John Lanius, of Rising Sun, died on the 9th of April, 1846, aged seventy-three years. He emigrated from Reisterstown, Md., in 1812, and settled in Circleville, Ohio, where he remained until 1818, when he removed to Rising Sun where he continued to reside until his death, at which time he was serving as the village postmaster. Mr. LANIUS was remarkable for habits of industry, veracity and integrity in all his dealings with his fellow men. He lived with the widowed relict then left to mourn his loss, fifty-two years in the strictest harmony. He was a member of the United Brethern Church. The writer of this notice has known Mr. LANIUS for more than thirty years, and he verily believes that but few men have lived so many years and left as many examples worthy of imitation, as a citizen, a neighbor, a patriot and a Christian.
Submitted by: Jackie DeCamp
R. G. LANGSDALE, M.D., a popular druggist and pharmacist, Rising Sun, is a native of Kentucky, born in 1851. He was educated at Moore's Hill College, and for seven years was engaged in teaching "the young idea how to shoot." In 1879 he entered the Ohio Medical College, of Cincinnati, and took a thorough course in the study of medicine, graduating March 4, 1881. He then sold out his interest in the drug business at Florence, Ind., and located in the same year in Rising Sun. In January, 1882, he purchased a stock of drugs of B.F. Buchanan, and, since that date, has done a good business in the drug line, keeping a full stock of goods peculiar to the trade. Dr. LANGSDALE began the study of medicine with Drs. Fairhurst & Mantle, of Vincennes, Ind., and later, with Dr. J.M.W. LANGSDALE, of Florence, Ind. He now confines his professional services to city practice exclusively. In the fall of 1885 Dr. LANGSDALE was married to Miss Carrie ENOCHS, one of the most prepossessing young ladies of Rising Sun.
Submitted by: Jackie DeCamp
John F. LINDSAY, retired, Aurora, was born in Dearborn County, Ind., May 16, 1823, and received an ordinary English education. His father, Thomas LINDSAY, was born in Kentucky in 1793, and came to Aurora in 1811, and followed carpentering up to 1829, when he returned to Kentucky, where he lived until his death, in 1870. The mother, Elizabeth (FULTON) LINDSAY, was born in Pennsylvania, and came here, in 1798, with her father, Judge Samuel FULTON, son of a Revolutionary soldier, who was one of the first associate judges of Ohio County, Ind., and served for many years as justice of the peace. John F., at the age of ten years, began the carpenter trade, and followed it up to 1882. He was married, September 3, 1845, to Lucinda POWERS; she was born in Boone County, Ky., July 21, 1824. Mr. LINDSAY moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1852, and remained until 1870; then returned to his native playgrounds, and now resides on the place where he was born. He owns twenty-three acres of land within the city limits, and has opened a stone quarry upon the same, and superintends the business himself. His wife is a member of the Baptist Church, and he of the Universalist Church. Mr. LINDSAY is a well-preserved, elderly gentleman, and bids fair for many years of usefulness to his family and friends.
Thomas O. LINDSAY, attorney, real estate and insurance agent, Aurora, office on Main Street in Dr. Henry's block. Mr. LINDSAY was born in Rising Sun, Ind., October 17, 1849, and completed his education in the public schools at Cincinnati, Ohio. His father, John F., was born in Aurora, Ind., May 16, 1823; mother, Lucinda (POWERS) LINDSAY, was born in East Bend, Boone Co., Ky., July 21, 1824. In 1865 Thomas O. began the carpenter trade, which he followed for years, and became a very successful architect. In 1870 he came to Aurora as a contractor and builder, and has built over 180 houses, including the Opera House, all of which stand as monuments to his skill and ability as an architect and builder. Mr. LINDSAY abandoned manual labor in 1881, and engaged in his present business. He was admitted to the bar in 1882. He was married, in 1877, to Miss Vina CUNNINGHAM; she was born in Wilmington January 17, 1854. To them was born one child -- Lillian. He is a member of Aurora Lodge No. 51, F. & A. M., and Chosen Friends Lodge No. 13, I.O. O. F.; also Harmony Lodge No. 69, K. of P.
Benjamin F. LOTTON, Rising Sun, dealer in groceries and provisions, was born in Ohio COunty in 1854. He is a son of William and Lucy (MENDELL) LOTTON, both natives of the same county. He grew up on the farm with his parents, remaining under the care of the paternal roof till twenty-three years of age. He obtained a good practical education in the common schools, and at Moore's Hill College, with a short term at Lebanon, Ohio, Normal School, and subsequently taught eight terms. For about four years he was engaged during the summer season in running a wholesale and retail dry goods and notion wagon. In November 1883, he established himself in the grocery and provision trade in Rising Sun, where he has since conducted a profitable business, making a specialty of goods in in job lots.