The subject was born in Wayne county, Ohio, in October, 1845, the son of William and Mary (Dorrough) Crites. George Crites, grandfather of the subject, was a native of Pennsylvania, who moved to Ohio in the early thirties and bought a farm there, which he worked until he moved to Indiana in 1860 and bought a farm in Greene county, where he made his home up to the time of his death in 1870,
when he died in the Union station at Indianapolis from heart failure, grandmother Crites having passed on to the next existence before him. There were eight children in that family who grew to maturity, one of whom, Eli Crites, was a soldier in the Civil war. Grandfather Dorrough died about 1850 in Ohio, where he had come from his native state, Pennsylvania. His widow came to Indiana in
1857, where she lived until her death in the early sixties. They had fourteen children. William Crites, father of the subject, spent his early life in Ohio, having been brought to that state by his parents when he was but a child. He was deprived of early educational advantages. He owned a farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Ohio, which he conducted until he came to Indiana in May,
1856, having traded his Ohio farm for a farm consisting of three hundred and sixty acres in Greene county. The farm on which the subject of this sketch now lives, consisting of one hundred and sixty acres, is a part of his father's old farm. About one-half of the original tract has been cleared. All the present buildings on the place have been erected by the subject, except the dwelling
house, which is the one in which his father lived. John Crites has never lived more than one and one-fourth miles from that place. His father also spent all his days while in Indiana on that farm, dying there in 1886, at he age of seventy-one. His widow survived until 1895, dying at the age of seventy-five. She was a member of the Church of God.
John Crites, the subject of this sketch, attended three terms of school in Ohio. After he came to Indiana he worked on his father's farm up to 1863. In 1864, shortly after the first of the year, he began his career as a soldier, enlisting in Company A, One Hundred and Forty-ninth Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He spent most of the time of his enlistment in garrison duty at Nashville, Tennessee, and
Decatur, Alabama. He was mustered out in September, 1865. He was disabled by contracting a disease while in the line of duty and he was not able to work for a year after returning home. Then he began work on his father's farm on the "shares," where he continued to work until 1870, when he went to Kansas, where he remained for nearly a year, working as a farm hand. Then he came back to the
home farm and conducted that until 1881, when he moved onto a farm which he had previously bought, remaining on this until 1893, when he sold it and purchased a part of the old homestead, on which he has since resided. He has added sixty acres to the one hundred and sixty he originally purchased. His farm is now in an excellent condition, being well improved, and it is now producing as much as
it did when first cleared, and is underlaid with about two thousand rods of tiling.
Mr. Crites, while he managed the farm, dealt in stock and cattle, handling a good grade. He fed about all the corn that the place produced to hogs. He is now fencing altogether with wire. He has since bought eighty acres, principally of White River bottom land, which is rich, the soil needing no fertilizers, having deposits of silt spread over it occasionally by high waters.
The subject was married in 1871 to Julia Hodges, a native of Greene county and a daughter of William and Mary J. (Turley) Hodges, natives of North Carolina. Her father was a soldier in the Civil war, having enlisted from Indiana. They had six children who grew to maturity, namely: Alma A., wife of Reuben Devilbiss, to whom four children have been born; Alice is the wife of Clarence Chipman. They
have four children. Charles E. is the third child of the subject. He is married and has three children. George, the next son, has been twice married. He had one child by his first wife. Sarah, the fifth child, is the wife of John M. Rose. She has one child. Julia, the last child, is single and living at home. Her twin sister died in infancy. The subject's wife died March 4, 1883.
Mr. Crites was married a second time to Mrs. Frances M. Long, December 23, 1883. She had three children by a former husband, one of these Byron F. Long, serving in the United States regular army, and remained with the subject for some time. He is now in New Mexico, as is also George Crites, who served in the Spanish-American war and later three years in the United States regular army. The subject
had no children by his last wife. He never affiliates with any political party, but he and his wife are members of the Baptist church and they are regarded as hospitable and upright people by all who know them.
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Submitted by: Diana Flynn
MICHAEL DECKARD, druggist and distiller, was born in the year 1832, in Monroe County, Ind., whither his parents had removed in 1818. He is one of two children born to Michael and Christena (Hellenburg) Deckard, and being the son of pioneers witnessed many hardships incident to pioneer life in which his parents were engaged. On attaining his majority, he embarked on life's voyage on his own responsibility, and since then has been engaged largely in mercantile pursuits. His marriage with Miss Catharine Hilton was
solemnized in 1857, and in 1861 he became a private in the late war, serving through the battles of Resaca, Stone River and Kenesaw Mountain, and being finally discharged as Corporal at the end of three years. At the present writing (1883), he is located at Jonesboro (Hobbieville P. O.), where he carries on the drug trade and manufactures about 2,000 gallons of pure peach and apple brandy yearly. Mr. Deckard is a thoroughgoing business man, a Democrat in politics, and the father of six children, only two--Blassie E. and Rosie E.--yet living.
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Submitted by: Diana Flynn
ALEXANDER HARDEN, a progressive and public-spirited citizen of his township, is a native of Monroe County, Ind., his birth occurring in the year 1837. He is a son of William and Elizabeth (Regains) Harden, who removed from Tennessee, where they were born, to Indiana in 1834. Alexander passed his youth and early manhood in assisting his parents on the home farm, and on the 6th of September, 1861, volunteered his service in the cause of his country. He was a member of Company G, Thirty-first Indiana Volunteers, and at Pittsburg Landing, became disabled, which resulted in his discharge December 6, 1862. Since that time he has been employed in farming and prosecuting pension claims for disabled soldiers. By industry, he has
secured a farm of 105 1/2 acres, while his success as a prosecutor of pension claims has procured him a large and constantly increasing patronage. Mr. Harden is a Republican in politics, a member of the Masonic fraternity and a member the Methodist Episcopal Church. His marriage with Miss Mary E. Bennet was solemnized in 1863, and they are among the best of Green County's citizens.
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Submitted by: Diana Flynn
John Frost O'Neall
A 19th Century Man, His 20th Century Biography
by Jill O'Neall Ching
This bio is dedicated to the John Frost O'Neall descendants, who I am attempting to locate, please write to me if you recognize your ancestor here, so we can share information. Thank you, Jill O'Neall Ching.
A 20th Century Biography of a 19th Century Man: John Frost O'Neall
John F. O'Neall was born in Lauren's or Newberry District, South Carolina in the Fall of 1804. His parents were Henry F. and Mary Miles O'Neall, Quakers. John was the fourth child of Henry and Mary, who had 14 children in all.
John attended Meetings of the Friends with his siblings and helped on his father's farm. His friends were all his brothers and sisters and the children of the slaves on the 'plantation'.
Henry was 'disciplined' by the Quaker members for keeping slaves and by 1832 moved with his wife and several children to the Scomp or Skomp place, which they probably purchased from landowners Isaac and Sarah Skomp, their neighbors, on land situated near the border of Greene and Daviees County, Indiana.
John Frost O'Neall joined his father in this move, with his wife Anne Chandler, who he had married in 1823. John and Anne O'Neall already had several children when they embarked on their northerly journey to Greene
Co., Indiana from South Carolina in about 1832. Perhaps they all lived together for a time on the Skomp place.
Luck 'o the Irish was with the O'Neall's for a time in Indiana, their new home. John F. O'Neall became a well-liked individual and an influential man in his own right. Some of the 'titles' he enjoyed in his lifetime included "County Commissioner", "State Legislator", "Justice of the Peace". He ran unsuccessfully for the United States Congress, and served several terms in the State of Indiana Legislature in the 1840's.
One event for which John F. O'Neall is remembered occured during the Abraham Lincoln presidential campaign and election era. It is noted that: "Mr. John F. O'Neal was among leading party politicians in Greene county and was a member of the state Senate and House of Representatives several times; but being raised a Quaker and the old, time-honoured Quaker religious creed being yet in the ascendancy, and when Col. Fremont was the Abolitionist candidate for President, Mr. O'Neal changed his vote, and cast the only vote for Freemonth that the 'pathfinder' received in Cass township."
(Typos as written in original source-see below)
It is also noted that during the 1840-1842 terms of office in the legislature he was "instrumental in getting the Wabash and Erie Canal which although a financial disaster, was extremely important in developing western Indiana. He also was instrumental in moving the northern boundary of Indiana ten miles further north in order to accomodate a deep water harbor on the lakes." O'Neall joined the Democratic party and for a time was also a Republican. Besides publicly serving the communities of Greene and Daviees County and the State of Indiana, John Frost O'Neall was a
farmer and a minister.
John and Mary O'Neall had two sons who grew to maturity and produced children, they are William Chandler O'Neall who married Alicy Jamison and John HB O'Neall who had children with two wives, including Susan Dyer and Arlena Carroll.
Their three daughters named Rhoda, Sarah and MaryAnn also married and Sarah O'Neall Slinkard and Mary Ann O'Neall Bogard raised children. John and Mary O'Neall also buried three children, who they had named Elizabeth, Laura and William, he was their first born. They named all three of these children, who were called home to glory young, and put them in the ground with
markers, and a bouquet of flowers, praying for their safe and speedy delivery to heaven.
John's uncle was also named John O'Neal and was given the distinction of being called "Old John O'Neal" the Quaker, he had arrived in Indiana the earliest, by 1819 and more or less paved the way for his brother Henry's family~including John F. to .....come on up to Indiana........because everyone knows the grass is always greener somewhere else. In the earliest Greene County history book it is noted that....."Old John O'Neal settled just east of Newberry, on the well known O'Neal homestead farm. Mr. O'Neal was a noted old Friend Quaker preacher, and his house was
the home for all the old Indians and preachers for many years. He entered the most land and made the best farm, and it was also a stopping place for all the olden-times judges, lawyers, preachers, prophets and disciples, Jews and Gentiles. "
During the 1850's John F. O'Neall served in the local militia as a Captain of the 47th Regiment. He attended the Methodist church, probably travelling by horse, as all 19th century men did, and perhaps he had a horse and buggy or horse-drawn wagon, which he loaded up with his 3 surviving daughters and 2 surviving sons, all dressed in their Sunday best for a day of preaching and to return home to a dinner of chicken and dumplings. On hot Saturday
afternoons perhaps the family went for a picnic by the new Erie Canal, which John had worked so hard to build.
Then one summer passed by, and fell into memory, and the Indiana air turned chilly, and the nights very cold, the trees had lost their bounty of fruit as harvest time arrived in late October of 1865. John was just 61 years old, and Mary was 67 years old, when they both got sick and died, she died only 48 hours after her husband of 42 years, perhaps from a fever. The Civil War was raging, maybe much closer to their now sad home than we know, the war was, afterall the news of the day.
Descendants of John Frost O'Neall 1 John Frost O'NEALL Born: September 30, 1804 in Laurens Dist, SC d: October 25, 1865 in Greene Co., IN Fact 1: State Legislator, only one to vote for Fremont +Anne CHANDLER Born: 1799 in SC d: October 27, 1865 in IN m: December 23, 1823 in SC 2 William Henry O'NEALL Born: September 16, 1824 2 William Chandler O'NEALL Born: November 22, 1825 d: February 03, 1853 +Alicy JAMISON Born: October 1820 m: March 19, 1845 Their children: Alasander Marion O'NEALL Born: December 02, 1846 Mary Ann Elizabeth O'NEALL Born: January 10, 1850 William Chandler O'NEALL Born: February 03, 1853 2 Mary Ann O'NEALL Born: February 02, 1828 d: December 30, 1861 +Thomas BOGARD m: July 20, 1845 in Greene Co., IN 2 Sarah "Sally" Ford O'NEALL Born: July 26, 1830 +Andrew SLINKARD m: November 09, 1848 Their children: John Slinkard Mary Slinkard 2 Elizabeth Frances O'NEALL Born: February 19, 1833 d: September 09, 1836 2 Rhoda O'NEALL Born: April 05, 1835 d: February 27, 1901 +John B. JAMISON m: June 08, 1851 in Greene Co., IN If they had any children I would like to find out. 2 Laura Helen O'NEALL Born: July 12, 1837 in Greene Co., IN d: October 08, 1838 in Greene Co., IN 2 John H. B. O'NEALL Born: December 01, 1839 in Cass Twp., IN d: January 02, 1906 in Bloomfield, IN Fact 1: 1876 Appt. Deputy Sherriff, Greene Co., IN +Susan DYER Born: July 04, 1851 d: January 26, 1874 in Dixon, IN m: March 01, 1866 *2nd Wife of John H. Benton O'Neall: +Arlena CARROLL Born: July 08, 1858 in IN d: August 07, 1910 in IN m: February 09, 1882 in Mineral City, IN John H B O'Neall became the deputy sheriff in 1876 in Greene County and had two families, including these children: William Elijah O'NEALL Born: April 1870 in Greene Co. Cass Township, IN +Martha Emma RILEY Born: February 23, 1878 in Bloomfield, IN d: January 18, 1962 in LaGrande, OR m: December 02, 1897 in Chicago, IL John F. O'NEALL Born: December 24, 1866 Charles H. O'NEALL Born: February 01, 1868 Lionel B. O'NEALL Born: November 03, 1873 *2nd Wife of John H. Benton O'Neall: +Arlena CARROLL Born: July 08, 1858 in IN d: August 07, 1910 in IN m: February 09, 1882 in Mineral City, IN Elmer O'NEALL Born: December 03, 1882 m: Gladys Pratt Lee Carroll O'NEALL Born: October 15, 1884 John Frost O'NEALL Born: September 19, 1886 Ethel O'NEALL Born: April 10, 1888 Raymond O'NEALL Born: March 27, 1891 Lexie O'NEALL Born: August 12, 1895 Mary O'NEALL Born: July 30, 1894
Source material from:
O'Neall Ching, Jill Ancestor Tales, Truths and Other Mysteries 1996
Duncan and Schultz A Glance Back Over Our Shoulders 1984
O'Neall-Dicks, Wesley Hugh O'Neall, His Irish Ancestors and American
Descendants 1991
Baber, Uncle Jack Early History of Greene Co., Indiana 1875, N B Mellis
History of Greene & Sullivan Counties, State of Indiana 1884, Goodspeed
Biographical Directory of Indiana General Assembly p. 229
If you descend from any of these O'Neall's please write to Jill O'Neall Ching
Or visit my website.
Nicholas W. Osburn, a well known farmer in Richland township, was born April 4, 1843, in Highland township, the son of Jesse and Charity C. (Hodge) Osburn, the former a native of central Tennessee. He was the son of Thomas Osburn, also a native of Tennessee, who came to Greene county, Indiana, in 1819 when the father of the subject was seven years old. Thomas, the subject's grandfather, was a soldier in the War of 1812. He entered land from the government in Highland township, Greene county, Indiana, where he spent the remainder of his life, dying at the age of seventy-seven years. He was a member of the Methodist church. Jesse, the father of the subject, also secured land of the government in that
locality when he became a man, on which he made a good farm on which he spent the remainder of his life. He was a strong Democrat and a religious man. Charity Hodge was a native of North Carolina. She was the daughter of Rev. Gentry C. Hodge, a Baptist minister, who came to Greene county, Indiana, in an early day, locating in Highland township, where he spent his life. Charity Osburn, the mother of the subject, died at the age of fifty-six years. She was the mother of eleven children, namely: Gentry, Thomas, Polly, Nicholas, Simpson, Abraham, Isaac, Margaret, Jesse, Martha and Charity.
Nicholas W. Osburn was raised to manhood on his father's farm and educated in the old-time subscription schools, taught in log school houses. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Company H, Seventy-first Indiana Volunteer Regiment, in which he
served until it was changed in the fall of 1863 to the Sixth Indiana Cavalry. His regiment scouted in the eastern part of Tennessee and Kentucky until the winter of 1863-64. In the following spring it was attached to Sherman's army, in which it took part in the fighting around Atlanta. It was sent from that city on a raid to Macon, Georgia, and on the way back met Joe Wheeler's cavalry at Clinton, Georgia, where they were surrounded but escaped. Three days later they were captured near Atlanta and taken first to Augusta, Georgia, where they remained a while, and were later sent to Andersonville on August 3, 1864, but in the following November the subject was taken back to Macon. The Confederates started with him to Mellon prison, in Georgia, but he made good his escape while on the way by jumping off the train. However, he was re-captured five days later
by bloodhounds and taken back to Macon, and from there to Mellon, Georgia, where he remained until December, 1864, when he and many of his comrades escaped, but were captured again several days afterward by cavalry and taken to Augusta, Georgia, where he remained until he and six others made good their escape and came to the Union lines at Resaca, Georgia, May 11, 1865. This was after peace had been declared. He was sent to Nashville, where he joined his regiment, but was mustered out at Pulaski, Tennessee, and discharged in Indianapolis, June 27, 1865.
Mr. Osburn came home after the war and went to farming, at first renting land, but in 1887 he bought his present farm of forty-three acres in Richland township, Greene county, Indiana. On December 6, 1866, he married Elizabeth Sarver, a native of that community, and the daughter of Thomas J. and Matilda (Terra)
Sarver, natives of Tennessee. Her parents were early settlers in Greene county, Indiana. Thomas J. Sarver was the son of George Sarver, also a native of Tennessee, who came to Greene county at an early date. Thomas Sarver was a farmer, who died in 1864, his wife having preceded him by one year. Thirteen children were born to this union, as follows: Margaret and John, both deceased; Rachael, who lives in Missouri, in which state George also lives; Jane lives in Greene county; William, deceased; Elizabeth , wife of the subject; Jacob lives in Kansas; Eliza is deceased; David is also deceased; Frank is living in Kansas; Henry lives in Nebraska; Carrie lives in Greene county; John and George were soldiers in the Civil war, the former dying while in service.
The subject and wife had eight children: The first two died unnamed; Andrew,
who lives in Portland, Oregon, married Rosa Clark; Edward, the subjects's fourth son who lives in Worthington, Indiana, married Emma Love and they have two children, Iris and Albert; Aderella is the name of the subject's fifth child, who is the wife of Granville Stewart, a farmer in Richland township; they have four children, Ruby Dessa, John W., Dexter and Lexie Lee. The subject's sixth child is Tona, who lives at Jasonville, Indiana. She married Ray Baker. They have three children, John D., Mildred E. and Elnora. Charles, the subjects's seventh child, died in infancy, and the last one died unnamed.
Mr. Osburn is a Republican and he held the office of supervisor of his home township for a period of twelve years. He is a member of the Methodist church, while Mrs. Osburn is a member of the Church of God.
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Submitted by: Diana Flynn
CAPT. A. F. PHILLIPS was born in Monroe County, Ind., in 1831, and is the only son and survivor in a family of two children born to Joseph and Elizabeth (King) Phillips, natives respectively of Florida and Kentucky, who settled in the county where our subject was born in 1819. When five years old, A. F. Phillips was left fatherless, and when but a small lad he was cast upon the world to do for himself, consequently receiving only limited educational advantages. He was engaged in farming until enlistment as a private, August 15, 1862, in Company C, Ninety-seventh Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Shortly after entering the service, he was made Orderly Sergeant, then, by reason of his promptness in the discharge of duties, was promoted First Lieutenant April 20, 1864, and advanced to the Captaincy of his company July 4, 1864. Capt. Phillips was a fearless soldier, participating
in the engagements of Jackson, Vicksburg, Chattanooga, Mission Ridge, Knoxville, Resaca and finally in the campaign against Atlanta, where he was severely wounded from the effects of which he is yet a sufferer, and which procured him an honorable discharge from the service April 12, 1865. Since the close of the war, Capt. Phillips has been engaged in farming and merchandising, but at present is living retired in the village of Cincinnati. His marriage with Kate Fulk was solemnized in the year 1849, and the following named of their seven children are yet living--Jane, Martin, Joseph, John A. and Emma.
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Submitted by: Diana Flynn
REASON C. HILBURN, one of the oldest and most successful teachers in Greene County, was born January 1,1833, in South Carolina, and when nearly three years old, his parents moved to Indiana and settled in Taylor Township, this county. Here the subject of this sketch was reared, his educational and other advantages being only such as were common at that early day. By economy, he was afterward enabled to attend Asbury University for about three years, after which he embarked on his career as a school teacher, which profession he has since followed with marked success. For upward of fifteen years he had charge of the schools of Newberry, but in 1871 his services were recognized by the authorities, and he received the appointment of County Superintendent. He served in this capacity until the fall of 1876, and in 1880 he was again elected to this position, serving one year longer. Prof. Hilburn
deserves no small amount of credit for the part he has taken in the advancement of educational matters in Greene County, and to his energy and forethought the county is largely indebted for the numerous good school buildings which are now an honor to it. With the exception of two terms in Owen County, and five terms in Daviess County, Prof. Hilburn has always plied his vocation in Greene County, and among its educators he ranks second to none. He was united in marriage with Miss Mary Ann, daughter of Andrew Slinkard, deceased, on the 21st of April, 1858, and although five children have been born to them, only one son -Willie Andie--is yet living. Prof. Hilburn is an unswerving Democrat in politics, and he and wife are members of the Lutheran Church.
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Submitted by: Diana Flynn