Mr. Karr was born in White County, Indiana, December 7, 1857, and is a son of John Calhoun and Rachael M. (Moore) Karr. His paternal great-grandfather, Andrew Karr, was born in Scotland, whence he came to America in young manhood, and served as a soldier in the War of the Revolution, under General Washington. He married a Miss Wilson, as did the maternal great-grandfather of James P. Karr, although it is not known if the Wilson ladies were related. The maternal great-grandfather was Rev. Thomas Moore, who as a young Presbyterian pastor came from Pennsylvania to Somerset, Ohio, and is said to have been the first ordained minister to cross the Alleghany Mountains. Another great-grandmother of James P. Karr was a Miss Powell, whose father founded the first college in Pennsylvania for the purpose or educating Presbyterian ministers.
Moses Wilson Karr, the grandfather of James P. Karr, was born in Pennsylvania. He moved to Ohio and entered from the Government a part of the land upon which the City of Middletown now stands. He subsequently engaged in the mercantile business at Middletown, and in 1837 entered land in White County, Indiana, to which he removed with his family two years later. There he settled down to agricultural pursuits, in which he continued to be engaged successfully until his death. He was a man of high character, and had the esteem and respect of his fellow- citizens.
John Calhoun Karr, father of James P. Karr, was born at Middletown, Ohio, December 25, 1824, and was about fifteen years of age at the time he came with the family to White County. He was reared to an agricultural life, in which he was engaged all his career, and died in 1899, at the age of seventy-five years. He married Rachael M. Moore, who was born at Somerset, Ohio, October 10, 1828, and they became the parents of eleven children, of whom seven are living.
James P. Karr was reared on his father’s farm in White County, Indiana, and in his younger years devoted himself to farming. Later he broadened the scope of his energies by entering the lumber business, and through this he developed into a contractor and builder, and later into dredging work, for which he made his own machines. On January 1, 1906, in partnership with John D. Rauch, Mr. Karr founded the American Steel Dredge Works, at Logansport, Indiana, where the business was operated under that style until January 1, 1910. It was then moved to Fort Wayne, where a new and commodious plant had been erected, and the name of the concern was changed to its present style, the American Steel Dredge Company, with offices at the corner of Taylor and McKinley streets. Mr. Karr was made the first president of the new concern, which, under his management, grew and prospered. He remained in the same capacity until his retirement from business affairs in 1929. He had fairly won a place of prominence among his adopted city’s business leaders, and still takes an interest in business life, but only as a spectator. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and his religious faith makes him a Presbyterian.
On January 5, 1891, in Pulaski County, Indiana, Mr. Karr was united in marriage with Miss Otie Witham, who was born in that county, September 4,1868, a daughter of Albert Witham, granddaughter of Joseph Witham, and great-granddaughter of Milton Witham, a pioneer of White County, Indiana. Mrs. Karr died April 22, 1928, leaving four children. Raymond W. Karr, the eldest these, was educated in the public schools of White County, and graduated from the Central High School, Fort Wayne, and the International Business College. In May, 1918, he entered the United States army, and was first sent to Columbus, Ohio, later to Fort Snelling, Minnesota, then to Camp Devens, Massachusetts, and finally to Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Kentucky, but was not called upon for overseas duty and received his honorable discharge December 7, 1918. In 1917 he had become associated with his father in the American Steel Dredge Company, as secretary and treasurer, and after his military service returned to the company. At the election of officers in 1929 he was made secretary of the company, which position he still retains. He belongs to all bodies of Masonry, including Mizpah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.; and is a member of the Fort Wayne Chamber of Commerce and the Orchard Ridge Country Club. While attending the International Business College he joined the Kappa Alpha Phi, which is now a national fraternity. On April 20, 1927, Mr. Karr married Miss Flora Roehm, of Fort Wayne, and they have one daughter, Joan, born March 31, 1928; Lurena, the second child of James P. Karr, graduated from the Fort Wayne High School and attended the International Business College, and then married Donald Short, by whom she had one child, Donald. She is now the wife of Floyd H. Ake, by whom she has two,children, Wendell H., and Delota H.; Leslie A. Karr, the third child of James P. Karr, is a graduate of the Fort Wayne High School and the International Business College, and is now manager of the shops and a member of the board .of directors of the American Steel Dredge Company. He is a Blue Lodge Mason. He married Hazel Wagner, and they are the parents of four children, Bruce, David, Paul and Geraldine. The youngest child of James P. Karr, Power Witham Karr, is a graduate of the Fort Wayne High School and is now attending Ohio State College, preparing himself for entering the plant of the American Steel Dredge Company. He is a member. of the Kappa Delta Rho fraternity.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
JAMES O. GROVE, D. C. It not infrequently happens that what at the time seems an incurable calamity later turns out, in reality, to be a matter of great beneficence, particularly in the turning-point in an individual's career. Perhaps if he had not been severely injured while carrying on his regular business as the operator of grain elevators, Dr. James O. Grove would have continued in that line of business all of his life and would never have enjoyed the success that he now possesses as one of the leading chiropractors of Fort Wayne, and president of the Indiana Chiropractic Association.
Doctor Grove was born at Thornville, Ohio, March 29, l874, a member of an old and honored family of that state, which has contributed many men of prominence to agriculture, business, the professions and public life. He attended the local public school at Thornville and the high school at Versailles, Ohio, following which he became connected with a wholesale and retail grain business at Geneva, Indiana. After about one year he moved to Huntertown, Indiana, where he established the first elevator of the place, and continued in business there for five years, then going to Lagrange, Indiana, where he founded the Home Grain Company, with which he was identified when he was severely injured in an accident in 1909. It was while he was recovering from this injury that the new science of chiropractic was brought to his attention. He soon became a devotee thereof, and after some preliminary work enrolled as a student at the Michigan Chiropractic College, Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he pursued a full course and was graduated as a member of the class of 1912, receiving the degree of Doctor of Chiropractic. On March 1 of that year he opened an office at Fort Wayne, where he has since been engaged in the successful practice of his profession, at 221 West Wayne Street. It was not long after his arrival that he became recognized as a man of reliability and marked professional skill. Several complicated cases of long standing which had not responded to treatment by doctors of other schools were placed in his hands, and his success in their cure had beneficial results. He now has a large and representative practice and occupies a high place in his profession, witnessed by the fact that he is serving his third year as president of the Indiana Chiropractic Association. He also belongs to the other organizations of his calling and is a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason, a member of Sol D. Bates Lodge, A. F. and A. M., of Fort Wayne, the Chapter and Council of Masonry, and Mizpah Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. He has not been a seeker for public preferment, but has always heartily and generously supported all movements for the public welfare and has proved himself a loyal and constructive citizen of his adopted community.
On March 3, 1903, Doctor Grove was united in marriage with Miss Beryl Glazier, of Huntertown, Indiana, a member of an old and honored family of that name in this county, and to this union there have been born the following children: Doris M., born September 1, 1905, a graduate of Central High School, Fort Wayne, and of Oberlin (Ohio) College, where she specialized in kindergarten work, and taught in the public schools of Fort Wayne until her marriage to Clifford Theibolt, of this city; James 0., Jr., born in September, 1910, who is attending the Central High School; C1ark G., born in February, 1913, also a high school student; and Leah Margaret, born December 23, 1916. who is also attending the Central High School.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
CLARENCE ALLEN MUMMART, A. M., S. T. M., Ph. D. Among the men who have contributed materially to the educational and moral progress of Indiana, few are held in greater reverence and esteem than Clarence Allen Mummart, president of Huntington College. A product of the agricultural districts, at an early age he dedicated his life to the ministry and to educational labors, and during a long and honorable career, crowded with good and kindly works, he has risen steadily in position and public confidence, until today his position is secure as one of the great spiritual teachers of his state and country.
Dr. Clarence Allen Mummart was born near Welsh Run, in Franklin County, Pennsylvania, July 14, 1874, and is a son of William L. and Catherine A. (Kerfoot) Mummart, and a grandson of Daniel L. Mummart, a native of the same county. William L. Mummart was born in Franklin County, May 10, 1849, and passed his entire life in that community, being engaged in agricultural pursuits on a property near the little community known as Welsh Run. He married Catherine A. Kerfoot, who was born in what is now West Virginia, but reared in Pennsylvania, and they became the parents of nine children, of whom Clarence Allen was the first born, and of whom seven are still living.
Clarence Allen Mummart spent his early life on the farm and secured but few educational advantages until he was seventeen years of age, at which time he was allowed to attend district school. So receptive was his mind, so deep his passion for learning, and so remarkable his powers of assimilating and retaining knowledge, that he soon was teaching school himself in his home district, and continued to be thus engaged until 1897, attending Cumberland Valley State Normal School at Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, during the spring months. He entered the ministry in 1897 holding pastorates in Pennsylvania until 1903, at which time he entered Huntington College as a student. During this time, 1901-1903, he taught public school in connection with his pastoral duties. He received a preacher's normal diploma from Huntington (Indiana) College in 1905; a teacher's normal diploma in 1906; the degree of Bachelor of Art in 1907; that of Bachelor of Divinity in 1908; Master of Arts, 1909; and Doctor of Divinity, 1912. He studied at the University of Michigan one quarter in 1908. He received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy from Oskaloosa (Iowa) College, class of 1913; and in 1925 received the degree of Master of Sacred Theology.
In 1901 Doctor Mummart was ordained to the ministry of the United Brethren Church, and for twelve years held various pastorates in Pennsylvania, Indiana and Ohio. He was presiding elder from 1905 to 1908 and from 1910 to 1912; editor of the Christian Conservator, of Huntington, from 1909 to 1911 and from 1912 to 1920; head of the department of theology, Huntington College, from 1911 to 1917 and from 1919 to 1920; president of Huntington College from 1912 to 1915 and since 1925; and bishop of the United Brethren Church from 1921 to 1925. During the year 1920-1921 he was superintendent of schools at La Center, Kentucky.
On March 10, 1896, Doctor Mummart was united in marriage with Miss Lillie May Zimmerman, of Welsh Run, Pennsylvania, and to this union there have been born four children: Cletus Byron, born May 6, 1897, served in the United States Medical Corps during the World war, graduate of Huntington College and Manchester College, and now a superintendent of public schools in Illinois; Charles Otterbein, born June 6, 1899, who died October 3, 1901; Ethel May, born December 30, 1900, a graduate of Huntington College and Manchester College, now the wife of Herschel Holmes Griffith, a school teacher at Whiting, Indiana, who has four children, Charles, Jane, James and Clarence; and Mary Katharyn, born January 17, 1903, a graduate of Huntington College, now the wife of Russell Evans Griffith, a high school principal at Sheldon, Illinois, who has two children, Russell, Jr., and Clarence.
Central College, now Huntington College, was chartered under the laws of the State of Indiana, September 1, 1897, by the board of education of the Church of United Brethren in Christ (Old Constitution), acting under the advice of the General Conference of said church for the expressed purpose of “the higher education of the young people of said church and others." An historical sketch of Huntington College, published in several bulletins of the college, represented the college as directly connected with the history of Hartsville College, founded at Hartsville, Indiana, 1849, and chartered January 12, 1750, but the records of both institutions do not show this to be the correct history of Huntington College. There is a mistake in the sketch as to the date of the burning of Hartsville College; the time of the building of Central College; and in the statement that Central College was the rebuilding of Hartsville College.
Hartsville College was under the control of a board of trustees separate from the general board of education of the church, although the board of education assisted the Hartsville board financially during the quadrennium just preceding the opening of Central College at Huntington.
The founding of what is now Huntington College was a move on the part of the board of education acting under the General Conference and was started early in 1896, while Hartsville College was still in operation. The last meeting of the board of trustees of Hartsville College was held in the old college library at Hartsville, June 15, 1897, just about three months prior to the opening of school at Central College, and at this meeting there was still some indication that Hartsville College might continue operation at some future time. The following items are taken from the records of this meeting: "A motion was made by R. S. Bowman to suspend operation of the college. A motion was made to amend by adding the words 'as such.' By the consent of the board the question before the house was waived to allow a motion to invite the members of the executive committee and President Baldwin to advisory seats on the board. This motion prevailed. Here the board adjourned. At the next session the unfinished business was taken up and the amendment to the question of suspension was lost. On motion the question was amended by adding the words 'for one year.' The motion as carried."
Upon the recommendation of the President, L. B. Baldwin, the following paper was adopted at the same meeting: “To the General Board of Education of the United Brethren in Christ: The board of trustees of Hartsville College in annual session do hereby request that in case this college is not continued your body make provision whereby those having graduated from the classical and scientific courses in the classes of 1895, 1896, and 1897 may receive in Central College, Huntington, Indiana, at the expiration of their probation, their respective Master's degrees. . . ." Later in this session of June 15, 1897, the following action was taken as per record: "On motion of A. J. Bolen the action of the board ordering the suspension of the college for one year was reconsidered. J. W. Byers moved to amend by adding to the motion 'unless the executive committee can find some suitable person or persons who would run the institution without expense to the church.’ The amendment and the motion as amended was carried." There was no president or faculty elected at this session. This is the last record of the board of trustees of Hartsville College.
The general board of education, elected by the General Conference of 1893, at a meeting held at Dayton, Ohio, July 24, 1894, was presented with a resolution from the board of trustees of Hartsville College, asking the cooperation of the board of education in increasing the efficiency of the college. To this request the board responded by asking the conferences for twenty-five cents per member for the following year; and also, by approving the appointment of Prof. A. P. Barnaby as agent of Hartsville College. At the next meeting of the general board of education, held at Huntington, March 10, 1896, official action was taken toward the founding of Central, now Huntington College, at Huntington. The record shows that at this meeting the secretary of the board of education read a proposition made by the Huntington Land Association; also a reply made to the association by the executive committee, relative to the locating of a college of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ at Huntington. The conditions were agreed upon and arrangements made to proceed with the work. The building was to be completed by June 1, 1897. The record of this meeting of the board of education shows that $1,919.10 had been turned over to the board of trustees of Hartsville College.
The last meeting of the board of education for the quadrennium was held at Dublin, Indiana, May 27, 1897. At this meeting the work of the Huntington enterprise, referring to the new college, was reported as progressing nicely. Eighty-nine of the 102 lots had been sold; the first two payments made to the land association, and the deed for the property secured. The financial report at this meeting showed that during the quadrennium there had been received from the conferences $3,080.41, of which amount $2,627.82 had been turned over to the board of trustees of Hartsville College. The new college located at Huntington, which was started in 1896 and completed in 1897, was named “Central College" because it was centrally located. Central College opened its first term of school September 22, 1897. In May, 1917, the General Conference changed the name to "Huntington College."
The following have served as presidents of Huntington College: Rev. C. H. Kiracofe, A. M., D. D., 1897-1902; Prof. J. H. McMurray, A. M., 1902-05; Prof. T. H. Gragg, M. S., A. M., 1905-1911; Bishop F. L. Hoskins, D. D., 1911-1912; Rev. C. A. Mummart, A. M., Ph. D., 1912-1915; Prof. Clare W. H. Bangs, A. M., 1915-1919; Prof. D. R, Ellabarger, A. M., 1919-1925; and Rev. C. A. Mummart, A. M., S. T. M., Ph. D., 1925 to present. The institution has from the first maintained a high standard of work and, through continued strengthening of courses, equipment and faculty, is offering educational advantages which rank with the best.
The whole educational program of the United Brethren centers in Huntington College, which at this time is at the height of its efficiency. Up to 1914 there was only one building. Now there are five, the original college hall, the heating plant and chemistry laboratory, the gymnasium, the agricultural building and Livingston’s Hall (the girl's dormitory.) There are good chemistry and biological laboratories, and the same may be said of the library, which is well arranged and well equipped. In 1909 the library had been classified and the number of volumes had been increased from about 860 to 1,075. At that time five standard magazines and ten periodicals came regularly to the library. The report to the General Conference of 1929 showed that 7,334 volumes of books and forty-one magazines and newspapers were attainable for perusion.
The buildings, grounds and equipment of the college are valued at $109,108.84. In 1912 Bishop F. L. Hoskins, who was then president of the college, said: "If our people would make this church permanent, let some of the wealthy ones endow Central (now Huntington) College at once. $25,000 would meet our emergencies. We ought to have $50,000." In 1913 President Mummart stated: "We need endowment. It should not seem a wild dream to ask for $50,000 endowment for Central College." The board of trustees at this time authorized the raising of $50,000 and appointed a committee to carry out the plan. There had already been secured $10,000. The report of 1917 shows annuities and endowments amounting to $20,007.69. This did not become a part of the present endowment, but was used for other purposes in developing the institution, or in some cases turned back to the donors. Such appropriation of the funds could be made since the donors had not given the funds directly for endowment. The total of the endowment March 31, 1929, was $121,245.96.
The college is accredited for the regular four-year college work, which gives it the best standing that it ever has had. It now trains teachers for high school work, for professional courses and for other lines of activity. It has a rating with the large universities so that its students can continue their work in the same. Its graduates, who meet the right requirement, secure certificates to teach in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, Kentucky, Virginia, Florida and other states. In case of wanting to do advanced work in a university of learning, or wishing to take a course in medicine, law, dentistry or engineering, its graduates and students who have made good at Huntington are admitted to such universities as Indiana, Ohio State, Michigan, Purdue, Northwestern and others.
The college has a strong faculty. Men and women especially fitted for their work, both by training and experience, are selected. So far as possible the available material from the Church of the United Brethren in Christ is used. Nearly all of the teachers have their Master's degree and some have completed or taken work on the Doctor's degree. The College is now maintaining the best-trained faculty in the history of the institution. The following departments and. courses are now maintained: (1) The College of Arts and Sciences, in which courses may be taken to the degrees of Bachelors of Arts or Science; (2) The School of Education, which is included in the regular college work, preparing students for high school teaching; (3) The Theological Seminary course for college graduates leading to the degree of Bachelor of Divinity; the Theological College course, which is equivalent in requirements to the regular college course, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Theology; the Theological Diploma course, which meets the requirements of the church for the course of study; and the Bible Diploma course for general Christian service; (4) The School of Fine Arts, including music and art. These courses have all been arranged with the purpose of meeting the needs of the students and the church as far as possible.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
FRANK F. ALT is an Indiana manufacturer, founder and president of the Alt Woolen Products Corporation at La Fayette.
Mr. Alt was born in Northwestern Ohio, March 23, 1865. He had a practical education, and grew up with the idea of work as the chief element in the making of a successful career. In 1890 he located at Kokomo, Indiana, and was with a paper manufacturing company. In 1903 he moved to La Fayette, where he continued with the local paper mill.
Out of his experience in paper mills he developed a process for a special line of manufacture, employing the paper mill felts, which are. made of pure virgin wool, and weaving them into rugs, blankets and automobile robes. He perfected this process in 1917, and in 1921 incorporated the Alt Woolen Products Corporation. Mr. Alt is president of the corporation, his son, Cyril J., is secretary and treasurer, and Joseph F. Ford is vice president.
The business is now one of La Fayette's flourishing industries. It manufactures rugs and blankets and other materials, in all sizes and colors and for all purposes, and the products are widely distributed in the wholesale and retail trade. Public institutions are among the largest customers of the plant, and the mail order trade also takes care of considerable volume of business. The plant covers 10,000 square feet of floor space and is equipped with the most modern machinery. Twelve people are employed in this local industry.
Mr. Alt is a member of the La Fayette Chamber of Commerce. He married Miss Clara Zander, who died in 1916, and after her death he married Rose H. Donahue. By his first marriage he has two children. His son, Cyril J., now secretary and treasurer of the company, is a World war veteran, having been an ensign in the United States Navy. The daughter, Hilda M., married Joseph F. Ford, who is vice president of the company.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931