Joseph H. Lochard was born October 22, l810, in Cumberland county,Pa. His Father, James Lochard, was a Revolutionary soldier, of Scotch birth. After the was he came to Penn., and there married Mary Hicks(or Heicks), daughter of George Hicks, who was a large land owner in Cumberland county; he was bitterly opposed to the match, an the young people eloped and were married. Several children were born of this marriage, the youngest of whom was the subject of this sketch. The father emigrated, with his family, to Indiana in 1810, and settled on the site of Brooksburg, on the Ohio river, in Jefferson county. He died shortly afterward-about 1815 - and was buried near the mouth of Locust creek, Kentucky. This left the family dependent on the mother and themselves. The mother, who was an invalid, suffering severely with sick headache, died a few years after the father,leaving the family in a strange, wild land withou any parental protection or guidance.
(I have found her in the 1820 IN. census with 8 children all under the age of 25. 5 boys and 3 girls) In his boyhood the subject of this sketch was bound to Mr. James McCarty. During this time clothing and shoes were hard to procure, and the boy was compelled to dress in the summer in a tow linen shirt as his entire suit, always barefooted--often he would be barefooted until midwinter. When he first went to Mr. McCarty's his clothing was so sretched that Mrs. McCarty afterward Mrs. Stewart--pitied him so much that she made his first pair of pants from a large linen apron of her own. Unon the death of Mr. McCarty the boy returned home, and being vey desirous of procurring an education, he went to a Mr. Simmons, who was teaching a subscription school in the neighborhood, and bargained with him for a winter's schooling, for which he paid with beans. During this winter he found that he must have a slate in order to succeed with his studies, and how to get it without money was a problem of
considerable trouble to study; after a time he procured work for a day from a neighbor, for which he received one bushel of corn in payment, then he worked another day for the use of a horse, and took his bushel of corn to mill, and had it ground, and then he carried it to Madison(7 miles) and sold the corn-meal for eighteen and three-fourth cents and with that purchased a slate. He studied at night by the light of burning hickory bark, and thus got a little information which was of very great value to him in after life. He was first married when only eighteen years old, on the l8th of June, l829, to Miss Nancy Bear, who was born April 5, 1815 , and died August l5, 1844. There were three children from this union who were reared to maturity; Vilitta, Solomon B. and Sarah E. Just before this marriage he worked for three months for the sum of twelve dollars, with which he bought clothing at Madison, paying prices for it which would now be considered enormous..
When first married he made the furniture for his cabin himself. The bedstead was made aby boring holes in the house logs for one end of the rails and setting up posts for the other end of the rails; the rails were made of sapling poles cut in the woods, and the ends dressed down with the axe to a size to fit the holes inthe house logs and in the posts; then across these poles, for a bottom for the bed, placed smaller poles. The chairs or stools were made by splitting logs of a proper diameter and hewing one side smoothly, then boring holes through the slab he but legs to them. About this time he began to chop cordwood for steamboat use. The first winter was spent in chopping wood for a very pious onld man, who prayed much. He let his account stand open, not drawing any wages until the last of the wood was cut and delivered at Madison; then he found that the old man had overdrawn his account and not a cent could be collected for his winter's work. With the
money from this wood he had hoped to get a horse and some other property of which he was sadly in need.He continued to chop wood, and in the course of a few years he moved to Kentucky, wher he owned an interest in a wood yard. From there he returned to Jefferson county, Ind., again in 1840, and settled in the place now known as Manville, where he engaged in a grocery store; his beginning was on a small scale. A few years later he built a business house in that place, known as Lochard's Store, where he continued to do business untio 1866, when he removed his store to Canaan, Shelby township(his store was formerly in Milton township), where he continued in business until 1878, whn he sold out his two sons, S. B. and C. H. Lochard. From this time he only engaged in his private business, assisting his sons by advice in their store until March 22, 1887, when he died. Mr. Lochard was three times married; his second wife was Phoebe Sherman, who
had before married George Bear. She was born on the 23rd of June,1819, and died May 18,1875. There was born one son, Cyrus H., who attained majority, by this marriage. His third marriage was to Anna M. Wick, who survived his about one year. Mr. Lochard served as justice of the peace for about fourteen years; in his younger days he flatboated on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. He was a prominent Mason. Mr. Lochard was emphatically a selfmade man, coming in his old age to a position of ease and affluence; having started in early life in wast, by industry, energy and preseverance and strict application to business, overcame all obstacles and made himself a success in life as a business man, and in an old age enjoyed the fruits of his labors. He acquired quite a fortune in money and stock.
" Biographical and Historical Souvenir of The Counties of Clark, Crawford, Harrison, Floyd, Jefferson Jennings Scott and Washington Indiana 1889."
Submitted by: Joseph Lochard