Jonathan D. Cox, as stated, came to Miami county in 1837, and for a while was employed on a farm and afterward as a clerk in a store. In 1840 he formed a partnership with Richard Miller and opened a store at Paw Paw. Four years later he quit Merchandising and entered agricultural pursuits, which he generally
followed, though sometimes he interested himself in other business. In 1857 he embarked in the stove and lumber trade, but in about a year he relinquished that and returned to farming, which he continued until he retired from active life in 1885. His death occurred February 18,1889. But a few times in his life did he accept calls into public position. In 1867 he was appointed assessor of Miami county for the internal revenue department, and in 1868 was elected to represent Miami county in the general assembly, to which he was re-elected in 1870.
Mr. Cox was a successful farmer, a man of great decision of character and of the strictest integrity.
"A friend to truth, of soul sincere, In action thoughtful and in honor clear, Who broke no promise, served no private end, Who gained no title and who lost no friend; Ennobled by himself, by all approved, And praised unenvied by the Muse he loved."
Politically, in early life he was an abolitionist, and later a Republican, with which latter party he affiliated until 1866, when the fifteenth amendment to the United States constitution was adopted conferring the right of suffrage on the former slaves. He then rebelled against the party, believing that it had made a mistake. The wisdom of that amendment is now doubted by thousands of well informed Republicans, who then believed that it was a just measure. Before the adoption of negro suffrage he perceived the evils that others realized only from the practical working of the amendment, and he ever after affiliated with the Democratic party, and kept himself well informed on the general issues of the day. In religion he was a member of the Methodist Episcopal denomination, and believed in the practical teachings of Christianity. February 2, 1842, he married Mary Jane, oldest daughter of Richard Miller, who died in 1848. By that marriage there
were two children,- William H. And Alphonzo C., of whom only the latter is living. February 12, 1850, Mr. Cox was again married, this time to Miss Caroline, daughter of Rev. William Reyburn, who was one of the pioneers of Miami county. Mrs. Cox passed to the other life in 1856. By this marital union were three children,-Charles R., Horace G. and Emma, of whom only Charles R. is living. In 1859 Mr. Cox was united in marriage with Miss Jane Thornburg who survives her husband. By the last union there was one child, named Jessie B.
From Biographical and Genealogical History of Cass, Miami, Howard, and Tipton Counties, Vol, 1 (Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Co., 1898). pp502-4.
Submitted by: Kenneth A. Cox
HON. LEWIS D. ADKISON, a prominent citizen and pioneer of Peru, is a native of Fayette County, Indiana, born about eight miles west of Connersville, May 26th, 1816. His parents, Robert and Rebecca (Henderson) Adkison, were born in North and South Carolina respectively, of Irish lineage. The father in 1829 moved to Fountain County, where his death occurred one year later. The mother was born in the year 1776, and departed this life on the 27th of August, 1846. Lewis D. Adkison, when thirteen years of age, accompanied his parents to Fountain County, where for two years he worked on his father’s farm. His early educational advantages were limited, being only those derived from attendance at the indifferent county schools for that period about three months each year, until he arrived at the age of eighteen. He left home in the spring of 1835, and went to Logansport, where he worked at brick making until the following Fall, at which time
he came to Peru and secured employment on the Wabash and Erie Canal, then in progress of construction. After one year spent as workman on the canal Mr. Adkison accepted a clerkship in the mercantile house of D.R. Bearss, and later was engaged in the same capacity by Mr. Bearss’ successor, Jacob Lindsey, acting as clerk in all about three years. In 1838, he was appointed by Governor Wallace Sheriff of Miami County to fill the unexpired term of Asa Leonard, who died in office, and at the ensuing elected in 1840 was chosen Sheriff, the duties of which position he discharged for about four years. On leaving the office he engaged in the plaster’s and brick laying trades and after continuing the same for some four years, opened a general store in Peru, which he conducted with good success for sometime. He subsequently abandoned that line of trade and for some years was engaged in the lumber business, which he carried on quite
extensively in connection with a general store in Peru, which he conducted with good success for sometime. He subsequently abandoned that line of trade and for some years was engaged in the lumber business, which he carried on quite extensively in connection with a general hardware trade. In 1855 he disposed of his mercantile interests in Peru and emigrating to California opened a general store at Oak Valley, in the mines. He was subsequently elected Supervisor of Yuba County, that State, an office similar to that of County Commissioner in Indiana, and after serving one and a half years was chosen Sheriff, the duties of which office he discharged for about four years. In 1868 he returned to Indiana and settled in Fulton County, where, until 1874, he was engaged in agricultural pursuits, disposing of his farm at the end of that time and returning to Peru. In 1874-5 he was Assistant Doorkeeper of the Indiana State Senate, and in 1882 was elected
State Senator from the counties of Miami and Howard. He took an active part in the deliberations of that body and served on some of the most important committees, among which were these: Banks and Banking, Public Printing, Public Buildings, Swamp Lands, Fees and Salaries, etc. Since the expiration of his term as legislator, Mr. Adkison has been engaged in the insurance business and loaning money at Peru. On December 16th, 1840, he married Mrs. Lucy Davis, daughter of the late Judge Albert Cole, of Peru, by whom he had four children, only one of whom, Lucy A., wife of James H. Fetter, is living. Mrs. Adkison was born in the year 1820, and died March 11th, 1885. Mr. Adkison was originally a Whig, but since the organization of the Republican party, he has been an ardent supporter of its principles. He is a member of the Presbyterian church and belongs to the Odd Fellows fraternity.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Peru Township
NOTT N. ANTRIM, a prominent member of the Miami County bar and fourth son of Benjamin and Frances (Grey) Antrim, was born in Cass County, Indiana, on the 25th day of March, 1847. Left motherless at the age of four years and fatherless at ten, he was early in life obliged to rely almost wholly upon his own resources, and until attaining his majority worked on the farm, obtaining a common school education in the meantime. Possessing a desire to make law his life work, Mr. Antrim, in 1872, began his legal studies with Messrs. Mitchell & Shirk, of Peru, under whose instructions he continued until his admission to the bar in 1873. He began the active practice of his profession, April, 1874, and within a short time thereafter won for himself a conspicuous place among the lawyers of Miami and adjoining counties, having been elected the same year to the office of State’s Attorney for the circuit composed of Miami and Wabash counties. He was re-elected
to the same position in 1876, and in 1882 was chosen to represent Miami County in the General Assembly of Indiana. In 1881 he effected a co-partnership in the practice with James M. Brown, Esq., and the firm thus formed still continues. As a lawyer, Mr. Antrim is painstaking and methodical, and has already an extensive and lucrative practice in the courts of Miami and other counties of Northern Indiana. His official, as well as private life is above reproach, and he enjoys in a marked degree the esteem and confidence of the community around him. In politics, he is a Republican, and, as such, has rendered valuable service to his party in this county. Mr. Antrim on the 11th day of February, 1875, was united in marriage with Miss S. Matilda Adkisson, of Crawford County, Illinois.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Peru Township
DANIEL R. BEARSS (deceased) was born August 23, 1809, In Geneseo, Livingston County, New York. His parents were Truman and Sabrina (Roberts) Bearss. His grandfather was a major in the Revolutionary Army, under General Washington, and his father served in the war of 1812. About the year 1811, the family removed to Painesville, Ohio, and in 1815 to Detroit, Michigan. Mr. Bearss’ boyhood was spent on a farm and his education was acquired in a log school house. In 1828 he went to Ft. Wayne where he became a clerk of W.G. & G.W. Ewing. His employers soon opened a branch store in Logansport in which Mr. Bearss was engaged until 1832. He then spent two years in mercantile business on his own account in Goshen. In August 1834 with his young wife he settled in Peru where he resided the rest of his life. During his first year’s residence here he carried on a general mercantile business in partnership with his father-in-law, Judge Albert Cole, whose
biography appears elsewhere. This connection being dissolved Mr. Bearss continued the business until 1844, when he formed a co-partnership with Charles Spencer under the firm name of Bearss and Spencer. Mr. Bearss being occupied with outside matters, Mr. Spencer took charge of the business. In 1849, Mr. Bearss sold his interest in the store and finally retired from mercantile life, after a prosperous business career of about twenty-one years. With perhaps one exception Mr. Bearss was the largest tax payer in Peru. He owned considerable city property among which were the Broadway Hotel and a number of business blocks. he also owned several valuable farms one of which just north of Peru he made his home. Mr. Bearss was one of the leading politicians of his county but was never known to resort to political trickery in order that his party might triumph. No one in his locality labored more earnestly for the promotion of Henry Clay to the
Presidency. From the organization of the Republican party he was one of its warmest friends and through his great popularity succeeded in carrying many elections when said party was in the minority. Through his influence Hon. Schuyler Colfax was first placed before the people as a candidate for Congress. Mr. Bearss served his county in various minor public offices. He was in the state Legislature twenty years, eight years as Representative and twelve as Senator. During the memorable and exciting period of the late civil war when many legislators seemingly in sympathy with the south sought to tie the hands of Governor Morton and prevent the state from furnishing support to the Union, no member of the Senate was more faithful to his country than Mr. Bearss. His age prevented him from entering the army but he did his duty in the halls of Legislation. He took an active part in the railroad enterprises of the county and for a while served as
director of the I.P. & C. and Wabash roads. With his family he attended the Congregational church and gave liberally towards its support. Mr. Bearss was a man of commanding stature and in his prime possessed great physical strength and endurance. Few men were more favorably or better known not only in the county but throughout the state. He died April 18, 1884, at Hot Springs, Arkansas, where he had gone for the benefit of his health. January 14, 1834, at Goshen, Indiana; he married Emma A. Cole, daughter of the late Judge Albert Cole. The following are the name of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Bearss: George R., William, Albert, Oliver, Homer, Frank, Emma and Ella.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Peru Township
ALBERT C. BEARSS, a native of Peru, was born April 1, 1838, and is the third son of Daniel R. and Emma A. (Cole) Bearss, the sketches of whom appear elsewhere. Receiving his primary education in the city schools of Peru, at the age of 14 he entered the preparatory department of Kenyon College at Gamfier, Ohio, where he pursued the studies of that institution for a period of four years, and then returned to Peru. In 1859 he traveled westward and located in California, where he secured the position of salesman for a firm in the northern part of that State, and in 1862 he returned east as far as Nevada, where he engaged principally in silver mining and politics. In the year 1867 he came back to his native State and established himself in the mercantile business in the town of Rochester, Fulton County, where he continued until 1875, and then again made Peru his home continually since that time, devoting his attention to farming and also to public
affairs. During his stay in Nevada he was three times elected to the lower house of the Legislature, and when he returned to Indiana, received the nomination on the Republican ticket for the same position and was elected in 1878, and in 1879, was by his very intimated friend, James N. Tyner, postmaster general, appointed postoffice inspector, which he filled in a creditable manner until his resignation took place - March, 1885 - and since that time has been looking after his farm of 550 acres, situated in Peru township. Mr. Bearss was married to Miss Madeline V. Lamb, of Coshocton, Ohio, March 20, 1867. This union has been blessed with two children, Fannie Emma and Nellie Cole. Our subject is a staunch Republican, and believes in the Jacksonian motto: “To the victors belong the spoils.” He was made Chairman of the Republican central committee of Miami county, and at present occupies that position.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Peru Township
JOHN H. BECK, City Treasurer, was born in Miami county, Indiana, October 23, 1845, and is the eldest son of Adam and Teresa Beck, parents natives of Germany. Adam Beck was born in 1816; was united in marriage with Miss Teresa Trefferd in 1844, and the year following emigrated to the United States, coming direct to the city of Peru. John H. Beck was raised in Peru, obtained a practical education in the city schools and at the age of 16 commenced the tinner’s trade, at which he served a three year’s apprenticeship. In 1879, in partnership with Edward E. Riley, he opened out in the business for himself. He still carries on the business in connection with the retail hardware trade, and is one of the successful merchants of the city. In 1883 he was elected City Treasurer, re-elected in 1885 and is the present incumbent of the office. He was married April, 1866, to Miss Catherine Silberman of Peru, a daughter of F.B. Silberman.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Peru Township
NER. BLACK was born in Peru township May 3, 1837, and is the eldest son of Samuel and Mary (Haines) Black, natives of Virginia and Connecticut, who were of English descent. His father came to Peru township in 1834, and followed farming the whole of his life. Born in 1800 and died in 1880. The subject was raised on the farm and has always pursued the occupation of farming. His wife was Margaret Honan, daughter of Solomon and Mary Honan, who came to this country in 1832 or 1833, and remained until death, which occurred in 1852. The subject was the father of four children, whose names are Nellie A., Charles E., Milton W., and Fred G. He adheres to the principles of the Republican party.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Peru Township
EDMUND BLOOMFIELD, M.D., prominent physician and surgeon of Peru, is a native of Ohio, born near the city of Eaton on the 29th day of December, 1841. His father, Reuben Bloomfield, was born in Preble County, Ohio, in the year 1809, and his mother, Ann (Hopkins) Bloomfield, was a native of the same state also, and died there about the year 1856. Dr. Bloomfield’s early educational training was received in the schools of his native city, supplemented by a course in the Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, in which institution he pursued his literary studies for nearly two years, making substantial progress during that period. His early tastes leading him to a choice of the medical profession, the Doctor, in 1866, commenced preparing for the same by a course of reading with A.L. Dunham, M.D., of Eaton, under whose instruction he continued until the fall of the following year. He then entered the medical department of the University of Michigan, at
Ann Arbor, completing the prescribed course in 1869, and graduating the summer of the same year in Pharmaceutical chemistry. Having thus thoroughly familiarized himself with the profession, he began the active practice in 1870 at Peru, Indiana, where his superior professional ability soon won for him a conspicuous place among the successful medical men of the county. Dr. Bloomfield, as a skillful physician and surgeon takes high rank, possessing many of the elements of popularity, and, since locating in Peru, his practice has been eminently successful, both professionally and financially. His extensive acquaintance in this and adjoining counties, together with his well known integrity and ability, has brought him a large and lucrative business, while his standing as a citizen is such as to make him poplar with a large circle of friends and acquaintances. In politics he is a Democrat, but in no sense of the word a partisan;
although firm in his convictions and intellectually qualified to fill official position he avoids the strife of political contests, preferring to give his entire time to his profession. Dr. Bloomfield’s marriage with Miss Helen Davenport, of Peru, was solemnized April 26, 1871. They have three children, viz.: Mary G., Guy D., and Nellie B. Bloomfield. Mrs. Bloomfield is a member of the Episcopal Church of the city. Dr. Bloomfield is a member of State Medical Society, American Medical Association and County Medical Society.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Peru Township
JOHN P. BOWMAN, a native of Montgomery County, Virginia, was born September 2, 1826, to John and Mary (Cromer) Bowman, natives of Virginia, but of German descent. His father emigrated from Virginia to Tippecanoe County when the subject was only about twelve years old, and they then came to Peru Township. John C. was reared on the farm and received a medium education. His occupation has always been that of a farmer. He was married in 1848 to Miss Catharine Meyers, a daughter of Nicholas Meyers. To them were born ten children, viz.: Sarah J., Emeline, William R., Julia A., Noah, Amanda, Daniel, Phoebe, Charles and George W. (deceased). Mr. Bowman is the proprietor of 277 acres of fine land in Peru Township, and also 291 acres in Cass County; all of which is under good cultivation. His politics are Democratic.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Peru Township
Bowman is a Miami Co. family I am researching. See my Bowman family page here and contact Deb Murray if you think we have ancestors in common.
PHILIP H. BOYNTON, the immediate subject of this sketch is a native of Miami and son of Joseph D. and Hannah Boynton. Captain Joseph Boynton, the paternal grandfather, was a son of Joseph and Sallie (Goss) Boynton, who were early residents of New Hampshire, the former born in Stratham and the latter in the town of Greenland, that State. Captain Joseph Boynton was a soldier in the war of Revolution, was at the capture of Burgoyne and Cornwallis, and also took part in the celebrated campaign against Quebec under General Arnold. He was two years adjutant of the New Hampshire Division - died June 25, 1831, aged 76 years. Joseph D. Boynton was born in Cornish, Maine, June 4, 1793; was raised a farmer and while young familiarized himself with several trades, among which were those of shoemaking, carpentering, tanning, plastering, etc., in all of which he became a skillful workman. He married November 30, 1815, Hannah Chick, daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Lord) Chick, who were members of one
of the oldest and most respectable families of Maine. Mrs. Boynton was born at the town of Parsonsfield, Maine, January 24, 1794, and died at Freeport, the same State, February 12, 1882. Mr. Boynton departed this life early in the eighties, exact date unknown. The following are the names of the children born to Joseph D. and Hannah Boynton, to-wit: Mary P. (deceased), Hannah, Frances A., Ammi L. (deceased), Alvira P., Harriet O., Lucy A., Joseph W., Elizabeth B., Caroline N., Philip H. and Martha E.S. Boynton. Philip H. Boynton was raised to agricultural pursuits, received in the district schools the rudiments of an English education, and later attended the Cornish high school where he acquired a knowledge of the higher branches of learning. When nineteen years of age he accepted a position in a cotton factory at Saco, Maine, and after working at the same for one year, went to Rochester, New York, and engaged as repairer of track on the Rochester &
Niagara Falls railroad. In August, 1852, he came to Indiana, and for three years thereafter was engaged in the construction of what is now the Wabash railroad. At the end of that time he went to Indianapolis where, for a limited period, he worked in the freight office of the I., P. & C. railroad, and later engaged as brakeman for the same company. For about one year he had charge of the freight office in Peru, Indiana, and then took charge of an engine, running freight and construction trains for about three years. In December, 1862, he began running a passenger engine on the I., P. & C., a position he has since filled, being at this time one of the oldest and most reliable engineers in Indiana. An estimate of his mileage since engaging as engineer would be difficult to determine, but an approximation of the distance traversed in his engine would be equivalent to over forty trips around the earth. Mr. Boynton has been twice married,
the first time on the 4th day of July, 1860, to Miss Elizabeth Livesay, of Virginia, who died July 16th of the following year. He married his present wife, Mary J. Todd, daughter of H.S. and Agnes Todd, of Rockville, Indiana, in January, 1863, a union blessed with one child, Charles J. Boynton. Mr. Boynton is a member of the Masonic and K. of H. fraternities and belongs to the Baptist church. Mrs. Boynton is a member of the Presbyterian church of Peru.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Peru Township
DR. WILLIAM H. BRENTON, M.D., eldest son of Francis and Mary (Giltner) Brenton, is a native of Clarke County, Indiana, born May 2, 1828. His grandfather, William Brenton, was one of the pioneers of Indiana, moving as early as the beginning of the present century to Clarke County, of which part of the State Francis and Mary Brenton were natives. The Doctor was raised on a farm and his early educational privileges were such as the public schools of that day and locality afforded. During the progress of this primary course he decided upon the medical profession for a life work, and at the age of 16 began preparing for the same, under the able instruction of Dr. Frank Taylor of Westport, Kentucky. He subsequently took a course of lectures in Memphis, Tennessee, and in 1852 graduated from the medical department of the Indiana Asbury University. Prior to that time (in 1849) he engaged in the practice of his profession at Taylorville, Indiana, and after
having completed his collegiate course went to Metropolis, South Illinois, where he continued until 1857. In the meantime, with a laudable ambition to increase his knowledge of the profession he, in 1853 and ‘54 attended the St. Louis medical college, and subsequently in 1866 graduated with honor from Bellevue Hospital medical college, New York, one of the largest and most thorough medical institutions in the United States. In 1862 he joined the Seventy-third Indiana volunteer infantry as first assistant surgeon, in which capacity he continued until his resignation in 1863, acting as surgeon during the greater part of his period of service. He came to Miami County, Indiana, in 1857 and on leaving the army resumed his professional duties in Peru, where he has continued to enjoy a well merited reputation in his calling. He is a member of the county and district medical societies, and also belongs to the State and American Medical Associations. His professional career has been singularly successful, the
reputation being awarded him as one of the most skillful surgeons and thorough practitioners in Miami County. Although a Democrat in his political affiliations, the Doctor has not been an aspirant for official honors, preferring to give his entire attention to the practice of his chosen profession. He was married December, 1851, to Miss Elizabeth R. Bills, a native of Louisiana, but at that time a resident of Bartholomew County, Indiana, by whom he had two children, both deceased. Mrs. Brenton died September, 1856. In 1858 he married his second wife, Lucinda Marsh, who bore him two children, viz., Effie M., deceased, and William M., who is at present in the employ of the Wabash railroad company at Peru. The Doctor’s third marriage was solemnized in the year 1879 with Miss Loantha Search, of Peru, a union blessed with the birth of three children, viz., Emma E., Mary M., and John H. Brenton.
From History of Miami County, Published in 1887 by Brant and Fuller in Chicago - Peru Township