History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
Joshua O. McKinsey, retired, Crawfordsville, was born in Warren county, Ohio, September 6, 1827, and is the son of Samuel and Rebecca McKinsey. When two years old he came with his parents to Ripley township, Montgomery county. His father died there in 1866, his mother in 1855. Mr. McKinsey lived in that township forty-three years. He then settled in the city of Crawfordsville. His residence is 23 Pike street. He is a Mason and a republican, and one of the city councilmen. He was married in 1849 to Rachel Sparks. She is a member of the Christian church. Their home is made pleasant by the presence of an only daughter, Emma E. She is a member of the First Presbyterian church.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
John P. Wray, deceased, Crawfordsville, was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, November 27, 1882. His father died when he was eight years old, and he was indentured to Samuel Gilliland, with whom he 1ived until he became of age. He was given a small sum of money by his guardian, and then began his way in the world with no other help. One of his first important acts was to get married; but his wife, Miss Julia Ann Busenbark, survived their union only six months. He next married Miss Mary L. Britton, March 6, 1849. She was born in this township February 6, 1831. Her great-grandfather Farnsworth was a native of Scotland, and emigrated to New Jersey. Her great-grandfather Britton was a soldier in the revolution. Her mother's parents removed from New Jersey to Ohio in 1820, and there her mother was married to Thomas P. Britton. This couple came to Union township in 1829, and settled near where North Union is. They died there. Mr. and Mrs. Wray were the parents of six children: Laura P., born May 6, 1851, married in November, 1870, to George Steele, of Clinton county; Anna J., born February 8, 1854, married in December, 1874, to James Finley, of Clinton county; Martha Francis, born October 27, 1855, died July 8, 1863; William J., born December 13, 1857; Clara E., born December 6, 1860; and John M., born September 28, 1863. Mrs. Wray belongs to the New Light church, and her husband was a democrat. He died January 1, 1866. When, he was married the second time he had $500, but being industrious and a careful manager, he prospered, and at his death left his heirs a good homestead of 180 acres. He was respected by all who knew him.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
Charles W. Elmore, grain dealer, Crawfordsville, was born in Montgomery county, December 23, 1829. He had a common school education, and lived on the farm until 1863, when he enlisted in Co. B; and was captain of the 120th Ind. reg. He served one year and was then discharged on account of ill health. He was in all of the battles of the Atlanta campaign. After the war he went into the dry-goods business this city, and continued five years. He afterward went into the grain trade, which he has since successfully followed. He is an Odd-Fellow, and a republican, votes as he shot. He has a large warehouse, with elevator, and does a large business. He was married in 1867, to Eliza E. Palmer. She is a member of the Episcopal church.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
James T. Mack, merchant, Crawfordsville, is a son of John and Catharine (Wilhite) Mack. John Mack was a native of Virginia, and accompanied his parents to Kentucky. The Wilhites were also Virginians, and early settlers of Kentucky. In the latter state Catharine was born, and came with her people in an early day to Montgomery county, Indiana. Mr. Mack also made a trip to Indiana to inspect the land, and while here occurred his marriage. At the time of his arrival Crawfordsville consisted of two log cabins. Some time after coming he bought the "hotel," a double-log house which stood on the spot now occupied by the large store-rooms east of the court-house. There he kept tavern. He sold this and bought a private dwelling-house which stood on the present site of the St. James hotel. He there kept hotel until he moved on a farm one mile south of Crawfordsville. Mr. Mack was also a skillful cabinet-maker. He hauled his grain to Terre Haute, fifty-six miles, to mill, and helped chop the forest from the spot on which Crawfordsville flourishes today. In politics he was whig, and in religion he was a constant christian and member of the Center Presbyterian church, as was also his wife. He died in 1841. Mrs. Mack, after his death, supported herself and daughter Jennie by means of her needle. Jennie was fairly educated, and after maturity was married to Robert H. Snyder, now a wealthy gentleman of Louisville. Mrs. Mack died December 26, 1874. She was dearly beloved by her children and highly respected by all who knew her. James T., the only son, was born September 15, 1830, in the log hotel mentioned. Being but eleven years of age when his father died, he was obliged to forego many of the advantages of education and other pleasures, and therefore worked at anything that offered itself. At the age of nineteen years he opened a restaurant, which has been his principal occupation since. For a time during the war he was in the sutler department of the 20th Ky. reg., with John Morgan, son of Dr. Morgan, of Crawfordsville. In 1869 and 1870 he kept a restaurant in Kankakee, Illinois, but since that time has been in Crawfordsville. He spent seven months in Leadville in 1879. In 1880 he moved into his present pleasant room, No. 44 East Main street, Elston's block, opposite the post-office, and is doing a good business. He is one of the few successful men in his line of business. Mr. Mack was married in 1849 to Elizabeth E. Wasson, daughter of John and Sarah H. (Allbright) Wasson. They have four children: Fannie, Sarah, Jaja, and James T. Jr. He is a Mason, an Odd-Fellow, and a member of the A.O.U.W. He and wife are members of the Methodist church.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
H. Rice Canine, salesman, Crawfordsville, was born in Shelby county, Kentucky, August 11, 1824, and came to Montgomery county when eight years old, attending Wabash College some three months. He followed farming till he was thirty years old, when he sold out and came to Crawfordsville, and sold hardware for Cumberland, Gregg & Co. He has been engaged in the same store, either as salesman or proprietor, for twenty-five years, except two years he was in the dry-goods business. He was married September 22, 1845, to Sarah A. Benefiel. They have two children: Mary E. and Edna J. Mr. Canine is a republican, an elder in the First Presbyterian church, and a respected and honorable gentleman.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
P. M. Layne, physician and surgeon, Crawfordsville, whose residence in Crawfordsville dates back to 1830, is the son of Elisha Layne, who came with his family to Montgomery county, November 30, 1830. He began at farming and followed it as a business during the balance of his life. The doctor now has in his possession some manuscript, a great part of it written by his father, and some by his father's friends; some portions of it bear dates as early as 1751, and is still in a good state of preservation. The doctor was born in 1887, and is a native of Kentucky. His early education was obtained, as he says, "in the woods." At the age of eighteen years he began the study of medicine and some time after put himself under the instructions of a physician. In 1855 he first began a regular practice by buying the office of his old tutor Dr. S. W. Bennage, who had opened the office in 1847. Since 1855 the doctor has devoted his time to the practice of his profession. His faith is of the eclectic school and he is a member of the Eclectic State Medical Society. In 1847 he was made a member of the Masonic order and has since filled the different offices in the blue lodge, royal arch, royal and select master, and in the commandery. He is a member of Crawfordsville Commandery, No. 25. In 1856 he was married to Miss Minerva J. Hughes, a native of Crawfordsville. Her people were among the earlier settlers of the place, and her father built the first brick court-house of the county. She died in 1875, leaving two sons and one daughter. He was married again in 1877, to Miss Louisa Downing, a native of Michigan, though she had been a resident of Crawfordsville for some time prior to her marriage. The doctor has, by his close application and success in the practice of medicine, placed his name among the list of old and prominent physicians of the county.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
Thomas M. Robbins, proprietor Nutt Hotel, Crawfordsville, was born in Butler county, Ohio, December 6, 1829, and is the son of Samuel and Jane Robbins. His parents settled in Ripley township, Montgomery county, in 1831. His mother died there in 1832; his father in 1855. His father was a farmer, and was in the war of 1812. The subject of this sketch spent his boyhood on the farm, and had a good education, attending what is now Bloomingdale, but then Annapolis, College, four or five years. He first went in partnership with his brother, and continued with him on the farm until his brother died, in 1863. He was then in the livery business awhile, and next kept a hotel in Terre Haute, and afterward kept a livery stable in Danville, Illinois, until 1877, when he became proprietor of Nutt Hotel, making it one of the best hotels in the state. In August, 1855, he was married to Miss Mary E. Holton. Their children are John H., born September 23, 1856, and Willie, born in 1860, and died in 1863. In politics Mr. Robbins is a republican.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
Benjamin T. Ristine. Among the oldest and most prominent citizens of Montgomery county is the gentleman whose name appears at the head of this sketch. Benjamin T. Ristine is widely known, both at home and abroad; also in the law circles of Indiana. He was born January 19, 1807, in the neighborhood of Madison, just across the river, in Kentucky. His father, Henry Ristine, was a native of New York and his mother, Nancy (Gray) Ristine, was born in Virginia. They married in Kentucky, and moved to Jefferson county, Indiana territory, about 1808. Henry Ristine became a lieutenant in the ranging service during the war of 1812, and explored pretty well the Wabash valley. In 1815 he began keeping tavern in Madison, which he continued till 1820, when he bought land adjoining the town and established tannery which he conducted for two years. Having been well impressed with the rich soil of the Wabash when ranging here, he determined to make this his future home. Accordingly, in 1823, in the month of May, he reached Crawfordsville with his wife and six children. The city was then in the germ, enclosed by a thick and dense hull of green woods, and little did the Ristines dream of the future city with its numerous industries, its schools, and its churches. Here they built a "log hotel" on the ground just south of, and opposite to, the present Nutt Hotel. Here they kept tavern till 1829, when they bought land in the edge of Tippecanoe county, and lived there till 1832, then returned to Crawfordsville and bought the frame and log tavern that stood on lot 111, east of the court-house. Several years afterward he sold, and bought a lot opposite the St. James Hotel, where he built a hotel which he kept till he retired from business. He died in 1856, at the age of seventy-three years. He had been a thorough and active whig. He was president of the board of trustees for some time, and from 1828 to 1833 represented his county in the legislature. He was also prominent in the Baptist church. His wife died in 1861, at the age of seventy-three years. Benjamin T. Ristine passed his youthful days in hotel life. At the age of twenty-two he kept a subscription school, and borrowing such books as he needed he studied law by himself in connection with teaching. Abandoning the law he engaged in the dry-goods business for seven years, then resumed his legal studies, selling his store interest and buying a hundred dollars' worth of elementary law books for immediate study. He also had access to such law libraries as the place and times afforded. In May, 1840, Mr. Ristine was admitted to the bar, and settled for the practice of his profession in Crawfordsville, where he has ever since remained. He has never allowed himself to seek office. He was nominated by the whigs to represent the county in the convention called to revise the constitution, but although he received the full whig vote he was defeated. In 1845 he became associated with Alexander Thomson in the legal profession, which firm, known as Thomson & Ristine, continued for thirty-three years. Since the dissolution Mr. Ristine has taken his two sons, T. H. and O. H. Rictine, into partnership with him. He was married in August, 1837, to Miss Flora Humphrey. They have seven children: Theodore H., Ozea H., attorneys; Warren H., doctor in Crawfordsville; Harley G., M.D., of Fort Dodge, Iowa; Charles W., who manages the home farm; Albert (deceased); and a daughter, married to W. D. Frazer, of Warsaw, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Ristine are members of the Presbyterian church. He has been a stalwart republican since the birth of that party.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
Charles L. Bratton, farmer, Crawfordsville, an old settler, was born in Augusta county, Virginia, June 19, 1819. He came with his parents to this county in a four-horse wagon. They started from Virginia September 12, and got here October l2, 1832. They traveled through the week and rested on Sunday, and enjoyed their journey through the woods and wilderness. His parents were William and Mary G. Bratton. His father was in the war of 1812, and both his grandfathers were in the war of the revolution. His father was a Jackson democrat, a whig, then a republican. His mother was a member of the Presbyterian church. The subject of this sketch went to school in a log cabin and sat on puncheon benches, and had greased paper for windows. He lived with his father until he was twenty-five years old, having always been a farmer. He has a good farm of 160 acres, upon which he has a nice two-story brick house, about five miles from Crawfordsville. He was married January 11, 1844, to Catherine Dice. She is a member of the Presbyterian church, and was born November 9, 1824. They have had ten children: Mary M., married to Andrew Smiley; David A., married to Eliza Grimes; William A. was in the army six months, and is married to Jane Carrington; John A. (deceased) Martha E.: Charles M., married to Ellen Loop; James B., Harvey B, Orpha W. and Rachel J. Mr. Bratton has been a Presbyterian since he was twenty-three years old, and is now a deacon in that church. He is a Good Templar, a member of the Horse Detective Association, and a strong adherent to the principles of the republican party. He cast his first rote for General Harrison, in 1840. He reads a great deal, and is an intelligent, enterprising farmer. He has the patent for the land where he now lives, issued to Charles Johnston signed by Andrew Jackson.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
John Bishop, tailor, Crawfordsville, the son of Benjamin and Maria (Britton) Bishop, was born April 22, 1832, in Montgomery county. At the age of fourteen he began to learn the saddle and harness trade with William W. Nicholson Sr., of Crawfordsville. At the age of sixteen he enlisted for five years in the Mexican war, in Co. D, 16th U. S. Inf., under Col. J. W. Tibbatts, of Newport, Kentucky. August 7, 1848, at the close of the war, Mr. Bishop was honorably discharged, having served about sixteen months. Returning home he served three years' apprenticeship at tailoring with George W. Pierson, for $135. At the expiration of this time he formed a partnership with Mr. Pierson, which continued for several years. On June 23, 1852, he was married to Elizabeth M., daughter of James and America Galey, of Crawfordsville. His family of four children, James M., George W., Henry C. and Edwin S., are all in business in Crawfordsville. In 1863 Mr. Bishop enlisted in a volunteer regiment of home guards, under Col. S. M. Houston, and during the same year enlisted in Co. C, 108th Ind., under Col. W. W. Wilson, for the Morgan raid, and was mustered out July 17, 1863. In May, 1864, he again enlisted, this time in the 135th Ind., commanded by Col. W. W. Wilson, and was mustered into service May 23. He was appointed hospital steward. After serving his full time of enlistment, mostly in the States of Tennessee and Alabama, he was honorably discharged September 29, 1864. Returning to Crawfordsville he resumed his trade in the tailoring establishment of Wilhite Bros., where he continued until 1876, then bought out the senior partner, the firm still continuing Wilhite & Bishop. Mr. Bishop has for years been one of the most reliable business men and valuable citizens of Crawfordsville. Ever solicitous to the pure morals and good name of the city, he always stood with the leaders in every work of reformation and education. May 8, 1879, he was elected to the city council for two years, and has by strict integrity and impartiality secured the confidence and esteem of the community. In 1848 Mr. Bishop united with the Methodist church, and during his connection has been entrusted by the church with positions of honor and responsibility, which he has always filled creditably. His conversion has a remarkable feature, and illustrates the power and efficiency of prayer. While in the Mexican service, stationed at the city of Monterey, without chaplain or religious services of any kind, he was suddenly and powerfully convicted of sin and the necessity of living a different life, which he at once resolved to do. Two months afterward he received a letter from his mother stating that during a revival in Crawfordsville she had presented him to her class as a special object of prayer. On comparing dates he found that the time of his conversion coincided exactly with the time of his mother's special earnestness in regard to him. Mr. Bishop lives today believing he was saved by the grace of God in answer to the prayer of his devoted mother and her friends in the church.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
Robert J. Vance, Crawfordsville, was born near Winchester, Virginia, September 22, 1814, and is the son of Robert Vance. He lived in Virginia till he was fourteen years old. He then went to Kentucky, and came to Montgomery county when he was nineteen years old. His grandfather, Maj. Beall, was all through the hardships, sufferings and battles of the revolution. Mr. Vance began clerking for his brother Samuel in a dry-goods store when fourteen years old, and thereafter went into partnership with him, which continued for several years, and then went into business for himself. Mr. Vance was in business in the city of Crawfordsville for nearly forty years, part of the time as a grain dealer, a note-broker and general trader. He has been a Mason for twenty-five years, and is a deacon in the First Presbyterian church of this city. His ancestors came from Scotland, and were Presbyterians for fully 300 years back, and were active in the religions troubles between Scotland and England. Mr. Vance was marred in 1843 to Martha Tilden, of Virginia. Her father was a physician of some note, and her grandfather was a physician and a Presbyterian preacher. Mr. Vance has five children living: Elizabeth, Mary, Ruth, William and Lucy. In politics Mr. Vance is an original whig. He has relatives in Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio and Indiana. He has been a successful business man, and although he has met with reverses within the last few years, yet is pushing on with the energy and ambition of a younger man. Mr. Vance is active, energetic and honest. In personal appearance he very lunch resembles the great statesman from New York, William H. Seward.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
Ephraim C. Griffith, contractor and house builder, Crawfordsville, was born January 5, 1833, in Crawfordsville. He is a son of Townsend and Mahala (Cattlin) Griffith. His mother was born in Hamilton, Ohio. Her parents were from Virginia, and in 1822 came to Montgomery county and bought the present Stafford farm, just east of the city of Crawfordsville, where they lived for many years, then went to Clinton county, Indiana, where they died, he at the age of seventy-six and she at ninety years. Her father was a Pennsylvanian, and with his parents went to Maryland, then came to Indianapolis, when there was not a shingle roof to be seen in the place. There about 1822 he saw his father, an old revolutionary soldier, buried with the honors of war. The old gentleman was a Quaker, and the Friends gathered to make his shroud, but when they understood he was to be buried as a soldier they departed. About 1823 Townsend Griffith came to Crawfordsville. In 1827 he was married, and settled in a little old store-room, bought of John Willson, and which stood where the engine-house now stands. Here his father died in 1829. His mother died in Maryland. When Townsend first came he bought the ground on which the Center Presbyterian church now stands. Mr. Griffith built the first log jail of Crawfordsville. This burning, he put up the first brick jail. He was always active in public improvements. He held public meetings throughout the county, and solicited nearly all the subscriptions for the old New Albany railroad stock. He was major in the state militia also. He was a warm democrat, yet a particular friend and companion of the Hen. John Willson (deceased). In 1852 he went to Minnesota, and on his way home was taken ill. When just across the northern Illinois state line he was obliged to leave the train and seek a stranger's cot, and in a little village in northern Illinois he died. He was buried there but was removed in the following winter to Crawfordsville. He was widely known and highly esteemed in the county. Mrs. Griffith is still living in Crawfordsville. Ephraim C., son of the above, was raised in the town of Crawfordsville and educated in the common school. At the age of twelve years he applied himself to learn the cabinet and carpenter's trades with his father, when he was so small that he was obliged to make a platform on which to stand at his bench. This has been his life work. He is probably the most extensive contractor in the county, having built a great number of business and dwelling-houses. He was a school trustee for some years, and was appointed to superintend the erection of the county court-house, which cost $135,000. He keeps from eight to twenty hands employed. In 1879 he was elected city councilman. He is a warm democrat, a Mason, and an Odd-Fellow. He was married February 14, 1855, to Mary J. Brassfield, of Montgomery county. She was born in Shelby county, Kentucky. She is a member of the Methodist church. They have three boys and one girl. The Griffiths have done much toward the improvement and development of Montgomery county and Crawfordsville.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
Henderson J. Coleman, farmer and veterinary surgeon, Crawfordsville, was born in Scott county, Indiana, January 14, 1829. His parents, John and Mary (Jacobs) Coleman, removed thence to Franklin county in his early infancy, and lived there until 1833; at that date they came to Union township and made their residence on the home-stead where Mr. Coleman now lives. His mother died of cancer in August 29, 1864; at the age of sixty-eight; and his father died April 19, 1874, aged eighty-four years. Mr. Coleman received a common school education, and twenty-five or thirty years ago was much of the time engaged as a pedagogue, but as he was a natural penman his teaching was chiefly limited to writing classes. At that day he was accounted the champion penman of Montgomery county. With this exception, he has always led the life of a farmer until within very recent years he has grown into the practice of veterinary science, which for twenty-five years he has been studying and applying in his own business. For some time, at first, he bought diseased and disabled horses, and after curing, sold them. His successful treatment of these animals gave him a gradually extending reputation, and the demands which the public at length made upon his time rendered it necessary that he should give up either his farming or his practice. Recently he has operated his farm by hired help, and about a year ago advertised as a practitioner. He attends three days in the week at the livery stable of Smith & Bro., in Crawfordsville, where he responds to all professional calls. In 1876, and again in 1880, Mr. Coleman listed for taxation all the real estate in the south half of Union township. The farm he owns comprises 138 acres, situated three and one-half miles south of Crawfordsville, and valued at $6,000. This property he has accumulated by his own unaided industry. He has been a Mason eighteen years, and a life-long republican. His marriage with Deborah Edwards, who was born March 6, 1833, was celebrated on September 16, 1856. The fruits of this union have been nine children: Elizabeth (deceased), Mary Ellen (deceased), Emma E., wife of Edward Kelsey; Susie Edna, Josiah (deceased), Julia, William R., Samuel, and John. Mrs. Coleman belongs to the Christian church.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
John Stump, farmer and stock raiser, Crawfordsville, eldest son and second child of George and Martha (Talbot) Stump, was born in Boone county, Kentucky, May 8, 1820. Eight years afterward the family settled in Rush county, Indiana, and in 1830 removed to Montgomery county, and improved a farm in Union township, three-fourths of a mile southwest of the present residence of Mr. Stump. The country was then covered by deep forests, and settling in the green woods. Mr. Stump helped his father clear his farm and make a comfortable home. When he began to do for himself he worked first by the day, and at length hired for a year. At the end of this term of service he was able to buy eighty acres of timber land. He took jobs of felling trees and making land ready for cultivation, and while so employed did a great amount of hard labor. He has accumulated a sufficient competence for his old age. His farm of 230 acres lies six and one-half miles southwest of Crawfordsville; 150 acres are under cultivation and in pasture. It is worth $9,000. He was married to Sibella A. Farley December 22, 1846. She was born April 30, 1821, and died November 17, 1871, having borne seven children: Robert, born December 18,1847, married Laurinda A. Payton August 6, 1871; Martha Catherine, born June 28, 1849, married to David Payton January 18, 1866; William H., born January 19, 1851, married Luella Northcott August 15,1875, she died April 14, 1876, and he September 22, 1878; Mary Elizabeth, born July 8, 1855; George W. and Rebecca Ann, March 11, 1859, the latter was married to William Grubbs September 23, 1875; and Jennie, born February 22, 1864. Mr. Stump was married again June 24, 1873, to Elizabeth Hopkins, widow of Jacob Roath and David Hoel. She was born in Clinton county, Ohio, June 30, 1832. Fifteen years ago she united with the Christian church, but since her marriage to Mr. Stump has become a member of the United Brethren society, to which he has belonged the last five years. Mr. Stump draws his political inspiration from the old-time tenets and practices of the democratic party, and cast his first vote for president for James K. Polk, in 1844.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
Redden B. Snyder, farmer and stock raiser, Crawfordsville, was born on the place where he lives, April 3, 1835. His parents arrived here from Butler county, Ohio, in the autumn of 1831. His father entered 160 acres and soon afterward bought as much more adjoining; this comprised his real estate at the time of his death. The contrast between the log cabin which he built on these premises and the elegant residence just completed by Mr. Snyder a little north of the old site is striking and picturesque, and is not an unfair measure of the rate of progress made in this region of country in fifty years - a wonderful social and material growth. Mr. Snyder was married October 23, 1862, to Elizabeth, daughter of Sanford and Mary (Kemp) Gray. She was born November 1, 1839. The Grays were from Kentucky, and the Kemps from Pennsylvania. Her parents removed from Ohio to this county about 1836, and settled in Ripley township. Mr. Gray has been a man who has excelled in all the qualities of good citizenship; his high-minded life, warm-hearted intercourse, and unquestionable usefulness, should keep his memory long in the hearts of the people. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder have one child, Mary Luella, born January 27, 1864. Both parents have been members of the Christian Union church six years, and the former is a Master Mason. He is also a democrat in politics. Mr. Snyder owns 281 acres of choice land lying in a body and situated on the northwestern gravel road, three miles from Crawfordsville. It is valued at $25,000. The large and substantial brick house erected on the premises the last year, and just completed and furnished, is a model of finish on the interior, which has not been allowed to supplant the main object of convenience. It contains eleven principal, besides a large number of smaller rooms, and wardrobes. Mr. Snyder himself was the architect who planned the building and furnished all the designs. It is the best residence in Montgomery county, and was built at a cost of $8,000.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
Nathaniel Quick, farmer and stock raiser, Crawfordsville, was born in Union township, June 30, 1838. Edwin and Abigal (Ball) Quick were his parents. He obtained a common school education, and after he was married attended one term at Merom Union Christian College. July 17, 1853, he was united in marriage with Catherine M. Groenendyke, who was born December 8, 1828, and died November 18, 1869. She was the mother of eight children: Flora Hannah, born February 10, 1855, now Mrs. George Fuller, married August 7, 1875; Jessie F., born January 5, 1857, died February 5, 1859; Mary, September 15, 1858, died October 5, 1859; Clara, July 16, 1860; Thomas B., May 6, 1862, died November 8, 1865; Abby, December 2,1863, died June 20, 1864; Nathaniel, July 15, 1865; and Daisy G., November 16, 1869, died April 9, 1870. Mr. Quick married Miss Sweak Cook, March 8, 1877. She was born December 11, 1845. He has been a member of the Christian church (New Light) thirty-one years, and has held the office of clerk most of the time during that period, and is still occupying the position. He is now a deacon, and a licentiate member of the Indiana Western Christian conference, having filled the former place four years, and been licensed in the other about twelve years. Mrs. Quick belongs to the Campbellite branch of the Christian church. Mr. Quick owns 262 acres of land worth $13,000. In politics he is a greenbacker. His brother Stebbins was a soldier in the 72d Ind. Vols., about six months and was discharged on account of disability.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
Elijah C. Brown, retired, Crawfordsville. Just before the war of 1812 his paternal ancestors, who were of English extraction, emigrated from Virginia to the northwest territory and established themselves near the present site of Chillicothe, Ohio. The war coming on, his father volunteered, but partial deafness prevented his acceptance by the inspecting officer. Some of the relations still remain in the vicinity of Chillicothe and are to be found in the Thurman family, one of whom has risen to distinction in the senate of the United States. His grandfather's family on his mother's side came from North Carolina. They were Quakers, and descended from Dutch and Welsh ancestors. Mr. Brown was born in Highland county, Ohio, January 12, 1814, on the Capps farm, in the neighborhood of an earthwork which is a vestige of the Mound Builders. He was made a namesake of Elijah Capps, a nobleman by nature, who gave him a term of schooling. He had eight brothers and sisters, all younger than himself, the greater number of whom, with the parents, are dead. In 1825 the family secured a home near Greencastle, in Putnam county, and having become settled down on it, he assisted his father to clear the little farm of ninety-five acres. This small homestead was not sufficient for so large a family, so our subject, at the age of sixteen, began to learn the cabinet trade. His apprenticeship being ended, he was not able at all times to obtain employment in his line, and so on numerous occasions did so much at joiner work as to acquire such a knowledge of that art as to make it of material assistance to him. He was endowed with a deeply religious nature and some circumstances and observations were not wanting to make a solid impression on his mind. Near his birthplace he had seen blocks of stone which had been borne from their native beds and scattered in curious isolation over the ground. These, he had been told when very young, by his father, were thrown into their present positions by the convulsion of nature at the crucifixion of Christ. The cavernous formation of ground near his home, in Putnam county, set his mind, already excited with the story of the supernatural, at work with thoughtful inquiries concerning these natural wonders. It was then that the value of an education appeared to him. Without this essential to extended usefulness he felt that he would be barred out into outer darkness, and destined to endless mental misery. So, upon the recommendation of friends, he was led, in the fall of 1834, to undertake a coarse of study in Wabash College, then but recently founded, and by means of his trade, hoped to work his way through; the purpose of the founders of the institution being at that time to organize a manual labor, and also an agricultural department. This object falling through, he, with others, was disappointed and deprived of the benefit of his plans, and after a term or two spent in the school was obliged to turn away with a heavy heart from his ambitious aspirations; but not till after Prof. John Thompson had proffered conditiona1 aid to all the hopeful but indigent aspirants for learning. Some accepted, others declined; among the latter was Mr. Brown. He returned to former pursuits. Shortly afterward he contracted marriage and celebrated his nuptials with Mary B. Bowles, whose maiden name was Daniels, on July 27, 1835. With this wife he lived in comparative harmony thirty-eight years. She was a lineal descendant of Col. Linn, one of the first settlers of Kentucky, whose name is conspicuous in the pioneer history of that state. They reared three children, two sons and one daughter, born respectively at four, eight, and sixteen years after their union. In the spring of 1835 Mr. Brown set up in the furniture and undertaking business in Crawfordsville, and followed it fifteen years. He accumulated considerable town property, and from the sale of his made some permanent investments in land. His savings have amounted to $20,000. Mrs. Brown owned eighty acres of forest land when she was married to Mr. Brown. He has divided over $10,000 of his property equally among his children. From his domestic affections and associations he derived his highest enjoyment, and his earnest and calculating care for his family induced him to toil hard to accumulate property, so that he might have enough to endow his children comfortably during his lifetime, and a competence left for himself and his wife. In 1832 he joined the Methodist church, and has since been an active christian thinker and worker. After a delay, partly due to his withholding himself, he was, in 1865, licensed by his church to preach, and in 1875 ordained by Bishop Wiley, at La Fayette, a deacon. Mr. Brown has always held advanced and progressive views upon all the great topics which have engrossed public thought. His orthodoxy was at times even suspected by the unenlightened. He first attracted attention to himself by his radical sentiments in regard to temperance and slavery, when those subjects began to be vigorously agitated by a few bold spirits. His moral courage shone brightly in that conflict. This class of reformers, strong in the beginning only in conscious rectitude, were sneered at, and taunted, despised and hunted, and their lives put in jeopardy, as men have seldom been persecuted in a free country and an enlightened age. With patience Mr. Brown encountered proscription for opinion's sake; and, as if to lend zest and variety to them of hate and fury, he was more than once in imminent danger of personal violence from the mob. During the last forty years he has discovered great interest in the study of biblical and natural theology, and has been led to devote much time to the investigation of the sciences of chemistry, geology, and astronomy, and to connect his conclusions with the Mosaic account of creation. His examinations upon this subject, directed in the spirit of true inquiry, have opened to his delighted view the pleasing harmonies of science and the bible. The results of his inquiries have crystallized into thoughts which he has reduced to writing, and hopes to bring out in printed form in the near future, with the title of "God and the Ages."
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
Solon H. Brown, farmer, Crawfordsville, son of Elijah C. Brown, was born in Crawfordsville, March 12, 1844. He was enrolled July 18, 1862, in Co. B, 72d Ind. Vols. He was present with his regiment during all its arduous and brilliant service; except on the disastrous expedition under Gen. Sooy Smith, which was planned to cooperate with Gen. Sherman on his Meridian campaign. For an outline of the principle movements of the 72nd we refer to the biography of A. D. Lofland, of this township. Mr. Brown was mustered out of the service at Indianapolis, July 6, 1865. We venture to mention in this place an incident connected with Mr. Brown's command which ought not to be lost. On April 4, 1863, the 72nd was near Lebanon, Tennessee, with pickets thrown out, when a strong body of guerillas made a bold dash and captured two videttes, William B. Montgomery, and John W. Vance, Mr. Brown only narrowly escaped; he lost his horse, which fell under him, and was supposed to have been shot. Vance and Montgomery were tied up by the guerrillas and shot; the latter was killed, and the former, after having been three times shot through the head, was left for dead. Incredible as it may seem, he was not killed, but succeeded in making his way back to Murfreesboro on foot, a distance of twenty-five miles. He arrived there in an exhausted condition. He finally recovered, came home, served a few years as recorder of Tippecanoe county, and at last died from the effects of the atrocious treatment he had received. These two men, it is said, bore the seal of that nobility which distinguishes the best men and the truest soldiers. Mr. Brown was married September 10, 1871, to Miss May J. Hamilton, who was born August 27, 1844. They have had the following children: Clelie May, born March 24, 1873; Charlie, May 19, 1874, died January 1, 1881; Alice, June 19, 1876; and James E., September 2, 1879. Mr. Brown owns 220 acres of land, valued at $12,000. He is an Odd-Fellow and republican.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
Curtis Hardee, farmer, New Market, was the youngest child of John and Lucy (Sears) Hardee. His father volunteered when only fourteen years old, and served seven years under Washington in the revolutionary war, and fought in all the battles in which that illustrious chieftain commanded. After the war he settled in Kentucky, where he married his first wife. Subsequently he removed to Preble county, Ohio, and then to Rush county, Indiana, where the subject of this notice was born about 1824. Having lost his property from paying security debts, he brought his family to Montgomery county, where he died about 1835. He was buried in the Michaels graveyard. For many years before his death he received a pension from the government. On the death of his father our subject became the ward of Nathan S. Smith, from whom he learned the blacksmith trade. He subsequently worked at this ten years. On April 30, 1846, he was married to Mary Jane Busenbark, who was born October 8, 1828, in Butler county, Ohio. Her grandfather, John Busenbark, served through the last three years of the war for independence, as a teamster. Her parents came to this county about 1830, and the family became located on the place Mr. Hardee now occupies. This farm contains 160 acres, valued at $8,000. On March 31, 1875, fire destroyed the house and nearly all its contents, entailing a loss of $1,000. Mr. Hardee belongs to the democratic party. Both he and his wife have been members of the Old School Baptist church sixteen years, and the former fills the office of deacon. This couple are the parents of the following children, nine in number: Lucy (deceased), Mary Eleanor (deceased), William B., Ann Eliza Priscilla (deceased), Sarah Jane (deceased), Elizabeth Elvira, now Mrs. George Hardesty, of Boone county; James Andrew, Samuel Morgan (deceased), and Laura Josephine.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
Samuel Gilliland, farmer, Crawfordsville, was born in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, about 1809, and was the tenth child in a family of eleven by John and Hannah (Michaels) Gilliland. When he was sixteen he left home and went to Butler county, Ohio. There he lived six years, got most of his education, which was obtained in the common schools, and December 20, 1832, was married to Polly Tronsdale. Next year he emigrated to Montgomery county, and settled on the Terre Haute road, five miles southwest of Crawfordsville. He had been here before and purchased eighty acres of land for $300. This, with a two-horse team and a little household furniture, was all the property he had at that time. He lived on this farm forty-five years, and then in 1878 moved to his present residence, on the same turnpike, two miles south of Crawfordsville. His wife died in 1844, and on March 9, 1848, he was married to Sarah Miller. She died in May 1870. By the first wife he became the father of five children: John T. (deceased), Lydia Jane, Anna Laura, wife of Emmons Busenbark; Margaret, wife of John Remley, and William, who died in infancy. The second bore Mary Ellen, wife of William Smith; Martha E., married to Edward Ray; Nancy Isabelle, Samuel M. (deceased), James B., William C. and Henry E. Mr. Gilliland was county commissioner of Montgomery county sixteen or seventeen years. He was first appointed to fill the vacancy caused by the death of John Mulligan, and after that was several years successively elected. He was in office when the war came on, and exerted his influence to pay by concurrent taxation the heavy expenses of the county incurred by hiring men to fill the quotas, and was chiefly instrumental in bringing about that policy. By procuring men in this way the county avoided the draft at every call, and by the pay-as-you-go plan the war was but a little while ended unti1 it was out of debt. This made taxes burdensome for a few years. Mr. Gilliland himself paid $1,000 a year, but his foresight was afterward freely acknowledged in the most satisfactory manner. At the time, however, his term expiring, he was not reflected, so strong was the popular willingness to sacrifice future good to present convenience. But at the end of three years he was recalled by the people to his old position on the board. Mr. Gilliland was one of the corporators of the Crawfordsville and Southwestern Gravel Road Company; he is s heavy stock-holder in it and has been superintendent a good many years. He owns 1200acres of land, all lying in Union township, worth $60,000, and $15,400 in ready cash, and is entirely free from debt. This has all been accumulated by hard labor and successful management. He first settled in the woods, and has done his full share of sturdy toil
in clearing-off the forests and improving land. He has been a democrat from his youth up, and cast his first presidential vote for Gen. Jackson, in 1882.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.
Martin Van Hook (deceased) was born in Bourbon county, Kentucky, on a farm, January 1, 1802. After arriving at the age of maturity, he with his father moved to Harrison county. At Cynthia Ann, this county, he learned the plasterer's trade, and, in connection with farming, he followed the trade until October, 1834, at which time he emigrated to Montgomery county and settled on a farm one mile west of Crawfordsville, where he purchased 200 acres. The journey to Indiana was made in wagons, occupying three weeks' time. Mr. Van Hook lived upon his farm until his death, February 14, 1859. He was a democrat, casting his first presidential vote for Gen. Jackson. He received such education as the common schools afforded, but was a man constantly studying and reading for himself, and was wide awake to all matters of public concern. He still followed his trade after settling in this county, with splendid success. He plastered Wabash College the first time. February 27, 1896, in Harrison county, Kentucky, near Cynthia Ann, he married Jane Craig, third daughter of John and Margaret (McLvain) Craig. Mrs. Van Hook was born June 1, 1808, in Harrison county, Kentucky, and had the advantages of a district school education. Her father, John Craig, was born in South Carolina, and finally settled in Harrison county, where he died May 22, 1825, a member of the Presbyterian church and a democrat. Her mother was a Presbyterian, and died February 22, 1825, the mother of eight children, three of whom are living: Moses Craig, of Missouri; Margaret Coucheman, of Morgan county, Illinois, and JaneVan Hook, of Crawfordsville. After the death of Mr. Van Hook his wife lived upon the farm until the fall of 1868, when she purchased city property and moved into it. She is the mother of sixteen children, four of whom are living: Barbara Ball, of White county; Franklin P., in White county; William Henry, of Brown county, Kansas, and Andrew J., of this city. Mrs. Van Hook has living with her Laura A. Van Hook, her granddaughter.
History of Fountain County, Indiana
by H. W. Beckwith
Published by H. H. Hill and N. Iddings, Chicago, in 1881
Montgomery County - Union Twp.