Submitted By Kathleen E. Huish
Source- Counties of Porter and Lake, 1882.
"Alexander F. Brown...was born in Schenectady county, New York, in 1804, and there remained until 1837, when he removed to Lake County, Indiana, settling in Eagle Creek township. There he secured land from the government and developed and improved a farm. He was widely recognized as one of the leading and influential residents of this county, and his influence was a marked element in shaping the public policy. He became a recognized leader in forming public thought and opinion, and all who knew him respected him for his loyalty to his honest convictions and his devotion to the general welfare. In his political views he was a stanch Whig and he held membership in the Presbyterian church, holding office therein, taking a very helpful part in its work and contributing liberally and generously of his time and means to various church activities.
He was killed in a runaway accident in 1849 when forty-five years of age. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Eliza M. Barringer, was a native of Schenectady county, New York, and there spent the days of her girlhood. She lived to be seventy-three years of age and died in Lake county, Indiana. On her husband's death she was left to care for a family of five children, one of whom was born after his demise. The eldest, a daughter, Mary, now the deceased wife of Thomas Fisher, was but twelve years of age at the time of the runaway accident which terminated the active and useful career of the husband and father. John was the second of the family. William B. (Barringer) the third , is a resident of Crown Point. Anna is the wife of William C. Nicholson, of Crown Point. George, the youngest, died when twenty-nine years of age, leaving a widiow and three sons. Mrs. Alexander Brown reared her family of five children and much credit is due her for their success in life. She desired that they should have good educational privileges and thus be well fitted to meet life's practical and responsible duties, and she put forth every effort in her power to thus qualify them. She was one of the noble pioneer women of Lake county and all praise is due her from her children and friends."
Submitted By Constance Fifield Moore
Lake County, Indiana 1884
An Account of The Semi-Centennial Celebration of Lake County September 3 and 4 with Historical Papers edited and published by T.H. Ball
pages 422 and 423 refer to the Brown family in Lake County, IN
Encyclopedia of Genealogy and Biography of Lake County, Indiana with a Compendium of History 1834-1904 by Rev. T. H. Ball,
published by The Lewis Publishing Company, New York and Chicago, 1904 page 168
AMOS ALLMAN was born in Atwick, Yorkshire, England, February 27, 1825. He is a son of Maj. Allman; by trade a tailor; a preacher of the Methodist Church for thirty-five years, and three times married; his first wife was Margaret Haxby, born in England in 1790, and died there in 1826, leaving seven children, of whom Amos is the youngest; his third is Laura Brooks, who now resides in Chicago. Maj. Allman was born in England in 1791, and came to Lake County a pioneer in 1842, and purchased a part of what is now Crown Point. He was Recorder eleven years, and in 1856 removed to Sturgis, Mich., where he died December 28, 1858, aged sixty-seven years. Amos Allman came to America with his father in 1830, and lived in Toronto and Whitby, Canada residing with his eldest sister. In 1842, he began to learn the trade of tailor at Sturgis, Mich. In 1843, he came to Crown Point and worked at his trade, which he soon abandoned, owing to a partial failure of sight and went back to Sturgis, where he remained until 1855, engaged in mercantile business. He again returned to Lake County to look after his father's business of Recorder, and has since remained. In 1856, he was elected Recorder, and held the position for eight years, since which time he has been actively engaged in the real estate business, having the only complete set of abstract books in Lake County. Mr. Allman has been twice married, once November 26, 1857, to Miss Olive Wilcox, who died June 1, 1859, without issue, and again to Miss Mary A. Duther, on March 22, 1860, by whom he had five children - Walter L., Irene, Jessie, Claude and Nellie. Mr. Allman owns the old Crown Point homestead, and is one of the solid men of Lake County, a most respected citizen. He was formerly a Whig, but is now a Republican, and for eighteen months, beginning in 1866, he was Deputy Revenue Collector of Lake County.
Data entry volunteer: Suzan Schaeffing
Source: Counties of Porter and Lake, Indiana, Historical and Biographical, Goodspeed and Blanchard, 1882
page 599 Crown Point and Centre Township
Abiel G. Plummer has been a citizen of Lake county since the years 1852, for over half a century, and he thus belongs to the pioneer class of the citizens of the county and state. It was a matter of great pleasure to his many friends throughout the county that he was able recently to celebrate his eightieth birthday, and he has lived this long life so usefully and worthily that he is venerated and held in the highest esteem by all who know him.
He is a native of New England, and was born in the state of New Hampshire, May 24, 1824. He is of true colonial stock, and it is related that the earliest progenitor of the Plummer family was Francis Plummer, who came from England in the year 1633, only thirteen years after the advent of the Pilgrim Fathers upon the shores of New England. Abiel G. is the only son and the second of the five children born to Ephraim and Lucy (Gerrish) Plummer. His sisters are all living. Mary, the oldest, is the widow of Henry Dodge, a former agriculturist at Webster, New Hampshire, and she has three daughters living: Priscilla, the widow of Luther Gage, is a resident of Pennicoke, New Hampshire. Helen is also a resident of Pennicoke; and Frances, widow of Albert Reed, lives in Jersey City.
Ephraim Plummer, the father of this long-lived family of children, was born in Boscawen, New Hampshire, August 29, 1793, and died July 20, 1872, his birth having occurred six years before the death of George Washington. He was a farmer and received a meager education. His home was near that of the celebrated Daniel Webster. He espoused the cause of the Whig party until it was merged with the stronger Republican organization, which he supported until his death. Both he and his wife were members of the Congregational society of which the Rev. Dr. Wood was pastor for half a century. His wife was also a native of the same part of New Hampshire as her husband, and at her death on March 29, 1879, she was seventy-five and six months old.
Mr. Abiel G. Plummer was reared in his native state and had only a common school education, which was much supplemented and rounded off by the subsequent practical experience of life. He had early become acquainted with farming in all its phases, and when he reached his majority he began on his own account with only his energy and industry as his capital. When he was twenty-four years old he concluded to come west and lay the foundation of his substantial career, and he made the journey to Niles, Michigan, partly by rail, partly through the Erie canal and partly by the lakes. His first wages in Michigan were a dollar a day for hard manual labor, and while he was getting started he was always willing to do any work that would afford him an honest living. In 1852 he came to locate permanently in West Creek township, Lake county. In the preceding year he had bargained for three quarter sections of land in this township, and this was the land upon which he worked and wrought so as to bring him his present easy circumstances.
Mr. Plummer has some old parchment deeds which are valuable souvenirs in his household and interesting relics of the past. One was executed April , 1843, and signed by President Tyler, another was signed by President Polk and executed December 1, 1848, and of the same date and signature are two other. There are only a few of these documents in the county, and they are therefore the more precious as heirlooms and antiquities.
When Mr. Plummer came to this township Lowell contained but two houses, and there was not a railroad in the entire county, now so crossed and recrossed by great trunk lines. His first home was a little plank house, and in the early days he has seen as many as fifteen deer at one time on his premises. The old Indian trail led across his land, and wolves were still plentiful. He has thus witnessed all the great development that has transformed this county so wondrously in the past half century. He used to drive into the city of Chicago when the stockyards were located on the Lake shore. One of his greatest pioneer accomplishments in this county was the breaking of three hundred and twenty acres of virgin prairie with ox teams.
June 5, 1855, he was united in marriage with Miss Kate Baughman, and three sons were born to them, Frank and Edwin living at the present time, and elsewhere in these pages will be found the personal history of Mr. Frank Plummer, who manages the old homestead. Mrs. Plummer was born in New Philadelphia, Ohio, June 9, 1932, being one of the ten children, five sons and five daughters, born to Jacob and Sallie (Ritter) Baughman. She has a sister and three brothers still living: Barbara, who is the widow of Edward Knisely, of Lowell; John, who is a carpenter and joiner by occupation and a resident of Arlington, Washington; Jacob, a retired farmer of Lowell; and Jay D., who is a farmer at Jackson, Minnesota. Jacob Baughman, Mrs. Plummer's father was born in Pennsylvania of old Pennsylvania German stock, on February 9, 1798, and died October 4, 1853, in Lake Prairie, this county. He was a farmer by occupation. His wife was born in Pennsylvania, April 30, 1799, and died in West Creek township of this county. She was a member of the Evangelical church. Mrs. Plummer was reared in Ohio until she was seventeen years old, and received her education in that state. She came with her parents to Porter county, Indiana, in 1849. She is a kind-hearted and genial lady, and in many ways has smoothed out the rough places where family and friends were treading. She and her husband have together traveled life's journey for forty-nine years, and it is the hope of all their numerous friends that they will the next year celebrate their golden wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Plummer began their wedded life in West Creek township and continued in the pursuits of agriculture there for many years. In 1901 they moved into the town of Lowell, and there live a retired and peaceful life. Mr. Plummer owns about seven hundred acres of land in West Creek township, and his career of industry and honest dealing has brought him comfortable circumstances. He is a stanch Republican, and began casting his ballot for president when the Whig candidate, Zachary Taylor, ran for the office. He has voted for all the Republican nominees from Lincoln down, and has served as a delegate to the county convention. Mrs. Plummer is a member of the Evangelical church.
Submitted by Philip Ritter
[Encyclopedia of Genealogy and Biography of Lake County, Indiana.
Rev T.H.Ball editor-in-chief, Lewis, Chicago, 1904, pp.488-91]
Adam Schmal was born in the Province of Rhine, Germany, June 24, 1828. He is the son of Joseph and Anna C. (Spidler) Schmal, natives of the same locality. His father was a carpenter, which trade he followed thirty-six years in Germany. He intended coming to America in 1837, with John Hack, deceased, who, however, sent a glowing account of Lake County, which started him to the new world, and he arrived at New York after thirty days of rough passage, whence he went to Chicago, and thence to this county in 1838, where he settled to farming and died May 18, 1859, his wife preceding him by ten days. Adam has an English and German education, and, like his father, is a farmer, with one of the finest farms in this county, with all improvements; it contains 400 acres. On April 29, 1851, he was married to Margaret Rassier, a native of Germany, whose parents came to Lake County in 1842. Mr. and Mrs. Schmal have seven children-- Barbara (now Mrs. J. Wachter), Lily (now Mrs. J.G. Bohling), Peter, George, Margaret, Catherine, and Frederick William. Mr. Schmal is a Republican, and was County Treasurer from 1867 to 1871-a most satisfactory official. He has also been County Commissioner, and has held other township offices. He came to his present farm in 1875.
Submitted By Kathy Huish
Source- Counties of Porter and Lake, 1882.
Hon. B. Woods
May 25, 1836, Bartlett Woods left London, England. He landed at New York and came to Michigan City in August. In March, 1837, he made a claim in Lake County, on which he commenced improvements in the spring of 1838. He married the daughter of Samuel Sigler, also an early settler. With the exception of two years spent in Chicago, he has been a continuous resident on his farm. He holds for it, as a claim, one of the very few claim-entry certificates now to be found. For a number of years, being intelligent, talented, and a ready speaker, he has been a prominent man in the community. He held for two terms the office of County Commissioner. He was our representative at Indianapolis in the State Legislature in 1861 and again in 1865.
For the last three years he has been President of the Agricultural
By T.H. Ball-1873
When Charles Hall Bassett and Mary Ann Kyger were married in Brookville, Indiana, on August 25, 1863, they brought together families that had been part of the earliest settlements along the Whitewater River valley in Southeastern Indiana. The children of this marriage were to participate in the building of a new settlement in northern Lake County named Gary. The seven children of Charles and Mary were:
Leora T. (1865-1922) m. Daniel Havens (known to all as Lola and Doc) Ch. Mabel, Georgia, C. Howard, Madeleine
Lewis W. (1869-1873)
A. Gertrude (1872-1959) m. Frank O. Hodson Ch. Ralph
Grace (1876-1961) m. Charles Allison Ch. Vivian L.
Orris W. (1878-1966) m. Mary Emma Hains Ch. Maxine
Harry H. (1880-1893)
Walter S. (1884-1961) m. Golda Tegarden Ch. Mary, Robert, Virginia
About 1893 the family moved to Elwood, Indiana, where the oldest daughter had gone to live with her husband. As the children married and established their own homes, they either lived nearby or made the weekly trek to spend Sunday with Charles and Mary. Charles had been a brick layer but joined his son, Orris, in the plumbing business in Elwood.
Gertrude was the first of the Bassett brothers and sisters to move to Gary where she and her husband, Frank Hodson, became socially prominent community leaders. Encouraged by the Hodsons and the opportunity offered in this budding city, one by one the other family members made the move. The Allisons and Havens had moved to Indianapolis, but both families were in Gary by 1920 with daughters Vivian Allison and Madeleine Havens enrolled in Emerson High School. About 1920 Charles and Mary also moved to Gary and were joined by Orris in 1925. When first arriving in Gary the families usually lived with or near one another--often renting a house from the Hodsons. The addresses include 521 Monroe, 221 W. 6th Ave., 525 and 527 Jackson. Walter was the only Bassett off-spring to resist Gary. He and his family moved frequently and to several different states, but resided for a number of years at 8204 Forest Ave. in Munster. Distance, however, seldom prevented them from joining in family gatherings.
An appreciation of and talent for art and music was evinced in several family members. Lola taught art for a time in the Gary Schools and Gertrude's hand painted china is still admired by family members. Ralph Hodson and his daughter, Sally, were both singers and lent their voices to most of the family weddings. Walter's pumpkin carvings were an annual art event for the family.
Charles had served in the Union Army during the Civil War and was one of the 14 charter members of the William A. Ketcham Post of the Grand Army of the Republic which was organized in Gary in 1923--believed to be the last post to be organized. In 1926, at age 86, he became Commander of the post.
In their final years, Charles and Mary lived with the Hodsons at their home at 1516 W. 6th Ave. where the regular Sunday gathering of the clan took place.
Charles and Mary each died in 1929 but their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren still assembled with some regularity. They were a fun loving group, able to create their own entertainment or adopt the latest game craze. There were beach parties at Wells Street and "10-cent" Christmas parties at the home of Frank or Ralph Hodson or at Walter Bassett's home in Munster, where Walter was the first family member to discover that a basement could be converted to a "rec-room". The younger children often produced a play for the Christmas gathering. All of the youngsters have fond memories of special times at the Hodson's Long Beach summer cottage. In later years, the family gathered at Joe and Madeleine (Havens) Wildermuth's beach home or at their farm near Leroy, Indiana.
In 1989 the descendants of Charles and Mary Bassett are far flung and see one another only rarely. Yet each holds a special place in his childhood memory of the Bassett family gatherings.
Submitted by Dorothy Wildermuth Vekasi
CRIP BINYON, proprietor of the Cedar Lake House at Cedar Lake, was born in this county October 29, 1847, and is one of the seven children of John and Nancy Hughes Binyon. His father was one of the earliest settlers of this county, and now resides with his son Crip. Crip Binyon was a born farmer, and as such he is still partly engaged. The ground of this resort was owned by his father, who prepared it for the resort that it now is. With the opening of the C., N.A. & L.R.R., business began in earnest; he has frequently fed 200 guests, and has this year added to his buildings, and will further add thereto, in order to accommodate his patrons; he is building a new boat-house, and expects to have in use fifty new boats in 1883. In the winter it will be a staking resort; he has not advertised his location, depending, rather, upon the testimony of his guests for his success. On May 19, 1871, he was married to Flora Pierce, a native of this county, born January 23, 1846. They have four children - Lewis, Emma, Claude and Hall. Mrs. Binyon has charge of the interior arrangements, for which she is every way competent. Mr. Binyon is a Republican.
Data entry volunteer: Suzan Schaeffing
Source: Counties of Porter and Lake, Indiana, Historical and Biographical, Goodspeed and Blanchard, 1882
page 601, 602 Crown Point and Centre Township
Edgar Hayden, after long years of active connection with agricultural interests, is now living a retired life in Lowell and belongs to a family of prominence in the county--a family that has taken a very active and helpful part in the work of public progress and improvement. He was born in West Creek township, October 16, 1846, and in a family of thirteen children is the eleventh in order of birth. His parents are Nehemiah and Harriet Kitchell Hayden, and the family history is given in connection with the sketch of Joseph Hayden on another page of this volume.
No event of special importance occurred to vary the routine of farm life for Mr. Hayden in his youth. In his boyhood he pursued his education in a log schoolhouse, which had a puncheon floor and was seated with slab benches. He attended through the winter months, and when spring came he assisted in the work of plowing and planting in the fields, continuing their cultivation until after crops were harvested in the late autumn. He started out to earn his own living when a mere boy, working by the month as a farm hand, and thus he was employed until 1861, when he was married and began farming on his own account. He secured as a companion and helpmate for life's journey Miss Rachel Knisely, as sister of the wives of Jacob and Lewis Hayden. She was born in New Philadelphia, Tuscarawas county, Ohio, February 16, 1841, and is the third in a family of five daughters.
The young couple began their domestic life in Yellowhead township, Kankakee county, Illinois, just across the state line that divides Illinois and Indiana. His barn, however, was located in Lake county, while the house stood in Kankakee county. Mr. Hayden was there engaged in farming for a quarter of century, and during that period he transformed his land into very arable and productive fields, making his property one of value and also of attractive appearance. When twenty-five years had passed he put aside farm labor and took up his abode in Lowell. He at one time had two hundred and sixty acres of land, but has since sold one hundred acres, and he now rents the remaining quarter section. His first purchase of land comprised sixty-five acres, for which he paid fifteen dollars per acre, and the greatest price which he ever paid was thirty-seven dollars per acre. He sold one hundred acres in October, 1903 for one hundred dollars per acre, a fact which indicates how well he had improved the property. He began life a poor man, but by his own energy and unflagging perseverance, supplemented by the assistance of his estimable wife, he has become the owner of a valuable farm and is to-day enjoying the fruits of his former toil in a comfortable home in Lowell, his competence being sufficient to enable him to surrounding himself and family with the necessities and many of the comforts and luxuries of life.
To Mr. and Mrs. Hayden have been born two children, Nellie, who is now the wife of Charles Beebe, who is living a half mile west of Lowell upon a farm in West Creek township; and Seigel, who resides in Lowell.
Mr. Hayden is numbered among the honored pioneer settlers of Lake county. The family was established here in 1837, and since that time has been closely identified with the improvement and upbuilding of the county. In the family were eight sons and five daughters, most of whom have remained residents of this county. When a boy Edgar Hayden drove ox teams to Chicago, taking grain and hogs to the city market in that way. There were no railroads at that time and he did teaming to the city even after his marriage. His political views have ever been in harmony with the principles of the Republican party, but he has never sought or desired the honors or emoluments of public office. He has endeavored to live peaceably with all men, and has himself been engaged in no lawsuit. He is now a member of the town council of Lowell and is deeply interested in everything pertaining to its progress and upbuilding.
Submitted By Philip L. Ritter
Ball, T.H., Encyclopedia of Genealogy and Biography of Lake County, Indiana, Lewis, 1904, pp 496-497]
The oldest of Henry and Barbara (Burns) Wildermuth's nine children, Elias Wildermuth was born March 2, 1850, in Pulaski County, Indiana. Included in the household were Henry's two children of his first marriage. Pioneering was part of Elias' heritage. His ancestors had come to Pennsylvania from Germany in the mid-eighteenth century. They moved on to Ohio just as it was achieving statehood and then on to Indiana in time to be original purchasers of land in Pulaski County, Indiana, Elias' Mother, born in Germany, came to this country when she was eleven and married Henry on her eighteenth birthday. Although her grandchildren remember her singing German lullabies, she was not allowed to speak German in the house while Henry was around.
In 1875, Elias married Olive Herrick, the daughter of Joseph and Sarah Elizabeth (Hickman) Herrick. Joseph had come to America from England when he was eighteen, served in the Union Army during the Civil War, and, eventually, became a farmer in Pulaski County. Elias and Olive had four sons: Harry, Ora, George and Joe. Their only daughter died at birth.
As a young man, Elias taught school in a walnut log schoolhouse near his farm in Van Buren Township, Pulaski County. Farming, however, was his chief occupation until 1904 when he retired to Star City.
Perhaps partially motivated by the pioneer spirit of his ancestors, Elias, at age 56, chose to participate in the founding of a new city on the shore of Lake Michigan. This decision to move to Gary was encouraged by his two older sons. Harry, who was a locomotive engineer for the Pennsylvania Railroad, passed through Lake County on his regular run from his hometown of Logansport to Chicago and caught the excitement generated by all the activity in northern Lake County. Even before Elias moved to Gary, both he and Harry had purchased land there. Elias' son, Ora, a new graduate of Indiana University, had moved to Gary in 1906. In the spring of 1907 Elias packed the family's possessions in a wagon, hitched up the team and, with his ten-year old son, Joe, made the three day trip from Star City to Gary-a distance of 75 miles. Olive followed on the train.
Shortly after arriving, Elias opened Gary's first feed store. With a whole city to carve out of the sand dunes, hundreds of horses were needed to pull the grading equipment. The business of selling hay, oats, corn and straw flourished. There was a spur of the railroad in front of the shack store and, although he always kept some feed on hand in the store, most of it was sold from the railroad car. At first the family lived above the store, but soon built a home at 425 Jefferson St.
Elias became an active citizen of Gary. When the first iron ore shipment was to arrive in Gary, the US Steel Corporation invited the leading citizens of the town to ride the boat from the South Chicago Harbor to the new Gary Harbor. Elias was among those invited. For the next several years Elias ran the store, invested in the construction of a couple of buildings, and found time, in 1910, to be an enumerator for the US Census.
After a short illness, Elias died on January 2, 1915, and was buried at Oak Hill Cemetery. Two of his sons preceded him in death. In December 1907, George was found decapitated along side a railroad track. The murderer was never found. Harry died in a railroad accident in 1910. Joe continued to live at home with his mother. She took in boarders-some of whom became Joe's life-long friends. After Joe was married, he lived at 660 West 8th Ave. From time to time his mother lived with them. Joe's wife always spoke of her Mother-in-law with great affection. Olive's granddaughter, Maxine (Ora's daughter), was devoted to her grandmother. Olive Wildermuth died in 1925 and was buried along side her husband.
Representing a generation older than many who were part of the formative years of Gary, Elias and Olive Wildermuth lent their spirit and experience to this burgeoning new city full of 20th century pioneers and became forever a part of its history.
Submitted by Dorothy Wildermuth Vekasi
Frank S. Bedell
Post Office Inspector and ex-editor of the Crown Point Register, was born in Albion, Orleans Co., N.Y., May 19, 1836, and is one of the ten children of Norman and Agnes (SMILEY) BEDELL, both natives of New York; his father was engaged in the hardware trade, and afterward as a manufacturer, which he continued until his death in 1873; his mother is yet living in New York. Frank S. Bedell was sent to the public schools, and afterward to Genesee Wesleyan College at Lima, which he left after one year to work at the printing trade, which he began at 14 years of age; he had charge of the printing of the Rome Sentinel and Orleans Republican, where he learned his trade. In 1850 he removed to Michigan, and was employed as bookkeeper at Grand Rapids. In 1857, he came to Crown Point, and on August 4 was married to Miss Leila G. ROBINSON, daughter of Solon Robinson, proprietor of the town. Mr. Bedell was a compositor on the Crown Point Herald, now Register; he afterward removed to Chautauqua, N.Y., and engaged in the Livery business. In 1861, he was telegraph editor on the Dubuque Times; he returned to
Crown Point and purchased an interest in the Register, becoming sole proprietor upon the death of his partner, A. E. BEATTIE, in in 1869; he sold one-half interest in 1876, to C.W. AINSWORTH. In politics, Mr. Bedell is a Republican, and in June 1881, he received his commission as Post Office Inspector. Mrs. Bedell is a native of Crown Point. She studied medicine and had a three years' course at Boston University School of Medicine, from which she graduated in 1878. She practices the Homeopathic principal chiefly in Chicago. Mr. Bedell is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and has advanced to the chapter.
Submitted by Kathy Huish
Biography of the George Hyde Huish Family
On July eighth 1839 Frances(nee Orpin) Huish, wife of John Huish, gave birth to George Hyde Huish. The family lived in the County of Middlesex, England where John was a house painter by trade. George Hyde was the third of John and Frances's four children which were all born in the St. Pancras area of London, England. Ann Hyde Huish, the oldest, was born April of 1835, she was followed by John Hyde Huish born January of 1837. The youngest of this noble family was Jane Ann Huish born October 2, 1843.
George Hyde Huish
George Hyde Huish came to the United States and joined company D 1st VA. Volunteer Infantry and participated in the Civil War from May 15, 1861 to August 27, 1861. This was the first regiment organized on Southern soil for the defense of the nation under the call of President Lincoln and was also known as the 1st West Virginia Infantry (3 months service). George was mustered in at Steubenville, Ohio and all of the 1st VA vol. infantry troop s returned to Wheeling VA. to be mustered out by August 28th. He looked quite proud, in a picture taken some years later, wearing his Union uniform and holding a cane.
On November 12, 1863 George married Elizabeth "Miss Lizzie" Patton in the house of Mrs. Roseburg, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Elizabeth Patton was born in 1845 in Butler County Pennsylvania. Four children were born to this union. William Hyde Huish born January 11, 1865 in Allegheny City, Samuel Hyde Huish February 20, 1867, John Hyde Huish August 17, 1869, and Harriet Rachel Huish July 27, 1873 all born in Allegheny County Pennsylvania. The common middle name of Hyde has been speculated throughout many generations of Huish's as relating to Hyde Park of London. Hyde Park was once the royal hunting grounds for the family who lived at the Manor Hyde, and then it passed to the Monk's of St. Peter's at Westminster, then to Henry the VIII. The Royal family opened it to the public after the restoration of the Monarchy. Hide was the original spelling, the HY and HI were interchangable in early English spelling, and means a measure of land.
George and Elizabeth lived at 2308 Sarah Avenue in Pittsburgh from February of 1895 until his death 14 months later. George Hyde Huish died April 10, 1896 at the age of 55 of Brights disease after suffering with the illness for over a year. Just 3 years later, in August of 1899, his widow Elizabeth passed away at South Side Hospital in Pittsburgh from Typhoid fever. Both George and Elizabeth lay to rest at South Side Cemetery in Pittsburgh.
Samuel and John moved to Indiana Harbor area of Lake County, Indiana for a short time in the early 1900's, but both soon moved to Youngstown, Ohio where they worked in the steel mills until they retired. Samuel passed away August 5, 1953, and John July 27, 1951.
William Hyde Huish
The eldest son William Hyde Huish married the young widow Martha Jane(nee Price) Jones born in Warren Britonferry, County of Glamorgan, Wales, January 27, 1865 to Benjamin and Mary(nee Jones)Price. Martha and William married on December 31, 1885 by Nathaniel Morris, Minister of the Gospel, in Pittsburgh. While living in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA, William and Martha had the first five of their ten children. These children were Cora "Alma" Huish, born about 1887, who later married Lee Whiteman. Earl Huish, born about 1889, and his wife Dolly traveled quite often to cities like Salt Lake City Utah in the 1930's, and then eventually settled in Cincinatti, Ohio. Blanche Huish, born in about 1890, later became the wife of Warren Ellis. Ben Huish, born June 2, 1894, resided in Madison Co. Illinois most of his life until he passed away in 1969 leaving a son Bill Huish. William and Martha also had a baby girl born around 1895 who died as an infant.
The family made a move to Muncie, Delaware County, Indiana in the mid 1890's and three sons were born to the couple. George Hyde Huish, who was born in Muncie May 20, 1897, had 2 sons Paul and George, and 2 daughters Elizabeth, and Mary Carolyn who has been a great contributor to this family biography. In later years George lived with his son, Paul in Las Vegas, until his death in January of 1980. William Huish was born May 25, 1899 and lived in Cook County Illinois when he passed away in November of 1975. Eugene Hyde Huish, the next main subject further down in this biography, was born May 30, 1901 in Muncie, Indiana.
A final move to Indiana Harbor, East Chicago, Indiana and the birth of two daughters found the family in the midst of an active church and social life. Mary who married Hobart Wilgus, and Margaretta Huish who married Edwin Stillman, were born about 1903 and 1904 in Lake County, Indiana. All but three of the ten children spent the majority of their lives in and around the Calumet Region of Northwest Indiana. Martha was one of the founding members of the First Baptist Church of this city, and it's first organized service was read in the parlor of her home. She was also very active in the Welsh societies of the district in which she was much interested. William Hyde Huish was one of the first foremen in the Inland Steel Company plant and later at the Buffington cement plant. The steel mills attracted and kept many families, like this one, in the area. William had an epileptic siezure which caused him to fall into Lake Michigan where he drowned March 27, 1921. After a long suffering with a heart ailment Martha Huish, one of Indiana Harbor's earliest settlers, passed away at her home at 3511 Grand boulevard, June 26, 1930. Both William and Martha Jane lay to rest at Ridgelawn Cemetery in Gary Indiana.
Eugene Hyde Huish
In July of 1925 Eugene Hyde Huish married Lela Pearl Paulus, born May 23, 1898 in Brook, Newton County, Indiana, daughter of Henry and Bessie (nee Dunlap) Paulus. To this union a son was born, Robert Eugene Hyde Huish, February 6, 1927. Eugene "Gene", City Electrician, and Lela, a school teacher, were very active in the East Chicago, Indiana community.
Gene was active in the East Chicago Kiwanis Club, of which he was past president; the East Chicago Elks Lodge; The Royal Order of the Moose; a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and a past president of the Municipal Signal Assoc. He also served as Master of the Indiana Harbor Lodge No. 686; High Priest of E.C. Chapter of the Royal Arch Masonic Lodge No. 141; Commander of the E.C. Commandery No. 58; Illustrious Master of the East Chicago Council No. 101; member of Orak Shrine of Hammond, In.; Scottish Rite and was holder of the Knights York Cross of Honour. He was very active in the state Masonic circles and was designated as the representative to the Grand Lodge of Cuba and for five years served on the Grand Junior Deacons Committee. Raised to the degree of Master Mason in Indiana Harbor Lodge No. 686, and served as Secretary in 1954, F. & A.M., East Chicago. Served as Worshipful Master, High Priest of Indiana Chapter No. 159, R.A.M. The list goes on about this mans contributions in the local organizations of the Calumet Region. Sometime after his death in 1960 Mayor Jeorse, along with other City Officals, named a street after Eugene for getting a better traffic pattern through that area during peak rush periods. The bypass extends from 151st and Kennedy to 149th street in East Chicago and is named Eugene Huish Drive.
Gene's wife, Lela Huish, was also very active in church and social organizations. Lela, a former teacher in the East Chicago Indiana school system, was also a member of the Indiana Harbor Baptist Church; member of Order of Eastern Star Indiana Harbor Chapter No. 378, Past Grand Matron Order of the Amaranth Harriet Higgins Court No. 19; American Legion Auxiliary Unit No. 369 and 8/40. She was also Past Matron and Past Grand Warder of the Masonic Lodge. Her husband Gene passed away in April 1960 at St. Catherine's Hospital of a massive brain hemorrhage at the age of 58. Lela continued in her many organizations until she was close to 90 years old. Lela passed away in 1995 at the age of 97 after getting to see her eleventh great-grandchild. Eugene and Lela were also buried at Ridgelawn Cemetery in Gary near Gene's parents gravesites.
Robert Eugene Hyde Huish
Eugene and Lela's son, Robert Eugene Hyde Huish, attended East Chicago Roosevelt High School where he was editor of the school newspaper. Later he joined the Air Force division of the United States Army and was stationed in Florida during WWII, although he was not sent into any battles. After leaving the service he went to work, and later became the General Business Manager, for his uncle George Huish who owned the Calumet News Newspaper. On July 8, 1950 Robert married Marjorie Lois Plummer, born July 17, 1931 daughter of John and Esther (nee Moore) Plummer of Gary Indiana. On October 7, 1956 David "Lance" Hyde Huish, the first of four children, was born. Lance, who later married Lisa Sasser, is at present (1998) going into his third year as Chief of Police in Merrillville Indiana. Together they have a son Robert David Hyde and daughter Lauren Marie. On July 25, 1958 a daughter was born, Carol Lynn Huish, who now works for the Merrillville School Corporation. Carol has daughters Jaclyn Suzanne, Julie Christine and Jeannie Lynn and son John Edward. Then on November 22, 1959 another son was born to the family, Robert Keith Huish, who later married Josphine Echterling of Merrillville and today they together own Roma's Pizza in Hobart Indiana. Robert and Josephine have daughters Heather Michelle and Brittany Nichole. The family lived in Merrillville Indiana, and nine years after Robert Keith, another daughter arrived suprisingly on the scene to liven things up a bit. Kathleen Huish, writer of this family biography, was born to the couple on June 9, 1968. I have daughters Amanda Ashley and Katelynn Nichole. Robert and Marjorie lived in Gary, Indiana, next door to Marjorie's parents, at the beginning of their marriage. After their first child was born they bought a house at 7108 Virginia Street in Merrillville Indiana where Robert eventually passed away July 4, 1977 of colon cancer.
Hopefully years from now my daughters, Amanda and Katelynn, will continue this biography further.
Submitted by Kathy Huish