CENTENNIAL HISTORY OF GRANT COUNTY INDIANA 1812-1912 The Lewis Publishing Company, 1914 Page 1229-1230
Submitted by: Peggy Karol
I will start the biography of William Leach with his grandfather, William Leach, who was baptized on July 10, 1748 at St. Steven's parish; Northumberland, Va. William was the son of John and Joanna Leach.
According to "A History of Monroe Co., WVA" written by Oren F. Morton, B. Lit.
William Leach, a stonemason, came from Prince Edward at the close of the Revolution with his wife, Susanna Hughes. William received a land grant of 170 acres located in the sinks of Greenbrier Co., West Virginia from the Commonwealth of VA for one pound sterling paind into the treasury of this Commonwealth. William died in 1805. He owned slaves and left a personality valued at $274.67.
Children of William and Susanna Leach were: Molly Leach Jones, Mathew, Joshua, William, James, Elizabeth Leach Shewmate, Ruben, John, Edward, Edmond and Esom.
Esom Leach was born 1775 in Va and died in 1831 at Franklin Co., In. He left no will. He married Jane/Jean Handley in Greenbrier Co., W.Va on Sept
24, 1797. Jane was the daughter of Archibald and Jean Henderson Handley. We find the marriage record to Esom Leach to be Jane Handley, while she is called Jean, wife of Esom Leach, in her father's will. The DAR has accepted her as Jane/Jean. The marriage record may be found in Book 1-A pg. 79 Lewisville, WVA.
Esom Leach came from Monroe Co., VA to Franklin Co., Indiana about 1803 along with many of the Handley family. The Leach family was in Indiana a dozen years before it became a state.
Children of this union were: Rueben, Archibald, James, Martha, Rebekah and William.
The following biography was taken from "The Making of a Township" by David G. Lewis 1829-1917. Chapter 28 page 195.
With in a year after Grant, as an organized county, had been placed on the map of Indiana, the Leach name was spoken in the vicinity of Fowlerton.
William Leach was born May 5, 1793 in VA. He
married Sarah Harrison, daughter of John and Rachel Price Harrison, Dec. 23, 1813 in Butler Co., Ohio. Mrs. Leach belonged to a pioneer family with an honorable history. (It is claimed she descends from the President Harrison lineage. This has not been proven.) William Leach, who was a soldier in the war of 1812, came when Fairmont Township was a dense forest. Along with the Lewis, Ward, Todd, Simons, Duling, Powers, Crist, Redder, Ice, Corn, Furnish, Mason, Harrison and Payne families, the Leach family had its opportunity, and William Leach was the man of the hour in planting his family tree in the virgin soil of the township. Three sons, namely Esom, John and Edmund and four daughters, Rachel, Mary, Jane and Martha constituted his family circle. His children and children's children, unto the third and fourth generation assemble in annual reunion in the comfortable little grove generously bequeathed to Fowlerton, to the town of his founding, by William Leach. William entered seventy-eight
acre tract in Fairmont township's most fertile and productive land all which lie in the immediate vicinity of Fowlerton and most of which is in the possession of his prosterity. The peaceful village of Fowlerton nestles securely on one of these tracts. In fact there is a Leach school, a Leach store and a Leach saw mill. With the coming of the railroad came changes in the family and community history, and Leachburg became known as Fowlerton.
In the days of William Leach the McCormick Tavern was a landmark. The pioneers along the Mississinewa - the McCormick, Wilson and Grant families - knew all about self-denial and privations. They knew what it meant to procure venison from the woods and wild turkeys to supply the family with the main fare of their meals.
Our forefathers told of the long trip to the Wabash for corn meal after the resources of the Mississinewa farmers were exhausted and the use of the canal when they had something to offer on the market. They hauled grain to
Wabash until the railroad came and changed the whole situation.
The history of the sons and daughters of William and Sarah Harrison Leach is, in a measure, the present day history of Fairmont Township.
Rachel Leach was born Dec. 13, 1814, she married first Moses Lawson. One daughter, Louisa Jane Lawson, married Aaron Brewer, son of Stephen Brewer. Rachel's second marriage was to Elijah Searles. Three children William, Ruth and Sarah.
Esom Leach, born Dec. 8, 1816 married Lucinda Corn and thirteen children were born to them, namely William J., Nancy F., Sarah A., Joseph J., Edmund C., Martha P., John G., Mary F., George W., Wilson T., Benjamin F., Rueben J. and Simon R.
John Leach was born Jan. 23, 1819, married Martha Fear. One son, Harvey, was born to them. Martha died and John married Mary Lewis. Children of this marriage: David, who died in infancy, Nancy, Esom O., Sarah J., Mary E., Edmund S. and Martha Ann.
Edmund Leach was born June 22, 1821, married Emily
Brewer, daughter of Stephen Brewer and their children were Jasper, Rachel Ann, Charles M., James S., George W., Esom, Lucinda and Edmund Jr.
Jane Leach born Oct. 26, 1823 married Stephen Brewer, son of Stephen Brewer, and their children are William N., Stephen, John, Emily and Mary.
Mary (always called Polly) Leach born Oct. 25, 1825 married James McCreey and one son, Samuel was born. After the death of McCreey, Mary was joined in wedlock to Jehu Stanley and two sons, William and Joseph were born.
Martha Ann Leach born July 9, 1833, married Thomas Edward Smith, and their children are William Henry, James Edward, Louisa Jane, John Lewis, Esom Leach, Mary Emeline and Rachel Olive.
William Leach died February 23, 1851 long before the whistle of the locomotive or the bell of the telephone had been heard. He and his contempory neighbors should be honored, inasmuch as they made this community possible.
Submitted by Cora Esch
Source: "Strange Biographical and Historical sketches"
Submitted by: Kelly (Runyon) Bragg
CHILION W. NEAL, a resident of section 20, of Jackson Township, came to Clarke County in 1857 with his parents, James B. and Anna (Adamson) Neal. He was then but fifteen years of age, having been born October 10, 1841, in Grant County, Indiana, next to the eldest in a family of nine children, all of whom were with their parents on their emigration to this county. The names of the others are--Mahlon W., now a resident of Osborn county; Sarah, died March 29, 1869, aged twenty-four years; John A., died January 29, 1860, aged fifteen years; Mary N., wife of Jeremiah Brisbin, of Franklin County, Nebraska; Elvira C., died June 29, 1868, aged eighteen years; Joseph A., died July 7, 1877, aged twenty-six years; Margaret Jane, wife of H.H. Lowery, died March 19, 1879, aged twenty-five years; Eri R., a resident of Jewell County, Kansas.Mr. Neal’s parents made a home on section 36, Jackson township and improved eighty acres of land. Here they passed the remainder of
their lives. The mother belonged to the Seventh-day Adventists, and died October 22, 1869, aged fifty years. The father was a member of the Christian church, and died April 4, 1871, aged fifty-five years.August 15, 1862, the subject of this sketch enlisted in Company D, Thirty-ninth Iowa Volunteer Infantry; was first engaged at Parker’s Cross-Roads, in Tennessee, December, 1862; was under the lamented General McPherson at Atlanta; followed Sherman in his march to the sea, and was in the lines of the review of Sherman’s Grand Army at the National Capitol. He was honorably discharged at Washington in June, 1865.June 9, 1867, Mr. Neal was married to Miss Mary A. Lewis, daughter of John Lewis, the first settler of Jackson Township. She was born in Monroe County, Iowa, February 27, 1851, and was six weeks old when her parents moved to this county. Mr. and Mrs. Neal settled on section 20 April 16, 1869. Their homestead consists of 160 acres of land, all improved. They have had six
hildren. Their first born died in infancy. The others are-- Lizzie L., Rose A., J. Lewis, Agnes G. and Mary M. Mr. and Mrs. Neal are Seventh-day Adventists. Mr. Neal has been identified with the Greenback party.
Submitted by: Lora
Clarke County Historical and Biographical Record by Lewis Publishing, 1886. p.184
Submitted by: Lora
Clarke County Historical and Biographical Record by Lewis Publishing, 1886. p.60
Submitted by: Lora
Clarke County Historical and Biographical Record by Lewis Publishing, 1886. p.13
Thomas Harvey, Sr., and Anna, his wife, came the same year [1832] with a family of five, four sons and one daughter, namely, Jesse, John, Henry, Thomas and Mary, and took the land directly north of William Osborn and a forty west of the road that Jesse settled on, where Cyrus and Ephraim were born. Thomas Harvey, Sr., was a very industrious, quiet, inoffensive man. He had a large orchard and fruit nursery at an early day, and sold his fruit and young trees over the newer parts of the country. Thomas and his boys were great friends to the colored race, and assisted many on to freedom. The old homestead has passed out from the Harvey name, I think. All of the original family have passed away. A few of the second and thrid generations yet survive the ravages of time, but are widely scattered.
_The Making of a Township: Being an Account of the Early Settlement and Subsequent Developent of Fairmount Township, Grant County, Indiana, 1829 to 1917_ Edgar M. Baldwin, ed., Fairmount, IN: Edgar Baldwin Printing Co, Publ, pg 105.
In 1829, according to officia records, the first settlers came to Fairmount township to make their permanent homes. Among others who came inthe early part of the '30s and entered land were:
Submitted by: Phyllis Fleming
The eighty acres just east of the [Lancaster] Bell place [purchased 80 acres, 1836] was taken by Jesse, Sr., and Lydia Harvey, in 1832. He was the brother of Thomas Harvey and Solomon Parson's wife [Rachel Harvey, b 11 October 1804]. Jesse died early in the '40's. His wife lived there alone for many years, and passed from there to the Great Beyond. They were two very quiet, kind-hearted bodies, liked by all who knew them. They left no children.
Submitted by: Phyllis Fleming
Solomon PARSONS and Rachel HARVEY
In 1835, Solomon Parsons and wife, Rachel took the land joining [Jesse, bc 1805] Harvey on the south. Rachel was a sister of Thomas and Jesse Harvey, Sr. [although Jesse's father was also named Jesse -- I believe the 'sr' designation was used to differentiate this Jesse from his brother Thomas' son, Jesse], and Keziah [Harvey] Osborn. Solomon was a valuable man in the new country, as he was an excellent workman with leather and made a nice boot or shoe. He was a fast workman. They reared a family of five children, namely Keziah, Elizabeth, William, Anna and Henry. Keziah married Henry Wilson. He died. Later she married Reece Haisley, and they moved to Jewell County, Kansas. Elizabeth married Gonner Knight, an Englishman, and lived for some years on what is now the north end of John Peacock's farm. They are both dead, leaving tow sons and two daughters. Dr. John C. Knight, of Jonesboro, is one of the family. William married and moved to Iowa many years ago.
Anna married Dr. White, a young physician who practiced in Fairmount a short time in the early day. He emigrated West and we lost track of him. Henry fought for the Union in the civil War, was badly wounded, but recovered sufficiently to live until a short time ago. He settled in Iowa after the war, reared a family, and was an honored citizen. Parsons sold to John Beck. The writer went to school with all the children many a day. The land directly east of Parsons, to the prairie, was taken up by Eastern speculators, held for some years. and for this reason was not improved for some time.
Submitted by: Phyllis Fleming
Amazia Beeson in 1850 ran a copper distillery two miles east of Fairmount. He also built the first brick house ever erected in Fairmount township. Daniel Thomas built the second one. Beeson distlled sassafras, hoarhound, peppermint, golden rod and pennyroyal, the extracts being used for medicines. Dennis Montgomery was at one time employed as Beeson's assistant.
_Centennial History of Grant Co, IN_ by Rolland Lewis Whitson, vol 1, pg 201
In 1835, we find John Lee and wife a mile and a half east of Parson's south line. The cabin stood a little east of the old Wayne trail, west of the slough. Amaziah Beeson located a little way across the slough, to the southeast of Lee. John Lee's wife was a sister of Nathan Morris and a twin sister of Solomon Thomas's wife. The Lees and the Beesons were members of the Friends church and attended Back Creek meeting. Lee and Thomas emigrated to Iowa, in 1850. Lee died out there. Beeson remained on this prairie farm and brought up a family there. Beeson and the Lees were related in some way. Amaziah was a chemist, to some extent, and had a small distillery, where he manufactured sassafras and peppermint oil, which he sold at a profit. He built the first brick residence in Fairmount Township, I think, which certainly indicated energy and perseverance. I think he and his wife died on the farm. Charles Beeson was their son.
_Centennial History of Grant County, Indiana: 1812-1912_, Rolland Lewis Whiteson, ed., Chicago: Lewis Publ Co, "CV. Society of Friends in Grant County," pg 648-649.
Friends occupied all the land from Marion to Fairmount, as quoted from a prominent citizen of Marion (E. L. Goldthwait), gave the writer the following names of persons just as they called them to memory who lived on both sides of the river and along the rad leading from Marion to Jonesboro, and then to Fairmount: Reuben Overman, Silas Overman, Joab Wright, John Schooley, Joseph Green, Alexander Frazier, Joel Overman, Jacob O. Davis, John Thomas, Isaac Hollingsworth, Jesse Smith, Isaac Jay, Isaac Elliott, Sr., Isaac Elliott, Jr., Jeremiah Arnold, Bailey, Pearson, Simeon Thomas, Jesse Small, Ephraim Elliott, Reuben Elliott, Exum Elliott, William Hiatt, Denny Jay, Joshua Canaday, Timothy Kelly, Obadiah Jones, John Coppock, Evan Benbow, John Pemberton, John Benbow, Joseph Hill, Ahira Baldwin, Nathan Hill, Daniel Winslow, Aaron Hill, Henry Harvey, Joseph Winslow, Henry Winslow, Matthew Winslow, William R. Peirce, Rachel Newby, Seth Winslow,
Jess Dillon, Nathan Morris, and Samuel Radley, not to mention others who lived at Marion, Deer Creek, Jonesboro, Back Creek, Oak Ridge and Fairmount. (The two exceptions were Caleb Smith and John Russell, south of Jonesboro). In the year 1839, when the Friends of Back Creek were about to build the big rick meeting house, this old church is shown in a photograph, that stood till recent years, they made a ratio of apportionment, which is interestingas showing who were the paying members at that time and their financial ratings. Under an assessment of four and a half per cent were placed, Solomon Knight, Matthew Winslow, Axum Newby, Nathan Morris and Aaron Hill. Three per cent, Jonathan Wilcutts, Joseph Winslow, Charles Baldwin, Daniel Baldwin, Timothy Kelly, Iredell Rush, David Stanfield, Thomas Harvey and Amaziah Beeson. Two and a half per cent, Lewis Jones and Seth Winslow. Two per cent, Evan Hinshaw, Thomas Winslow, Thomas Baldwin, Henry Winslow,
and Asa Peacock. One and three fourths per cent, James Scott and Dougan Rush. One and one half percent, Micajah Newby, Lindsey Baldwin, William Osborn, Charles Hinshaw, Thomas Hill, William Peacock, Daniel Frazier, Benjamin Benbow, Mahlon Neal and Job Jackson. One per cent, Peter Rich, William Stanfield, Jesse Wilson, David S. Stanfield, Henry Winslow, John Haisley, Ira Haisley, Jonathan Jones, Nathan Hammer, Elias Baldwin, Joseph Baldwin, Henry Harvey and Isaac Stanfield. One half per cent, John Rich, Allen Wright, Nathan Wilson, John Lee, Charles Stanfield and John Peacock. Let it be remembered in connection with all these names as heads of families, that this is only fourteen years after the first white family had settled in Grant county. As we have been trying to show who were some of the Friends in addition to many named at the beginning who settledin Grant county, a few of very may whose church membership was received by transfer as the years
passed will now be given. In the year 1835 were received the following: Thomas Harris and Mary, his wife, with their children, John S., Noah, George Davis, Obadiah, Zachariah, Maris and Mary. David and Newton Harris were born into this family after their arrival. Joseph and Sarah Ratliff and their children, John cornelius, Millicent and Mary. Obadiah Jones (commonly spoken of as the founder of Jonesboro) and Ann, his wife, and their children, David Winston, Abijah Foster, Robert Barclay, Enoch Pearson, Jonathan Harris, Martha Ann and Jemima. James Jay and Lydia, his wife, and their children, Jesse, Richard, John, Isaiah, William, Lavina, Mary and Susannah, and Mrs. Sarah Jay Gordon of Gas City has been born since then. John and Rachel Coppock, and their daughters, Mary and Susannah, and two sons. Joel and Clarkson, of Jonesboro, have been born since. In 1836, John and Rachel Allen and daughters Mary and Elizabeth. Thomas and Martha Winslow and children,
Milton, Nixon, John, Nancy, Millicent and Lydia. Evan and Margaret Benbow, their daughter, Ann, and their apprentice, Anderson Hoggatt. John Pemberton and Susannah, his wife, and their children, Lemuel, Joel and Sophia; other children born since are Elihu W., Cyrus, Jesse K., Anna and Mary, the latter being at present a prominent minister known as Mary Moon Meredith. In 1837, James and Annis Scott, the parents of Mrs. Amos Bogue, Mrs. Henry Rittenhouse, Addison and O.R. Scott, all at Fairmount, and Rev. Stephen Scott now in Oklahoma. Lewis Thomas and Lydia, his wife, and children, Amos, Lewis, Rachel, Sarah and Agnes. David Stanfield and Elizabeth, his wife, and their children, David S., Charles, Isaac, Samuel, Vernon, Elijah and Lydia Jane. Mary Wilson and her minor children, Jesse, Nathan Cyrus, Henry, Micajah, John, Milton, Lindsey, Samuel C., Nancy, Elizabeth, Eliza and Abigail. In 1838, Wylls and Ann Davis, and their children, Clarkson, Ellwood
and Lucy. In 1841, Jesse and Martha Smith, and their children, Ephraim, Mary, Isaac R. and William I. In 1850, Isaac Jay, a minister, and Rhoda, his wife, and their minor children, Allen, Milton, Walter, Denny, Abijah Cooper, and Mary Elizabeth. In 1853, Richard and Susannah Gordon and their children, Mahala, Nathan and Phebe M. John and Rebecca Ferree and their son Alvin. Evan, Lydia, William E., Charles and John D. Ferree were all born in Grant county. Mary Hockett and minor children, Henry N. and Barclay. Sarah Hockett, Esther Hester and son Amos Leroy. In 1854, Seth Gordon. In 1855, Mahlon and Zilpha Harvey and children, Emmeline, Milton and Enos. Jesse Wright and Charity, his wife, and their children, Phebe Ann, Jemima Ruth, Peter Harmon, Matilda Margaret, John M., Mary Evaline and Rachel Adeline.
Submitted by: Phyllis Fleming
_Centennial History of Grant County, Indiana: 1812-1912_ ed by Roland Lewis Whitson, Lewis Pub Co, Chicago & New York, 1914, pg 189
_The Making of a Township: Being an Account of the Early Settlement and Subsequent Developent of Fairmount Township, Grant County, Indiana, 1829 to 1917_ Edgar M. Baldwin, ed., Fairmount, IN: Edgar Baldwin Printing Co, Publ, pg 108.
_The Making of a Township: Being an Account of the Early Settlement and Subsequent Developent of Fairmount Township, Grant County, Indiana, 1829 to 1917_ Edgar M. Baldwin, ed., Fairmount, IN: Edgar Baldwin Printing Co, Publ, pg 108-109.
The Making of a Township: Being an Account of the Early Settlement and Subsequent Developent of Fairmount Township, Grant County, Indiana, 1829 to 1917_ Edgar M. Baldwin, ed., Fairmount, IN: Edgar Baldwin Printing Co, Publ, pg 109.Deb Murray