Mr. Newby was married December 21, 1876, to Miss Mary, daughter of R. B. Breckenridge, one of the first families of Knighttstown. He has two sprightly children, a pleasant home, and a splendid new brick residence in Knightstown, his present abode.
History of Hancock County, From Its Earliest Settlement by the "Paleface" in 1818 Down to 1882, by JOhn H. Binford, King & Binford, Publishers.
Page 470
Submitted by: Linda Dunn
Mr. S.'s mother came to this county, and lived to the remarkable age of one hundred and two, being the oldest person buried in the gilboa Cemetery. "Grandmother Sample," as she was usually called, could read fine print without glasses for sometime before she died, and the most remarkable circumstance occurred just three or four months before her death. As perfect a set of teeth as ever filled the mouth of any person came through her gums. Strange but true this rare circumstance.
History of Hancock County, From Its Earliest Settlement by the "Paleface" in 1818 Down to 1882, by JOhn H. Binford, King & Binford, Publishers.
Page 452 - 453
Submitted by: Linda Dunn
Mr. Gooding's early education was received in Rush and Hancock counties, after which he entered Asbury University at Greencastle, where he continued his studies for about two years, but his finances being very limited, health poor, and finally the death of his father, compelled him to leave college before graduation At the age of fifteen he united with the M.E. Church, and was afterwards licensed an exhorter, which license was renewed for five consecutive years. He was several years superintendent of the M.E. Sunday-school and also for five years president of the County Bible Society.
In 1847 he represented the county in the lower house of the Legislature, being elected by a majority of forty-two votes over Dr. J. W. Hervey, now of Indianapolis. In 1848 he was elected County Prosecuting Attorney. In 1851 he was Circuit Court Prosecuting Attorney in the Indianapolis Judicial Circuit, composed of Marion, Boone, Hendricks, Johnson, Shelby and Hancock counties. In 1852 he was elected Common Pleas Judge, and in1856 State Senator. In 1861 he was again elected Common Pleas Judge.
In the year 1863 he volunteered in the purrsuit of the rebel forces under Gen. John Morgan in their raid through Indiana, and was severely wounded, while marching in line of duty, near Lawrenceburg, which ended his career as a Union soldier.
In 1864 he resigned his office as Judge of the Common Pleas Court and accepted the position assigned him by the Union State Convention at the head of the Lincoln and Johnson Presidential Electoral ticket as Elector at Large. He thoroughly canvassed the State, was elected, and cast his electorial vote for Lincoln and Johnson.
In 1864 President Lincln nominated Judge Gooding to the Senate of the United States for a United States Judgeship in New Mexico, which (at the request of said Gooding) the President withdrew, but not until after the proper committee had directed a report recommending his confirmation.
In June 1865, President Johnson, without recommendation or solicitation and on his own option, telegraphed Mr. Gooding asking his acceptance of the United States Marshalship for the District of Columbia, which position he accepted, and entered at once upon his duties. He soon became the only executive officer of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia; also of the Supreme Court of the United States.
In January 1866, Mr. Gooding was unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate as such Marshal. He held the full confidence of President Johnson to the end of his term, and immediately after the inauguration of President Grant he personally tendered his resignation, which was accepted, though not to take effect until a successor was duly appointed and qualified. He soon after returned to his old home, and resumed the practice of law in Greenfield in 1869.
Referring to his early history, he was licensed to practice law in the year 1845. In 1867 he was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States on the motion of Hon. Henry Stansburry, Attorney General of the United States. He was reared a Whig, and was a great admirer of Henry Clay, adhering to the principles of the Whigs until 1850, when he withdrew from his old party and united with the Democracy. Differing from the leaders of his party, he opposed the repeal of the Missouri Comproise, and in 1860 was for Douglas and Popular Sovereignty. When the Great Rebellion threated this country with destruction Mr. Gooding came forward for the defense of the Union. His war speeches aroused enthusiasm aong the people, an in co-operation with Wright, Douglas, Johnson and many other war Democrats he continued to stir the people to action.
Since 1866 he has been in full sympathy with the principles of his party, had has had great influence in conduction its campaigns. He is strongly opposed to the national banking system, and is in accord with the rights and interests of the people. His extensive work for the people and in politics has made him one of the leading policital men of Indiana. He prides himsel fon the canvass of 1880 for General Hancock, and seems inclined to slose his political life with that campaign.
Mr. Gooding's success as an editor was marked, having the management of The Hancock Democrat for several years.
Judge Gooding is the first Democrat of his county ever elected State Senator, County Prosecuting Attorney, Circuit
Court Prosecuting Attorney, Common Pleas Judge, and the only citizen of the county ever a Presidential Elector for the State at large or a Unicted States Marshal for the District of Columbia.
History of Hancock County, From Its Earliest Settlement by the "Paleface" in 1818 Down to 1882, by JOhn H. Binford, King & Binford, Publishers.
Page 451 - 452
Submitted by: Linda Dunn
Last Friday, Feb.19, at 4:45 pm., at his home over on Lick Creek, John Kelly breathed his last, after many long weeks of suffering from kidney trouble, aged 51 years, 7 months and 26 days.
John Kelly was born in County Clare, Ireland, June 24, 1857. At the age of 25 years he came to America and finally to Indiana. For some years he was in the service of the Indianapolisstreet Railroad Company and had a wide acquaintance in the city. He was married to Mary A. Kelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kelly, west of town, April 11, 1890. To this union were born five children, four of whom survive, the other a son having died in infancy, nine years ago.
Big John, Happy John Kelly.
He was a man of sunshiny disposition, full of generous impulses and never forgot the hospitable ways, so characteristic of his race. The stranger, even though a beggar, never failed to find relief at his hands. He was at home wherever
he went, and was always delighted when he could make some friend happy.
He had borne adversity bravely and enjoyed prosperity quietly. All the various relations of life such as son, husband, father, brother and friend, he had filled and filled them well, who could do more?
The funeral was from St. Thomas Catholic church in Fortville, Monday morning at 10 o'clock. The Rev. Father Amelian O.F.M. conducting the services. Splendid music was furnished by a choir from the Martinsville Catholic church. The esteem in which deceased was held was shown by the exceedingly large number of friend, who gathered at the church to pay their last respects to the memory of the dead.
The remains were laid away to the Kelly family cemetary west of town.
Submitted by: grandaughter Carol Eakin Zaner