George H. KEENEY, Rising Sun, county surveyor, undertaker and produce dealer, is a native of Switzerland County, Ind., born in 1848. He is a son of Hiram B. and Delilah (HUMPHREY) KEENEY, his father a native of New York, his mother of Switzerland County, Ind.  His father, Hiram B. KEENEY, born in New York in 1820, came to Switzerland County with his parents in 1835.  He farmed with his brother, William, for several years and then purchased the farm, where his widow now lives, on which he resided until his death in 1866. He owned 170 acres of good land.  Mr. KEENEY married Delilah HUMPHREY in 1845.  She was a daughter of Stephen HUMPHREY, of an old family in Switzerland County.  Mr. KEENEY was a member of the F. & A.M and one of the most thrifty farmers and esteemed citizens of the county in which he lived.  He had four children:  Laura, wife of P. NORTH; George H., hosier, married Lena CUNNINGHAM;; and Jacob, who married Mollie MOORE.  At the time of his death, Mr. KEENEY was holding the office of surveyor of Switzerland County.  George H., our subject, grew up on the farm, where he remained till his father's death.  He was educated in the public schools of the county and subsequently taught several terms.  He acquired a knowledge of surveying and civil engineering and has since done considerable work in that line.  He served as deputy surveyor in Switzerland County from 1869 to 1880, when he located in Rising Sun.  He was appointed surveyor of Ohio County, in 1883 and has since served by election as regular surveyor.  From 1873 to 1877 he was employed in the United States revenue service.  In connection with his official work as surveyor and engineer, Mr. KEENEY does undertaking and officiates as a funeral director, besides doing quite an extensive produce business in partnership with Simon Beymer, president of the Rising Sun National Bank, under the firm name of KEENEY & BEYMER.  Mr. KEENEY was married in 1873 to Miss Mary SHAFER, of Aurora, Ind., daughter of Andrew SHAFER, and they have five children: Burke, Bayard, Hale, Mabel and Denver.  Mr. KEENEY is a member of the F. & A. M., Patriot, Ind., and of the Universalist Church, clerk of the latter society.



William C. KEMP, Randolph Township, one of the foremost farmers of Ohio County, was born in the same in 1823.  He is a son of John and Huldah (LAMPKIN) KEMP, the former a native of England, the latter of New York.  His father came to Dearborn County about 1806-07 and entered land there, for a time keeping "bachelor's hall."  He became one of the prominent farmers and died in 1865, his wife passing away a few years previous to that date.  William C., whose name heads this notice, spent his early years in assisting his parents on the farm in Ohio COunty where he has nearly ever since resided.  He was educated in the public schools of his day and learned the coopering trade also, which he continued to work at for some time in connection with his farming.  In 1846, Mr. KEMP purchased 108 acres of land in Switzerland County at $1,400, this being his first investment in real estate.  He resided several years at different times in Switzerland County, but finally located permanently in Randolph Township.  He has dealt to a considerable extent in real estate and now owns about 800 acres of choice land which he has obtained by hard labor, good management and economy combined.  Mr. KEMP was married in 1846 to Content L HASTINGS, daughter of James HASTINGS, one of the pioneer settlers of this county.  She is a granddaughter also of Prince Athearn who assisted in laying the keel of the old warship "Constitution," and afterward built several river steamboats at Rising Sun. To Mr. and MRs. KEMP were born eight children, all living and all married but one, their names being as follows: James, Charles, Harry, Edward, Lucian, Laura (wife of Henry SPARKS), Mollie (wife of Mahlon FISK) and Maggie  (wife of William WADE).  Mr. KEMP ranks among the most successful farmers of the county and his reputation as a citizen is no less enviable.



Solomon KITTLE, of Ohio County, was born in Wood County, Va., in September, 1793.  At the age of eighteen he moved to Ohio, and in 1814 came to Ohio County, where he has lived ever since. His wife was born in Kentucky in the year 1795. When he came to Indiana he landed at the mouth of Laughery Creek and rowed their boat up that stream to Hanover Landing.  He had thirteen children, seventy-six grandchildren, a majority of whom are still living.  Mr. KITTLE was living in 1876.