Harley Wilson Griffith, son of Charles W. and Mattie Wilson Griffith, b. Septemer 3, 1893, Bloomfield, Green County, IN.
James McClelland Griffith, son of Louis and Rose Griffith, b. November 1, 1896, Addison Township, Shelby County, IN.
Jesse Jackson, son of Henry and Mary A. M. Jackson, born June 20, 1892, Salem, IN
Otis Clarence Jackson, son of Lindsey C. and Mary E. Jackson, b. March 23, 1891, Harris City, Decatur County, IN.
Paul Stanley Jackson, son of Edward and nancy Jackson, b. May 3, 1898, Versailles, IN.
Ray A. Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Jackson, b. December 15, 1892, Groveton, N.H.
William Carl Jackson, son of Lorenzo L. and Flora Jackson, b. April 27, 1897, Ripley County, IN.
Information for the following people can be found in: Biographical and Historical Record of Adams County, IN
William Jackson, native of Ohio, b. Wayne (now Ashland) County, January 16, 1823, son of Henry and Emma (Hoch) Jackson, natives of Berks County, PA.
Biographical and Historical Record of Jay and Blackford Co., IN
I. A. Griffith b. Washington County, PA, May 8, 1836
A Portrait and Biographical Record of Delware and Randolph Co., IN
Roscoe C. Griffith, b. December 15, 1863, Huntington, IN, son of William H. and Seraphina (Clark) Griffith.
Frank G. Jackson M.D. b. Delaware Co., IN, November 25, 1858, son of William N. and Sarah (Collins) Jackson.
James H. Jackson, b. Shelby County, Ohio, February 6, 1823, son of Jesse and Mary Jackson.
John B. Jackson b. Delaware County, IN, September 3, 1846, son of James H. and Elizabeth (West) Jackson.
Indiana War Records - Gold Star Honor Roll
WARD L. GOUL Engineer, C.A.C. Son of Jesse L. and Alice Goul; born December 15, 1891, Marion, Ind.
Moved to Madison County in 1902. Laborer. Enlisted in U.S. Regular Army August 31, 1914, Anderson, Ind. Sent to Columbus Barracks, Ohio. Transferred to Coast Artillery School, Ft. Monroe, Va. Overseas in March, 1918; assigned to 56th Coast Artillery. Died January 25, 1919, in Evacuation Hospital No. 28, from wounds received in action. Buried in american Cemetery, Nantes, France.
Submitted by DustiGen@aol.com
Don Faust grew up on his parents farm in Madison county, Indiana, but was the first in a long line of farmers, to enter a different vocation. He spent his entire career in the broadcasting field, first as a radio and television announcer, and then as a station executive for more than thirty years. Along the way the spelling of the family name got changed from Foust to the ancestral Faust.
He married Barbara Wilson in 1951 in their hometown of Dayton, Ohio. They became the parents of one child, Thomas Wilson Faust, who was born in 1956. Perhaps as a harbinger of the career to come, his first public speaking appearance occured two weeks before his second birthday, with a recitation at a church Mother's Day program. It was short, just, "Oh Mother dear, when you are near, all my troubles seem to disappear".
In Don's youth, he helped on the farm by tending livestock, cultivating the fields and doing assorted chores during the summer and after school. While still a young boy, as a learning experience in earning his own money, he was allowed to hatch eggs with a few setting hens, raise the chicks and realize the profits upon their sale. This led naturally to joining the 4-H Club, an organization of farm youth, when he was old enough to participate. His 4-H projects included Jersey calves, Shropshire sheep, and Buff Orpington chickens, all of which were groomed and shown in competition at county and state fairs, winning twenty blue ribbons. The most prized honor was a gold medal for the "Best Fitted" (groomed) Jersey at the Indiana State Fair. He also teamed with another 4-H member to win two state championships in demonstrating Applied Agricultural Procedures.
The Great Depression that engulfed the country during his adolesent years, left a profound impression on him. Although his family fared better than many because they could raise their own food, it was a period of relentless privation. A particularly vivid memory was of seeing rescue workers removing the body of a man who had jumped only moments before from the observation deck atop the obelisk of the Soldiers and Sailors monument in downtown Indianapolis, another victim of the stock market crash.
Don was a member of the class of 1936 at Elwood high School, and was chosen as a commencement speaker. Following graduation, he went to Taylor University for one year, then to Purdue University. The study of agricultural economics at Purdue was not of overriding interest, but it did lead to something of greater appeal... student announcer at the university radio station, where he began with a program called, "Farm Facts for Farm Folks". That did it; broadcasting became his career objective.
In 1939, he got a summer announcing job at an Indianapolis radio station, and never returned to college. The pay was $60 per month, but in that post-depression pre-inflation period, a full lunch cost only 35 cents, shoes could be had for $5, and a haircut was just a quarter (two bits). The next eight years were spent at several stations in the typically nomadic radio business. After two years of somewhat aimless smaller market experience, he moved up to major stations in Washington D.C., Detroit, and Chicago. While in Detroit, in addition to staff announcing duties, he played the title role in the ABC network action drama, "The Green Hornet", the second of four who enacted the role in the 13 year life span of the program.
Don left Detroit in 1944 for Chicago to learn something of a new broadcasting medium... television. There were only seven stations in the country at the time, all mostly experimental and on the air for just a few hours a day. Three were in New York, and one each in Philadelphia, Chicago, Schenectady and Los Angeles. Equipment was hand made, programming was rudimentary at best, and enormous amounts of very hot lights were required to produce an acceptable picture with the early cameras. For example, it took eighty-four, 300 watt birdseye bulbs to light a small news desk. There were only 360 television receivers in the city of Chicago, all with tiny screens. Since the station was not commercially viable, as there were no advertisers at the time, personnel consisted of volunteers, except for a core technical crew. While earning a living as an announcer at a large radio station and part time work with a major advertising agency, Don became one of those pioneering volunteers as an unpaid TV performer and director. The days were long: the radio station from 5am to noon, the agency from 1 to 3pm, and the TV station from 3 to 10 or 11pm. For almost three years, sleep was almost an afterthought, but the experience gained would prove useful in future years.
In 1947, with new stations beginning to come on air, Don and two others started a television production company to serve advertisers who were taking an interest in developing ways to utilize the new medium. The company enjoyed intial success, creating commercials for Shell Oil, Ford, Gilette, Kool cigarettes, Elgin Watch, and several brewers. But it was short-lived. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), ordered a freeze on licensing new stations while they deliberated the allocation of new channels; an action that stopped the fledgling industry in it's tracks. The freeze lasted for three years, while the production company held on. It finally succumbed for the lack of new customers.
Broke and in debt, Don took a job in 1949 as Program manager at a previously licensed TV station that was under construction in Dayton, Ohio. It was there that he met his wife, who also worked at the station. Two years later he accepted a position as assistant General manager, at a station in Pittsburgh, PA. after two years there, he and the Sales manager found financial backers, applied for and received, one of the new Ultra High Frequency (UHF) channels that the FCC had made available. Unfortunately, the higher frequency signal did not adequately penetrate the hilly terrain of Pittsburgh. And the new station, despite excellant programming, could never develop an audience sufficient to sustain it. Another entrepreneurial disappointment.
Next, Don was hired to construct and operate a new TV station in Flint, Michigan, where he remained as Vice President and General manager for over 11 years. From a late start against entrenched competition, the station within a few years, achieved the second highest rating among all ABC network affiliates nationwide. Then it was sold and the new owner brought in his own manager, a man with whom he had been associated for some years.
With a financial cushion from stock he owned in the selling company, Don took several months before deciding in 1966 to accept a job with the General Electric Broadcasting Company as Vice President and General Manager of the TV and radio stations it had just purchased in Nashville, Tennessee. In succeeding years, he was transferred to the company's broadcast properties in Denver, Colorado and then to headquarters in Schedectady, New York. There, he was responsible for all of the GE stations, then the General Electric Cablevision Corporation and, finally, President of both the broadcasting and cablevision companies. As President, he was responsible for 11 TV and radio stations and 51 cable franchises across the country from Boston to San Francisco, a geographic spread that required flying more than 125,00 miles a year. After 15 years with GE, he retired to Nashville in 1981. Throughout his career, Don Faust was very active in community organizations, serving as a director on dozens of boards. A few in which he was most active include: United Way in Flint, Nashville and Denver, YMCA in Flint, Nashville and Denver; Better Business Bureau in Nashville and Denver; Michigan Governor's Council on Traffic Safety; Colorado Governor's Task Force on Jobs for Veterans; Service Corps of Retired Executives in Nashville; and Senior Citizens Inc. and Senior Citizens Endowment in Nashville. There also were innumerable committees and service as a consultant to nonprofit organizations on long range strategic planning. He was a member of the Committee of Sponsors for Flint's College and Cultural Develpment, a group of community leaders who undertook the building of a cultural campus consisting of an art museum, theater, planetarium, carillon, auto museum, and two buildings to house a branch of the University of Michigan.
One of the more demanding community assignments was director of the Golden Milestone Celebration. It was a Flint civic endeavor honoring General Motors on the 50th anniversary of its founding in the city and remembering the auto pioneers who were part of it -- David Buick, Louis Chevrolet, William Durant, Walter Chrysler, Charles Nash and Ransom Olds. The year-long celebration sponsored 85 events, culminating in a live broadcast of NBC Television's "Wide, Wide, World" and a parade attended by over 200,000 people. The parade featured over 3500 participants and special floats carrying the stars of several popular network TV programs.
Professionally, he was a director of: The National Association of Broadcasters Radio Board; the ABC Television Network Board of Governors; the UHF TV Association; the Michigan Association of Broadcasters; and a member of the Society of TV Pioneers. He was honored in 1953 as one of "Pittsburgh's Newsmakers of Tomorrow" in a Time Magazine/Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce recognition and is a biographee in "Who's Who in America". Don has been a speaker for over 350 civic, professional and eleemosynary organizations from New York to Los Angeles. In academia, he lectured on broadcasting at Georgetown University, Michigan State, University of Michigan, Wayne State and the University of Colorado.
By the nature of the business, broadcasting brought him in contact with a innumerable number of noted people from all walks of life. Among them were six Presidents: Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, Nixon, Johnson, and Reagan. The meeting with all except Roosevelt occurred before they were elected to the office.
Barbara and Don were taken many places by his career, and experienced a jolt or two along the way. But she, and their son Tom when he joined the family, took it all in good cheer, made new friends at each location and created a home out of each new house.
Written by Don Faust for "A Family History: The Ancestors of Thomas Wilson Faust," 1997.
Note from the editor: We owe a great debt to Don for his exceptional research and "publishing" efforts in the quest for ancestral discovery. He was a model for those who try excell and make a contribution to Humanity. Copyright, J.P. Smith 12/99.
Submitted by: J.P. Smith
Lela Vivien Smith was born February 26th, 1893, at the end of the Victorian era but was every inch a Victorian woman, being circumspect in whatever she did, albeit at times appearing a bit self-righteous. She was very active in the Methodist church, taught Sunday School and religiously following the dicta it preached at that time: drinking, dancing and card playing were frowned upon, and business was never transacted on Sunday. But at the same time, she always stood ready to help someone in need, be it family member or mere acquaintance. Many families impacted by the Depression benefited from food boxes left on their doorsteps anonymously. She graduated from Elwood High School where a classmate was Wendell Willkie, who became the Republican Party candidate for President in 1940.
In 1917, she married Glenn Foust and they moved into a house on the farm he had purchased about two miles south of her parents' home. The house was probably 60-70 years old at the time but of solid construction; the floor and structure were supported by 8x8 inch hand hewn beams. They remodeled it several times over the years and spent their entire married life there. Most improvements at the homestead dated from the early 1930's onward when electric power was extended to the rural areas, bringing appliances to the home and electric motors for many farm applications. Initially, she had to carry water in from a well; later a pump at the kitchen sink was installed, and, finally, running water. Cooking first was done on a wood-burning iron stove, followed by an oil stove, then an electric range. She canned hundreds of jars of fruits, vegetables, meats, jams, jellies and juices. Ten-gallon crocks of sauerkraut also were made. Her first washer consisted of two wooden tubs mounted on an iron frame with a hand-cranked wringer between them. One tub was for washing with homemade lye soap using a washboard, the other for rinsing. The clean laundry was, of course, hung outside on a clothesline. Later, an automatic washer and dryer eliminated the drudgery of that Monday task -- doing the laundry. In the early years, family groups got together for butchering. The men dressed and cut up the hogs for curing while the women made sausage and prepared the midday meal. Similar groups were assembled for threshing.
She became an accomplished teacher when her young son was not allowed to attend school for a year because of a bone cancer operation that left only a delicate shell of the cheekbone and doctors feared it could be broken in the rough and tumble of the schoolyard. She was such a demanding instructor that he finished two grades in one year and scored the highest grades in the county on the eighth grade final examination administered at the school. Vivien kept the farm records and was largely responsible for the chicken portion of the business, to which she brought a
significant amount of innovation. She developed a broiler feed mixture with ingredients such as gluten and iron oxide that had not previously been used. It produced broiler chickens a half pound heavier in two weeks less feeding time. Also, she had the unique ability to discern poultry infirmities through an autopsy. For much of her adult life, Vivien experienced health problems. But she still accomplished much, lived to be 90 and celebrated her 65th wedding anniversary before she died. (Taken from: A Family History: The Ancestors of Thomas Wilson Faust, by Donovan Faust, 1997)
Submitted by: J.P. Smith
Fernando Smith was born June 29th, 1863 at a time of war, the Civil War, but it is hard to imagine a more peaceful, gentle and compassionate man. He quietly embodied the attributes his Quaker forebears admired but without their adamant ideology. Simply put, he was a good man. He married Cyrena McWilliams in 1887 and they were the parents of four children, two of whom died young. Their marriage lasted for 67 devoted years. Little is known of her father and mother, Simeon McWilliams and Elizabeth Dipboye, except that he was apparently of Scot-Irish derivation and she of French. Logic suggests that Elizabeth's father may have been Jonathon Dipboye but it cannot be confirmed. He is known to have had a daughter of that name and he died in her home area around Madison County, Indiana -- the only family there of that unusual name at that time. Also, the name Cyrena appears in three generations of the family -- a striking coincidence since that unique name
occurs only those three times in the tens of thousands of names perused in preparing this history. For these reasons, a strong probabability exists that Cyrena McWilliams' mother Elizabeth Dipboye traced back to a Frenchman named George Dipboye. It has always been a matter of some curiosity to the writer, his grandson, how a farm family in Indiana came to bestow upon their son a Spanish name, Fernando. As noted above, Cyrena is unique as well. Fernando, Cyrena and their two living children Vivien and Howard lived on a 105-acre farm four miles south of Elwood, Indiana. They earned a good living but never were well to do. But they were beloved by their grandchildren who enjoyed staying with them, playing scratchy records of opera singers on their old hand-cranked Edison phonograph and shuffling through the fascinating basket of sea shells they collected on their one trip to Florida. Fernando was very active in the Aroma Methodist Church, serving in
many lay capacities. He was usually called upon by the minister to give the closing prayer at the conclusion of Sunday services, a task which was performed with eloquence and feeling on every occasion. In the early 1900's a modern convenience became available as a small independent telephone company brought service to their area. It was a party line and considerable eavesdropping by others on the line took place. But this practice occasionally had its benefits; if those listening in learned of an emergency, they often would show up immediately to help. The operator was located in the tiny village of Aroma, knew everyone on the line and often entered the conversation when someone was making a call. It was not unusual for her to say something like "They're not home now, I saw them drive by heading west only a couple of minutes ago". This generation of the family lived to enjoy a ripe old age. Fernando died of a stroke while sitting in his favorite leather
easy chair at 91; one sister lived to be 96 and his remaining siblings were in their upper 80's. Cyrena passed on at age 86. She had a sister, Eleanora, who reached 104, about whom the family joked that, to the end, she kept a hat on a hook by the door to be ready to go anywhere that someone was willing to take her.
Taken from A Family History: The Ancestors of Thomas Wilson Faust, by Don Faust, 1997.
Submitted by: J.P. Smith
Glenn L. Foust, born on November 1st, 1894, was only a little over 5', 7" tall in stature and about 140 pounds, but he was big in other things: integrity, industriousness, reliability, and sociability. This is the admittedly biased view of his son, but an assessment shared by others who knew him. He worked on the farm with his father until an adjacent parcel of 80 acres could be bought; later purchases over the years would increase his farm to 231 acres. He married (Lela) Vivien Smith in 1917. Her family lived just two miles north of him, a short buggy ride to go courting in his Sunday best of celluloid collar, wide tie, fitted coat and peg-bottom trousers. Adversity was their companion during the first years of their marriage: a late frost destroyed their crops the first year; a hailstorm did the same the year after; and the third year their only child was born by ceasarian section, after which Vivien experienced serious complications and almost died.
It was the beginning of fifteen years of burdensome medical costs that saw the family of three undergo 10 operations, many of them major in nature. In those days before medical insurance, the money expended could have bought a lot more land. Despite the adversity, Glenn and Vivien prevailed and held onto the farm through the Great Depression when many of the country's farmers lost theirs. During that terrible time, the milk they produced brought only a nickel a gallon, and a 225 pound hog sold for just five dollars. The economy was in collapse and a quarter of the nation's workers were unemployed.
For most of his life the Glenn Foust's farm was diversified, or what was known as a general farm. He raised both livestock and grain. During the peak years, over 200 acres of corn, wheat, oats and soybeans were grown along with 3000 broiler chickens, 800-1000 laying hens, about 200 hogs and 15-20 milking cows. Occasionally, beef cattle and sheep were added to the mix. All this required long hours to handle; the work day was generally from 4am to 8pm, except during a few months in the winter when it was somewhat shorter. In his retirement years, the farm was rented out and turned exclusively to grain production as most others in the area were doing. Winters during the next couple of decades were spent on the west coast of Florida, or the Rio Grande valley of Texas, where he actively participated in the many events of "snowbird" organizations, and won several trophies in shuffle board tournaments. Glenn had only an eighth grade education, but posessed an uncanny ability to "figure" in his head. He was neat in his personal habits and in the way the farm was maintained. The buildings were always painted, weeds kept down, implements properly housed and the corn rows were always planted straight. Uncompromisingly honest, his life exemplified the value of a good reputation, an example of which was conclusively demonstrated once when his son was on an errand to pick up some items at the local grocery. It was before the arrival of supermarkets when grocers pulled articles from the shelves of a small store. After the grocer had assembled all of the items on the counter, the young man discovered that he had forgotten to bring the money for the order. When the grocer was told of this and asked to return the items to the shelves, the man asked his name. When he given it, he inquired " Are you Glenn Foust's boy?" Assured that was so, the grocer said, " In that case son, you go ahead and take the groceries and bring in the money the next time you're in town". A small episode, but a great lesson.
Glenn and Vivien lived to celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary, almost duplicating her parents 67 years together. His 95 years encompassed a period of perhaps the greatest progress the country has ever experienced. When he started farming, horsepower was just that- horses. A walking plow pulled by horses could only turn an acre of ground a day; by his later years, giant tractors pulling multiple-furrow plows could do that much in an hour. Large combines, corn pickers and improvements in other farm implements, brought equivalent gains and made the farmers life easier as well as more productive. Corn production per acre was doubled with heavy fertilization, different planting methods and the use of herbicides to control weeds. As fewer farmers could produce more, the farm population dropped to only 2% of the country's total. Progress in other areas brought on momentous changes in everyday living. From the horse and buggy, wagons and gravel roads of his youth, Glenn would live to drive automobiles and trucks on paved roads, take airplane flights and see man travel into space. The advent of electric power replaced the kerosene lamp with electric lights and introduced a multitude of other appliances and equipment. Cooking advanced from wood-burning stoves to electric ranges and food preservation from root cellars, canning and salt curing to refrigerators and freezers. The telephone came into general use. The coal burning base burner was replaced by central heating and the outhouse by indoor plumbing. And he would see the development of radio, then television and finally, the computer. All in one lifetime!
From A Family History: The Ancestors of Thomas Wilson Faust, by Don Faust, 1997.
Submitted by: J.P. Smith
Jacob Foust, better known as Jake, was born 1870, in the middle of this great transition from rural to industrial society in America. Farm population continued to fall; from more than 90% when his ancestors settled in this country, to 65% at the time of his fathers birth, to 17% at the end of Jacob's life. But along with his brothers, he chose the occupation of his forebearers rather than employment in the growing cities and towns. Jake was a sturdily built man, with a thick chest and powerful arms, well suited to the demands of country life. He started by working for other farmers in Hamilton county, and in the beginning, earned only $75 for an entire years work. But he saved his money and eventually acquired his own land in adjacent Hamilton county. Later, he built a fine new house of nine rooms. Jake married Jane Leeman in 1894 and they had three children together, all of whom settled within seven miles of their parents. Jane was a smallish woman
of uniformly good humor with, in her later years, a face as wrinkled as a prune. She was very neat in personal appearance and housekeeping and liked pretty things, such as flowers in her garden along with the vegetables. An enduring memory shared by her grandchildren is of the cake box in the pantry that always, without fail, contained homemade cake or cookies. She was the daughter of Alfred Leeman (1844-1936) and his wife Mary Eller (1843-1929). Jake enjoyed superb health, never having a sick day in his life that required him to take to his bed. But ironically, he dropped dead of a heart attack at the age of 69, one of the shortest life spans in the generally long-lived Foust family. After his death, Jane moved into a bungalow in the small nearby town of Frankton where she lived until her death at 89.
From A Family History: The Ancestors of Thomas Wilson Faust, by Don Faust, 1997.
Submitted by: J.P. Smith