A Christian Life, a Blessing to the Family and a Benediction to the
D. Jane Higgins Collings was born June 26, 1828 and Died February 14,
1900 aged 71 years, 7 months and 18 days of cancer of the stomach. She
was united in marriage to Zebulon F. Collings January 21, 1846. To that
union were born two sons and seven daughters. The husband and five
children departed this life years before. She leaves a son, three
daughters, thritynine grandchildren, nineteen great-grandchildren, other
relatives and a host of friends to mourn her departure. She joined the
M.E. church in 1844 and lived a devoted and faithful life until she fell
asleep in Jesus. She has been a blessing to her family, a worker in the
church, a stay to the Sunday school, a help to missionary societies and
a benediction to the community in which she lived. She was a great
reader of religious books and papers. The advocate, her church paper,
was always a welcome visitor. She was a constant reader, a faithful
student, of the Bible and taught her children in early life to obey its
teaching. Her patient suffering, her living faith, her expressed
confidence in a personal Saviour and her last assurance that "all is
well", is demonstration of a noble Christian character. Funeral
services were conducted by her pastor, Rev. J.L. Cooper.
Data Entry Volunteer: Pat Mount "pmount@fnr.umass.edu"
Tender Congratulations Today to Mrs. L.M. Murphy Who Completes 83 Years
Mrs. L. M. Murphy is today celebrating the 83rd anniversary of her birth
and tomorrow will be the 63rd anniversary of her marriage to Wesley J.
Collins. Mrs. Murphy's maiden name was Lydia Maria Swope and she was
born in Spencer County, KY, February 15, 1821. her parents were Michael
and Jane Swope. At the age of 16 she removed with her parents to
Vienna, Scott County, Ind., where most of her life has been spent. Here
on February 16, 1841 she was united in marriage to Wesley J. Collins,
who was a brother of the late Mrs. Sarah J.W. Sullivan, and who had been
reared in Clark County. Mr. Collins died in 1856 and in 1863 Mrs.
Collins was married again to James B. Murphy, whose home had originally
been in South Caroline, but who was then living in Vienna. After 20
years of married life, he too, passaed away, and Mrs. Murphy was left a
second time widow.
To Mrs. Murphy six children were born, only two of whom now survive
however, Mrs. Anna Marlatt, wife of the Rev. A.N. Marlatt, of
Connersville, and Dr. Sallie C. Jackson, of this city. Five step
children are living all well known citizens of Scott County. They are
George, William and Samuel Murphy, Mrs. George Richie (Richey) and Mrs.
Frank Richie (Richey).
Mrs. Murphy is a faithful member of Wall Street Methodist Church, having
united with the M. E. church in Vienna 61 years ago. Her home was the
preaching place for the Methodists for two years, at the end of which
time her husband built the first Methodist church in the little town.
Mrs. Murphy has made her home with her daughter, Dr. S.C. Jackson in
this city for the past 20 years and has a large circle of friends who
delight to do her honor and who will call today to tender their
Data Entry Volunteer: Pat Mount "pmount@fnr.umass.edu"