Mr. Hanna's ancestry is that of people of the most sterling worth, men and women who delighted in keeping untarnished the good records of the earliest members of both branches of the family. In tracing this genealogy we find that Mr. Hanna's grandfather, William Hanna, was a Kentuckian, in which state he was born, reared and received some schooling in the primitive schools of the early days. He came to this section of Indiana at a very early date, being a hardy pioneer, and he established his home here in the midst of the forest, and from him sprang the later generations that have made this a familiar name in all circles in Putnam and adjoining counties. One of the best representatives of the family is Andrew B. Hanna, who was born in Warren township, this county, May 31, 1865, the son of Adam Hanna, now living retired in Greencastle at the advanced age of seventy-seven years. He was born in Brown township, Montgomery county, Indiana, where he grew to maturity on the old Hanna homestead. He moved to Putnam county in 1862, and located on a farm in Warren township, devoting his life to farming and stock raising, also bought large numbers of live stock from time to time, being very successful in both lines of endeavor. He shipped more stock to the markets from Putnam county than any other man up to those days. He was always well known as a stock man and he was a good farmer, laying by an ample competency for his old age. In 1869 he moved to Greencastle, where he has since resided. He engaged in the stock and livery business here for many years, and from 1875 to 1882 he was in the furniture and undertaking business.
Adam Hanna married Amelia Black, who was born in Mt. Sterling, Montgomery county, Kentucky. She was an excellent, whole-souled woman, and she passed to her rest in February, 1909, at the age of sixty-six years. They became the parents of only one child, Andrew B., of this review.
Andrew B. Hanna was four years old when his parents moved to Greencastle. He spent his youth much in the same manner as other lads of his days in town, attending the public and high schools, later DePauw University, where he made an excellent record and from which institution he was graduated in 1885. He soon afterwards turned his attention to farming, but in 1890 went into the furniture and undertaking business, opening an establishment alone in October of that year, on the east side of the public square. He prospered from the first and had built up an excellent patronage when, in 1897, he sold out and bought in his present place, the firm name being Black & Black, and in 1900 Mr. Hanna bought the entire stock. He is now erecting one of the finest business blocks in Greencastle, at the corner of Indiana and Walnut streets. It is modern in every detail and will be elegant in all its appointments. He will have an up-to-date and well equipped office in the same and will carry a large and carefully selected stock.
Mr. Hanna belongs to the Masons, having attained the thirty-second degree. He also belongs to the Knights of Pythias and the Red Men, also the Woodmen and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is a member of the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Politically he is a Republican. He is usually too 1bsiIy engaged with his individual affairs to take much interest in politics, however, his support may always be depended upon when movements are promulgated looking to the betterment of the county politically, socially or materially. He is regarded by all as upright and honest in all his business relations and he has the confidence and respect of a wide circle of acquaintances and friends throughout the county.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Men who love the esthetic and have eyes for the beautiful even along the most commonplace stretches of the path of life are not numerous, but now and then one is to be found who devotes his life to the gratification of this attribute rather than plunge into the maddening scramble for the material things of a prosaic world. James O. Cammack, a noted photographer of Greencastle, is perhaps the most conspicuous figure of the former class of men in Putnam county, for he has made art his hobby and loves the beautiful and ideal. He is a native of Iowa, having been born on a farm four and one-half miles south of Iowa Falls, Hardin county, June 21, 1869. His father, James Cammack, who was a farmer, was born in Wayne county, Indiana, where he lived until about 1853, when he moved to Muscatine, Iowa; however prior to his removal west he had lived a short time in Ohio. After spending a few years in Muscatine he moved to Hardin county, where he lived for many years. In 1887 he migrated to Osage county, Kansas, locating in Barclay, spending about a year and a half there, then moved to Neosho county, that state, where he remained until about one year before his death, in 1934. He spent the last year of his life with his daughter and son at Radcliffe, Iowa. He married Elizabeth Hadley, a native of Ohio, who died in 1873. Both Mr. and Mrs. James Cammack were representatives of excellent Quaker families. Grandfather John Cammack was a native of eastern Indiana, and he and his wife died when James Cammack, father of the subject, was a small child, consequently the latter was bound out, as was the custom in those days. He managed to secure a good education, having studied at Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, and he preached some in the Quaker church. The Hadleys were well-to-do and influential in their communities, cultured and educated. Grandmother Hadley was known in her maidenhood as Lydia Hazard and was related to the distinguished American nava1 officer, Oliver Hazard Perry. She was a native of the state of New York and was a very exceptional1y beautiful woman. Her death occurred in 1886, in Indianapolis, where she had lived for many years. She was three times married, her last husband being William Pyle.
Mr. and Mrs. James Cammack were the parents of eight children, named as follows: Oliver and Alfred, deceased; Calvin H. lives in Radcliffe, Iowa; Walter R. is a traveling salesman, living at New Castle, Indiana; Lydia Alice is deceased; Henrietta is the wife of A. F. Crispin, of LaJunta, Colorado; William is deceased; James O., of this review, is the youngest of the family.
James Cammack spent his youth on the farm, working in the fields during crop season and attending the district schools in the winter time, remaining under the parental roof-tree until he was twenty years of age, in 1889. He received a very good education. After finishing the common schools he attended the high school at Iowa Falls for a short time, continuing his studies in the schools after the family had moved to Kansas, and he had greatly supplemented his early education by general home reading and study and by contact with the world, by traveling and observation. In 1889 he began the study of photography with his brother, W. R. Cammack, at Oskaloosa, Iowa. They moved from there to Kokomo, Indiana, where James O. remained about a year, then secured a position in a studio at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where he worked for fifteen months. During the five years following he traveled and worked in Virginia, Indiana and Illinois. In 1895 he started in business at Tazewell, Virginia, remaining there about eight months, going from there to Chestertown, Maryland, thence to Indianapolis, working in the latter place at the Marceau studio, now known as the Rink studio, one of the finest in Indiana. On January 1, 1896, he purchased his present handsome studio in Greencastle. He had been here since November 4, 1893. This is the leading studio of Greencastle and is generally regarded as one of the best in the state, and it is always a busy place, being patronized from remote parts of the country. Mr. Cammack has been a member of the State Photographers' Association for many years and is now treasurer of the association, a position he has held for the past three years. Prior to that he was vice-president of the association, and during the year 1909 he received the highest rating in both portrait and view class in the state exhibit. His efforts have done much to encourage and promote the above named association, in which he takes a very deep interest.
Mr. Cammack was married on January 29, 1896, to Adelene Buston, who was born near Dursley, England, from which country her parents brought her to America, when about one year old. She is a lady of talent and culture, and she is the mother of three interesting children, namely: Elizabeth Eileen, Hadley E. and Eleanore Adelene.
Fraternally Mr. Cammack is a Mason, a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen. He has always been interested in the affairs of his city and county, and for two years he served very faithfully as a member of the city council and for the past two years he has been secretary of the board of education. He is also active in fraternal affairs, having passed through all the chairs of the local lodge of Knights of Pythias. Personally he is pleasant, courteous, genteel and thoroughly reliable, and he and Mrs. Cammack are favorites with a large circle of friends and acquaintances in Greencastle.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
We are dealing with a fine citizen when we confront the bearer of the above name. Not only has he made a success in life in a business way, but he has done still better by the character of man he has made of himself, by study, observation and experience in the affairs of the world. His highest claim to the crown of good citizenship is his universal dedication of himself to all moral causes. Point out the moral side of any question and there you will find Orville M. Tustison arrayed as an advocate and fighter. He has been specially conspicuous in the noble cause of temperance. Knowing the evils of the liquor traffic, seeing with his own eyes me ruin it has wrought all sides in every household and in all the walks of life, he long ago conceived for it a holy hatred and this dislike is manifested in church, at the polls, in private and public life. Mr. Tustison was born at Cherry Point, Illinois, April 14, 1869, and is a son of Dr. Andrew F. and Mary (Kelley) Tustison, of Shelby county, Ohio. His father was a practicing physician at Cherry Point. Orville M. attended public school at Cherry Point and after he grew up he learned the trade of painting and hanging paper. He followed this occupation for quite a while and was successful in a business way as he had energy, industry, honesty and good judgment. In 1895 he came to Putnam county, where his strong qualities soon asserted themselves and we find him now one of the successful and progressive farmers of this section. He and his wife own three hundred and three acres of fine farming land and are ranked among the county's solid citizens.
On September 19, 1894, Mr. Tustison married Kellie G. Hanna, a descendant of one of the earliest of Putnam county's pioneer families. Her father is G. W. Hanna, a sketch of whom and his family appears elsewhere in this volume. Mr. and Mrs. Tustison have four children: Reed Ariel, born August 1, 1895; Ross Hanna, born May 24, 1897; Vera Marie, born July 2 1, 1900, and Madonna Nelson, born September 6, 1905. Mr. Tustison is a member of the Knights of Pythias, Eagle Lodge, No. 16, of Greencastle, and Morton Lodge, Free and Accepted Masons, and has also been quite conspicuous in politics, which he aims to elevate and purify by driving out machine methods and all sorts of corrupt devices. He is the Republican member of the advisory board of Monroe township and is always conscientious in the performance of the duties attached to this position. He was a delegate to the Republican state convention held at Indianapolis in 1908, and used all his influence for a strong declaration for temperance in the platform. As president of the temperance league in Clinton township he was foremost in the fight for local option, which carried the county by an overwhelming majority. He favors state-wide prohibition and hopes to live to see the day when there will not be a saloon in the state of Indiana. For many years he has been an indefatigable laborer in the temperance cause and rejoiced to see the steady advance of temperance principles in all sections and states of the Union. No man in Putnam county is more highly esteemed for his high character, sound business judgment and general worth as an all around good citizen.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Putnam county was not especially inviting on the surface when Jonathan Houck came in from the East to seek his fortune in the new country of the West. He was born in Pennsylvania, November 10, 1809, and in 1840 made his appearance in this county, when all was still wild and undeveloped. There were no good roads, only trails and trees, swamps covering much of the land, population was scant and scattered, the best houses were log cabins and only a limited amount of livestock was to be seen. As a compensation, however, there was still much game of various kinds and on this the pioneers relied chiefly for their fresh meat. Times were hard and the struggle for existence was bitter. Land was cheap, it is true, but it took an immense amount of work to clear it and get it in shape for raising crops. There was no local market for anything and the farmer was unable to dispose of his products to advantage, even after he raised them with much labor. It is interesting to compare the prices for food at that time with those now prevailing. Eggs, quoted recently at Indianapolis as high as forty-five cents a dozen, went begging at five cents or less in Jonathan Houck's day. The usual price of pork was two and one-half cents a pound, cattle three cents and corn twenty cents a bushel. Jonathan Houck settled in Clinton township on government land and spent the best part of his life in developing it. Eventually he made it a fine farm and left a handsome estate to his heirs when he died, July 6, 1905, he was the oldest resident of the county. In early manhood he married Nancy Elizabeth White, who came with him to the West and shared with him all the hardships and privations of pioneer life.
Nancy Elizabeth White was born near Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, on May 5, 1812. On August 26, 1830, she married Jonathan Houck, of Huntington county, Pennsylvania, and in 1837 they moved to Hamilton county, Ohio. and from there, in 1839, to Putnam county, Indiana, locating near Brick Chapel. Four years later they removed to the old homestead in Clinton township, where they lived until their home was destroyed by fire, in 1898, since which time they lived with their son, David, of Greencastle. Mrs. Houck died on January 25, 1898. There are now sixteen living grandchildren and forty great-grandchildren of this worthy couple. Mrs. Houck united with the regular Predestinarian Baptist church in 1831. Jonathan Houck was a Methodist. To Jonathan and Nancy Houck were born five sons, namely: David, of Greencastle; Thomas, Anthony and Ross A. are deceased; Elijah, of Greencastle.
David Houck, son of this pioneer couple, was born in Cambria county, Pennsylvania, July 12, 1831, and was only nine years old when brought by his parents to Putnam county. As he grew up he had all the rough experiences of a pioneer boy, including much work and little play. He assisted on the farm, from early in the spring until late in the fall, and then put in a few weeks at the subscription school held in a log cabin near his home. After he became of age he began farming in Madison township on three hundred and ten acres of land, which he operated for seventeen years. Then he removed to Washington township, near Hamrick Station, where he had four hundred acres, and was there for twenty-five years. In 1892 he removed to Greencastle, living for a time in the eastern part of the city, but in 1896 moving to his present residence on the southern outskirts of the town. Though a Democrat in politics, he never sought office, but about 1888 was appointed trustee of Washington township, and served to the entire satisfaction of the people.
August 10, 1851, Mr. Houck married Rachel Talley, by whom he had seven children: Jonathan, James Edward, Elizabeth, Henry T. (deceased), Oliver, Nelson, William M. and Anthony (deceased). Elizabeth became the wife of Lennox M. Boone and lives in Eureka, Kansas, the other members of the family residing in Putnam county. The mother having died, Mr. Houck married Mrs. Martha A. (Penny) Houck, daughter of John and Henrietta (Wood) Penny, and an old pioneer family, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Virginia. Mrs. Houck was born in Monroe township, September 29, 1831, and had previously been the wife of Anthony Houck, brother of the subject and who died at the age of twenty-six years, and by whom she had four children, namely: Joseph H., who died at the age of eighteen years; John William, who lives at Muskogee, Oklahoma; James A., of Indianapolis; Anna, the wife of Francis Lyon, a lawyer of Greencastle.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The Newgent family is traced back to pre-Revolutionary days and members of the same have figured prominently in Virginia, Kentucky, Pennsylvania and Indiana. William, George and Edward Newgent emigrated to Roanoke, Virginia, before the war for American independence. William and George went on to Pennsylvania; Edward to Fauquier county, Virginia; he bought two emigrants from an ocean vessel who had readily sold themselves for passage and induced them to enter the army with him. Edward married a Miss Conway, by whom he had three sons and one daughter. Thomas Newgent, of Putnam county, one of the sons, was born in Fauquier county, Virginia, June 10, 1770, and when eighteen years of age he crossed the mountains to Kentucky with a surveying party. He married Philadelphia Spillman, who was born July 30, 1772, and who died August 10, 1823; she was the daughter of John Spillman, of Culpeper county, Virginia, and they were the parents of eleven children, all of whom lived to be past fifty-four years of age, all becoming heads of families. Following were among them: Charles lived in Parke county, Indiana; Frances came to Indiana, a widow, and here married Thomas Boswell and lived to an old age, dying at Portland Mills; Sarah married James Collings and in about 1878 she was killed by a runaway team; they lived in Clinton township, where Mr. Collings died in the fifties; her only daughter was Edna Collings, who is still living on the old homestead, single. Her brother, John Holland Collings, recently deceased, was a well-read man, owning the first library in Putnam county outside of Greencastle. Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of Thomas Newgent, lived in Parke county; Nancy is married and is living in Clinton township. Her son, Charles E. Webb, lives in Clinton Falls; Polly and her husband came to Clinton township and she died in Russell township, but left no children.
In 1798 Thomas Newgent settled in Mercer county, Kentucky. He was a surveyor and teacher. In the war of 1812 he enlisted from Franklin county and was a scout for Gen. William Henry Harrison. In the battle of Ft. Meigs, Frenchtown and Raisin river he proved a gallant fighter. It was interesting to hear him give a graphic description of the fights and Indian massacres he witnessed. His wife died in Shelby county, Kentucky, in 1823. He later came to Putnam county, Indiana, and was the first teacher here, the school he first taught being located where No. 3, in Clinton township, now stands. The death of this sterling pioneer and useful first settler occurred on February 4, 1863, when he had reached the advanced age of ninety-two years, seven months and twenty-four days. He was a member of the Methodist church.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
One of the leading physicians of Putnam county of the younger generation is Dr. Walter R. Hutcheson, a worthy son of a worthy sire, for Philip Hutcheson; one of the venerable residents of the county, is a man well known and highly honored for his past life of consecutive endeavor along legitimate and useful lines. His forbears are believed to have been among the early pioneers of Kentucky, from which state came Randolph Hutcheson, founder of the Hutcheson family in Putnam county, Indiana, whither he came as early as 1827, locating in Madison township, removing a few years later to Washington township. Thus the Hutchesons have been residents of this county for over ninety years and their names are deftly intertwined with the various phases of its history from pioneer days to the present. Randolph Hutcheson married Elizabeth Woner, also a native of Kentucky, where she was reared and where, in Ganett county, she married Mr. Hutcheson. By this union there were three sons, Payton, Henry and Philip, father of Doctor Hutcheson of this review.
Philip Hutcheson was born in Madison township, Putnam county, October 27, 1830, and he has lived on the farm which he now owns since he was four years old, now being eighty years of age, being the "grand old man" of Washington township. The surrounding country was all in woods in those days and he did not have much time to pour over text-books, for it fell to his lot to assist in clearing and developing the farm, and he took care of his parents in their old age, his father, Randolph Hutcheson, surviving until 1864. He farmed all his life, held no public office, but was a member of the Christian church at Manhattan. Their family consisted of twelve children, all reaching maturity but one, only three of whom are now living, two sisters in Missouri and Philip, the only one of the children left in Putnam county. The latter has always been a farmer and he built his present home in 1887. The old homestead contained eighty acres; this Philip has added to until he now has one hundred acres in this place and other lands, all making several hundred acres.
On June 25, 1857, Philip Hutcheson married Louisa Bence, sister of Doctor Bence of Greencastle and John Bence of Washington township. She was born in Jefferson county, Kentucky, April 12, 1840, being seventeen years of age at her marriage. She is of German extraction, and she is still living, being a woman of fine Christian characteristics. The following children were born to them: Izora H. is living at home caring for his parents; Ida married Luther Easter, of Warren township, this county; Laura married Frank Daggy, of Washington township; Maggie married Fred Stoner, of Washington township; Daniel married Gertrude King of Washington township; Philip B. married Stella Zaring and he is superintendent of the Roachdale schools; Dr. Walter R., the immediate subject of this review; Charles married Jennie Garner and is living in Washington township on the old Boone homestead.
Philip Hutcheson, father of these children, has never been an aspirant for public honors; however he at one time served as supervisor of his township. He is a Democrat and a member of the Christian church, having been a leader in the building of the Antioch church, which is near his farm, and he is one of its main supporters, his home being the frequent gathering place for the ministers who preach here. He is a quiet home man, devoted to plain, simple virtues, highly honored by all. He has taken a great deal of pains in educating his children. Now in his advanced age he is hale and hearty owing to his past life of clean wholesome living.
Dr. Walter R. Hutcheson was born in Washington township, this county, October 2, 1874. He was reared on the farm and made his home there until 1898, meantime attending the district schools. Later he spent terms at the Central Normal School at Danville and the State Normal at Terre Haute, and at DePauw University. In 1895 he entered the Medical College of Indiana and was graduated therefrom in 1898. April 7th of the same year he began practice at Greencastle and since then has devoted himself assiduously to his profession. In 1907 he took a post-graduate course at the New York Post-Graduate Medical School and Hospital. He is a surgeon for the Monon railroad and the Terre Haute, Indianapolis & Eastern Interurban railway.
Doctor Hutcheson is a member of the American, State and Putnam County Medical Societies, and he has served very acceptably as health officer both for the city and county, for he ranks well in his profession, in which he has made steady progress, and enjoys the general esteem of all who know him. Fraternally, he is a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Politically he is an unswerving Democrat, taking an interest in his party's success.
The Doctor is married to a lady of singular refinement, known in her maidenhood as Adda Louise, daughter of Thomas and Alice (Hazelett) Farmer, a well known Greencastle family. The date of their wedding was October 15, 1902. This union has been without issue.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The name of Thomas Benton Farmer should not be omitted from any historical work of Putnam county, Indiana, owing to the fact that Mr. Farmer, qo is now living in honorable retirement in Greencastle, surrounded by the many substantial evidences of thrift of his former years of industry, has long been one of the leading citizens of the county, always ready to assist in any nay possible the upbuilding of the vicinity honored by his citizenship. He was born in Greencastle, August 12, 1836, and, unlike many of his contemporaries who sought uncertain fortune in other fields, he desired to remain at home, believing that better business chances were to be found right at his own door, and, judging from the eminent success that has attended his efforts and the good he has done the city, he was wise in reaching this conclusion. He is one of the few connecting links between the pioneer days and the present in Putnam county and it is indeed interesting to hear him tell of the development of this favored region since his boyhood days. He is the son of James H. and Emily (Parks) Farmer, the latter born in North Carolina, from which state she was brought by her parents, Benjamin and Olive Parks, to Monroe county, Indiana, then being eight years of age. She married in that county and her parents came on to Putnam, locating near Putnamville, where they spent the remaining years of their lives, the father dying in 1849 or 1850, when about sixty years old, his widow surviving him thirty years, reaching the advanced age of ninety-two years. Benjamin Parks was a Primitive Baptist minister and continued to preach until his death. He preached regularly for many years at Deer Creek and other places and was a power for good in those early days.
James H. Farmer was born near Shelbyville, Shelby county, Kentucky. When sixteen years of age his mother brought him to Monroe county, Indiana, his father having died when he was ten years of age, when twenty-two years of age, was married, his wife, Emily Parks, being about the same age. He worked for one year after this event in Monroe county at the plasterer's trade, then came to Greencastle where he continued his trade, being very highly skilled and consequently he usually had plenty of work. He worked on the old college and on many of the other early buildings in the county, including the present Missionary Baptist church. About 1840 or 1841 he moved to a farm near Mount Meridian, on Deer creek. Marion township, six miles southeast of Greencastle, moving into the woods, only a small portion of the place having been cleared. He farmed and continued to work at his trade whenever practical. He also had a lime kiln on his farm and there he burned the lime that went into the construction of the old court house, and he hauled lime to Indianapolis to market for ten or twelve years, spending the rest of his life on the farm. He placed a fine farm of four or five hundred acres under cultivation, the old house erected there in the forties still standing, after being used sixty-five years and is still serviceable. Frank Farmer, son of Thomas B. Farmer, now operates the place, two hundred and seventy acres of it, Thomas Farmer still owning part of it.
James H. Farmer died November 11, 1876, at the age of seventy-one years, his widow surviving him until January 27, 1887. With the assistance of two grandsons, she had operated the farm after her husband's death and an evidence of her good management is seen by her earning the sum of seven thousand dollars - in fact, she really made the farm what it was, one of the best in the township. By the side of her husband she sleeps in the Deer Creek cemetery, near the little church which they loved to attend. Their children are as follows: Benjamin followed the plasterer's trade in Putnam county, dying when past seventy years of age; Mary Ann married Alexander McCarthy, M. D., who moved to Iowa, later to Oregon, where he died; Matilda married John Nosler, an attorney who became a judge after moving to Oregon, where Mrs. Nosler was killed by a team backing over an embankment; Louisa married Joseph Ruark, of Marion township, where they both died; Thomas Benton, of this review; Nancy is the widow of James Raines, living at Cloverdale; Cynthia married Dr. Thomas Bryan, and they both died while living in Missouri; Samuel died about 1897, at the age of fifty-seven, having been a farmer in Putnam county, which he served as county commissioner, while living in Jefferson township; James married a Miss Ruark, moved to Iowa, then to Arkansas and his death occurred in Oklahoma at the age of fifty-five years; Ellen married Andrew J. Ruark, brother of Joseph Ruark, both retired farmers living in Greencastle.
Thomas Benton Farmer was reared on the old homestead, which he began working when quite young, attending the district schools a short time during the winter months. He learned the plasterer's trade, which he worked in company with Samuel Farmer. He was married on September 17, 1857, to Catherine Sherrill, who was reared by her grandfather, Thomas McCarthy, in Warren township, her mother having died when she was an infant. Mr. Farmer went to Ringgold county, Iowa, in 1859, where he remained for a period of four years, until 1863, improving a new prairie farm. Returning to Putnam county, he purchased one hundred acres east of and adjoining that of his father's. He has proved to be an excellent manager and a modern agriculturist, consequently has prospered and is now the owner of six hundred acres of as valuable land as the county affords, all in a body with the exception of one hundred and eighty acres in Jefferson township, two miles from his other land. It is practically all under excellent improvement and a high state of cultivation. About one hundred acres of his father's old place are included in his holdings; at one time he owned about all the old place, but sold a part to his son, Frank. Much of Mr. Farmer's attention has been directed to the successful handling of livestock, of which he seems to he an exceptionally good judge, having long kept his place well stocked with cattle, hogs and horses, also mules, having shipped horses and mules to market in large numbers, acquiring a large part of his ample competency in this manner. He continued to operate his farm, giving it almost his exclusive attention until about 1892 when he moved to Greencastle and has since lived practically retired, spending some of his time looking after his small place near the city. He has an attractive and comfortable home in the best residence district of the city.
Mrs. Farmer was called to her reward in 1875. Four children were born to this union, namely: Alice married Henry Runyan, living at Mt. Meridian, Putnam county; Albert was a commercial salesman for a hardware house in Terre Haute, and he died at the age of thirty-two years, leaving a widow and one child, Zella, at Greencastle; Frank owns the old Farmer homestead and lives in Greencastle township; Samuel Edward is married and is operating his father's farm in Marion township.
Thomas B. Farmer's second marriage was in 1877 to Alice Hazlett, daughter of Richard and Melvina (Bunten) Hazlett, and she is next to the youngest member of the family, having been born in Marion township, this county. This family came to their present commodious thirteen-roomed house in 1868. Four children were also born to this second union, named as follows: Addie married Doctor Hutcheson, of Greencastle; Claude is a railroad employe in Indianapolis; Mary married Nathaniel Hammond, who is living on his father's farm; Jennie is being educated in DePauw University.
Politically Mr. Farmer is a Democrat, and while he has always been deeply concerned regarding the welfare of Putnam county politically and every other way, he has not been an aspirant to public office. He is well known and highly respected throughout this part of the state, for his life has been an exemplary one.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
A man who boldly faces the responsibilities of life and by determined and untiring energy carves out for himself an honorable success exerts a powerful influence upon the lives of all who follow them. Such men constitute the foundation of our republican institutions and are the pride of our civilization. To them life is so real that they find no time to plot either mischief or vice. Their lives are bound up in their duties, they feel the weight of their citizenship, and take pleasure in sowing the seeds of uprightness. Such has been the career of the subject of this sketch.
Daniel E. Shoemaker was born in Wayne county, Indiana, on the 23d day of September, 1836, and is a son of James and Elizabeth (Howren) Shoemaker, the former of whom was born July 30, 1813, and the latter May 4, 1814. They were of stanch old Quaker stock and the father was a man of splendid qualifications and high standing, being universally known as "Squire" Shoemaker. He was one of the early pioneers of Wayne county, this state, and came to Putnam county in 1840. Here he devoted his attention to farming and attained to a fair measure of success. He possessed a strong religious spirit and was a forceful and effective public speaker.
The subject was reared under parental care and secured his education in the old log school houses of that early period, at which time educational methods and equipment were somewhat primitive. He was reared to the life of a farmer, and has never left the occupation of his first choice. He is the owner of one hundred and twenty-five acres of land and has been successful to a gratifying degree in the operation of this land. Of practical ideas and progressive methods, he has kept in close touch with advanced ideas relating to the science of agriculture and his labor is rewarded with abundant returns.
At the age of fifty-three years Mr. Shoemaker received distinct religious impressions and from that time forward has to the best of his ability lived a consistent Christian life. He has for many years been a persistent and thoughtful student of the holy writings and is considered an authority on the Bible and its teachings. He has strong and definite convictions regarding the great truths of God and stands squarely on his honest and conscientious beliefs. His life has been as an open book to all who know him and no man in the community enjoys to a greater degree the respect and confidence of the people.
On October 10, 1860, Mr. Shoemaker was united in marriage to Louisa Stobaugh, the daughter of Jacob and Ursula Stobaugh and who was born on July 27, 1840. Jacob Stobaugh was one of the first settlers in the state of Indiana. To Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker were born the following children: Lillie D., born October 18, 1861, is the wife of Marion Craver, living in Boone county, this state; Jacob H., born April 8, 1863, a farmer of Floyd township, married Lula Mason; Arminda B., born March 12, 1865, died at the age of fifteen years; Josephine, born August 3, 1876, became the wife of Sherman Coffer; Worley V., born December 14, 1880, is single and is living at home. He has been reared to the honest life of a farmer and takes much pride in livestock and has become a regular dealer in feeding and handling stock for market.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Over four score years have been dissolved in the mists of time since the venerable and highly honored gentleman whose name appears above first saw the light of day, and heaven has bounteously lengthened out his life through the most momentous epoch in the world's history, bringing him down to the mellow Indian summer of his years without regret for a career that has been strenuous yet satisfaction, a career which has resulted in great good to himself and immediate family and also scores who have had the pleasure of knowing him. He has witnessed many wonderful changes in this country since his boyhood days, has seen it advance from a wild wilderness filled with all kinds of untamed beasts to a highly cultivated and wealthy region where happiness and plenty abound as against poverty and hardships in the long ago.
Arch Allen, who is known to every resident of Monroe township, like many of the good citizens of Putnam county, is a native of the state of Kentucky, having been born in Montgomery county, July 11, 1827, the son of James and Sarah (Jones) Allen, the father of Virginia and the mother of Kentucky. James Allen lived for some time in the last-named state, from which he came to Putnam county, Indiana, in 1849. In Kentucky he had been among the men who had braved the dangers of a primitive country, which was still the domain of the red man, but here he erected his log cabin and lived in comfort, such comfort as was to be obtained in those days.
Arch Allen spent his youth in Kentucky, working on the farm, and for a very limited time attended the old-time country schools, and it was not until 1851 that he came to Putnam county, Indiana, first settling in Monroe township where he soon had a good start and where to obtain the same he labored hard. On May 17, 1818, Mr. Allen was married, while living in Bourbon county, Kentucky, near Paris, to Matilda Trimble, daughter of Fergus Trimble, who was a native of Bourbon county, Kentucky, where he spent his entire life. His father, a native of Virginia, was a soldier in the war of 1812.
The following children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Arch Allen: James T. married Blanche Riggs, of Greencastle, who was a daughter of Daniel and Mary (Parsons) Riggs. Mr. Riggs being a contractor of this city; Mr. and Mrs. James T. Allen are the parents of two children, Hazel and Marie. William H. Allen is deceased; Mollie married Braxton Ellis, a merchant of Bainbridge; Billie and Rolla are deceased; Lilly lives in Louisville, Kentucky.
Arch Allen has been a very successful farmer and stockman and has probably handled, bought and sold more mules and cattle than any other man in the county, and he is widely known throughout the county and in adjoining counties, having long been regarded as one of the best authorities on livestock in this locality. He has spent over sixty years in the saddle, buying cattle and mules, having made this his chief life work from early youth, and there is not much of this country that he has not ridden over and is perfectly familiar with. But notwithstanding his very busy life in the handling of stock, he has found time to be an extensive agriculturist and at one time he owned fourteen hundred acres of land. He paid two thousand dollars in gold for the first land he purchased. He gave over five hundred acres of land to his children. He has been a very close observer, believed in keeping abreast of the times and leaving no stone unturned whereby he could advance his interests in a legitimate way.
Mr. Allen is a Southern Democrat of the old school and has been ever loyal to its basic principles, but he has never been a seeker after public office. He has long been one of the pillars of the Christian church at Fincastle, which he helped to build and of which he has been a liberal supporter. He is a fine character, a man whom to know is both to respect and admire, for his life has been lived along proper lines and has been one of honor and success.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Through all the gradations of life recognition should be had of the true values, and then should full appreciation be manifested, for, if it he done justly, there can be no impropriety in scanning the acts of any man as they affect his public, social and business relations. In the collection of material for the biographical department of this publication there has been a constant aim to use a wise discrimination in regard to the selection of subjects and to exclude none worthy of representation in its pages. Among the worthy citizens of various vocations is found the name of John Andrew Huffman, who has made a success of his chosen life work and at the same time established a reputation for uprightness in all relations of life.
Mr. Huffman was born in Washington township, Putnam county, January 10, 1855. He is the fifth son of Edmond and Louisa A. (Rightsell) Huffman. A full sketch of this well established and highly respected family is to be found on another page of this work under the caption of Douglas Huffman, brother of John A., to which the interested reader is referred.
John A. Huffman spent his early youth on the home farm, which he worked during crop seasons, attending the district schools during the winter months, remaining under the parental roof until he was thirty years old, having for many years previously been successfully engaged in stock feeding and shipping, becoming widely known in this line of endeavor. At the age mentioned above he was married to Lucy Smith, daughter of Lyman B. and Louisa (Murphy) Smith, of Reelsville, formerly a well known timber dealer, now deceased. Mrs. Huffrnan was born in Washington township.
Mr. Huffman has become the owner of a splendid farm of one hundred sixty-eight and one-half acres, and also owns eighty acres that was formerly a part of the old home place. He has for years been a grower of excellent crops of all kinds, but stock raising and feeding has claimed a great deal of his attention. He is a breeder of high-grade stock which is admired by all who see the sleek, well-cared-for animals that are to be found constantly on his place. He usually feeds a car load of cattle at a time and a large number of hogs. About seventy-five acres of his land is bottom land along the Walnut, on which he erected his present fine house in 1903, from which may be had a splendid view, it being located on the edge of a hill of the Walnut creek bottoms.
To Mr. and Mrs. Huffman five children have been born, two of whom died in infancy and one in childhood; two are living, Carl A., graduated from the local high school, in which Lora H. is now a student.
Mr. Huffman has kept out of politics, having been too busy with his private affairs to seek public office. He is a very progressive business man and was, by his own efforts, become well fixed, and is deserving of the success that has attended his efforts and of the high esteem in which he is held by all his neighbors and friends throughout the county.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
One of Clinton township's aged and highly respected citizens is Israel Knauer, who, despite his years, is hale and hearty as a result of the consistent life he has led, a life of steady habits and correct living and thinking and one that has resulted in great good to all who have come in contact with him. He hails from the old Keystone state, having been born in Chester county, Pennsylvania, April 2, 1837, the son of Jacob and Ann (Hudson) Knauer, the father a native of Germany. Israel was one year old when the family emigrated west, 1838, and located in Clinton township, Putnam county, three-fourths of a mile east of Israel's present home, where they began life in true first-settler fashion, moving to the present Knauer home about 1854, the parents dying in the latter place; the house they occupied is still standing. Jacob Knauer prospered and became the owner of two hundred acres in the first place and eighty acres in the latter, also owned sixty-two acres in Madison township, also four hundred and eighty acres in Nemaha county, Kansas, having entered the latter in 1861. This he later deeded to his eldest son, having divided part of his property among his children himself. He lived to a good old age, dying in 1873 at eighty-three years. His faculties were acute to the last and he kept matters in his own hands, looking after every detail of his business. He was always a hard working, persisting man, and he cleared out and improved a great deal of land. Politically he was a Democrat, but did not aspire to political offices. He was a good and useful man in his community and highly respected. His wife preceded him to the grave by seven years. Their family consisted of five children: Martha married George Cricks, whose sketch appears herein; Elizabeth, who died in old age, had lived most of her life at the old homestead; Franklin remained at the old home and died a bachelor at the age of seventy; Clement B., who was given the Kansas land, lived in Madison township, Putnam county; Israel, of this review, is the only survivor.
Israel Knauer lived at home until he was twenty-three years of age, assisting with the work of clearing the farm; after a respite of a few years, he returned to the home farm in 1873, buying his father's old place, his parents living with him the rest of their lives. Prior to that time he had purchased the original two hundred acres of his father, later adding the one hundred acres. He now owns the sixty-two acres his father owned in Madison township. He also owns ninety-six acres in Clinton township and two hundred and forty acres in Madison township, besides what his father owned. He also owns about four hundred acres of valuable land in Parke county, some four miles distant, and one hundred and thirty-two acres in another section of Parke county, for a grand total of over twelve hundred acres. He has made excellent improvements on all these places and his able management results in abundant yields of general crops, besides he raises various kinds of livestock which forms no small part of his annual income. He erected his present substantial and attractive home in 1884, and he has modern outbuildings and everything about his place shows thrift and prosperity and that a gentleman of excellent taste and good judgment has their management in hand. He depends a great deal on grass and has many broad acres in grass where roam scores of cattle and hogs. He has paid as high as fifty-two dollars an acre for land, which is now worth a much higher figure.
Politically Mr. Knauer is a Democrat, but he has never aspired to offices of public trust, preferring to devote his attention exclusively to his individual affairs.
Mr. Knauer was married when twenty-three years of age, 1861, to Elizabeth Hood, daughter of Reeves Hood, of Jackson township, Parke county, Indiana, who came here from Kentucky. This family has long been well known and influential in Parke county. To Mr. and Mrs. Knauer twelve children have been born, namely: Rebecca Ann married Rev. John McHargue, of Illinois; Jane married Frank Carmichael, of Parke county, Indiana; John H. lives in Madison township; Sarah married Thomas Brothers, of Greencastle; Israel lives in Clinton township; Daniel lives at home assisting his father with the work on the farm; Jesse lives in Madison township; Allie married Edgar Perkins, of Clinton township; Noah lives in Jackson township, Parke county; Lillie married George Slavens and died in North Dakota when twenty-two years of age; William lives in Union township, Parke county; Grace married Levi Hasty, of Madison township.
In everyday life, Israel Knauer is known to be a man whose word is as good, if not better, than the bond of many. Honesty and integrity are no meaningless terms with him and his record as a man and citizen are without blemish. He is generous, well informed on current questions of the day and is known throughout the county as one of her best citizens.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Among the citizens of Mill Creek township, Putnam county, who, through their own persistent and well-directed efforts, have achieved a gratifying measure of success in their vocation, is the gentleman whose name appears at the head of this sketch. With little outside assistance, he has steadily forged to the front, overcoming obstacles and unfavorable circumstances, until today he is numbered among the successful men of his community.
James G. Buis is a native of the county in which he lives, having been born in Mill Creek township on the 2d day of February, 1856. He is a son of Lewis M. and Rebecca (Wallace) Buis, the former of whom was born in Jefferson township, Putnam county, May 15, 1837, and died June 4, 1905, at Stilesville, Hendricks county. The subject's paternal grandfather was Caleb Buis, who came to this county from Tennessee in 1822. His wife was Margaret (generally called Peggy) Hurst, and for her ancestry the reader is directed to the record of the Hurst genealogy, elsewhere in this volume. Rebecca Wallace, the subject's mother, was a daughter of Enoch and Winnie (Norton) Wallace, who came from Tennessee to Hendricks county, Indiana, at an early day. Lewis M. Buis lived practically all his life in Jefferson and Mill Creek townships, or until a short time prior to his death, when he moved to Stilesville. He formerly owned a farm in Jefferson township, but later traded it for one hundred and seventy-seven acres in Mill Creek township. He was a prominent man in the communities where he resided and at one time served as trustee of Jefferson township.
To him and his wife were born eleven children, namely: Albert, who resides in Indianapolis; James G. is the immediate subject of this sketch; Alonzo lives at Stilesville; Florence died in young womanhood; Reason lives at Martinsville; Lawrence lives at Stilesville; Luellen died at the age of seventeen years; William resides at Stilesville; Lewis died in childhood; Alpha became the wife of Charles Cox and lives in Hendricks county, this state; Pearlie Myrtle, deceased, was the wife of John H. Williams, of Mill Creek township.
James G. Buis was reared to manhood in Jefferson township, Putnam county, being at an early age inured to the hard labors of the farm. He received his education in the common schools, supplementing his school discipline by lifelong habits of close observation and years of practical experience. -At the time of his marriage, in 1875, he rented a farm in section 32, Mill Creek township, and during several subsequent years he rented farming land at different places in Mill Creek, Jefferson and Marion townships. He was energetic in his efforts and a good manager and in 189 was enabled to buy thirty-five acres of bottom land, where he had first rented in Mill Creek township, which has been his home ever since. Soon afterwards he bought forty acres and has made other additions to his first holdings, having purchased eighty-six acres of the old Beddle farm, south of his home, and sixty-one acres, located north of the Ellett farm. He thus has two hundred and seventy-three acres in his home farm, and he has recently bought eighty acres of excellent land in Morgan county, this state, making his total holdings three hundred and fifty-three acres. This has all been acquired by Mr. Buis solely through his own indomitable efforts and he is to be commended for the persistent and well-directed efforts which have wrought this result. He is a thoroughly practical farmer and has kept in close touch with every detail of his business, keeping his property up to the highest standard of excellence. He has raised all the crops common to this section of the country, and has also, with gratifying results, given considerable attention to the raising of livestock. He is now to some extent abstaining from the hardest of the work which had through the active years of his life characterized his efforts and is enjoying that ease which comes as a reward for honest and earnest effort.
In 1875 Mr. Buis married Mary C. Smith, daughter of John and Louisa (Vaughn) Smith. She was born in Garrard county, Kentucky, and accompanied her parents to Indiana during the Civil war, they locating in Hendricks county, just across the line from Mill Creek township, this county. Subsequently they moved to Belle Union, Jefferson township, this county, where the father died on December 29, 1909. To Mr. and Mrs. Buis were born seven children, namely: Ernest and Velva died in childhood; Flossie was the wife of Orville Wallace and died on August 19, 1909, leaving two children, Hazel and Clarence; Nettie is the wife of Shelton Ray, of Stilesville; Luellen is the wife of Ernest V. Ellett, of Jefferson township, and they have two children, Pearl and Netta; Cornie Lewis married Lena Sechman, lives on a farm adjoining his father on the north, and is the father of three children, Frank, Lucile and James Mahlen; Vita, the youngest of the children, is at home with her parents. Mr. Buis has never had much time for public affairs, but during the nineties he served six years as trustee of Mill Creek township, giving a very satisfactory and efficient administration of the duties of the office. He possesses a genial disposition, the spirit of hospitality being in constant evidence in his home, and he is well liked by all who know him. He is a strong Democrat, but has not been an aspirant for office or public notoriety.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
One of Putnam county's highly respected citizens was Jesse Thomas Horn, who was born in Wayne county, North Carolina, November 25, 1845. In the winter of 1855 his parents, John and Celia (Bogue) Horn, came to Indiana and located near Winchester, Randolph county, and in 1856 moved to Cloverdale township, Putnam county. He began teaching school when seventeen years old and taught several terms. His father died in 1868 and Jesse then engaged in the mercantile business in Cloverdale until 1877, part of the time as a partner with Frank Randy. In 1879 he went to Greencastle and clerked in the Walnut Street Hotel for several months, then spent some time in the old home in North Carolina, returning to Greencastle and made a trip to Tennessee by team. In September, 1880, he engaged in the hardware business in Cloverdale, selling out in 1881, then moved to Owen county, Indiana, buying a farm in Jackson township, where he remained until August, 1886, when he rented his place and returned to Greencastle, and entered the real estate business with W. S. Cox.
Mr. Horn married Nancy Cox in 1867; she was the daughter of William M. and Hannah Cox, of this county, and her death occurred in 1875, leaving two children, Rosa E., wife of Jesse Hubbard, and Annie F., deceased. In 1878 Mr. Horn married Lizzie M. Hubbard, daughter of William and Catherine Hubbard, of Putnam county; she died in 1881 without issue. Mr. Horn was again married in 1883, to Mary H. Hubbard, a sister of his second wife, and they have four children, Viola C., Ora Catherine, Joseph Howard and Jacob.
Jesse Horn was a member of Cloverdale Lodge of Masons, of which he was secretary for several years. He was also past noble grand of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows at Cloverdale. His father was born near Goldsboro, North Carolina, in 1820 and in 1855 the family moved to Indiana, locating in the northeast part of Cloverdale township, Putnam county, where Mr. Horn died February 16, 1862, at the age of forty-two years. He was a member of the Methodist church from early youth until his death.
Mr. Horn's mother was born near Stauntonsburg, North Carolina, and came to Indiana with her family about 1855. After the death of her husband she remained on the farm and managed it without aid of administrator or guardian for her children. When her husband died, all but one of her nine children were sick with measles; that son, taking the measles three days after his father's death, did not recover. The mother bore her burdens with Christian fortitude and by judicious management kept the children together, giving them a pleasant home and rearing them in comfort and respectability until they could go out into the world for themselves. She was a devout and earnest Christian.
Mr. Horn was a man whom everybody respected, for he lived a conscientious and straightforward life, was kind, neighborly and always ready to do his duty in all lines of citizenship.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN