26-JAN-1998 Family Group Sheet Page 1 ============================================================================ Wife: Sarah Hettie O'DELL #167 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Born: 17 AUG 1896 in: Laurel County, KY Church: in: Methodist Died: 22 APR 1994 in: Winchester (Clark) KY Cemetery: New Oakhill in: Plymouth (Marshall) IN Other: in: Military: Occupation: Housewife Father: William Franklin "Frank" O'DELL #12 Mother: Virginia Margaret "Maggie" PHELPS #11
Family tradition includes a story concerning Sarah's marriage to Russell Warren. Although the couple had made known their plans to marry and although Sarah's mother was making the bride a lovely pink dress for the ceremony, Sarah and Russell chose to be united in an unannounced, private service without informing the family. The bride took her vows wearing the black dress she had put on that morning "to go into town with Russell". When the newlyweds returned to announce their marriage, Sarah's mother, hurt by her daughter's actions, issued a quiet warning to her daughter that she might live to regret "being married in black".
Whether this prediction was fortuitous or not, Sarah experienced a great deal of sorrow in her long life. She gave birth to six boys, two of whom died early. Wayne, still a child, died in his mother's arms as his parents were rushing him to a doctor. Bob, a witty,
loving, bright youth of 19 was killed in the explosion of his military plane over Walla Walla, Washington just after D-Day of W.W.II. Sarah never had the daughter she was hoping for.
For many years, Sarah nursed her ailing husband, and stood byhelplessly as his lungs slowly, painfully ceased to function. In a vain hope that a drier climate might help him, the couple sold their farm in northern Indiana and moved west with their youngest son, Orville. When it became apparent that this was not the answer, the couple returned to Plymouth where they lived in a small mobile home until Russell's death.
Sarah spent a few years residing first in one son's home, then another's. Finally, she accepted Virgil and Elizabeth Gilchrist's invitation to share their home in Jeffersonville. She stayed with them until cancer claimed both and the home was sold. Perhaps some of Sarah's happiest years
were those she spent in a tiny apartment rented from Jeffersonville's Housing Authority. Here Sarah enjoyed the friendship of other senior citizens and was active in Park Place Church.
Sarah's last years were spent in Winchester Manor, a nursing home close to her son, Bill, and his wife, Betty in Winchester, KY. Although advanced age and severe arthritis twisted and weakened her body, Sarah's keen mind and sharp memory remained active until just before her death.
Sarah Hettie O'DELL WARREN was like a second mother to many younger people. She was adored by her nieces and nephews, but of the many who adopted her, none thought more highly of her than the children of her sister, "Lizzie". She was truly our "second mother" and she is missed.
At the time of the 1920 census enumeration, Sarah and Russell were both 23 years of age. Russell's occupation was given as "Farmer." Although
compiler was under the impression that they had never owned their own home, this census record shows their home "Owned/Free".
At the time of the census, Sarah would probably have been working, at least part time, for the William GILCHRIST family. William's wife, Artiemicia (compiler's grandmother), was in poor health, and in fact, died in September of that year.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Husband: Russell Nelson WARREN #168 Married: 04 MAR 1919 in: Rochester (Fulton) IN Marr. Ceremony? Y/N: Divorced/Annulled/Separated: End Year: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Born: 17 OCT 1896 in: Kosciusko County, IN Church: in: Died: 25 FEB 1956 in: Plymouth (Marshall) IN Cemetery: New Oakhill in: Plymouth (Marshall) IN Other: Cause of death in: Unspecified lung disease Military: Occupation: Farmer/Railroad Father: Mother:
Russell WARREN was in failing health for many years. Compiler does not remember him being "well". He suffered from some progressive kind of lung problem which was never really diagnosed. There were many extensive tests, medical centers, doctors, etc., but no one was able to name his disease. Asthma, cancer and emphysema were all ruled out.
His family had to watch for years as his lungs slowly and painfully ceased to provide him with enough breath. Shortness of breath, coughing, etc., grew worse in spite of efforts to help.
In a final effort to find relief, the couple sold their farm and moved west where the climate was drier and usually warmer. They settled in Nowata, OK long enough for their youngest son to finish high school. By the time the son entered the Air Force, they realized there was no help for Russell so they returned to Plymouth, IN, where Sarah cared for Russell as best she could.
Russell spent his days making beautiful hooked rugs which they could sell for extra money. Sarah Hettie did babysitting until she could no longer leave Russell alone.
Russell worked for a railroad until his illness forced him to retire, so there was some pension from that. He died at 60, but his illness made him seem much older.
This couple in their good years provided "a second home" to many of their relatives. Sarah's brother, Red, and his sons spent much time with this family; Sarah's younger sister often found help from the WARRENs when her family was in need. Their home was a place of warmth, welcome, and good food.
The 1920 census showed the WARRENs, both 23 years of age, residing in Richland Township, Fulton County, not far from the household of William and Artiemicia GILCHRIST, for whom Sarah worked. Artiemicia was in failing health and was unable to care for her home and the three men
who made up her family -- her husband, William, her father-in-law, Thomas GILCHRIST, her youngest son, Byron and her elder son, Virgil, who worked away from home in 1920. Artiemicia died in September of that year.
Russell's occupation on this census record was "general farming". Although compiler was under the impression that the WARRENs never owned their own property, the 1920 census shows their home as "owned/Free".
Compiled by:Ann & Ernie Grubb
26-JAN-1998 Family Group Sheet Page 1 ============================================================================ Husband: Charles "Clyde" MOW #232 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Born: 08 FEB 1888 in: Richland Township (Fulton) IN Church: GRANDVIEW EUB in: Fulton County, IN Died: 12 SEP 1952 in: Ft Wayne (Allen) IN Cemetery: IOOF in: Richland Center (Fulton) IN Other: in: Military: Occupation: Farmer/Carpenter Father: Marion Lee Walker MOW #226 Mother: Eva Lanora CLARK #227
"Clyde C.", age 31, and his father, Marion L. MOW, 60, were enumerated in the household of Clyde's brother, Clarence, on the 1920 census. Clyde's mother, Eva (CLARK) MOW, had been dead less than two years.
============================================================================ Wife: Leone MILLER #233 Married: 05 NOV 1921 in: Fulton County, IN Marr. Ceremony? Y/N: Divorced/Annulled/Separated: End Year: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Born: 21 JUL 1894 in: Fulton County, IN Church: METHODIST in: Died: 12 SEP 1982 in: Plymouth (Marshall) IN Cemetery: MAPLE GROVE in: Argos (Marshall) IN Other: in: Military: Occupation: Father: Alvah MILLER #913 Mother: Lena FIESER #912
Compiled by:Ann & Ernie Grubb
26-JAN-1998 Family Group Sheet Page 1 ============================================================================ Husband: John Henry "Bud" O'DELL #185 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Born: 11 SEP 1857 in: Laurel County, KY Church: BAPTIST in: Died: 26 APR 1937 in: Mishawaka (St. Joseph) IN Cemetery: SO. GERMANY in: Fulton County, IN Other: in: Military: Occupation: Farmer Father: William Lacy O'DELL #182 Mother: Sarah Ann "Sally" OVERBEY #181
Marriage Book S, p. 175 (July 1898) states the following re "Bud's" second marriage:
"The groom" was 40 years old; 2nd marriage; a farmer; lived in Bush, KY "near McGregor's Store"; the wedding was performed by Elisha WILLIAMS, M.G., at J.H. O'DELL's. Witnesses were "Samiel" (probably Samuel) MAGEE and Frank PONDER or "PONDES" (could be Frank PARMAN???)
John H.'s first marriage (to Sally A. WILLIAMS) was witnessed by G.H. BROWN and H. EDWARDS at Hiram EDWARDS'.
An unrecorded deed found in "BRANCHES of LAUREL," Apr. 1994, relates the sale of approx. 50 acres of land in Laurel Co. by William H. SASSER and his wife, Mary C., to John H. ODELL ("Bud") in March, 1881. The description of the land and its location also gives "a Walnut Corner of Frank ODELL" (Wm. F. O'DELL) as one of the boundaries, and mentions "a black oak on ____?____ WILLIAMS Corner," as another boundary of this property "on CAIN CREEK."
"Bud" O'DELL and most of his family moved from Laurel County,
KY to Montgomery County, IN in the arly 1900s. About 1914, they relocated to Fulton County, IN. "Bud" and Mary O'DELL remained in northern IN until their deaths, both in St. Joseph County. Although they never returned to Laurel County to live, it was still "home" to the O'DELLs.
At least three of John H. O'DELL's sons wrote of the family history. None were ever published, but descendents of "Bud" O'DELL still maintain copies of those histories. Simeon's and John Ed's histories are full of interesting anecdotal reports, such as the two whiskey stills owned and operated by their father ..."government-inspected and licensed..." One of the boys also includes a story explaining why the family left Laurel County, relating an incident which caused hostilities between the O'DELLs and a neighboring family after their sons became involved in a situation requiring a court appearance. Since neither Simeon nor John Ed were born until after 1905, there is some possibility that
their reports were "colored" somewhat by repeating what they remembered of family tradition, rather than first-hand knowledge.
Compiler also owns a copy of a Deed made the 9th day of February, 1899 between A.F. and Olivia "Ollie" WILLIAMS and J.H. O'DELL, wherein "Bud" O'DELL purchased 20 acres of land from the WILLIAMS (parents of Walter R. WILLIAMS who would later marry "Bud's" niece, Callie O'DELL, in Fulton Co., IN).
============================================================================ Wife: Sarah Ann "Sally" WILLIAMS #188 Married: 22 DEC 1878 in: Laurel County, KY Marr. Ceremony? Y/N: Divorced/Annulled/Separated: End Year: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Born: 15 OCT 1861 in: KENTUCKY Church: in: Primitive Baptist Died: 13 AUG 1895 in: Laurel County, KY Cemetery: PHELPS CEM. in: Laurel County, KY Other: in: Military: Occupation: Father: Mother:
Per marriage record, Sally and John H. "Bud" were married at the home of Hiram EDWARDS. G.H.BROWN and H. EDWARDS were witnesses.
Tombstone reads, "Sally A., wife of J.H. O'DELL..." PHELPS Cemetery is a small family cemetery, nearly hidden by undergrowth. It is 6.5 miles east of London, KY on Rte. 80, behind Orville SMALLWOOD's house and across from Donna's grocery. The birthdate given above was taken from the tombstone, Aug. 1995.
Compiler has been unable to find family connections and data for Sally Ann WILLIAMS, because so little is known about her before her marriage to "Bud" O'DELL. Family stories written (unpublished) by her son, and two of "Bud's" sons by Mary JOHNSON include reports that Sally ran away from home and "eloped" with John H. O'DELL. There was also one story concerning either Sally or her mother shooting/ killing her husband/father.
That very brief "family history" was written by one of the O'DELL
sons, but there was no name on the handwritten paper, so compiler did not copy it. That and other unpublished family history reports are owned by Sherry O'DELL HENRY and Harriet Eileen O'DELL MEUNINCK, both descendents of John Henry O'DELL, and both living in INDIANA (as of 1995).
Compiled by:Ann & Ernie Grubb
26-JAN-1998 Family Group Sheet Page 1 ============================================================================ Husband: Donald "Don" Laten O'DELL #351 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Born: 14 APR 1914 in: Remmington (Jasper) IN Church: in: Died: 05 JAN 1971 in: Fulton County, IN Cemetery: I.O.O.F. in: Richland Center (Fulton) IN Other: in: Military: Occupation: Deputy/Piano tuner Father: John Henry "Bud" O'DELL #185 Mother: Mary JOHNSON #189
Compiled by:Ann & Ernie Grubb
27-JAN-1998 Family Group Sheet Page 1 ============================================================================ Wife: Theodora Isabelle STICHLER #1016 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Born: 17 NOV 1915 in: Fulton County, IN Church: in: Died: 15 APR 1943 in: South Bend (St. Joseph) IN Cemetery: IOOF in: Richland Center (Fulton) IN Other: in: Military: Occupation: Father: Theodore STICHLER #258 Mother: Maine Augusta MOW #256
Wilma MOW FOLTZ has provided compiler with hand-copied articles taken from the files of the "Rochester Sentinel", Rochester, IN
20 November 1915:
For the first time in sixteen years, the birth of triplets was recorded in this county, Friday when Mrs. Theodore Stichler who lives north of the river, became the mother of two daughters and one son. Two children are living and seem in perfect health, while one daughter was still-born. The living children weigh five and six pounds, and have been named Theodore, Jr. and Theodora. Mrs. Stickler is thirty four years old and is the mother of two other children. Dr. Meek of Tiosa, the attending physician says that it was the first time he officiated at the arrival of triplets.
In 1943, Theodora committed suicide. In spite of her precautions to protect her children, her son died with her. The following account appeared in the Rochester newspaper.
"A former Richland Township resident now of South Bend, committed suicide and her bewildered four year old son laid his head on his mother's breast in the gas filled kitchen of their home Saturday to join her in the death she intended to spare for her children.
It was there that Hubert Woodcox found his wife, Theodora, 27, and his son, Hubert Wayne, when he returned to their little home near South Bend after finishing his night shift at Studebaker aviation plant Saturday morning.
In a bedroom with a window open slept the daughter, Laura Gail Woodcox, 6, who was rushed to the Epworth hospital in South Bend for emergency treatment and released soon after.
A note in the lifeless hand of the mother told the tragic story. Suffering from an illness that dated back to an automobile accident more than
a year ago in which Mrs. Woodcox received a neck injury; the mother had put her children to bed, carefully covered the space under the hall door with a rug that was used to keep the fumes from the children.
Then she wrote the note to her husband. She said she hoped the children would not breathe the gas. It was 1:30 a.m. she said in the note, when she became very tired and wanted "to rest."
But Hubert Wayne awoke at his usual early hour Saturday morning and went in search of his mother. He found her lying on the floor of the gas filled kitchen. Apparently drowsy from the fumes, the little tot lay down by his mother with his head on her breast. There Mr. Woodcox found him, his body still warm, when he came from work.
Ladora's longer sleep apparently saved her life, the open window in the
bedroom protected that area from the gas.
Mr. Woodcox told of a previous attempt by the mother to take her life in the same manner. Then, he said, the gas made her ill before she lost consciousness and she turned off the gas and went to bed. This time the six burners on the stove poured forth fumes until the husband came home.
Mrs. Woodcox was born on a farm north of Rochester November 17th, 1915, one of triplets. She moved to South Bend from Rochester in the spring of 1927. Last April 1 the couple celebrated their ninth anniversary. Mr. Woodcox is the son of Mrs. Sam Wenger of this city who was notified of the tragedy. Mr. Woodcox has a number of relatives in this community. For several years Mr. and Mrs. Woodcox lived on a farm south of Richland Center before moving to South Bend to reside.
Mrs. Woodcox is survived, in addition to her husband and daughter, by her mother, Mrs. Maine Stichler, of South Bend; three sisters, Mrs. Margaret Steininger, Chain O'Lakes; Mrs. Alice O'Dell, Mishawaka and Miss Charlotte Stichler, of Battle Creek, Mich.; a brother, Theodore, one of the triplets, of Argos. The third child of the triplets died shortly after birth.
The son, Hubert Wayne, was born in South Bend, October 27, 1938.
The bodies were moved to the Forest G. Hay funeral home in South Bend where they will lie in state. Funeral arrangements are incomplete."
The 1920 census record shows the age of "Theodora I." and her brother, Theodore, as "4-7/12."
Compiled by:Ann & Ernie Grubb
ANDREW HANN was orphaned at approximately the age of 12. We know from census records of Wayne County, Indiana that both Andrew's father and Enos Veal who was later to become his guardian listed their occupation as Agriculture.
We know from history that during that time period most of the settlers of a new area found wilderness. They were required to clear the land and build their homes from the trees they first cleared. All without modern power tools. This required hard physical labor from all members of the family including the children. Families often lived in their covered wagons during this process.
Winters were hard in that part of the country and shelter must be provided before the snows came. Crops wouldn't have been planted in large quantities until the following spring. I imagine the first spring/summer would
be spent clearing the land, digging wells, and building shelter. Planting, would have been limited to small areas to provide food for the first winter. Meat would be whatever wild game could be hunted. The Northern Indiana area would be rich in Deer, Squirrel, Rabbit and Quail. These same game animals are still hunted in the rural areas of that part of the country. We had many meals of Squirrel or Rabbit when I was growing up.
Andrew married his first wife, Lydia Peacock in Wayne County, Indiana, January 17th,1833, they later moved to Richland Township, Miami County (about 1838), and then to Henry Township, Fulton County, Indiana (sometime between 1840 and 1850).
Andrew is frequently found in court records as administrator of estates. He evidently had a strong sense of commitment and civic pride. He appears in the
history of Miami County, Indiana, as a settler who made improvements to the area. His adventurous spirit or possibly restlessness, is reflected in his frequent moves to different places. Each move required not only the rigors of the trip itself but starting out new, without friends or family to help. Self reliance and a willingness to work hard would be one way to describe our ancestor Andrew.
Death was a visitor to the home of Andrew and Lydia. It appears that Lydia died about 1855. We have been unable to find documentation of her exact date and place of death. I believe it must have been in Fulton County, Indiana. That is where they last lived, and where Andrew remarried.
Andrew married his second wife Samantha C. Scott in Fulton County, Indiana, December 12, 1856. Samantha died Feb 9, 1864.
Andrew again married in Fulton County, Indiana - his third wife Melinda Carpenter Harsh, May 21, 1864.
Andrew and Melinda move to Neosho County, Kansas (about 1870) but returned to Indiana. An article in the Rochester Union Spy, Friday, April 30, 1875 notes his return --" Andrew Hann, of Kansas, has traded his western farm for the P. Oliver farm, east of Akron. Andrew don't want any Kansas in his.....
An important part of any farmer's life is his horse. Andrew again received attention from the local newspaper - Rochester Union Spy, Friday, April 7, 1876 --" A. Hann's horse fell down dead while pulling a load of fodder up hill". I'm sure the loss of the horse was a major setback to the running of the farm.
We again have found no record of Melinda or Andrew's deaths. I am supposing that there is a private cemetery
somewhere around Akron, Indiana where the Hann Family buried it's dead. Probably under some unsuspecting farmer's corn field. Unfortunately the Akron newspaper does not have a complete archive of it's papers so no obituary exists that I know of.
While Andrew did not have great success with the health of his wives, he did show remarkable success with healthy children. Andrew had a total of 10 children it appears that at least 9 survived to adulthood. There is however some confusion over one child, who on different Census records appears as both Henry male and Hannah female.
The survival of all or nearly all children of a family is somewhat rare among this time period. Most families suffered the death of at least one, and often several of their children. Medical care was rudimentary and Antibiotic Therapy had not yet
been invented. People often died of disease that is no more than a minor inconvenience to us today.
copyright R Wunder 1998 submitted by Roberta Wunder
Marion R. Raber
Born: June 23, 1877
Denver, Miami Cty, Indiana
Married: Nora Brubaer
Miami Cty, Indiana
Died: January 15, 1967
LaGrange, Illinois
Interred: Greenlawn Cemetery
Mexico, Miami Cty, Indiana
A photo of Marion playing for Sons of Veterans Spanish-American War - Rochester
Contributed by Dawn Hageman