One of the capable teachers to whom frequent reference has been made, is a native of Fairmount Township, where she was born, February 17, 1845. Her paternal grandparents were Thomas and Anna (Sadley) Harvey, and her maternal grandparents were Phineas and Mary Bogue Henley, all of North Carolina, who came in the early day to htis community. John S. Harvey, the father, was born in Randolph County, North Carolina, February 24, 1821, and died August 18, 1850; Lydia (Henley) Harvey, the mother, was born July 32, 1827, and died July 29, 1845. Mrs. Pearson was their only child. On her father's side she is of English, Irish and Welsh extraction, while her maternal ancestors were a mixture of English, French and Indian blood. She was educated in the common schools of Faimount Township and attended Earlham College in 1863. With the exception of three years' residence at Converse, Indiana, she has always lived in Fairmount Township. Mrs. Pearson was engaged in teaching
from 1862 until 1870, her school work being confined mostly to her own native Township, with the exception of brief engagements at Blue River Academy, in Washington County, Indiana, in Howard County, near Greentown, and one summer session in Greentown. Her most notable success, perhaps, was at the Lake School, in Fairmount Township, during the Civil War, when management of the highest order was required in the maintenance of discipline. On December 30, 1869, she was joined in marriage to Lemuel Pearson, born at West Milton, Ohio, December 17, 1843. His death occurred September 15, 1914. His parents were Isaac and Mary (Pemberton) Pearson. Lemuel and Angelina Pearson were parents of six children, namely: Herbert, born June 25, 1871; Harvey, born August 18, 1873; Mary, born February 22, 1878; Ethel, born December 30, 1880; Ernest, born April 26, 1883, and Susan, born April 24, 1886.
Submitted by: Phyllis Fleming
The Making of a Township: Being an Account of the Early Settlement and Subsequent Developent of Fairmount Township, Grant County, Indiana, 1829 to 1917_ Edgar M. Baldwin, ed., Fairmount, IN: Edgar Baldwin Printing Co, Publ, pg 148.
[A picture of Angelina is included in the book.]
It was no uncommon thing for the slave owner to follow the track of the Underground Railroad, but it was rare for him to recover his human property. Many were the cunning artifices used to delude him.
On one occasion there were three men to be conveyed to Moses Bradford, three miles north of Marion. The owners were in the neighborhood. It was undertaken by John S. Harvey, my father, and Quincy Baldwin, two young men then about twenty years of age. The work must be done that day. They dared not travel the public road, but walk, and go a round-about way through swamps and a jungle of underbrush. As there had just been a deep "thaw out" and a heavy rain, it was impossible to travel in any other way. They selected a position where there was a thicket on each side, what is now a stone road, in front of where Isaiah Thomas now lives, and every man kept hid while John Harvey crossed the road and reported that nobody was in sight. Then one man would cross at
a time, being careful to step in the same track. Quincy Baldwin was the last to cross. By sunset they were at Bradford's, torn by brush, clothing in tatters, cold, hungry and wet with mud, and water above their knees. Oh, what a price for liberty! But that was better than the lash of the whip, or being branded by hot irons, like cattle, as many slaves were.
The Making of a Township: Being an Account of the Early Settlement and Subsequent Developent of Fairmount Township, Grant County, Indiana, 1829 to 1917_ Edgar M. Baldwin, ed., Fairmount, IN: Edgar Baldwin Printing Co, Publ, pg 149, "The Underground Railroad."
The Boston Tea Party now famous in history was similar in sentiment to the spirit that prevailed in many Grant county homes in time of the Civil war, and there were families who would not use any article at all that was known to have been produced by slave labor. Jonathan Macy Kept an antislavery stock of goos at his home later known as the Ward farm and now the Gillespie place north of the Soldiers' Home, and only free labor articles were carried in stock. Thomas and Lydia Baldwin, prominent Friends, objected to the use of indigo made by slave labor --would let the clothes go when they were clean without the desirable blue tint, rather than use blueing made by slave labor, and Mrs. Polly Harris, the famous "night rider of her day," only used seven yards in making her a calico dress, preferring a "skimpy" gown to liberal patronage of slave labor articles. Elias Coleman and John Harvey had an antislavery store in Jonesboro, and they had patronage from distant
points from families who were in sympathy with the abolition methods. It was Lincoln's conviction that the slave on the block must go scot free --- he had read books that caused him to witness for God in his life, and right training picked up from hard knocks in the world enabled him to witness for God and the right. The anti-slavery store was a hard knock on the institution of slavery, and there were a number of them in Grant county.
Submitted by: Phyllis Fleming
Centennial History of Grant County, Indiana: 1812-1912_, Rolland Lewis Whiteson, ed., Chicago: Lewis Publ Co, "LXV. Stories of Long Ago ---The Omnibus Chapter," pg 500.
I remember the house raising, the log rollings, the quiltings, the wool pickings, when we spun, colored and wove much of the cloth for our clothing, when most of the cooking was done by the firesplace, with which all the houses were provided (many families not owning a cookstove), when we dropped all our corn by hand and covered it with the hoe, when the grain was cut with scythe and cradle and bound by hand, and many other customs of early days.
Many things were not convenient, but in looking back upon those times I always think of them as the good old days when neighbors were much more congenial and helpful to each other than at the present time. One of the undesirable things was the bad roads.
I remember well the corduroy bridges, which consisted of small logs laid across the road as close together as possible in the worst places, sometimes lasting for quite a distance, making very rough traveling, but beat being stuck in the mud.
Another thing was the ague, as I have good reason to remember, being a victim myself, missing the chill only a few weeks in more than a year. Then there were the swarms of mosquitoes that infested this country in those days, when some of the ponds of water never dried up. We had to make smoke at the doors of our homes summer evenings...
Submitted by: Phyllis Fleming
The Making of a Township: Being an Account of the Early Settlement and Subsequent Developent of Fairmount Township, Grant County, Indiana, 1829 to 1917_ Edgar M. Baldwin, ed., Fairmount, IN: Edgar Baldwin Printing Co, Publ, pg 397.
(Editor's Note.-----This article is contributed by Dr. Calvin C. Rush, son of the late Nixon Rush, and grandson of Iredell Rush. Iredell Rush entere land in Fairmount Township March 16, 1831. Dr. Rush is a successful physician, now located at Philadelphia, the home of a distinguished relative, Dr. Benjamin Rush. In this contribution one of Indiana's athletes of pioneer days is introduced. The late James Scott, father of C.R. Scott, was for many years prior to his death a citizen of Fairmount.)
CHAPEL HILL, July 17---Charles Everett Rush is an unusual man in many ways.
Director of libraries and professor of library science at the University of North Carolina since 1941, Mr. Rush reached retirement age this summer and relinquished his office duties this month.
The library staff wanted to honor him with a farewell party as a token of esteem and appreciation. Such ceremonies are not uncommon in the case of the faculty members with long service.
But Mr. Rush put both feet down on any and all proposals to do him such honors. He appreciated the gesture, he told the staff, but was anxious that no to-do be made about his resignation.
"After all," he explained, "I'm not quitting. I'm simply moving over to another area where I'll be able to do many of the things I've never found time for before (meaning working at his many hobbies).
The staff at first thought he was kidding, then realized he was deadly serious. So the idea of a farewell party was abandoned, but the staff sent to him at his home a handsome piece of luggage. So far the modest Rush hasn't tossed it back to the donors.
Charlie Rush came to the University Library from the Cleveland Public Library just before World War I. One of the first things he did was to organize at the library one of the foremost War information centers in the nation.
He has guided and directed the development of the first building addition (dedicated in 1952) which places the University Library at the forefront in the Southeast in facilities for research, special investigation and creative scholarship.
Under Mr. Rush's stewardship the library's book holding have nearly doubled, from 386,390 volumes to more than 661,337 now. There has been a corresponding increase in the number of library staff members.
Librarian Rush stimulated and organized the appeal to two legislatures to obtain a $1,615,000 appropriation for the enlarged building.
He personally planned the enlarged building, although he "had the help of expert advisers," he says.
He has had a long, wide experidnce in both university and public libraries. Before going to Cleveland in 1938 he was librarian of Teachers College in Columbia University for three years and associated librarian of Yale University for seven years.
A native of Fairmount, Ind., where he was born on "Rush Hill," Librarian Rush was educated at Earlham College, University of Wisconsin, and at New York State Library School, where one of his classmates was Lionne Adsit of Voorheesville, N.Y., who later became Mrs. Rush. He holds an honorary degree from Yale.
Among the large public libraries Mr. Rush has headed, in addition to Cleveland, are those in Indianapolis; Des Moines, Iowa; St. Joseph, Mo., and Jackson, Mich. He was also associated with libraries in Fairmount Academy, Earlham College, Wisconsin University; Albany, N.Y., and Newark, N.J.
In returning to North Carolina 13 years ago Mr. Rush was really returning "home," for all four of his grandparents were born in North Carolina and migrated to Indiana.
The Rushes have three daughters and seven grandchildren. The daughters are Alison, Mrs. W.H. Roberts of Swarthmore, Pa.; Frances, Mrs. B.J. Caldwell of Pomona, Calif., and Myra, Mrs. Arch Lauterer of Chapel Hill. Last fall Alison followed family tradition by enrolling in the Library School of [a section is missing here] cently with high honors and with special citation award. Frances ran true to form by marrying a librarian and Myra lived up to her raisin' by accepting a position in the UNC Library's Graphic Arts Room.
The impress of Mr. Rush's personality has been felt far beyond the walls of the institutions he has served, In a varied and vital career, he has been affiliated iwth many civic, educational and literary organizations.
It has been said that a man is judged by his hobbies as well as by the company he keeps. A many-faceted individual, it might be expected that Mr. Rush's hobbies would be of a varied and unusual nature.
Before entering the library profession he began collecting Quaker books and allied materials. Now he has a choice group of these materials. Along this line, also, his curiosity about the migration of his ancestors from North Carolina to Indiana led him to make a study of the trails folowed by the early settlers across the mountains from North Carolina to the Middle West.
By his own efforts and those of his friends, he has collected shells from all over the country. These he fashions into amusing animals and other imaginative creatures. Some samples of these found their way into the library on one occasion, but when their display was suggested, these weird and intriguing characters suddenly disappeared.
His interest in the early Indians has led him to dig into mounds in two states and to collect relics from several others. Fishing has long been his favorite recreation and he has indulged this hobby in at least 12 states and in Canada.
Handicraft and woodworking have enriched his children and his grandchildren with doll houses and machine shops full of gadgets the "work," stools and little tables, bird feeders and bird houses, and many small and ingenious objects.
As perhaps his most exceptional hobby, he "collects" unusual and especially interesting chimneys. Believing that such items are generally most appreciated in their natural setting, he leaves them where he finds them-----noting types and locations in his memory book.
Submitted by: Phyllis Fleming
from an unlabelled newspaper article "Librarian Rush Puts Foot Down on Farewell Party" by Robert W. Madry
John Briles, a farmer, came to Indiana in the fall of 1865, and located on a farm four and one-half miles from Fairmount. He was a Union man in sentiment, and bitterly opposed to both slavery and to secession. He lost considerable property by reason of his devotion to the Union while he was living in the south, the Confederate troops devastating his farm and carrying off everything that was portable. John Briles after coming to Grant county, Indiana continued to cultivate the soil, and died on his Liberty township farm at the age of sixty-four years; his widow, born in 1824, still lives on the home farm in Liberty township. The children born to John and Elizabeth Briles were three in number, Jacob being the eldest; Noah is a farmer in Madison county, Indiana; and Elwood E., the youngest of the family, is now a student of law in Fairmount.
Submitted by: Phyllis Fleming
Biographical Memoirs of Grant County, Indiana Chicago: Bowen & Co, 1901, pg 463.
Jacob Briles received a sound English education in his native state [one of the Carolina's]. In 1864, he was conscripted into the Conferderate [sic] army, much against his will, as his sentiments were decidedly with the men whom he was compelled to fight. He would have deserted had an opportunity presented itself. He served until the close of the war in the eastern part of North Carolina. In 1866, he came to Grant county, Indiana, and for two years worked in various lines of industry, after which he went into the lumber trade, and erected a saw-mill on his premises, and for twenty-five years did a prosperous business in hard-wood lumber.
In May, 1900, Jacob Briles was elected city clerk and treasurer of Fairmount, a position he still holds, and the duties of which he performs in a most satisfactory manner.
The first marriage of Jacob Briles took place in this county in 1868, when Miss Julia Ann Reeder became his bride. This lady is a daughter of Spencer Reeder, a pioneer and farmer. To this marriage there were born five children, three of whom are still living: Albert R., who is employed in railroad work; John E., who is employed by the Atlas Engine Company, in Indianapolis, and Arminta Elizabeth, who is attending school; Charles S. Briles, the eldest graduated from the Fairmount Academy, was employed in the Exchange Bank at Marion for six years, then engaged in business for himself; but was soon afterward prostrated by disease and died in his twenty-seventh year; Robert died at the age of twenty-four years.
Jacob Briles has been a Republican all his mature years, but in religion is independent, yet his inclinations are toward the Sociaty of Friends. Fraternally Jacob Briles is prominent in several orders and societies, being a past master of Samaritan Lodge, No. 104, F.&A.M.; past grand of Fairmount Lodge No. 381, I.O.O.F., and past chancellor cammander, Paragon Lodge, No. 219, K.of P., and of the latter he is a charter member; he is likewise P.C.P. in the I.O.O.F. Encampment.
Mrs. Julia Ann (Reeder) Briles was called away in 1884, and for a second helpmate Jacob Briles selected Miss Sarah Lawrence, a native of Grant county, but at the date of her marriage was a resident of Wayne county. this second marriage has been crowned by the birth of two children, Walter and Maud, both at home. [The remainder of the article is on page 464, which I do not have.]
Submitted by: Phyllis Fleming
Biographical Memoirs of Grant Co, Indiana_ Chicago, Bowen, 1901 pg 463
Mrs. Zilpha (Hadley) Harvey was a native of Morgan county, Indiana, and passed away from the Liberty township home farm September 24, 1889. To her marriage with Mahlon Harvey, there were born nine children, namely: Sarah Emlen, who died December 19, 1865, at the age of seventeen years and six months; Albert, who died in childhood of scarlet fever; Milton, the next in order of birth, was formerly a farmer, and is now a retired resident of Marion, is married and has reared a family; the Rev. Enos Harvey, whose name opens this biographical notice, is the fourth son born of the family; Eli died in young manhood, leaving a wife and children; John W., who lives on the old home farm near Fairmount, is also married and has a family; Mary, now Mrs. Clayton S. Wright, resides in the "Little Ridge" neighborhood on a portion of the old home farm; Ruth is married to Ansel E. Ratliff, also resides in "Little Ridge" neighborhood, and with her the father, Mahlon Harvey, makes his home; the youngest of the family of nine children was an infant, deceased.
The Harvey and Hadley families both descended from Irish ancestors, who settled in America prior to the opening of the Revolutionary war, and the great-grandfather of Rev. Enos Harvey emigrated from North Carolina to Ohio about the beginning of the nineteenth century, and he and three brothers purchased several thousand acres of land in Clinton county that had been awarded by the government to an officer for his services in the war of the Revolution.
Submitted by: Phyllis Fleming
Biographical Memoirs of Grant Co, Indiana_ Chicago: Bowen, 1901, p 775
John Henry Peacock, the only surviving son, was married to Miss Ruth A. Reese January 21, 1892, and two children have been born to them, namely: Myron Reese, born November 7, 1893; and Joseph Edward, born March 24, 1897. Ruth Reese was born in Cass county, Michigan, July 22, 1873, and is a daughter of Reuben and Jane (Reeder) Reese. Her father was born January 7, 1840, and died September 16, 1896, in the state of Texas. Her mother died April 29, 1877, when Mrs. Peacock was but a little child not yet three years old, and she was given a home with her grandfather, Spencer Reeder, with whom she resided until their deaths, about 1880. Spencer Reeder came from North Carolina about 1842 and settled in Liberty township, and he and James Scott were the first justices of the peace of Grant county. Her paternal grandparents, Solomon and Ruth Ann (Wright) Reese, were from Tennessee. John Henry Peacock resides on the homestead and cultivates the farm, relieving his mother
from all care. His a an industrious, painstaking worker, and the condition of his farm speaks well for his ability as an agriculturist.
Submitted by: Phyllis Fleming
Biographical Memoirs of Grant Co, Indiana_ Chicago: Bowen, 1901, p 778-799
Almost half of the 71 years of its existence was past before Little Ridge had a recorded resident minister. Enos Harvey was the first minister recorded from Little Ridge local meeting, recorded by Fairmount MM in 1869. Little Ridge was then a part of Fairmount MM.
Little Ridge took much pride in having a minister of their very own, but our good fortune did not last long as he was soon called to larger fields of labor. A few years later, Stephen Scott, a minister of the Gospel moved into this community and was our first paid pastor.
"Little Ridge Meeting Society of Friends: History of Little Ridge, 1854-1925", prepared by Hiram Harvey, his wife, Sadie B. and their son, R.T. Harvey, at the request of the Little Ridge Monthly Meeting in the year 1925. pg 4
Enos Harvey, during his minority, attended the district schools of Liberty township, and afterward taught for a number of years in the public schools of Grant county, spending the spring terms and also the entire year of 1878-9 as a student at Earlham College. The summers were spent in the Marion Normal School under Superintendent T.D. Tharp. December 25, 1879, he married Mary M. Wilson, who is a daughter of Lindsey and Jane (Davis) Wilson, natives of North Carolina. Rev. Enos Harvey, in 1891, was acknowledged a minister of te gospel in the Friends church. The first year and a half of his ministry was spent as superintendent of evangelistic and pastoral work in Fairmount quarterly meeting, and as a pastor of the church at Jonesboro, after which he spent one year as a student in the Biblical department of Earlham College. In 1893
Submitted by: Phyllis Fleming
Elizabeth S. (Radley) Peacock, widow of Joseph H. Peacock, resides in Fairmount township on the homestead of one hundred and eighty acres, and is loved by all who know her. Her parents were both natives of England, in the vicinity of Chelmsford, Essex county, where they were married and where their four children were born. Samuel Radley and his wife, Mary (Bull) Radley, like the pilgrims of old, determined to seek a home in the new world, and in the summer of 1849 set sail from England, with their little family, in the sailing vessel "Westminister," under Captain J .M. Doane, and after a voyage of six weeks landed in New York harbor. They at once set out for this state, traveling by rail and canal to LaGro, thence by private conveyance to Grant county, where they arrived about the 1st of September, 1849. A few days after their arrival in this county they were visited by their first great sorrow in the death of their baby and only son, Samuel J., who was born May 31,
1849, and was called to bloom in the garden of the Lord on September 12, three years later. They were members of the Friends church and had brought with them from the mother country their letters of transfer, which were deposited in the new home and loving hands did all in their power to alleviate the trouble which had visited the newcomers. The family now consisted of three children, namely: Mary Ann, who was born August 31, 1841, was married to Jesse Rich, and passed to her reward February 28, 1865; Elizabeth S. (Mrs. Peacock), who was born June 9, 1843; and Alice, born February 21, 1845, and the wife of William S. Elliott, of Radley, Liberty township. Mr. Radley was a plasterer and brick mason in his native country, and on reaching here he gave his time and attention to agriculture and his former trade, which he continued to do throughout his life. There were but few residents in Fairmount township when they came, and in the village there were but two stores,
one grist-mill, one saw-mill and two residences comprising the improvements in the entire township. In later years they located more in the center of the township, and through heritage they received a large tract of land in Librty [sic] township, and in honor of this family the village of Radley was named. Samuel Radley was a man of strict integrity, to whom an honorable name meant far more than aught else. He was born September 4, 1816, and on March 11, 1877, his soul passed into the great Unknown --- a good man gone to his reward. His wife was born August 30, 1807, and survived him eleven years ,entering the dreamless sleep to awake in the eternal morning October 23, 1888. They are well and kindly remembered by the older residents, and in their case it may be truly said that the good they have done lived after them.
Submitted by: Phyllis Fleming
Biographical Memoirs of Grant Co, Indiana_ Chicago, Bowen 1901
Biographical Memoirs of Grant County, Indiana_ Chicago: Bowen & Co, 1901, pg 799.Deb Murray