Alfred L. Brooks, the subject of this sketch, was the son of Benjamin and Eliza (Rust) Brooks, and was born December 15, 1833, in Greene county. The father came from New York state and the mother from Kentucky. His parents both came to Indiana when they were children and were married at Mooresville, Morgan county. They removed to Vincennes and later came to Bloomfield, where he did(sic) in 1840. His wife lived until March 1, 1892. Five children were born to them -- Alfred, our subject; Caroline, Lucinda, Finley and Selina -- all of whom are deceased. Alfred was a cooper by trade, and worked at it until he entered the army in 1861, joining Company H, Thirty-first Indiana Infantry, at Owensburg in August of that year, and served with distinction for three years. He was in the fiercest of the fights at Fort Donelson, Shiloh and Fort Henry. After the last engagement he was taken sick and sent to the hospital at Nashville, Tennessee,
where he remained for several months. He never fully recovered health and strength, yet he rejoined his regiment, and being assigned to lighter work, served to the end of his enlistment, the full three years. In June, 1857, he was married to Nancy E. Brock, a native of Lawrence county, born November 28, 1838, and the daughter of Newton and Martha (Mills) Brock, both natives of Tennessee. They came to Indiana when children, coming in a wagon, though the children walked most of the way. Both parental families came from the same locality and settled in Lawrence county. Newell(sic) used to flatboat on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers in an early day. He later came with both families to Greene county, where he engaged in farming until toward the close of his life, when he retired. He died in 1872, and in 1895 his wife followed him. They were members of the Baptist church. They had eight children -- Nancy, Ephraim, deceased;
Josephus and John, each of whom died in the army; David, twin brother of John, lives in Bloomfield; Elizabeth, deceased; Roena, who lives in Switz City and is the wife of Aaron Hennon; James died in childhood.
To Alfred L. Brooks and wife were born four children. Benjamin F. married Lizzie Webber, who died in October, 1896. To them were given two children, Prince Bismarck and Artillus; Lucinda, wife of James L. Mattox. They live in Linton and have two children, Fay and Wilburn M.; Lillie May, wife of William F. Dean. They have four children, Francis C., Alfred, Wilburn H. and Newell Watts; George, who married Maggie Skinner and is living in Jasper, Dubois county.
Mrs. Brooks, the widow of our subject, is living in Bloomfield with her daughter Lillie, on North Washington street. She is a member of the Presbyterian church.
"Biographical Memoirs of Greene County, Ind. with Reminiscences of Pioneer Days", B.F. Bowen & Co., Indianapolis, IN, 1908.
Data Entry Volunteer: Diane Drogich
" Joseph "Joe" Dover was born May 9, 1835 in Greene County, Indiana. He died June 14, 1912 at Koleen, Indiana. He had cancer of the throat. He and his wife , Lucy are buried at the Walnut Grove Cemetery, eight miles east of Bloomfield, Indiana. He was the son of Joshua and Nancy McFarland Dover. They lived on Beech Creek in Center Township. Joe had seven sisters and six or more brothers, Greenbury, Asbury, Joshua, Park H., and Wesley. Joe was a farmer.
Joshua Dover died between 1840-1842. Nancy then married Martin Holtsclaw on April 6, 1842 in Greene County. Martin was in the War of 1812 in Kentucky. He is buried in Ridgeport Cemetery at Ridgeport, Indiana. Nancy was living with her son Joshua in 1870.
Joe first married Rhoda Ann Dover on July 15, 1854. They had a daughter, Nancy Ann. Rhoda died and her parents, James and Elender "Sanderson" Dover raised Nancy Ann. Joe's second wife was Mary Jane McCoy Stephens, widow of Luther Stephens. Mary had five children of her own when she married Joe. Mary Jane died and she and Rhoda Ann are buried 3/4 mile from Switz City in a cemetery, Crote or Bullerman.
Joe went to service on November 21, 1861. He joined for duty on October 19, 1861 under Captain Keck's Company, 49th Regiment Indiana Infantry, and served for three years. He re enlisted at Indianola, Texas on February 3, 1864 under James Leeper, Company A, 64th Indiana Volunteers.
Joe and Mary Jane Stephens Dover had Thomas Wesley, and Eli who died when a young man and Amanda Alice. Thomas "Tom" married Hattie Quintilla Brandon on April 9, 1887. Children were Paris Asberry, Minnie Lenore, Augusta Alice, George Nelson, Chauncey Wesley, Esper Joseph, Leslie Elijah, Cordia, Elmo Thomas, and Mary. Amanda Alice "Mandy" married David Alvadore"Pete" Howell, both of Koleen, Indiana on December 27, 1893 in Greene County, Indiana. They had two children, Goldia Alina and Clyde Orvall Howell. Goldia Howell married Arthur Murphy of Jasonville. Arthur was a coal miner at Linton. Their children were Leon Clydestal, Juanita Mildred, Opal and Orville [twins], Robert Earl, Emogene Berniece,and Walter Roy Murphy. Clyde Howell married Etna Holmes, and their children were Mildred Ione, Marjorie Alice, Russell Laven, Kathleen, Gladys Berniece, Norma Naydene, Avis Pauline, Clyde Curtis and Walter Wayne Howell.
Joe's third wife was Lucy Ann Holder, daughter of Benjamin and Susannah Holder. They lived on Indian Creek near Camp Olivet in Jackson Township in Greene County. Joe and Lucy were married May 7, 1883 in Greene County. They lived near Koleen, Indiana. Joe was a farmer. He was in Company K, 49th Infantry Volunteers. The neighbors in Koleen called him "Uncle Joe". He lived near the Mays Spring south of Koleen for a while after he and Lucy were married. They had one child, Sara Clemantine "Clema" Dover, born July 30, 1885. At Koleen, Indiana. She married Hase Dove of Newberry, who was the son of Basie Dove. Hase and Clema had a daughter, Bertha Pearl Dove, born November 26, 1907. Clema had a son, Webster Junior Dover, before she married Hase. Hase died February, 1906 and is buried in the Bogard Cemetery near Newberry. After his death, Clema married Edgar Royal on June 4, 1914 in Greene County, Indiana. He was the son of John Abner Royal and Martha Jane Fearnot Royal. Edgar was a farmer. To this union were born three children, William Thomas, George Edgar, (both died at about age one year) and Martha Louise Royal. Edgar raised Webster "Web" and Bertha Pearl Dove. Webster was never married and died at the age of 57 years and is buried in the Walnut grove Cemetery near Park. Joe and Lucy Dover, the Murphys, Howells, Royals and two of the Quillens are also buried at Walnut Grove Cemetery. Bertha Pearl Dover, born November 26, 1907, married George Oliver Quillen, born March 13, 1910, on November 26, 1924 in Greene County. George was the son of George Washington Quillen and Laura Wright Quillen of Oolitic. George worked for Oolitic Stone Mill in Oolitic. Their children were Betty Jean, Vonda Mae, Dallas Ray, Kathleen and Kenneth [twins],and Jackie Dean. Vonda died February. 19, 1974 and is buried in Walnut Grove. Vonda, Dallas, and Jackie were never married.
Martha Louise was born February 26, 1922 at Marco, the daughter of Edgar and Clema Dover Dove Royal. On July 19, 1941 she married Russell Robert "Jack" Cox at Bedford. He was the son of John Wesley and Daisy Belle Crockett Cox of Solsberry. He worked at Victor Oolitic Stone Mill, Burns City, Illinois Central Railroad and retired from Naval Ammunition Depot in April 1980. To this union were born five children, Anita Louise, Robert Eugene "Bob", Donald Duwayne "Don", Kathy Jean, and Helen Earnestine. They have grandchildren, Karen Elaine Hamlin Rash, Michelle Hamlin,
Todd Cox, Richard Wayne "Ricky" and Crystal Murley, Jerry Ray Arthur. Two great-grandchildren, Nathan Michael and Hannah Rae Rash. Louise Royal Cox worked at RCA and Hospitality House laundry and kitchen, maid at the Poplars in Bloomington, and cleaned house around Solsberry.
Data Entry Volunteer: Pam