Arthur M. Cleveland was born at Plymouth, Indiana, July 24, 1896, a son of the late Arnott Morrill Cleveland. He was graduated from the Plymouth High School, after which he had two years of work in the University of Illinois, one year in Columbia University and one year in Roger W. Babson's School of Business. With his completion of the latter, he entered his father's business as manager of the plant of the Edgerton Manufacturing Company at Paoli, Indiana, and continued to operate it until his father's death, January 14, 1925. At that time he was made president and general manager of the entire business, and has inherited many of the characteristics of his father, being a fine executive and manager, and a recognized leader. He is deeply interested in civic and political affairs, but does not seek office, although his party has made him the nominee for mayor of Plymouth. He is a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity and all of the Masonic bodies. Mr. Cleveland was a lieutenant during the World war.
Arthur M. Cleveland and Josephine Ramage, of Dallas Texas, were married, July 13, 1923. Mrs. Cleveland was educated in the schools of her home city. While she was born in Texas, she is of German and French parentage. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland have two children, Charles Arnott Cleveland, born December 14, 1924, and Sara Jane Cleveland, born February 4,1931.
The record of the Cleveland family in brief is as follows:
Moses Cleveland, of Woburn, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, according to family tradition, sailed from London, England, and arrived in Massachusetts, probably Plymouth or Boston, in 1635. He was born at Ipswich, England, in 1624. Married Ann Winn, daughter of Edward and Joanne (Moses) Winn. Family of children consisted of Moses, Hannah, Aaron, Samuel, Marian, Joanne, Edward, Josiah, Isaac and Enoch.
Of the above children Samuel Cleveland was a sergeant in King Philip's war, he married Jane Keyes, of Newberry, Massachusetts, October 25, 1680.
Joseph Cleveland married first Abigail Hyde, and, second, Sarah Ainsworth, and she was the mother of Samuel Cleveland, who married first Ann Welch, and, second, Ruth Darby, and she was the mother of William Darby Cleveland. He married Phebe Abbott, daughter of Nathaniel Hatch, and mother of Pliny Cleveland, whose first wife was Rachel Ketchum, who bore him three children, Emma, William and Charlotte, and whose second wife was Elizabeth Holt, daughter of Asa Holt. She bore him Augusta, Louisa, Adelia Ann, Celia L., John M., Mary, Kelsey P., and Charles S. Cleveland, and they are descendants of the following ancestry - Edward Winn, Keyes, Grant.
Governor Alvin P. Hovey, died at Denison Hotel, 1891. Horace Gillet Cleveland; one of the compilers. Thomas A. Edison, No. 2967, 2970, 8098. Hugh Compton, 3101. Lee Ensign No. 8462. Mills 3107. Gabriel Huff 19623. Priscilla Compton 8448. Keyes 13973. Edward Winn. Joseph V. No. 499. Jedediah No. 501. Revolutionary Army.
Brothers of William Darby:
Nehemiah .V. No. 748. Roswell V. No. 750. Revolutionary Army. Lieutenant Joseph Winn, Revolutionary Army. Sylvester 5513. David 6. 19438 shooting.
1 - Moses' wife, Ann Winn.
2 - Samuel's wife, Jane Keyes.
3 - Joseph's wives, Abigail Hyde, Sarah Ainsworth.
4 - Samuel's wives, Ann Welch, Ruth Darby. William Darby's wife Phebe Abbott Hatch. Pliny's wives, Rachel Ketchum, Elizabeth Holt.
Members of the family who held prominent positions:
1 Fellows of the Royal Society.
2 Fellows of the Society of Antiquaries.
3 Soldiers and Sailors of King Philip's
3 Indian war 1688.
4 Old French war, 1745-48.
16 French and Indian war 1748-63.
7 Colonial Militia.
149 Colonial Army, Revolutionary war, 1775-83.
7 United States Navy.
2 British Army.
2 Leaders Whiskey Rebellion 1794.
31 U. S. Army War 1812.
3 U. S. Navy War 1812.
3 Creek Indian War 1813-14.
1 Black Hawk war 1832.
3 Texan Army 1835.
3 Cherokee war 1837-8.
2 Canadian troubles 1837.
1 British Soldier Canadian Rebellion 1840.
13 Mexican war 1846.
345 Army War Between States 1861-65.
7 Navy War Between States 1861-65.
1 President of the United States.
4 Governors.
1 Lieutenant governors.
3 United States Senators.
7 United States Congressmen.
1 Cabinet Ministers, United States.
5 Presidential Electors.
1 Member Original Republican
Committee, National.
18 State Senators.
61 State Representatives.
1 Territorial Representative.
10 State Officers.
34 Judges.
49 County Officers.
12 Mayors.
2 Village Presidents.
81 City and Town Officers.
51 United States Government Officers.
5 Canadian Parliament.
2 Canadian Government Officers.
4 Great Britain Parliament.
167 Clergymen and Bishops.
269 College Graduates.
2 College Presidents.
16 College Professors.
196 Doctors.
130 Lawyers.
2 Members Chicago Board of Trade.
1 Member Chicago Stock Exchange.
3 Members New York Chamber of Commerce.
6 Members New York Produce Exchange.
2 Members New York Stock Exchange.
94 Confederate Army 1861-65.
1 Confederate Navy 1861-65.
1 Modoc war 1873.
1 Indian war 1877.
6 Spanish-American war April to August, 1898.
5 West Point Graduates.
14 United States Regulars.
7 United States Navy.
6 British Army Officers.
7 British Navy Officers.
143 Authors and Writers.
In different wars-741.
No history of the Cleveland family, nor of the City of Plymouth, would be complete without extended mention of the late Arnott Morrill Cleveland, and all of the obituaries published following his demise in the prime of. useful manhood, January 14, 1925, none met with greater appreciation than that which appeared in the columns of the Plymouth Daily Pilot, and was later issued in pamphlet form as a tribute to his memory. It is given below because it is the best expression of the prevalent feeling with regard to his loss at the time of his death.
"Arnott Morrill Cleveland, only child of the late Charles S. Cleveland, former mayor of Plymouth, and Mary A. Cleveland, was born at McKean, Pennsylvania, on June 22, 1875, and departed this life at his home in Plymouth, Indiana, on January 14, 1925.
"Death was due to Bright's disease, which began its imprint upon him almost fifteen years ago. Long under the shadow of broken health, at times plunged to the depths of suffering, he struggled heroically against his constitutional frailty and renewedly entered into enterprises that drew heavily upon his strength.
"Mr. Cleveland at the time of his death was president of the Edgerton Manufacturing Company, Plymouth's oldest industry, and for more than thirty-three years had been an outstanding figure in the civic and business life of the community. He ended his four year term as state senator for Marshall and St. Joseph counties in January, 1925.
" 'Arnie,' as he was known to his wide acquaintances, came to Plymouth in October, 1891, with his parents, and assisted his father in the establishment of the Edgerton Manufacturing Company, which has since grown to be the largest basket and fruit package plant in the world.
"The industry, during the past fifteen years acclaimed him as its most outstanding figure and authority. He was a firm believer in cooperation. He founded the industry's first organization, the National Basket and Fruit Package Manufacturers' Association, and became its president. After his father’s retirement from active business, in 1910, he assumed general control of Plymouth’s oldest industry and directed it through an era of great progress.
"Characteristic of his great foresight, he established the first fruit package factory in the South, in the great fruit and vegetable belt. This concern, the Marshall Manufacturing Company, at Marshall, Texas, has proved to be the most remarkable success of the industry and Mr. Cleveland has served as its president since its inception.
Mr. Cleveland later became president of the Texas Crate and Basket Company, Rusk, Texas; the Package Sales Corporation South Bend, Indiana; the Indiana Land and Timber Company, Paoli, Indiana; and the Indiana Veneer and Package Company, Paoli, Indiana, the latter now a part of the Edgerton Manufacturing Company.
"A man of sterling integrity, of sound business judgment, with the power of keen and accurate analysis and decision, virile and yet kindly, cautious yet courageous, genuine, hating sham and pretense, buoyant in spirit, always with the forward look, spreading cheer and hope wherever he went, he was a tower of strength as a director, as a counselor and as a friend.
”Arnott Cleveland loved and believed in Plymouth. In all progressive movements his name was always at the head of the list.
"He was the second president of the first of our business organizations, the Plymouth Commercial Club, and during his administration it was largely through his personal efforts that an agreement was reached between the Bell and the Independent telephone companies which gave the city the single line.
”Although largely a self-educated man, he was vitally interested in education. He was a member of the board of education of Plymouth for three years, serving one year as its president. He took genuine pride in giving his three children a complete course at the University of Illinois, and in sending his two sons Babson Institute in Massachusetts, a business school with the highest tuition in the United States.
"He was one of the chief factors in the building of the Plymouth Country Club at Pretty Lake, and served as its president during its first two years. It was at Pretty Lake that he spent the most of the last six months of his life, finding great pleasure in the large model garden adjacent to the Cleveland Summer home, the most beautiful on the lake.
”Although always a worker in Republican politics, he never sought office. In 1920, however, he was persuaded to allow his name to appear as a candidate for state senator for Marshall and Saint Joseph counties, and in the election that followed he was swept into office with a vote that eclipsed that of President Harding in the district.
”Although broken in health, he distinguished himself in the Senate. He was chairman of the cities and towns committee, and was a member of the committees on education, judiciary, military affairs, manufactures, swamp lands and drains, and telephones and telegraphs.
"Last spring on account of his illness, he declined renomination.
"Fraternal affairs held a keen interest for him. He was a member of all the Masonic bodies of Plymouth, and was a past eminent commander of the Knights Templar. He was a thirty-second degree Mason, holding membership in the Scottish Rite at Indianapolis; he was also a Shriner of Murat Temple at Indianapolis.
'He also held membership in the Odd Fellows, the Elks, the Kiwanis Club and the South Bend Country Club. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church.
”With his parents he lived for some years in Columbia City, Indiana, Leipsic, Ohio, and at Edgerton, Ohio, until 1891, when they moved, to Plymouth, which has since been the home of the family.
"Mr. Cleveland was married at Walkerton, Indiana, on December 24, 1895, to Laura Groshans. To them were born three children, Arthur M., of Plymouth, who succeeded his father as president and general manager of the Edgerton Manufacturing Company; Chester W., editor of The Magazine of Sigma Chi, with headquarters in Chicago; and Mary Jane, at home. His wife, children, mother and one grandson, Charles Arnott Cleveland, born December 14, 1924, survive.
"Funeral services were held at the home at 2:30 o'clock, Friday afternoon, January 16, in charge of Plymouth Commandery, Knights Templar. As a mark of respect the Indiana State Senate adjourned and the banks and business houses of Plymouth closed during the funeral hour.
"The steadfast fealty with which he held himself to his numerous duties despite an almost constant physical distraction was indicative of his high sense of responsibility. The long list of activities bearing his name stands as a tribute to his unfaltering courage."
Hundreds of letters and telegrams were received by the bereaved family following the death of Senator Cleveland, from all parts of the United States.
Governor and Mrs. Emmett Branch, of Indiana, telegraphed to Mrs. Cleveland:
"Are greatly shocked and grieved to read of Senator's death. Send sympathy and love."
The State Assembly Woman's Club telegraphed Mrs. Cleveland:
"With deep regret and sorrow we learn of the death of your husband. We send our sincere sympathy to you and ask God's blessing and comfort for you."
U. S. Lesh, attorney general, State of Indiana, wrote Mrs. Cleveland:
"We are deeply pained to learn through the press reports in the morning papers that Senator Cleveland had passed away. We did not know of the illness from which he was suffering for some weeks, according to reports.
" Arnott Cleveland was a man of rare character. Seldom has it been my privilege to know a man to whom nature had given such a perfect blending of social and business talents.
"He was equally gentle and courageous and his private and public course of life will leave a permanent imprint for good on the community and State.
"Mrs. Lesh joins me in extending sympathy to you and the children. Except for her own precarious health Mrs. Lesh would go to be with you in these trying hours."
F. Harold Van Orman, lieutenant governor of Indiana, wrote to Mrs. Cleveland:
"It was with deepest regret that we learned of the death of your dear husband, and immediately upon receiving the news a Resolution of Condolence was passed, and a committee of Senators sent to Plymouth.
"I know our sorrow cannot be measured with yours at your great loss, however, I do wish you to know that I stand ready to aid you in whatever manner possible to make the burden lighter."
Oscar Ratts, attorney of Indianapolis, and for several sessions president pro tem of the Indiana State Senate, serving in that capacity during Senator Cleveland's tenure of office, wrote to Arthur M. Cleveland:
"Your telegram contained very sad news and I sympathize more deeply with you and your mother because I know you both so well and I realize what a great loss you have sustained, and only those who have sustained a great loss can appreciate the load you carry today.
"Your father was a kind man and a loyal friend. I served with no one in the Senate in all my time toward whom I felt so tender a relation.
"We could not bear such troubles if we could possibly avoid them, but as it is we can only struggle on and emulate the good example.
"My health will not permit my attendance at the funeral and I regret it very much. However, the tenderest feelings of my heart are with you in your bereavement, and in your renewed efforts to continue the battles of life."
The Resolution passed by the Indiana State Senate referred to by Lieutenant Governor Van Orman, dated January 15, 1925, is given below:
"At a regular session of the Indiana State Senate held on the fifteenth of January, nineteen hundred and twenty-five, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
"Mr. President:
"I offer the following resolution and move its adoption: Whereas, The membership of this body learned with unfeigned regret of the untimely death on yesterday, of Arnott M. Cleveland, a revered and beloved former member of the Indiana State Senate from the counties of Marshall and St. Joseph, And, as a token of respect, and in his memory, did thereupon adjourn until this day.
"BE IT NOW RESOLVED, that his presence at our deliberations during his incumbency of office has proven most valuable, and his counsel has ever represented great wisdom, and deepest sympathy. Urbane, conscientious, thoughtful, wise and just, his legislative endeavors will long remain to occasion merited praise.
"We bow to the Infinite God who has called him hence.
“To his family we extend our tenderest sympathy over the loss of a most lovable husband and father. May God give them sweetest peace in this hour of affliction, and bring into highest relief his many virtues to always minister consolation.
"BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy be entered on the minutes; a copy transmitted to the bereaved family; and a copy given to the press.
"I deeply sympathize with you in the death of your father. He sacrificed his health and life for the benefit of others."
W. L. Pitts, secretary, The Marshall Manufacturing Company, Marshall, Texas, telegraphed:
"Even knowing that the end was near your telegram that 'A. M.' had passed away was a great shock to us. We have lost a kind, ,loving, unselfish friend, and know that his family will miss him greatly. God's will must be done and all of us who have loved him must carry on as we know he would have us do. Wire hour of funeral as we wish to close plant here."
George L. Barden, of the Barden & Robeson Corporation, Penn Yan, New York, wrote Mrs. Cleveland:
"Word has just reached me of your intense sorrow and it has produced a particular saddening in my own heart.
"Few men I have known have had Mr. Cleveland's genial good nature or his ability to plan and execute work. It was a rare privilege to know him intimately. I will miss his companionship, and trust that you may be given strength to endure the strain.”
The National Basket & Fruit Package Manufacturers Association, through their secretary, C. H. Rodehaver, St. Louis, Missouri, issued the following bulletin:
"A few days ago there came into my office the information that A. M. Cleveland was dead and I am giving the notice to you just as it came to me, as it is a great deal better than I could write it. I know that every member of our Association and the package industry as well will feel the loss of Mr. Cleveland.
" 'Andy' is dead.
" 'Arnott M. Cleveland, president of the Edgerton Manufacturing Company, Plymouth, Indiana, passed away at his home January 14, 1925, in his forty-ninth year, of Bright’s disease.
"'He was for many years one of the outstanding figures in the fruit package industry of the United States, and was one of the principal organizers and first president of both the National Association of Basket & Package Manufacturers and the Package Sales Corporation. He was an aggressive busienss man and had many firm friends, and some enemies, as any aggressive man will, but it is a notable fact that many who were formerly unfriendly to him in later years and on closer acquaintance came to recognize his better qualities of character and are glad to be numbered among his friends, to whom he was familiarly known as 'Andy' on account of his rather unusual first name.
”He was not great of stature, but he had a really great and brilliant mind and will be much missed in the fruit package industry as well as business and social circles of his home locality.
”The sympathy of his many friends is extended to the sorrowing family.'"
The Union Trust Company of South Bend, through J. E. Neff, vice president, wrote Arthur M. Cleveland as follows:
”Your telegram informing us of your father’s death comes to the management of the Union Trust Company and to myself as particularly saddening news. It seems a premature ending of a useful and constructive life.
”Our sincere sympathy goes out to all the members of his family and to his immediate business associates."
The Meridian Club of Paoli, Indiana, through its president, E. L. Throop, wrote Arthur M. Cleveland as follows:
”The Meridian Club wishes to extend sincere sympathy and express its profound regret in the death of your father, and while we realize that nothing we can say or do can mitigate the grief and loss you must feel, we believe it to be a privilege and a friendly duty to pay our tribute of respect and esteem.
He has been our guest at our meetings, and his talks on those occasions revealed to us his friendly spirit, his civic pride and his confidence in his fellow men, and we consider it a pleasure and honor to have been his host at numerous times.
”This community has suffered a distinct loss in his demise, and we again assure you of the sympathy of all members of the organization.”
The Orange County Bank, Paoli, Indiana, through its cashier, Raymond Stout, wrote Arthur M. Cleveland:
”I realize what a great responsibility your father has left for you, but I feel certain that you will be able to handle it well.
”Your father was a wonderful man in many ways. His host of friends allover Indiana and in many other states will deeply regret his passing away. His personality and his work will live on with much credit to his family.”
Fuller & Sons, manufacturers and mill agents, Los Angeles, California, through B. H. Fuller, wrote to the Edgerton Manufacturing Company:
We have lost a friend and you have lost a good counselor. Please convey my heartfelt sympathy to his family."
The St. Louis Box & Basket Company, St. Louis, Missouri, through A. E. Steideman, expressed sympathy to Mrs. Cleveland as follows:
"We have just learned this morning of the passing away of Mr. Cleveland, and we can sincerely extend to you our heartfelt sympathy in your bereavement.
"Our president, Mr. Johnson, is away, but we will convey this sad news to him and we know his sorrow will be deep because he always thought so much of Mr. Cleveland, both in a personal way and for his straightforwardness in business transactions."
The St. Joseph Iron Works, St. Joseph, Michigan, through W. E. Hatch, secretary- treasurer, communicated with Arthur M. Cleveland as follows:
"Your wire giving news of your father's death was received with considerable shock by us here.
"Practically everyone in our organization knew Mr. Cleveland personally, and the expression of sorrow throughout our shop was universal.
"I know well the loss you feel, and I realize that nothing I could say could assauge your grief. I cannot refrain, however, from stating that the Company feels it has suffered a loss, and the writer realizes that he has suffered a very definite personal loss.
"We arranged to have some flowers sent to the funeral, and we trust they will arrive on time."
Click here for photo.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
ELIJAH JEFFERSON WHITELOCK is one of the very successful citizens of Pike County, Indiana. His interests are represented by active farming operations on several hundred acres and also in the grain and milling business at Petersburg, where he resides.
Mr. Whitelock was born in Franklin County Indiana, February 27, 1860. His father, Joseph Whitelock, was a native also of Franklin County, and spent his career as an industrious farmer. He died in 1898. His wife Elizabeth Childras, was born in Kentucky, and died in 1897. Of the seven children born to the parents one died at the age of eleven years, and four others are now deceased, named Rusha Ann, John W., Edward J. and Charles W. The two surviving children are Elijah Jefferson and Walter, the latter a Pike County farmer.
Elijah Jefferson Whitelock grew up on an Indiana farm, made good use of the opportunities of the local schools, and since early boyhood has been familiar with the tasks and routine duties of farming. For many years he has carried on his farming operations on a large scale. Since 1898, a period of over thirty years, he has been connected with the milling business, and his industry at Petersburg has afforded a continuous market for the grain growers of this locality.
Mr. Whitelock married, March 21, 1883, Miss Louisa Foust, who was born in Pike County, and died at Petersburg, April 8, 1913.
Of the five children of their marriage two died in infancy. The three surviving sons are Fred, Hooker and Herman, Fred and Hooker being connected with their father's milling business, while Herman is cashier of the Citizens Bank of Petersburg. Fred married Ada Malott and has two sons, Horace and Harold. Hooker married Bessie Smith and has four children, Leland an electrical engineer, Myron, Dorothy and Herbert. Herman is married and has one son, Donald. Mr. Whitelock is a Democrat in politics, is affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and is a member of the United Brethren Church.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931