LITTLE or nothing is known of the chieftains of the Miamis prior to the reign of Little Turtle. His father, Ague-nack-que, signed the first treaty between the English and Miamis, as principal chief, on the 23d of July, 1748. He lived a few miles northeast of Fort Wayne, and it was here that Little Turtle was born in the year 1747. His mother was a Mohegan, and transmitted many of her superior qualities to her son. He was a prodigy of his tribe, and when a mere boy developed traits of character which later made him distinguished. He showed great courage, sagacity and talent, and the reverence in which he was held by his tribe was unbounded. He was not only skilled in council, but in war surpassed the English generals, who were trained and schooled in their profession. He was not defeated until he met General Wayne. In addressing his tribe in council, he said that it was useless to fight against “the man who never sleeps.” Little Turtle died at Fort Wayne July 14th, 1812, and was buried by the whites with the highest honors. A sword and medal presented to himby General Washington were buried with him.

History of Miami County by John H. Stephens
Published by John H. Stephens Publishing House, Peru, IN
Chiefs and Head Men

The successor to Little Turtle was JOHN B. RICHARDVILLE, who was known by the Indians as Pe-che wa (Wild Cat). The name of Richardville is one of the greatest in the annals of Indian history. He not only held an enviable reputation among his own tribe, but also among the whites. He came upon the stage of action after the storm of Indian warfare ended. His was the treaty-making period. The times demanded such a man.

John B. Richardville was the son of a French trader of wide distinction, and his mother was a sister of Little Turtle. He was born near the junction of the St. Joseph with the Maumee in the year 1761. According to tradition, he first saw the light in the midst of an Indian village, near "The Old Apple Tree," which became of such historical interest that an illustration of it was given in Brice's "History of Fort Wayne." Richardville's father established a trading post at Ke-ki-ong-a (Fort Wayne) at a very early date and a brother one at Vincennes. These brothers were of noble French ancestry, and came to this country in search of fortune about 200 years ago. The descendants of Richardville's uncle still live at Vincennes, and have valuable papers which trace their ancestors back to the year of 1162.

Young Richardville's mother was like her brother, Little Turtle. She loved the heroic act, the noble deed, scorned oblivion, and inculcated this life in her son.

Judge Horace P. Biddle, who knew the chief personally some years before his death, described him:

”In stature Richardville was about five feet ten inches, with broad shoulders, and weighed about 180 pounds. His personal appearance was attractive and he was graceful in carriage and manner. Exempt from any expression of levity, he is said to have ‘preserved his dignity under all circumstances.’ His nose was Roman, his eyes were of a lightish blue, and slightly protruding, ‘his upper lip firmly pressed upon his teeth, and the under one slightlv projecting.’ That he was an Indian half-breed there can be no doubt. His own statement and unvarying traditions conclusively prove that he inherited his position through his mother, by the laws of Indian descent, and contradict the theory that he was a Frenchman, who obtained the chieftainship by trickery or purchase. In appearance he was remarkable, in that he was neither red nor white, but combined both colors in his skin, which was mottled or spotted red and white.”

Richardville was taciturn and dignified in manner, but yet exercised the warmest and most attentive regard for all his people and mankind in general. He was very hospitable and charitable, and the latchstring of his door was always out to his own people and to strangers. Considering his environments, he was a great man of the world-a man of unusual intellectual powers.

The story of his rise to the chieftaincy was related by him to Allen Hamilton, an Indian agent. It is one most touching and heroic. It was a scene worthy of the most noted poet and painter. It was in a wild and barbarous age on the banks of the Maumee. It was at a time when white men's scalps dangled from Indian belts and war-whoops re-echoed from every hill. The young warriors still rejoiced in the barbaric custom of burning prisoners at the stake. A white man had been captured and brought into camp. A consultation of the head men was held and he was doomed to be “burned at the stake.” He was tied to the stake, the fagots were heaped about him, and the group of dusky warriors that stood about filled the air with rough ejaculations and shouts of triumph. An Indian stood with a torch, waiting for the word to apply it to the fagots. Young Richardville and his mother stood aloof watching the motley crowd that was reveling in fiendish merriment. The fagots were lighted and the Indians began their awful dance of death. At this moment the old mother placed a knife into the hands of her son, and bade him assert his chieftaincy. The young man sprang through the circle of dancers and cut the man loose. The mother of Richardville took the man in charge placed him in a canoe, covered him with furs and sent him down the Maumee with a friendly Indian.

Years after, when the chief was on his way to Washington, he met the man whose life he had saved, in a town in Ohio. They embraced each other. Long they recounted the scenes and incidents of youth. Ever after they were fast friends, and, when the old chief died, a monument was raised over his remains by the man whose life he had saved.

This story is beautifully related in poetry by Frank C. Riehl, and was first published in the Sentinel-Democrat, of Alton, Ill., in August, 1890. It will be round at the close of this chapter.

The story of saving this man's life is probably true, but it is doubtful whether this is what raised him to his power. According to the story, he was gjven the mace of power when a mere youth. He became chief upon the death of Little Turtle, in July, 1812, and he was then about 51 years old.

Although Richardville was not chief until 1812, yet he had been for many years regarded as one of the principal men of the nation. He was a representative of his tribe in the treaty of 1795; signed the treaty of Fort Wayne in 1803; and that of Vincennes in 1805. He signed the treaty of 1818 as principal chief; also the one of 1826 and that of 1838. In the last named treaty, as is shown in Chapter III, he was granted eleven and one-half sections of land, 7,360 acres, besides considerable money. These sections were located so as to include some of the richest soil in the Wabash valley. Richardville was a skillful trader and accumulated great wealth in his business. At the time of him death he was the richest Indian in American history. Besides his vast estates, he had a great deal of money. It is said that he had over $200,000 in coin, most of which was buried in boxes on his reservations. After his death considerable money was found in decayed boxes, and it is believed by some of the Indians that a large amount yet lies buried on the Wabash river.

Judge Biddle, who is full of anecdotes relative to the early history of this country, relates a humorous story of the old chief:

”William G. Ewing - a brother of Colonel George W. Ewing - had some difficulty with a Mr. Berthelette, a Frenchman, another Indian trader, who was an intimate friend of Chief Richardville. Berthelette became very much incensed and went to see the chief about the matter. His first salutation was: ‘Chief, I want your pistols.’ ‘Oui, oui, si; what for you want my pistol. Mr. Bar-te-lette?’ ‘I want to kill Bill Ewing.’ ‘Ah. oui, you shall haye my pistol, Mr. Bar-te-lette; but come in and eat some dinner with me.’ After dinner was over, Mr. Bertbelette became very restless. The chief said nothing more abouut the pistols. Berthelette addressed him: ‘Chief, now for the pistols.’ “Ah, oui, I get you dem pisto1.’ The chief retired a few minutes and came back with two bottles of wine. Here, Mr. Bar-te-lette, my pistol’ - handing him the two bottles of wine – ‘but take care, now, you shoot yourself.’”

Richardville had a very extensive trading house in Fort Wayne for many years, but in 1836 moved his store to Wabash. His family remained at his home on the St. Mary's. Madame Margaret La Folio, a beautiful and graceful French woman, was his housekeeper at Wabash.

He died at his family residence, on the St. Mary's, August 13, 1841. The burial services were held the next day by Rev. Father Clark, Catholic priest, of Peru, at the St. Augustine Church, at Fort Wayne. His body was first interred on the site of the cathedral, and later, when it became necessary to make room for the building, it was removed, and now lies in the Catholic cemetery, south of the city. His three daughters, La Blonde. Sarah and Catherine, erected a fine marble monument on the spot.

History of Miami County by John H. Stephens
Published by John H. Stephens Publishing House, Peru, IN
Chiefs and Head Men

Francis Godfroy, called by the Indiaus Pa-lonz-wa (signed to the treaty of 1838 as Paw-lawu-zo-a.w), was the last war chief of the Miamis. He was born in March, 1788, near Fort Wayne. Gabriel Godfroy, a son, now living, has tried to trace his maternal ancestors, but has met with very little success. He has found, however, that his grandfather was a white man, who was captured in Kentucky when about seven years old by the Shawnee Indians. Two other children were taken at the same time he was captured. His right name he had forgotten, but thought it was Cole or Coleman. This boy grew up among the Indians and became a skillful trader, and was the Shawnee interpreter at the treaty of Greenville. He married a woman among the Miamis who was half French. They raised a large family, and at an old age the father died near where he was captured in Kentucky. His widow then came to live among her own people, the Miamis, near Fort Wayne. Francis Godfroy married her daughter, Sac-a-qua-tah. Godfroy was half French and his wife was half English, and their children have married various shades of Indian blood. Here is a peculiar instance of the blending of the Anglo-Saxon and French-Indian blood. According to tradition, the Godfroys are descended from the nobility of France, and indeed it is one of the greatest names in the proud and haughty chivalry of that nation. As the story runs, Godfroy came to this country with some other noblemen at a very early period to hunt and explore. He loved the wild new country and remained. The name of Godfroy appears in French history even before the Crusades. In the first great crusade against the Saracens, the standard of Godfroy, of Bouillon, was the first planted upon the walls of Jerusalem on Friday, July 5th, 1099. He was chosen, eight days after this most remarkable victory, to be king of Jerusalem and “protector of Christian interests in the Holy Land.” He was offered a crown of gold, but refused to wear it in the city where his Savior had worn one of thorns. These Godfroys in French history were a race of crusaders - bold explorers. It cannot be doubted that some of them sought the wilds of North America, probably with the idea of great conquests. The Godfroy name is not so commom, and it would be safe to conjecture that this last war chief of the Miamis is a descendant of the great Godfroy of Bouman, the first Christian king of Jerusalem, after 460 years of Saracen rule.

The history of these Indian chiefs read like romance, and in generations to come the novelist will find in them most interesting subjects for his thought and pen.

Francis Godfroy, from his youth, was noted among his people for daring and bravery, and was selected as war chief after the resignation of She-pan-can-ab, the husband of Frances Slocum. He took a prominent part in the battles of Fort Wayne and Tippecanoe, and also in the engagement on the Mississinewa, the last in which the Miamis took any part. This battle occurred Dec. 18th, 1812, in Grant county. The Indians had been committing depredations along the frontier and were giving aid to the English, and General Harrison sent a detachment of 600 mounted men, under Lieutenant Colonel Campbell, with orders to burn all the villages on the Mississinewa. The Colonel was ordered not to molest the Delaware villages, and also Richardville, Silver Heels, White Loon, and the SOD and brother of Little Turtle. The expedition reached the Mississinewa valley on the 17th of December and fell upon a village inhabited by Delawares and Miamis. Eight warriors were killed and forty-two men, women and children were taken prisoners. All the dwellings were burned. The Indians who escaped spread the news like wildfire among their people along the river. Godfroy quickly collected about forty or fifty braves and marched through the woods all night of the 17th. They found the soldiers camped on a high bluff of the river, and began to plan their assault in Indian style. They skulked around the camp, howling like wolves, so they could recognize each other and keep together. The Indians could imitate the howl of a wolf to perfection, and it took an expert to detect the difference. An old guide to the soldiers tlod them that he thought the redskins were imitating wolves. The Indians made a precipitous attach upon the camp about a half hour before daybreak, and the fight lasted about an hour. Eight of the soldiers were killed, including two officers, forty-two wounded, and 107 horses were killed. Fifteen Indians were picked up dead after the fight, and it is thought that about that many were carried away by them. Their force was estimated by the whites at about 300, but according to their own account, they did not number more than 100. The expedition continued down the river and the Osage vil1age was burned to the ground, but the home of the war chief was not molested.

Francis Godfroy was a fine looking man and bore the mark of authority in his appearance. The Slocums, while on a visit to see their long lost sister, visited Godfrov's home, and in a letter to the Wyoming Republican, dated Sept. 27th. 1837, is found the following description of the old chief. “We soon after came to the seat of Godfroy, the war chief of the Miamis, consisting of five or six two-story houses within an inclosure of perhaps half an acre, which we entered through a gate wide enough for a carriage to pass. Upon entering the house, we were all introduced to the chief by Mr. Miller, who told him our business in the nation. He received us very courteously, and proffered us all the assistance in his power. He is probably over 50 years of age, of portly and majestic appearance, being more than six feet high, well proportioned and weighing about 320 pounds. He was dressed in leggings and a blue calico shirt that came down to the knee, profusely ornamented with ruffies of the same, his hair nearly half gray and tied in a queue hanging elegantly down his back”.

The most distinguished quality in the character of Francis Godfroy was his generosity. In this he was a prince. He was like a good, old father to his tribe. His Mount Pleasant home was like an Indian village. A number of Indians were always feasting at his table. Generosity was extended to all. His home was like that of a lord of an English manor, or of a king of a French feudal state - here were horses and hounds, guns and ammunition, the chase and the feast. He was held in perfect reverence by his people.

Many stories are told showing Godfroy's hospitality. One time he was at Lafayette, when a steamship arrived there from the Ohio river. He offered he captain a half section of land if he would take him and his party home, about three miles east of Peru. The proposition was accepted. The news spread and people were constantly along the bank watching for the steamer. The trip was made successfully, but the boat was stranded on its return. A deed to a half section of land was sent to the captain.

Francis Godfroy was a very successful Indian trader and amassed quite a fortune in this business. He would probably have been nearly as wealthy as Richardville, had it not have been for his unbounded liberality. At the treaty of 1838 he was granted seven sections of land, four where he then lived, one at the mouth of Little Pike creek, one opposite Peru and one where he might select. By the treaty of 1834 he was granted a section of land adjoining Peru on the north and east. He bought several sections of land, and when he died he left an estate that would have made all his children very wealthy if they had managed it judiciously.

A very pretty legend, showing how Francis Godfroy came to be selected as war chief is preserved by the pen of Horace P. Biddle: “There was a very bad Indian in the tribe known as Ma-jen-i-ca. He was a drinking, quarrelsome man, and frequently killed those who displeased him. Being the chief of a village, he was greatly feared. Once upon a time, as the story runs, he was in a boisterous condition at a council, which was being held on the hill just above where the Godfroy cemetery is now located. Francis Godfroy, then a young man, was present. From some remark he incurred the displeasure of Ma-jen-i-ca, who commanded him to sit down, telling him he was no man. Young Godfroy resented the insult, and told him that he was no man - that he was a coward - that he should desist from stabbing and killing his own people for trivial causes. These remarks greatly excited Ma-jen-i-ca, and, drawing his knife, he rushed on Godfroy. The latter being brave and powerful, quickly seized his assailant by tbe wrist and held his arm firmly. Then he drew his own knife and told him the braver way would be to fight him a duel. Still holding him by the arm, he commanded him to look upon yonder sun for the last time if he proposed to fight. If not intending to fight, and if he was a brave man, he would drop his knife. Godfroy stood firm and ready to fight, and, being a giant in strength, caused his assailant, through his determined look, to quail. Finally the big chief dropped his knife and yielded to the superior will power of Godfroy. This act of bravery resulted in the latter being chosen war chief after the resignation of Sbe-pan-can-ah.”

Francis Godfroy passed away at his Mount Pleasant home in May, 1840, and was buried in the cemetery on the hillside, a few rods from his house. His sons have erected a marble monument on the spot. His funeral was a notable event and was largely attended by all classes of people. The funeral address was delivered by Wa-pa-pin-sha, a noted Indian orator of the tribe. It was certainly a masterpiece of oratory, and deserves to live in history as long as the Miamis. A translation gives it as follows.

”Brothers, the Great Spirit has taken to Himself another of our once powerful and happy, but now declining, nation. The time has been when these forests were densely populated by the redmen; but the same hand whose blighting touch withered the majestic frame before us, and caused the noble spirit by which it was animated to seek another home, has dealt in a like manner with his and our fathers; in like manner will he deal with us. Death, of late, has been common among us. So much so that a, recurrence of it scarcely ellicts our notice. But when the brave, the generous and patriotic are blasted by it, ,then it is the tears of sorrow freely flow. Such is now the case.

“Our brother, who has just left us, was brave, generous and patriotic, and as a tribute to his merit and reward for his goodness the tears not only of his own people, but of many white men, who are here assembled to witness his funeral rites, freely flow. At this scene the poor of his people weep because at his table they were wont to feast and rejoice. The weak mourn his death because his authority was ever directed to their protection. But he has left the Earth - the place of vexation and contention - and is now participating with Pocahontas and Logan in those joys prepared by the Great Spirit for such as well and faithfully discharge their duties here. Brothers, let us emulate his example and practice his virtues."

Francis Godfroy had two wives, Sac_a.che-qnah and Sac-kah-quet-tah; the former died before her husband and the latter, Feb. 28, 1869. By his first wife he had six children, namely: Poqua, died in the fall of 1845; Tac-con-ze-quah, time of death not known; Catherine Goodboo, died in '56 or '57; Louisa Hunt, died in '48 or '49; James R. Godfroy, died in 1894; William Godfroy. By his second wife be had six children: Sallie, died April 2, 1856 ; George W.; 1841; Thomas Godfroy, died in the spring of 1847: Gabriel; Clemence, died in 1848; Frances, time of death not known. Out of this family of twelve children only two are now living, William and Gabriel, who now reside east of Peru about three miles. George Washington was killed by lightning, in the spring of 1841, while sitting on his horse, with several others in front of the house. His death was looked upon with profound superstition by the Miamis, because there was scarcely a cloud in the sky when the bolt descended.

Francis Godfroy made a will Feb. 26, 1840, about three months before his death. A supplement was added to it a few days before his death. A certified copy was recorded April 8th, 1854, in Deed Record “G”, pages 687-689. It is a curious document and is of historical interest to the people of this county, because the abstracts of a great deal of property embraces this will. It is here given in full:

I. Francis Godfroy, a Miami Indian, of the county of Miami, Indiana being desirous to settle and dispose of my worldly affairs while in a sound mind, memory and understanding, do publish and declare this as my last will and testament.

“First, I desire my body to be decently interred, at the discretion of my executors hereinafter named.

“Second, It is my will and I hereby bequeath to my beloved son, James R. Godfroy, one section of land, to include my mill on the creek below Peru, commonly called Pipe Creek.

“Third, I will and bequeath to my beloved son, William Godfroy, one section of land lying on the Mississinewa river, being the section of land granted to O-san-di-ah at the treaty between the United States and the Miami Indians of 1838, which I purchased of the said O-san-di-ah.

“I will and bequeath to my dearly beloved son, George Washington, the section of land lying opposite the town of Peru, on the Wabash, being the same on which Peter Gibout lives.

“Fifth, I will and bequeath to my dearly beloved sons, Tbomas Godfroy and Gabriel Godfroy, as tenants in common, three-fourths of the section lying above and adjoining the town of Peru, which said three-fourths of a section so bequeathed as aforesaid is a part of the section granted to me adjoining the town of Peru at the treaty between the United States and the Miami Indians of October, 1834.

“ Sixth, For the purpose educating my son GabrieI, I hereby will and bequeath to him, in addition to my former bequest, the one-quarter section of land lying opposite my house, being the same purchased of John B. Richardville.

“Seventh, I will and bequeath unto my two wives, or the mothers of my children, Sac-a-che-quah and Sac-kah quet-tah, and my beloved children, my eldest unmarried daughter Louisa, to my daughter Sally, to my daughter Frances, to my daughter Clemmence, the four sections of land and improvements where I now live, during the life time of my said wives, to be decided in case of dispute by my executors during the lives of my wives. The two of the four sections of land aforesaid to include the houses and improvements, I will and bequeath to my said daughters, Louisa, Sally, Frances and Clemmence as tenants in common and to their heirs forever. The remaining two of the four sections aforesaid, I will and bequeath to all my children and their heirs and assigns as well as those who are devisees to this will, as also Po-qua and the wife of Goodboo, to be equally divided among them all.

“Eighth, It is my will that after the personal property, which I may be possessed of at the time of my death, should be exhausted, that my executors, or the survivor of them, or the person who may administer on my estate, shall sell so much of my real estate as he or they may deem necessary for the payment of my debt, the same to be sold for such prices as he or they may deem reasonable. Such real estate to be sold as is not devised individually to any member of my family.

“Ninth, I will and bequeath such property as I may die possessed of, both real and personal, not heretofore disposed of, after my debts are paid, to be equally divided among all my children, show and show alike.

“Tenth, All the property devised to all the devisees in this my last will is hereby bequeathed to them, their heirs and assigns forever.

“Lastly, I hereby constitute and appoint Allen Hamilton and John B. Richardville, of the county of Allen, to be the sole executors of this my last will and testament. In the case of the death of either of them then the other to be the executor.

“In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the twenty-sixth day of February, 1840.



“ Signed, sealed, published and declared by the testator as and for his last will and testament, executed in the presence of the undersigned, who signed the same as witnesses in the presence of each other, and in the presence of the testator and signed their names as such witnesses at the request of said testator, the 26th, of Februarv, 1840.


Codicil to the will, dated May 5, 1810, and attested by two witnesses.
“I do further will and direct that my executor or administrator, lay off within three months after my decease, on the quarter section of land immediately adjoining the town of Peru, town lots and streets in continuation and corresponding in size and width with the lots in Peru, excepting only that portion of said quarter section near the sand hill, suitable for tannery sites, for which purpose I desire that it should, be laid off in lots of two acres each, that every fourth of the town lots and tannery sites be reserved and titles for the same forth with executed to my son, James Godfroy, and the remaining three-forths of each description of said lots be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on tbe following conditions, to-wit: one-third of the purchase money to be paid at the expiration of six months from the date of sale, the remainder in two equal payments at the expiration of twelve and eighteen months from the day of sale, and I hereby authorize and empower my said executor or administrator, when full payment is made by the purchasers, to make, seal and deliver deeds for the conveyance of said lots to the purchasers, their heirs and assigns, hereby vesting him with full power and authority to act in the premises, as fully to every intent and purpose as I myself could do if living. The proceeds of the sale of aforesaid lots, I hereby direct my said executors or administrators to apply to the discharge of my just debts, and in the event of there being thereafter a surplus, that the sane be by my said executors invested in bank stock, and the annual interest thereon be applied to the discharge of the taxes on my rea1estate.

History of Miami County by John H. Stephens
Published by John H. Stephens Publishing House, Peru, IN
Chiefs and Head Men

In the Indian graveyard, about two miles east of Peoria, is a marble tombstone, bearing this inscription:

,JUNE, 1854:
JUNE 17, 1867,

But few men were better and more favorably known among the Indians and pioneers than Brouillette. His mission was to bring "peace on earth and good will to man." A great man he was but not in the sense in which Richardville and Godfroy were. Not a councilor or warrior, but an exhorter he was. His life was peace and serenity, calm and deep. It is an in spiration to consider such a character in a wi1d and uncivilized country.

He was born 1796 in the famous Indian village - Ouiatenon, - near the present site of La Fayette. His father was a Frenchman, who was captured by the Indians when a youth. Brouillette like the great majority of his people was intemperate. But he soared far above them in strength of character and intellectuality. Through the labors of Rev. George Slocum, a missionary and a cousin of Francis Slocum, Brouillettee was converted. After he became a preacher, he frequently referred to his conversion and dated it from the time he signed the temperance pledge the second time.

He had been on a long spree, and becoming sober, he went to Rev. Slocum and asked to take an oath not to drink any liquor for one year. The pledge was faithfully kept, but at the end of that time, while in Peru, was induced to drink and became very drunk. It is said that he went home at night, crossed the river three times, banks full and ice floating down, lost his whip and cap, and arrived home almost famished with cold. After sleeping his drunkenness off, he again went to the minister and asked to sign the pledge for ten years. Addressing him he said: "George, my friend, I want you to write another pledge. I want you to make it strong for ten years. I think I shall not live longer than that, considering my present age!" The pledge was written and as he signed it he said: "Now call God to witness that I no more get drunk!" This pledge was ever kept and he lived twenty- three years an exemplary and Christian man. Two years after signing the pledge, he joined the Baptist church and became a missionary among the remnant of his people along the Wabash river. He married the eldest daughter of Francis Slocum, but by her no children were born. She died in 1847 and some time afterward he married Eliza Godfroy , a daughter of his first wife's sister. By her he had one daughter, Frances.

George Winter, the English artist, who lived in Logansport for 27 years - 1837 to 1850 - was a student of Indian character and painted portraits of many of their leading men and made sketches of their villages. Shortly after Brouillette's death, he paid a glowing tribute to his life and character in an article published in the Lafayette Courier. He said: "Jean Baptiste Brouillette needs not the flattering touch of the artist's pencil or the poet's fanciful recitals to make him attractive to the public attention seperately from his innate qualities as a man. I remember distinctly when I first saw Brouillette. He was on a visit to Logansport in the fall of the year of payment. The Pottawattomie Indians were at that time very commonly seen in Logansport.

"Ewing's establishment was a means of attracting the Indians to that point. It was headquarters, too, for the receiving of peltries, brought in in large quantities. There they were properly packed and shipped to the east. It was not unfrequently that some of the Indians came to Logansport to buy goods at Ewing's trading post. The Miamis were frequent visitors to the vicinity of Logansport for the purpose of paying a reverential tribute to the memory of the dead, as there was but a few rods distant, from the south section of the bridge which led to the National Reservation, a extensive burial ground, which was an attraction to the traveler as he was passing through this new and undeveloped country.

"Captain Brouillette was a French half breed, of elegant appearance, very straight and slim. In persona1 appearance he had a decidedly commanding mien. In height he stood six feet two inches. His aboriginal costume was expensive and showy. He wore around his head a rich figured crimson shawl a 1a turban, with long and flowing ends gracefully falling over the shoulders; silver ornaments, or clusters of earbobs, testitied their weight by a partial elongation of the ears. His hair was jetty black and ornamental to a face by no means handsome; forehead not expansive, and his visage as a whole was meagre, but withal his face was thoughtful, and certainly expressive of great power. He wore a fine frock coat of the latest fashion. When an Indian assumes the white man's garb, he always chooses a frock coat. It is an object of beauty to his eye. His ‘pesmoker’ or shirt, was white, spotted with small red figures overhanging very handsome blue leggings, 'winged' with very rich silk ribbons of prismatic hues, exhibiting the squaw's skillful needle work. A handsome red silk sash was thrown gracefully over his left shoulder, and passing over his breast and under his right arm, with clusters of knots, and fringed masses, gave point and style to Brouillett's tall and majestic figure. Intellectually, the Miami soared far above mediocrity. His mind was clear and strong. He had great comprehension and scope of thought. Brouillette had a fine reputation as an orator, possessing great volubility of language. He was a very peaceable man and a great friend to the whites, among whom he claimed many friendships. He was a great 'Medicine Man', (though not a juggler) professing a knowledge of the healing art.'

Captain Brouillette, for he was proverbally known among the whites by that sobriquet, was the first Miami Indian that cultivated corn with a plow. He often visited Lafayette. In the year 1851 I met him. He was then on his way to the Wea Plains, a spot identified with his early childhood. The purpose of his visit there was to obtain roots possessing medical properties. At that time the noble looking Indian, though still retaining his erect bearing, yet the unmistakable marks of increasing years were shown in the deepening lines of the face, and the former jet black hair being impinged with time's frosty touch."

History of Miami County by John H. Stephens
Published by John H. Stephens Publishing House, Peru, IN
Chiefs and Head Men

Deb Murray