In the summer of 1957, my husband, our two sons, and I took a motor trip to the Middle West. We had a vacation time of three weeks only so it was necessary that we plan our itinerary carefully in order to visit our relatives living in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. The previous Christmas season Sister Noemi had written a message on her Christmas card telling of her return to St. Mary's to complete her "stay on earth" and she further stated that she hoped we would visit her there the next time we returned to Indiana. I had a feeling that we should make a very special effort to see her and, accordingly, we planned our time to include a stop at St. Mary's.

Our visit with Sister was delightful. There was much reminiscing on her part. We were amazed at her keen memory and intellect. Our sons, Paul and Jim, age 15 and 13 respectively, were fascinated with her and the anecdotes she recalled. My brother Edward's wife, Ellen, and their two children, Mary Ann and Michael, were with us and they, too, were captivated and wanted to hear more. We left Sister in the afternoon and took time to show the boys the campus of the University of Notre Dame. Then driving south from South Bend, our next stop was St. Ann's cemetery near Kewanna. In that cemetery my parents, two brothers, a sister, as well as maternal grandparents, two aunts, three uncles, a number of great aunts and uncles, cousins, and second cousins are at rest.

From the cemetery, we drove past what we Frushours always referred to as "Grandmas". The expression "Grandmas" was an all-inclusive word that meant any or all persons living under the maternal roof. For me, as a child, it meant not only Grandma, but Aunt Margaret, Aunt Nell, Aunt Nora, Uncle Mike, Victor (an orphan boy who lived there until he was grown), and even the hired-hand. This is the Hines Homestead where all the Hines children with the exception of my mother, who was the eldest, were born. The buildings are well taken care of by the present owner and even though much of the physical exterior has been changed, there was a familiar and inviting appearance. The huge lilac bush is at the northwest corner of the front lawn and the stone retaining-wall, with rings for tying horses, seemed unchanged through the years. The front porch has been torn from the house with a modern breeze-way connecting the two. It was twilight, and I had a feeling of nostalgia. A feeling that I would like to turn back forty years and run up on the porch, open the door and then experience the warm and welcome greeting from Aunt Margaret and Grandma. While neither was of a demonstrative nature, there was never any doubt but that they were happy to see the grandchildren at any time. There was always a place at the table for them and a bed to sleep in.

On our return to Seattle, the boys asked many questions about the family. It seemed to me that I knew so little of the family background, and could answer their questions with no feeling that I had the right answer. The thought came to me that Sister Noemi had a wealth of knowledge that should be recorded. I was sure she would be happy to give me the benefit of her memory so I wrote and asked her to tell me some of the detail of the Hines Family - how our grandparents met, our grandmother's maiden name, the date of their marriage, and any other details that she considered important. Sister was always a prolific letter writer, and my request was answered almost immediately. She was very glad that a record of the births and deaths of the family would be recorded and said that she would try to write some each day until she had completed the most pertinent information.

I shall endeavor to restate the information as given to me by Sister.

Sister explained that the name should be "Hoynes". Hoynes was the Irish name, but for some reason it was changed to "Hines" after the family came to America. The name on the tombstone of our great-grandmother is Hoynes. Yet, her son's stone carried the name as Hines.


Patrick Hoynes and wife, Margaret, (her maiden name was Walsh) came to America with their five children - Nancy, Mary, Anastashia, Margaret and James. They came from Tipperary, a county in southern Ireland, in Munster province, to Cincinnati, Ohio. Sister assumed that they came during the 1840s. The whole family came. A brother, Edward, of Patrick's wife was in Cincinnati at that time. This brother later came to the Hines Homestead in Wayne Township, Fulton County, Indiana, and is buried on the Hines lot in St. Ann's cemetery, but there is no stone over his grave. Patrick Hoynes died in Cincinnati and was buried there.

The four sisters married and lived in Wayne Township, Fulton County, Indiana, as follows:
Nancy - married Kyran Walsh. There were eight children born to them, five boys and three girls. They lived on the same road as the Hines family, to the east and nearer St. Ann's church. The Hines children always referred to this couple as "Aunt Nancy and Old Kane". This "Old Kane" was quite a character. To quote Sister - "had plenty of money, but never worked hard."

Mary - married James O'Brien. There were fifteen children born to them. This family also lived in Wayne Township near what is known as O'Brien's Lake.

Stash - married James Costello. There were eight children. The mother died soon after her last child was born. Stash was the best educated of the family as she taught school before she married.

Margaret - married Edward McLoughlin. There were three children born to them.

James - married Margaret Glynn. As a young man in Cincinnati, he worked in a livery stable. He learned to read and write while working. His older sister, Nancy, had married a man by the name of Kyran Walsh and had left for Wayne Township in Indiana. Shortly after, James and his mother also came to Wayne Township. They made the trip in a covered wagon and came to what the family referred to as "The Section".

There were thirty-four cousins on the pateral side of the family. The name "Pendergrass" is connected with the Hines family in some way. Sister stated that she thought it was "my grandmother's mother's maiden name."

Margaret Glynn was born in Galway, County Clare, Tuam, Ireland. She and her sister, Bridget, came alone from Ireland to Cincinnati, Ohio, because there were some relatives living there by the name of Early and Devaney. It is not known how long they lived there or what work they did.

Michael Glynn, was married and had three sons. He died shortly after coming to Cincinnati from Ireland, probably around 1885. The mother and the three boys then drove to Indiana in a covered wagon, but only stayed a year or two and then returned to Cincinnati.

James Lally
Bridget, married a man by the name of Burns. She was married in Cincinnati and came to Fulton County, Indiana, and settled on a farm directly west of the Hines Homestead. There were two boys and five girls. The father died when the children were young.

James Lally, a nephew of Margaret and Bridget Glynn, came from Ireland when he was a young man. He was accidently drowned, and is buried in St. Ann's cemetery in Fulton County. On his tombstone there is this epitaph - "Stop sometime you'll be, so prepare yourself for eternity." James Lally had two sisters who came to Chicago from Ireland - one sister married a Mr. Gunnan, and the other sister went into the convent and later went to a Leprosy Colony. The family never heard from her after she left of the Leper Colony.

Father William Glynn, a nephew, resided in New York City. He visited the Indiana relatives several times and offered the Nuptial Mass and married Nora Hines on August 6, 1919. His brother, also a priest, Father Michael Glynn, came from Ireland for a visit in the United States, and he, also, visited the Indiana relatives. Father Michael was much impressed with the United States, but loved his native country more and returned there.

James Hines - Margaret Glynn Family - Margaret Glynn came from Cincinnati to visit her sister, Bridget Burns, in Wayne Township, Fulton County, Indiana. It was there that she met James Hines. They were married by Father Crawley in the presence of Mary Maroney and Michael Sinnott in St. Vincent's Church, Logansport, Indiana, on June 6, 1866. Sister recalled the older relatives teasing her father saying that he only knew "Mag" for six weeks. The courtship was not lengthy. Their first home was on the "Section" and it was there that the first child, Mary Ann, was born. Soon after her birth in 1867 James bought the Hines Homestead from a man by the name of McClatchey. There were eighty acres, mostly woods, hardly 20 acres of the land tillable. The house was a big log one, but had been weather boarded. As the family increased, a kitchen and back-porch were built. In 19900 the present house was erected - all of the lumber coming from their own land. A large barn was built in 1906. This was the "bank" type of barn, with a carriage and buggy shed, huge hayloft, grain storage bins, stables for many horses, cow shed, storage space for farm equipment and, no doubt, was as large and as complete as any barn in the community. This barn was demolished by a wind storm during the 1930s and was replaced by a much smaller barn on the same location.


Margaret Walsh                                                                         Patrick Hoynes
	Children: Nancy - married Kyran Walsh
		   Mary - married James O-Brien
		   Anastashia - married James Costello
		   Margaret - married Edward McLoughlin
		   James - married Margaret Glynn

James Hines (Hoynes)                     Married June 6, 1866                 Margaret Glynn
(Born in Killkinney 			                                            (Born in Galway County, 
County, Ireland)							Clare, Tuam, Ireland)

	Children: Mary Ann (b. 4/27/1867, d. 1/12/1939) married John Addis Frushour 
		   Margaret (b. 11/1/1868, d. 5/9/1936) unmarried
		   Patrick (Doyle) (b. 1/1/1870, d. 1/27/1936) unmarried
		   Bridget (b. 10/3/1873, d. 8/11/1958) Sister of Holy Cross
		   James (b. 3/6/1873, d. 7/1941) married first Winifred McGrevy (d. 12/18/1919)
						      married next Nettie Cook Gilbert
		  Edward (b. 9/2/1874, d. infancy)
		  Anastasia (B. 3/21/1876, d. 7/21/1928) married Patrick Sinnott
		  Julia (b. 12/25/1878) married John Quatman
		  Helen (Nell) (b. 7/22/1880, d. 11/26/1923) married Michael Anderson
		  John Edward (b. 10/16/1882, d. childhood) 
		  Michael (b. 4/20/1884) married Ella Costello
		  Nora May (b. 9/2/1885) married Michael Downey

Grandchildren of Margaret Glynn and James Hines

Mary Ann Frushour			Anastasia Sinnott		Julia Quatman		
John Leo				Margaret Noemi		William
James Addis								Helen Veronica
Ruth Beatrice								Margaret Magdalene
Austin George							John Joseph, Jr.
Margaret Helen
Edward Hines
Mary Cecelia

Helen (Nell) Anderson		Michael			Nora Downey
Julia Catherine			Michael, Jr.		Rita Magdalene
				John Costello			Michael James
				James Roger

In this history of the Hines Family it was my original intention to record something about the family as they grew up, married, and established homes of their own. I feel my information is inadequate, however, to attempt to put in writing any of those events which took place from 1867, the date of my mother's birth, up until the death of Aunt Margaret in 1936, at which time "Grandmas" ceased to exist. Aunt Julia Quatman, to whom I submitted the first draft of this paper for authenticity of names and dates, recalled characteristics of the community and the interests of the people at the time of her youth.

The O'Brien relatives lived on a hill overlooking "O'Brien Lake". This is about a mile from the Hines home. In the days that the Hines, O'Brien, Walsh, Kumler, Hizer, Costello, O'connor, Burns, etc. families were growing up, this lake was much larger than it is now. Aunt Julia, who is 81 years old, remembers when the lake came up to the road. Around the lake lived three families, each having fifteen children - Hizer, Kumler and O'Brien families. It has always been recognized that this is a deep lake, yet there is no record or recollection of anyone ever having drowned in it. In each of the families mentioned, here was a suicide. The tragedy of each suicide stunned not only the immediate families, but the entire community.

In the community, specifically St. Ann's parish, there were fifty-one first cousins living with the radius of a few miles. There were no family fueds or fights. To exist in those days, it was necessary for everyone to work hard which left little time for quarreling.

The main entertainment of the community centered around school activities. All eight grades attended school in a one room frame structure. For the Hines family, the school was quite near - about 1/4 of a mile to the west - located at the cross-roads between their home and the Burns home. There were spelling-bees, debates, oratorical contests, and - the big event of the year - the last day of school when each family brought a basket of food to school and the school children entertained with songs, recitations, and a play. Schools were locate fairly close and there was rivalry. The rivalry was not, however, as we think of school rivalry today mainly in sports, but rather in the form of spelling-bees, debates, and oratorical contests.

The Hines Homestead

At the death of Grandfather Hines in 1900 the family was still "intact" and only the eldest daughter, Mary Ann, was married. She lived in Lucerne, which was only seven miles south. Previous to Grandfather's death, Aunt Margaret had gone to Valpariso University for a teacher training course, probably six weeks. She had earned the money for this going away to school by "working out". The training at Valpariso made her eligible to teach school. From that time until her retirement in 1928, she taught in the winter and went to school summers probably until 1915 or so. She held a Bachelor's Degree in Education from Indiana University. She also attended the State Teachers College in Terre Haute, which was then known as Indiana State Normal School.

It was Margaret who inspired, encouraged, and advised the younger members of the family to continue their education. It was from her that they borrowed the money to finance their first period of teacher training. James, Julia, Sister Noemi (Bridget) and Nora taught school. Patrick (Doyle) and Michael were the farmers and they farmed the land that Grandfather had acquired. Aunt Nell did not marry until rather late in life and as Aunt Margaret, Aunt Julia, Sister Noemi, and Aunt Nora were going to school or teaching, she was the housekeeper. Grandma, in my memory, did no cooking or house work. She planted the garden and took care of it all summer long. But as for work in the house, planning or cooking meals, she took almost no responsibility.

The members of the family who reared children - Molly, Julia, Nell, Stash, Mike and Nora - have descendants who reflect the personality of the parent. I would like to pay a special tribute to Aunt Margaret and Uncle Jim, who have no descendants, as it was their outstanding personalities that resulted in a very congenial relationship. Uncle Jim was of a jolly disposition, although he had many bitter personal disappointments in his life. His grief at the death of his beloved wife, Winifred, was a heavy cross. Yet through those lonely years, he had a kind word for his fellow-man, a word of courage for the sorrowing, and no self-pity. His only child, a son, died at birth. He retired from the University of Notre Dame in 1941 and came to Kewanna, Indiana, with his second wife Nettie Cook Gilbert. He was not well during the time of his retirement, yet he was cheerful and never lost interest in the welfare of his family and friends.

Aunt Margaret was literally a "bulwark" for her sisters and brothers. Her exterior expressions were often harsh and sarcastic, but inwardly there was kindness and charity in abundance. When others bragged, she deflated; when others criticized, she defended. She had a thirst for knowledge, enjoyed reading, and had accumulated a fine library of the classics. As a teacher in the classroom, her vitality was inexhaustible. She probably had a knowledge of Latin and the ability to teach it that would be enviable of teachers in our high schools and colleges today. Her brothers-in-law respected her and received from her charity and understanding in their times of need. I make this statement as I recall my father relating to we children the number of times that Aunt Margaret had helped him. After the death of Grandmother Hines in 1929, Aunt Margaret continued to live on the farm. She cared for Uncle Doyle (Patrick) until his death in 1936. Just five months later, she died and with her death the "home" was empty.

There are three strong family characteristics that descendants of James Hines and Margaret Glynn Hines should recognize and cherish. Firstly, the strong devotion to the Roman Catholic Faith; secondly, willingness to work; and, thirdly, a frugal manner of living. There was never any extravagancies in the Hines household. The food was good and plentiful but not excessive or was never wasted. Members of the family dressed well, but conservative and in good taste. Nobody was pretentious, yet all were proud.

This "Hines Family History" is being mailed to the surviving members of the Hines Family - Aunt Julia, Aunt Nora, and Uncle Mike, also to each of the grandchildren. It is my intention to continue and write of the Frushour family and our life in Lucerne. Others may wish to do the same of their family and, if so, the foregoing may be of value as to names and dates.

Respectfully submitted,
Margaret Frushour Bordenet
December 29, 1959

Submitted by: Janet Quatman

Alfred Jacob Hassler was a photographer in Rochester IN as early as 1855 until his death 20DEC1868. He also worked in Plymouth IN 1861-1863, Akron IN 1867 and Minneapolis MN 1860. In 1863 he sold his studio in Plymouth IN to Washington Tuttle b. 19APR1829 Clark Co IN. Alfred Jacob Hassler was born in Gettysberg, Adams Co, PA 15OCT1833 and moved from Butler Co OH in 1850 to Leesburg, Kosciusko Co, IN with his father Jacob Hossler, mother Mary A. Stout and siblings Calvin George Hassler, Charlotte Hossler, Elizabeth Hossler, Henry Harrison Hassler and Quincy Adams Hossler. Alfred is buried in IOOF Cem, section 2 - row 9, Rochester IN. On 03FEB1858 he married Mary Ann Bozarth at Rochester IN. They had three children, Bianca Lavada Hassler b. 28MAR1859, Effie Afton Hassler b. 07SEP1861 and Alfred Jacob Hassler Jr b. 02MAR1867.
Click here for a tintype dated 1860 of Alfred Hassler.
Click here for a Daguerrotype dated 30SEP1855 of Alfred Hassler.

Submitted by: Alfred S Decker

Deb Murray