Wm. Freeman married Mrs. Rachel McNancy, whose father, Nathan Smith, was a native of North Carolina. This was his second marriage and James B. was its only issue.
James B. Freeman was left fatherless in his infancy. His mother being left in humble circumstances was not able to provide her son with other than very meager educational advantages. She died when he was but seventeen years of age and from that date
he was thrown entirely upon his own resources. He sought work upon the farm and went to school as he could afford it, till he became able to secure a teacher's license, when he taught one term of school in Lost River Township.
At this time the Civil War came on and prompted by a spirit of loyalty, he tendered his services in defense of the Union. In July 1861, Mr. Freeman enlisted in Company "I" 24th Indiana Volunteer Infantry as a sergeant with Capt. McGuffin, Colonel Alvin P. Hovey's regiment. The regiment rendezvoused at Vincennes and was ordered from there to Camp Jesse, St. Louis, thence to Jefferson City, and on to Sedalia, Mo., then to Georgetown. From that point the regiment went to Tipton, Mo., with Gen. Fremont to Springfield in that place Gen. Fremont was relieved and Gen. Hunter given command.
The command returned to Tipton, thence to Sedalia, and there guarded prisoners captured by Gen. Jeff. C. Davis. Their next movement
was to St. Louis, through Otterville, thence to Ft. Donaldson, and to Ft. Henry. The regiment then passed up the Tennessee River to Crump's Landing and was assigned to Gen. Lew Wallace's Division, which was ordered on the morning of the 6th of April to the Shiloh battlefield. They reached the battle ground at sundown of that day and participated in the second day's fight. Supported the besieging advance at Corinth, was ordered to Memphis via Purdy and Summersville and then up White River for the purpose of joining Curtis. It was then ordered back to Helena where it remained till March, 1863, when it was moved south to engage in the manoeuvres about Vicksburg. The troops were landed at Milliken's Bend in April and were marched around opposite to and below Vicksburg, to Louisville, striking the river at Perkins' plantation. By boat they then went to Grand Gulf and there had a six hour artillery duel with a Rebel land battery in an effort to silence it,
and failing, the flotilla was dropped down the river to Bruinsburg where Gen. Grant ordered a landing and Mr. Freeman's company was the second to touch ground. The landing was covered, four days' rations were drawn and the command moved out and at daylight it was fighting the Rebels at Port Gibson, drove them off the field and took possession of the town. The army then went on toward Raymond, took it, filed to the left and on May 16, fought the battle of Champion Hill. This engagement lasted from ten a.m. to four p.m., many prisoners were taken and the batteries on the hill secured. The 24th Indiana lost 201 out of 500 men and remained on the field after the battle, Company I, aiding in burying the dead. Mr. Freeman was put in charge of 100 men to gather up the arms and other similar property belonging to the government.
The command followed up the enemy across Black River and up to their fortifications at Vicksburg, which was charged on the 22nd of
the month without success. Siege was then laid to the city and it was captured July 4, 1863.
That campaign was the hardest through which Mr. Freeman passed. He was under marching orders for eighty-five days, and fifty-five of them he was under fire.
After the closed of the Vicksburg campaign the 24th aided in the capture of Jackson, returned to Vicksburg and rested a few days, and was then ordered to Port Hudson, to new Orleans, thence to Algiers, and to Brazier City and back through Louisiana to Opelousas, New Iberia and back to Berwick City and to New Orleans. Mr. Freeman was then transferred to Company K, of the 11th Indiana and sent across Lake Ponchartrain to Madisonville and was there transferred to Company C, of the 81st Ohio. He returned to New Orleans and Algiers at which latter place he was transferred to Verner's Battalion but was in that command but two months when he was returned to his own Company. Soon after this he left
Baton Rouge for Indianapolis where he was discharged Ag. 17, 1864 and he reached Shoals the next day.
Mr. Freeman had saved up about $300 and with that he joined a comrade and together they opened a small store at Waggoner's Hill, this county, but ran it only two years when they moved to Hillham in Dubois County and there did a large and paying business for nine years, laying the foundation of a modest fortune. Mr. Freeman then came to Shoals with which town he has been identified most prominently. He has erected a number of buildings here, store-rooms, residences and a mill and has maintained a business place here all these years.
Mr. Freeman was first married on March 22, 1866 to Mary E. McCarrell. The children of this marriage were: Isota, wife of O.M. Wallace, of Cairo, Ill.; Rachel, wife of J.M. Huff, reading clerk of the Indiana State Senate; Ellsworth, deceased and Stella.
Mr. Freeman's present wife was Ida Cunningham,
a daughter of John Price, of an old family, and an old stage man. He married a relative of a southern lady.
In politics Mr. Freeman is one of the most ardent Republicans to be found. He never fails in prominently identifying himself with every campaign of importance and in 1884 was chairman of the Martin County Central Committee; was Vice Chairman through the campaign of 1896, and to his labors was largely due the success attending the "big meetings" at Shoals.
Mr. Freeman has passed all the chairs in the Masonic Blue Lodge, and has been King, Scribe and Treasurer of the Chapter. He is also a charter member of the G.A.R. here, and was its first Quarter Master, and has been four times elected by acclamation its Senior Vice Commander, and is chairman of Lincoln League.
Pages 36-38, "Living Leaders An Encyclopedia of Biography. Special Edition. Daviess and Martin Counties, Indiana" American Publishing Company, 1897
O.L. STILES, Trustee of Halbert Township, Martin County, was born in Guernsey County, O., November 22, 1852. He is descended from the Stiles of the Old Bay State, his grandfather, Jonathan Stiles, being born in that State. He emigrated to Ohio before the Indians were driven from that State and even participated in the wars that followed white invasion of the country west of the Alleghanies [sic], besides being in the Federal armies our second war with England. His son Lewis, born 71 year ago, in that locality, is the father of our subject. He came to Indiana and to Martin County in 1864 and died here in April of 1892. He was a farmer in moderate circumstances, was a Democrat but no politician. He married Susana Barnes, who bore him: Susana, O.L., Harlan, Byron, Lewis, George, Lucinda and Viola.
O.L. Stiles was confronted in his youth with the same conditions experienced by a majority of the youth of the country, long hours for work and short hours
for school. He remained loyal to his father and left his fireside only when he married and became the head of a family of his own. October 19, 1876, he took for his wife Annie Mertz, daughter of Frank Mertz, a Frenchman. They located upon a farm near the town of Shoals and resided in the country till 1888, when he disposed of his surplus stock and became a citizen of this place. He plants and tends a crop each year yet, but much of his time is consumed in the proper conduct of the office of Trustee.
Mr. and Mrs. Stiles’ children are: Adelia, Ida, Myrtle, Orville, Bernard and Walter. Mr. Stiles was elected Trustee by the Democrats in November of 1894, and took his office the following August. He is making a faithful and careful officer.
Page 38, "Living Leaders An Encyclopedia of Biography. Special Edition. Daviess and Martin Counties, Indiana" American Publishing Company, 1897
Samuel A. CHENOWETH, ex-County Auditor of Martin County, a prominent citizen of Shoals, and an estimable gentleman is a son of Wilson Chenoweth, a central figure in the commercial and industrial history of Shoals in ante bellum, bellum and post bellum days. The latter was born in Washington County, Indiana in 1827. In 1857 he cast his lot with Martin County people. He was engaged in milling, merchandising and farming near Shoals, becoming a merchant in 1867. He was successful in business, and when he died he left a modest estate to be divided among his children. He was a strong Union man during the war and gave aid and comfort to the friends and defenders of the flag at every opportunity. He was a son of Joseph Chenoweth of Kentucky stock, who died in Washington County, Indiana about 1882, aged 85 years. Wilson Chenoweth married Mary, a daughter of James McIntosh, of Scotch extraction. Mrs. Chenoweth has been a widow thirteen years, and is
enjoying her last years in the society of her children, viz.: John A., Daniel A., Samuel A., and Laura (wife of Charles A. Gorsuch).
Samuel A. Chenoweth was born in Washington County, Indiana March 13, 1856. His boyhood was spent in Shoals, and his education finished in the State University of Indiana, having reached the junior year in that institution, when he was forced to cease his studies for lack of funds. He engaged in farming, at which he succeeded, and in the course of time drifted into buying and shipping horses and mules. To this latter business he is especially adapted. He is a natural trader, being the possessor of the most unique and at the same time honest methods for driving a good bargain. His judgment regarding the value of a horse is as good as the best. His earnings in this business have been such as to enable him to own two of the best bottom farms in Martin County.
Mr. Chenoweth became interested in politics in 1884,
when he was named by the Republican party for the office of Township Trustee. His election to this office in a Democratic township by a majority of 91 votes was a compliment to his popularity and integrity as a citizen. His first term was filled with such efficiency as to secure a re-election in 1886. He was nominated in 1888 for County Auditor, and was defeated, but in 1892 he was again made the Republican candidate for this office, and was this time elected by a plurality of 139 votes. He succeeded Philip McGovern, and made one of the most efficient officers the county ever had. His service merited the gratitude of all, and he retired to private life with the confidence of his party and his people. In 1884 and 1888 Mr. Chenoweth was chairman of the Republican Central Committee of this county.
September 4, 1889, Mr. Chenoweth married Susan B., a daughter of Dr. J.C.L. Campbell, of Loogootee, Indiana. The children of this
union are: Ida A., Laura A., Wilson, and Enslie C.
Mr. Chenoweth has passed the chairs in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, at Shoals, and is a Master Mason. In matters of public affair Mr. Chenoweth associates himself with the side of progress and liberality yet not to the point of extravagance, and no meritorious cause appeals to him and leaves his presence without a courteous hearing. He is economical in the administration of his private affairs, but by no means to the extent of parsimony. Socially, he is genial and affable, and possesses a warm and sympathetic nature for those in affliction.
Pages 33-34, "Living Leaders An Encyclopedia of Biography. Special Edition. Daviess and Martin Counties, Indiana" American Publishing Company, 1897
BRAMBLE, Levin (Eleven), his wife Mary Harriett AVERY and family arrived from Kentucky in 1829. They settled at Mount Pleasant. Bramble became a skilled craftsman in making furniture. He had a workshop in his home. He was also a talented fiddle player and singer. He was the chief entertainer at social gatherings. Thomas E., one of his sons, was also a skilled craftsman. He married Theresa (Treacy) A. WILLIAMS in 1836. Their 10 children were: Sarah Ann (m. Thomas E. JONES), James (m. Eliza Ann, sister of Thomas E. JONES), Harriet (m. James Hillary JONES, brother of Thomas E. JONES), Nancy (m. RRior CLEMENTS), Mary (m. Marion HALBERT), Thomas (m. Sarah SHIRCLIFF), Treacy, her twin Margaret (m. George PADGETT), Levin M. (m. Julia HOLLAND) and Rebecca J. (m. John RAGLE).
Source: History of Martin County, Indiana by Harry Q. Holt.
BRITTAIN, Stephen H. was born in Salem, Washington County, IN on 25 September 1836. His parents were Thomas BRITTAIN and Catherine HOEL, natives of Virginia and Ohio, respectively. Dr. Brittain began the practice of Medicine at Newberry, Indiana, where he remained until he enlisted in Company C, 14th Indiana Volunteer Infantry in April 1861. He became a First Lieutenant and was honorably discharged in Nashville, TN in October 1865. He at once began the practice of medicine at Loogootee. He was married on 12 March 1863 to Elizabeth A., daughter of John B. WOOD and Catherine BERKSHIRE. They had four children, two of whom died early. Remaining are: Laura K. (Mrs. H.A. Martin of New Castlee, IN) and Thomas K. Following his wife's death in December 1892, Dr. BRITTAIN married Letitia K., daughter of Alexander SHARUM and Isabel BLANDFORD. They had one child, Stephen G. Source:
Footprints, Vol. X, July 1997, Issue 3.
CALVIN, Jonathan Dilley was born in 1809 in Hunterdon Co., NJ to the parents of Nathaniel B. CALVIN (ca.1785-1839) and Sarah Dilley (died before 1839 in Sussex Co., NJ). J.D. Calvin was named after his maternal grandfather, Jonathan DILLEY, who named his grandson in his will made in May, 1820, proved September 2, 1820 in Hunterdon Co., NJ. J.D. Calvin moved with his parents to Sussex Co., NJ after spending a few years in Seneca Co., NY. J.D. Calvin was involved in several land transactions in Newton and Green Twps, Sussex Co., NJ before moving his family in 1845 to Perry Twp., Martin Co., IN. He acquired considerable land between 1850-1856 and was sheriff before dying in April 1857 leaving his widow the former Mary (Updike?) (January 19, 1814, NJ-January 7, 1866, Martin Co., NJ), and his children Catharine (1834-bef1880) m. Joseph WILDMAN January 5, 1854; Andrew b.1836; Nathan (1836-1901); Sarah, b. 1841; Carolyn (1843-1878)m.1878 Levi Wildman (oldest surviving Civil War
Vet); Samuel, b. 1844; Augustus, b. 1847; Richard,b. 1849; Harriet b. 1854; Keziah b. 1858. Four sons were in the Civil War, Nathan, Samuel, Augustus, and Andrew. At the death of J.D. Calvin, Joseph WILDMAN, the husband of Caroline CALVIN, was made guardian of the eight minor children. Caroline and Andrew were no longer minors. On July 11, 1864, Joseph WILDMAN asked to be relieved of his guardianship, which the court granted. Less than two years later, January 7, 1866, Mary died and the minor children wre farmed out to various families in the community (evident in the 1870 census).
Submitted by: Roger Colvet
CAMPBELL, John L. was born in NC on 27 October 1828. While on his way to Missouri in the fall of 1852 he came to Martin County to visit relatives. He became so impressed with its future that he settled at Mount Pleasant to practice medicine. In 1855 he moved to Loogootee and built the third house in the village, thus becoming one of its founders. Dr. CAMPBELL enlisted in Co. B 80th Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry in 1862. He died in 1893.
Source: Footprints, Vol. X, July 1997, Issue 3.
CARL, Benjamin Franklin; born 5 Nov 1840 Milltown, Harrison Co IN. On 27 Apr 1862 in Leavenworth, Crawford Co IN he married Rachel ROACH (b 24 May 1841, Pilot, Crawford Co IN, d 25 Apr 1899). His parents were Frederick William CARL and Patience OLINGER. Benjamin served in Co F 9th Indiana Regiment Volunteers from 1861 to Aug 1865. Following his service time he farmed in Crawford Co and Lawrence Co. According to Goodspeeds 'History of Lawrence County Indiana' Benjamin was Postmaster and huckster shop owner in Williams in 1885. In his Civil War Pension Application he stated he moved to Martin Co in 1885. He was the 1st and only Postmaster of the Mt Olive Post Office which was established 19 Aug 1887 and was discontinued in 1916. Benjamin and Rachel had 10 children: John F born 4 Feb 1863; Thomas J born Oct 1864; Mary born 10 Nov 1865; Henry W born 25 Dec 1868; Sanford V born 7 Aug 1872; Lucinda E born 29 Jul 1874; Emma J born 18 Sep 1876; Minnie May born 8
Jan 1879; Dora J born 14 May 1881 and Delia born 29 May 1884. Benjamin was married 3 times following the death of Rachel. He married Emma L Sanders; Mary A House Haller and Margaret L Carter. Benjamin died 4 Nov 1917 and is buried in Mt Olive Cemetery Lawrence Co with 3 of his 4 wives alongside. He also has at least 1 daughter and 2 grandsons buried nearby.
Source: Charles R Carl
CARL, Minnie May b 8 Jan 1879 Lawrence Co IN, d 2 Sep 1933 at her home in Mt Olive, Martin Co. Her parents were Benjamin and Rachel Roach CARL. Minnie married Virgil B SMITH 6 Jan 1898 in Martin Co IN. Virgil was born 24 Jan 1869 Martin Co. His parents were Gedion and Jenetta Wagner SMITH. Virgil died 29 Apr 1939 at his home in Martin Co. Minnie and Virgil had 3 sons; Clyde b 17 Oct 1898, m Minnie SIMS 23 June 1923 Martin Co., no children, Clyde died 21 Sep 1953 Mitchell, Lawrence Co IN; Cletus b 19 Jul 1900 Martin Co, married Farrell E SIMS 28 Aug 1922 Bedford, Lawrence Co IN. Cletus and Farrell had 1 child Eithel Guy b 1 Sep 1923 Bedford, Lawrence Co. Cletus died 29 Nov 1975 Bedford, Lawrence Co and Carl b 26 May 1906 Martin Co. Carl died 26 Jul 1929 from drowning. Minnie, Virgil and son Carl are buried in the Mt Olive Cemetary.
Source: Charles Carl
DENSON, Levi: Born 2 April 1831 in Indiana. On 26 June 1860 he married Hannah E. FAUCETT (b. 1844 in IN). They had two children: Grace (b. 15 January, 1873) and Minnie. Levi was a blacksmith. He was also an elder in the Trinity Springs Christian Church. Levi's parents were James DENSON of MD and Mary ROACH of KY. Levi died on 29 April, 1923 and was buried in the Old Trinity Cemetery in Shoals. Hannah died on 16 January 1929 and was buried in the Old Trinity Cemetery. Their daughter, Minnie, is buried between them.
Source: Lynda Smith Research
DENSON, JAMES: Born ca. 1807 in Maryland. On 29 May 1828 he married Mary Roach in Lawrence County. James and Mary had six children before Mary died. They were Henry W. (b. 1829), Levi (b. 2 April 1831), Tabitha (b. 1833) John M. (b. 1835), Maria (b. 1838) and Eliamonondus (b. 1838). James lists his occupation in the census as a Merchant. He remarried on 14 February 1850. His second wife was Matilda PATTERSON.
Source: Lynda Smith Research
LEDGERWOOD, John. Emigrated to Virginia from Scotland before the Revolutionary War. His son, also named John, was the father of 12 children, one of whom was Nathaniel, a veteran of the War of 1812, and who arrived in McCameron Township from Tennessee in 1829. Nathaniel and his wife, Margaret HAYES LEDGERWOOD, had 10 children: William, David, Charles, George, Jacob, Nathaniel II, Joseph, Margaret, Barbara, and Rebecca. Nathanile II married Sarah (Sally) HOLT, daughter of Henry H. and Catherine (GREY) HOLT of Sequatchie Valley, Tennessee.
Source: History of Martin County by Harry Q. Holt
LEDGERWOOD, Nathaniel: Born ca 1817 in Green County, Tennessee. He was the son of Samuel and Sarah Pearce LEDGERWOOD and was a nephew of Nathaniel LEDGERWOOD of McCameron Township. He was married to Lizannah MATHIS. In 1852, they migrated from Dubois County to Rutherford Township. Nathaniel and Sarah had 15 children: Nancy WORKMAN, Sarah (died at 15), Mary C. INMAN, Samuel Polk, Durura, Rebecca McCONN, Martha CHATTIN, Reuben, John, William S., Caroline WAGGONER, Ellis N., Basil, Hugh, and Lillie McBRIDE. When Nathaniel died in 1879, Ellis N. became owner of the majority of his father's land. Ellis N. died in 1879; his sons Frank, Jacob, and Ray worded the land until their mother, Susan M. ALLEN, died in 1943.
Source: History of Martin County, Indiana by Harry Q. Holt.
MCDONALD, William H.: Born 30 June 1848 in Burns City, Martin County. On 9 September 1869, he married Amanda Caroline HOLSAPPLE (born 6 February 1848 in Washington County, IN). He spent all his life in Martin County, except during his service in the Civil War. He served as a private in company C, 146th regiment of Indiana Volunteers. Their children were Charles G. (b. 1875), Harley D. (b. 1880), Lucienne E. (b. 1883) and Joannah Cicaty (b. 1870).William's parents were John MCDONALD and Mary Anne NUGENT. Amanda's parents were William H. HOLSAPPLE and Permelia J. CUNDIFF. William died on 16 January, 1932, and was buried at Hickory Ridge Cemetery near Shoals. Amanda died on 29 January 1916 in Linton, IN.
Source: Lynda Smith Research
MCDONALD, John: Born 24 March 1812 in North Carolina. On 18 November 1836, he married Mary Anne NUGENT (b. 17 March 1823 in Nelson, KY) in Lawrence Co. IN. They had eight children. William Henry.(b. 30 June 1848), Nancy (b. 19 June 1853), Mary, Alfred, Sarah, William, and Richard. John was a physician. His parents were James Alexander McDonald and Joannah Cicaty. John died on 29 April 1879 in Martin Co. Mary Anne died on 29 April 1875.
Source: Lynda Smith Research
MCGUYER, Thomas: Born c. 1803 in Ohio. On 24 November 1825, he married Rebecca BOWAN (b. ca. 1811 in Ohio) in Guernsey Co. Ohio. They had at least seven children. Mary E., Sarah, Lydia, Naomi, Thomas F., Rebecca and Ester. Thomas was a farmer. He died on 12 (13?) September 1870 in Trinity Springs, and was buried in West Union Cemetery. Rebecca died on 7 September 1884 and is also buried in West Union Cemetery.
Source: Lynda Smith Research
MARICLE, Abram: settled in Daviess County (that part that is now Martin County), Indiana about 1811 or 1812. He first lived near the falls of White River on the west side of the river. Three years afterwards he removed to the forks of the old Hindostan and Mt. Pleasant roads on the Vincennes and Louisville road, 4 miles east of Mt. Pleasant and lived there for some ten years and then moved to a place one mile west on the same road at which place he resided until he died 25 years since. His wife was Dicy WATSON from North Carolina. Their only child was a daughter, Nancy. She first married Matthew [sic} (Mathias) SHOLTZ by whom she had 3 children: Charlotte, Abraham and Fred K. SHOLTS. Charlotte married Benjamin F. MEARS and lives near Washington, Indiana. Abraham died at the age of 3 years. Fred K. SHOLTS resides on the place on which his grandfather died. Matthias SHOLTZ died 35 years ago in the south. His widow, Nancy, afterwards married Robert SMITH and by him bore two children. Robert
SMITH died 9 years ago. Nancy (MARICLE) SHOLTS SMITH, his widow now lives near the farm where her father died. Abram MARICLE was of German descent and Dicy, his wife, was of English descent. They both died in Martin County." From a typewritten page entitled SETTLERS IN MARTIN COUNTY PRIOR TO 1826 - date unknown - notation at bottom states, "The above is from the recollection of Nancy SMITH." (Nancy MARICLE, dau. of Abram MARICLE was wife of Matthias SHOLTS. She divorced him in 1828 and married second to Robert SMITH.)
Source: Bill DeCoursey Also see: https://www.angelfire.com/mn/itsabouttime
OPPELT, Edwin A.was born in Tuscarawas County, OH on 25 February 26, 1820. His father was Charles OPPELT, a native of Canada who settled in PA. His mother was Sybilla BELLING. He was the eldest of 11 children. He married Mary J. McKINEY in Venange County, PA on 14 May, 1850. McKINEY was born in Center Co. PA on 12 January 1822. OPPELT learned gun-smithing and also taught school. When he was 22 he began the study of medicine. In 1869, Dr. OPPELT first located in Loogootee. His children were: Rachel A.G., Louisa A. and Frances I.
Source: Footprints Vol. X, July 1997, Issue 3
PORTER, Abraham W. Born 23 June 1835 in Carroll County, Ohio. He married Mary L. BARNES on 7 August 1859 in OH. Mary was a native of Barnesville, OH. Abraham PORTER was the son of Nathan PORTER and Susan NOFSKER of OH. He and his wife Mary moved to Martin County in 1866 and settled at Dover Hill. They had the following children: Rev. John W., Isaac M., James E., Charles A., Walter, Elvina E., Estella, and another child that died in infancy. Dr. PORTER taught school until 1868, when he began the practice of medicine. He was one of Martin County's leading physicians and surgeons. In 1894 Dr. PORTER was elected to the state legistature.
Source: Footprints, Vol. X July 1997, Issue 3.
PORTER, George: Born 7 June 1837 in Tuscarawas County, OH. On 24 December 1857 he married Mary E. McGUYER (b. 1832 in OH) Their children were Thomas J., Rebecca, Ince May, McGuire, Elvina R. Mary died on 15 August 1896 (1898?) and was buried in Trinity Springs. George's second wife was Almyra E. George's parents were Silas PORTER and Katharine MITCHELL both of OH. Mary's parents were Thomas MCGUYER and Rebecca BOWAN. George died in 1914 and is buried in Trinity Springs' Little Hickory Cemetery.
Source: Lynda Smith Research
PORTER, Silas: Born 1814 in OH. On 5 May 1833 he married Katharine MITCHELL in OH. Their children were: Levi (b. 1831) John, George (b. 7 June 1837), Hester (b. 1839), Sally (b. 1844), Susie (b. 847?), Ira (b. 1848), and Silas. Katharine's parents are unknown. Silas's father was Levi PORTER (b. MD) Silas died and was buried close to Trinity Springs.
Source: Lynda Smith Research