James H. Hall, farmer, Crawfordsville, was b. in Warren Co Ohio Oct 8, 1814. His parents, Thomas and Elizabeth (Williamson) Hall, were b. born and reared in Shenandoah Co Va and settled in an early day in Warren Co Oh. In the fall of 1835, Mr. Hall emigrated to Union Twp, and improved the farm where he at present resides. It embraces 500 acres of neatly cultivated land, is well watered, improved by good buildings, situated four miles southwest of Crawfordsville and valued at $28,000. Mr. H. was first a whig, but when the party of his choice went to pieces he naturally fell into the ranks of its successor, the republican party. His father d. in the autumn of 1840, and his mother survived a few years later. In 1841 (Feb 9) Mr. Hall marr. Miss Emma Price who was b. April 17, 1817. Their 7 children were as follows: Sarah Elizabeth; Henry Clay; Mary Ellen, now Mrs. George McKinsey; Taylor (Dec); Anna, w/o Sanford NUTT; Kellie and George. Henry was b. March 1,1845. He enlisted in Co K, 865th Ind Vols in 1862 for 3 years, but was soon stricken with lung fever and at the end of 3 mos. was discharged. He was marr. March 21, 1872 to Miss Catherine Clodfelter, who was b. Jan 8, 1849. Her parents were Peter and Mary Clodfelter. The former came with his father from NC when a small boy. Her parents became residents of Jackson Twp some 40 years ago. M/M Hall have two children: Edie b. April 13, 1873 and Carrie b July 28, 1879.
Submitted by: Karen Zach
History of Montgomery County, Indiana, HW Beckwith Reproduction by Unigraphic, Evansville, Ind p. 207
The grand old county of Montgomery with its 27,000 inhabitants, its schools, its colleges, its churches and its broad acres of improved and fertile land, presents a different scene to the aged veteran of today from what it did when he first settled in its borders 50 or 75 years ago. The magnificent oak, the stalwart poplar, the wide spreading walnut and the shaggy beech, have alike shared the woodman's ax and are no more. The rude hut has given place to the comfortable, cozy dwelling and gaudy and attractive palaces. But also how few -- how very few -- have lived to look upon the beauty and grandeur of the work in the fullness of its glory, to which their own hands had contributed so beautifully. The history of the honored few who are now living within our borders can be studies with profit by those who are now enjoying the fruits of their early labor. Among the aged veterans who have contributed to the upbuilding of our country, both in public and private life, none perhaps stand higher in the confidence and esteem of those by whom best known than the subject of this sketch, Thomas A. Harris, born in Buckingham County, Virginia, 76 years ago. His father was of Portuguese and his mother of English descent (sic). His father was a planter and slave holder, and owned on an average from 18 to 20 slaves, in whom he took great pride. He always treated them with great consideration and kindness; fed and clothed them well. While he viewed them as a species of constitutional property, he never forgot that they had feelings and sympathies which the master was morally bound to respect. Had he lived in a different age and different country, he would doubtless have been opposed to the institution of slavery. While he never belonged to any visible church, he was a kind and generous father. He took upon his honor and regarded his wo? as sacred as his oath. Thomas, the second of six children and the subject of these lines, entered upon life's arena to do for himself at the age of 20, having been liberated by his father at his own request before his majority. A single man, with no one to care for but himself, he went forth with the world to seek his fortune, with the highest confidence in himself, looking upon the gaudy side of the picture of life. He went into an adjoining county and took a lease for four years on the lands of Hon. James McDowell, afterwards Gov. of Virginia; a man dear to the hearts of that honored old State. His object was to enter into the cultivation of tobacco to a grand scale. He employed a number of negro hands and a negro cook and went to work in earnest. The first year he raised a find crop, but his expenses were too great and he fell into debt. It was customary in those days for the person who employed slaves to feed and clothe them. About this time, he was married to Rebecca Powers, an estimable young lady of the vicinity, but who like himself contributed no capital to the partnership stock, except a stout heart and willing mind, which are oftimes more valuable auxiliaries to success than gold and diamonds. The next year proved more disastrous than ever. His crop failed and he kept sinking deeper and deeper in debt. He now began to realize that a fortune was not to be found like a lost bonanza, but only to be acquired by close applications, active, industry and the strictest economy. He now discovers that his paved road to fortune is a failure, that his mode of life must be changed; the points of his compass altered, his vessel rerigged, the sails lowered and a new course pursued. He informs his wife, the companion of his toils (an act worthy imitation of our modern sires) who readily acquiesces in whatever will contribute to their mutual good. He accordingly dispensed with all his negroes, except one, and took, in a partner. They raised a fine little crop of tobacco, which matured in excellent condition and was looked upon by the young firm and by Thomas especially with great pride and satisfaction. His happiest thought was that he would soon be able to pay his debts. The early principles of honestly and integrity instilled by the early teaching of his father, caused him to look upon debt as being as a sacred obligation, the discharge of which could only be excused on the ground of utter impossibility. Their little crop was carefully gathered and after the custom of the day, stored away in a tobacco barn for the purpose of being cured a process which was perfected by fires, and required several days. One morning when he arose he found that his entire crop had been swept away by the cruel flames. His first thought was of his debts. His only prospect for payment gone, this he says was the most gloomy time of his life, but he never thought for a moment of trying to escape the debt. His creditors came on him. He delivered over to them all his effects, goods, and chattles, household and kitchen furniture. Everything that both he and his wife possessed, not even retaining a bed upon which to rest at night, reserving nothing except their wearing apparel. This done, he was still indebted. he concluded to borrow a few of the necessaries of life from his neighbors and commenced anew. His object now was to lease a small piece of ground and dig it up with his hoe, and raise a small crop, but upon his sole responsibility. He goes again to the Hon. James McDowell, who listens to hi story of his misfortunes with the deepest interest. He tells McDowell the object of his visit, viz: to get released from his former obligation and to lease a smaller amount of ground; that he desires to move on it and take his hoe and dig it up and cultivate it with his own hands. McDowell expresses his surprise, tells him it is impossible, such a thing cannot be done, that he will starve himself and family in the effort and advises him to pull up stakes and go west, but as to the lease, he could have it for any period of time and upon any terms he might ask, if he thought it would be of any benefit. The lease was made, banding McDowell to everything and harris to nothing. He moves on his lease, erects a rude log cabin, borrows a few articles of bedclothing and furniture, an old skillet and a pot or two and he again launched his boat and starts out on life's journey anew. He has no horse, he goes to work with his hoe and digs up his ground. The hoe used was a large heavy implement, somewhat like the mattock of the present day. Bareheaded and without bootsday after day, he plies his hoe until his crop is in. The first year he raises a small crop which by the strictest economy and the utmost privation enables him to live and pay a small among upon his outstanding indebtedness which is distributed pro rata among his creditors. The next year he reports the same thing and further reduces his indebtedness. He is now solicited to teach a school, he accepts and with the consent of his leaser, throws up his lease. He teaches a term of 3 months, collects the money, counts up the interest on each debt that he owes, and starts on the rounds to hunt up his creditors, each of whom is paid the full amount of his claim, both principal and interest. This done, he says, "I have no doubt but that I felt prouder than General Jackson did, when he had won the noted battle of New Orleans. I regard it as the crowning act of my life and never think of it without a feeling of pride. He taught 4 terms in the same district at low wages, but succeeded in saving a little money, when hist thoughts turned westward. He was now the head of a family and had passed his majority several years, but never had been permitted to vote, not having possessed the property qualification requisite in that State. No person was allowed a vote except he possessed in his own right, some article of personal property upon which he payed tax. In the year 1832, just before the election of Gen. Jackson, he bought a little mare, the honored beast, that gave him his first vote. He had voted for every Democratic Pres. since that time, but he says the hardest pill to take, in the line of Presidential medicine, was Horace Greeley. In the fall of 1834, with two small ponies and a little wagon and $R57, 12 1/2 in his pocket, he started west. He stopped in Ohio where he remained two years teaching school 15 months of the time. In the fall of 1836, he removed to Indiana and settled down on the farm where he now lives, one half mile west of New Ross in Walnut Township. He bought 80- acres and paid all down except $89 upon which he had two years time. It was then covered with one dense forest of living green. When he arrived and paid off his teamsters, he had $14.37 1/2 left. No house, no supplies, a weakly wife and six helpless children. He went to work and built him a rude cabin. His family once secure from the wintry blasts his means of support was ebbing low, and something must be done. He secures a school at $50 for three months. This enables him by strict economy to support his family. He teaches by day, and clears ground by night. He taught one more school, and then devoted himself exclusively to this farm. He is now the owner of 381 acres of land, and has given each of his two sons who are married a fine start. He is now, worth in his own name about $20,000. He regards the credit system, is being ruinous to both debtor and creditor. He rarely buys anything except land, without paying the cash for it at the time it is purchased. He thinks the system of going securing ought to be abolished by law. He has paid a few hundred dollars as security, but has resolved of late years, never to ask credit, nor to go on any man's paper. He is now 76 years old and has lived in Montgomery County 48 (?) years. He has filled the following positions of public trust: Justice of the Peace in 1838 and received his commission from Gov. WALLACE, father of the distinguished Governor of New Mexico, served five years, was elected Twp. Trustee and served two terms. Was elected Co. Commissioner and served one term. Samuel GILLILAND and WATSON were the other members of the Board. The bridge across Sugar Creek at Yountsville was built during his term of office. A t the end of one term, he refused the nomination or the second. In the year 1850, he was selected to the State Legislature. RB McMAKIN was the other member from this county and Joseph ALLEN was Senator. Gov. WILLARD was then a young member of the House. Ex-Senator PRATT was then a member of the house, and was considered a strong man and a leader. LANE was Pres. of the Senate. A Dem. Quaker is a rare curiosity but the Senate contained one of that kind. While he felt it a great honor to represent his county in that popular body, he had no desire to return. His dearest interests were with his family at home. He is a member of the regular Predestinarian Baptist church with which body he committed himself in 1833. He was raised in the old Tobacco State and has used it in some of its forms for 56 years. He regards it as a useless and expensive habit, and one that never should be contracted. Truthfulness, honestly and integrity he regards as absolutely essential to the happiness and well being of everyone; and peace and tranquility of mind, cannot be enjoyed unless human conduct is characterized by those vitures. MRC.
Submitted by: Karen Zach
Crawfordsville Weekly Review, Feb 19, 1881 -- Life of T.A. Harris
John M. Hollingsworth, merchant, Darlington, is the son of John and Mary (Bell) Hollingsworth, natives of Ohio, who emigrated to Clinton Co, Indiana at an early date in which county the subject of this sketch was born at Jefferson July 21, 1835. He received an education such as was furnished at the primeval schoolhouse of those times, and during his youth learned the blacksmith trade, which business he continued to follow till 1863 when he enlisted at the call of his country in the 126th Ind Reg and served under Gen. Hood throughout the campaign, taking part in the battle of Nashville, and other engagements in which the regiment participated during the 17 months of his service. At the close of the war Mr. Hollingsworth returned to Boone Co, where he had located in 1856 and after a short stay there removed in 1866 to Montgomery Co and settled in Darlington. Here he opened store in the drygoods and grocery business in which he is still engaged. He has been a hardworking, temperate man, honest and upright in all his dealings and by his energy and perseverance has succeeded in building up a large and constantly increasing business his trade now amounting to over $20,000 per annum. in 1856, on removing to Boone Co, he married Miss Nancy Adney a resident there the result of which union is one daughter, Lucy. Mr. Hollingsworth is one of the most popular men in this part of the county, and has been twice elected on the republican ticket to the office of township trustee, the first time in Oct 1878 and again in 1880 which office he continues to fill with satisfaction to all and with honor to himself.
Submitted by: Karen Zach
History of Montgomery County, Indiana, HW Beckwith Reproduction by Unigraphic, Evansville, Ind p. 559
Henry B. Hulett, Ex-County Clerk of Montgomery County. The subject of this notice was born on the 21st of December, 1844, Putnam County, Ind., and is the son of William and Lucy (Wilson) Hulett, both of whom were natives of Kentucky, who came into this State when young, and settled in Putnam County about 1845 or 1846, in Clark Township, Montgomery County, near Ladoga. When Henry was ten years of age his mother died, and in 1864 the family moved to Iowa. William Hulett is now living in Peabody, Kan.
Henry was the eldest of three children, the other two being daughters. He was educated in the country schools and was then sent to Ladoga Academy. His education was interrupted when he went with his father to Ottumwa, Iowa, but the climate there did not agree with him and after one summer spent there he returned and enjoyed one more year with his companions and books at Ladoga. After leaving school he tested his knowledge by a course of school teaching for one year, and then went into the mercantile business, first clerking at Ladoga, and then going into business for himself at New Ross, where he opened up a general store, and here he remained for eight years.
Ladoga had charms for our subject, and he returned there in 1886, when he became a candidate for County Clerk on the Republican ticket, but in that race he was defeated. He had been Township Assessor and was renominated. A. P. Reynolds was elected County Clerk, but he died March 5, 1887, and as Mr. Hulett had been defeated by only one hundred and sixty votes, the County Commissioners immediately appointed him to fill the vacancy, and he took charge of the office March 8, 1887. He filled the position with such signal ability that in 1888, when he was a candidate again, against Wallace Sparks, he received one Hundred and seventy-six majority. In his connection with this office he has been an efficient officer.
The marriage of Mr. Hulett was celebrated November 16, 1869, with Miss Emma Webster, daughter of Taylor W. and Lovia (Powers) Webster, who came to Montgomery County from Ohio, and carried on a successful mercantile business at Ladoga for many years, and there the father died in 1866.
The family of Mr. and Mrs. Hulett is composed of four interesting children: Maud, Edith, Edna and Lillian. Henry died at the age of fourteen years. The family residence is at No. 107 West College Street in Crawfordsville. Mr. Hulett is a member of the Ancient Free & Accepted Masons, having attained the degree of Knight Templar, and has passed the chairs in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Red Men, and in all has been a highly valued member. The family are members of the Christian Church and stand well in the city in every way.
George W. Hutton is an old and highly esteemed resident of Montgomery County, who has a fine farm on section 19, Union Township, and has contributed his quota to the advancement of the farming and stock-raising interests of this part of the State. Mr. Hutton was born January 18, 1825, in Rockbridge County, Va., near the famous Natural Bridge. His father, William Hutton, was also a native of that county, born June 24, 1777, of Irish parentage. he was one of three sons, and was married in Virginia, April 16, 1807, to Mary Cunningham, who was born in that State, October 22, 1790. Mr. Hutton continued to reside in his native county until 1831, when he removed with his family to Ohio, and settled among the pioneers of Greene County, locating three miles from Xenia. He had previously lost his property in Virginia through going security for another and had but little besides his house hold goods with which to begin the world anew. Three years later he pushed further westward to the frontier, coming to Indiana, but he was not destined to a longlife in his new home, as he died two years after his settlement here. He was the father of seven sons and one daughter, and six sons and the daughter lived to maturity. Three of the sons, Jacob, Samuel and George W., are still living, and all three are prosperous farmers of Union Township.
After the death of the father, the mother courageously shouldered the burden of caring for her family and keeping it together, and nobly did she fulfill her task, rearing her children to good and useful lives. The elder sons obtained a sawmill and with the money they made by that they bought land, and soon the family got a good foothold. Our subject was nine years old when they came to Indiana. His educational advantages were limited, as a good school system had not been introduced at that early period in the settlement of the State. He remained with his mother until her until he attained his majority, and then married and located on his brother’s farm in Union Township. He remained there six years, and at the end of that time bought eighty acres of his present farm. He only had the sum of $300 with which to pay for it. He has worked with untiring diligence, has made money by his operations as a general farmer and stock-raiser, and has made additional purchases of land, so that his farm now contains two hundred acres. The first land that he bought was cleared, and a hewn-log house and a barn of the same description stood on the place. Mr. Hutton lived in the log house until the spring of 1879, when he erected a large and conveniently arranged residence at a cost of $2,000, and he has substantial out-buildings for every needed purpose, everything about the place betokening neatness, thrift and good care on the part of the owner.
The first marriage of our subject was solemnized March 5, 1846, Miss Minerva McDaniel, a daughter of John McDaniel, becoming his wife. She was born September 4, 1824, and died March 17, 1874, leaving behind her a worthy life record in all the relations that she bore to others. Mr. Hutton was married to his present estimable wife, formerly Miss Mary E. Deitrick, March 25, 1875. Her parents were Michael and Martha Deitrick, who lived in Rockbridge County, Va. Her father had planned to move from that State to Indiana, but died while he was making arrangements for removal, and his family subsequently came to Indiana, and settled in this township.
Mr. Hutton, has had three children, of whom his daughter Martha E. is the only survivor. she was born October 12, 1861, and April 18, 1878, was married to Cyrus Wray, a farmer of the township, and they have two children: George and Samuel. Mr. Hutton, had the sad misfortune to lose his two sons, who were promising young men, by their untimely death. William P., who was born September 23, 1847, died August 14, 1878. Tilman H., who was born October 15, 1851, died January 10, 1873. William left a wife and three children. His eldest son, Quincy M., was reared by our subject, with whom he still resides with his wife, formerly Miss Corly May Rogers. William’s son, George W., is a farmer in this county, and his daughter Myrtle B., lives with her uncle, Joseph Hall.
Our subject has lead an irreproachable, upright life, and his neighbors and associates hold him in high estimation. He has belonged to the Christian Church for thirty-five years, had previously belonged to the Methodist Episcopal Church, and has been an important factor in its upbuilding, both as regards his generous contributions and the work he has done within the fold. His present wife has held membership in the Christian Church for thirty-five years, and he is an officer of the Church with which he is personally identified, and which worships at Young’s Chapel. He is a sound Republican and always votes with his party on national questions, but in local elections he votes for the best man.
John Clark Hutton, Treasurer of Montgomery County, Ind., is a genial and efficient officer of the people in the responsible position he now occupies. There is no office in a county where a man of entire trustworthiness, integrity and ability is more needed than in that of Treasurer, as the finances and funds are places in his hands for safe keeping, and he is the medium through which thousands of dollars are paid for defraying expenses and meeting appropriations.
The subject of this sketch was born in Union, Montgomery County, Ind., August 3, 1849, and is the son of Jacob and Lydia (Clark) Hutton, the former of whom still resides on his farm in Montgomery County. John Hutton is the eldest in the family of seven children, four of whom are living. He was reared on the farm until reaching his eighteenth year, receiving a common school education. He was intelligent and ambitious, and therefore entered Wabash College, where he was a student for three years. Some of the pleasant test memories of his life cluster around the days spent within those walls, but on account of failing health he was obliged to give up his plans in regard to there completing his education.
When the health of Mr. Hutton had become re-established he entered the dry-goods store of C.M. Crawford, where he remained for a period of thirteen years. From August, 1883, until August, 1887, he served faithfully as Deputy Sheriff under the administration of Alexander Hunter. The year 1888 was spent in Lower California, where he traveled for the Gulf Gold-Mining Company, in whose employ he was. After his return from the far West, he became identified with the dry-goods house of D.W. Rountree, where he remained until he was elected in November, 1890, to his present office on the Democratic ticket. His opponent was A.F. Ramsey, our subject being elected by a majority of three hundred and sixty votes. He assumed the duties of the office September 1, 1891. Mr. Hutton has been one of the party organizers in this locality for some time, and has always been active in Local affairs.
The marriage of our subject was celebrated May 20, 1873, with Miss Anna Townsend, of Akron, Ohio, daughter of Ferris and Belinda Townsend, and their union has been blessed with three children: Birde (deceased), Mabel and Joy. Mr. and Mrs. Hutton dispense a gracious hospitality at their pleasant home on Wabash Avenue. Fraternally, our subject belongs to Lodge No. 223, I. O. O. F., in which he has passed all the chairs, and to Bayard Lodge, K. P. He is in the prime of life, full of energy and life, and is conducting the affairs of his office faithfully and to the full satisfaction of his constituents and many friends.
Kirkpatrick, John J, PO Browns Valley, Farmer, son of John and Jane Kirkpatrick was born in Fayette Co, Kentucky Oct 31, 1827 and settled on Sec. 23 with his parents in 1834; married first Sarah E. Reeves April 19, 1855 who died Jan 9, 1863, second marriage to Ellen A. Sarvis May 12, 1864 who died Aug 30, 1875. Three children by first wife: Laura J (Now Mrs. J Meads); Alice B. and John A, both dead; one child by second wife, Henry Martin Kirkpatrick.
Submitted by: Karen Zach
Atlas of Montgomery County, Indiana (Chicago: Beers, 1878) p. 5
Michael W. Lane, farmer and stock raiser, Ladoga, was b. in Kerry Co Ireland Aug 20, 1840 and is a son of Timothy and Julia Hanifen Lane. He received a common English school educ. and was reared a farmer. At the age of 12 years he emigrated to America, and late in the fall of 1852, after a perilous voyage of 9 weeks, arrived in NY City. The following Feb he went by the way of Indianapolis to Bainbridge, Putnam Co. IN in search of his mother and two brothers who had preceded him. On finding his brothers he then, to his sorrow, learned that his mother had been dead 6 months; this was truly sad news to a young boy hunting for his mother in a strange land. After coming to IN he engaged in working out at $12 per month, then in ditching with a spade, which he following till the age of 17, through the fall and winter months, farming on shares in the summer. In his 18th year he gathered up his earnings which besides a horse and saddle, amounted to $842 and on July4 started on a trip through the southern states as far as Texas and from there turned his face homeward and arriving in Carpentersville IN on Christmas night of that same year. in Feb 1857, he bought a renter's crop, stock and outfit and engaged in farming in Scott Twp, but one year later left and went to Putnam Co, and there rented a large stock farm for a term of years, of Stephen Burk, where he invested $1800 in stock, etc. and here engaged in farming and stock raising, and in a fair way for making money, but through the dishonesty and trickery of his landlord and others he lost all he owned. He then returned to Scott Twp and rented a piece of land; this he farmed with one horse, which he bought on credit from a friend, and for a cow his wife traded her glassware and best dishes, which she had bought and received as presents at the time of their marriage. Soon after, through the recommendation of Mr. Robert Lockridge, he became stock purchaser for a firm near LaFayette, which he followed about 3 years, and then began buying and selling stock on his own account. He next sold his personal property and engaged in the liquor traffic, at the same time running a tannery, but for the sake of humanity and his family's future benefit he abandoned the former and ret. to farming. In the seventh of 8th years, he bought and sold some three farms, trading the last for his present home a farm of 175 acres, located on Sec 34, Twp 17 (*Scott) R 4W where he permanently located. June 1, 1859, he marr. Miss Ellen, d/o Thomas and Hanorah (Fitzgerald) Welsh. She was b. in the county of Kerry, Ireland but was principally reared in London. They have 7 children: Julia J; Thomas W; Henry M; Charles T: Margaret H; Michael A and Mary E. His fine farm and stock, with the aid of a most faithful and industrious wife, is all earned by hard labor and close attention to business.
Submitted by: Karen Zach
History of Montgomery County, Indiana, HW Beckwith Reproduction by Unigraphic, Evansville, Ind p. 428
Daniel Lewis, President of the People’s Bank, at Darlington, has long been recognized as one of the most progressive and enterprising citizens of Montgomery County, Ind. As station agent of the Vandalia Railroad since 1883, he has won a host of friends for himself and the line he represents, by unvarying affability and a prompt attention to business. In 1891 he increased his care and income by entering into a partnership with Albert Cox in a general merchandise store, which has met with liberal patronage, and is proving a most successful business venture.
Our subject was named in honor of his grandfather, Daniel Lewis, whose father and grandfather were named respectively Richard and James. The family is an old Revolutionary stock, and came originally from Wales, in the early part of the eighteenth century. Among the distinguished members of the family of which our subject is a descendant was Francis Lewis, an American Revolutionary statesman, born in Llandaff, Glamorganshire, Wales in March 1713. At the age of twenty-two years he emigrated to New York, and there engaged in commercial pursuits. At the outbreak of the Revolution he was elected to the Continental Congress, and in May 1776, he took his seat in that body as one of the delegates from New York. He was an intrepid and daring, and at the surrender of Ft. Oswego was taken prisoner, and narrowly escaped death by the savage Indians. He survived the perils of the war, and signed the Declaration of Independence, and with the exception of one short interval continued to be a member of Congress until April, 1779.
Some of the ancestors of Mr. Lewis were numbered among the early settlers of Philadelphia and the surrounding country, but his father, now deceased, was born in the neighboring State of Ohio, and was a native of Xenia. His birth occurred in 1809, and he remained the greater portion of his life in his native State. After arriving at years of maturity, he married, and had a family of three daughters, Melinda, Catherine and Cynthia. William Lewis removed to Montgomery County, Ind., in 1851, and in 1855 married a second wife, by whom he had five children, two of whom only lived to mature age. These two were his sons, William and Daniel, our subject. The father and mother, whose maiden name was Mary A. Larsh, were highly respected by all who knew them, and in the death of Mr. Lewis the county lost a valued citizen.
Born in Montgomery County in 1862, Daniel Lewis received an excellent education in the public schools, and early in life engaged in business. In 1885, he was united in marriage to Miss Alice Ditamore, and attractive and most estimable lady. Their bright little daughter, Mamie H., is their only child, and the sunshine of their pleasant home. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis are both deeply interested in public and local affairs of the day, and are active in social and benevolent enterprises, always aiding to the extent of their ability in all good work which presents itself to their ready attention. Mr. Lewis is fraternally associated with the Free Masons, and is also connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and is a worthy member of the respective lodges located in Darlington. Our subject is naturally a very busy man, his manifold duties requiring much time and attention, but the energy and ability with which he conducts his daily business have made him an important factor in the best interests of the county. Mr. Lewis, though in the early prime of manhood, has well improved his opportunities in life, is now an honored citizen, and will not fail in coming years to serve in any position of public trust as faithfully as did his revered ancestors so many years ago.
Standing out distinctly as one of the central figures of the judiciary of Indiana of the generations that are past is the name of the late Judge James McCabe, of Williamsport. Prominent in legal circles and equally so in public matters beyond the confine of Warren County, with a reputation in one of the most exacting of professions that won him a name for distinguished services second to that of none of his contemporaries, there was for many years no more prominent or honored man in western Indiana, which he long dignified with his citizenship. Achieving success in the courts at an age when most young men are just entering upon the formative period of their lives, wearing the judicial ermine with becoming dignity and bringing to every case submitted to him a clearness of perception and ready power of analysis characteristic of the learned jurist, his name and work for decades were allied with the legal institutions, public enterprises and political interests of the state in such a way as to earn him recognition as one of the distinguished citizens in a community noted for the high order of it's talent. A high purpose and an unconquerable will, vigorous mental powers, diligent study and devotion to duty were some of the means by which he made himself eminently useful, and every ambitious youth who fights the battle of life with the prospect of ultimate success may pursue with profit the biography herewith presented, for therein are embodied many lessons as well as incentive, and, although he "serenely sleeps in the windowless palaces of rest," his influence is still a part of many lives, making them better and happier; thus Shakespeare wrote, "The good that men do lives after them."
Judge McCabe was born in Darke County, Ohio, July 4, 1834. His father, James B. McCabe, Sr., was a native of Middletown, south of Terre Haute, Indiana and his mother was Jane Lee, a daughter of an old Virginia family. After their marriage the senior McCabe and his young wife went to Ohio, and there the subject of this memoir was born, being one of five sons. While an infant his parents moved to Kisciusko County, Indiana. From there they went to Illinois and the boy that afterward became one of the supreme judges of Indiana plowed prairie sod with an ox team on the ground where Watseka now stands. Three of the sons of the stern Whig father left home, coming to Indiana and James was one of the three. He went to Crawfordsville, attracted there by the presence of relatives of his mother, the Lees. At this time he was seventeen years old, and here it was that he first went to school, having had no learning whatever up to this time. His first schooling was at a night school taught by Judge NAYLOR, one of the well known members of the bar. He made his living while in school by working on the Monon railroad as a section hand, and he boarded wherever it was handy. At the age of eighteen years he married Serena, the daughter of M. M. VanCleve, with whom he boarded a part of the time. The marriage occurred on March 24, 1853, when the bride was but sixteen years old. The couple began housekeeping on a farm seven miles from Crawfordsville.
One day, when work on the farm had grown slack, he rode to Crawfordsville and, impelled mainly by curiosity, attended a murder trial in which the prosecutor was the great criminal lawyer, Daniel W. Voorhees, and the defendant's attorney was Edward Hannegan. The splendid eloquence of these two distinguished lawyers was enough; then and there Mr. McCabe conceived the ambition to be a lawyer. he never parted from that ideal.
In the winter, Judge McCabe taught school, and in the summer he followed any vocation which was convenient, always with the hope of succeeding in his chosen profession. he lived at Oxford and Pine Village in succession and, finally being admitted to the bar, he became a resident of Williamsport in 1861. Here success was slow in coming; he passed through the "starvation period" which is legion with the legal profession. He knew what it was to walk to Walnut Grove to argue a cause before the squire, but his labors were lightened usually by his success.
In politics Judge McCabe was a Democrat, the reason of which is characteristic. He, and his wife's people, were Hand Shell Baptists, and believed absolutely in the literal interpretation of the Bible, and considered that it sanctioned slavery. Therefore he allied himself with the Democratic party, although his father was a Whig of uncompromising type. Twice was he nominated for Congress, and in a strong Republican district defeated by only narrow margins. In 1892 he was elected to the state supreme court for a term of six years. Although nominated for a second term, he was defeated with the rest of the ticket.
Three very important opinions were handed down by Judge McCabe while he was on the bench. The most noted was that of Haggart vs. Stehlin, 137 Indiana, 43. This was one of the noted supreme court decisions that have for many years been cutting down the privileges of the saloon, the most infamous institution that society sanctions. He took advanced ground in this decision, going far beyond any ideas that had ever been presented in any court in the world. The gist of the decision, which was rendered in 1898, was that a saloon may become a nuisance, may be enjoined and may have judgment for damages rendered against it. So far-reaching was this decision that it was widely commented upon, not only in America, but in Europe. The "LITERARY DIGEST" gave it considerable space. An interesting fact is that John W. Kern, the present United States Senator from Indiana, was the saloon man's attorney. Another famous case was that in which the decision of the lower court sentencing Hinshaw, the preacher who murdered his wife, to the state prison for life, was confirmed. The evidence was purely circumstantial, but the opinion of Judge McCabe reads like a fascinating detective story. And one more famous opinion was that in which he repelled an attack on Indiana law that might have reduced the state to anarchy. Some man had tried to enjoin the holding of an election on the grounds that a legislative apportionment had been illegal. Judge McCabe showed that if possibly such could be the case, then the very argument of the petitioner would be illegal for the same reason and he denied the right of the plaintiffs to be heard on the question.
As a public speaker, Judge McCabe had few equals, his oratory being of a style that entranced those who heard him. His diction was perfect, his logic irresistible, his illustrations well chosen, while his well modulated voice, graceful gestures, and charm of manner all contributed to a most remarkable success in the legal and political forum. Some of his most pleasing and effective speeches were made extemporaneously, for his general knowledge was so broad and comprehensive, his grasp of a subject in all its aspects so quick, and his talent as a speaker so natural, that he could easily, without preparation, make addresses that would have been creditable to most men after careful preparation.
After his retirement from the bench Judge McCabe practiced law with his son, under the firm name of McCabe & McCabe. He enjoyed a lucrative practice and many times served as special judge. The death of Judge McCabe occurred on March 23, 1911, at his home in Williamsport, Indiana, after an illness of long duration.
Judge McCabe left, besides the faithful wife, three children, namely: Nancy Ellen, the wife of J. B. Gwin, of Indianapolis; Edwin F., a well known and successful attorney at Williamsport; and Charles M., a successful lawyer of Crawfordsville, of the firm name of Crane & McCabe. There are twelve grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Mrs. McCabe is the daughter of Mathias and Nancy (Nicholson) VanCleve and she was born in Ross County, Ohio. Mathias VanCleve was born near Shelbyville, Kentucky, in 1810, and he was educated mostly in his native state. He was a Baptist minister of considerable reputation, and he finally came to Indiana and established the family home near Crawfordsville, where they continued to reside for nearly a half century. He was primarily a self-made man, and most of his higher learning was obtained by home study. His family consisted of six children. Mrs. Serena McCabe having been the third in order of birth.
The bar of the Warren Circuit Court held a memorial service at Williamsport on May 7, 1911, when the last tribute of respect and honor to his memory was paid by an immense crowd of neighbors and friends. Many prominent and distinguished jurists and state officers were present; former Appellate Judge Joseph M. Rabb presided. Addresses were made by others, the principal speaker being William Jennings Bryan, the Nebraska Commoner having been a close personal friend of Judge McCabe and his active associate in national politics. Mr. Bryan paid a splendid tribute to Judge McCabe, detailing the characteristics that controlled his actions, and naming the four cornerstones upon which the judge's life was built as God, home, society, and government. He enlarged upon, and showed how the life of a successful man was so builded, particularly that of Judge McCabe.
The following memorial was prepared by the local bar association, the committee drafting the resolutions being William H. Durborow, H. D. Billings, Victor H. Ringer and Chester G. Rossiter; part of the memorial, bearing on the life of the deceased, is omitted, to avoid repetition from foregoing paragraphs in this sketch:
"From 1861 until his elevation to the supreme bench of the state, Judge McCabe's career as a lawyer was one of unremitting labor, crowned with remarkable success. By his power of oratory, he could sway a jury as few lawyers could. When espousing a client's cause he never rested from his efforts in his behalf. He had a large, varied and widely extended practice, and could and did meet the most distinguished lawyers on equal terms. During his term of six years on the bench, the opinions prepared by him have become masterpieces of profound learning, many of them on public questions of lasting benefit to the people of the state at large. But his life work is finished. It was well and ably done. In summing up the professional career of this honored and honorable gentleman, it can be truthfully said, that:"
"As an advocate he possessed a remarkable power of clear statement and convincing logic. As a counselor he was exact, careful and carried his researches into the remotest sources of the law. As a public orator, he swayed men with force of argument, and molded their ideas to coincide with his own. As a judge, he was upright, masterful and added luster to the bench of a mighty state; therefore be it"
"Resolved by the bar of Warren Circuit Court that in the death of Judge James McCabe our bar has lost the guidance of its oldest and wisest member; with reverence we will be guided by his precept and example. That his family has lost a devoted and loving husband and father and they have the sympathy of our bar. That the state has lost a wise and able jurist, the community a popular and distinguished citizen. Be it further"
"Resolved, that the memorial and these resolutions be spread on record in the order book of the Warren Circuit Court, a copy thereof be furnished by the clerk, under his hand and seal of the court, to the family of our deceased member, and that a copy be published in the county papers."
As a further insight into the character of Judge McCabe, the following letter from United States Senator John W. Kern, of Indianapolis, written to the son of the subject of this memoir, will be of interest:
"I learned this morning of the death of your father, and hasten to express my deep sympathy and to assure you that I am one of his many friends who are today mourning his many noble qualities of head and heart."
"I had known James McCabe since the days of my early manhood, and my admiration for him increased as the years rolled by until it amounted to genuine affection. He was a man of sterling qualities. His convictions were positive and always expressed fearlessly, though he always manifested a rare spirit of charity towards those who honestly differed from him in opinion."
"He was a just judge, whose first aim was the security of justice to the litigant, and to maintain at the same time the dignity of the high judicial office which he so long honored."
"As a lawyer, he threw his whole soul into his work and to his great legal knowledge he added the saving grace of common sense in such a degree as to make him a most formidable adversary."
"As a citizen, he stood for the highest ideals and his voice was always to be heard in behalf of temperance and morality. But it was as a friend, true, loyal, and devoted, that he won my personal affection, so that I now mourn with you as a kinsman."
Submitted by: Sandy Kuchenreuther
HISTORY OF MONTGOMERY COUNTY INDIANA, with Personal Sketches of Representative Citizens - Volume II - Illustrated - A. W. Bowen & Company, Indianapolis, Indiana. Pages 1254-1259.