From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
JOHN H. LANTZ (of the firm of Lantz & Duncan, dealers in general merchandise, Mexico, Ind.) was born in Union Township, this county, Aug. 12, 1855, and is the son of Gabriel and Caroline (Ream) Lantz. He was married in Union Township, this county, February 24, 1876, to Miss Priscilla, daughter of William D. and Harriet (Mann) Tracy. She was born in Miami County, Ind., September 5, 1859. In April, 1876, Mr. John H. Lantz, our subject, settled at Denver, Ind., where he opened up a flour and feed store, which he continued for several months, and in the fall of 1878 he moved to Mexico, Ind. In July, 1881, he opened up a meat market at that place, and in October, 1884, opened up a stock of groceries in partnership with Philip Sullivan, and at the same time carried on butchering. In April, 1885, Mr. Sullivan sold out his interest to Matthew Duncan, since which time the firm has been Lantz & Duncan. In April, 1886, they disposed of their
meat market and have since turned their full attention to the mercantile trade, and are at present commanding a large and extensive business. In April, 1886, they purchased a half interest in the large and commodious brick building known as the Wilson & Homan block, into which they moved their stock of goods, and by adding more to it they now have one of the largest and finest stocks of general merchandise in the place. They are both wide-awake and enterprising young business men, and are highly esteemed by all who know them. Mr. Lantz has had born to him one child, Maud D., born July 17, 1881. Mr. Lantz and wife are members of the Baptist Church.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
PHILIP M LAWRENCE, of Denver, was born in Auglaize County Ohio, October 9, 1850. He was the third son born to John and Nancy (White) Lawrence, the former a native of Pennsylvania, and the latter a native of Maryland. When Philip was yet a child, he accompanied his parents to St. Joseph County, this State. They came to this county in 1857, and located at Chill, Richland Township. In the vicinity of that place Philip spent his youth, working upon a farm. In 1866 he accepted a position as brakeman upon the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, between Crestline Ohio and Pittsburgh. He was thus employed nearly one year. He then returned to this county, and for one year worked upon a farm. He then went to Iowa, where he worked upon a farm about eighteen months. He then returned once more to this county and located at Chili, where he began to work at the blacksmith’s trade. This has received his attention ever since,
excepting one year, in which he acted as agent for a sewing machine company. He located in Denver in August, 1884. July 30, 1873, he was married to Laura A. Smith, a native of Allen County, this State, born May 8, 1856. She was the daughter of Daniel and Ruth Ann (Homan) Smith, both natives of Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence have had three children. They are Arba, born April 30, 1875; Edna Zoe, born October 9, 1877, and Loa L., born May 25, 1879; all of whom are living. Mr. Lawrence is a member of the F. and A. M. Lodge and a Democrat in politics. He was elected to the office of Justice of the Peace in the spring of 1886, and is the present incumbent. He is an industrious young man, a good workman and a number one citizen.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
LEVI MILLER, an old and highly esteemed pioneer of Miami County, Indiana, was born in Augusta County, Virginia, February 23, 1817. His parents, Abraham and Nancy (Moses) Miller, were both natives of Augusta County, Virginia, where they were married and resided until 1833, when they moved to Preble County, Ohio, where the father died. The mother subsequently came with her children to Miami County Indiana, where she departed life. They were the parents of eleven children, viz.: Catharine, Levi, Danie, Isaac, Elisha, John, Abraham, Nancy, Rebecca, Jacob, and an infant son, which died in infancy and not named. Levi, our subject, was married in Preble County, Ohio, in November, 1840, to Ursula, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Elkenberry) Albaugh. In February, 1842, Mr. Miller, our subject, moved to Miami County, Indiana, and settled upon the farm on which he now resides, in Section 4, Jefferson Township, where he has resided since. Mr. Miller started
in life a poor boy, beginning in this county on 160 acres of woodland, upon which he toiled and labored hard, and succeeded in clearing up his land, and from that, little by little, he added to his lands, and through hard work and well directed industry, his estate magnified to about one thousand acres of fine land. He distributed among his children, and after giving them all fine homes, he still owns 120 acres of fine and well improved land, and fine property in the city of Peru, Indiana; also in the Mexico saw-mill and planing factory. He is also a stockholder in the Citizens' Bank of Peru, Indiana. He lost his wife by death in October, 1876. He had born to him by her ten children, viz.: Abraham, Elizabeth, Nancy, Sarah, Mary A., Rebecca, John H., William I., Eli and Joseph E. Mr. Miller is a member of the German Baptist Church.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
ABRAHAM MILLER, son of Levi and Ursula (Albaugh) Miller, was born in Preble County, Ohio, October 11, 1841. He came to this county with his parents in 1842, where he resided until 1867, when he went to Johnson County, Missouri, where he purchased land, and engaged in farming. He was there married, December 25, 1870, to Mary E., daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth J. (Alexander) Wampler. She was born in Hamilton County, Indiana, January 13, 1851. In December, 1870, immediately after our subject's marriage, he moved to Miami County, Indiana, and settled upon the farm upon which he now resides, in Jefferson Township, Section 19, where he owns 255 acres of fine and well improved land. He has had born to him seven children, viz.: Florence, born. October 7, 1871; Clara, born July 6, 1873, died March 12, 1877; Ursula, born April 26, 1875; Oscar L., born April 5, 1877; Rebecca, born May 10, 1880; Gilbert I., born January 12, 1883, and Leroy, born August 31, 1886.
Mr. Miller and wife are members of the German Baptist Church.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
ABRAHAM L. MILLER, son of Isaac and Anna (Lybrook) Miller, was born in Jefferson Township, this county, October 11, 1847. He was married in Richland Township, this county, March 31, 1870, to Rebecca S., daughter of Lewis and Sarah (Shideler) Trent. She was born in Miami County, Indiana, April 1, 1852. After Mr. Miller, our subject's, marriage, he settled upon the farm on which he now resides, in Jefferson Township, Section 33, where he has resided since. His wife died May 25, 1872, having borne him one child, Otto E., born July 31, 1871. On February 26, 1874, Mr. Miller married Elizabeth, daughter of Noah and Anna (Trouts) Fouts. She was born in this county, October 28, 1851. Seven children were born to this union, viz.: Elbert G., born January 6, 1875; Marion E., born October 1, 1876; Anna, born March 15, 1878; Truman E., born March 31, 1880, Howard E., born September 9, 1881; May, born May 28, 1883, and Flora, born February 7, 1885. Mr. Miller owns 201 1/2 acres of fine and well
improved land. He and wife are members of the German Baptist Church.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
JOHN H. MILLER, son of Levi and Ursula (Albaugh) Miller, was born in Jefferson Township, this county, November 9, 1852. He was married in Jefferson Township, this county, March 26, 1874, to Rebecca A., daughter of William Stroud. She was born in Cass County, Ind., January 20, 1855. After Mr. Miller, our subject's, marriage, he settled upon the same farm on which he now resides, where he owns 360 acres of fine and well improved land. He lost his wife by death January 11, 1879, having borne to him one child, Bertha E., born August 6, 1875. On November 28, 1881, he married Emma, daughter of Isaac and Talittia (Stingley) Constant. She was born in Cass County, Ind., April 30, 1862. One child has been born to this union, Walter L., born August 28, 1883. Mr. Miller is a wide-awake and enterprising young man, and is highly esteemed by all who know him.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
JOHN F. MYERS, Commissioner of Miami County, Indiana, is a wide-awake and enterprising citizen, and is one of the most extensive farmers and stock dealers of Jefferson Township. He is a native of Germany and was born near Hanover, December 25, 1828. His parents, Nicholas C. and Catharine Myers, were also both natives of Germany, and emigrated from there to the United States in 1833, settling in Miami County, Indiana, where they afterward resided until death. They were the parents of eight children, viz.: Catharine E., John F., Henry, Mary Emma, Elizabeth, Isaac N. and an infant son which died young and not named. John F, our subject, came with his parents to this county in 1833 and has resided here since. He was married in Peru Township, this county, in January, 1852 to Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary (Cromer) Bowman, and afterwards settled upon his father's farm in Peru Township where he resided until the spring of 1861 when he settled upon the farm on which he now
resides, in section 14, Jefferson Township. He owns at present 650 acres of fine and well improved land, 284 acres of which lie in Miami County and 366 acres in Cass County. His lost his wife in death, November 3, 1883, having borne to him eleven children, viz.: Lewis (deceased), John F., James B. (deceased), William H. (deceased), George W., Amanda J., Ira D., Frank S., Milton H., Benjamin (deceased), and one which died in infancy and not named. On January 22, 1885, Mr. Myers married Levina, daughter of Enoch and Mary (Myers) Bowman; having born to him by this lady, one child, Edna. Mr. Myers was elected to the office of Commissioner of this county in 1882.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
ISAAC NEWMAN, an old and highly esteemed pioneer of Miami County, Indiana, is a native of Montgomery County, Ohio, and was born May 3, 1815. His parents, Jonathan and Mahala (Cox) Newman, were both natives of Tennessee, and from thence emigrated to Montgomery County, Ohio, in an early day, where they were married, and afterward resided until death. They were the parents of nine children, viz.: Isaac, Cyntha, Mary A., Samuel K., Jane C., Elijah, Matthew C., Jonathan E., and one which died in infancy and not named. Isaac, our subject, was married in Miami County, Ohio, March 6, 1834, to Susannah, daughter of Daniel and Mollie Hoover, and in September, 1835, he moved to Miami County, Indiana, settling upon the same farm on which he now resides, in Section 23, Jefferson Township, where he has remained since. He lost his wife by death, July 20, 1851, having had born to him by her seven children, viz.: Matilda, Benjamin F., Mary J., Sarah, James P., Daniel B., and one which
died in infancy and not named. On September 8, 1853, Mr. Newman married Mary Conner (wife of John Conner, deceased). Mr. Newman owns 160 acres of fine and well improved land. He is an enterprising and highly esteemed man.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
ELIAS OLINGER (dealer in general merchandise, Mexico, Ind.) is a native of Montgomery County, Ohio, and was born March 20, 1835. His parents, George and Barbara (Shoemaker) Olinger, settled in Miami County, Ind., in about the year 1846. They were the parents of four children, viz.: Anna, Levi, Sarah and Elias, our subject, the eldest member of the family. He came with his parents to Miami County in 1846, where he has resided ever since. He engaged in harness making for a number of years, after which he engaged in shoemaking and also handling ready made goods. He began in life with a very small capital, and by well-directed industry he added to his stock, little by little, until he has now a fine stock of general merchandise of nearly $5,000. He married Eveline Skinner, by whom he has had born to him two children, viz.: William L. and Laura D. This lady died, and he subsequently married Pauline Reed, by whom he is father of three children, viz.: Grace D., Barbara E. and Jesse (deceased).
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
WILLIAM O. PIPER, one of the prominent business men of Denver, was born in Seneca County, Ohio, October 26, 1837. He was the fifth son born to John and Elmira (Bassett) Piper, the former a native of Pennsylvania, and the latter a native of Vermont, of Scotch and Irish descent respectively. When William was seven years old, he accompanied his parents to this county, and located with them in the woods of Union Township. That was in 1844. There our subject spent his boyhood and youth, working upon his father's farm. At the age of twenty he left home and went to Ogle County, Illinois, where he worked upon a farm by the month, one year. He then returned to this county, and during the three years which followed, he taught school in the winter time and worked upon the farm, and at threshing during the summer. October 8, 1861, he enlisted into the service of his country in Company G, 51st Indiana regiment, from which he was honorably discharged December 16, 1864, having, in
the meantime, been promoted to the rank of sergeant. He participated in the battles of Stone River, those attending the raid of Col. Strieght, and Franklin. He was taken prisoner near Rome Ga. and for a short time was imprisoned at Belle Isle, Virginia, but was soon liberated by exchange. At the close of the war he went to Newton County, this State, and engaged in farming. Four years later he returned to this county, but a year later he went to Topeka, Kansas, where, in the spring of 1870, he the real estate business. In the following October he again returned to this county and located at Denver where he has ever since been engaged in the mercantile business. January 1, 1861, he was married to Ann E. Charles, a native of Wayne County, this State, and daughter of Reuben K. and Margaret (Cunningham) Charles, native of Preble County, Ohio, and Virginia, respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Piper have had seven children, six sons and one daughter, all of whom are living. Their names are Charles E., William
J., Walter E., Harry, George W., Omer S. and Clara E. Mr. Piper is a member of the F and A. M., I.O.O.F, A.O.U.W., and G.A.R. Lodges, and a Republican in politics. He is a pleasant and intelligent gentleman, a successful business man and a number one citizen. During the last four years his attention has been divided between the mercantile business and farming. He owns 150 acres of good land adjoining the town of Denver, nearly all of which is in a high state of cultivation. Politically, Mr. Piper was a Democrat and entered the war as such, but on returning he declared himself in favor of the Republican party, whose principles he has ever since ardently supported.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
JOHN Q.A. ROBBINS, M.D., of Denver, is a native of Wayne County, this State, and was born November 6, 1826. He was the second son born to Moses and Elizabeth (Long) Robbins, natives of North Carolina, the former of Welsh and Irish and the latter of German descent. Our subject spent his boyhood and youth working upon his father’s farm in his native county. At the age of sixteen, having decided to fit himself for the medical profession, he began the study of medicine with Dr. James Ruby, of Abington, Wayne County, with whom he diligently pursued his studies for about five years. In June, 1849, he came to this county and entered upon his professional duties at Chili. Here he remained until April 1856, when, owing to the impaired condition of his health and the death of his wife, he returned to his father's in Wayne County for recuperation. He remained there about one year and a half, during which time he traveled through the West for his health. On the 1st day of January, 1858, he located at
Abington, where he again entered upon the practice of his profession. In the latter part of November, 1881, he again came to this county, and this time located at Denver, where he has ever since been actively engaged in the practice of his profession. In the fall of 1868, while a citizen of Abington, he entered the Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery, where he attended one course of lectures, graduating in February, 1869. On the 17th day May, 1849, he was married to Mary C. Jarett, also a native Wayne County, this State, born of English descent, in September 1826. She was the daughter of William and Nancy (Wilson) Jarett, both natives of Virginia. To this union two children were born: Moses E. and John H. C., the former of whom died at the age of eleven years, and the latter died before he was two years old. Dr. Robbins lost his first wife October 13, 1853, and on the 6th day of April, 1854, he was married to Eliza Ann W. Myers, who died February 21, 1856.
She was born in Preble County, Ohio, and was the daughter of James Myers. His second marriage resulted in the birth of one child - James Edgar, who died at the age of seven years. October 27, 1858, our subject was married to Mrs. Martha E. Heacock, a native of Wayne County, this State, and daughter of William and Nancy (Long) Larkin, natives of Tennessee and Virginia, respectively. To this last union four children have been born. Their names are Harriet A., born August 24, 1859; Carrie J., born August 1, 1862; Francis C., born June 11, 1867, and Altie H., born June 16, 1876, all of whom are living. Dr. Robbins and wife are faithful members of the M. E. Church. He is a member of the F. & A. M. and I..O.O.F. Lodges, and a Republican in politics. He is a pleasant, intelligent gentleman, a first-class citizen, and as a physician is very successful.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
REV. ERWIN C. ROBBINS, of Denver, is a native of Richland Township, this county, and was born July 16, 1853. He was the eldest son born to Emma D. and Alice (Clendening) Robbins, who were among the first settlers of Richland Township. Our subject spent his early life working upon his father's farm and attending the public school. In September, 1874, he entered the State Normal School, at Terre Haute, where he spent nearly one year fitting himself for the avocation of a teacher. He then began teaching and taught, in all, six terms, spending his summers upon a farm. He continued to farm until the spring of 1884, at which time he yielded to an inclination to enter the ministry. He immediately began to fit himself for this work, and in February, 1885, he was licensed to preach in the Baptist Church. His pastoral work was begun in the Palestine Church, of Fulton County, where he preached for one year. Since October, 1886, he has occupied the pulpit in the Baptist Church of Denver, he having located in
that place in September of 1885. September 17, 1875, he was married to Sarah A. Charles, who died February 29, 1884, leaving to the care of our subject, four children: Charles O. born September 27, 1877; Alta M., born August 20, 1879; Ida E., born June 16, 1881; and Kercheval, born November 23, 1883; all of whom are living. On the 19th day of August, 1885, Rev. Robbins was married to Mrs. Emma E. Howes, a native of Kane County, Illinois, born August 19, 1854. She was the daughter of Nelson E. and Mary A (Peck) Gowdy, both natives of Alleghany County, New York. Politically, our subject is a Republican. He and his little family are pleasantly located in Denver, where they are expected to remain. He is a good citizen and an earnest and successful worker in the cause of Christianity.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township
PHILIP M. SMITH, operator at Denver, was born in Johnson County, this State, May 13, 1850. He was the second son born to Martin and Christiana (Orm) Smith, the former of whom is at present a resident of Tipton County, this State. When Philip was quite young his parents removed to Tipton County, where his boyhood and youth were spent working upon his father’s farm, one mile and a half west of Jackson Station. At the age of twenty he had the misfortune to lose his left arm - the result of an accident which befell him as he was in the act of coupling cars. He then resolved to fit himself for the teacher’s profession. Preparatory to this he attended the High School in Kokomo about six months. He then taught school one term, but before he half finished it he was, owing to an attack of brain fever, compelled to resign his position. After a short time spent upon a farm he then went to Indianapolis and took a course in telegraphy. That was during the winter of 1873 and '74.
This finished he returned to his father’s farm in Tipton County, where he remained until March, 1875. He then accepted a position of night operator at Tipton. Here he remained until the 30th day of June following. July 1, 1875, he took the position of night operator at Denver, this county. In March of 1882 he was made day operator at that place, which position he still continues to hold. April 18, 1877, he was married to Mary L. Hays, a native of this State, born March 8, 1852. She was the daughter of James M. and Margaret (Reynolds) Hays. Politically, Mr. Smith is a Democrat. He is a young man of steady habits an irreproachable character, and his retention for so many years in the telegraph offices at Denver is evidence of the complete satisfaction given his employers.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Jefferson Township