John Edward Beyer was born in Gunsungen, Germany, March 6, 1858, and he was a student of its excellent schools until 1872, when he accompanied his brother, Cyrus C. Beyer, to the United States. They made Goshen, Indiana, their first stopping place, and for the succeeding summer worked on a farm adjacent to Goshen on the east, and in the winter months went to school, continuing this for three years.
The father, John August Beyer, a resident of Germany, with his wife, Maria Elizabeth Eckhart, whom he had married in 1847, bore him five children, the oldest of whom is John August Beyer, born May 2, 1849, now the head of the family in Germany, residing on the home farm. The second son, John Frederick, was born October 17, 1850, and he lives on his farm that is inside the city limits of Warsaw, and he is a very prominent citizen and business man of the city. The third son, Albert Frederick, was born November 20, 1852, came to the United States, and is a professor in a college at German Valley, Illinois, and a minister of the German Reformed Church. The fourth son, Cyrus Christian, was born February 13, 1855, and lives at Kendallville, Indiana, where he is engaged in the wholesale grocery business. The fifth son is, of course, John Edward, whose name heads this review.
Having obtained a fair knowledge of the language and customs during the three terms he had attended school, John Edward Beyer, in 1874, entered the employ of George Freese, of Goshen, Indiana, his work being collecting country produce throughout the neighboring country, in connection with his brother Frederick. These young men were intelligent, observant and ambitious, and while performing their duties acquired a knowledge of the business. They also saved their money and February 2, 1877, they, together with Cyrus, who had joined them, went into business at Warsaw as Beyer Brothers, wholesale produce. They began in a small way, not trying to undertake more than their capital justified, but were soon able to expand, and began establishing stations in different cities and towns in the Central West, until they had twenty-two of them at which produce was collected. They also established distributing houses in the East, two in New York City, one at Brooklyn, one at Providence, Rhode Island, and one at Boston, Massachusetts, all of which were opened and managed by John Edward Beyer until 1917, when the Beyer Brothers' Company produce business was sold to Armour & Company.
Mr. Beyer was also in the banking field at Rochester, Indiana, and the public utilities business at Rochester, Bourbon, Tipton, Etna Green, Fulton, Argos and the surrounding country, but in 1922 sold these utility interests to the Samuel Insull corporation for $500,000.
In addition to these activities Mr. Beyer bought, in the spring of 1881, for Beyer Brothers, the large farm which surrounded the east end of Eagle Lake, east of Warsaw, and with characteristic foresight laid the foundations for the present Winona Assembly Institution. They developed and beautified the lake and made it into a park by planting shrubbery, flowers and trees. They opened springs and sunk flowing wells, built hotels, restaurants, cottages, piers, docks, bathing beaches and pavilions, laid out walks and roads, and provided launches and steamboats. In spite of all of the effort and money expended it was not primarily their idea to make it a financial proposition, but to provide a beauty spot where the people of that section could enjoy recreation and wholesome enjoyment without going far from home, with especial thought for the young people. With that end in view the best of musical talent was secured, lecturers of note and well-known entertainers procured, and entertainments of high class were given so as to raise the cultural tone of the rising generation. At first operations were carried on under the name of Spring Fountain Park on Eagle Lake.
The park was first opened to the public in the spring of 1884, and many Sunday Schools and secret fraternal organizations came on excursion trains from distant places for picnics, being induced to do so not only by the beauties of the park, but also because of the high moral tone of all of the entertainments, and the fact that the young people were carefully guarded by the owners from any suggestion of evil. The park soon became very popular with the home people, as well as those from a distance, and it was soon upon a paying basis.
The Spring Fountain Park Assembly was organized, and the first program was given July 16 to 28, 1890. The first officers were as follows: President and superintendent, Rev. D. C. Woolpert, M. D., D. D.; vice president, Hon. J. A. Funk, J. S. Baker and W. D Page; directors, S. W. Oldfather, P. L. Runyan, Silas W. Chipman, William B. Funk, E. F. Yarnelle; secretary, J. E. Beyer; treasurer, J. F. Beyer; and superintendent of grounds, C. C. Beyer. The musical director was D. A. Clippinger, of Chicago. Sermons and addresses were made by noted men, among them being: Rev. M. M. Parkhurst, D. D.; Rev. J. H. Potts, D. D., of Detroit, Michigan; Rev. C. H. Caton, of Denver; Colorado; Gen. W. H. Gibson, of Canton, Ohio; Gov. Will Cumback, and many others of equal ability, such as Prof. D. A. Clippinger, Rev. T. W. Brake, Rev. J. H. Wilson, Prof. T. J. Sanders, A. M., Ph. D., W. D. Pease, Rev. E. M. Baker, Rev. A. E. Mahin, Rev. C. E. Bacon, Rev. P. S. Henson, D. D., Rev. Joseph Cook, D. D., Prof. M. R. French, Rev. A. A. Willits, D. D., Rev. C. H. Caton, D. D., Prof. J. B. Demotte, A. M., Ph. D., Rev. J. DeWitt Miller, D. D.; Prof. Mark B. Beal and William Vanslyke.
In 1891 the assembly was held for four weeks, and the officers were: President and superintendent, Rev. D. C. Woolpert, D. D.; assistant superintendent, Rev. T. W. Brake; vice presidents, Hon. J. A. Funk, W. D. Page, J. S. Baker and Hon. R. W. McBride. The directors were: S. W. Oldfather, William B. Funk, Rev. W. D. Parr, Rev. J. Simons, Rev. William Vanslyke, Silas W. Chipman, E. F. Yarnelle, Rev. F. G. Browne, Rev. Somerville Light, C. W. Burkett and Rev. M. S. Marble. The secretary was J. E. Beyer; the treasurer, J. F. Beyer, and the superintendent of grounds, J. C. Beyer.
The lecturers were: Mrs. Josephine R. Nichols, Hon. George W. Bain, Orren B. Clark, Rev. J. P. D. John, LL.. D., Rev. E. M. Baker, Bishop J. Weaver, D. D., Prof. D. A. Clippinger, Rev. C. C. McCabe, John Hogarth Lozier, Gen. William H. Gibson, Judge Allen Zollars, Judge Elliott, Rev. W. D. Parr, Gov. Alvin P. Hovey, Gen. James R. Carnahan, Dr. Alice Stockham, Rev. Jahu DeWitt Miller, D. D., Rev. J. S. Wilson, Prof. James Clement Ambrose, Rev. Robert McIntyre, D. D., Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, Rev. A. A. Willits, D. D., Rev. J. H. Potts, D. D., Rev. J. F. Perry, D. D., Bishop I. W. Joyce, D. D., Rev. D, H. Moore, Rev. Robert Nourse, D. D., Col. Robert Dowden and Richard Lew Dawson.
In 1892 the Assembly was held for four weeks, and the following were the officers: President and superintendent, Rev. D. C. Woolpert, M. D., D. D.; vice presidents, Hon. J. A. Funk, W. D. Page, J. S. Baker, Hon. R. W. McBride; directors, S. W. Oldfather, Rev. W. D. Parr, Rev. F. G. Browne, Rev. Somerville Light, Rev. M. S. Marble, Gen. James Carnahan, E. F. Yarnelle, William B. Funk, Rev. J. Simons, Rev. William Vanslyke, C. W. Burkett and Silas W. Chipman; secretary, J. E. Beyer; treasurer, J. F. Beyer; and superintendent of grounds, C. C. Beyer. The lecturers were: Busby Sisters, Miss Marion Harter, Mrs. Cecil Gohl, Rev. Dr. E. H. Richards, Bishop E. W. Arnett, Prof. S. H. Blakeslee, Rev. W. N. Bell, Bishop E. B. Kephart, Col. George W. Bain, Robert Nourse, Gov. Ira Chase, Rev. M. M. Parkhurst, Rev. Washington Gardner, Hon. R. G. Horr, Rev. J. W. Kain, Prof. J. Umbenhour, Mrs. Mary T. Lathrop, Rev. H. N. Herrick, Rev. J. F. Berry, Rev. A. A. Willits, Mrs. Josephine R. Nichols, Mrs. G. G. Hudson, Rev. Charles F. Deems, D. D., LL. D., Rev. W. L. Davidson, E. F. Williams, G. B. Shaw, Brooks and Robertson, Rev. Dr. E. L. Eaton, Rev. J. DeWitt Miller, D. D., Hon. Oliver T. Morton, Hon. Charles E. Griffin, Mary Wood Allen, Rev. Frank M. Bristol, and Rev. Russel N. Conwell.
In 1893 the Assembly held two weeks of Chautauqua and two weeks of Ministerial Institute, with the following officers: President and superintendent, Rev. D. C. Woolpert, D. D.; vice presidents, Hon. J. A. Funk, W. D. Page, J. S. Baker and Hon. R. W. McBride; directors, S. W. Oldfather, Rev. W. D. Parr, Rev. M. S. Marble, Gen. James R. Carnahan, Hon. J. T. Thayer, E. F. Yarnelle, Rev. F. G. Browne, Rev. J. Simons, C. W. Burkett, W. B. Funk, Rev. Somerville Light, Rev. William Vanslyke, Silas Chipman and H. P. Comstock; secretary, J. E. Beyer; treasurer, J. F. Beyer, and superintendent of grounds, C. C. Beyer. The following were the lecturers: Rev. A. E. Mahin, Rev. Russel H. Conwell, Rev. J. L. Leeper, Rev. J. M. Dickey, Mrs. J. R. Nichols, Rev. George Hindley, Rev. Dr. E. L. Eaton, Professor Blakeslee and Rev. J. P. D. Horn, D. D., LL. D. The ministers were: Revs. S. F. Harrison, W. C. Perry, G. W. Rench, J. A. Miller, A. D. Gnagey, S. H. Bashor, Z. T. Livengood, D. C. Christner, W. W. Summers, H. R. Holsinger, M. M. Sterling, J. R McFaden, I. D. Bowman, B. C. Moomaw, W. L.. Spanogle and J. H. Palmer.
In 1894 the Assembly held two weeks of Chautauqua, and the officers were as follows: President and superintendent, Rev. D. C. Woolpert, D. D.; vice presidents, Hon. J. A. Funk, W. D. Page, J.. S. Baker and Hon. R. W. McBride; directors, S. W. Oldfather, Rev. W. D. Parr, Rev. M. S. Marble, Gen. James Carnahan, Hon. J.. D. Thayer; E. F. Yarnelle, Rev. F. G. Browne, Rev. J. Simons, C. W. Burkett, W. B. Funk, Rev. Somerville Light, Rev. H. C. Smith, Silas Chipman and H. P. Comstock; secretary, J. E. Beyer; treasurer, J. F. Beyer; and superintendent of grounds, C. C. Beyer. The lecturers were: Smith Sisters, Col. George W. Bain, Quivey Sisters, Rev. H. S. Riggs, Dr. E. L. Eaton, Hon. O. Z. Hubbel, Rev. Robert McIntyre; Prof. Lou Beaucamp, Doctor Reade and Rev. J. L. Leeper.
Great pains were taken with these institutes or assemblies and the programs were improved each year, and very large crowds attended them, and they were looked forward to with great interest by those to whom the cultural and highly moral programs appealed. However interesting as these gatherings were, Mr. Beyer did not neglect to secure activities for other seasons. The Uniformed Rank of the Knights of Pythias held their state encampments at Spring Fountain Park for three years. In 1890 a large panorama of the Battle of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge painted on 15,000 feet of canvas by Mr. Kellog was a drawing attraction. In 1892 another large painting, on 15,000 feet of canvas, of the Life of Christ, was exhibited by Prof. E. J. Pine, of Mobile, Alabama. Maj. Gen. James P. Carnahan, of Indianapolis, Indiana, and Maj. Gen. Ross, of Indiana, established a military park, in 1891, that was connected with the Spring Fountain Park, and called Carnahan's Military Park. In connection with this was General Carnahan's cottage and Housier Rest, and a large hotel called The Barracks. All of this property was later purchased by Beyer Brothers and added to their park. The Barracks is now known as The Inn Hotel. On May 10, 1895, Spring Fountain Park was sold to the Winona Assembly and Summer School Association by Mr. J. E. Beyer for the Beyer Brothers, at the Bates House, Indianapolis, Indiana. The Association was represented by its executive committee, composed of the following: Charles A. Conner, of Louisville, Kentucky, president; Rev. Dr. Saul C. Dickey, of Indianapolis; George W. Brown; E. F. Yarnelle, Fort Wayne, Indiana; and D. E. Scott, secretary. On May 15, 1895, the stockholders of the Assembly Association held a meeting at Warsaw, and approved the action of the committee; these stockholders attending were: Charles A. Conner, president; John Studebaker, George W. Brown, E. F. Yarnelle, William Johnson, Doctor Colter, Doctor Dickey and S. E. Scott.
On November 13, 1884, Mr. J. E. Beyer married in Kosciusko County, Miss Irene Oldfather, born in Wabash County, Indiana, August 14, 1860. She attended a country school, but made the best of her opportunities. Her father, Adam Oldfather, was born at Allentown, Pennsylvania, September 14, 18.18, and died in Indiana in 1893, and he was a son of Frederick Oldfather, the latter born at Berlin, Germany, October 17, 1775. Mrs. Beyer's mother, Mrs. Caroline (Berger) Oldfather, was born January 26, 1823, and she was of German descent.
Mr. and Mrs. Beyer had two children: Earl Edward and Frank S. Beyer. Frank S. Beyer died in infancy, but Earl Edward Beyer survived, and was graduated from DePauw University in 1904. Afterward he attended Leland Stanford University, 1905 and 1906, and Yale University, from which he was graduated in economics in 1908. For several years he was employed in the National City Bank with Frank A. Vanderlin until the latter withdrew, when he too severed his connection with the National City Bank, and became a "Dollar-a- Year" man at Washington during the World war, in the employ of Hallgarden Company. After the close of the war, he became a member of the firm of Campbell Starring & Company in New York City. In June, 1911, he married Miss Zella Jones, of Greencastle, Indiana, graduated from DePauw University in 1908. They have one child, Edward Morton Beyer, who was born at New York City, December 1, 1914, and is now in a preparatory school in that city. During the World war Earl E. Beyer was in charge of production and distribution of the company with which he was connected, under the direction of Mr. Vanderlip; and in his position came into contact with the greatest men of the age, and formed many warm friendships which are still maintained.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beyer are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and she is a devoted church worker, and is connected with various charitable organizations. While she is an intelligent lady, she is very modest and retiring, remarkably well-preserved for her years. Few homes are presided over with such grace and charm as hers, and she is noted for her housekeeping. In 1928 the Beyers took a trip around the world, and were accompanied by Ralph Parlette, of Chicago. Upon his return Mr. Parlette wrote the following letter to a mutual friend, Homer Rodeheaver, of Winona Lake, Indiana, in which he gives a fine characterization of these two, probably the best beloved couple of Winona Lake. It bears the date of August 13, 1928, and is as follows:
"I wish I could join in the throng tomorrow night in the Beyer Home. I'd like to tell them all more of the secret of the happiness of that magnificent home. It is a wonderful home because architect and artist have built it, but its glory is in the love there between two people who have hand-in-hand journeyed these years through upward, unfolding life.
"As you celebrate the birthday of the woman who presides over that home, let me tell you of a time just a little while ago when it seemed that she would not have another birthday on earth. It was on a ship going round the world. Mr. and Mrs. Beyer were on this ship and I had the honor of being with them for nearly five months. She was stricken by the tropic heat as we came across the equator. Up through the Phillippines, through China, Korea, Japan and back across the Pacific her life hovered in the balance. I think the reason she remained with us was that Mr. Beyer sat day and night at her bedside, all else forgotten in the important task of keeping her here. And never was a man happier than he as he saw the pink again flushing her cheeks.
"Here are two wonderful comrades - Mr. and Mrs. Beyer. I rejoice that this is her birthday, and that she has so many friends to help her celebrate it. And I rejoice that we have two such people to show us the real foundations of the home and our civilization today. It is a fine thing to see a young boy and girl love each other and found a home, but it is an inspiring and re-assuring thing to see two people go many years through life in their home adoring comrades as their hair becomes silver. Our homes are saved by such examples.
"I know something of the secret of their success. It is love and loyalty. This man Beyer began his career as a poor boy with no chance. He made his chances by constant struggle and vision of better things. He succeeded in a material way. He has exalted character and religion. He visioned Winona Lake years ago and opened the gates for men and women to come here and develop it. He has been the friend to progress and idealism. And at his side this woman has stood helping in every effort.
"So, as we celebrate her birthday, it can well be the birthday of new inspiration in our own lives and larger achievement.
"Ralph Parlette,
"70 East Walton Place,
"Chicago, Ill."
As Mr. Parlette says, Mrs. Beyer has been at the side of her husband in all of his undertakings, encouraging, aiding and oftentimes prompting him, and today, although their period of active participation in the world's work is ended, there is still much of great value in life to them, and they have the satisfaction of knowing that wherever they are known they have warm, personal friends, and that the results of what they have accomplished remain as an inspiration, and will continue to do so long after they pass over to the other world, for it is founded on the bedrock of probity and Christianity raised to a high level.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
JOHN PORTER RUDY is one of the influential figures in the industrial and commercial activities centered in the vital and progressive City of New Albany, the judicial center of Floyd County, where he is owner and executive head of the thriving meat-packing business conducted under the title of Frank Manus Company.
Mr. Rudy was born at Maysville, Mason County, Kentucky, December 29, 1883, and is a son of William Henry and Julia Frances (Shea) Rudy. He received the advantages of the public schools of his native state and as a youth he served an apprenticeship to the trade of carriage maker, to which he have his attention a few years. He was a young man when he left his native state and came to Indiana, and here was solemnized his marriage to Miss May Manus, daughter of the late Hrank Manus, who was founder of the business here still carried on under the title of Frank Manus Company. In 1876.Mr. Manus established a retail meat market at New Albany, and a few years later he amplified the enterprise into a wholesale business in the packing of pork products. He continued the active executive head of the business until his death, in 1926, but about two years previously his son-in-law, J. Porter Rudy, assumed much of the management of the varied details of the industry, of which he has maintained ownership and control since the death of its honored founder, and in connection with which he has rank as one of the most loyal and progressive business men of the younger generation in New Albany. The well equipped manufacturing plant of the Frank Manus Company is situated at 1418 State Street and here special attention is given to the packing of cured hams and smoked meats, the products being of the highest grade and the wholesale trade of the concern being widely extended through Southern Indiana. The establishment gives employment to a corps of skilled operatives and the enterprise has contributed definitely to the industrial prestige of New Albany.
Mr. Rudy is loyal and liberal as a citizen, is a Democrat in politics, and is affiliated with the local lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. In the World war period he was active in the advancing of local patriotic movements and enterprises, especially the campaigns in the sale of Government war bonds. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy have one daughter, Mary Rita, born June 4th, 1922.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
FRANK JACOB RENN has found it neither necessary nor expedient to search outside the boundaries of his native City of New Albany for a field of successful business enterprise, and in that city, the judicial center of Floyd County, he is president of the Renn Aluminum & Brass Foundry, one of the well ordered industrial concerns that contribute to the commercial prestige of the city.
Mr. Renn was born in New Albany on the 30th of May, 1881, and is a son of Jacob J. and Elizabeth (Speth) Renn, who became the parents of three children. Jacob J. Renn was born and reared in Indiana, as was also his wife, and his father, who was born in the Rhine Province of Germany, became a pioneer settler in Indiana, where he established his home in the year 1825 and where he became one of the substantial farmers of his day and generation.
Frank J. Renn is indebted to the New Albany Catholic schools for his early education, and at the age of eighteen years he here entered upon an apprenticeship to the molder's trade, at the plant of the Anchor Stove Works. He thus continued to be employed at his trade until 1919, when he engaged independently in business by founding the substantial and well ordered industrial enterprise that he owns and conducts under the title of Renn Aluminum & Brass Foundry. The establishment is situated at 2505 East Elm Street, its facilities and general equipment are of the best modern order, and the business is represented primarily in the manufacturing of aluminum and brass castings for manufacturers and mechanics. He also manufactures modern aluminum cookware. Mr. Renn has depended upon his own resources in making his way forward to the goal of success and business prosperity, he is animated by a spirit of civic loyalty and progressiveness, and he takes deep interest in all that touches the well being and advancement of his native city. His political allegiance is given to the Democratic party, but in local affairs he votes for men and measures meeting the approval of his judgment, rather than being constrained by strict partisan lines. He and his wife, whose maiden name was Rosa Ringley, are communicants of the Catholic Church, and he is affiliated with the Knights of Columbus and the Fraternal Order of Eagles.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
JOSEPH BENHART FLECK has been a resident of South Bend for thirty years, and his name in a business way is best known as the proprietor of the Fleck Plumbing Company, at 434 South Fellows Street. This is a company of contractors in plumbing, heating and ventilating, an organization that represents his long experience and practical skill in every branch of his business.
Mr. Fleck was born at Silver Lake, Kosciusko County, Indiana, July 21, 1885. His parents, Frank M. and Sarah (Fleck) Fleck, came from Europe, his father at the age of twelve years. Frank M. Fleck in 1861 enlisted from Seneca County, Ohio, in the Fourteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He became a lieutenant in his company, was wounded in one battle and after the war moved to Indiana. For many years he conducted a butcher business at Silver Lake. He died in 1916, when eighty-nine years of age, and his wife passed away in 1920. One son, Christ Fleck, is now in the butcher business at Mentone, Indiana.
Joseph B. Fleck was educated in public schools at Silver Lake and Wabash and as a boy began his apprenticeship at the plumbing trade. He came to South Bend in 1901. In 1905 he became a member of the firm of Fleck & Ehrhardt, but in 1908 bought the interest of Mr. Henry Ehrhardt and since that time has carried on the business alone, in the name of the Fleck Plumbing Company. Mr. Fleck is a master plumber and building contractor, and real estate owner and industrial executives all over northern Indiana know the quality of his work and the reliability of his service. It would not be a difficult matter to compile a long list of important structures in the business district and residential sections of South Bend and in outlying cities exemplifying the contracting service of Mr. Fleck. He had the plumbing and heating contract for the Max Adler Building, for a number of schools and churches in South Bend and Mishawaka, and some years, ago, when a company carried out an unusual program of constructing 100 houses at one time in South Bend, Mr. Fleck was awarded the contract for all the plumbing and heating installations. Mr. Fleck has as a side line been a dealer in real estate and owns several apartment buildings in South Bend.
He is a member of the St. Joseph County Society of Sanitary Engineers. Mr. Fleck has three children, Frank Michals, Joseph Benhart, Jr., and James Knox. His son Frank is a graduate of the University of Illinois and is now with the General Trust Company of Illinois at Chicago.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
ARCHIE ROBERT HUNNICUTT in his business as a general contractor is following a line of work which has been in the family for at least a century. For four successive generations of families to carry on, from father to son, one line of business is very unusual in America.
Mr. Hunnicutt's great-grandfather, Samuel Hunnicutt, was a native and lifelong resident of Richmond, Virginia, where he did business as a general contractor in the early days and was also a merchant. Mr. Hunnicutt’s grandfather was James S. Hunnicutt, who was born in Belmont County, Ohio, and also followed contracting work. In 1849 he went to Iowa and was one of pioneers of this business in that state. He lived to the remarkable age of 101 years, five months, passing away in 1923.
The father of Archie Robert Hunnicutt was James Clifford Hunnicutt, who was born in Tama County Iowa and for many years carried on a building contracting business in that section of the state. He is now living retired at Union City, Indiana. James Clifford Hunnicutt married Margaret Otto Davidson who was born at Madison, Wisconsin. Their son, Archie Robert Hunnicutt, was born in Custer County, Nebraska, February 1, 1885. He attended the grade and high schools of Iowa and at the age of seventeen began learning the building trade. He worked as a journeyman over Iowa and other middle western states until 1911, when he located at Columbus, Indiana, and since 1920 has made his home at Union City. He is associated in partnership with his brother Ralph N. Hunnicutt, who lives at Marion, Indiana. These brothers have the benefit of the family traditions and long experience in the building business. They have handled large contracts allover Indiana and other states and have specialized in the building of hospitals and schools.
Mr. Archie Hunnicutt married Miss Ethel May Pentecost, who was born at Boston, Whitley County, Indiana, daughter of Lorenza B. and Mahalia (Busenburg) Pentecost. Mr. and Mrs. Hunnicutt have three foster children, Howard, Robert and Betty. They are members of the First Christian Church and he is chairman of its official board. Mr. Hunnicutt has been a member of the Union City Council and acting mayor. He is a Democrat, a thrity-second degree Scottish Rite Mason and Shriner and member of the B. P. O. Elks, is a director of the Union City Country Club and for two years was vice president of the Rotary Club.
Mr. Hunnicutt, in May, 1917, enlisted in the Indiana National Guard at Shelbyville. He was in training during the World war period and following the war was called out with the guard for active duty during the prolonged strike in the steel mills at Hammond, Indiana Harbor and Gary. When he was discharged April 21, 1920, he held the crank of battalion sergeant major.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931