In the meanwhile, in February, 1928, three men, S. M. Newton, then of New York City, Joseph E. Bauer, of Vincennes, Indiana, and Richard Steinhorst, then of Tulsa, Oklahoma, organized the Texana Oil Company, of which Mr. Newton was president, Mr. Bauer, vice president and general manager, and Mr. Steinhorst, secretary and treasurer, as an individual concern. In the development for oil in this section this company discovered a large gas well, and found large gas deposits in the drift of fifty wells. Through the efforts of Messrs. Steinhorst and Bauer large gas deposits were found producing 100,000,000 cubic feet per day, and the magnitude of the development led to the organization of the Indiana Oil & Gas Corporation, to furnish gas to Pike, Knox, Gibson, Daviess, Wabash and Vanderburg counties. The gas wells of the company are located seven miles southeast of the City of Princeton, near Francisco. The gas is found in an area ten miles in width and twenty miles in length, in seven different kinds of sand. This is piped to various counties through different pipe lines that already have cost about $300,000, which with the labor represent an investment of something like $500,000 in field equipment. The company leases 80,000 acres at an annual rental of $80,000. In conjunction with the development work a geological department is maintained under the expert supervision of H. P. Barnett, formerly connected with the Indiana Geological Survey, and he is ably assisted by Ralph Esray, assistant state geologist, and R. E. Rankin, of the University of Indiana. All the acreage has been checked by that department and verified by Dr. W. N. Logan, state geologist and president of the University of Indiana. The gas reserve has been checked by M. J. Devery, of the Hope Engineering Company, of Mount Vernon, Ohio, and they give a reserve sufficient for twenty-five years. The fact that practically an unlimited amount of natural gas will be available for industrial purposes for at least a quarter of a century has accelerated business to a remarkable degree, and new projects are getting under way with great celerity. The leading geologists of the state are confirming the opinions of their confreres. The Central Public Service Corporation, owners of the Francisco Area Distributing System, had the acreage checked by Ralph Daviess, foremost gas engineer of America, and he reported the reserve as satisfactory for a period of ten years. The pay roll of the Indiana Oil & Gas Company in 1929 is $35,000 per month, employment being given to ten in the office; five in survey work; seven as field executives; seventy-five at the peak of Princeton working on the main line twenty-nine 6"; thirty-four 4"; eighteen 3"; and ten 2", a mileage of ninety-one miles. The general offices are in 403 to 408 LaPlant Building, Vincennes; the executive offices are at 150 Broadway, New York City; while the field office is at Princeton, Indiana. The Indiana Corporation has purchased ninety per cent of the stock of the Grayburg Oil Refinery Company, San Antonio, Texas, together with a 7,000 refinery, 1,000 acres of producing oil and gas leases in Baxter, Pecas and LaSalle fields. The corporation also has a refinery producing 23,000 barrels at Luling, Texas; they have twenty-three service stations in operation at San Antonio; and over half-million storage for oil, and sufficient tank cars in connection.
S. M. Newton, a financier of New York City, is president of the company, and Mr. Bauer, one of the local magnates of this part of the state, is, as already stated, vice president and general manager.
In the early spring of 1929, March 14 to be exact, the City of Princeton held a gas day celebration, and on that day the Princeton Daily Democrat, as its leading editorial, published the following, which is so applicable to all of the sections affected by the gas development that it is herewith quoted:
"Today, Thursday, March 14, the citizens of Princeton, and the several committees appointed for that purpose, are extending a glad hand to hundreds of visitors who have been invited here to attend our Second Natural Gas celebration.
"The first of this character occurred many years ago, so long in fact that the great majority of those present today have no recollection of that event, and yet, thirty-five or forty years ago is not so long when we think of the road and the rate we have traveled.
"Back in 1891, when citizens contributed to a fund to drill into the earth and demonstrate whether Princeton had coal underneath the surface, as they believed, five wells were put down, and from two of these at least gas has been seeping for some years.
"Later, when the oil field west of Princeton was opened, other gas wells were brought in and for some time this city burned natural gas in cooking and heating stoves, open flames, old fireplaces, grates, and in fact every place where coal and wood had been burned, including the many new devices at that time.
"Like all natural gas discoveries, the idea prevailed that because 'Mother Earth' was pouring forth her treasure there would be no end to it, and waste held forth until the time came that nature failed to respond and Princeton's natural gas field gave way to the artificial variety that has been served regularly since.
"The oil field having been developed to such a state that unrealized revenues were pouring into the pockets of land owners and operators, no one seemed to care about natural gas and it was permitted to be choked out for the more lucrative product.
"The oil field is still functioning, at a reduced production, and many of the old wells are producing what is considered a satisfactory daily product from the pumps.
"The field spread. New prospectors came and, as a result the north, northeast, east and southeast sections of Gibson county have been developed into one continuous oil and gas field.
"There are at present enough gas wells open and plugged in Gibson County to supply this section of Indiana with natural gas for heating, cooking and industrial purposes for many years if it is properly conserved, and that seems to be one of the outstanding points of the present owners.
"To our visitors, there will be little that can be shown them to impress the importance of natural gas, its convenience, efficiency and cheapness as compared with artificial gas. It all comes through pipes, most of which are underground, and the little houses in East Mulberry Street that contain the gauges, meters and control valves present no striking appearance.
"Several furnaces have been equipped with modern heaters, temporarily, to show the visitors what is possible, and cooking stoves will be on display, but when the average individual tries to discover the difference in natural or artificial gas flame by looking at it, there is not much 'whoopee' to it."
After mentioning local weather conditions and the effects thereof, the editor continues:
"Princeton and the companies operating the franchise have no stock for sale. There are no strings to this entertainment. It is to be free to the visitors and home people, with the exception of the men's banquet, and the intention is to make all of our visitors enjoy themselves to such an extent they will want to come again, and often.
"Many will be here who are not strangers and the renewal of their acquaintance will be a real pleasure for our people."
In another portion of the same issue of the Democrat appears a most interesting article by Jim M’Cormick, in which he writes of the first gas well in Princeton, which came from sinking wells for coal test, as mentioned in the editorial, and the running of a makeshift gas line to the public square.
Another illuminating article also appears in the Democrat of March 14 telling of the permanent results of the sinking of five wells during the former oil and gas development at Princeton.
The Princeton Clarion-News, under date of March 15, gave considerable space to the celebration held at Princeton the day previously. President Newton, of the Indiana Oil & Gas Company, was the principal speaker, and he said in part:
"Your state geologist, Doctor Logan, had for years contended that there were vast natural gas possibilities in this part of Indiana." He spoke at length upon the magnificent work of Mr. Bauer, to whom he said he had given $50,000 a year previously to invest in Gibson County and told him "to do the best you can for me." Mr. Bauer’s best was a corporation that had a $1,000,000 investment in the field, and development began. He visioned the paving of Highway 56 between Princeton and Oakland City, a great concrete route lighted with natural gas.
The Oakland City Journal, under March 15, gave an excellent account of the celebration at Princeton, and mentioned that "Wells drilled west of Oakland City by the Indiana Oil & Gas Company, headed by Newton, have shown yields of from 1,000,000 to 3,000,000 cubic feet per day, Newton declared. Additional tests have yet to be made, he said, but the present discoveries indicate that a twenty-five year supply is now assured."
The Evansville Press, under date of March 15, said in part, in referring to the probability of Evansville having natural gas:
"Natural gas for Evansville, with a -sharp cut in price to consumer by summer, was the picture held out Friday by S. M. Newton, Vincennes financier and president of the Indiana Oil & Gas Corporation, developers of the natural gas field at Francisco, Gibson County.
"The company is now supplying Princeton and pipe lines are being laid to Vincennes and Washington at the rate of four miles a day.”
From the above it can be seen that the people of this part of Indiana are enthusiastically back of the company of which Mr. Bauer is the efficient and active vice president and general manager.
In connection with the great work he is accomplishing a little personal history is interesting. His opportunities in boyhood for acquiring an education being somewhat limited, Joseph E. Bauer took a business college course which enabled him to secure a position with the Sims Oil Company as bookkeeper and stenographer at Lawrenceville, Illinois, and proved so valuable that he was later transferred to the sales department at Buffalo, New York. Subsequently he was made general manager of the refinery of that company at Lawrenceville, Illinois. After a year there he was again transferred, being sent to Yale, Oklahoma, and made chief clerk and assistant to the manager of the J. Howard Pew Pipe Line Company, a department of the Sims corporation, and served in that connection for three years. The entry of this country into the World war interrupted his career, for he volunteered for service and was in France for fifteen months, and after his honorable discharge from the army, went into partnership with Mr. Steinhorst as producers, and drilled their first well, 3,500 feet in depth, in Pawnee County, Oklahoma, opening the Mashan Pool. They also drilled the first well, of any depth, at Glenpool, thus opening up production. After two years in that part of Oklahoma, during which time forty wells were drilled in the state, Mr. Bauer came back to Indiana as an independent operator, his field being Kentucky and Illinois. During his work in these territories he became identified with Bell Brothers, of Robinson, Illinois, and organized Mahtika, Illinois. Craig Lowrie, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was operating in Gibson County, Indiana, and Mr. Bauer later took charge of his land department, and drilled fifty wells and opened up three new pools, Mount Olympia, Summerville and the Francisco pools. Following this long and varied experience Mr. Bauer entered upon his present campaign, which, without doubt, is going to make him a national figure in financial and industrial circles, and the associate of the money kings of the world.
Mr. Bauer is a son of Joseph A. Bauer, a native of New York State, who settled in Indiana in 1890, and at Vincennes in 1900, and is connected with the Old Vincennes Window Glass Company. He married Theresa Schwartzman, and they had nine children born to them, of whom Mr. Bauer of this review is the eldest.
Joseph E. Bauer has been married, and he has a daughter, Elizabeth Bauer, who is attending school.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
A. BLAINE MILLER is a farmer and stock man in Tippecanoe County, and his enterprise and the success that has attended it have made him one of the outstanding men in the agricultural life of the county. He has a farm of 218 acres, located on the Miller Road in Wea Township, on Rural Route No. 12.
On this farm he was born in 1886. He represents the third generation of the Miller family in Tippecanoe County. His grandparents were John and Mary Miller, who came from Virginia and built their first cabin home on the banks of the Wabash River in Wea Township. John and Mary Miller had only one child born to them after they came to Tippecanoe County, and that was John Miller. John Miller, Jr., was well educated, attending the local schools and the Valparaiso Normal School. He taught for a time, subsequently rented land from his father and later acquired most of the property now managed and farmed by his son Blaine. He was an active member of the Grange. John Miller married Margaret A. Goldsberry, and their only son is A. Blaine Miller. The daughter, Mary Bell, is the wife of Robert Orth and has a son, Leonard.
A. Blaine Miller attended the Reser School and the Culver Military Academy, where he was graduated in 1905. He also had courses in agriculture at Purdue University. His education was of a practical nature and fitted in well with his career as a farmer and stock man. He specializes in Shorthorn cattle, Shropshire sheep and Chester White hogs.
Mr. Miller has been president of the local Farm Bureau. He is active in Republican politics, is a member of the Masonic Lodge No. 492 and the Tippecanoe Grotto, and the Knights of Pythias. He is affiliated with the Methodist Episcopal Church.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
E. W. G. JOHNSON. Monroe County citizens make familiar reference to E. W. G. Johnson by stating that he is one of the largest land owners and one of the most successful farmers and stock men in the county. He has also been honored with public positions and he is fully entitled to representation among Indiana's representative citizens.
He was born in Perry Township, Monroe County, May 30, 1864, son of David and Mary (Adams) Johnson. His grandfather came from County Down, Ireland, and settled in North Carolina. It was in that state that David Johnson was born and after the death of his father he carne with his widowed mother to Indiana. He started life without capital, and in buying his first horse he made a contract to split 5,000 rails. His first purchase of land was 110 acres adjoining the home farm of his son E. W. G. His career was that of an industrious and sturdy citizen and his name is held in high esteem among those who remember him in Monroe County. He was the father of eight children, Mattie, Lizzie, Emma, Robert, Frank, William, Alvie and Samuel. Of these only three are now living, Frank, William and Samuel.
E. W. G. Johnson attended the Clear Creek School and all the time he was in school he had duties on the home farm and his ambition was early awakened to make a success as a land owner and farmer. When he was twenty years of age he bought his first piece of land, comprising twenty acres. Today he owns six farms, his home place comprising 110 acres, located on the Salem Road or South Walnut Street Road, two miles south of Bloomington. In that township he owns over 1,500 acres and also has 160 acres of South Dakota land. Along with farming he has always carried on the live stock business and for a number of years had a mule market at Decatur, Alabama.
Mr. Johnson married, October 17, 1888, Miss Sarah Stipp, daughter of George and Mary (McFadden) Stipp. To their marriage were born a family of ten children, the oldest dying in infancy; Mary is the wife of Jewett Tatum and has one child, July E.; Clara married Wiley Kennedy, and their family consists of James, Martha, Phillip and Charles; Lucy is the wife of Paul Kennedy, and of their two children, David and William, the latter is deceased; the fifth and sixth children born to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are deceased, their names being Florence and Ethel; Bertha is the wife of Alie Steward and has a son, Richard; the three younger children are Olive, Francis and George.
Mr. Johnson was elected township trustee, has also served in the County Council and has been a member of the Indiana Legislature. He and his family are members of the Christian Church.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
ARTHUR W. DEPPERT was born at Peoria, February 25, 1883, but since he was six years of age his home has been in South Bend and for over a quarter of a century he has been a factor in the business service of that city as a plumbing and heating specialist.
His father was William Deppert. Arthur W. Deppert was reared and educated in South Bend, attending grade and high schools. When he was eighteen he began his apprenticeship at the plumbing trade, and after a period of experience as a journeyman he set up in business for himself, under the name of A. W. Deppert. He has well equipped shops and show rooms at 2120 Miami Street, carries a large stock of fixtures and supplies, and directs a skilled organization for handling every class of contract for plumbing and heating insulation, sewer work and general repairing.
Mr. Deppert is a member of the South Side Business Men's Club and the Knights of Pythias. He married Mrs. Mary Kaczmarek, of South Bend. Her four children, by a former marriage, are Florian, Jerome, Leona and Delores.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
JAMES E. THOMPSON, farmer and postmaster at Clarks Hill, Tippecanoe County, is a native of Indiana and member of a family that came to Clinton County in pioneer times. Mr. Thompson was appointed postmaster August 1; 1923.
He was born on a farm in Lauramie Township, Tippecanoe County, son of Winfield and Eliza (Eberhart) Thompson. His great- grandfather, Reese Thompson, came from Rockingham County, Virginia, and was the son of a Revolutionary soldier. Reese Thompson was one of the first to settle in Clinton County. His son, Billy Thompson, was born in Clinton County and spent his life as a farmer. Winfield Thompson was born on his father's farm in Clinton County and likewise spent his active years in agriculture. He and his wife had four sons: Samuel C., William T., Charles R. and James E.
James E. Thompson for about four years was a pupil in the Stringtown School in Clinton County. Then the family moved to Clarks Hill, where he finished high school. Later he rounded out his education by four years of study in the International Correspondence School at Scranton. His original capital, given him by his father, was two hundred dollars in money and a team of horses. In 1910 he bought a farm of eighty acres, renting another eighty acres, and during the next six years had no other outside interests to interfere with his work as a farm producer. In August, 1916, he took the post of assistance cashier of the State Bank at Clarks Hill and after two years was promoted to cashier, serving four and a half years in that office. He resigned in December, 1922, to resume his farm work, and in the following year was made postmaster. While looking after the postoffice, with an administration that is highly satisfactory to all the patrons of the office, he superintends the operation of his farm of 125 acres just at the edge of town. Mr. Thompson has been interested in politics since he reached voting age, but never held a public office until he was appointed postmaster. He and his family are members of the Christian Church and Sunday School.
Mr. Thompson married, December 7, 1913, Miss Jessie Swackhamer, daughter of Edgar and Mary (Barnum) Swackhamer. The Swackhamer family has been in Clinton County since 1902. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have three children, Edgar, Morris and James.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
KYLE D. FOUTS, whose home is three-quarters of a mile west of Shadeland, in Union Township, Tippecanoe County, has been an outstanding citizen of that community for a number of years. His energy and good management have put him in the class of successful Indiana agriculturists and his name is always mentioned with the respect due to a public spirited and generous citizen.
Mr. Fouts was born in Jackson Township, Tippecanoe County, September 16, 1890, son of John M. and Eliza J. (Deardorf) Fouts. His grandparents were Eli and Mary (Blackford) Fouts, natives of Virginia. On coming west they first settled in Ohio and about 1828 arrived in Tippecanoe County, Indiana, having traveled all the way by wagon and team. Their first home was a log cabin in Jackson Township and their land was entered directly from the Government. John M. Fouts was born in Jackson Township, was reared and educated there, and worked for his father for some years. Later he bought land and at the time of his death owned an estate of about 800 acres. He was one of the leading citizens of Jackson Township. He was always much interested in politics, was a member of the Christian Church and the Knights of Pythias Order. He and his wife had four children: Florence, wife of Edward Stradling and mother of Robert and Margaret; Mabel, deceased; Ethel, deceased; and Kyle D.
Kyle D. Fouts attended school at La Fayette and after graduating from high school engaged in farming. In 1917 he married Miss Mary Ruth Robbins, daughter of John and Jqsephine (Burleigh) Robbins. Her father was born in Carroll County, Indiana, and spent his life as a farmer. Her grandparents were Isaac and Elizabeth (Patton) Robbins. Isaac Robbins was born near Sidney, Ohio, and was eleven years of age when the family moved to Indiana. Isaac Robbins was a son of John and Mary Robbins. The Robbins family came to Indiana in 1828. One of Mrs. Fouts' direct ancestors was a soldier in the Revolutionary war with Sumter, Marion, Pickens and Lee. Mrs. Fouts was the only child of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fouts have a son, John R., now in school.
Mr. Fouts is a trustee of the Methodist Episcopal Church and is secretary of the Sunday School. His hobby is travel. He is a member of the social clubs in his township, and had been active in Republican politics, serving as a member of the advisory board. Mr. Fouts' home place comprises 236 acres, and in addition to the busy program involved in handling this property he owns another farm of 200 acres in the same township, this farm being leased. Thus his land ownership in Tippecanoe County represents 436 acres.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
WILLIAM R. SIERSEMA is one of the prosperous farm owners living in the West Point community of Wayne Township, Tippecanoe County. He was born there, and his neighbors have known him all his life as a man of substantial industry, intelligent, public spirited, always willing to do his share in any; project involving the common welfare.
Mr. Siersema was born on the farm on which he now resides, in 1873. He is a son of John and Susana (Allen) Siersema. His father was born in Holland, of old Dutch stock. When he was a boy he came with his mother and stepfather, Jacob DeFreese, to America. During his early years he worked as a farm hand in Tippecanoe County, and from his labor saved the money that enabled him to make his first purchase of land. He lived an industrious life, provided well for those dependent upon him and improved a good farm. He was very active in the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is buried at West Point. There were six children: Eva, wife of George Atchison; one that died in infancy; Sarah, wife of Rastus Youel; John; Emma, wife of Ed Robinson; and Mrs. John Gundlefinger.
William R. Siersema during his boyhood attended the Round Top School in the home neighborhood. He has been familiar with farm work since boyhood, and he made his own start by renting a farm, and later he acquired the 180 acres on which he now lives and which was his birthplace.
Mr. Siersema married in 1896 Miss Gertrude Gay, daughter of Sanford and Arnetta (McCrea) Gay. They are the parents of one son, Clarence, who was educated at West Point and is now the active manager of his father's farm. Clarence Siersema married Ruth Kamp. Clarence from school days has been interested in athletics and was one of the star basketball players in his community. The Siersema family are active in church and social affairs. Mrs. Siersema is a member of the Ladies Aid, the West Point Home Economics Society, the Foreign and Home Missionary Society and the Wednesday Club.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
JULIUS H. MEYN. One of the oldest and most highly honored names in the financial history of Lake County is that of Meyn. The financial interests of the family center in the First Trust & Savings Bank of Hammond, of which Peter Meyn is president and in which several of his sons are officials.
Peter W. Meyn was born in Germany, and was three years of age when brought to America by his parents. His father, George Meyn, settled at what is now Chicago Heights, Illinois, and lived the rest of his life in that community, then known as Bloom. His widow survived him and spent her last years in Hammond, where she died in 1910. Peter W. Meyn grew up at Bloom, Illinois, attended school there and also at Hammond, finishing his education in the Indiana State Normal at Terre Haute. He began his career as a merchant in Hammond, for two terms was city clerk and two terms city treasurer. It was out of his real estate and insurance business that the Lake County Savings & Trust Company grew. He became president of that institution. Later the name was changed to the First Trust & Savings Bank, and in 1926 it took over the First National Bank. Along with his business interests he has always had a keen interest in civic affairs and is a member of the Kiwanis Club and St. Paul's Lutheran Church.
Peter W. Meyn married Magdalena Dunsing, who was born in "Little Egypt," Illinois, daughter of Rev. Julius Dunsing. Her father was a missionary in Southern Illinois for many years and later moved to Hammond, Indiana, where he spent his last days. Mrs. Magdalena Meyn was educated in Lutheran parochial and public schools. She is treasurer of the St. Paul's Ladies Aid Society, having held that office for twenty-eight years, and is a member of the Hammond Woman's Club. Peter W. Meyn and wife had four children: Martha, Julius H., Edwin (who died at the age of six years), and Walter E.
Martha Meyn is the wife of William Wilke, Jr., a resident of Hammond. Mr. Wilke was responsible for the development of the Metals Refining Company at Hammond, which in 1929 he sold to the Glidden Company of Cleveland. He is now president of the Hammond Lead Products Company, Incorporated, which manufactures lead oxides and pigments as materials for paint. Mr. and Mrs. Wilke have three children, William, Martha and Virginia.
Walter E. Meyn is a Hammond citizen who has had an interesting career. He was educated in the Lutheran schools at Hammond; the Hammond High School, and at Asheville, North Carolina. During the World war he was a sergeant in the Quartermaster's Corps, went overseas in June, 1917, being located at Valdahone and later at Paris, where he served on the staff of Gen. Charles G. Dawes until six months after the armistice. Since the war he has been with the First Trust & Savings Bank, beginning as assistant secretary and treasurer, and for the past five years has been vice president. He married Miss Margo Vibirts, of Chicago, and they have two children, Peter and Margo Jean. Walter Meyn is a member of the American Legion and president of the local Salvation Army committee.
Julius H. Meyn, also an official in the First Trust & Savings Bank at Hammond, was born at North Judson, Indiana, September 2, 1890. He was educated in the Lutheran schools, the public schools, graduated from the Hammond High School in 1910 and completed his commercial training in the Wharton School of Finance of the University of Pennsylvania in 1914. After returning home he was made manager of the insurance department of the First Trust & Savings Bank, and for the past five years has been vice president in charge of the insurance department. Insurance is a field in which his talents have had opportunity for unusual achievement and he is recognized as one of the leading producers for the Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford. In 1928 he was made president of the Presidents Club of the Travelers Company. He was a charter member and the first secretary of the Rotary Club of Hammond. He belongs to the Woodmar Country Club, the Illinois Athletic Club, the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity, is a Republican and an active member of St. Paul's Lutheran Church.
He married at Hammond, November 22, 1916, Miss Elene Reiter, daughter of Judge Virgil S. and Josephine (Kingsley) Reiter. Her father is a distinguished Indiana jurist and for many years has been judge of the Superior Court at Hammond. Mrs. Meyn attended school at Hammond, including high school, and the National Cathedral School at Washington. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church and the Woman's Club. They have three children: Walter Kingsley, Margene Reiter and Julius H., Jr. The first two are students in the public schools.
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By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931