvania. George Truitt went to Ohio at the age of fourteen, where he lived until his majority, and in 1820 was united in marriage with Miss Truitt, who bore him six children; Mrs. Moore being the eldest of the number, was born April 16,1822, in Adams county, Ohio. The names of the other members of the family are as follows: Miner, deceased; Rhoda, wife of Samuel Cecil, a farmer of Centre township; Joshua, who resides in Muncie, and William, deceased. The mother died in 1836, and the following year George Truitt took to wife Mary Waldren, who bore him one child, Caroline, who died some years ago. The father died January, 1872, at an advanced age. Lewis, the eldest son of Aaron and Mary A. Moore, was married in 1874, to Miss Ophelia G. Cones, and now resides upon the home farm. He is one of the prominent citizens of the community and one of the representative farmers of Hamilton township. He first attended the common schoools of Delaware county, and later spent three years at Wabash college at Crawfordsville, Ind., where he intended to complete the regular collegiate course, but on account of the death of his father he abandoned that idea. At nineteen years of age he enlisted in Company B, One Hundred and Thirty-fourth Indiana Volunteer infantry. For three years he has been giving special attention to breeding thoroughbred Jersey cattle.

Shirley's note: The following confused me. Were George and Frances cousins? If so, why would they mention (Waldren)?

"Mary A. Moore is the daughter of George and Frances (Waldren) Truitt, both parents natives of the state of Pennsylvania. George Truitt went to Ohio at the age of fourteen, where he lived until his majority, and in 1820 was united in marriage with Miss Truitt,"

Sent in by Shirley Baston Pierce

Abraham Yockey. -- One of the successful farmers who have shown of what Indiana soil is capable is Abraham Yockey. He is located in Perry Township, Delaware County, and was born in Starke County, Ohio, August 10, 1820, the son of Peter and Christina (Hoover) Yockey, both natives of Pennsylvania, of German descent. In 1840, Peter Yockey came to Delaware County with his parents. He learned the trade of carpenter and followed that occupation until his marriage. He was the father of nine children, two of whom are yet living, Levi and Abraham. In 1852, Mr. Yockey, Sr., died and thirteen years later, his wife followed, in 1865. The former was interred in Randolph county, and the latter in Allen county.

Abraham Yockey was reared on the home farm until he was seventeen years of age, at which time he started out to take care of himself, working in a general way at anything that offered proper remuneration. For about seventeen months, he worked in a sawmill and a year in a distillery. In 1849, he was married to Eliza Hoover, daughter of Eli and Nancy (Rockenfield) Hoover, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Yockey reared a family of four children, as follows: Mark, born September 19; 1852, married Martha Bowers; David, born November 17, 1854, married Estella Ross; Nella A., born April 7, 1857, the wife of Andrew Blount; Eli, born November 15, 1858, married Emma Thornburg. After marriage, Abraham Yockey engaged in farming, renting land for that purpose for five or six years. He then bought thirty acres of land, and after improving it in some degree sold it and bought forty acres, adding since until he has 140 acres in all. He has built a fine house with all modern improvements; arid has the best of modern tools with which to carry on successful farming. He and wife are members of the Christian church, in which they are held in high esteem. Politically Mr. Yockey is a republican, and one of the best and most reliable residents of the county.

Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana


One of the thrifty farmers and stockmen of Niles Township, is a son of A. C. Weaver, who located in this part of the county nearly half a century ago, moving to his home in a comparatively unbroken wilderness over a road cut through the woods from the town of Muncie. A. C. Weaver is one of the oldest living pioneers of Delaware County, moving here from Virginia at a time when but little attempt had been made to reclaim the country from its original forest growth. He became a large owner of real estate in what is now the richest gas territory of Indiana, and since the discovery of this marvelous fuel, he has been very actively interested in the growth and development of the country.

N. G. Weaver was born where he now resides, on the 1st day of December 1863, being the youngest of a family of eight children. He commenced life as a farmer, to which useful calling he has always given much attention, though a good portion of his time has been devoted to mercantile pursuits, in which, as in agriculture, his success has been of the most encouraging nature. In addition to his farming and mercantile interests, Mr. Weaver for some years has been engaged in buying and shipping live stock, and other speculations, and to him is the township of Niles indebted for a large share of the recent development which has placed this section among the most advanced and enlightened portions of the highly favored county of Delaware. He has labored assiduously for the benefit of the community, and in the spirit of enterprise has done as much, if not more, than any other citizen of Niles toward the development of the natural gas and oil interests, which are destined, in time, to make this region one of the most prosperous and progressive sections of the great gas belt. Mr. Weaver's home is a model of comfort, and his beautiful farm, consisting of 240 acres of choice land, ranks among the best-cultivated and highly improved places in Niles Township. Mr. Weaver was married September 1879, to Miss Angie Bailey, of this township, her ancestry being of the same Virginia origin as his own family. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver are highly respected citizens of the community, and possess in full measure the high regard of all with whom they come in contact.

Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana

Deb Murray