Doctor Klein was born in December, 1875, at Huntingburg, Indiana, and is a son of Charles C. and Anna Mary (Dufendacher) Klein. His father, who was born in Germany, was a young man when he came to the United States in 1860, and for a short time served as a soldier in the Union army during the war between the states. In Germany he had learned the trade of shoemaker, and following the war established a business of his own at Huntingburg, Indiana, where he became a substantial shoe merchant and a reliable citizen. His death occurred in 1919, while his widow, a native of Indiana, survives him at the age of eighty-six years. They were the parents of eight children, of whom three died in infancy, the others being: Lydia, who married S. H. Wulfman, of Huntingburg, and has three children; Florence, who married C. E, Doane, of Boonville, Indiana, and has three children; Dalia, the wife of Dr. C. M. Dowell; Charles H., a contractor and interior decorator of Huntingburg, who married Ella Berger and has three children; and Hilbert P., of this review.
Hilbert P. Klein received his early education in the public schools of Huntingburg, and following his graduation from high school entered Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, where he spent two years. He then entered the Eclectic Medical College, at Cincinnati, Ohio, from which he was graduated with the degree of Doctor of Medicine as a member of the class of 1899, following which he commenced practice at Ferdinand, Indiana, and remained at that place for three years. In 1902 he became interested in the coal business and temporarily gave up his practice to become a local operator, but after five years disposed of his coal interests and resumed his medical practice at Fort Branch, where he has since been in the enjoyment of a large and lucrative professional business. Doctor Klein is thoroughly grounded in all branches of his profession and has specialized along no particular line. He is held in high esteem by his fellow-practitioners, and is a valued member of the Eclectic State Medical Society and the National Eclectic Medical Association. A Republican in his political allegiance, he has not sought political honors, but has kept himself fully abreast of public affairs and developments and since locating at Fort Branch has shown his civic pride and public spirit in a number of ways. He belongs to the Presbyterian Church and is a York Rite Mason.
In 1919, at Rockport, Indiana, Doctor Klein was united in marriage with Miss Beatrice Biggs, daughter of John and Lula Biggs, of Rockport, and to this union there has been born one son: John B., who is attending public school.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
OSCAR ANDERSON. Well known in military, business and social circles at Princeton, Indiana, is Oscar Anderson, of the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Field Artillery, United States Reserve Corps, who is owner and proprietor of the leading drug store and has additional business interests in this city. Mr. Anderson is a veteran of the World war, in which his rapid promotion from a private in the ranks to a captaincy gave evidence of his high personal character and recognition of his military knowledge and soldierly qualities.
Mr. Anderson belongs to a substantial old family of Gibson County, Indiana, and was born at Princeton, August 14, 1895,. only child of Dr. Robert S. and Lizzie (McCoy) Anderson. The latter, a native of Blue Mound, Illinois, still survives. The father of Mr. Anderson died at Princeton, December 22, 1915. He was a very prominent citizen, an eminent citizen widely known in Gibson County, where he was born in 1861, and he was one of the three medical men who promoted and built the Princeton Hospital. Oscar Anderson was reared at Princeton, where he had both social and educational advantages. Upon completing his high school course he spent three years as a student in Wabash College and one year in Culver Military Academy. Then came the World war and January 11, 1917, Cadet Anderson enlisted, as a private, in the Fourth Indiana Infantry. He was stationed at Indianapolis until September, when he was transferred to Hattiesburg, Mississippi, and remained at Camp Shelby until July, 1918, when he was transferred to the Fourth Officers Training Camp at Louisville, Kentucky. In the meanwhile the Fourth Infantry had been transferred to the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Field Artillery, and in August, 1918, Private Anderson was commissioned a second lieutenant. He was then assigned to the Tenth Division, Tenth Brigade, Thirteenth Regiment, with which he served until his honorable discharge February 1, 1919, as lieutenant.
Upon his return to civilian life Mr. Anderson completed a course in the Embalming School of the University of Indiana, after which he was in the undertaking business at Evansville for three years. He then disposed of his interests there and returned to Princeton and bought his present drug store, which he is conducting in the same vigorous thoroughness that has always been characteristic of all that he has undertaken.
He married Georgia Lee Ballard, of Princeton, Indiana, April 28, 1930. Since he cast his first vote he has supported Republican candidates. The Methodist Episcopal Church holds his membership. High in Masonry, he has been advanced in the Scottish Rite and Shrine. In addition he belongs to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and the Country Club. For several years he has served on the Armory Board, and he is now its president. In addition to his drug store he is a stockholder in several local concerns.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
HON. GEORGE W. DONALDSON, who died December 29, 1929, was a lifelong resident of Knox County and for nearly half a century had been closely identified with business, financial and political affairs. He conceived the idea which later formed into the Federal Reserve System and made several speeches in its behalf. He was a close friend of Thomas Marshall, who became the father of the Federal Reserve System which is in effect today. Mr. Donaldson lived a fearless, hopeful and conscientious life, and the record of his career is vital with meaning to all who knew him.
He was born on a farm near Wheatland, Knox County, February 11, 1856, son of Winthrop F. and Jency Ann Donaldson. His father was born in Scotland and on coming to America settled on a farm in Knox County. George W. Donaldson was one of the four children of his parents. After his mother’s death his father married Susan Staley, and there were also four children by this union.
His early life spent as a farmer and school teacher, George W. Donaldson became well known to the people of Knox County before his entry into public life, which began in 1888, with his election to the office of county treasurer. He was reelected in 1890. On retiring from office he organized, in 1893, the Second National Bank, and was its president for twelve years. He resigned on account of ill health in 1905 and after a year of rest returned to business as a member of Robinson-Donaldson Buggy Company. For fifteen years he was its vice president. For thirty-five years Mr. Donaldson was treasurer of the People's Building & Loan Association of Vincennes, resigning that office shortly before his death.
In 1922 he was elected county auditor and was reelected in 1926. He held this position until his death, and as a mark of respect for his official standing all the county offices were closed on the day of his funeral. He also served three years as a member of the Vincennes Board of Public Works. In Masonry he was affiliated with the lodge at Bicknell, the Royal Arch Chapter, Council and Knights Templar Commandery at Vincennes and the Scottish Rite Consistory at Indianapolis. He was a member of the Harmony Society, and for four years was president of the Chamber of Commerce. In politics he was a Democrat.
Mr. Donaldson married, September 8,1878, Miss Sarah A. Gilmore, of Knox County. She and four children survive. The oldest daughter, Myrtle, is the wife of Robert N. Foulks, of Indianapolis, and has a daughter, Mary Alice. Bessie is the wife of James Byron Blair, of Lynn, Indiana, and has two sons, and Donald and William Kelly. Madie is married to Bert C. Fuller, of Indianapolis, and has a son, George E. Fuller. The only son, George Raymond Donaldson, lives with his mother at Vincennes, is married and has a son, George R., Jr.
To supplement this brief account of experiences, accomplishments and public and business services of Mr. Donaldson are the even more significant facts brought out in the following editorial published at the time of his death:
”The passing of George W. Donaldson after a brave fight for his life is another example of eminent men of this community whose public careers are an eloquent sermon pointing the way to honorable success and distinction.
”He was never brilliant or daring in his pursuits for the rewards of service in business and politics, but ever possessed courage and persistancy and by his devotion to duty, his industry, his good common sense and honesty he was enabled to steadily ascend the ladder of success.
”We hear much these days about the right kind of literature for 'the new boy,' who does not take any interest in the tales of Indians and pirates. Therefore, the written and unrecorded stories of poor, plain boys who have achieved success as citizens and become factors in the industrial and political spheres of a community, such as that of George W. Donaldson, are examples for the rising generation - as well as the rest of us - to contemplate and profit thereby. Such lives restore a sense of proportion, of true values, of the things that give real meaning to life and rob death of its victory.
”Mr. Donaldson was a man of gentle disposition and although suffering for years, he bore his illness with remarkable fortitude, never complaining. He was recognized as a faithful and efficient official in the discharge of the duties imposed upon him during his term as an elected officer and in his association with business men lived up to the golden rule: “Do unto others as you would they do unto you.”
”His religious connections were with the First Christian Church and for many years he was a faithful member of the official board of that congregation. Amidst its associations he spent many of the brightest and happiest hours of his life. His familiar figure will be seen no more in the offices at the Knox County Courthouse, nor upon the streets of the city he loved so well, and he will be missed by all who knew him."
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
MARTIN FREDERICK WORTHMAN, city superintendent of schools at Decatur, was born in Adams County, and at an early age found his life work and vocation in the field of education. He has been connected with the Decatur schools for over twenty years.
Mr. Worthman was born in Preble Township, Adams County, Indiana, April 20, 1883. His Worthman ancestors came from Lienen, Kreis Tecklenburg, Westphalia, Germany, where they had lived for generations. His grandfather, Ernest Worthman, was born in that locality of Germany and after his marriage came to America, making the passage across the ocean on a sailing vessel that took fourteen weeks from the German port to New Orleans. He first went to Cincinnati, crossed the country by wagon to Fort Wayne and in 1855 settled in Adams County, where he paid five hundred dollars for eighty acres of unimproved land. During the next eight years his time and energies were fully consumed in clearing away the woods, putting part of the land under cultivation and establishing a comfortable home for his family. He was called from the farm in 1864 when drafted for service in the Union army, and after reaching the camp at Indianapolis was stricken with an illness from which he passed away, leaving his widow and a large family of children, comprising three sons and three daughters.
Lewis Worthman, father of Professor Worthman, was born on the old homestead in Adams County in 1860 and is now in his seventieth year. He was a small boy when his father died and in after years he bought the old home and has been not only a successful farmer but a very substantial citizen in every other way. He is a Democrat in politics and all the members of the family belong to the Reformed Church. Lewis Worthman married Miss Sophia Bloemker, who was born in Adams County in 1861 and passed away November 15, 1915. Of their eleven children Martin F. was the oldest. Three are now deceased. Of those that grew up, two became ministers of the Gospel, two teachers, and the others farmers. The two ministers are Rev. Edward and Rev. Mathew, both of whom graduated from the Mission House College at Plymouth, Wisconsin, and then entered the ministry of the Reformed Church.
Martin F. Worthman while a boy on the home farm attended country schools in Preble Township and completed his high school work in the Marion Academy in 1901. He took the standard four year course in the Indiana State Normal College at Terre Haute, graduating in 1911. Mr. Worthman has the natural tendencies and habits of the student, and in the course of his long experience as a school man has constantly broadened his knowledge. He has done a great deal of post-graduate work at the University of Chicago. He began teaching in a country school in Washington Township, in 1902, later taught in his home township, and for a short time was principal of a village school at Clarkshill, Tennessee. His first work in the Decatur schools was as principal of the West Ward School. He took charge of that school in 1908, and in 1909 was made principal of the grammar grades in the Central School Building. In 1911 he became teacher of mathematics in the Decatur High School, and in 1912 was promoted to high school principal. He succeeded Mr. C. E. Spaulding as superintendent of schools of Decatur in 1916. Decatur, like other progressive Indiana cities, has greatly expanded its school plant and carried out a general reorganization of its school facilities in the past twelve or thirteen years, and in that work Mr. Worthman has proved invaluable through his long experience in school administration and as a practical business man. Mr. Worthman votes the Democratic ticket and affiliated with the Masonic fraternity, being a thirty-second degree Scottish Rite Mason, also a member of the Knights of Pythias. He and his family are members of the Reformed Church. He married Miss Lydia Fruechte, who was born and reared in Preble Township of Adams County, daughter of Henry Fruechte, a farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Worthman have three children, Mildred Susanna, Lillian Sophia and Robert Kenneth. Mildred is attending the Ball Teachers College, taking a course in applied music, and the younger daughter, Lillian, is completing a nurses training course in Indiana University Hospitals at Indianapolis. The son, Robert, born in 1920, is in the sixth grade of the Decatur public schools.
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By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
ALBERT W. FUNKHOUSER has exemplified many fine abilities and has rendered many distinguished services while a member of the Evansville bar. He has been a public official, is a banker and business man, and a citizen of exalted patriotism. He was the father of two of Indiana's favorite sons who gave up their lives as supreme sacrifices during the World war.
Albert W. Funkhouser was born in Harrison County, Indiana, October 4, 1863, son of Jacob and Mary L. (Winder) Funkhouser. He is a descendant of John Funkhouser, who came from Switzerland, about 1700. John Funkhouser was the father of Christian Funkhouser and was the grandfather of Moses Funkhouser, who was born in Shenandoah County, Virginia, in 1794, and at the age of seventeen took part in the famous battle of Tippecanoe, when General Harrison destroyed the power of the Indian confederacy in Northern Indiana. Moses Funkhouser was the grandfather of Albert W, Funkhouser.
Jacob Funkhouser was born in Harrison County, Indiana, June 21,1821, and had the advantages of pioneer schools and spent all his active life as a farmer. He was a very devout Methodist. His wife, Mary L. Winder, was also born in Harrison County. They reared a family of seven children: James L., who died at the age of eighty-two, Zachary T., who died at the age of sixty-five, Hugh C., born in 1854 and died November 10, 1929, William H., born in 1857, Laura E., who died at the age of forty-one, Albert W., and Arthur F., born in 1866. James L. graduated from Hartsville College, was professor of Latin and Greek in that institution from 1874 to 1886, later entered the Methodist ministry, and retired fifteen years ago, spending his last years at Hartsville, where he died in November, 1927. In his will he bequeathed six thousand dollars to the Methodist Church and also deeded his home to the church. The son, Zachary T., was a graduate of Hartsville College, a doctor of dentistry, and practiced at Columbus, Indiana, and twenty-five years in Evansville. He left a son, Albert T., also a dentist. Hugh C. Funkhouser graduated from Hartsville College, and was in the insurance business until he retired five years ago. His son, William Delbert, is a widely know scientist, an entomologist. William H. Funkhouser graduated from Hartsville College and is a retired physician at Evansville, and has never married. Laura E. married Frank Turner, in the grain business, and their two children are Claud, a banker at Sweetzer, Indiana, and Mary, wife of Harry Duerstalk, connected with the Western Union Company at Fort Wayne. Arthur F. Funkhouser graduated from the law department of DePauw University in 1888, served as prosecuting attorney at Cannelton, and for thirty-five years has been associated with his brother Albert in the practice of law. He is a director of the Howell State Bank and of the Central Union Bank.
Albert W. Funkhouser attended country schools in Harrison County and was graduated with the A. B. degree from DePauw University in 1885. He studied law in the office of Robert J. Tracewille at Corydon, and shortly afterward was elected prosecuting attorney, while in 1888 his partner was chosen a member of Congress and afterwards was for seventeen years comptroller of the United States Treasury by appointment of President McKinley. In 1888 Mr. Funkhouser began practice alone, and in 1891 joined his brother in practice at Evansville. He was city attorney of Evansville for five years, from 1901 to 1906. Mr. Funkhouser is a director of the Mercantile Commercial Bank, the Indiana Trust & Savings Bank, is vice president of the Owensboro City Railroad Company, director of the Evansville, Ohio, Valley Railway Company, and is chairman of the board of directors of Evans Hall. In politics he is a Republican, is chairman of the board of trustees of the Bayard Court Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Funkhouser has long been prominent in the Masonic fraternity and was grand master of the State of Indiana in 1925-26, and in September, 1928, at Atlantic City, was given the supreme honorary thirty-third degree in Scottish Rite Masonry. He is a trustee of the Indiana Masonic Franklin Home, at Franklin, Indiana.
He married at Leavenworth, Indiana, January 21, 1891, Miss Alta Craig, who is a graduate of the University of Indiana. She is a daughter of Robert M. and Sarah (Breeden) Craig, both natives of Harrison County. Her father was a captain in the Union army. Mr. And Mrs. Funkhouser had a family of six children, and four grew to mature years: Albert Craig, born March 23, 1893, Paul Taylor, born February 21, 1895, Alta, born November 27, 1900, and Ruth, born November 15, 1907. Ruth graduated with the A. B. degree from the University of Indiana in 1927, and from the University of Illinois, and is assistant librarian of the Evansville Public Library. Alta is an A. B. graduate of the University of Indiana, spent one year in the New York Library School, and is the wife of Hubert Arnold, district manager for the Remington-Rand Company, Incorporated.
In the Superior Court room at Evansville a tablet is dedicated to members of the Vanderburg County bar who volunteered their services to their country in the World war, containing thirteen names, and at the head of the list the one Gold Star member is that of Albert C. Funkhouser. Albert C. Funkhouser was born at Leavenworth, Indiana, March 23, 1893, attended the Evansville High School and DePauw University, and was admitted to the bar November 14, 1914. He practiced two years and on April 17, 1917, applied for admission to the Signal Corps of the Aviation School, and a few days later to the First Officers Training Camp at Fort Harrison. Subsequently he volunteered and was with the motor truck company until sent to Camp Bowie at Fort Worth, October 17, 1917. On April 19, 1918, he graduated from the Third Officers Training Camp, was commissioned a second lieutenant May 18, and on September 25, 1918, was assigned to Company B of the 144th Infantry. He embarked for France July 17, 1918, was graduated September 21 from the First Corps Training School at Gondrecourt, and on October 27 was commissioned first lieutenant. He was in the Thirty-sixth Division, bridged with the Fourth French Army, under General Gouraud, and participated in the great Champagne advance from October 6 to October 28, and subsequently in the Meuse Argonne. In a brilliant movement on the night of October 6-7, which brought a citation to the Thirty-sixth Division, Lieutenant Funkhouser was wounded in the right knee and in the right hand, but continued in action. He was awarded the Croix de Guerre by the French Republic for gallantry. On May 25, 1919, he embarked from Brest in charge of a casual company, landed at Newport News June 9, 1919, ill of lobular pneumonia, and died June 15, 1919, at the Embarkation Hospital, Camp Stewart, from the combined effects of pneumonia and poisonous gas inhaled on the battlefield. He was buried with full military honors in Oak Hill Cemetery, Evansville, June 19, 1919.
He was the second occasion of bereavement for the City of Evansville and the Funkhouser family. His younger brother, Paul Taylor Funkhouser, had been killed in action October 20, 1918. Paul Taylor Funkhouser was born February 21, 1895, at. Leavenworth, Indiana, attended the Evansville High School, was a student in Northwestern University in 1915-16, and in the Law School of Indiana University in 1916-17. He was chosen a member of the Indiana All-Star High School Foot Ball Team for 1915.
Paul Taylor Funkhouser entered the First Officers Training Camp at Fort Benjamin Harrison, May 12, 1917, being discharged August 14, 1917, to accept commission as second lieutenant in the Infantry Officers Reserve Corps, and on August 27, 1917, was assigned to Company C, Fifty-ninth United States Infantry, Third Division. On January 5, 1918, while at Camp Greene, he was assigned to Company B, Seventh Machine Gun Battalion, Third Division, and proceeded with the battalion to Camp Merritt, March 25, 1918, embarking April 1, 1918. He arrived at Liverpool April 11, reached LeHavre April 15, and on May 30 was ordered to Chateau-Thierry. He remained with the Seventh Machine Gun Battalion continuously during his entire military service in France, participating at Chateau-Thierry, in the Marne offensive and in the St. Mihiel and Meuse Argonne campaigns. He was killed in action in Clire- Chenes Woods while leading an attack on Hill No. 299, October 20, 1918, after having captured the enemy machine guns and at his own request having been assigned to lead Lieutenant Wood's Platoon after that officer had been wounded. In this action every commissioned officer of Company B except Lieutenant Hose was killed or wounded. This was the last action in which the battalion was engaged.
Lieutenant Funkhouser was cited for gallantry - "Kept up liaison with infantry under heavy shell fire," by Major General Robert L. Howze.
Funkhouser Post No.8 of the American Legion at Evansville is named in honor of Lieutenants Albert C. and Paul T. Funkhouser.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931
THE WILLARD LIBRARY, one of the most interesting of the institutions expressing the will and purpose of a wealthy Indiana citizen to contribute something permanent to the culture and education of the state was given to the City of Evansville by Willard Carpenter. In 1876 he conveyed to trustees selected by himself property estimated to be worth at that time $400,000. The building was to be located on a tract known as Carpenter's field, the remainder of the tract to be forever kept as a public park. The first board of trustees consisted of Thomas E. Garvin, Alexander Gilchrist, Henry F. Blount, John Laval, Matthew Henning and Charles H. Butterfield.
The foundation of the building was constructed in 1877, but financial troubles interfered with further work until 1882. The building was completed in the fall of 1884, and the library was opened March 28, 1885, more than a year after the death of Mr. Carpenter.
The library has been in continuous operation since its opening. Its circulation has grown with the growth of the city, the number of books distributed last year being 103,703. The library contains 67,263 volumes.
As a reference library the Willard is second to none in this section of the country. The collection contains many valuable old books and many definite editions of great use to students. The library is in possession of almost complete newspaper files since 1843.
The first librarian was Miss Otilda Goslee. Associated with and succeeding her have been Miss Lou Scantlin, Miss Katharine Imbusch, Mrs. Mary Flower and Mrs. George K. Denton.
The members of the present board are S. G. Evans, A. J. Veneman, D. H. Ortmeyer, S. M. Rutherford, Mrs. James T. Cutler and Mrs. George K. Denton.
The present library staff comprises Mrs. George K. Denton, Miss Mary Gertrude Veneman, Miss Mary Smythe and Miss Mary Van Cleve.
Mrs. George K. Denton, librarian, was born in Boston, is a graduate of Boston University, and married Mr. George K. Denton, former member of Congress from the First Indiana District. Mrs. Denton has two children: Winfield K., an Evansville attorney, is married and has a daughter, Bethia; and Helen is Mrs. George Allen, of Evansville, and mother of two children, Glenn and Linda Mae.
Miss Katharine Imbusch, who has been connected with the Willard Library at Evansville since 1893, was born in that city. She grew up and acquired her schooling in Evansville, and in 1893 became a member of the staff of the Willard Library, and was librarian from November, 1921, until her death, December 8, 1930.
By Charles Roll, A.M.
The Lewis Publishing Company, 1931