Submitted by Wendy Faber
Cephus Firestone, dealer in harness, buggies, etc., at Plymouth, Indiana, has been in business in that city for over twenty three years, and has the distinction of being the oldest merchant (in point of continuous business years) at that place. He was born in Elkhart County, Indiana, August 26, 1858. His father, Emanuel Firestone, was a native of Columbiana County, Ohio, and removed to Indiana during the pioneer days, settling in Elkhart County. He was of Pennsylvania German stock. Susan (Harold) Firestone, mother of our subject, was a native of the same county as that in which her husband was born. Both Mr. and Mrs. Firestone died in 1864, when the subject was but six years of age.
Following the death of his parents, Cephus Firestone was taken to the home of Christian Blough, with whom he lived until he attained the age of fifteen years. He attended the public schools, as the opportunity presented itself, until 1876 when he felt that he had reached an age when he must look toward his own support. He chose harness-making as a profitable trade and apprenticed himself to a harness-maker at Walkerton, Indiana. He served his allotted time in that capacity, and in 1880 removed to Plymouth, where he entered into the employ of his brother, whom he served until 1884, and in that year purchased his brother's interest in the business and has conducted it independently since.
On April 17, 1884, Mr. Firestone was wedded to Miss Eva Wade, daughter of William Wade, of North Township, Marshall County, Indiana. Three children have been born to them: Bert E., George W., and Louis, the last named now deceased.
Mr Firestone is a Democrat, a member of the Masonic Order, a Knight Templar, and belongs to the Knights of Pythias and the Royal Arcanum. He is well known throughout his community through his long business service, and is accounted a man of honesty and integrity.
Submitted by: Victor & Virginia (Sarber) Gulickson
(Source: History of Marshall County, pp. 562-563)
Charles Frisinger, a representative farmer owning 123 acres in Section 2, west, Maple Grove township, was born in Marshall County, Ind., Feb. 28, 1883, son of Louis and Eleanor (Denman) Frisinger. As a boy and young man he lived in his native county, in Barron County, and in Arkansas. He worked with his father until 1905, when he started farming for himself on 63 acres inherited by his wife. Later he purchased 60 acres, making a good place of 123 acres. He renovated the house, erected barns and outbuildings, continued clearing the land, and now carries on general farming and dairying along modern and successful lines. Fraternally he is a member of the Beavers. He has been successful in his operations, and is well thought of throughout the community. He and his family worship at the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Frisinger was married Nov. 16, 1904, to Ida Espeseth, daughter of Ole and Esther (Branden) Espeseth, natives of Norway, who came to America in
the seventies, and located in Maple Grove Township, where they took a homestead of 80 acres in Section 2, west. There were then few settlers in the county except the families connected with the men in the various lumber camps. The roads were little more than trails, the main routes of travel being the "tote" roads of the lumber companies. Mr. Espeseth carved a home and farm in the wilderness, clearing some of the land, erecting a log house and barns, and carrying on farming for many years. He died in 1889, and his wife is still living on the old homestead. In the Espeseth family there were nine children, of whom there are living three, Gilbert, Ole and Ida. Mr. and Mrs. Frisinger have four children: Arthur, born Oct. 30, 1905; Norman, born March 27, 1907; Ethel, born Aug. 15, 1911; and Marshall, born March 22, 1914.
Submitted by: Victor R. Gulickson
Taken from: History of Barron Co., Wisconsin, H. C. Cooper, Jr., & Co., 1922, pg. 522.
The subject of this biography is the senior member of the firm of Buck and Toan, a prosperous mercantile firm of the city of Plymouth. He was born in Oneida County, N. Y., on the 31st day of March, 1836. He received a primary education in the common schools of his native county, finishing with a course at the seminary at Whitestown, N. Y. In 1852, he accompanied his father’s family to Brockport, N. Y. and accepted employment in a lumber yard at that point. But he had conceived ideas of a business life at an early age, and could not be content with a laborer’s position. In the fall of 1852, he entered the hardware store of F. J. Buck & Co., at Adrian, Mich., and for three years acted in the capacity of book-keeper and salesman for that house. His career from this date was steadily upward. At the end of the three years, he accepted the position of teller in the banking house of L. G. Berry & Co., at Adrian, a position which he filled with ability, and from which he was compelled to retire, four years later, on account of impaired health. A short time subsequently, he entered into copartnership relations with Charles E. TOAN, of Adrian, Mich., and in 1859 the hardware house of Buck & Toan was established at Plymouth. In the hends of enterprising and energetic men, the subsequent success of this firm was assured, and time has verified the predictions of their friends to that effect. To their extensive hardware trade they added, in the winter of 1869-70, a general banking and exchange business, and also engaged extensively in the sale of agricultural implements and wagons. They have the largest business rooms in the city, and enjoy a very liberal share of the public patronage.
Personally, Mr. Buck has made himself popular in this community by his generous traits of character. He is a quiet man, free from ostentation, but possessing quick perceptive powers, with a strong will. He is firm in his adherence to the right as he sees it, and bold in his advocacy of a principle. This was illustrated in his early ife, when while yet a mere boy, he studied the question of human slavery, and became a radical Abolitionist. At elections, he spent his time working in the interest of the champions of that cause, and when he became a voter, cast his own ballot for the candidates of that party. He has since been identified with the Republican party. While never a seeker after political preferment, he has several times been called to fill public trusts. In 1862, he was appointed Deputy United States Internal Revenue Collector for this (then the Ninth) district, and occupied that position until after the death of President Lincoln. In 1867, he was elected a member of the City Council of Plymouth, serving one year, and in 1877 was elected member of the School Board of this city, in which capacity he still continues to act. He has long been identified with the Masonic Lodge and Commandery of this City, as well as with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is interested in all public enterprises, and has contributed largely to the public welfare of Marshall County.
He was married, in 1857, to Miss Mary W. TOAN, at Adrian, Mich. Five sons blessed this happy union, viz., Ira D., Edgar D., Harry E., C. Herbert, and Frank C., of which number Edgar D. is deceased.
Charles W. Snyder, retired, now living in Hillsdale Village, was born in Marshall County, Indiana, July 30, 1864, son of Charles and Mary (Haynes) Snyder, natives of Ohio, who went to Indiana in the early fifties, and there spent the remainder of their lives, the father dying Nov. 18, 1888, and the mother, Sept. 23, 1899. The father was a carpenter. In the family there were five children: Hattie, Tillman, Mary (deceased), Theo (deceased), and Charles W. Charles W. attended the district school of his neighborhood, and as a young man took up farm work. It was in 1900 that he came to Maple Grove Township, and bought 80 acres in section 27, west, Maple Grove Township. He cleared the land, erected buildings, constructed fences, and carried on general farming, making a specialty of dairying with Durham cattle. In 1916 he retired and moved to the village. The son, Ernest, now carries on the home farm along the lines inaugurated by his father. Mr. Snyder has taken his share in the progress of the community, and while living on the farm served several years as a member of the school board of his district. He and his family attend the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Snyder was married Aug. 30, 1885, to Rebecca Kitch, daughter of George and Mary (Stein) Kitch, natives respectively of Ohio and Germany, and for many years farmers in Indiana, where the mother died in April, 1871, and where the father is still living. There were seven children in the Kitch family: Elizabeth, Matthias, Michael, Emma (deceased), Nettie, Rebecca and Christina.
Mr. and Mrs. Snyder have six children. Earl 0. was born Nov. 15 , 1887, and lives at Rice Lake, this county. Elchard was born Nov. 16, 1889, and lives at Lodi, Wis. Effie L. was born April 9, 1892, and is the wife of Albert Ramsdel, of Rice Lake. Ernest was born Oct. 28, 1894, and as already mentioned, operates the home farm in Maple Grove Township. Alonzo was born Sept. 22, 1897,
and is a merchant in Hillsdale Village. Harry was born Aug. 28, 1900, and is also a Hillsdale merchant in partnership with his brother, Alonzo.
Submitted by: Victor R. Gulickson
Taken from: History of Barron Co., Wisconsin, H. C. Cooper, Jr., & Co., 1922, pg. 522.
Abraham VOREIS, the father of our subject, was a native of Holland. He was born in the City of Amsterdam, in 1768, and like many of his sturdy countrymen, came to the shores of the New World to improve his fortune. He lived, at various times, in the counties of Preble and Butler, in the State of Ohio, and subsequently in Union County, Indiana, removing from the latter to Marshall County, In 1836, when the locality in which he settled was almost an unclaimed wilderness. He was a noble type of the pioneers by whom this county was settled - strong and brave, and not afraid of work. He died in 1855, respected by all who knew him.
David R., his son, was born July 27, in Preble County, Ohio, and accompanied his father’s family in their removal to Butler County, Ohio, Union County, Indiana, and finally to Marshall County, where he has since continued to reside. Two years after his arrival in this county (in 1838), he married Miss Mary A. LOGAN. This union, though a happy one, was brief, for, in 1841, his wife died, leaving two children, Oliver H. and Mary A. In 1842 he married Miss Sophia DICKSON, who shared with him the trials of pioneer life, and traveled life’s pathway with him, cheering him in the struggle with poverty, and rejoicing in his success, until she, too, was removed by death, in 1879. Seven children blessed this second union, and five still survive, viz: Joshua, Nancy J., Martha, David P., and Thomas M.
Mr. VOREIS bore his part bravely in the pioneer days, and labored earnestly to accumulate a competence for his support in the years when the infirmities of advancing age should render him incapable of performing active labor. He has succeeded in this, and having retired from work, still resides with his daughter upon the old homestead, whose broad acres were redeemed from the wilderness by his hand. Throughout a long residence in this county he has ever been recognized as an upright,
honorable citizen, and in the public improvements of the county he has been an interested participant, contributing liberally to all public enterprises designed to promote its interests.
Submitted by: Karen Marks
Source: History of Marshall County, Indiana 1836 to 1880 by Daniel McDonald, printed in Chicago by Kingman Brothers, Lakeside Building, 1881
DORA BELLE KELLER was born in Bourbon, Marshall Co, 8 May 1868 and died of influenza 22 Mar 1925, in Kansas City, MO where she had lived for 25 years according to the obituary in the KC Star. She wed Herbert William NICHOLS about 1888, but the location is unknown for sure but would be either in IL or IN. Dora was born in IN and Herbert born in IL. Herbert was born in Jacksonville, Morgan County, IL on 23 Aug 1857. They had three children, John V, born 9 Apr 1889, Charles T, born 26 Nov 1890, Nora Louella born 23 Dec 1895. All of the children were born in Elk Coounty, KS.
Dora's parents were: John KELLER, born about 1841 in Prussia; Adeline REED, born about 1845 in Bourbon.
According to 1850 census of Marshall Co, :
Benjamine REED, 55 M, Farmer, b NY Lucy H., 48 F, b. NY Richard, 16 M, b. NY Eliza J., 13 F, b. MI Wm H., 10 M, b. IN Candis A., 5 F, b. IN
This would presume Benjamine was born about 1795 in NY, Lucy born about 1802. The Candis A. is further presumed to be Candis Adeline, born about 1845 and thought to be Adeline REED who wed John Keller.
Also in the 1850 census there is a WP REED, age 37, b. NY. In the 1860 census of Marshall County, Bourbon Township, Reel 803278, LDS Pg 119:
Benjamine REED, 64 M, Farmer, NY Lucy, 57 F, NY Adeline, 13 F, IN John Keller, 19 M, Farmer, Germany
It would appear to be the same family, although Adeline's age does not track with the 10 year span of census. John KELLER was to have arrived in NY 15 June 1852, so he must have moved to IN and took up farming with the REED's and subsequently wed Adeline. John's birth was about 1841. Records in Marshall County dated Apr 4 1862 have John KELLER's Certificate of Naturalization at an age of about 21, arriving in NY 15 Jun 1852. A check of ship manifests, by book and microfilm, at LDS for Jun 15 1852 do not have John's name. As a matter of fact, I checked the dates of Jun 5, and from Jun 10 through Jun18 with no findings.
Again, in the 1860 census there are other REEDs:
Israel REED, age 28, b NY; Jas W REED, age 27 b NY.
It is not known if these are related to Benjamine.
The wives of these 3 additional Reeds, are from OH.
In the 1880 census for Marshall County, Bourbon Township: Tape LDS 0446867, sheet 23, line 9
KELLER, JOHN, H M 39, Prussia Adeline, W F 35, IN Dora B D F 12 IN Catherine DF 4 IN Jane DF 10/12 IN
I have extensive data on the NICHOLS line starting with Herbert Nichols and Dora Belle Nichols. The line goes from 1700's to the present, although they are mostly in IL, MO and KS.
Submitted by: Herb
Daniel Robert BEARSS (sic) was born in Wessaw, Miami Co., Ind., October 10, 1837. Wessaw was an Indian village, situated where the town of Denver now stands. Shortly after the birth of the subject of this sketch, who was the first white child born in the village, his father, Ephraim BEARSS, purchased the claim (then occupied by the Indians) of the United States, the Indians being removed to their reservation west of the Mississippi River. In 1841, the family removed to Peru, where they remained for a year, and then went some two miles north of town and became permanently settled on a farm. Mr. Bearss had the misfortune to lose his mother, whose maiden name was Fannie KNOX, when he was thirteen years of age. In 1852, he came, with his father, to Marshall County and settled one mile above where the village of Tippecanoetown now stands, and worked on the farm until 1858, when he went to Kansas, arriving there in time to vote against the admission of the
accursed system of African slavery, being introduced therein. At the end of that year he returned to Marshall County, and began the improvement of a forty-acre lot which now comprises a part of the 130-acre farm on which he is living. He was married, July 14, 1860, to Miss Rhoda A. KIRK, of this county, daughter of Joshua and Mary KIRK, who at present reside in Bourbon. Since his marriage he has increased the number of acres of land from the forty then in his possession, to 290 acres of rich land, all of which lies in Tippecanoe Township. He has an only son, Frederick E., who is twenty years of age, and who is at home with his parents. Mr. Bearss; father was born in the State of New York December 16, 1805, and his mother in that state, May 10, 1809. His parents were married at Brownstown, Mich., July 29, 1824; his mother died January 30, 1850, and his father May 23, 1881. Mr. Bearss is a live Republican, and no man in his community has done more as an organizer and harmonizer
than he has; in fact, he is a leader of no ordinary ability; for genuine hospitality and unswerving friendship, he has but few equals and no superiors.
"Dorus Strohecker, a farmer and stockman of West township, is a member of one of Marshall county's oldest and best known families. His birth occurred on the farm on which he now resides, August 21, 1870. His father, Adam Strohecker, whose name was long and prominently connected with the agricultural interests of West township, was a native son of Ohio, and in that commonwealth he grew to years of maturity and continued his residence until his emigration to Indiana during an early period in the state's history. He established his home in West township and worked by the day at his trade of carpentering until with his brother-in-law he purchased eighty acres of land, and later became the owner of the entire tract, subsequently adding six acres thereto. With the passing years he cleared and improved his homestead until it became one of the valuable estates of the township, and the work which the father inaugurated is now carried forward by the son.
Adam Strohecker married in West township Harriet Stuck, who also claimed Ohio as the commonwealth of her nativity, but when a little maid of six years the family came to Marshall county, Indiana, and established their home in West township. The journey hither was made with ox teams, and in West township the father cleared and improved a farm. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Strohecker were born five children, three sons and two daughters, - Ida, Charles, Milton, Dorus and Rena. All were born on the old homestead farm here, and here the father lived and labored until his busy and useful life was ended in death, being sixty-three years of age when called to the home beyond. He gave a lifelong support to the principals of the Democratic party, and was a member of the Reformed church. When the Civil war was inaugurated in 1861 he responded to its call and for nine months served his country as a brave and loyal soldier. He was a member of an engineering corps. The name of Adam Strohecker is recorded high on the roll of the honored pioneers of Marshall counry, and in the community where he so long lived and enjoyed the regard of his fellow men, for he was a man that was ever true to himself, his neighbors, and his country.
Dorus Strohecker, the youngest son of this well-known Marshall county pioneer, received his educational training in the schools of West township, and his entire life has been spent on his homestead farm in section 23. He too has affiliated with the Democratic party since age conferred upon him the right of franchise, and his fraternal relations are with the Woodmen of the World."
Submitted by: Wendy
Source, History of Marshall County, 1908
Mr. PARKER is a prosperous merchant at the town of Maxenkuckee, in Union Township, and of of that class whose prosperity is traceable to their good management, and determination to succeed. He was born in Preble County, Ohio, in 1831, and when about two years of age, came to the State of Indiana, in 1833, with the family of his father, Dunham PARKER, who was a native of New Jersey. His father settled at Logansport, Indiana, where he was engaged at the tailor’s trade until his death. His wife was Miss Mary DEMOSS, a native of Ohio. She survived her husband, dying in Fulton County, Indiana, in 1879.
Eli, the subject of this sketch, was reared at Logansport - then a very small town - and received such an education as the common schools of that day afforded; but he was endowed by nature with gifts that even the limited educational advantages of his youth could not subdue, and which ultimately developed into the qualities of a successful business man. In 1854, he removed to Fulton County, Indiana, and two years later, deciding to start in life for himself, he came to Marshall County, and, locating in Union Township, invested his small capital in a stock of general merchandise, thus founding the establishment of which he is still the proprietor. His success was not due to any rare advantages secured by his venture, but is fairly attributable to his prudent management and rigid economy. Year by year his surplus increased, and his stock was enlarged as much as was consistent with the principles of safe business, until it reached its present proportions, and amounted to several thousands of dollars in value. In 1860, he wedded Miss Catherine SPANGLER, daughter of Samuel SPANGLER, Esq., a highly respected citizen of Fulton County, Indiana, and with the satisfaction of a prosperous business came the pleasures of a comfortable home. Six children, in all, were born of this happy union, and all now survive. Their names are: Jennie L., Dunham C., Francis M., Nellie M., Edward E. and Bertha E.
As a merchant, Mr. Parker deserves more than a passing notice. He came to his present location poor in purse, and threw into his work an enthusiasm that made his business grown, and by honesty and fair dealing established his trade upon a sure foundation. He has invested his capital in land at various times, until his possessions in real estate now amount to over 400 acres. His life has been a success, and he has secured and ever retained the confidence and esteem of those who know him.
Gustav Nicholas, came to Bremen, Indiana in the early 1900's from
Madison County, Illinois. Gustav was a farmer born in Yugoslavia in 1865.
He married Katherine Pesha in that country in 1891. They had four
children: Catherine, born in Yugoslavia in the 1890's; Mary, b.1900; Mae,
b.1909; and William, b.1912. The last three children in were born in Illinois.
Gustav had a farm on Rt.4 in Bremen and he died 11 Nov. 1932 on the way to
the hospital for an operation. Katherine, a homemaker was born 1872 in
Yugoslavia and died in Bremen in 1935. Their son William also lived in
Bremen and married Evelyn Fites. He died 28 Feb. 1959 in Bremen. All are
buried in Bremen Cemetery along with Gustav's brother Naum who lived in
Marshall County and died 15 Jul. 1940.
Submitted by: Nancy Conrad
Henry L. Snider, an enterprising farmer who owns and operates 40 acres in Section 27, west, Maple Grove Township, where he successfully carries on mixed farming and dairying, was born in Marshall County, Indiana, Jan. 13, 1892, son of James and Mildred (Riley) Snider, natives of Indiana, who came to Barron County in 1900, and bought 80 acres in Section 26 and 27, west, Maple Grove Township, cleared 40 acres, developed the place in various ways and still carries on farming there. In the family there were thirteen children: Henry L., Charles, Elmer, Mary, Minnie, Perry, Bessie, Elsie, Winnie, Vera, Oscar, Franklin and James. Henry L. received his early education in the district schools, and learned farming with his parents. He then rented farms for a while, living at North Freedom, Wis., and Luck, Wis. For a few months in 1911 he worked at a summer resort at Birchwood one summer. He bought his present place in 1919. Mr. Snider served in Europe during the
World War. He was inducted into the service Aug. 2, 1918, trained for the Heavy Artillery, was assigned to replacement troops, was encamped in England for a month, and was discharged Jan. 8, 1919. Mr. Snider was married Nov. 8, 1917, to Hazel Halloway, daughter of Anson and Isabelle (Cox) Halloway, of this township. Mr. and Mrs. Snider have two children, Raymond H., born Aug. 21, 1918; and Dorothy N., born Oct. 5, 1920.
Submitted by: Victor R. Gulickson
Taken from: History of Barron Co., Wisconsin, H. C. Cooper, Jr., & Co., 1922, pg. 522.
Louis Frisinger, at one time a resident of this county, was born in Ohio, and was taken to Marshall County, Ind., by his parents. He was reared there to farm pursuits, and married Eleanor Denman, a native of that state. In 1886 he came to Barron County, and bought 40 acres in Section 25, west, Maple Grove Township. He cleared about ten acres of the land, erected a log house and barn, and there carried on general farming for a while. In 1896 he moved onto a farm in the same township, which he rented. He went to Arkansas, in 1900, and back to Indiana in 1901. In 1904 he came back to Barron County, and operated a rented farm in Maple Grove Township for three years. He went to North Dakota in 1907, and two years later took a homestead in Montana, where he still lives. He and his good wife had nine children: Charles, Bert (deceased), Harry, Vern, Walter, May, Carrell, Guy and Dollie (deceased). May married Ervin Bair, and lives in Montana on a farm.
Submitted by: Victor R. Gulickson
Taken from: History of Barron Co., Wisconsin, H. C. Cooper, Jr., & Co., 1922, pg. 522.