The distinguishing feature of Barnesville lies in the quantity and quality of it’s strawberry production. Twenty-five years ago very few strawberries were grown in this community. In the spring of 1860 the late William Smith introduced, and with C. G. Smith, John Scoles, and a few others, cultivated in limited quailtities for the home market the Wilson Albany Seedling. The demand was small at first, but steadily increased, until shipments are now 1,000 bushels per day, of which 800 go to Chicago, the balance divided among a number of points East and West; and the fame of the Barnesville strawberry has extended not only over the entire country but into foreign countries, even "so far as Russia." The shipping trade opened about 1870; first to Columbus and Wheeling, and later to other near points. In 1880 James Edgerton tried the experiment of shipping to Chicago, but not until two years later did that trade assume large proportions. There are about 275 acres devoted to strawberry culture, the average yield about ninety-four bushels per acre. The Sharpless, the favorite variety, is a large, sightly fruit, well colored, fine flavored, and will stand transportation to distant cities. Other popular berries are the Cumberland, Charles Downing, Wilson, Crescent, and Jaconda; but the Barnesville growers say, "The Sharpless is our pride." The care, commendable rivalry, and pride of the Barnesville growers, which, with a soil and climate specially adapted to the growth of a large, hardy berry, has developed this great industry. The first settlement of Warren, the township in which Barnesville is situated, was made in 1800, the last year of the last century. The first settlers were George Shannon (the father of Gov. Shannon), John Grier, and John Dougherty; soon others followed. The great body of the pioneers were nearly all Quakers from North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. In 1804 they built a log meetinghouse, and a woman, Ruth Boswell, preached there the first sermon ever delivered in the township. This spot where the Stillwater church now stands has been occupied by the Friends from that day to this, and over 7,000 meetings for worship have been held there; and the entire 7,000, we venture to say, breathed nothing but "Peace on earth and good-will to man." WILLIAM WINDOM, who was Secretary of the Treasury under Garfield, and has twice represented Minnesota in the United States Senate, is a native of this county, where he was born May 10, 1827. Antiquities. - In the vicinity of Barnesville are some extraordinary natural and artificial curiosities. About two miles south of the town, on the summit of a hill on the old Riggs farm, is a stone called "Goblet Rock" from its general resemblance to a goblet. Its average height is nine feet, circumference at base fifteen feet nine inches, mid circumference eighteen feet, and top circumference thirty-one feet four inches. The whole stone can be shaken into a sensible tremble by one standing on the top. A few miles west of Barnesville are two ancient works, on the lands of Jesse Jarvis and James Nuzzum. On that of the latter is one of the largest of mounds, it being about 1,800 feet in circumference and 90 feet in height. Among the most interesting relics of the mound-building race are the "Barnesville track rocks" on the sand rock of the coal measure located on the lands of Robert G. Price. They were discovered in 1856 by a son of Mr. Price. The tracks are those of birds', animals' and human feet, and other figures, as shellfish, serpents, earthworm's, circles, stars, etc.; these indentations vary from two to over twenty inches in length. The depths of the impressions are from three-fourths of an inch to a scale hardly perceptible. These are evidently the work of a mound race sculptor. The track rocks are described and pictorially shown in the U.S. Centennial Commission Report for Ohio. MARTIN'S FERRY is on the west bank of the Ohio river opposite Wheeling, W. Va. The site of the city is a broad river bottom over two miles in length and extending westward to the foot-hills a distance of a mile and a half at the widest point. The adjacent hills rise gradually and afford many beautiful building sites overlooking the river, giving a view not excelled at any point on the Ohio. The city is underlaid with an inexhaustible supply of coal. A bountiful supply of building stone and limestone is found within the corporation limits, and natural gas has been struck in ample quantities for the town's needs. The first settlement was made and called Norristown in 1785, but, upon complaint of the Indians that the whites were encroaching on their hunting-grounds, the settlers were dispossessed and driven to the other side of the river by Col. Harmer, acting under the orders of the United States government. In 1788 the ground upon which the town is built was granted by patent to Absalom Martin, and in 1795 he laid out a town and called it Jefferson. But, having failed in his efforts to have it made the county-seat, Mr. Martin purchased such town lots as had been already sold and vacated the town, supposing a town could never exist so near Wheeling. In 1835 Ebenezer Martin laid out and platted the town of Martinsville, but afterwards changed the name to Martin's Ferry, there being another town in the State named Martinsville. As no point on the Ohio presented better facilities for manufacturing, it grew and prospered and in 1865 was incorporated as a town. Martin's Ferry is on the line of the P. C. & St. L. R. R. Newspapers: Ohio Valley News, Independent, James H. Drennen, editor and publisher; Church Herald, religious, Rev. Earl D. Holtz, editor and publisher. Churches: 1 Presbyterian, 1 United Presbyterian, 1 Baptist, 1 Lutheran, I Catholic, 2 Methodist Episcopal, 1 African Methodist, 1 Episcopal. Banks: Commercial, J. A. Gray, president, Geo. H. Smith, cashier; Exchange, John Armstrong, president, W. R. Ratcliff, cashier. Manufactures and Employees. - Novelty Glass Mould Works, 9 hands; Elson Glass Works, tableware, etc., 330; F. McCord & Bro., brick, 25; Laughlin Nail Co., 375; Martin's Ferry Stove Works, 27; Spruce, Baggs & Co., stoves, 26; Dithridge Flint Glass Works, tumblers, etc., 194; L. Spence, steam engines, etc., 25; Martin's Ferry Keg and Barrel Co., 65; Buckeye Glass Works, 200; Branch of Benwood Mills, pig iron, 55; J. Kerr & Sons and B. Exley & Co., doors, sash, etc.; Wm. Mann, machinery, 24. - State Report 1887. Population in 1880, 3,819. School census in 1886,1,813; Chas. R. Shreve, superintendent. The cultivation of grapes is an important and growing industry of Martin's Ferry, the warm valley and sunny eastern slopes west of the town being especially adapted to their perfection; not less than 350 acres are devoted to their cultivation. The grapes are made into wine by the Ohio Wine Co., which has recently erected a large building for this purpose. The dwellings at Martin's Ferry are mostly on a second plateau about 600 feet from the Ohio and 100 feet above it. The river hills on both sides rise to an altitude of about 600 feet, making the site of the town one of grandeur. On the West Virginia side the hills are very precipitous, leaving between them and the river bank but little more than sufficient space for a road and the line of the P. C. & St. L. Railroad. The upper plateau at Bellaire is a gravel and sand bed. The gravel is about eighty feet deep in places, cemented so strongly that the excavation for buildings is very expensive, being impervious to the pick and often from the porous nature of the soil blasting fails; the cost of excavating for the cellar of a building often exceeds the price of the lot. The west part of the upper plateau is depressed, and it is supposed was once the bed of the Ohio. The country back is very fertile and rich in coal, iron and limestone. Annexed is a view of the cottage at Martin's Ferry in which, March 1, 1837, was born WM. DEAN HOWELLS, who is considered "America's Leading Writer of Fiction." The structure was of brick and was destroyed to make way for the track of the Cleveland and Pittsburg railway. It was drawn at our desire from memory by the venerated father of the author, who built it and is now living in a pleasant old age at Jefferson, Ashtabula county. The Howells away back were of literary tastes, of Welsh stock and Quakers. When the boy was theee years of age the family removed to Butler county, where his father published the Hamilton Intelligencer, and William while a mere child learned to set type. From thence they removed to Dayton, where the elder Howells purchased the Dayton Transcipt and changed it into a daily. His sons aided him in the type-setting, William often working until near midnight and then rising at four o'clock to distribute the paper. The enterprise illustrated industry agaist ill fate. After a two-years' strggle Mr. Howells one day announced to his sons the enterprise was a failure, whereupon they all went down to the Big Miami and took a good swim to freshen up for another tug with fate. In 1851, when fourteen years of age, he got a position as compositor on the Ohio State Journal at Columbus. His pay was four dollars per week, which was the first money he earned and received as his own. This he turned into the uses of the family to help fight the wolf from the door. While there, conjointly with a brother compositor, John J. Piatt, he put forth a volume of poetry. Later he contributed poems to the Atlantic Monthly, was a newspaper correspondent, wrote a campaign life of Lincoln: from 1861 to 1864 was consul at Venice; from 1866 to 1872 was assistant editor of the Atlantic Monthly, and then until 1881 editor-in-chief. Mr. Howells works in a field which is pre-eminently his own - that of social life. He has a happy home, wife and children in Beacon St., Boston, where he devotes his mornings to writing, usually completing at a sitting a trifle more than what would make one-and-a-half pages as this in which our printer sets these lines - say 1500 words a day. Flushing and Morristown are villages, containing each from sixty to eighty dwellings, in this county.
A. H. MARSH was born in Ohio Co., W. Va. in 1824, He migrated to Belmont county in 1844. He served an apprenticeship in wagon making in Bellaire. In 1847 hestarted a business of his own. For four years he was working in Cincinnati and Indianapolis. He married Elizabeth A. JACOBS in 1850. He worked in Portsmouth, OH, then in Bridgeport and in 1856 came back to Bellaire and started in manufacturing carriages and wagons until 1872. Then he bought a farm in Taylor County, W. Va. and lived a year there, but sold out and returned to Bellaire and resumed wagon making. Shop is at 136 Guernsey street. He has a family of eight children: Newton L., Emma C., Ella, Camilla, Mary (deceased), Cassius M., Jessie, and Minnie.
Submitted by: Bonnie Burkhardt
From "History of Belmont & Jefferson Cos., OH" by J. A. Caldwell, pub. 1880
page 279
Bellaire Bios.
CHARLES C. CRATTY was born in Washington county, Pa., 4 Jan 1837. He went to common schools and the Washington Academy, Guernsey county., Ohio. He learned the trade of a tanner in his native county. He taught school for three years. He then was in the mercantile trade until 1870, at which time he became involved in the general insurance business. He has represented the following companies: Northwestern Life, Milwaukee; Travelers' Accident, Philadelphia; Springfield, of Massachusetts; Fireman's Fund, of California; Mercantile, of Cleveland; North British and Mercantile, of Great Britain; Merchants, of New Jersey.
Submitted by: Bonnie Burkhardt
From "History of Belmont & Jefferson Cos., OH" by J. A. Caldwell, pub. 1880
page 277
Bellaire Bios.
GEORGE P. BUMGARNER, a native of Belmont county, Ohio, was born March 20, 1846. April 1, 1855, his parents removed to St. Clairsville. When fourteen years old he began the trade of shoemaking with his father and followed the same till September 27, 1864, when he enlisted as a private to serve in the Union army, 14th Regiment, O.V.I., and continued in service till the close of the war. Upon his return he again pursued his trade in St. Clairsville until March, 1869, when he went to Keokuk, Iowa, where he remained till August and returned to Ohio. He again came to St. Clairsville, and was united in marriage to Mary E. GLEAVE, September 29, 1870. They are the parents of three sons. In 1876, he began a shop of his own, which he continued until June, 1878, when he went to Missouri. He stayed but a short time and again returned to St. Clairsville. His shop is on East Main street.
Submitted by: Bonnie Burkhardt
From "History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties, OH" by Caldwell, pub. 1880
page 246
St. Clairsville Bios.
W.D. BUMGARNER was born in Belmont county, Ohio, Aug. 6, 1851. His father, Harvey B. Bumgarner, was born in Pennsylvania, March 26, 1818. He married Miss Massie TEETS in 1841, and the same fall removed from Harrison county to Uniontown, Belmont county. In 1855 they removed to St. Clairsville. Here our subject received his schooling. At the age of twenty-one, he went to Wheeling, W. Va., to learn the carpenter's trade with Crawforl [my note: sic?] and Morris, serving an apprenticeship of three years. In 1876, he returned to St. Clairsville and started business for himself. Shop, north side east Main street.
Submitted by: Bonnie Burkhardt
From "History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties, OH" by Caldwell, pub. 1880
page 245
St. Clairsville Bios.
A. J. MYERS was born in Mead township in 1838. He was raised on a farm and followed farming until 1864 when he came to Bellaire and started a boot and shoe business, which is now on Belmont street. He married Cornelia WORKMAN of Belmont county, in 1861.
Submitted by: Bonnie Burkhardt
From "History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties, OH" by Caldwell, pub. 1880
page 275
Bellaire Bios.
BENJAMIN LOCKWOOD, a son of David LOCKWOOD, was born on or near Wheeling creek, Va., April 13, 1797. Was brought to Belmont county by his parents in 1800. They located in Dille's bottom. Benjamin worked with his father on the farm till twenty-three years of age, and in the meantime he received his education, in the old log school house of that day. On April 11, 1820, he married Miss Annie BELL, who was born in Washington county, Pa., October 2, 1801. Their union resulted in thirteen children, as follows: Annie B., Elizabeth A., David B., Jacob E., Benjamin F., Mary A., Alfred, Eliza J., Lavina A., Ephraim C., Elizabeth R., Sylvanus L., William T., George W., and Emily E., four of whom are living. William, the youngest son, was killed at the battle of Chancellorsville on May 2, 1863, being the seventh engagement in which he participated.
Mr. Lockwood, after his marriage located in Dille's bottom on section 16. In 1822, he erected a grist mill on section 18 and in connection run a distillery. In 1826, he moved near the Ohio river where he engaged in several pursuits - farming, merchandizing and boat building. In 1827, he was appointed postmaster at Dille's Bottom, which office he held for 40 years. At present he resides on a farm near the falls of Pipe creek, in section 18 about one mile from the Ohio river. He and his companion are members of the Pipe Creek Presbyterian Church. The following description of the celebration of his 80th birth day which occurred on the 13th of April, 1879 is herewith appended. "A very pleasant family reunion was held at the residence of Benjamin LOCKWOOD, at Dille's Bottom, on the 13th on the occasion of the celebration of his 80th birth day. A large number of relatives and friends were present, among whom were two younger brothers, Col. J. H. LOCKWOOD, of Moundsville and J. M. LOCKWOOD of Dille's Bottom; two married daughters and their husbands, M. M. FOWLER, of Moundsville and Wm. W. FERRELL; eleven grand children and two great grandchildren; Mrs. Jacob LOCKWOOD, a daughter-in-law, of Belpre, Ohio; W. H. SEYMOUR and wife of Chicago; Sarah ANSCHUTZ, wife of a deceased brother; Mrs. SWEENEY of Washington, Pennsylvania; and Mrs. McCORMICK, of Allegheny, sisters of Mrs. LOCKWOOD and Col. John THOMPSON of Moundsville. The day was spent pleasantly in recounting family history and in reviewing and strengthening old family ties; in listening to some excellent music; in giving and receiving gifts, and partaking of a sumptuous dinner. After the good things had been properly discussed, Mr. W. H. SEYMOUR read the following acrostic:
Beneath the weight of eighty years that o'er thy head hath rolled; Endeared to us who know thy heart is pure as virgin gold. No longer in the spring-time of thy boyhood's lightsomness, Joyous as the wind that woos the powers with soft caress. Afloat upon time's ocean are those days too sweet to last. Mourning alone, oftimes recalls the blithe and blissful past; It lingers wistfully around that happy time Noting the years which in their train bring manhood's glorious prime. Linger, sweet memories, while you may, for time must softly roll Onward and onward until we reach our goal. Cheerful, open-handed, energetic, staunch and true, Kind of heart, to others doing as he would wish them to do. We honor thee, old patriarch, a good race hast thou ran O'er nature's time allotted as the period of life's span. Our voices greet thee lovingly, on this thy natal day. Dear to us all, long may it be ere thou art called away.
The reading over, appropriate short speeches were made by the host, Benjamin LOCKWOOD, Col. J. H. LOCKWOOD, Col. John THOMPSON and W. H. SEYMOUR. Next was the presentation by the children of W. H. SEYMOUR, great grand children of Mr. LOCKWOOD, of a beautiful inlaid box with plate engraved and portraits of the donors; also a silver shaving cup and apparatus complete. His grandchildren presented him with a handsome 6x8 photograph of his mother, enlarged from an old daguerreotype, in walnut and guilt [my note: sic] frame." Mr. LOCKWOOD is yet quite hale and hearty for one of his years.
Submitted by: Bonnie Burkhardt
From "History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties, OH" by Caldwell, pub. 1880
page 394
Mead Township Bios.
JACOB M. LOCKWOOD was born in Belmont county, September 15, 1805, was brought up on a farm ,and received a common school education. On October 15, 1829, he married Miss Caroline C. COLMAN, who was born May 6, 1811. This union resulted in 5 sons. After his marriage he located on section 6, in Dille's Bottom, near the Ohio river. August 9, 1869 he was called to mourn the loss of his wife, and March 27, 1873 he married Miss Sarah L. CARBON who was born in 1832. He and his companion are members of the M. E. Church of Wegee.
Submitted by: Bonnie Burkhardt
From "History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties, OH" by Caldwell, pub. 1880
page 394
Mead Township Bios.
E. R. BROOKS was born in 1846 in Lawrence county, Pa. and was reared on a farm. He became a subagent for the Howe Sewing Machine Co. and was with them for 4 years. In 1873 he moved to Bellaire and is now selling the Singer Sewing Machine, No. 804 south Belmont street.
Submitted by: Bonnie Burkhardt
From "History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties, OH" by Caldwell, pub. 1880
page 278
Bellaire Bios
GEORGE TAYLOR was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1852. He learned shoemaking with Wm. TAYLOR and worked in Wheeling and Cleveland for a number of years. In 1875 he came to Bellaire and started a boot and shoe manufacturing business whic he still operates on Union street opposite Central Hall. In 1874 he married Cassandra BASFORD, of Glen Easton W. Va.
Submitted by: Bonnie Burkhardt
From "History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties, OH" by Caldwell, pub. 1880
page 276
Bellaire Bios
JAMES DUNFEE was born in Belmont county, June 26, 1820; lived with his father on a farm whilst he received a common school education. About 1841-42 he made a couple of trips to New Orleans, for his father on flatboats. In November, 1847 he married Miss Catharine MEEKS, who was born June 5, 1823. This union resulted in ten children, seven sons and three daughters, all of whom are living. After his marriage he located on section 15, in Mead township where he still remains. In 1878, he was elected trustee of the township.
Submitted by: Bonnie Burkhardt
From "History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties, OH" by Caldwell, pub. 1880
page 392
JAMES C. TALLMAN - The subject of this sketch was born on Stillwater, Belmont county, Ohio on April 8, 1850. Educated at Mt. Union College; read law with his brother in Bellaire and was admitted to practice in September, 1873. Now practicing in company with his brother, under the firm name of Tallman Brothers.
Submitted by: Bonnie Burkhardt
From "History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties, OH" by Caldwell, pub. 1880
page 278
Bellaire Bios
JAMES T. MOORE - Our subject is the son of Hezekiah and Harriet MOORE nee SMITH, and was born in Fairview, Guernsey county, Ohio in 1844. Mr. Moore migrated in 1824 from Virginia, where he had been a farmer, and located in Barnesville, where he engaged in merchandizing and buying tobacco. He subsequently resided at Fairview and Middletown, Guernsey county, Ohio. In 1849, he removed to Barnesville and was in the grocery business. He was also an engineer for several years, receiving several injuries while employed in tha capacity. He died in March, 1877, sixty-three years of age; his wife's death occurred in 1858 in her thirty-seventh year. Their children were Wm. H. (served in 3d O. till 1864) married to Mary J. FOWLER; Mary C., married to John FOWLER; James T., married in 1869 to Mary V. MOORE, daughter of Elijah and Rebecca MOORE nee FOWLER; Elizabeth, married to Frank S. McCORMICK; Annie M., married to John R. SCOTT; Samuel W., in the regular army; and Harriet E., married to John STECK.
James T. MOORE entered as a private Company F, 30th Ohio, in August, 1861, and was mustered out in September, 1865. He was the captain of the Tom Young Guards, and since November, 1877, has been the major of the 2d Ohio National Guards.
Submitted by: Bonnie Burkhardt
From "History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties, OH" by Caldwell, pub. 1880
page 329
Barnesville Bios
LEVI CASSELL, born December 18, 1834 in New Jersey. In 1838, he removed with his parents to Wheeling, where he received a common school education. He learned the trade of glass blowing and making in that city, which business he pursued for 10 years. He was manager of the Belmont Glass Works 4 years. In 1866, he was united in marriage to Elizabeth FISHER of Philadelphia. In 1872 he drew out of the Belmont Glass Works and was one of the stockholders and president and manager of the Ohio Glass Works until 1876. Managed the National Glass Works for one year. In April, 1878, he was elected mayor of the city and also justice of the peace at the same time. He is a good officer.
Submitted by: Bonnie Burkhardt
From "History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties, OH" by Caldwell, pub. 1880
page 277
Bellaire Bios
Benjamin Stanton, born of Quaker parentage on Short creek, Belmont county, Ohio, March 4, 1809. Was bread a tailor, which appears to have been a favorite trade for young Friends, probably from its humanitarian aspects-"clothing the naked." Studied law and was admitted to the bar at Steubenville in 1833; came to Bellefontaine in 1834; then was successively prosecuting attorney, State Senator, member of the Ohio Constitutional Convention in 1851; served several terms as member of Congress and in 1861 was elected Lieutenant-Governor of Ohio, and on the same ticket with Governor David Tod; in 1866 removed to West Virginia, practiced law there and died a few years since.
Transcribed by Deb
"Historical Collections of Ohio, Vol 2" by Henry Howe. (pub 1888)
Logan County
Page 106
ROBERT MILLS - Robert, a son of Benjamin MILLS, deceased, came to Barnesville in 1809. He was a saddler, the first in the place, and in later years purchased the Philip ALLEN tannery, managing for many years both trades, and connecting also farming and hotel-keeping with them. He married in 1812 Patience SHORT, a member of the family of James M. ROUND. Her parents died in Delaware when she was a small child, and she accompanied Mr. ROUND's family on their journey to Barnesville. This marriage is said to have been the first in Barnesville. She died in 1860, in her sixty-fourth year. He died in 1867, aged eighty-three.
The Barnesville Enterprise of that date contained the following obituary concerning him:
"Death of an Old Citizen - On Thursday last Barnesville lost one of her oldest and most respected citizens - Robert MILLS, Esq. - who died at his residence in this place, at the ripe old age of eighty-three. Robert MILLS was born in
Lancaster county, Pa., came to Ohio in 1809, and settled at Barnesville one year after the town had been laid out. At that time two or three cabins marked the spot where now stands a flourishing town, and the bears and wolves frequently came to what now are the most prominent streets.
For fifty-eight years Mr. MILLS resided in the town he chose in his early manhood, and witnessed all the changes that were wrought in that time. The men with whom he first worked and associated have long since passed away, and others were born and grew old while he remained. For many years he has been a landmark of the past, to whom every one paid reverence due to honorable men. Everybody who has lived in Barnesville remembers Robert MILLS, and all will bear testimony to his honesty and integrity. He was positive in his opinions and positive in expressing these opinions, yet no one doubted the honesty or the sincerity of the man.
From his habits he admired the customs of the past, and thought the "good old days" were better for honor, truth and virtue than the latter years of his life. He died as he had lived, respected by all, and beloved by those who knew him well.
Time nor space will not permit us to treat the subject as it deserves, and we hope some one better acquainted with the life and character of Mr. MILLS will furnish an obituary for publication."
Submitted by: Bonnie Burkhardt
From "History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties, OH" by Caldwell, pub. 1880
page 325
Barnesville Bios
THOMAS G. DAVIS, born in South Wales in 1838. Attended the schools of his nativity until ten years of age, when he commenced learning the iron business, at which he worked five years in Wales; then traveled through England, and located at Yorkshire. At that place he had charge of the furnaces in the iron works for a number of years. He came to America in 1873. He first located in Hazelton, Ohio; had charge of furnaces there until 1878. In February of that year he came to Bellaire and is now engaged as manager of the Bellaire blast furnaces. He was married in Wales to Ann EVANS.
Submitted by: Bonnie Burkhardt
From "History of Belmont and Jefferson Counties, OH" by Caldwell, pub. 1880
page 278
Bellaire Bios
CLick here to return to biography index.