JOHN W. JONES. About twenty-five years ago, after he had grown up in Grant county, had a practical experience on a farm, and had by hard work and close economy acquired a little capital. John W. Jones bought the land contained in his present homestead on section thirty of Jefferson township. Mr. Jones is a prosperous man, owns a fine farm, runs it in a business like way, and is not only a man of independence and standing on his own ground, but anywhere in that community is looked upon with the esteem and respect which are paid to a citizen whose relations with the community have always been on a high plane of honor and integrity. This branch of the Jones family was established in Grant county many years ago by Joshua Jones, father of John W. Joshua was the son of Lewis Jones, who lived and died in Ohio, was twice married, and had children by both wives. Joshua Jones, a son of the first marriage of his father, was born in Greene county, Ohio, March 31, 1819, and grew up on his fathers farm. When he was about twenty-years of age he crossed the state line into Indiana, and being a young man without capital, he found employment among the farmers of Blackford county, for several years. Then moving into Jefferson township of Grant county, he bought some land, most of it located in the wilderness which still covered most of this region, and by hard work cleared up and made a good farm. That was his home for nearly sixty years, and at his death in August, 1909, he was able to look back upon a lifetime of industry and gratifying accomplishment. He was a Democrat, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Joshua Jones was married in Jefferson township of Grant county to Miss Malinda Owings, who was born in Ohio, and came with her father Nicholas Owings, when a young child to Jefferson township. Mrs. Joshua Jones died on the old homestead in Jefferson township in 1905. She was an active member of the Methodist church. There were nine children, eight of whom she reared to adult age, and one Mary J., died in young womanhood. Those living are as follows: Harriet, the widow of Michael Houck, lives at Upland, without children; Lydia, is the widow of Edwin Fergus and lives in California, having a son and a daughter; Lewis M. is a farmer of Jefferson township, and has four daughters, all of whom are married; the next in line is John W. George W. is a retired farmer, and conducts a feed store in Upland, is married and has two daughters, both of whom in turn are married; Thomas Lee lives in Jonesboro, and his son is married; Sarah E. is the wife of William Ginn, a farmer in Jefferson township, and they are the parents of two sons. John W. Jones was born in Jefferson township, June 20, 1851. As a boy he saw much that was characteristic of pioneer life, and within his youthful recollection the first railroad was built through Grant county. His education was acquired in the district schools, and his home was with his parents, until he reached manhood. As already stated, in 1887 he bought eighty acres of his present place, and he now owns one hundred acres of highly improved and well cultivated land. With the passing of years he has introduced many improvements, and in 1903 erected the comfortable and substantial nine-room house, a fine white building, which makes an attractive picture in the midst of the shade and fruit trees surrounding it. Mr. Jones is a stock grower, and keeps livestock of only the better grades on his place. In Fairmount township in 1877, occurred the marriage of John W. Jones and Terissa Moorman. Mrs. Jones was born in Fairmount township, August 18, 1849, and her home has been in Grant county, with the exception of three years spent in Illinois and Iowa. He parents are Lewis and Sarah Moorman, and the Moorman family long prominent in Grant county, received full treatment in the sketch of Levi Moorman, found elsewhere on these pages. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are the parents of seven children, named as follows: Gertrude, wife of Esley Thorn, farmers of Delaware county, and with one daughter. Geneva: Oscar, who lives at home and helps run the farm, and is unmarried; L.J., a farmer in Missouri, who married Mina Johnson, and has a daughter, Mildred P.; Eva, wife of Clyde R. Partridge, of Fowlerton,and has one child, Myron; Minnie and Frank, who died in early childhood; and Lora B., who was well educated in the township schools, and now lives at home.

CENTENNIAL HISTORY OF GRANT COUNTY INDIANA 1812-1912 The Lewis Publishing Company 1914 Page 895-896 with photo of John W. Jones and wife, children & grandchildren.
Submitted by: Peggy Karol

BURTNEY R. JONES. Among the most respected residents of Grant county, Indiana, is Burtney R. Jones. He was born in this section of the state and has lived here all of his life, being a member of a family that is well known throughout the northern part of Indiana. He has spent the greater part of his life as a farmer and has opened up and developed much valuable property in Grant county, not only farming lands but also city realty, and although he has now retired from business he is still keenly interested in the life of the community and his advice is frequently asked in matters of public concern. Burtney R. Jones is the only surviving member of the family of Joseph and Catharine (McCormick) Jones. His father was born on the 15th of April, 1816, and grew up in his native state of Ohio. When he was a young man he removed from Preble county, Ohio, to Grant county, Indiana, this being in 1833. In 1839, on the 15th of November, Joseph Jones was married to Catharine McCormick. His wife was a daughter of Robert and Anna McCormick, who had been the first settlers in Fairmount township, Grant county, Indiana, settling here on August 15, 1829, and coming from Fayette county, Indiana. Joseph Jones died as a comparatively young man, on the 16th of September 1856, and his wife died on the 4th of December. 1889. They were both prominent members of the Methodist Episcopal church, and took an active part in these early pioneer days of northern Indiana. Five sons were born to Joseph and Catharine Jones, Burtney R. Jones being the third in order of birth. The eldest son, George W. Jones was born on the 25th of September, 1841, and served in the Fifty-fourth Indiana Regiment during the Civil war. He was taken prisoner at Vicksburg, Mississippi, in the spring of 1863 but was paroled the following June. His parole was of little moment to him, however, for he died at Annapolis, Maryland, July 25, 1863. He married Sarah J. Secrist, October 17, 1861. Hiram A. Jones, the second son, was born October 18, 1843. He also served in the Civil war, being a solider in the Eighty-ninth Indiana Regiment from August, 1862, until August, 1865. He had his right eye shot out in the battle of Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, on April 9, 1864, but continued to serve until the end of the war. He was married on April 21, 1867, to Anna Hardy and died on March 31, 1908. Robert L. Jones, the fourth son, was born September 1, 1849. He became sheriff of Grant county in November, 1888, and on December 9, of the same year, after successfully capturing an escaped horse thief, he was shot and died from the wounds on the 11th of December. He was away from home at the time and died at Jerome in Howard county, Indiana. He married Louisa C. Jadden, on the 25th of September, 1870, and left two sons, Sanford C., of Marion, Indiana, and Robert P., of Whitefish, Montana. Joseph A. Jones, the youngest son, was born on March 5, 1852. He was married to Sarah J. Whitson on the 7th of January, 1885, and she died February 8, 1890. He died on April 25, 1893, at the home of his brother, Burtney R. Jones, in Marion. Burtney R. Jones was born on the 2nd of October, 1846, at the old Robert McCormick Hotel, which stood at the crossing of the Fort Wayne Muncie and Indianapolis state roads. This was the first house to be built in Fairmount township and was erected by his maternal grandfather. His mother entered eighty acres of land from the government on August 5, 1837,and Burtney Jones grew up on the farm. He was married to Eliza J. Duling, a daughter of Solomon and Jane Duling, on the 9th of December, 1869, and after his marriage settled on eighty acres of timber land in section twenty-four in Fairmount township. Here he built a house of hewed logs and there lived until the death of his wife on April 12, 1872. She left one child, Minnie A., who was born on November 7, 1871, but the baby died on August 31, 1872. Mr. Jones continued as a farmer and made a decided success of it. He lived on the farm which his mother had homesteaded and to which he had added until 1881 when he came to Marion and here he has resided ever since. He married Sina M. Duling, who was also a daughter of Solomon and Jane Duling, on September 1, 1887, and to this union have been born two children, namely, Edith D. Jones, who was born on the 31st of July, 1890,and Burtney Ralph, whose birth took place on September 1, 1899. Mr. andMrs. Jones together own two hundred and sixty acres of valuable farming land in Grant county, located in Fairmount, Jefferson and Center townships. Mr. Jones has himself cleared and brought into cultivation one hundred and twenty-five acres of Grant county land. They also own three valuable pieces of residence property in the city of Marion which they have developed and improved, and which is considered some of the best paying property in the city.

CENTENNIAL HISTORY OF GRANT COUNTY INDIANA 1812-1912 The Lewis Publishing Company 1914 Page 1055-1056
Submitted by: Peggy Karol

EZEKIEL JONES. The first carload of ice and the first carload of coal that came to Upland for distribution and use in the community wereshipped to Ezekiel Jones. The shipment of ice was made on August 1, 1900,and the first car load of coal came to him in January, 1903. Mr. Jones records those facts as important points in his commercial history, and froma beginning when a car of coal meant a very large transaction to him andalso to the community he has developed both lines of business for summerand winter, until at the present time he handles annually about fortycarloads of coal and some twelve carloads of ice. The business has beenbuilt up on a basis of fair dealing, and courteous and reliable treatmentof his customers.

Ezekiel Jones was born in Wells county, Indiana, September 15,1847, but has lived in Grant county since early boyhood. His parents wereOliver and Catherine (Miller) Jones. The father was born in Ohio and the mother in Virginia, and both went to Wells county early in life, where theymet and were married. Grandfather Daniel Jones was the founder of thefamily in Indiana, entering land on Salmonia River in Wells county duringthe thirties and with the aid of his older sons he went vigorously to work and cleared up a wilderness and converted it into a productive farmstead. Mr. Jones spent all the rest of his life on the land for which he had secured a patent direct from the government and his death occurred when eighty-one years of age. His wife also died when quite old. In all thatsection of Wells county his was renowned as the first brick home and it isinteresting to note that the clay was dug from pits on the farm and was burned in kilns as a local and native industry. Oliver Jones was a Baptistin religious faith, and in politics he followed the policies of the Whigparty. Oliver Jones and wife finally moved from Wells county to Grantcounty, and spent many years in the active pursuit of farming in Jacksontownship. Later they returned to Wells county where Oliver Jones died inAugust, 1899, at the age of seventy-four years, survived by his widow, who passed away September 13, 1912, when eighty-four years old. She was a Methodist Protestant in faith, had for sixty-four years lived and worked inthat church, and was one of the first of the denomination in her part of the state. Oliver Jones later in life joined the same denomination. He was in politics a Democrat. Oliver Jones and wife had three sons and fivedaughters, and three of the daughters are still living and all are married.

Ezekiel Jones was reared to manhood on his father's farm in Grantcounty. After his marriage he moved to Marion and was for three yearsemployed in the glass factory there, after which he returned to Upland, and has since been one of the active business men in this community. Mr. Jones was married in Huntington county, Indiana, to Miss EmmaLayman, a daughter of Joseph and Mary (Peggy) Layman. Her parents lived and died on a farm in Huntington county, her father having entered the landfrom the government. Both were quite old when death came to them, about eighty years of age. They had moved from Ohio in the early days to Huntington county, and lived honorable and upright lives, and were strictmembers of the Baptist faith. Mr. and Mrs. Jones are the parents of the following children: Nora A. is the wife of Theodore Trout, of Milltownship, and they have five living children; Sarah Leola is the wife ofThomas Hewitt of Mill township and they have a son and two daughters; Joseph Lloyd is employed in the Upland Flint Glass works, and is married and has one daughter; Oliver Floyd is assisting his father in the coal and ice trade, and is married and has a son and daughter. Three of the sons,born to Mr. and Mrs. Jones died young. Mr. Jones and wife both worship inthe United Brethren church, of which he is a trustee. He and his sons vote the Democratic ticket.

CENTENNIAL HISTORY OF GRANT COUNTY INDIANA 1812-1912 The Lewis Publishing Company, 1914 Page 947-948
Submitted by: Peggy Karol

ELIAS B. RENNAKER. The commensurate reward for a life of industry and usefulness is an honorable retirement in which to enjoy the fruits of former years of toil, and the average Indiana farmer when he has reached the evening of life puts aside business cares and retires to a comfortable residence, content in the knowledge of a career well spent. In this connection it is not inappropriate to give a review of the life of Elias B. Rennaker, retired agriculturist and Civil War veteran, who is now living on a small property in the vicinity of Sweetser, Indiana. Mr. Rennaker was born in Carroll county, Ohio, December 14, 1840,and is a son of Michael and Rebecca (Steffy) Rennaker. His parents, both of whom were born in Pennsylvania, near what was later to become the famous battlefield of Gettysburg, removed to Carroll county, Ohio, not long after their marriage, and in 1853 came to Indiana, purchasing 200 acres of land in Pleasant township, there spending the remainder of their lives. They had a family of ten sons and six daughters, and of these children twelve grew to maturity. The early education of Elias B. Rennaker was secured in the common schools of his native county, and this was supplemented by several terms in the district schools of Pleasant township, whence he had accompanied his parents as a lad of thirteen years. After completing his education, he settled down to agricultural pursuits on his father's farm, and was so engaged until the time of his enlistment, in August, 1862, in Company C, Twelfth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, which was connected with the Fourth Division of the Fifteenth Army Corps, commanded by Gen. John A. Logan. He continued to serve with this organization until the close of hostilities in 1865, and during his military career participated in some of the fiercest engagements of the great struggle between he North and South, including Vicksburg, Missionary Ridge, Atlanta and Richmond, Kentucky, and took part in the famous campaign of General Sherman, in his "March to Sea." At Atlanta, Georgia, Mr. Rennaker was seriously wounded in the left hand, still carrying the scar of the bullet wound, and at Richmond was captured by the Confederates, but was imprisoned only two months, when he received his parole. He was known as a brave and faithful soldier, ever performing ably and cheerfully the duties entrusted to him, and won the admiration of his comrades and the respect of his officers. For many years Mr. Rennaker was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, being connected with the post at Marion, Indiana. After he had recuperated from the effects of army life, Mr. Rennaker resumed agricultural operations, and for many years was actively engaged therein, becoming one of the substantial men of his community, and owning an excellent property about three and one-half miles northeast of Converse. He was successful in his general farming operations, and also as a breeder of hogs and cattle, won an enviable reputation for his honorable business methods, and gained a wide circle of friends. In 1900 he retired from active life, and is now residing on a small property near Sweetser, Indiana, although he is still the owner of eighty acres of land in Richland township and four acres in Pleasant township. In 1867 Mr. Rennaker was married to Miss Martha M. Julian, who was born, reared and educated in Pleasant township, Grant County, Indiana, and was a daughter of Louis and Sarah Julian. Mrs. Rennaker died in 1875,having been the mother of three children, of whom two died in infancy, while the third, Maggie, is still living and the wife of Jacob R. Fisher. In 1883, Mr. Rennaker was married to Miss Abigail Marks, daughter of Thomas and Mary Marks, Mr. Marks being said to have been the first blacksmith in Marion, Indiana. From the time of attaining his majority until 1889, Mr. Rennaker was politically a Republican, but at that time transferred his allegiance to the Democratic party, and has since supported its candidates. He has never engaged prominently in political activities, but held the office of supervisor of Richland township for one term. He has been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows for many years, with his membership in Beacon Lodge No, 320, of Converse. Since his baptism as a young man in the Lutheran faith, his religious life has been with that denomination.

CENTENNIAL HISTORY OF GRANT COUNTY INDIANA 1812-1912 The Lewis Publishing Company, 1914 Page 1154-1155 with photo
Submitted by: Peggy Karol

JOHN N. STEWART. Steadily the ranks of those who took part in the Civil War are thinning. One after another the gray-haired veterans are going to join their comrades in a land where bloodshed and suffering are unknown. Few of the defenders of the flag in the great struggle between the North and the South are now left who are able to hold their own in the keen competition of present day life, yet here and there are exceptions. A brave soldier, who fought valiantly during those trying days, and who fought just as bravely during the battles of peace that followed, John H. Stewart was for many years one of the leading agriculturists of Liberty township, and although he is now somewhat retired from active life, and lives in his residence in Fairmount, he is still alert to all interests of the day, and with clear mind and undimmed faculties manages his business holdings. Mr. Stewart was born in Clinton county, Ohio, September 4, 1843, and is a son of William and Elizabeth (Seal) Stewart. John Stewart, the paternal grandfather of John H. Stewart, was born April 19, 1793, in New Jersey, of Scotch-Irish stock. He grew up a farmer, and was married in his native State to Miss Experience Mart, who was born in New Jersey, September 8, 1797, and soon after their union, in 1816, they removed to Clinton county, Ohio, where they settled their lives. Mr. Stewart dying at the age of eighty-seven years, two months, and his wife when sixty-five years, eight months and eight days old. They were members of the Christian New Light church, and in his political preference Mr.Stewart was a Democrat. Their children were as follows: William, the father of John H.; Mary Ann, deceased, who married Fred Pobst, also deceased, and left descendants in Ohio; Jonathan, who married Sarah A. Snyder, and settled on a farm in Jennings county, Indiana, where both passed away; Abigail, the widow of Henry Sutton is now living at Franklin, Ohio, with her family, being past eighty-four years of age; Daniel, who married first Cynthia Straw, by whom he had two children, and married for his second wife a Miss Stephens, who bore him five children; John, who served as a private throughout the Civil War, returned to Clinton county, Ohio, where he was engaged in farming, and there married Jane Adair, by whom he had three daughters; Susanna, who died in her fortieth year, unmarried; Rebecca, who died in childhood; and Miner, who served as a soldier during the Civil War, returned to Clinton county, Ohio and died at the age of sixty-eight years, having married a Miss Mossman, by whom he had a large family. William Stewart, the father of John H. Stewart, was born in Clinton county, Ohio, August 4, 1819, and died in Liberty township, Grant county, Indiana, April 10, 1861. He received ordinary educational advantages in his native place, and was reared to agricultural pursuits, which he followed successfully in both Indiana and Ohio, becoming a substantial farmer and highly respected citizen. In political matters he was a Republican, although never an office seeker, and with his family attended the Christian New Light church. Mr. Stewart was married in Clinton county, Ohio, to Miss Elizabeth Seal, who was born in that county August 27, 1827, and she died in Liberty township, Grant county, Indiana, May 31, 1869. She was an excellent and helpful helpmeet and loving mother and was in sympathy with her husband in all things, but in the later years of her life joined the Wesleyan Methodist church, in the faith of which she died. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart were the parents of seven children as follows: John H., of this review; Robert G., deceased, who served as a private in One Hundred and Eighteenth, later Civil War, returned to Grant county and was engaged in farming until he passed away at the age of sixty years, married Martha E. Hose, also deceased, and they had two children -Effie and Mary, both married; Samuel W., who served in an Indiana volunteer infantry regiment during the Civil War, and now a retired citizen of Fairmount, Indiana, married Mary Kimbrough, and they have four married children -William, Leona, Anna and Elizabeth; Martha, deceased, who was the wife of John T. Kimbrough, a Grant county farmer, by whom she had two children -Eli, a farmer, and one child who died in infancy; James E., a resident of Fairmount, who is married and has had four children -Alice, Frank and Harvey, all married, and one who died in infancy; Ezekiel, a painter of Marion, Indiana, who married Anna Fite, deceased, and had a large family; and Catherine, the wife of Joseph Powell, of Jonesboro, who has had three children -Harry, Maggie and one who died in infancy. John H. Stewart was born at Westboro, Clinton county, Ohio, September 4, 1843, and there received his early education in the public schools. He was fourteen years of age at the time he accompanied his parents to Grant county, and here he completed his education in the public schools. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, and was so engaged at the time of his enlistment, July 24, 1862, in Company C, Twelfth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry; Captain, David Cuberly; Colonel, Wm. H. Link. Thirty days later, Mr. Stewart received his baptism of fire at Richmond. He participated in all the marches, skirmishes and battles of that great campaign, his regiment a part of the Fifteenth Army Corps, Gen. John A. Logan commanding, taking part among others in Vicksburg, Jackson, Missionary Ridge, Chickamauga, Resaca, Dalton and Atlanta, and assisting in the annihilation of Hood's Confederate forces, also accompanied Sherman in his "March to Sea". At the battle of Atlanta, Mr. Stewart had a narrow escape from death, a minnie ball passing through his cap and inflicting a scalp wound, which, had it been one-half inch lower, would have caused hisi nstant death. After much hard fighting, during which he won the respect of his officers and the admiration of his comrades. Mr. Stewart was honorably discharged at Indianapolis, Indiana, having been previously mustered out at Washington, D.C., June 9, 1865, and returned to his home. Mr. Stewart at once resumed the duties of peace, taking up agricultural pursuits, in which he continued to be engaged in Liberty township until his retirement in 1903. He was industrious, enterprising and progressive, made a success of his ventures, and accumulated a highly improved tract of eighty acres of land. For some years he was engaged inbreeding fine stock, and in this connection was also successful. On coming to Fairmount, in 1903, he built a handsome home at the corner of Seventh and Morton streets, and here he is spending his declining years, content in the knowledge of a well-spent life. On November 3, 1868, Mr. Stewart was married to Miss Almira Shull, who was born in Clinton county, Ohio, January 18, 1849, and came to Grant county with her sister in 1865, her parents having passed away in Ohio. She died in the faith of the Wesleyan Methodist church, December 2, 1880,having been the mother of five children: James C., born April 15, 1868, now engaged in cultivating his father's farm in Liberty township, who married Nancy Murray, and has four children, John A., Anna, Mary and Harvey; Eva A., born August 18, 1870, who died unmarried January 29, 1887; Alvah M. born September 23, 1872, who died September 6, 1891; Martha, born November19, 1875; who married Arvel Swain, the owner of oil wells in Oklahoma, and has two children, Lola and Eva; and Emma N., born August 14, 1878, who is the wife of Jesse Hipple and lives in Fairmount. Mr. Stewart's second marriage occurred in Liberty township, October29, 1881, when he was united with Mrs. Elizabeth (Powell) Carey. She was born March 14, 1848 in Grant county, Indiana, daughter of Harrison and Nancy (Hale) Powell. Mr. Powell was born in England in 1800 and was there married to his first wife, who died in that country. When forty-five years of age he came to the United States with his oldest son, Thomas, and located in Liberty township, Grant county, Indiana, in 1845, where he spent the remainder of his life, passing away in 1881, at the age of eighty-one years. Here he married Nancy Hale, who survived him several years and was sixty-one years of age at the time of her death, August 8, 1866. She had nine children, of whom five are still living. Mrs. Stewart has had no children. She and her husband were both prominent members of the Lynwood Friends church, in which both served as overseer and elder, but they are now members of the Fairmount Friends Church.

CENTENNIAL HISTORY OF GRANT COUNTY INDIANA 1812-1912 The Lewis Publishing Company, 1914 Page 1412-1413-1414-1415 with photo of Mr. & Mrs. John H. Stewart
Submitted by: Peggy Karol

Deb Murray