Barney J. Sablotny was born at Stephansdorf, Germany, May 5, 1891, and is a son of Anthony and Frances Sablotny, natives of Germany. Anthony Sablotny, who passed his entire career as a farmer; was wounded in the knee during the Franco-Prussian war, and was a partial invalid all of his life, dying in 1902. By his first wife he was the father of two sons: William, deceased; and Leon, a retired manufacturer of Chicago, Illinois. By his second wife he had six children: Louis, at one time a member of the Uhlans, a crack regiment of the Germany army, who died shortly after the World war, from the effects of his military services, and is buried at Stephansdorf, Germany; Valerie, now Mrs. Kamasa, of Germany, whose son, Joseph, was captain of a German ship during the World war and is now director-general of education of Poland; Frank and Frances, who are residents of Chicago; Barney J., of this review; and Joseph, of Chicago. After the death of her husband, in 1902, the mother of Barney J. Sablotny immigrated to the United States and first settled at Spring Valley, in the coal region of Illinois, but later moved to Chicago, where she spent the remainder of her life and died in 1913, being buried in Mount Olivet Cemetery.
Barney J. Sablotny attended public school in Germany from the time he was six years of age until he was about twelve, when he was brought to the United States by his mother and immediately went to work in a coal mine at Spring Valley, Illinois. That he was a precious and somewhat unusual lad is seen in the fact that he had become such an influence by the time that he was fifteen years of age that he was elected a representative of the United Mine Workers of America under Pers. John J. Mitchell, and served in that capacity for a period of three years. In 1908 he moved to Chicago, where he secured a position as fireman on the Nickel Plate Railroad, and likewise served as safety director and as representative of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen. After about seven years he left railroading to engage in the retail grocery and meat business at Chicago, continuing in this line until 1917, when he accepted a position with the Tapajna Paper Company as salesman, an din 1919 took charge of the business at Gary, where he has since made his home and where he increased the sales of the company materially, making it one of the important enterprises of the city. On November 15, 1930, he severed his connection with the Tapajna Paper Company and formed the Gary Paper & Supply Company, of which he is the president and principal stockholder. Mr. Sablotny's interests have increased amazingly and have spread out in every direction. He is a member of the advisory board of the Salvation Army; a director of the Glen Park Building & Loan Association; helped organize the Lions Club of Gary, of which he is an officer; is a member of the Gary Commercial Club and Chamber of Commerce; a member of the Glen Park Republican Club, the Young Men's Christian Association, the Glen Park Boosters Association, the Lincoln Hills Country Club and other organizations, and has been active in the Izaak Walton League. He is an enthusiastic football fan, and during the season attends all of the big games that he can possibly reach. In politics he is a stanch supporter of the Republican party, and his religious affiliation is with the Forty-third Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church.
At Knox, Indiana, August 8, 1914, Mr. Sablotny was united in marriage with Miss Esther Garner, daughter of H. W. and Mattie (Hepner) Garner, of Gary, who make their home with Mr. and Mrs. Sablotny, Mr. Garner being a retired carpenter and a veteran of the Spanish-American war. Mrs. Sablotny, who graduated from Knox High School, is active in community life, a worker in the Methodist Church, and a member of the Parent-Teachers Association of Glen Park and the various women's clubs of the city. To Mr. and Mrs. Sablotny there have been born two children: Dorothy Marie and William Robert, both born at Chicago, the former of whom is in her second year at the Lew Wallace High
School, and the latter in his first year in the same school at Gary.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
WILLIAM ALEXANDER POZZO is one of Gary's enterprising business men, and has had more than twenty years of active experience in the automobile business. He was overseas during the World war and for the past ten years has had the Lake County agency for the Mack truck.
Mr. Pozzo was born in Italy, October 27, 1889. His parents, John and Ilumanata (Caneparo) Pozzo, were natives of Italy, were reared and educated in that country and have spent all their lives there. His father, who died in 1896, owned and operated a woolen mill. The widowed mother is still living in Italy. Of her nine living children William was the sixth.
Mr. Pozzo while a youth in Italy attended parochial and private schools. He was about sixteen years old when, in 1905, he came to America. For seven years he lived in New York City, and there had a long course of training and experience in the automobile business. From New York he went to Chicago, where he also spent seven years.
He was in Chicago when America entered the World war and he enlisted in 1917. He received his training at San Francisco, in the Coast Artillery Corps, and went overseas with the Sixty-second Regiment, Coast Artillery Corps. He had charge of the automobile school at San Francisco, with the rank of corporal. In France he was located on duty near Bordeaux. On getting his honorable discharge, January 20, 1919, he spent two months traveling in France and five months in his native land.
After his military service he returned to Chicago and in 1921 came to Gary, where he acquired the Mack Truck Agency in Lake County. He owns a fine business, including a large shop and show room at 1100 Madison Street. He represents one of the oldest and largest of the commercial truck manufacturers in America.
Mr. Pozzo has been very active in civic affairs, is a member of the Rotary Club, Commercial Club and Chamber of Commerce. He is president of the Gary Italian Education Association, Incorporated, and treasurer of the Eleventh Avenue Sub-Division and Improvement Association. He is a member of the Gary Memorial Post of the American Legion, the Sons of Italy, in politics is an independent voter and is a member of the Catholic Church. Mr. Pozzo is one of the church committeemen at the Judge Gary Bishop Alerding Settlement Church.
He married in Chicago in January, 1921, Miss Rita Barili, daughter of Peter and Santina Barili. She was born in Italy, was reared there and came to America in 1920. Mr. and Mrs. Pozzo have two children, Arnold Gianpier and Adrian Eleonor. Both children are attending one of the public schools of Gary.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
EMIL M. T. NALLINGER. A resident of Gary since 1923, Emil M. T. Nallinger is identified with several of the leading finanical institutions of the city and is likewise one of the best known members of the Loyal Order of Moose in the state. Mr. Nallinger started his career as a school teacher, but soon outgrew the environment of the schoolroom, turned his attention to financial affairs, and is now president of the Lake County Savings & Loan Association and has numerous other important connections which serve to make him one of the most substantial citizens of his adopted city.
Mr. Nallinger was born at Sturgis, Saint Joseph County, Michigan, March 25, 1888, and is a son of Albert and Mary (Kalberer) Nallinger. His father, a native of Germany, was reared and educated in that country, whence he immigrated to the United States in young manhood and settled at Sturgis, Michigan, where he secured land, developed a farm, and through industry and able management became one of the successful farmers and stock raisers of his community. He was a man of high and substantial character, who was highly thought of by his fellow-citizens, and a devout member of the Lutheran Church, to which Mrs. Nallinger, also a native of Germany, and who came to the United States in girlhood, also belongs. Mr. Nallinger died June 18, 1918, and was buried at Sturgis, where Mrs. Nallinger still makes her home. There were five children in the family: Emil, of this review; Carl, who died at the age of eighteen years; Dora, now Mrs. Morris Johnston, of Gary; Gustav, of Aurora, Illinois; and Esther, now Mrs. Cecil Green, of Sturgis.
Emil Nallinger received his education in the public schools of Sturgis and the Michigan State Normal School of Kalamazoo, this being supplemented by a commercial course at the Elkhart (Indiana) Business College. For two years he was a teacher in the public schools of Michigan, following which he became an instructor in the Elkhart Business College, but at the end of two years severed his connection with that institution to accept the post of chief auditor of the Loyal Order of Moose, at Mooseheart, Illinois. Mr. Nallinger remained in that capacity until 1923, in which year he came to Gary, where he has since served in the capacity of district supervisor for the order in Northwestern Indiana, with offices at 700 Adams Street. He has proved himself a great organizer as well as a careful and efficient executive and has done much to increase the membership of the Moose in his district. In 1926 Mr. Nallinger accpeted the position of secretary of the Lake County Savings & Loan Association, and upon the death of John W. Thiel, in April, 1930, succeeded the latter in the presidency. He is likewise president of the Gibraltar Bond & Mortgage Company of Gary, and has various other connections and holdings. Mr. Nallinger occupies a high place in the esteem and confidence of his associates and fellow-citizens and is known as a man of ripened judgment, enlightened views and rare foresight. He is a valued member of Jerusalem Temple Lodge No. 90, A. F. and A. M. of Aurora; the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, at Elkhart; the Loyal Order of Moose, the Knights of Pythias, the Modern Woodsmen of America and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of Gary. He also takes an active part in civic affairs as a member of the local Kiwanis Club. In politics he maintains an independent stand, voting rather for the man than the party, and his religious affiliation is with the Central Christian Church. He belongs likewise to the Gary Commercial Club and Chamber of Commerce and the Cressmore Country Club.
At Elkhart, Indiana, February 1, 1911 Mr. Nallinger was united in marriage with Miss Florence Taska, daughter of Otto and Hannah (Rose) Taska, of that city, where Mr. Taska has been foreman
at the New York Central Railroad shops for many years. Mrs. Nallinger was educated in the public grade and high schools of Elkhart and the Elkhart Business College, and for a few years prior to her marriage was engaged in clerical work. She is active in the Central Christian Church, Olive Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, the Mooseheart Legion and the Pythias Sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Nallinger are the parents of three children: Earl M. T., born in 1913, who graduated from Emerson High School as a member of the class of 1929, and is not taking post-graduate work at Emerson School and extension work at the University of Indiana' Agnes M. L., who is attending high school; and Glenn O. W., who is in eighth grade of the public schools. The pleasant family home is situated at 772 Georgia Street, Gary.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
JOHN THOMAS DENNIS is a Gary business man, active in local affairs and a citizen of public spirit and willingness to cooperated in every move for general advancement.
Mr. Dennis is a native of Kentucky, born in Montgomery County, that state, December 10, 1892. The Dennis family came to Kentucky in pioneer times. His great-grandfather crossed the mountains from Virginia to Kentucky and was a surveyor by profession. The grandfather, John Dennis, was a Kentucky farmer and stock raiser. J. Thomas Dennis, father of John T., spent his active life as a farmer and stock man in Kentucky. He died in 1892, the same year his son was born, and is buried in the family cemetery near Mount Sterling. His wife, Betty Radcliffe, was born and reared in Kentucky, attended school there, and after her husband's death served for a number of years as postmaster of a village near Mount Sterling. She is a member of the Christian Church and now resides at Lexington, Kentucky. She is the mother of three sons: Henry W., a resident of Indianapolis; Austin, of Lexington, Kentucky; and John Thomas. By a second marriage the mother of these sons has a daughter, Bertie, now Mrs. John W. Crow, of Nashville, Tennessee.
John T. Dennis was educated in public schools near Mount Sterling, Kentucky, and immediately after leaving school found work in the mercantile line, his employer being the John Hutchinson Grocery Company of Lexington. He remained with that concern for five years. In 1912 Mr. Dennis entered the service of the S. S. Kresge Company at Cincinnati, Ohio, and during this first period of service with this widely known chain store organization he was transferred for varying lengths of time to Louisville and Lexington, Kentucky. Following that he was with the Kerr Dry Goods Company of Oklahoma City for two and a half years.
On rejoining the Kresge organization he was located at Chicago for a year and a half, from 1922, was then sent to Toledo, Ohio, for ten months, and in 1912 opened the Kresge store at Aurora, Illinois, where he remained for over two years. In January, 1927, he was made district manager of the Kresge Company for the Philadelphia district but in July, 1928, came to Gary, where he has since been manager of the Kresge Dollar Store.
Mr. Dennis is a active member of the Commercial Club and Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club. He is a member of the B. P. O. Elks, a Democrat in politics and a member of the Christian Church.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
PROF. JESSE C. WEBB. Recognized as one of the leading educators of Indiana, Prof. Jesse C. Webb, superintendent of the Portland city schools, has won distinction in his chosen profession while still in the very prime of vigorous manhood. He was born on a farm in Johnson County, Indiana, June 12, 1874, a son of John S. and Nancy E. (Welliver) Webb, natives of Johnson County, Indiana, and. Butler County, Ohio, respectively.
John S. Webb was a farmer by occupation in Shelby County, Indiana, but established himself in Johnson County in 1856, and continued to conduct his farm in Needham Township until 1875, when he moved to Franklin Township. In religious faith he was a Baptist, and a devout church member. A Democrat in politics, his first presidential vote was cast for James Buchanan in 1856. His father, Zachariah Webb, was a son of John and Nancy (Davis) Webb, the latter of whom came to Clark County, Indiana, in 1812, and to Shelby County in 1819. Zachariah Webb's mother, Nancy Davis, was a cousin Zachary Taylor, inaugurated President of the United States in 1849. The mother of John Webb, Mrs. Nancy A. (Huff) Webb, was born in Xenia, Ohio, and came with her parents, Joseph and Hannah (Finley) Huff, to Shelby County, Indiana, where her father followed the vocation of millwright. He built, prior to 1825, the Old Red Mill in Shelby County, which was converted into a woolen mill, and later used for manufacturing flour. Mrs. Hannah (Finley) Huff was a sister of Rev. James B. Finley, a Methodist minister of an early day. Professor Webb is related to the same branch of the Davis family as was the late Jefferson Davis, one-time President of the Confederacy, through his great-grandmother, Mrs. Nancy (Davis) Webb, a daughter of Richard Davis, and a niece of Samuel Davis, the father of Jefferson Davis. The grandfather of Richard and Samuel Davis was David Davis, a noted Presbyterian minister of Virginia, at the time he became the fourth president of Princeton, what is now Princeton University.
The Webb family line of descent is traced back to royalty in England.
John S. Webb, father of Professor Webb, died in March, 1907, and his widow, mother of Professor Webb, passed away in March, 1908. They were the parents of twelve children, eight of whom are living: Mrs. Nina Branigan, of Canton, Mississippi; Mrs. Helena A. Cave, of Franklin, Indiana; Mrs. Lula E. Hunt, of Franklin; Daniel E., ,also of Franklin; Jesse C.; Samuel J., of Franklin; M. D., of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Mrs. Mary E. Clane, of Franklin.
Professor Webb was graduated from the common schools in 1890, and from the Franklin High School in 1894. Entering Franklin College, he took the regular course, and was graduated therefrom in 1898, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, and he took his Master's degree from the same institution in 1901. While he is not a graduate of the University of Chicago, he took considerable work in that institution.
In 1899 Professor Webb began teaching school the country, and he followed that teaching in the high schools, and became so popular that, in 1903 he was elected county superintendent of schools of Johnson County, and again elected in 1911, serving as such until 1916, when he became city superintendent of schools at Franklin, and at the same time, from 1916 to 1921, he assisted in the department of education in Franklin College. In 1921 he became assistant in the Danville, Indiana College, department of education; and in 1922 was given the same position in Butler College, Indianapolis, Indiana. However, at the same time, since 1922, he has been city superintendent of schools at Portland. From 1910 to 1913 he served as a member of the Indiana state board of education. Since 1905 he has held a life teacher's certificate. Professionally he holds membership with the National Superintendents Association. A Mason, he has been advanced in the order to the Commandery, and belongsJ to Franklin Commandery No. 23, K. T. He also belongs to the Knights of Pythias. In addition to the degrees already mentioned Professor Webb received that of Master of Arts in education from Columbia University in 1919. For some years he has been interested in the work of the Rotary Club and is now a member of the Rotary International. He is a member of the Baptist Church.
On August 6, 1902, Professor Webb was married to Miss Estelle Jones, of Franklin, a daughter of W. C. and Margaret E. Jones, and great-great-granddaughter of David Forsythe the first. She is a Daughter of the American Revolution, a Tri Delta Delta. Professor and Mrs. Webb have one daughter, Dorothea Welliver, the wife of Wilbur Ward, of Chicago. Mrs. Ward is a graduate of the normal school department of Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, a music supervisor, and accomplished musician, her favorite instrument being the cello.
For many years Professor Webb has been a valued contributor to the Indiana Journal, Indiana Teacher, Journal of Education, Progressive Teacher and the Arts Magazine of Palo Alto, California. He is also author of the book Report of Johnson County Schools in 1914. Professor Webb is one of two city superintendents of Indiana chosen for Who's Who in American Education, published in 1928.
While county superintendent of schools of Johnson County Professor Webb made a splendid record, and one that his successors have taken for their guide. One of the outstanding features of his work was the establishment, in 1915, of the first Vocational Agricultural School in the rural districts of Indiana, in Union Township, Johnson County.
In 1920, when the Rockefeller Foundation Committee, headed by Doctor Bachman of New York City, came to Indiana to make a survey of the state public school conditions, they chose three types of counties as their working field: The first to represent the best conditions in the state; the second to represent the average conditions in the state; and the third to represent the poorest condition in the state. They chose Johnson as the one which represented the best educational conditions in the state. By making this selection they silently paid the highest tribute to Superintendent Webb, who made the county second to none in Indiana by establishing high-typed rural consolidated schools in some of the townships of Johnson County as early as 1905, 1906 and 1907. This was pioneer educational work of a superior type. When Doctor Bachman had surveyed it, he remarked that he had a notion, that in some cases, as much could be accomplished toward progressive education, with the township as a unit, as was possible with the county as a unit - another tribute to the work of Superintendent Webb.
During 1929 as superintendent of city schools, Portland, the stimulating and basic influence of Professor Webb was shown along different lines, as the following excerpts from the press undoubtedly prove: "The 1929 Annual, the Tifoon of Portland High School, has an illustrated plate which is unusual. It shows the picture of thirty-two Portland school pupils who won honors which were state-wide, or more, in their scope. This plate does not include the picture of the '1928' Prize Winning Portland High School Orchestra. However, it does include the picture of Iva Foltz, winner of the '1928' American Chemical Society Essay Contest; of Ina Louise Fleming, winner of the '1928' National Marketing Contest; of Catherine Bourne, winner of the '1928' Indiana Fire Prevention Essay Contest; of Dick James, who won second in the '1928' State Peace Contest; of Evelyn Frank, who won fourth in the Eighth District Oratorical Contest; and of Gordon Meeker, who won fourth in the Indiana Public Discussion Contest.
"The plate also contains the picture of the Garfield Building of Portland, along with the picture of the fifth-grade pupils of that school, and of the fifth-grade pupils of the Judge Haynes School. These pupils won second and fifth places, respectively, in an Arithmetic Drill Contest which was put on by Wisconsin University. The test lasted for one month and was nation-wide in its scope. Carroll, Illinois, won first; Garfield Building, Portland, second; Brighton, Colorado, third; Hudson Heights, New York, fourth; Judge Haynes Building, Portland, fifth; and Logansport, Indiana, sixth. This is certainly a good showing for Portland.
"1929 results augment this splendid record. For a second successive time the Portland High School won the American Chemical Essay Contest in 1929. Grace Nixon, a senior, won the prize of twenty dollars in gold. A second member of the class, John Jaqua, received honorable mention in this contest. Prof. John Link was the efficient teacher of this subject.
"Vocational Agriculture Functions. John Glasgow, another senior, won the Grand Sweepstakes at Purdue University for having the best display of a dozen eggs, any color. There were 770 dozen eggs displayed in this contest. He also won Sweepstakes on the best dozen of brown eggs. A silver cup and a silver egg are among the prizes he won.
"In the Livestock Judging Contest the Portland High School Team, consisting of Harry Schemenauer, Willard Cummins and John Glasgow, won second in the State Sheep Judging Contest. Prof. Frank Porter directed the vocational agriculture work.
"In the Five Acre Corn Contest, Clifford Simons won a scholarship to Purdue.
"Winners in the State Drafting Contest. Orville Freeman, of the Class of '29 Portland High School, won second in his class in the State Drafting Contest put on by Purdue University. Bruce Smith, of the Class of '29, won third. Prizes were sent them. Credit is due the boys and Prof. Homer Smith, industrial education teacher, for these good results in the mechanical drawing and designing department.
"Portland is certainly making good in the educational work. What place, in the country, is there that can duplicate or equal this record? We would be pleased to see a certified report of that place or school. The cooperative spirit which permeates the Portland schools and which is encouraged by the community, is bringing these remarkable results."
"Portland High School students gained the lion's share of honors in a Shakespearean Contest which has been conducted by the News- Sentinel of Fort Wayne. The prizes were tickets to the Fritz Lieber Shakespearean presentations at the Shrine, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week.
"The contest editor expressed his surprise at the poor showing made by the Fort Wayne pupils with all their school advantages, and the excellent replies made by the pupils of the smaller cities and towns, especially Portland and La Grange; North Manchester, Angola, Garrett and Huntington also made good reports.
"The following high school students are listed among the winners: Daphne Scott, aged fifteen; Ruby Lineberry, 704 West Walnut Street, aged seventeen; Lois Ehrhart, 622 East High Street, aged seventeen; and Clifford Simons, aged eighteen."
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
WILLIAM WALLACE TIMMONDS, for many years in the newspaper business at Portland, Indiana, was born at St. Mary's in Auglaize County, Ohio, July 3, 1844. His parents were George W. and Catherine (Boyer) Timmonds. His father was born at Cumberland, Maryland, but as a young man moved to Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, and followed his trade as a tailor there. He secured a contract during the construction of the canal through that section of the state, and this work took him to St. Marys. Later he resumed his tailoring business. In 1848 he was elected sheriff of Mercer County, and served two terms. He also operated a saw mill, manufacturing the planks used in the construction of the first plank road at St. Marys. In 1862 he was again elected sheriff, and was filling that office when he died in 1866. His widow survived him until 1896.
William Wallace Timmonds was one of a family of eleven children. He grew up in Ohio, had an average education of the boys of that day, learned the trade of printer, and printing and publishing was his chief business through his active career. Mr. Timmonds passed away March 16, 1926, when eighty-two years of age, and is buried at the Green Park Cemetery at Portland.
He married, July 12, 1866, at Celina, Ohio, Miss Juliette Harney, daughter of Thornton and Martha (Goodall) Harney, of Cincinnati. To this marriage were born seven children: Nettie L., deceased; Charles F.; Leroy, deceased; Clara, deceased; Katharine Louise, librarian of the Portland Public Library; Carrie E.; and Frank L., deceased. The mother of these children died April 28, 1897, and is buried at Portland. Two years later William Wallace Timmonds married Miss Celia Slicer, of Bellefontaine, Ohio, daughter of Walter and Elizabeth Slicer. Mrs. Timmonds died April 1, 1918.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931