Funeral services for William CANNON, of Kewanna, who committed suicide Monday morning, will be held Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock at the Kewanna Baptist Church. Rev. A. A. KAY will officiate and burial will be made in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery.
Edwin (Edward) C Cannon
Edwin (Edward) C Cannon is one of the sons of Joseph Curtis Cannon.
Edwin married Blanch A. Washburn on 20 July 1892. One child was born of this marriage
Bernice Cannon b unknown d unknown
Bernice Cannon Married William (Wildie) Kingery 9 Dec 1913
Bernice and William Kingery had one child. Her name was Dolores I Kingery. She married Robert E. Cook on June 14, 1942 7 132
Bernice Kingery Married Ellis Johnson McNabb March 14, 1931
Bernice and Ellis had four children.
Consuelo McNABB
Wilma McNABB
Herbert McNABB
The local meeting place (Klavern) was located right in Kewanna on the property of the late Edward C. Cannon in a wooded area called the "Grove." This is now the property of Calvin Miller, on the south side of Kewanna.
(written by Luther Wade Bussert, Kewanna High School, 1975 in Mrs. Doris Hill's English Class) Kewanna, Thelma Johnston, Wade Bussert, Jan Cessna, and Tammy Evans, Fulton Co Folks, Vol. 2, Willard]
Edwin C. CANNON, 70, well-known citizen of Kewanna, passed away at 5 a.m. Monday morning at his residence. Death came suddenly following an illness of a week's duration. The deceased had a wide acquaintance of friends throughout both Fulton and Pulaski counties. In his younger days Mr. Cannon was widely known throughout northern Indiana through his activity as a baseball player. Edwin C., son of Joseph and Mary Ann CANNON, was born in Kewanna, Ind., on October 24th, 1871, and all of his life was spent in that community. On July 20th, 1892, in a ceremony solemnized at Kewanna, he was united in marriage with Miss Blanche WASHBURN. Mr. Cannon for many years served as a rural mail carrier out of the Kewanna post office and retired but a few years ago. He was a member of the I.O.O.F. lodge, the Masonic order and the Camp lodge, of Kewanna. The survivors are his wife, a daughter, Mrs. Berneice McNABB, of near Rochester; five grandchildren, Delores KINGERY, of Kewanna; Consuelo McNABB, Gene McNABB, Wilma McNABB, all of near Rochester; Herbert McNABB, of Portsmouth, N.H., and a brother, Roy E. CANNON, of Portland, Ore. Funeral arrangements had not been completed as this issue of The News-Sentinel went to press.
Tuesday, December 16, 1941
Funeral services for Edwin C. CANNON, who died at his home in Kewanna Monday morning, will be held in the Harrison Funeral Home, Kewanna, at two o'clock Thursday afternoon. Rev. Hugh T. HALL, of Kewanna Baptist church, will officiate, assisted by Rev. Marshall LUCAS, of Kewanna Methodist church. Burial will be made in the Kewanna I.O.O.F. cemetery.
James Cannon
James Cannon is the fourth son of Joseph Curtis Cannon
James Cannon married Mary A Polen on 4 May 1901.
Three children were born to this marriage. Two died shortly after birth. The third was born on 6 Oct 1907. The name of this child is not known.
Tuesday, September 28, 1915
James CANNON, 38, well known all over this section of the state 15 years ago as a ball pitcher of great ability, is dead at his home in Kewanna, a victim of Bright's disease. Mr. Cannon had been ill for some time, although he has been able to walk and was in Rochester last week. In 1901, when Rochester supported a salaried ball team, Cannon made a great reputation by pitching the Kewanna club to victory in games against the locals. He was a brother of Roy CANNON, who has played league ball. Nearly all of the Cannon boys were known for their ability on the diamond. Deceased leaves a wife and one child, and was a relative of the HOLMANS and BRACKETTS of this city.
In the last ten years Mr. Cannon dealt in real estate. Funeral Wednesday afternoon at the home in Kewanna
The people of the west side of Fulton county have an exceedingly fine place to buy their hardware at honest prices, in the emporium owned by Mr. J. G. Cannon. This store has been located in Kewanna for the past thirteen years. It is a hardware store of the twentieth century mold -- an up-to-date stock, and kept in the best of order. Everything in the hardware line can be found here. They handle superior makes of stoves and ranges; builders' tools, and staple hardware; building hardware, paints, oil and varnish, glass, granite and tineware; in fact everything to be found in a modern hardware store. The proprietor, having had years of experience, thoroughly understands the business and by his fair and honest treatment is making a great success of it.
[Rochester Sentinel, Friday, July 21, 1905]
Mary A. DeVault
Mrs. Mary A. DeVAULT, wife of Attorney E. B. DeVAULT, died Wednesday evening at her home here after an illness of several months. Born May 31, 1877, in Ross county, Ohio, she was the daughter of William and Marie Van GUNDY POLEN and came to Indiana in 1889. She had lived here most of her life. On May 3, 1902, she was married to James CANNON, who died Sept. 27, 1915. Three children were born, two of whom died. On May 16, 1929, she was married to E. B. DeVault, who survives. Also surviving is one son, Everett CANNON, whose address is unknown; four brothers and two sisters: Amos POLEN of Indianaolis; Vause POLEN of Bloomington, Ind.; George [POLEN] and William POLEN of Kewanna; Mrs. Nannie VanBRIGH of Bedford and Mrs. Lucille BRUNK of Long Beach,calif.; a number of nieces and nephews, and three grandchildren. The body was taken to the Harrison funeral home. Final rites will be held Sunday 1:30 p.m. at the funeral home. Burial will be in the Odd Fellows cemetery, Kewanna.
Isaac H. Cannon Jr.
Isaac H Cannon Jr. is the youngest son of Isaac and Nancy Cannon. He was born Aug 10 1844 in Fulton Co, Indiana and died Sept 17 1920 in Lafayette, Indiana. He is buried in the Springvale Cemetary in Lafayette, Indiana. On 8 Aug 1869 Isaac Jr. married Emma Jane Jackson. They had no natural children but adopted a daughter.
Isaac enlisted in Co E 87th Ind Volunteers in the civil war. He enlisted 9 June 1862 and was discharged 10 June 1865. He was wounded in the shin on 13 Aug 1864 at the siege of Atlanta, GA. He died of Carcinoma of the Stomach at his home in Lafayette, Indiana.
Submitted by: Ed Cannon
2nd generation - William Denune, born January 14, 1741 (David A. Denoon says 1741/2), in Queen Anne’s Parish, Prince George County, MD, married Elizabeth Duvall Forrest (William’s cousin; the daughter of William Forrest and Lucy DuVall. Elizabeth was born in 1737) Feb. 23, Ann Arundel Co., MD. William fought in the French and Indian war and was a revolutionary war minuteman who fought at Bunker Hill and probably died at Valley Forge, PA, in the Winter of 1777-8.
3rd generation - John Duvall Denune, born 1767 in Prince Georges Co., MD (David A. Denoon says April 1766 near the Potomac River, probably MD), married January 17, 1798, to Sarah Burrell in Prince Georges Co., MD, died November 28, 1838 in Franklin Co., OH.. Some records of his birth state 1765, but it is believed that he said he was older in order to enlist in the army in 1780. He was a drummer in the Revolutionary War, a farmer in later life.
Submitted by: John Denune (GGGgrandson of John Denune the Revo War vet)
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