Other surnames mentioned: Freeman , Hatfield , May , Heistand , Stube , Thornburg
George C. MAY, one of Greene township's well-known agriculturists and landowners, proprietor of an excellent farm on rural mail route No. 1 out of Portland, is a member of one of the old families of Jay county, his grandfather having settled here in pioneer days. Mr. MAY was born on November 17, 1858, and is a son of Christopher and Mary (STUBER) MAY and the second born of that parentage. There were eight children in this family, seven of whom are still living, those besides the subject of this sketch being Mary, Carrie, John, Jacob, Robert and Henry. Christopher MAY was of European birth, born in the vicinity of the city of Baden, in the grand duchy of Baden, and was twenty-one years of age when he came to this country with his parents, the family coming on out into Indiana and locating in Noble township, this county. After his marriage Christopher MAY bought a farm of eighty acres in the vicinity of Ft. Recovery, over in Mercer county, Ohio, and
remained there until 1881, when he came back into Indiana and bought a quarter section farm in Randolph county. On this latter place he made his home until his retirement from the farm and his last days were spent in the home of his son George in Greene township. During the progress of the Civil war he was drafted into service and served as a soldier of the Union during the last year of the war. George C. MAY completed his schooling in the schools of Mercer county, Ohio, and from the days of his boyhood was an active assistant to his father in the latter's farm work, being the eldest son. He married at the age of twenty-six and then began farming on his own account, presently buying a forty-acre farm in Greene township, Randolph county. This place he farmed for three years, at the end of which time he disposed of it and moved up into Jay county and for two years thereafter was engaged in farming a rented place in Richland township. He then moved to
the eighty-acre farm which he now owns in Greene township and has since resided there. Since taking possession of this place Mr. MAY has made numerous improvements on the place and now has a well-equipped farm plant. In his political views he is a Prohibitionist and he and his wife are members of the Union Methodist Episcopal church. On February 26, 1885, George C. MAY was united in marriage to Georgetta THORNBURG, who was born in Wayne county, this state, daughter of George C. and Caroline Elizabeth (HATFIELD) THORNBURG, and to this union three children have been born, Goldie V., Everett E. and Flossie ,deceased. Goldie V. MAY married Fred FREEMAN, of Portland, and has three sons, Myron G., Raymond E. and George A. Everett E. MAY married Florabelle FREEMAN, a sister of his sister's husband, and has one child, a daughter, Marjorie H. Flossie MAY, who married William HEISTAND, died on November 13, 1910. She was the mother of two children who died in
infancy. Mrs. Georgetta MAY is the third in order of birth of the four children born to her parents, the others being Frank R., William A. and Mary. She received her schooling in Randolph county and at Indianapolis.
Submitted by: Eloine Chesnut
Milton T. Jay, M.D., History of Jay County Indiana, Historical Publishing Co., Indpls. 1922, Vol. II
Other surnames mentioned: Ross , Eavans , Wilson , Hudson
GEORGE B. ROSS, who has been identified with the interests of Jay County for many years, was born in Darke County, Ohio, October 10, 1827, a son of Nathaniel and Charlotte (Reed) Ross, natives of Virginia and Ohio, respectively, the father of Irish and the mother of Scotch ancestry. They spent their last years in Ohio. The father was a farmer and preacher of the United Brethren church, and also a practicing physician. He died after a life of great usefulness, about fifteen years ago, at the age of eighty-seven years his wife having preceded him about twelve years. George B., our subject, grew to manhood in his native county, where he was reared to the avocation of a farmer, receiving his education in the common schools of his neighborhood. He was married in Darke County in 1850, to Miss Christena Evans, a daughter of John and Penina (Wilson) Evans. Mrs. Ross was born in the State of North Carolina, but reared from infancy in Ohio. Eight children have
been born to Mr. and Mrs. Ross - Sophia M. married Calvin Hudson and died April 1, 1885, leaving a daughter named Ora; Sylvester L. lives in Pike Township; Susannah, attending school; Ellen died aged five years; Mary died aged three years, and George F., a school boy. Mr. Ross continued to reside in his native county until 1851, when he came with his family to Jay County, Indiana, and the same year bought forty acres of land in Wayne Township which he immediately began to improve. Being in poor circumstances he was unable to go on with the improvements, and the following year he returned to Ohio, where he remained until 1855. He then returned to Jay County, and for the next six years lived on section 29, Pike Township. He then removed to a tract of eighty acres of timber land on section 20, a little west of Bluff Point, clearing a space on which to erect a log cabin. Here he has since made his home and by diligence and industrious habits he has
succeeded well in his agricultural pursuits. His home farm now contains 145 acres of choice land, 100 being cleared and under fine cultivation, a comfortable residence and good out-buildings, beside which he owns a tract of forty acres on section 9 of the same township. Mr. Ross recalls to mind the fact that he started to earn money for himself with an ax borrowed to earn money to buy one. He has done all in his power to give his children good educational advantages, counting nothing lost that contributes to that object. In politics he casts his suffrage with the Democratic party. He has served his township efficiently as magistrate for four years. Mr. and Mrs. Ross and their daughters, Susannah and Lydia, are members of the Society of Friends. Sylvester Ross, the eldest son, is a member of the Methodist Church.
Submitted by: Betty Creath
Other surnames mentioned: Straly , Truesdell , Votaw
GEORGE STRALY was one of the early settlers of Wayne Township, where he became well known and highly respected for his many good qualities. He was born in York County, Pennsylvania, December 12, 1815, and there he was reared. When a young man he removed to Trumbull County, Ohio, where he was married to Miss Lydia Truesdell, who was a native of Trumbull County, and to this union were born six children - Sophia, Stephen, Susan, Sutphen, Sidney and Samuel. The remained in Trumbull County until 1854, when in April of that year they came with their family to Jay County, Indiana, and located in Wayne Township, where Mrs. Straly died the same year. Mr. Straly was united in marriage a second time to Miss Martha Pronty, who died about the year 1860, leaving two children, named Rebecca and Jane. For his third wife Mr. Straly married Miss Deborah Votaw, and this union was blessed with three children - James, William and Grant. Mr. Straly died March 2, 1887,
his death causing universal regret throughout the community where he had made his home for so many years.
Submitted by: Peggy Karol
Other surnames mentioned: Heistand , Brunson , Garber , Moyer
Harley J. HIESTAND, M. D., a practicing physician at Pennville and former president of the Jay County Medical Society and one of the best known physicians in this county, is a native of the old Buckeye state, born in Fairfield county, Ohio, April 16, 1881, and is a son of the Rev. J. W. and Rebecca J. HIESTAND, both of whom also were born in Ohio. The Rev. J. W. HIESTAND was a Baptist minister, who came to Indiana with his family in 1885 and located in Wells county Both he and his wife are now deceased. Doctor HIESTAND was but four years of age when his parents moved to Wells county and he remained there until he was thirteen years of age, when he made his home with Dr. Jonathan B. GARBER at Dunkirk, in the schools of which city he continued his studies, at the same time reading medicine under Doctor GARBER s preceptorship and in due time entered the Medical College of Indiana at Indianapolis, now the medical department of Indiana University, and
was graduated from that institution in 1906. Upon receiving his diploma Doctor HIESTAND was appointed an intern in the Protestant Deaconess Hospital at Indianapolis and was for a year thereafter thus engaged, receiving much valuable practical experience as further qualification for the exacting duties of the profession to which he had devoted himself. On June 1, 1907, Doctor HIESTAND formed a partnership .with Dr. F. E. MOYER, of Pennville, who had for eleven years been a very successful practitioner there, and this mutually agreeable partnership continued for four years, at the end of which time, owing to ill health, Doctor MOYER retired and Doctor HIESTAND has since been continuing his practice at Pennville alone. Doctor HIESTAND is a member of the Jay county Medical Society and is also a member of the Indiana State Medical Society and the American Medical Association, in the deliberations of which bodies he takes an earnest interest. Since locating
at Pennville he has taken post-graduate work and is keeping fully abreast of the wonderful advances being made in medical science of late years. The Doctor is a 32 degree Scottish Rite, Mason, affiliated with the Ft. Wayne consistory, and is also a noble of the Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, affiliated with the temple at Ft. Wayne. He is a member of the Pennville lodge of the Knights of Pythias and he and his wife are members of the Friends Meeting. On, June 6, 1907, Dr. Harley J. HIESTAND was united in marriage to Ethel BRUNSON, who was born in this county, daughter of Samuel and Rebecca BRUNSON, members of old families here, and to this union three children have been born, Lois R., Sarah Margaret and Harley Burmond.
Submitted by: Eloine Chesnut
Milton T. Jay, M.D., History of Jay County Indiana, Historical Publishing Co., Indpls. 1922, Vol. II
Other surnames mentioned: Addler , Bradt , Mossler , Pflaum , Rossenbaum
Henry MOSSLER's sons, Mose and Fred Mossier, proprietors of The Cincinnati Store, at Portland, one of the leading department stores in eastern Indiana, have been residents of Portland for thirty years and have been identified with the business which they are now so successfully carrying on ever since they came here, long recognized as among the leading factors in the commercial life of that city and of the county at large. Henry MOSSLER, the founder of The Cincinnati Store, in North Meridian street, had been engaged in the mercantile business at Indianapolis and at Lebanon, this state, before embarking in business at Portland and his ripe experience was brought to bear in the establishment of the commercial house which since his death has been carried on by his sons under the firm name of H. MOSSLER's Sons. It was in 1892 that Henry MOSSLER located at Portland and he continued actively engaged in business in that city, building up The Cincinnati Store,
until his death on November 30, 1910. He and his wife, Sadie PFLAUM, were the parents of three children, two sons, Mose and Fred MOSSLER, and a daughter, Hattie. The elder of these sons, Mose MOSSLER, was born in Indianapolis on January 27, 1871, and had acquired considerable mercantile experience under the careful direction of his father when he became engaged with the latter in business at Portland in 1892. He and his younger brother took an active interest in this business from its start and in time were able to relieve their father of much of the details of management, so that after the elder gentleman's death the business was continued without interruption or disturbance and has been greatly expanded since then. Mose MOSSLER as is his brother and as was their father before them, is a Republican. He is affiliated with the congregation of the Jewish church at Indianapolis and is a member of the local lodges of the Benevolent and Protective Order of
Elks, the Knights of Pythias and the Eagles at Portland. He married Clara ADLER and he and his wife have one child, a daughter, Miriam, who married Ferdinand BADT, of Hartford City, [Blackford Co.] Ind. Fred MOSSLER, the junior member of the firm of H, MOSSLER's Sons, was born at Lebanon, Ind., November 2, 1878, and was fourteen years of age when his father established the family home at Portland. He completed his schooling in the Portland schools and from the days of his boyhood took an active interest in the affairs of his father's store, ultimately becoming a member of the firm, as is set out above, and since the death of his father has, in association with his brother, been continuing the business. In 1912 Fred MOSSLER was united in marriage to Bertha R. ROSENBAUM, of California, and to this union one child has been horn, a son, Frederick. Mr. MOSSLER is a member of the local lodges of the Elks and the Eagles at Portland and is affiliated with the
Jewish congregation at Indianapolis. The MOSSLER's are wide-awake and up-to-date merchants and The Cincinnati Store has come to be recognized as one of the "landmarks" of the county seat town. The founder of this concern, the late Henry MOSSLER, was born in the kingdom of Bavaria on September 20, 1842, and was ten years of age when he came to this country with his mother and settled at Cincinnati. He later became a resident of Ft. Wayne, [Allen Co.] Ind., and a few years later entered the clothing business at Indianapolis. Not long afterward, while on a business trip to Chicago, he met Sadie PFLAUM and on December 26, 1868, they were married, establishing their home at Indianapolis and in 1892 moved to Portland, where Mrs. MOSSLER is still living, she and her daughter being very pleasantly situated at 509 West High street in that city.
Submitted by: Eloine Chesnut
Milton T. Jay, M.D., History of Jay County Indiana, Historical Publishing Co., Indpls. 1922, Vol. II
Other surnames mentioned: Buck , Schamp
Homer R. SCHAMP, manager of the Portland branch of the Union Heat, Light and Power Company of Winchester and recognized as one of the active young factors in the general industrial life of Portland, was born in that city on January 20, 1892. He is a son of George H. and Beulah ( BUCK ) SCHAMP, the latter of whom, born in the state of Kansas, was but a child when she came with her parents to Indiana, the family locating at Portland, where she was reared. George H. SCHAMP, a well known shoe merchant of Portland, was born in Darke county, over in Ohio, but has been a resident of Portland ever since he was a child, his parents having come over here from Ohio years ago. He and his wife have four children, the subject of this sketch having three sisters, Hazel, Bernice and Margaret. Reared at Portland, Homer R. SCHAMP was graduated from the high school in that city in 1910 and then went to Mishawaka, Ind., where he took service in the production department
of the plant of the Mishawaka Woolen Company, and was thus engaged for about two years, at the end of which time he went to Gary, Ind., and was for five years thereafter engaged in the drafting and designing department of the great plant of the Illinois Steel Company. He then transferred his services to the Youngstown Steel and Tool Company and was located in the offices of that company at Youngstown Ohio for about a year, at the end of which time he returned to the office of the Illinois Steel Company at Gary and there remained until in September, 1919, when he returned to Portland to take the position of manager of the Portland branch of the Union Heat, Light and Power Company, a position he since has occupied, in general charge of all the operations of that company in Portland and vicinity. Mr. SCHAMP is a Republican and is a member of the Portland lodges of the Free and Accepted Masons and of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He also
is a member of the Delta chapter of Phi Delta Kappa at Portland, and in the affairs of these several organizations takes an active interest.
Submitted by: Eloine Chesnut
Milton T. Jay, M.D., History of Jay County Indiana, Historical Publishing Co., Indpls. 1922, Vol. II
Other surnames mentioned: Bell , Heston , Jones , McDonald , Steed , Mills , Pettijohn , Shrack , Walters
Homer H. STEED, a well known and substantial farmer and landowner of Jefferson township, proprietor of an excellent farm on rural mail route No. I out of Redkey, is a native son of Jay county and has lived here all his life. Mr. STEED was born on a farm in Jefferson township on November 2, 1858, and is a son of William W. and Eliza J. (HESTON) STEED, both of whom were members of pioneer families in this county. William W. STEED was born in Virginia and was twelve years of age when he came to Jay county with his parents, John and Frances STEED, of whom further and fitting mention is made elsewhere in this volume, the family settling on an eighty-acre farm in Jefferson township and becoming influential in the early days of that community. Of the four children born to the pioneer John STEED and wife, William W. STEED was the youngest. He completed his schooling in Jefferson township and remained at home until after his marriage when he began farming on
his own account, starting out with a quarter section in Jefferson township for which he paid $600. As his affairs prospered he added to his land holdings until he became the owner of 480 acres and was long accounted one of the substantial men of that community. He continued actively engaged in farming until his retirement. His last days were spent in this county, his death occurring in 1899. To William W. STEED and wife were born seven children, all of whom are living save one ,Chester, the others besides the subject of this sketch being Louvernia, Elmer, Lewis, Matilda and Maude. Reared on the home farm in Jefferson township, Homer H. STEED received his schooling in the neighborhood schools and from the days of his boyhood was a valued aid in the work of developing his father's farming interests, remaining there during the years of his young manhood and for seven years having charge of the home place. He married at the age of twenty-four years and
the first land he bought was a quarter section in Jefferson township, a part of the place on which he is now living in that township. Since taking possession of that place Mr. STEED has done well in his operations and has increased his holdings until now he is the owner of a well kept place of 307 acres. Mr. STEED is a Democrat and has ever taken an interested part in local political affairs. It was on November 26, 1882, that Homer H. STEED was united in marriage to Phoebe Jane McDONALD, who then was living in the Como neighborhood, and to this union nine children have been born, four of whom, Foster, Guy, Ruby and Beverly, are deceased, the others being Eltha, Belva, Chester, Preva and Tyra, the latter of whom married Howard JONES and is now living at Redkey. Preva STEED is unmarried and is at home with her parents. Eltha STEED married George F. MILLS, of Muncie, [Delaware Co.] Ind., and has one child, a daughter, Madge. Belva STEED is the widow of
the late Ross BELL, of Ft. Wayne, [Allen Co.] Ind. Chester STEED married Winifred WALTERS and to that union one child has been born, a son, Philip, deceased. Mrs. Phoebe Jane STEED, was born in the neighboring county of Delaware and is a daughter of George and Sarah Ann (SHRACK) McDONALD, who moved over into Jay county when she was a child and settled on a farm in the vicinity of Como, where they spent the remainder of their lives. Mrs. STEED has a brother and sister in Jay county, Henry McDONALD, of Jefferson township, and Mrs. Inez PETTIJOHN, of Dunkirk.
Submitted by: Eloine Chesnut
Milton T. Jay, M.D., History of Jay County Indiana, Historical Publishing Co., Indpls. 1922, Vol. II
Other surnames mentioned: Rants , Worgum
HENRY WORGUM, an active and enterprising agriculturist of Jay County, residing on section 15, Greene Township, was born in Darke County, Ohio, April 7, 1846, a son of Frederick and Elizabeth Worgum. In 1855 the parents removed with their family to Iowa, living in that State almost two years, and in 1857 came to Jay County, Indiana, settling in Madison Township, where the father died. Henry Worgum grew to manhood in Jay County, where he has made his home since the year 1857. He was a brave and gallant soldier during the late war, enlisting in August, 1863, in Company B, Seventh Indiana Cavalry. His regiment, under the command of Hon. J.P.C. Shanks, made a record of arduous service and gallantry, second to no organization in the State, being engaged in Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas. Mr. Worgum was discharged at Austin, Texas, February 18, 1866, passing through the war unscathed by bullet or bayonet, but at Moscow, Tennessee,
his spine was injured by an accident, which, although not necessitating his discharge, increased year by year until it became a permanent disability, and he now receives a pension of $50 a month. January 26, 1871, Mr. Worgum was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Rants, a native of Mercer County, Ohio, born February 24, 1850, and a daughter of Abraham and Mary Ann Rants, formerly of Jay County. Her mother is now deceased, and her father is living at Fort Recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Worgum are the parents of six children -Nellie B., Ora E., Myrtle J., Marshall T., Annie D. and William H. Mr. and Mrs. Worgum commenced housekeeping in Madison Township, but now own and occupy a very fine farm property of seventy acres in Greene Township. The farm buildings are noticeably good, and on the land there is an excellent young orchard, in fact the entire surrounding show the care and thrift of the owner. Mr. Worgum is a comrade of the Grand Army post at Fort Recovery.
In politics he is an ardent Republican. Two of his brothers, Eli and Frederick, are residents of Jay County.
Submitted by: Betty Creath
Other surnames mentioned: Barrick , Glass , Rish , Badger
I.G. BARRICK, one of the active and enterprising citizens of Wayne Township, was born in Columbiana County, Ohio, February 20, 1829. His father, Isaac Barrick, was born in Loudoun County, Virginia, and was of German ancestry. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. He married Mary Glass, a native of Columbiana County, Ohio, and to them were born twelve children. The mother of our subject is still living in Rice County, Minnesota, aged eighty years. I.G. Barrick, the subject of this sketch, was reared to the avocation of a farmer, and received his education in the subscription schools of that early day. He was united in marriage January 23, 1850, to Miss Sarah Rish, who was born in Columbiana County, Ohio, April 7, 1831, a daughter of Simeon and Ann (Badger) Rish, her father being of German and her mother of Irish ancestry. They were also the parents of twelve children. To Mr. and Mrs. Barrick have been born six children -Ann Eliza, William B., John C.,
Charles R., Martha Jane and George M. Mr. Barrick remained in his native State until 1858, when he came with his family to Jay County, Indiana, and for a time lived on rented land. He subsequently bought forty acres of heavily timbered land in Wayne Township, which he cleared and improved. In 1878 he settled on his present farm, which had been improved before he located there. In politics Mr. Barrick is a Democrat. He is a worthy and consistent member of the German Baptist church, in which he has served as minister in the second degree for many years, and has been an active worker in the cause of his Master. He is a man of strict integrity, honorable in all his dealings, and is respected by all who know him.
Submitted by: Dusti
Other surnames mentioned: Rarick , Chenowith , Morehouse , Roberts , Kenneer , Watson , Green , Thorp , Wood , Thompson , Rarick
ISAAC N. RARICK, M.D., has lived at Bluff Point, in Pike Township, since the spring of 1874. He was born in Darke County, Ohio, April 19, 1835, a son of Philip and Sarah (Chenowith) Rarick, his father a native of Pennsylvania, of Dutch descent, and his mother of Darke county, Ohio, of Scotch extraction. The parents moved to Jay County, Indiana, in 1851, and settled on section 33, Pike Township, where they passed the remainder of their days. The mother died in March, 1862, and the father September 27, 1886. They had a family of ten children -Abraham C., is a resident of Clarke County, Iowa; Isaac N., our subject; Jacob J.; David died in infancy; Adam C., of Clarke County, Iowa; Charles W., a physician, of Greenville, Darke County, Ohio; Ira D., of Missouri; Mrs. Susan B. Morehouse, of Noble Township; Mrs. Caroline Roberts, of Nuckolls County, Nebraska, and Catherine, died aged sixteen years. After the death of the mother the father married Mrs. Isabelle
(Kenneer) Watson, widow of Dr. Watson, and to them were born five children -Mrs. Elsie Green, of Pike Township; Mrs. Rosa Thorp, of Nebraska; Clara, Cora M., and John A. The wife died in March, 1876, and he afterward married Mrs. Mary (Short) Hiatt, who is also now deceased. Isaac N. Rarick was reared and educated in Jay County. In 1858 he went West and spent three years in Clarke County, Iowa, and Nodaway and Gentry counties, Missouri, returning to Indiana in 1861. He was married December 31, 1863, to Adeline Wood, who was born in Darke County, Ohio, October 10, 1843, a daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Thompson) Wood, the father born in Botetourt County, Virginia, in 1795, and the mother in Essex County, New Jersey, in 1801. They were married in 1819 and moved to Randolph County, Indiana, in 1836, where the father died May 29, 1847. The mother now makes her home with Mrs. Rarick and is in the eighty-seventh year of her age. Of fifteen children, ten
were living at the time of the father's death, but four have since died. Of those living, Absalom now is living in Alabama; Mary lives with Mrs. Rarick; Alexander and Andrew live in Ridgeville, and Elisha lives in Todd County, Minnesota. George M., William, Charles and Elijah are deceased; the two latter giving their lives for their country during the war of the Rebellion, and the two former, enterprising young men, went West and engaged in trading with the Indians, near the present town of Jackson, Minnesota, and during what is known as the Spirit Lake massacre, both were killed March 27, 1857. Mrs. Rarick, then a young lady, had spent two or three years in Blue Earth County, returning to Indiana in the fall of 1856. Dr. and Mrs. Rarick have had two children -Ara, born October 2, 1864, and Carey, born January 16, 1866, died March 14, 1866. Dr. Rarick commenced the study of medicine in 1870, and graduated from he Physio-Medical Institute, Cincinnati,
Ohio, in 1875. In politics he is allied to the Democratic party. He is a member of Deerfield Lodge, No. 117, A.F.& A.M.
Submitted by: Dusti