Submitted by Kathy Huish
Source- Counties of Porter and Lake, Indiana; Historical and Biographical. Batney, Chicago, 1882.
Frank B. Plummer comes from one of the best known and most prominent families identified with the business and agricultural industries of Lake county. He has spent practically all his active career in this county, and in connection with farming, and has been prosperous in material affairs and a leading and influential spirit in civic and social matters.
He was born in this county January 16, 1857, and is the eldest of three children born to Abiel and Kate (Baughman) Plummer, a detailed history of the father being given place on other pages of this volume. He has one brother living, Edwin, who is a resident of Chicago and employed in the Masonic Temple.
Mr. Plummer passed his early years in Lake county, and in addition to the course at the common schools he attended the high school atFisherville, New Hampshire. All his active career has been spent as afarmer and stockman, and with the exception of two years in Kansas his work has been confined to this county. When he made his start in Kansas he had very little capital, and his own intelligent management and industry have been the principal factors in bringing him success.
In September, 1881, he was married to Miss Lizzie Alexander, and of this happy marriage two daughters have been born. Blanche, the elder, is in the eight grade of school and has also taken music; Beulah will graduate with the class of 1905 from the Lowell high school. Mrs. Plummer was born in Mifflin county, Pennsylvania, in September, 1867, and was reared and educated in her native state. Her mother is still living in Pennsylvania, but her father is deceased. She has been a true and worthy helpmate of her husband, and is a lady of many social attractions and gracious and kindhearted at home and abroad.
After his marriage Mr. Plummer located in Lake county and beganfarming. He now has charge of about a section of fine land in West Creek township, and in 1890 he erected a beautiful country residence on the estate. He gives especial attention to the raising of stock, and has some fine registered Galloway cattle and Poland China hogs. He has voted for Republican principles and candidates since the time of Garfield. He and his wife are adherents of the Lake Prairie Presbyterian church, and stand high in the social circles of the township.
Submitted by Philip Ritter
[Encyclopedia of Genealogy and Biography of Lake County, Indiana. Rev T.H.Ball editor-in-chief, Lewis, Chicago, 1904, pp.487-88]
Abiel F. Gerrish was born in Merrimack County, N.H., March 7, 1806, and is one of a family of seven children born to Henry and Mary (Foster) Gerrish, who were also natives of New Hampshire, the former born August 14, 1744, and the latter October 1, 1744. They were there married June 6, 1796, and there spent their days, he dying September 11, 1862, followed by his wife September 23, 1869. They were the parents of seven children -Susanna, infant daughter(deceased), Jacob, Lucy, Abiel F., Mary and Elizabeth. Our subject is the only one of the family now living. He was married, in Merrimack County, N.H., February 18, 1830, to Eliza Dodge, who was born in New Hampshire January 12, 1806, daughter of Paul and Jane Dodge. In the spring of 1856, he moved to Lake County, Ind., settling in West Creek Twp, on the farm where he now lives; he owns 577 acres of land; his wife died September 19, 1881. They had a family of six children- Maria, Martha (deceased), Mary, James L., Paul P., and Ann E. Mr. Gerrish is a member of the Presbyterian Church; he has held the office of Township Trustee for a number of years.
Not sure on accuracy of dates considering the parents would be 118 and 125 years old when they died.
Submitted by Kathy Huish
Source- Counties of Porter and Lake, 1882.
Heinrich D. Eggers is the son of Heinrich and Augusta (Halfast) Eggers, of Hanover Germany, where our subject was born December 1, 1817, and where he attended school until fourteen years old; he then worked several years with his father cutting timber, and then served nine years in the army under the King of Hanover. In 1846, the family came to America, locating in Chicago. In 1848, our subject purchased 163 acres of wild land on section no. 8, this township, which he put under cultivation, and on which he built a fine frame house. In the fall of 1849 he married Amelia Vater, a native of Germany, and to this union were born four children-Henry, Frederick, Augusta and Frederica. Although a general farmer, he gave some attention to housing ice, and soon formed a company who erected one of the largest ice houses in the county, its capacity being 18,000 tons. Mr. Eggers is a Republican and has been four times elected Constable; he and his wife are members of the German Lutheran Church, and are highly esteemed in the community in which they live.
Submitted by Kathy Huish
Source- Counties of Porter and Lake, 1882.
Henry Cass Merrill was born in Centreville (now Merrillville), Ross Township, Lake Co., Ind. February 29, 1852. Until he was twenty years of age, he divided his time between going to school and working on his father's farm. In 1872, he went to California and worked in the mines for two years, where he accumulated some money. Returning to Merrillville, he commenced farming. In 1874, he was married to Cynthia Saxton, of this township, by which union were born three children-- Everett C. (born January 30, 1879), Archie W. (born October 21, 1880), and Guy G. (born June 30, 1882). Mr. Merrill is a general farmer, but gives most attention to the breeding of stock, particularly hogs; he is liberal in politics, a church attendant, and a widely esteemed citizen.
Submitted by Kathy Huish
Source- Counties of Porter and Lake, 1882.
Hiram Post, retired farmer, was born in Luzerne County, Penn. September 12, 1796, and was married, October 10, 1818, to Miss Hannah Josslin, who was born in the same county November 8, 1800. To this union were born ten children, of whom three sons and one daughter are still living. Mr. Post lived in Pennsylvania until 1850, when he came to this township and entered a claim of forty acres. Mr. and Mrs. Post are probably the oldest couple living in the county, and although he came here but with $7 in cash and a small amount of household furniture, he has, by hard work and economy, placed himself and family beyond the reach of want.
Submitted by Kathy Huish
Source- Counties of Porter and Lake, 1882.
JACOB BAUGHMAN was born in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, October 21, 1829, and is one of the eight children of Jacob and Sarah (Ritter) Baughman, both natives of Pennsylvania. They came to West Creek Township from Valparaiso in 1851, where both are buried. Jacob Baughman, the subject of this sketch, was reared in Ohio, where he received a common school education, and moved with his parents to Valparaiso, Ind., in 1849, and to West Creek Township in 1851, where they built a house and began breaking the prairie; here he remained until 1852, when he took the "gold fever," and, with his brother and two others, went to California via New York and Panama. From San Francisco he went to Dry Creek, and thence to Sierra County, and mined on Yuba River with good success; he then mined on Lost Hill and Bush Creek for seven years, and in 1859 returned much better off than he left, and farmed in Kankakee County, Ill, until 1862, when he again went to Idaho by the overland route; they took the "Bridger route," then but an Indian trail, traveled for sixty days, and after much suffering, arrived in Virginia City, and began mining in Alder Gulch diggings. After two months, he went to his old haunts in Nevada County, Cal. In 1864, he went to Salt Lake, and thence to Idaho, where he prospected and found good diggings at Black Gulch; later he mined at Helena City and Silver Creek, and returned home via Fort Benton and Missouri River. Mr. Baughman has a mining experience, perhaps not equaled by any man in Lake County; he had toiled, suffered, and been rewarded. Until 1870, he farmed in West Creek Township, when he moved to Lowell, where he now resides. Besides town property, he owns forty acres in Cedar Creek Township, 200 in West Creek Township, and 160 in Kankakee County, Ill. On May 28, 1868, he married Miss Emma Dodge, daughter of Henry L. and Mary L. (Plummer) Dodge, born November 18, 1846, in Merrimack County, N.H. To this union there has issued one son, Henry Lancaster, born March 21, 1869. Mr. Baughman is one of the self-made and substantial men of Lake County, and a Republican in politics.
Submitted By Philip Ritter
[from Counties of Porter and Lake, Indiana; Historical and Biographical. Batney, Chicago, 1882.
Biographical Sketches, Cedar Creek Township, p. 638]
John Bazin wrote his own story in the family Bible,
"I, John Bazin, came to America, state of Pennsylvania on May 15, 1901. From there I moved to Gary, Indiana, on January 1, 1915. First we lived at 26 Jefferson St., and moved again to 1620 Delaware Street. I built the house at 1924 Adams Street. I started with the store in 1918 on March first. I bought the lot...for $775.00; the cost of the house was 1500.00 and the building of the store was 6,000 dollars."
(Translated from Hungarian)
John was born in the township of Jabloncza, County of Abauj-Torna, Hungary (now part of Czechoslovakia) on Tuesday, March 22, 1877, to Stephen and Julianne (Matyus) Bazin. In 1922 when John wrote in the family Bible about his parents and brothers and sisters, he propheticallyconcluded with "May those mentioned above for a long time stay alive and their descendents may multiply, thus they may carry their beautiful name among the living."
In 1900, when John was drafted by the Hungarian army, his occupation was given as a farmer. The following year he immigrated to America. John returned to Jabloncza to marry Barbara Papp on June 29, 1903, "in the presence of many beautiful people"-according to his own written words. His bride was born on June 30, 1884, in Jabloncza which was also the birthplace of their first child. Returning to Pennsylvania, the John and his family lived in Johnstown, then briefly in Twin Rocks before responding to the opportunities offered by the young city of Gary, Indiana.
The family continued to grow and in 1922 the family was complete with eight of his ten children living:
Elizabeth (1904-1970) m. Michael Vekasi Ch: Michael E. and Linda
John Jr. (1908-1975) m. Lydia Holas Ch: John III, Bonita & Cynthia
Barbara (1910-1974) m. John Bencie Ch: Charles and Barbara Ann
Helen b.1912 m. Alex Nestor Ch: Ronald and Nancy
Steven b. 1914 m. Helen Ch: Steven John and Robert
Mary b 1917 m. Nicholas Kokinda Ch: Dorothy, Dennis and Diana.
Daniel (1919-1987) m Ernesta Putti Ch: Mary J., Kathleen & Daniel
Joseph (1922-1973) m. Helen Gersack Ch: Sharon and Jo Ellen
When John first moved to Gary, he worked in the steel mill but later took great pride as the older children helped in the store before quitting school to get jobs. Before marriage, the older girls were store clerks. Elizabeth worked at Levin Brothers, then Broadway Style Shop; Barbara worked at Sam Mayo & Co., then Nick S. Kencoff. John Jr. followed his father's footsteps in the grocery business; after working with his father a few years, he had his own store in East Gary. Steve made his life work in the steel mill and became a leader in the Union. Mary was the first to finish high school. Dan became a fireman and Joe drove a truck for the city.
The family belonged to the First Hungarian Evangelical and Reformed Church (later known as Grace Reformed Church) where, in the early days, the charm and excitement of the old Hungarian traditions were preserved. The women prepared food as they had learned from their mothers and church members would don traditional costumes to celebrate festivals in the manner of the old country.
John died March 10, 1957, preceded by his wife by ten years. They are both buried at Oak Hill Cemetery in Gary. John's wish that the descendants multiply and carry their beautiful name among the living has come to pass. Among his grandchildren and great-grandchildren are doctors, lawyers, university professors, engineers, businessmen, etc. They are spread over many states, universally doing credit to their names.
Submitted by Dorothy Wildermuth Vekasi
JOHN BROWN, Auditor of Lake County, was born in Eagle Creek Township, Lake County, Ind., September 7, 1840, and is one of the children of Alexander F. and Eliza A. Barringer Brown, both natives of New York. Alexander Brown was a farmer, and being connected in the construction of a railroad at Peoria, Ill, came west in 1836. Coming to Lake County, he decreed to make it his future home, and in 1837 his family settled there and engaged in agriculture. He became a leading farmer and citizen, and received a nomination for State Legislator, but for whichhe was defeated. In October, 1849, he was thrown from a wagon and killed. His widow yet resides at Crown Point. John Brown was raised in Lake County, and has since made his home there. In August, 1862, he enlisted in the Fifth Indiana Cavalry; was assigned to the Army of the Cumberland and participated in many battles, having assisted in the capture of Gen. Morgan. He was a prisoner for seven months, having been captured at Sunshine Church, near Macon, Ga., and was confined at Andersonville, Charleston and Florence, and was subjected to the privations and barbarity which befell our soldiers as prisoners of war; he was discharged at Indianapolis in August, 1865. After the war, Mr. Brown engaged in farming and stock-raising until 1870, whenhe was elected by the Republicans Treasurer of Lake County he removed to Crown Point, served his term of two years, was re-elected for two years more, and in 1876, by the same party, elected County Auditor, and at the close of four years re-elected, and is now serving his second term. Mr. Brown and his brother, Barringer, own the Eagle Creek homestead, now numbering 600 acres. In July, 1871, he was married to Miss Almira L. Clark, a native of Lake County, Ind., by whom he has had three children - Neil, Earl A. (deceased) and Alice M. Mr. Brown is a member of the Masonic body and also of Valparaiso Commandery, No. 28.
Data entry volunteer: Suzan Schaeffing
Source: Counties of Porter and Lake, Indiana, Historical and Biographical, Goodspeed and Blanchard, 1882
page 602, 603 Crown Point and Centre Township
JAMES BURGE, one of the early settlers of Lake County, was born in Chautauqua county, N. Y., January 18, 1814; his father was a native of Vermont, there times married, and a farmer; by his first wife he had nine children, by his second eight, by his third, none. He came to Porter County, Ind., in 1838, where he died in 1877, aged ninety years. James Burge remained in New York until he was twenty-two years of age, receiving such education as was at that day attainable. On August 6, 1835, he was married to Adaline Griswold, a native of Oneida County, N.Y. In 1836, he emigrated to Porter county, Ind., where a brother wasliving, and located in Union Township; where he remained firve years, and moved to Horse Prairie, there remaining seven years. In 1848, he purchased in Winfield Township, where he spend most of his life. Mrs. Burge was a member of the M. E. Church, and died June 13, 1861, a loving and faithful consort, leaving five children - Jane A. (deceased), Orrin P., Mary A., Hersey I., Jasper D., Gilbert L. (deceased), and Myron L. Mr. Burge married a second wife, Ann Underwood, by whom he had one daughter - Minnie M. (now Mrs. Frank Holmes); she died June 28, 1881. On September 21, 1881, Mr. Burge married his present wife, Mrs. Elizabeth (Welchhonce) McWilliams, and now lives in retirement at Crown Point. Mr. Burge is one of the few remaining old settlers who can recall the ordeals of his pioneer experience. In politics, he is a Republican; he was at one time a Methoidst, but left the church on account of its tolerance of secret societies, of which he is a strong opponent.
Data entry volunteer: Suzan Schaeffing
Counties of Porter and Lake - Historical Biographical - Weston A. Goodspeed and Charles Blanchard, Chicago: F.A. Battey & Co., Publishers 1882. Page 603 and 604, Crown Point and Centre Township.
James H. Guernsey was born in Upper Canada May 9, 1836; his father was a farmer, and when James was about eight years old came to the United States and located in Porter Township, Porter Co., Ind., where he purchased 160 acres of Government land, for which he paid $1.25 per acre, and began farming. James H. Guernsey worked on the land of his father during the summer, and during the winter attended school, so continuing until he was twenty-one years old. On February 16, 1861, he was married to Elizabeth Hurlburt, daughter of Jacob and Susan Perry (Sheffield) Hurlburt, to which union were born eleven children-Griffin John, Hosea B. (deceased), Almona, Craig, Buerton, Susan S., Ada M., Emma and Ella (twins), and Hazzard. In 1863, Mr. Guernsey came to this township and purchased eighty acres, with some improvements and a log house; he now has 288 acres, with good frame house and outbuildings; he is a general farmer and stock-raiser, and has some fine imported sheep; he is a liberal Democrat, also a member of M. N. McClelland Lodge, No. 357, A., F. & A.M.
Submitted by Kathy Huish
Source- Counties of Porter and Lake, 1882.
Jacob Hayden, a retired farmer and one of the early settlers of Lake county now living in Lowell, was born in Knox county, Ohio, March 11, 1831. His parents were Nehemiah and Harriet (Kitchell) Hayden, both of whom were natives of New Jersey and became pioneer settlers of Know county, Ohio, where they were married. In March, 1837, they removed to Lake county, Indiana, casting in their lot with its pioneer residents. They settled in West Creek township, where Nehemiah Hayden developed a new farm, continuing the work of improvement and cultivation there until his death, which occurred when he was but fifty-eight years of age. His wife died at the age of forty-two years. In their family were thirteen children, of whom Jacob Hayden was the sixth in order of birth, and he was but six years of age at the time of the removal to Lake county.
In a log schoolhouse near his father home Jacob Hayden pursued his education. His training at farm labor was not as meager as his school privileges, for at an early age he began to assist in the cultivation and development of the home farm and continued to follow agricultural pursuits for many years. he was married December 10, 1854, to Miss Sarah M. Knisely, a daughter of Edwin and Barbar (Baughman) Knisely, both of whom were native Of Tuscarawas county, Ohio, where they were reared and married. They came to Lake county in 1837, and the father, who was born in 1814, passed away in 1886 when about seventy-two years of age. The mother, who was born October, 1819, is still living, having reached the very venerable age of eighty-five years. In their family were eleven children, of whom Mrs. Hayden is the eldest, and she was a maiden of fourteen summers when she dame to Lake county. Her birth occurred in Tuscarawas county, Ohio, August 7, 1837.
At the time of their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Hayden began their domestic life in West Creek township, where he was engaged in farming, and there they lived for more than forty-four years. He devoted his energies to the improvement and cultivation of his fields and annually gathered rich harvests as a reward for his labors. He now owns one hundred and sixty acres of land, but at one time the old family homestead comprised more than four hundred acres, but he has been very generous with his children, dividing his landed possession with them. He was in very limited circumstances when he started out in life on his own account, possessing only two steers. In the early days he hauled wheat to Chicago with an ox team, and sold the grain for thirty-five cents per bushel. He went through all the hardship and experience of pioneer life, and carried on farming at a time when much of the work was done by hand, before the introduction of the modern machinery which is to-day in use and has rendered labor much less difficult than it was in former years. He is now living retired in the enjoyment of a well earned rest, his capital having been acquired entirely through his own labors.
To Mr. and Mrs. Hayden have been born nine children: Elmer, Leroy, Alice, Fred, Bertha, Martha, George, Jessie and Grace. George and Grace are now deceased, and the others are all married. One son now lives in Bloomington, Indiana, one daughter in Billings, Montana, while the others are residents of West Creek township, Lake County, and with the exception of the oldest son, who was born in Illinois, all are natives of Lake county, Indiana. Mr. Hayden has given his political allegiance to the Republican party since its organization, and prior to that time he was a Whig. He voted for Fremont in 1856 and for Lincoln in 1860 and 1864, and since that time he has supported each presidential candidate of the party. At one time he served as assessor of West Creek township, but has never sought or desired political preferment. On the contrary, he has felt that his business affairs claimed his entire time and attention, and in the careful conduct of his agricultural interests he has won the property that now enables him to live a retired life.
Submitted By Philip L. Ritter
[Ball, T.H., Encyclopedia of Genealogy and Biography of Lake County,
Indiana, Lewis, 1904, pp 516-517]
John H. K. Vater was born in germany October 27, 1824, and is the son of Samuel and Susanna (Gastenberger) Vater. John attended school until fourteen years old, and then worked in a distillery till about twenty-two. In 1846, he came to America, stopped in Milwaukee a short time, thence moved to Chicago, where he worked in a lumber yard some four years, then kept a grocery for a long time. January 9, 1852, he married Georgina Eggers, by whom he became the father of six boys and six girls- John E. (deceased), Frederick (deceased), William, Bertha (deceased), Augusta, Clara, Herman, Freddie, Georgina, Frederica, Charlie and Elizabeth. In about 1867, he sold his store in Chicago and came to Whiting Station, bought forty-five acres of land fronting the lake and adjoining the property of his brother-in-law, Heinrich Eggers, and built a fine residence near the shore. In 1876 he joined a number of others in the building of the Berry Lake Ice House, of which he is now the Superintendent. He is a Republican and has twice been elected Justice of the Peace.
Submitted by Kathy Huish
Source- Counties of Porter and Lake, 1882.
JAMES H. SANGER Jr., was born in Cedar Creek Township, Lake County, Ind., April 14, 1844, and is the sixth of eight children of James H. and Martha B. (Cleveland) Sanger, both natives of Ontario County, N.Y. James H. Sanger Sr., was married in New York in 1834, where he owned a farm and was engaged in agriculture. At an early day he bought a farm in Michigan, sold the New York property, and came to Cedar Creek Township in the spring of 1837, where he entered eighty acres, on which he constructed a cabin, with a clapboard roof and puncheon floor. To this domain he continued to add until he owned 1,000 acres of excellent land; he was interested largely, also, in sheep and cattle, and was one of the most extensive dealers in this line in the county. He died in Lowell, July 30, 1882, in his seventy-fifth year. He was a member of Lowell lodge, No. 245, I.O.O.F., of Lowell Grange, a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and one of the old settlers of the county.
In an early day, he was Postmaster, and afterward held various township offices. James Sanger Jr., received a school and academic education, and worked with his father until he was twenty-one years old. On Dec. 31, 1871 he married Charlotte Levering, of Knox county, Ohio, daughter of John S. and Elizabeth (Craft) Levering. Two children followed their union--Leora Maud and Frederick J. In 1873, Mr.Sanger purchased and moved to a farm of 187 acres, Since 1881, he has resided on the home farm of his father. Mr. Sanger is a member of Lowell Lodge, no 245, I.O.O.F., and is an enterprising farmer and citizen.
Submitted by Jack Childers
C.C. SANGER was born in Cedar Creek Township, Lake County, February, 1839, and is a son of JAMES H. SANGER, deceased. Mr. Sanger was reared in Lake County, which has always been his home. He recieved a good common school education in youth, and finished at the old Male and Female College at Valparaiso. His wife was Miss CAROLINE CHILDERS, daughter of JOSEPH and SARAH CHILDERS. Shortly after their union, Mr. Sanger engaged in farming at Cedar Creek Township, at which he continued until 1874, when they moved to Lowell, and rented their farm, an where they have since resided. In the same year, Mr. Sanger, opened a hardware store, and has carried on said business since that time; he carries a full line of hardware, tinware, stoves, agricultural implements and the like, in which he is having a good trade. Besides property in Lowell, Mr. Sanger has a farm of over 160 acres in Cedar Creek Township. He is a member of the Freemasons and a Republican in politics. Mr. Sanger is a member of the Methodist Espiscopal Church
Submitted by Jack Childers
Luman A. Fowler, one of the early settlers of Lake County, was born in Berkshire Co., Mass., October 1, 1809, and is a son of Josiah and Louisa (Stewart) Fowler. His parents moved to Palmyra, N.Y., where his mother died, his father afterward moving to Washtenaw County, Mich., where he died. Luman A. Fowler had a fair education, and was by trade a carpenter and joiner. At Dearborn, Mich., on October 18, 1835, he was married to Miss Eliza Cochran, born October 27, 1816, in Madison County, N.Y. This union was blessed with nine children- Harriet A. (deceased), Rollin D., Josephine (now Mrs. Williams), Arnold, Luman A., William S., Mary J. (now Mrs. Peterson), Alta E. (now Mrs. Pinney) and Mabel E. (now Mrs. Beidelman). Mrs. Fowler is yet living in Crown Point. After marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Fowler emigrated to what is now Lake County, locating in Centre Township, where Mr. Fowler farmed. At that period, indians and game were more abundant than white subjects, and they endured the hardships of most early settlers. Afterward Mr. Fowler became a leading citizen, whose judgement on public matters was often invoked by friends and neighbors. He was elected County sherriff seven times, serving fourteen years—an evidence of public confidence. In 1850, he went to California, where he spent six years in mining, and returned to Crown Point where, on April 12, 1870, after eight days' illness with pneumonia, he departed. He was an honorable man, and very greatly lamented.
Submitted by Kathy Huish
Source- Counties of Porter and Lake, 1882.
Lennertz and Paulus Biography
Nickolas and Elizabeth Lennertz left Germany because of their minor children. The government would have taken them over. Kaiser Wilhelm of the Hohenzollern Court were in charge of the government.
Nickolas and Elizabeth (Paulus) Lennertz both lived in Baden, Germany. Nickolas was born in 1815 and Elizabeth in 1818. They were married in the Roman Catholic Church In Baden and lived in the same town. To this union, twelve children were born. They all lived in Baden, Germany. Nine of these children died before their parents came to America. The oldest son, Jacob, came to America with his parents. Nickolas and his wife, Elizabeth, and his brother, Jacob, came to America with several other families in 1846 by way of LeHavre, France, where they sailed for New York. When they arrived in New York, they took the Hudson River Boat to Albany and then transferred to the Erie Canal boats which took six days to reach Buffalo. Another steamboat took them to Chicago in four days. From Chicago they again traveled by covered wagons and arrived at the forty acres which they rented from the Wabash and Erie Canal for 16 years. They bought this same land or property in 1856 for $1.25 an acre. This property is located on 57th and Liverpool Road in what was then Hobart Township. It is located 1.5 miles east of Broadway in Gary, Indiana. He later bought some land north and east of the homestead on 49th Ave. in Hobart Township and some more south of the home near the John Schnabel farm on the road to Merrillville in Ross township and lived there during the Civil War days. Three of their children lived to an advanced age; they were Jacob, Mathias, and William.
The first log house Nickolas built was a little west of the Homestead. He then built another log house when they built two roads in front and on the south side of the farm. He built sheds, a silo, horse and cow barns, corncribs, hay shed, hen house, granary, smoke house, cellar and summer kitchen. A spring well was built and the water piped into the milk house. These buildings were about 130 years old. He had cows, calves, steers, and also raised hogs for their meat. His sons, Mathias, and William took them to the Stock Market in Chicago. Their grain consisted of corn, wheat, oats, barley, hay, rye, and alfalfa. They had fruit trees-apple, pear, cherry, mulberry, peach. They bound their grain by hand with twine until they acquired some farm tools.
Nickolas and Elizabeth went to Sts. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church In Turkey Creek, and they are buried in Sts. Peter and Paul cemetery- Nickolas in 1886 and Elizabeth in 1904. The first church was made of logs and the next one was made of stone. There was an old frame school, also a frame house for the priests and another frame house for the teachers. The new brick church was built in 1916 on Harrison St. in Ross Township. The first log church was built where Sts. Peter and Paul cemetery now stands. They heated these old buildings with a wood stove. The new church and school was more centrally located for the parish members. All the Lennertz children attended grade school at Sts. Peter and Paul school.
Jacob Lennertz Family: Their son Jacob married Teresa Adler (of Turkey Creek). They had five children and lived near the homestead for a while after their marriage. They then moved to Joplin, Missouri, and lived there until his death at an advanced ape. Some of his children and grandchildren lived in the Gary and Hammond area, and the rest lived in Joplin, Missouri.
Their son, Mathias, lived on the homestead for a while. He married Barbara Hoffman, and they then moved to Merrillville on the Lennertz property Ross Township. He learned the blacksmith trade in Hobart from William Scholler and went into the blacksmith business in Merrillville. They had six daughters and three sons, and all lived to an advanced age.
Submitted By Thomas E. Darga
Lewis Hayden is numbered among the early settlers of Lake county and is a retired farmer now living in Lowell. In fact, he is one of the native sons of this portion of the state, his birth having occurred in West Creek township, March 12, 1838. He is the eleventh of a family of thirteen children whose parents were Nehemiah and Harriet (Kitchell) Hayden, mention of whom is made on another page of this work in connection with the sketch of Jacob Hayden. Amid the wild scenes of frontier life Lewis Hayden was reared upon the old family homestead in West Creek township. The settlements in northwestern Indiana were them widely scattered, and much of the land was still unimproved. Crude farm machinery was used in developing the fields, for the era of modern invention had not yet dawned resulting in the production of the modern agricultural implements that are to-day in use. Lewis Hayden performed his full share of the work on the home farm, clearing the fields, planting the seed and harvesting the crops. He hauled wheat to Chicago with ox teams before there was any railroad, and he remained upon the home farm until the death of his father, when he started out in life on his own account. His educational privileges were such as were afforded in a log schoolhouse of that period.
Mr. Hayden was united in marriage to Miss Lucinda Knisely, and to them were born two sons and a daughter, Sherman, Grant and Addie, but the last named is now deceased. The mother passed away January 5, 1867 and Mr. Hayden afterward wedded Almeda Knisely, a sister of his first wife. She was born in New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas county, Ohio, October 16, 1846, and by her marriage she became the mother of ten children: Judson; Edward; Sylvia; Albert and Alma twins; and Carrie, Mark, Bruce, Rubie and Blanche, all of whom are now deceased. All were born in West Creek township and the living children are all married with the exception of Albert.
Mr. Hayden has spent his entire life in Lake County and during the greater part of the time has engaged in farming. He now owns two valuable farms comprising rich and productive land, one of which is two hundred and seventy-two acres in extent and the other one hundred and twenty acres. This land he rents, and it brings to him a good annual income. He himself was actively engaged in farming until 1899, when he retired from business life and removed to Lowell. He had been very successful as an agriculturist, had placed his fields under a high state of cultivation, and had annually garnered rich crops which found a ready sale on the market. He improved his farm by building fences and erecting a large modern residence, substantial barns and other outbuildings; in fact he added all modern equipments and accessories to his place and his property is now very valuable. His political allegiance has ever been given to the Republican party, and upon that ticket he has been chosen for a number of local positions. He belongs to a family of nine brothers, who have contributed in large measure toward the improvement and progress of the southwestern part of Lake county. They own adjoining farming property in West Creek township, and contribute in large measure to the agricultural interests of this portion of the state. They always favor general progress and improvement touching the interests of society at large, and Mr. Hayden has given his hearty co-operation to many movements that have been of direct benefit to this portion of the state.
Submitted By Philip L. Ritter
[Ball, T.H., Encyclopedia of Genealogy and Biography of Lake County, Indiana, Lewis, 1904, pp 522-524]
In 1837, when according to the Clam Register eighty-one men became settlers in the newly organized county, DUDLEY MERRILL bought a claim which had been made by Amsi L. Ball, or by his son John Ball, settlers of 1836, located on the Deep River south of "Miller's Mill." But soon he obtained land at Wiggins' Point and made there a permanent home. WILLIAM MERRILL, his brother, came with him in 1837 as a settler. He also obtained land at Wiggins' Point, and at length erected a quite large frame dwelling house on the north side of the old Indian trail, opposite the Indian dancing floor where the Saxton family had located, that trail becoming the mail route to Joliet from LaPorte and a great thoroughfare for western travel.
Soon village life commenced. A hotel was opened and a store, and then a blacksmith shop, and the name of Wiggins' Point was changed to Centerville. A post office was needed before long, and the name was changed to Merrillville. Both the brothers had sons, and around the Saxton and Merrill families quite a community grew up. Dudley Merrill started into operation a cheese factory, having also for a time the hotel, and carrying on a farm. Only one of his sons, Charles Merrill, is now living; Dr. Wallace Merrill is a son of William Merrill; and one of his daughters became a good teacher. There were two other brothers of this Pennsylvania Merrill family who settled in this county, John Merrill and Lewis Merrill, both of these being for some time citizens of Crown Point. Two sisters also became residents of the county; and of the descendants of William and Dudley and John and Lewis Merrill and of the sisters, there are many to represent still their Pennsylvania ancestors, though not all bearing the Merrill name.
Lieutenant John P. Merrill
One of the sons of Dudley Merrill, of Merrillville, John P. Merrill was born October 13, 1843. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Company A, of the Ninety-ninth Regiment, and in October, 1864, was promoted from the office of Sergeant to that of First Lieutenant. He returned home in June 1865, and became a merchant. In 1867 he was married to Miss Martha T. Randolph. He was for many years Trustee of Ross Township, and at length, having been elected County Treasurer, he removed to Crown Point. Spending several years of his life as an active, useful citizen of Crown Point, he died there suddenly at 5 o'clock Sunday evening, February 21, 1897.
Submitted by Kathy Huish
Source- Counties of Porter and Lake, 1882.
M. G. BLISS M.D., was born in Otego, Otsego, County, N. Y., November 24, 1828, and is one of the eleven children of Simeon and Betsey Knapp Bliss, the former a native of Massachusetts, the latter of Rhode Island. Simeon Bliss was a life-long farmer, and moved from New York to Indiana in 1856, locating in White County, where he died in 1864, and his wife about one year afterward. The grandfather of our subject was a Lieutenant in the Revolutionary war. Dr. Bliss resided with his parents until his seventeenth year, attending school, and afterward assisting his brothers in the lumber trade, finishing his literary education at Wellsburg Academy, in Tioga County, Penn. In 1850, he went to California, via Isthmus of Panama, where he engaged in mining for three years. On arriving at Foster's Bar, Yuba River, he had but $1, which he invested in a dinner. In 1853, he returned to the States, and began the study of medicine with Dr. Eaton, of Cass County, Ind. After his first term of lectures, he began practice at Pulaski, and in September, 1861, enlisted as private in Company E, Ninth Illinois Cavalry, and, after three months, was promoted to Battalion Quartermaster, with rank of Second Lieutenant. During most of his term, he was on detached duty as Assistant Surgeon until his discharge, in 1863. He then recommenced practice in Pulaski, and, in 1865, came to Crown Point and began the drug business; this he continued until 1874, when he was burned out. During the winter of 1874-75, he attended lectures at and graduated from Bennett Eclectic Medical College, Chicago, since which he has been in practice at Crown Point, where he is a leading and successful physician. In November, 1860, he was married to Miss H. Amanda Herring, a native of Pittsburgh, Penn., and a resident of Logansport, Ind. To this union succeeded one daughter - Lillie. Mrs. Bliss died in 1863. In 1865, Dr. Bliss married Miss Sarah E. Herring, sister of his former wife; she died in 1879, leaving three children - George M., Harry P. and Susan L. Dr. Bliss is a Mason, a Republican, and Secretary of the Board of Health of Lake County.
Data entry volunteer: Suzan Schaeffing
Source: Counties of Porter and Lake, Indiana, Historical and Biographical, Goodspeed and Blanchard, 1882
page 602 Crown Point and Centre Township
Nicholas Scherer was born in Prussia in 1833, and is one of the seven children of John and Mary Scherer, both natives of the Province of Rhine, Prussia. Nicholas Scherer attended schol until he was fourteen years old, when his parents emigrated to the United States. They located in St. Johns, where they began the combined business of hotel and saloon, it being the first saloon established in Lake County. In 1853, Nicholas became contractor for digging State ditches in this county. In 1854, he removed to Dyer, where he managed a saloon and hotel, also having built the Joliet Railroad Cut-Off. In 1868, he sold his interest in Dyer, and located at what is now Schererville; he had purchased seventy acres in section 15 and 16, of which the village plat is a part. Soon after locating here, he took a contract to build a grade thirty miles between here and Chicago. In order to have a station near by, he donated $24,000 to the railroad company; this done, he laid out the town and named it Schererville; the plat contains nearly four hundred lots, and has thirty or fourty houses. After completing his grading, he became foreman of the railroad construction train for nine years. He has just removed a sand bar in the Calumet River. in 1862, he married Miss Frances Olenfrock, a native of Prussia, born in 1833, by which union have been born seven children-Anna, Mary (deceased), Margaret, Teresa, Nicholas, John and Joseph. In 1863 and 1864, he was appointed by Gov. Morton Second Lieutenant for enlisting and recruiting service; he was instrumental in securing 140 recruits; he was also a Major of the State militia. He has been a valuable man in his township, having been Constable, Swamp-Land Commissioner, and is Road Superintendent. Not- withstanding a loss of $12,000 in 1877, his property aggregates $7,000. His parents resided with him during their last days, and died at the advanced ages of one-hundred and three and ninety-nine and a half years. Mr. and Mrs. Scherer are Catholics, to which church Mr. Scherer has donated four and a half acres for church building purposes.
Submitted by Kathy Huish
Source- Counties of Porter and Lake, 1882.
Ozra Metcalf, now deceased, was born in Cataraugus County, New York and when sixteen years of age came to Lake County, Indiana, being among its early settlers. He found that pioneer conditions existed here at the time of his arrival, for much of the land was still unclaimed and uncultivated, and the homes of settlers were widely scattered, save that here and there a little village had sprung up and the population was more congested in those districts. Mr. Metcalf came to Indiana with his uncle and settled in Eagle Creek township. In 1855 he removed to Cedar Creek township, where he was engaged in agricultural pursuits up to the time of his death, covering a period of forty-five years. Mr. Metcalf was united in marriage to Miss Clarissa M. Haskin, who was born in Geauga county, Ohio, May 22, 1837. Her father, Abile Haskin, was a nativeof New York, and became one of the early settlers of the Buckeye state. His last days, however, were passed in Michigan, where he died at the age of fifty-six years. He had married Clarissa Custer, a native of New York, who died in Lake county Indiana, in her seventy-seventh year. They where the parents of six childern, three sons and three daughters, all of whom reached mature years, while only two are now living, the brother of Mrs. Metcalf being Nichols Haskin* who resides in Kansas. Mrs. Metcalf was the youngest of these children, and came to Lake county when she was but five years old, with her mother. Here she has since lived. She was married in 1855, and this union whas been blessed with two daughters and two sons. Clrissa L. is now the wife of William Northrup, their marriage being celebrated Febuary 14, 1878, and their children are Loris; Morton O., who died October 29 1889; Ora; Lulu; and John O. Byron Metcalf is a resident famer of Center Creek township. Lottie is the deceased wife of Fred M. Buckly. Ordel died in infancy.
Politically Mr. metcalf was a life-long Republican, and belonged to the Methodist Episcopal church, exemplifying in his life its teachings and belief. He was long a resident of Lake county, and widly known as a man of unfaltering honor and inflexibale integrity. He died at the age of seventy-one years of age, respected by all who knew him. Mrs. Metcalf still owns a farm of thirty-two acres in Cedar Creek township, also another tract containing forty-three acres. She likewise has fifteen acres at Lowell.* in the management of her property she displays good business ablity, and it returns to her a gratifiying income. Her father was a minister of the Methodist Episcopal church and in that faith she was reared. She has long been identified with the denomination and is a most Christion woman.
*Nichols Haskin married the widow of Thomas Childers
*Mrs. Metcalf's fifteen acres in Lowell is now part of the Lowell
Submitted by Jack Childers