Mrs. Ralston was born in Monroe township, Delaware county, May 12, 1845, and is the daughter of William and Jane (Conner) Windsor. These parents were of English and Irish descent, respectively, and emigrated from Kentucky to Indiana in an early day and were among the pioneers of Delaware County. Mrs. Ralston is a highly respected lady and a consistent member of the Christian church, with which she has been connected for a number of years.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
Breckenridge Reynolds -- (deceased). The late Breckenridge Reynolds, one of the pioneers of Delaware County, was a native of Virginia, born on the 2d day of March, 1815.. He came to Indiana when the country was new, and settled about four miles south of Muncie, where he built a small cabin, and in a primitive way began life in the wilderness. Within a short time, he moved to the site of the present home in Monroe township, where he cleared a farm, which, in after years, became one of the finest and best-cultivated places in the southern part of the county. He began this struggle in Delaware county, with but a limited amount of this world's goods, and it is stated that he paid for the corn with which to plant his first crop by grubbing for a neighbor at the insignificant remuneration of twenty?five cents a day. He toiled early and late, and being a man of great physical endurance and determined energy, he eventually succeeded in laying the foundation for the competence, which rewarded his efforts in after years. ?In a financial sense, he met with the most encouraging success, and at the time of his death was the owner of 92 5 acres of valuable land, beside a great deal of personal property, and a comfortable bank account. He died on the 17th day of February 1887.
Mr. Reynolds was twice married, the first time, on the 13th day of September, 1838, in Virginia, to Ellen Lucas, who bore hire the following children: Archibald H., deceased; James A.; William A.: Hugh C.; Mary, deceased wife of H. Brown; Martha, wife of William Peacock; John H.; Robert H.: and Harriet, wife of John Simpson. Mr. Reynolds' second marriage was solemnized June 1, 1868, with, Euphamia Gibson, daughter of Borter and Mary A. (Rhoads) Gibson. The parents of Mrs. Reynolds came to Monroe Township in a very early day and were among the prominent pioneers of the southern part of Delaware County. The following are the names of the children born to Borter and Mary Gibson: Nicholas (deceased), Julia (deceased), Thomas, Elizabeth, the wife of John Bradrick; Harriet, wife of Robert Rees; Eliza, wife of William Bridges; Francis, deceased; Mrs. Euphamia Reynolds; Maria, wife of John Driscoll; and Charlotte, wife of Charles Kiger. Mr. Reynolds' second marriage resulted in the birth of three children, namely: Indiana, wife of Philip Turner; Union, wife of Charles Springer (an infant) died April 25, 1875. Mrs. Reynolds resides upon the home farm, consisting of 236 acres, and is a woman highly respected in the community where she has lived for so many years. She is a consistent member of the Christian church.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
Has become well known to all the principal business houses throughout the country as a patent attorney and the owner and patentee of the "Adamson Process Imitation Typewriting," which is much in use in the large cities for a certain class of printing. Mr. Adamson was born in Howard County, Indiana, August 25, 1861, and is a son of Edom Adamson, a native of Indiana, whose birth occurred in the Township of Mt. Pleasant, Delaware County, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-five. The father of Edom Adamson was Andrew Jackson Adamson, who is remembered as one of the pioneers of Delaware County and a prominent factor in the early development of the section in which he resided. When a young man, Edom Adamson located in Howard County, and there married Miss Lydia Timmons, and engaged in agricultural pursuits. Subsequently, in 1872, he removed to Iowa, where he followed his chosen calling until 1878, when he returned to Howard County, where his death occurred in 1884. Edom Adamson was one of the brave men who left family and fireside and offered their lives upon the alter of their country during the dark period of the great Civil War. In 1861 he enlisted in company A, One Hundred and Thirtieth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, with which he served until the cessation of hostilities, and with which he took part in a number of bloody battles and campaigns. For many years he was a prominent member of the Christian Church, and he bore the reputation of a Christian gentleman against whose character no breath of suspicion was known to have been uttered. Of the five children born to Edom and Lydia Adamson two daughters and one son are deceased, and two sons, Charles E. Adamson, subject of this sketch, and Andrew Gilmore Adamson, reside in Muncie.
Charles E. Adamson accompanied his parents to Iowa when nine years of age and received his principal education in the schools of that state. Upon the return of the family to Howard County, he came to Muncie, and in the spring of 1883 established his present business, that of a general practice in the law pertaining to patents and the obtaining of patents. In this department of the legal profession he is considered an authority and very successful, and such has been the growth of his extensive business that at this time he requires the assistance of a large number of clerks in the Muncie office, and in his branch offices in Washington and Chicago. Mr. Adamson is a broad-minded, keen businessman, and his success for one so young in years has been much beyond the ordinary. He has been identified with a number of the leading enterprises of Muncie, was a charter member of the first board of trade of the city and one of the first gas well companies. He also subscribed to the Citizens' Enterprise Company. Fraternally he belongs to Muncie lodge, I. O. O. F. In 1881 Mr. Adamson and Miss Louisa E. Polk (daughter of Dr. Robert Polk, an old and respected citizen of Centre Township, Delaware County), were united in marriage, and one daughter, Anna Leo Adamson, has been born to their union. Religiously Mr. Adamson subscribes to the Universalist creed.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
Charles Brown was born May 6, 1829, in Wayne County, Indiana, and is the son of Samuel Brown and Susan (Stout) Brown, both parents natives of Virginia. The family moved to Indiana in an early day, locating in the county of Wayne, thence, in 1828, moved to Delaware county, having been among the early pioneers of Monroe township, where Mr. Brown, Sr., purchased a tract of land, consisting of r 6o acres. Upon this farm, Charles Brown passed the years of his youth and early manhood, and having decided to make the pursuit of agriculture his life work, began the same at the age of twenty-one, tilling his father's place for a share of the proceeds. After a year thus spent, he purchased forty acres of his own, to which he moved two years later, and on which he made some very substantial and valuable improvements. He purchased his present beautiful farm in Mount Pleasant township about the year 1871, and has since that time given his attention almost exclusively to the cultivation of the soil, in which he has met with most encouraging success, being now among the well-to-do citizens of the community in which he resides. For a limited period, the subject's father was engaged in teaming between the cities of Cincinnati and Muncie, but did not long continue in that occupation. He was for many years a prominent minister of the German Baptist church.
Charles Brown and Miss Julia Ann Gibson were united in marriage. Mrs. Brown was the daughter of Valentine and Catherine Gibson, who came to this country in an early day, locating in Delaware County, of which they were pioneers. Mrs. Brown was born in 1830, and died in 1889; she was the mother of the following children: Caroline, wife of William Jones; Sarah Jane, wife of David Gibson, Andrew, Garret, Millie, wife of Peter Smeltzer; William, Louisa, wife of George Howe; Emeline, wife of Walter Everett; and Susan, wife of R. Wilbern. Mr. Brown is a republican in politics, and belongs to the Christian church, of which his wife is also a devoted member.
Source: Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
David C Racer -- To possess the comforts of a home that is all one's own, and to live apart from the jostling crowd of the city in an air which is pure and sweet, this is real living; while the sojourner of the noisy and ill-smelling place filled with housed, and people does but stay here upon earth. When to the health of the country are added, as in this case, the esteem of friends, and the respect of neighbors, this indeed is the sum of all living. David C. Racer was born in Washington county, Ohio, December 18, 1816; being the son of Dennis and Mary Haldron Racer, they being of French and Scotch descent, respectively. The parents of Mr. Racer went from Pennsylvania to Washington County, Ohio, in the year 1800, and lived there until 1847, when they removed to Indiana. While they were living in Washington County, D. C. Racer was born near Marietta. When his parents settled in Indiana they occupied the farm upon which he now lives and which he owns. His brother entered the land,' and he subsequently purchased it of him. Here it was that his father and mother rived and finally died, the mother February 23, 1871, and the father September 13, 1871. They now lie side by side in the John Black Cemetery, after a married life of seventy years. The mother of our subject was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. The children by the marriage of this estimable pair were: Joseph, lost off a steamer in Arkansas, in the Red River; Mary, deceased; Susan, Elizabeth, and Melissa, also deceased; Dennis, died on the way to California, and was buried at sea; David, a farmer; died in Iowa; Anna, wife of James Poser; and James, a farmer, died in Ohio. The father of David C. Racer has a brother and sister, Benjamin, a farmer; and Mary, wife of Henry Straight. The brothers and sisters of his mother are: John, who died at the age of one hundred; Joseph, died at the age of seventy; Colman, died at the age of seventy; Rebecca, wife of J. McVery; Ruthy, wife of Daniel Dowlton; and Nancy, wife of William Guilky.
David C. Racer was married at the age of twenty-four, to Malinda Farabee, daughter of William and Sarah (Hoadland) Farabee, the date of the wedding day being January 17, 1840. The parents of Mrs. Racer came from Pennsylvania to Athens County, Ohio, in 1838, where they settled upon a farm of 120 acres. There the parents finally died, the father in 1877 and the mother in 1856; being laid away in the cemetery at Athens, after forty years of happy married life. They reared a family of nine children, as follows: Mary, wife of James McWhorter; Thomas, a physician; Melinda; Catherine, wife of George Canny; Anna, wife of Samuel McKibben; Elias, a farmer; and Silas and Samuel, deceased. Beside these, Mrs. Racer has the following half brothers and sisters: Nancy, wife of John West, John and Benjamin V., farmers.
The parents of Mrs. Racer were members of the Methodist Episcopal and of the Presbyterian churches, respectively, her father being a class leader in his church. The grandfather of Mrs. Racer owned Boo acres of land in Washington County, Pennsylvania.
When David C. Racer first came to this country, he was very much annoyed by the wolves and the panthers. He has killed fourteen of the former out of fifteen shots and has also brought down many a deer. His market was Muncie and thither he had to drive his hogs. He and his wife kept house for twenty years before they had a cook stove, and still hove the kettle they first used, a ten gallon one, which the grandson retains as a memento. Mr. and Mrs. Racer have in their possession a pocketbook, which has been in the family since before the Revolutionary War.
Dennis Racer was a soldier in the war of 1812, and his grandfather was stolen when seven years of age and kept by the Indians until he was fourteen, when he was found and taken back to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Racer have had by their marriage the following children: James C., a farmer; Thomas H., a farmer; Sarah, wife of Samuel Stafford; William C., a farmer; John E., a farmer, and Susan, who died August 17, 1856, and was buried at Granville. David C. Racer was supervisor of the township for a period of three years. At one time, he owned 320 acres of land; but he has helped his children and now he owns but 120 acres. He makes it a rule to give each of his children $1,200 when they start out in life for themselves. Mr. Racer is a strictly temperate man and can truthfully say that he never drank a drop of liquor in his life. In politics, he is a strong republican and gives to that party a hearty support. Mr. and Mrs. Racer are members of the Methodist church, and they, as well as all the members of the family are highly respected by all who know them.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
David S. Rench -- Among the farmers of Union Township, David S. Rench is one of the most earnest, hardworking and enterprising. He was born in Blackford County, Indiana, September 25, 1864, the son of John and Elizabeth (Studebaker) Rench, who were both of German extraction. John Rench and his wife moved from Pennsylvania to Miami county, Ohio, and purchased eighty acres of land, and after living there several years sold out and came to Blackford county, Indiana, living there until 1873. Selling out again, they came to Delaware county, Indiana, and purchased forty acres, which were situated near Shideler, at which farm they now reside. Mr. and Mrs. Rench had a family of ten children: Mary, wife of Elsworth Galbraith; Abraham, a farmer; David; Sarah, wife of Louis Holliday; Emma, John, a farmer; Henry, a farmer; Bertha; Hattie, deceased; and Joseph.
David S. Rench remained at home, assisting his father on the farm, until April 24, 1889, when he married Miss Sarah Haynes, the daughter of John and Catherine (Ashenfelter) Haynes, the former of English and the latter of German extraction. John Haynes was born and reared in Indiana, while his wife was born and reared in Ohio. After their marriage, they settled in Union township, where they now reside. They had four children, whose names are: Sarah; William, deceased; Flora A.; and Anna P. The father of these children is a very honest, industrious, influential and highly respected citizen. He served as supervisor for several terms, and is a member of the order of Red Men, and he and his wife are members of the Christian church.
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Rench have been blessed with two children, Lulie and William M. Mr. Rench resides on his grandfather's farm, which consists of 160 acres. He is an honest and hardworking man, and is highly respected in Union township. He is a faithful member of the Dunkard church, and Mrs. Rench of the Christian Disciples church at Eaton, and both show the sincerity of their faith in their conduct.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
EDMUND H. STRADLING. -- Among the prominent men of Union Township, Delaware County, Indiana, Edmund H. Stradling occupies a conspicuous place. He now resides in the town of Eaton, but his efficient services have made him well and favorably known all over the country. He was born in Centre Township, Delaware County, April 3, 1857, a son of William Stradling, and was reared to manhood on the home farm. His common school education was supplemented by a course in college at Danville, in April, 1879, where he made substantial progress in the department of science and engineering, having previously taken a teacher's course, which enabled him to follow that profession very successfully for a number of years. While at college he improved every opportunity, teaching at intervals and acting as janitor of the building, thus making his way, in the face of many obstacles, until he succeeded in graduating August 3, 1882. On the 5th of the following October he was appointed county surveyor, which office he efficiently filled until November, 1882, at which time he was regularly elected to the office on the republican ticket: For two years Mr. Stradling faithfully performed the duties of his office, when, in 1884, he was re-elected for a term of two more years. He afterward went to California, where, from 1886 until 1888, he was engaged in railroad surveying in San Bernadino and San Diego counties. In the latter year, he was made superintending engineer of the free gravel roads of Union township, Delaware county, Indiana, which position he held until November, 1889, when he removed to Spencer county, Indiana, where he engaged in the lumber trade, in hard wood, until July 28, 1892, at which time he retired to the pleasant little town of Eaton, Delaware County. He was again appointed superintendent of the free gravel roads July, 1892, and engages in surveying and engineering work whenever his services are in demand, having had much practical experience in all departments of his profession.
Mr. Stradling was married June 3, 1891, to Miss Ollie Hopkins, a native of Spencer county, Indiana, and daughter of Richard and Ellen (Porter) Hopkins, to which union one son, Richard H., has been born. Mr. Stradling owns a fine farm of eighty acres in Washington Township, and also eighty acres of excellent land in Spencer County, and some valuable real estate in the town of Eaton. He is a republican in politics and takes a great interest in public affairs. Mrs. Stradling is a member of the Methodist church, and they are both among the well-known and
esteemed residents of the village. On the resignation of William Freeman, March 6, 1893, Mr. Stradling was appointed to succeed him in the honorable and responsible office of township trustee of Union township. He is a member of Welcome lodge, No. 37, K. of P., of Muncie. He also belongs to lodge 78, I. O. O. F. and also encampment No. 30, at Muncie, of the same order.
A. W. Bowen & Co
Kelly Runyon-Bragg
City clerk of Muncie, Indiana, a prominent politician and very pleasant and agreeable gentlemen, was born in Wabash County, Indiana, June 7, 1853, a son of James J. and Juliet M. (Hess) Elrod, natives of Lawrence and Blackford counties, Indiana respectively. Mr. Elrod, Sr., was a farmer by occupation and also a minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, being connected with the North Indiana Conference. He was a prominent Mason, and at his death, in 1858, was buried with the appropriate ceremonies of the order. Frank A. Elrod was reared in Cadiz, Henry County, Indiana, was educated in the public schools of that county, and afterward engaged in mercantile business. In 1881 he made a trip to Texas, and remained for six years, employed in the freight department of the Southern Pacific railroad, but, in 1887, he returned to Indiana, locating in Muncie, where he was employed as assistant shipping clerk for H. Roads & Co. In the spring of 1892 he was elected city clerk and entered upon the duties of that office in September of the same year. Politically he is a republican, and takes an active interest in the management of the affairs of his party. He is a member of Delaware lodge, No. 46, A. F. & A. M., Welcome lodge, No. 37, K. of P., and Twa Twa tribe, No. 145, I. O. R. M.
Mr. Elrod was married February 21, 1876, to Miss Emma Personett, daughter of James Personett, of Henry county, Indiana, and has a family of four children, James [Elrod], Lizzie [Elrod], Clara [Elrod] and Lloyd [Elrod]. He and wife are members of the High street Methodist church, and are among the most highly esteemed residents of the city of Muncie.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
Frederick BEEMER b. 1787 in VA was a farmer. He and his wife Elizabeth (possibly HAINES) b. abt. 1802 in Ohio came to Muncie sometime before 1850 from (possibly Xenia), Ohio with their children Israel (Gilbert) b. abt. 1828, George W. b. 1829, Sarah (Emily) b. abt. 1832, (possibly Mary L. b. abt. 1834, not listed with family in census, would have age 16), Hannah M.b. abt. 1836, Elizabeth b. abt. 1839, and John b. abt. 1842.
In Ohio the name was spelled BEAMER.
The BEEMER family is in Muncie for the 1850 census.
Frederick died May 1852 age 64. He is buried at Beech Grove Cemetery.
Gilbert and George were grocers, until Gilbert died.
i. Gilbert married Mary Jane UPP Oct 1851. Mary J. died Jan 1862 or 1867; then Gilbert married Margaret W. SCOTT, Mar 1867. Gilbert died Aug. 1869 age 42.
Gilbert and Mary Jane had 2 boys George W. b. abt. 1854 and Frank A. b. abt. 1858.
Gilbert and Margaret had a son Charles D. b. abt. 1868 and a daughter Mary N. b. abt 1869.
I do not know what happens to George after 1880.
Frank marries Hattie FLETCHER in Mar 1879. July 4 1879 their son Wilbur Clinton is born. In the 1880 census Frank is listed as married living with his parents without wife and child. Hattie is listed as single living with her parents, no child.
In 1893 Frank is a theatrical mgr and dramatic agent according to the city directory.
Oct. 1899 Frank marries Pearl Williams in Marion Co., IN. Aug. 1900 Pearl marries Bert Eldridge.
Frank died Jan 1933, also buried in Beech Grove Cemetery.
Charles maried Kate BRATTON Nov. 1892. They have a son named Frank R. Charles died Mar. 1896, age 30. Buried at BGC. Kate and Frank move to Ohio. In 1920 they are in Lakewood, Cuyahoga, Ohio. In the 1930 census Frank is married to Helen and has 2 boys Robert J., 7; and Frank R. Jr., 6.
Mary marries Thomas RAYON Jun 1896. In 1901 Mamie Rayon is listed as next of kin for Margaret BEEMER at the Beech Grove cemetery.
In 1920 Mary is widowed and living in Alameda, Alameda, California. She and her daughter Margaret (age 22, born in Ohio) are listed as boarders at a hospital.
She is still in CA in 1930, with Margaret in Oakland.
ii. George married Mary HARTER Mar. 1860.
Daughter Flora E. b. June 1862, d. Sept. 1863.
The 1870 census lists George and Mary with son Ulysses G. age 7 and John F. age 10. John died Jun 1870. George is listed as teamster.
George died Jul 1899.
Mary died Dec. 1919. Mrs. Jason Reese is listed as her "survivor".
Ulysses married Maggie DAVID in Feb. 1889.
Ulysses was a phamacist.
Maggie died Dec. 1903. In the 1910 census Ulysses is in Monroe Twp., Delaware Co..
Living with him were daughters Vera, 17; Bertha, 14; and sons Edwin, 12; and Fred, 11. Also his mother Mary A.
Ulysses died Apr. 1917.
Vera married John L. Nichols Mar. 1911.
Bertha C. married Jason Reese Mar. 1913
Fred registered for the WWI draft and listed sister Mrs. Jason Reese as nearest relative.
iii. Emily married T. J. HASFORD Mar 1855
iv. Mary married Samuel RODMAN May 1850
In 1870 Samuel is listed with his children: Araminta, 19; Emma, 16; Kate E., 14; Nellie, 12; George, 9; Anna B., 5.
Samuel is a tailor.
Samuel married Julia WILSON in July 1873.
In 1880 living with Samuel and Julia are children George, 19; Isabelle, 14; and William, 4.
Anna married Jesse KELLER Jan 1884.
v. Hannah married Mark STEWART Sept. 1855. In 1860 they have 2 children Selia, 4; and Charles, 2.
In 1870 the children are Lilla, 12; Charles W., 11; Ida, 8; Emma, 6; Chester, 4; Dorah, 2.
In 1880 the children are Lillie, 22; Ida, 18; Emma, 16; Chester, 14; Dorah, 13; Elizabeth, 7; and Frederick, 5.
Charles married Martha Delk Nov. 1878.
Chester married Eva Thomas Feb. 1912.
The Muncie 1893 directory list
Chas STEWART wks at 1814 Virginia
Miss Dora B. STEWART, no occu. at n east corner Godman and Cole ave, West Side
Miss Emma STEWART as a dressmaker at 333 east Jackson
Fred M STEWART as wks at n east corner Godman and Cole ave, West Side
Miss Ida STEWART as domestic at 214 south Vine
Contributed by Brenda Kerr
-- Among the successful professional men of Delaware County, Indiana, Dr. George F. Ames takes a prominent position. Dr. Ames was born in Adams County, Indiana, November 26, 1860, a son of Jesse W. and Mary (Hooper) Ames, natives of Pennsylvania and Ohio respectively. They became the parents of nine children, of which family the doctor is the youngest. Mr. Ames pursued an agricultural life all his active days, and now lives retired from business in the city of Fort Wayne, Indiana, a consistent member of the Methodist Church. The mother of the doctor died March 20, 1891. George F. Ames had only reached his fifth year when his father removed to Fort Wayne, and he was reared to manhood in that city. He had excellent educational advantages in the city schools, and after completing the course there, began the study of medicine, under Dr. W. H. Myers, in 1876, with whom he remained six years. Following the excellent training received under this skilful practitioner, he spent four years in the Fort Wayne Medical College, and received his diploma in the winter of 1881. He at once entered enthusiastically upon the practice of his profession, and has continued in it ever since, each year adding to his knowledge of the same, and he becoming more widely and favorably known on account of his skill and success. He now has a large and lucrative practice in Delaware County and other counties, the people having unbounded faith in his professional skill. Dr. Ames was married in Rush County, Indiana, May 20, 1891, to Miss Emma Webb, who is a native of that county, born in 1869, and a daughter of Curtis and Cohuram (Shaw), Webb, natives of Indiana and Pennsylvania, respectively. Socially the doctor is a member of the order of Red Men, and politically he votes with the Republican Party. He has served his fellow citizens for two years as town clerk, and has his residence in the pleasant little town of Eaton, where he enjoys the confidence of all.
Portrait & Biographical Record Delaware County, Indiana
GEORGE V. WILSON. -- The name of Wilson is well known in Delaware County where, before the manhood of our subject, it had been made distinguished by his father. George Wilson was born in Delaware county, Indiana, in Niles township, July 5, 1851, and son of Josiah and Elizabeth (Vincent) Wilson; natives of Ohio who came to Delaware county, Indiana, in the fall of 1837, settling in Niles township on a farm of eighty acres, upon which Mr. Wilson built a log cabin, and the family lived as pioneers. He was a man who exerted a great deal of influence, was prominent in many ways in the township, is a member of the Methodist church, and for the past four years has resided in Albany. His family is as follows: Morgan A., connected with the furniture factory; John W., also in the factory; George V., Marry F., a farmer; Pruda L., the wife of George Barnes.
In 1873, George V. Wilson was married to Miss Mary E. Smith, daughter of Matthew and Elizabeth (Hagler) Smith, natives of Ohio who came to Jay county, Indiana, in 1840 settling on a farm of 16o acres of land. Mr. Smith was a man of prominence in the county; for fourteen years was justice of the peace, a member of the Masonic order, was county commissioner for one term, and for one term represented the district in the legislature. He was highly respected, and when his life ended, March 15, 1882, he was lamented by all. His remains lie, in the Bethel cemetery. The mother still resides upon the fine farm of 16o acres. The children of Mrs. Smith are, Samuel B., a farmer; Laura S., the wife of Joel Green; Louis M., a farmer, and Mary E., the wife of our subject. One child has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Alma G. Mr. Wilson has a fine farm of eighty acres of well improved land, and in 1889, he built a very fine house, which makes a pleasant home. He is a good and worthy citizen, one of the reliable kinds, whom any county may be proud to class as a citizen.
A. W. Bowen & Co
Kelly Runyon-Bragg
GRANVILLE W. SHEPP, the efficient chief of the fire department of Muncie, Indiana, was born in Dayton, Montgomery county, Ohio, September 1, 1857, a son of B. F. and Fily (Cliclince) Shepp, who both were born in Shenandoah country, Va., near Stanton, and when children taken to Ohio, where they were reared. They were married in Washington, Fayette county, Indiana, where Mr. Shepp engaged in farming until 1872, when he located in Delaware county, Indiana, which was his home until 1892, when he removed to Muncie, of which city he is now a resident. He and his wife are the parents of fourteen children, thirteen of whom survive. Politically Mr. Shepp, Sr., is a republican, and was a soldier in the late war. Both he and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal church.
Granville W. Shepp was reared in Dayton Ohio, until the age of seventeen years, receiving only a limited education. He then engaged in teaming, but removed to Delaware county, Indiana, in 1872, and in 1882 engaging in teaming in the Cumberland mountains in Kentucky, August 1, 1883, he returned to Delaware county, entering teh fire department of the city of Muncie, driving the hose wheel from August to October, at which time he took the position of drive of the
chemical engine and retained it until 1891. On June 8, 1891, he was appointed chief of the department, and so faithfully did he perform the duties of the position that he was elected in 1892. Mr. Shepp was married August 22, 1880, to Miss Emma F. Safer, who was born in Centre township, April 17, 1863, daughter of Martin and Minerva (Wireman) shafer, natives of Pennsylvania and Indiana, of German descent. Mr. and Mrs. Shepp are the parents of three children -- Carl W., Nellie F. and Lone F. Socially Mr. Shepp is a member of the Foresters, belongs to Preston lodge of Red Men, No. 145, and is a knight of Pythias. Politically Mr. Shepp is a republican and a stanch supporter of party principles. Mrs. Shepp is a consistent member of the Baptist church.
A. W. Bowen & Co
Kelly Runyon-Bragg
Hiram Branson is a man approaching 70 years, and has spent his life in such a manner as to command the repsect of his neighbors, and meet with the approval of his conscience. He was born in Highland county, Ohio, May 4, 1825; being the son of Elizabeth and Robert Branson; the former was born in North Carolina (that's as printed), in 1798 and the latter was born in Virginia in 1802. Robert Branson settled in Highland county, Ohio, with his grandfather when a boy, going there on a pack horse. He was one of the first settlers of Henry county, Ind., reaching there in 1827. In the spring of 1840 he came to Delaware county, Ind, where he engaged in farming until his death which took place in 1852. Hiram Branson remained at home until his marriage, which occurred July 27, 1848; his wife being Miss Charlotte Jackson, daughter of Jesse and Mary Jackson, both natives of Tennessee. Mr. Branson had born to him by this marriage the following children: Rufus, Isaac, Sarah, Noah C., John, Jerry S., Martin, Phebe Jane, and Oliver P. Mr. Branson married again January 20, 1865, his choice being the widow of Wilson Lacy; her first husband being a native of Tennessee and a farmer. This wife was called away from earth in August, 1877; having borne Mr. Branson five children, as follows: Frances, Martha, George, Cynthia Ann, and Cora May, deceased. Mr. Branson married a third time, September 27, 1878, the maiden name of hs wife being Susanna Burgess, the widow of Jacob Jetmore. By this wife there was one child, Clara Ellen. He and his wife are both members of the German Baptist Church.
Mr. Branson enlisted during the war in company B, One Hundred and Forty-seventh Indiana regiment, for one year, or during the war. This was in February, 1865, and he returned home May 22 of that year, having been in no battle. Our subject was a Whig, after which he became a republican, and is now a prohibitionist.
J.H. Branson was born in Stony Creek township, Henry county Indiana, February 10, 1831, and lived with his parents until he was of age, after which he worked for his father two years on the farm, and then went to California. There he remained two years engaged in mining, which proved profitable; then he returned to this township and bought eighty acres of land, which is his present farm, and is under good cultivation. He was united in marriage July 6, 1856, to Miss Mary Fox, daughter of Asa and Mary Fox; her mother being a native of Connecticut, and her father of Pennsylvania.
The father, when a young man, located in Kentucky, where he remained thirty years, and then came to Harrison township. The mother of the wife of our subject was a member of the Methodist church.
By his marriage with Miss Fox our subject had the following children: Elizabeth, Sara Ann, Ellen Martha, George W., Premma, William, deceased, Joseph, William Jehoshaphat, deceased, Edward J., Asa, deceased, Flora Belle and Mary Minnie. In politics Mr Branson was a whig until the republican party came into existence, since which time he has been an active member of that party. He is a member in good standing of the Christian church, and is a worthy and good citizen.
Transcribed by: Shirley Baston Pearson
Source: Portrait and Biographical Record of Delaware County, Indiana Published 1894 A.W Bowen & Co., Chicago