Came to LaPorte county in 1854 to live with his uncle Nathan Dorland after the death of his father John Sedam Dorland. "His education was restricted to three winters in a country school, and on September 9, 1861, he enlisted in Company C, 29th Indiana Volunteer Infantry, for three months. In September, 1864, he was promoted to the rank of quartermaster sergeant of the regiment, and the most important events of his military history, as he wrote himself, were the facts that the was never ill, was never severely wounded, was never in the hospital, and was always ready for his rations. His comrades say of him that he was a brave and faithful soldier. He served in the Army of the Potomac and was one of the youngest in the regiment, being only seventeen years of age when he enlisted. He was with Grant, McClellan and Thomas, and participated in the following engagements: Shiloh, Liberty Gap, Stone River, Chichamauga, Lookout Mountain, siege of Corinth and in all the battles in which his regiment was engaged. At the battle of Stone River a cannon exploded and destroyed one of his ears. On November 27, 1863, he was discharged at Bridgeport, Alabama and on the following day he reenlisted with the same regiment with which he remained until discharged, December 2, 1865. During all this service he asked for but one furlough of two weeks to visit his relatives. His introduction to General Grant was rather peculiar. He was driving a mule team, and on meeting the General and his party, tried to urge his team out of the General's way, but was thrown off in front of the great commander and threw mud in his face. His first acquaintance with General Thomas was in serving coffee and beans to the "Rock of Chickamauga", and being brought favorably to the notice of this gallant leader, he formed an interesting acquaintance with him. Although taken prisoner at Chattanooga, a few hours later, while on the march to one of those "Hell holes", known as war prisons, one of the prisoners stepped on the heel of another arousing his ire. A fight ensued to the great enjoyment of the guards, and Mr. Dorland, with two companions, taking great advantage of the general excitement, escaped in the thicket. His presence of mind is well illustrated by the following incident: While riding along one day he found two rebels by the roadside each armed with muskets. Reaching for his saddle equipment as though for a pistol, he told them to thrown up their hands. Involuntarily they did so. He secured their muskets, took off the caps and marched them to camp. They were much chagrined when they learned that he was unarmed and said "it was a damned Yankee trick."
Mr. Dorland was a thorough soldier, and was as ready for a foraging expedition as for more dangerous service. He could always be found in the thickest of the fight and had many narrow escapes. At one time his canteen was shot out of his hand, another time a bullet went through his hat, again a bullet struck him in the back but his life was saved by the tin plate which was a necessary part of a soldiers outfit. Still another time he was shot in the ankle. At one time, when on picket duty, he had an amusing experience. He saw moving in the breeze what appeared to be a man. He challenged, and on receiving no response, fired twice. Investigating he found two bullets in a stump on each side of which were tall mullen stalks.
When the war closed, Mr. Dorland came to LaPorte. He obtained a position as Deputy Recorder, and this position held to the entire satisfaction of all for eight years. After this, he engaged in the grocery business, and was at one time, in partnership with J.D. helps and William Wilberham for about three years. Selling out the embarked in the real estate and insurance business, first in partnership with John Organ, and later with his son, J. Vene Dorland.
He was always an ardent Republican, and in 1875 he was nominated city clerk, and although in a Democratic city, he was easily elected, and again 1879. He also served as clerk of the board of water works. Mr. Dorland was instrumental in establishing the Indiana Orphan's Home, and acted as secretary of that institution until his death. It was at his suggestion that the Baptist Assembly Grounds were established.
On September 16, 1867, Mr. Dorland married Miss Emily Rosetta Closser, a native a LaPorte County, where she still resides. Her father, Nicholas W. Closser, a native of New York, was one of the earliest settlers of LaPorte County. Mr. Dorland and wife reared a family of seven children, four of whom survive.
When 22 years of age, Mr. Dorland was converted and became an active and faithful Christian. When it was thought of organizing "The Indiana Baptist Publishing Company" to manage the business of "The Indiana Baptist", Mr. Dorland was one of the first men consulted and at once advised such a step and lent his influence in such a way as to become a valuable factor in the successful management of the business and was a director up to the time of his death.
It was while returning from a meeting of the directors at Indianapolis that the train on which he was traveling was wrecked and he was killed. This was on January 20, 1893. Probably no man in LaPorte was more universally known and liked than Mr. Dorland. He was prominently identified with nearly every society, church or business movement calculated to advance the moral or business welfare of the city. He was Christian gentleman in all the walks of life, and no man ever lived in LaPorte who was more generally useful to the community and whose life was more commendable. His death was deeply deplored by everybody who knew him, an his memory will be revered even beyond his generation.
Fraternally, Mr. Dorland affiliated with the I.O.O.F. at LaPorte, and Patton Post, G.A.R., LaPorte, In the Masonic order he took high rank, being connected with LaPorte Commandery No. 12, the Blue Lodge, and served one year as Grand Patron the State of Indiana for the order of the Eastern Star.
Source: Pictorial and Biographical Record of LaPorte, Porter, Lake and Starke Counties, Indiana. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers, Publishers, 1894.
George C. Dorland, real estate and insurance agent, and conveyancer. Mr. Dorland commenced his present business in the Spring of 1874. His previous training had been such as to qualify him for it, in more than an ordinary degree, he having been deputy recorder from 1866, until near the time when he went into business for himself. Thus he has been educated by years of training to the work in which he is now engaged, which includes the making of deeds and mortgages, and furnishing abstracts of titles. He will soon have completed a set of abstract books for all the lands in LaPorte county. He was appointed a notary public, February 23, 1874. Those who entrust business to him will find it in safe hands.
Source: History of LaPorte County, Indiana and it's Townships, Towns and Cities Jasper Packard, S.E. Taylor & Company, Steam Printers, 1876
Appalling Accident - George C. Dorland Loses Life In a Railroad Disaster - Sketch of the deceased - Impressive Funeral Services - Large Attendance
The city was shocked Friday on the receipt of the news that George Dorland was dead. Men looked at each other as if they could no credit the report. He left here Tuesday night in vigorous health and good spirits, had transacted the business he had in hand and was returning home, when the accident occurred which deprived him of life, his family of a kind husband and father, and this community of one if it's very best citizens. The facts are as follows: Mr. Dorland left here Tuesday night for Indianapolis, where he went to attend a meeting of the board of directors of the Indiana Baptism, a church paper published in that city, he being reelected a director; also to look after some insurance. He was aboard passenger train No. 16, due here at 4:23 a.m., having left Indianapolis Thursday at 11:45 p.m. The train consisted only of an engine, tender, combination express and baggage care, and the chair car. The accident was caused by a broken rail about 50 yards from the bridge, the train thus derailed. It was running at such a high speed that it could not be stopped until it struck the bridge, which gave way, depositing the engine and combination care in the river, and breaking the chair car in two, leaving the hind end of the latter on the track, throwing the occupants down the embankment. Fire from the stove in the combination car communicated with the woodwork and the car was soon in flames, being entirely consumed. The engineer, Henry Griffin, of Peru was scalded and died later. Several others hurt some seriously. The brakeman injured but not fatally, went back and flagged a freight train thus stopping a more serious accident. Mr. Dorland was conscious long enough after the accident to tell his name and residence and lived but a short time, his back was broken. The remains arrived here Friday evening at 8:40 p.m. They were met at the station by the Masons and conveyed to the family residence.
All of the persons who were injured in the accident were well cared for by the officials of the Lake Erie road at Peru. Ed Michael and S. M. Closser left that morning for Peru and returned the same evening with Mr. Dorland's remains.
Deceased was in the grocery business for several years, first with Y.D. Phelps and afterwards with W. Wilbraham, who is now in the West. He afterwards engaged in the abstract, real estate and insurance business, being at one time in partnership with the late John Organ, and latterly with is son J. Vene. He was elected city clerk in 1875, and re-elected in 1879, and was clerk of the Water Board in 1879-80. He was twice a candidate for auditor on the Republican ticket.
For years he held some official position in the church having been clerk and trustee and for the past two years was superintendent of the Sunday School. He was secretary of the Orphans Home and the Pine Lake Assembly and president of the LaPorte local board of Fire Underwriters Company.
The accident that caused Mr. Dorland's death occurred between 1 and 2 a.m. The news received by George McReynolds, agent of the Lake Erie and Western road. He very thoughtfully went to Mrs. Dorland's pastor and asked him to break the news to Mr. Dorland's family. Mr. Parker arrived at the home just as the family was sitting down to breakfast. As soon as Mrs. Dorland saw him, she inquired if he had bad news. He related the sorrowful facts as gently as they could be told. The relatives at once had Mr. McReynolds telegraph to Peru to an undertaker to have all the necessary arrangements made for bringing the remains here.
It was the deceased request that he be buried by Excelsior Lodge, No. 41, F. & A.M.
Mr. Dorland was without doubt one of the most popular men in the city and county. Everybody liked him. He was everybody's friend and not a few of our citizens loved him as a brother. He was thoroughly honest and was kindhearted to the first degree. He never spoke harshly of anyone. He was a Christian at all times and in all places weekday as well as Sunday, at home and abroad. In truth, he was a model man.
The funeral services over the remains took place Monday at 2 p.m. at the Baptist Church. The remains lay in state from 11a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Baptist Church, at which time the friends began to gather to hear loving words uttered and witness the last sad rites. The bier on which the casket rested stood in front of the pulpit, a guard of honor from LaPorte Commandery consisting of having charge of the casket. A constant stream of sorrowing passed and viewed the remains. In rear of the casket upon a large catafalque was arranged some of the most handsome floral offerings we ever saw. Among them was a large five pointed star of roses an carnation from the Grand Chapter of Eastern Star saying "Our Past Grand Worthy Patron." The most prominent of the floral pieces was "The Gates Ajar" presented by the Baptist Church. It was composed of lilies and roses. A "broken shaft" of roses and carnations was contributed by the Sunday School; a sickle of roses from the Women's Relief Corps; a cross of red carnations with a crown of white roses, from the Knights of the Red Cross, LaPorte Commandery; a star of five colors from the Eastern Star, Michigan City; and emblem of the Blue Lodge of roses and carnations from Excelsior Lodge F. & A.M.; a cross and crown from Michigan City Commandery, No. 98, K.T. Mrs. Ransford of Indianapolis contributed a very handsome bouquet of lilies and violets. The casket was draped with an American Flag.
The pastor of the church, Mr. Parker, took his text from Numbers xxiii, 10: "Let me die the Death of the Righteous." He spoke of the righteous man as one from above -- one who does what is right, one who is spiritually developed. There is something peculiar and distinctive about the death of such a one. It is not that he is exempt from mortality, the Righteous die. His death is ordered under the immediate direction and care of God. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." His soul reposes on three pillows of assurance, viz that power is pledged for God to keep his own; that infinite wisdom dictates what is best; that infinite live throws about the dying saint it's tender care. Finally he is called to leave this life only to enter upon life immortal. "The Righteous hath hope in his death."
The death of the righteous is something peculiarly to the be desired. Who would not say with Balam "let me die the death of the righteous." This was the happy oration of our departed brother. he was recognized everywhere as a genuine Christian, as one devoted to a righteous and godly life, as one who was a lover of things good, useful and true. He was ready to die. He had wished that his death might be sudden. His desire was granted. On his homeward journey he fell on his last sleep, a sleep from which he wakened to find himself in the everlasting home on high.
Dear friends, let me urge you to secure for yourself this happy portion. Take care to get the hope of the righteous men, and to live the life of the righteous man, in order that at last you may have the consummation of such a death.
The Baptist choir sang in sweet and hushed tones "My Jesus as Thou Wilt" and "Shall We Meet Beyond the River?". The male quartet consisting of Massers Butterworth, Berger, Backus, and Ephlin sany "I Would Not Live Always." At the church seats were reserved for the various organizations in attendance.
Two coaches filled with friends of the deceased came from Michigan City. Most of them were members of some of the secret organizations with which Mr. Dorland was connected. There were ten or twelve Blue Lodge masons, ten of the Eastern Star, twenty-seven of the Commandery and the remainder were Odd Fellows or G.A.R. members.
The organizations present from this city were Excelsior Lodge, LaPorte Commandery, K.T.; Patton Post G.A.R.; LaPorte Lodge I.O.O.F.; Orient Chapter, OEE; and the Women's Relief Corps. The pall bearers were W.A. Banks, W.B. Biddle, E. Moore, O.A. Burroughs, J. Buck, G.H. Carter, H.C. Noe and W.T. Anderson.
The choir that furnished the music were Messrs S.I. Kessler, and George Cutler and Misses Grace Chaffee and May Miller, while Austin Cutler presided at the organ. There were in attendance at the funeral 200 masons, 80 members of Patton Post G.A.R.; and 60 Odd Fellows. Rev. W.D. Chaffee of South Bend offered prayer and Rev. Walter Scott read a short extract from Scripture. The remains were escorted to the cemetery by numbers from all the secret orders. At the grave a short services was read by Rev. Addison Parker, and the Make Quartet sang "Nearer My God to Thee." The services were very impressive.
Those present from abroad were Joseph O. Dorland, Greensburg, Kansas, brother of the Deceased; Mrs. Indiana Beeber and daughter, Mrs. Myers, Rochester, Indiana; Jason Beeber and daughter, Argos, Indiana; Miss Lizzie Whorry, Plymoth; Oscar Sabin, Chicago, Illinois, Quartermaster of the 29th Indiana regiment.
Source: Weekly Herald, LaPorte, January 26, 1893
Misc. Notes -
In accordance with deceased request the entire funeral services were under the auspices of Excelsior Lodge No. 41 F. & A.M. An invitation was extended by the lodge to the Grand Army of the Republic and Odd Fellows as Mr. Dorland was a member of both organizations. After the religious services at the church, the Masonic fraternity held the first section of their service at the church, giving the second or closing section at the grave. The last act in the impressive ceremonies of the day was the firing of a military salute by the guard of honor Patton Post.
The quartet, consisting of Messrs Ephlin, Berger, Backus and Butterworth was engaged by Excelsior Lodge. The single tree on the to the Dorland funeral Monday by Charles Phelps broke, disabling the vehicle, the occupants being obliged to await the return of another carriage to convoy them into the city.
Mr. Jene Hewe of LaPorte and Mrs. G.H. Service of New Carlisle contributed a large and beautiful bouquet composed of call lilies and smilax.
The flag on the Odd Fellow Temple was at half mast, Monday in honor of the late George. C. Dorland who was a member of that order.
Hutchinson's Practical School for Watchmakers closed during the funeral services over the remains of Mr. Dorland the latter having been one of the stockholders.
The Business College was closed Monday on account of the funeral of George C. Dorland, the latter having been instrumental in inducing President Farnham to lacate the institution here.
Miami Lodge, No. 52, I.O.O.F. Peru having been notified that Geo. C. Dorland was in the wreck on the Lake Erie and Western railroad Friday morning, and was an Odd Fellow, at once appointed a committee to render assistance, consisting of the Noble Grand, Benjamin Chrise and George Fry, who found that Mr. Dorland had been removed from the wreck to the hospital. These brothers rendered all the assistance in their power and accompanied the remains to LaPorte, attending a regular meeting of Odd Fellow here Friday night, returning to Peru on the 10:15 train.
Mr. Dorland was past master of Excelsior Lodge, No. 41, F. & A.M., was past high priest of LaPorte chapter, No. 15, R.A.M.; Past Illustrious Master of LaPorte Council, No. 32, R. & S.M.; past eminent Commander of LaPorte Commandery, No. 12, K.T.; past worthy patron of Orient Chapter, Nov. 55, O.E.S.; Past grand patron of the Grand Chapter Order of Easter Star of Indiana; and for several years was a trustee of LaPorte Lodge I.O.O.F. Deceased also held an honorary office in the Colorado Commandery. For a number of years he was secretary of the LaPorte County Agricultural Society.
Mr. Dorland left two sisters, Mrs. Libbe Reynolds of this city and Mr. J.G. Miles of New Carlisle.
Mr. Dorland carried about $7,000.00 life insurance. It was reported that he had dropped his policy in the Masonic Mutual Benefit Association only recently but the reverse was true: He paid the last assessment the day before his death, and was made adjuster of the Association, receiving a percent of a handsome gold badge from the latter.
Interment at Pine Lake Cemetery, LaPorte, Indiana
Submitted by Daniel J. & Lara C. Thompson
James Drummond is a farmer on sec. 1; P.O., Rolling Prairie. He is a son of James and Nancy (Griffith) Drummond, both of whom are dead, and was born in Clarke County, Indiana, August 9, 1810, and is of Scotch-Welsh descent. Coming to this county in February, 1835, he first settled in this twp., where
he has resided ever since. He was married March 8, 1834, to Amy J. Bowell, a native of Indiana, who is now 64 years of age and the mother of 4 children, of whom all are living: Ann E., the wife of T. J. Foster, now County Treasurer; Margaret J., the wife of J. Oglesby, a farmer in this twp.; Jesse, also a farmer in Wills tp., and Marietta, wife of George W.
Roe, a resident of Chicago. Mr. D. owns 330 acres of good land, worth about $75 per acre. He has been County Commissioner in this county. He and wife are members of the Christian Church; politically, he is a Democrat. His educational advantages were limited; was compelled to attend school in log houses. He has worked hard during his whole life, and has earned all he
has by manual labor, having had only $400 in money and a little personal property when he commenced life for himself.
1880 History of La Porte County, Indiana
Submitted by Marsha Drummond Smith