JAMES F. LINDLEY, JR., has given nearly half a century of his life time to a varied program of business activities. His home has been in Indianapolis since 1895. Mr. Lindley was born at New Albany, Indiana, October 7, 1862, son of James F. and Mary Irene (Meekin) Lindley, his father born near Vevay and his mother at New Albany, Indiana. His grandparents were Francis S. and Eliza (McKittrick) Lindley, who came from Ohio. The maternal grandfather, Charles H. Meekin, was a native of Pennsylvania. James F. Lindley, Sr., was a dry goods merchant in New Albany and Evansville, Indiana, and Clinton, Missouri. He died in 1915 and his wife in 1904. James F. Lindley, Jr., acquired his early education in the public schools of New Albany and Evansville. He was a member of the class of 1882 in Old Asbury, now DePauw, University at Greencastle, Indiana. At the c1ose of his school days he returned to Evansville and laid the foundation of his business experience working in the dry goods store of his father and uncle. In 1894 they moved the business to Clinton, Missouri, and Mr. Lindley went along and was a partner in the establishment until 1895, when he returned to Indiana and located at Indianapolis. Here he acted as sales manager for the T. B. Laycock Manufacturing Company until 1912. Since that year he has handled an extensive business as a manufacturer's agent. In 1918 he organized the Indiana Canning Machinery Company, of which he is secretary. Mr. Lindley's business office s are in the I. 0. 0. F. Building at Indianapolis. He married in 1882 Miss Laura Bradford, who was born at Washington, Indiana, daughter of Thomas H. and Martha (Read) Bradford, of Daviess County, this state. Mr. and Mrs. Lindley had two sons: Stacey B., engineer and manager of the Indiana Canning Machinery Company; and Donald R., also associated with his father in business. The mother of these sons passed away November 20, 1926. Mr. Lindley is a Methodist, a Republican and a Blue Lodge, Royal Arch and Knight Templar Mason and Shriner. He belongs to the Indianapolis Athletic Club. His residence is at 2139 North Delaware Street. His summer home is on East Thirty-eighth Street Road, Marion County.
Submitted by: Lora
Unknown source - no cover on book