On the old family homestead in the above township, where his brother Jack Huffman now lives, the subject of this review first saw the light of day, the event having occurred on July 31, 1859. In common with the majority of country lads, his early experiences amid the bracing airs and healthful exercises of outdoor life were conclusive to sound and symmetrical physical development and he grew up strong in body and able while still a youth to bear his proportionate share of the labor of the farm. Reared under excellent home-training, he contracted good habits and his life was exemplary and, like a dutiful son, he assisted his father in the cultivation of the farm until his twenty-second year when he took to himself a wife and helpmate and began making his own way in the world. The young lady who agreed to share his labors and his fortunes and to whom he was united in the holy bonds of matrimony in 1881, was Mary, daughter of Michael Baumunk, a native of Owen county, and twenty years old at the time of becoming the subject's wife.
Immediately after his marriage Mr. Huffman moved to the farm on which he still lives and which with certain other lands fell to him upon the division of his father's property in 1896. The place is locally known as the Athey farm from the fact of its having been entered by James Athey, grandfather of Lawrence Athey, the present recorder of Putnam county, the patent, which was issued in October, 1825, bearing the signature of John Quincy Adams. at the time President of the United States. The locality is not only the scene of one of the earliest settlements in the county, but is interesting from a historical point of view as well, the first court after the county organization went into effect having been held in an old sheep-shed on the Athey farnl which had been cleared out and fitted up for the purpose.
From his marriage until the division of the estate, as noted above, Mr. Huffman managed the farm for his father, but since that time he has carried on agriculture and stock raising for himself and with such success and profit that he is today one of the leading men of his vocation in the township. Originally he received as his share two hundred acres of the above place and an additional hundred acres of land on the opposite side of the river. Later he sold forty acres of the home farm.
The residence which the family now occupy was erected by a former owner of the farm, but about five years ago Mr. Huffman rebuilt and remodeled the edifice, furnishing it with all the modern improvements and converting it into one of the most beautiful and attractive rural homes in the county. Standing on an imposing eminence about eighty feet above the bottom land skirting the river, the building is a noticeable structure and from it one can obtain a view of the surrounding country for many miles. Nothing has been spared in making it a comfortable and first-class home in every respect. Mr. Huffman raises a great deal of corn which he feeds to his livestock, and his high-grade cattle, hogs and horses are among the finest and most valuable in this part of the state. From the sale of his domestic animals he derives the large share of his income which for a number of years has been quite liberal and, as stated in the preceding paragraph, he is fortunately situated, being independent financially and among the substantial men and progressive citizens of the township in which he has always lived. Mr. Huffman takes little interest in political matters, although well informed on public questions and ever ready to give his support and influence to enterprises having for their object the welfare of his fellow men. He stands high in the Masonic order, belonging to the blue lodge at Knightsville, and the chapter and commandery at Greencastle.
Mr. and Mrs. Huffman are the parents of three children, the oldest being Roscoe, who married Beulah Pallom and lives in the township of Washington; he is a farmer by occupation and a member of the Masonic fraternity; they are the parents of one son, Lawrence Edmund. Glem G., the second of the family, married Jessie Ozment and they have one child, Dorothy; he is interested with his father in agriculture and stock raising and lives on the home farm. Lois Clara, the youngest of the family, is a graduate of the public schools and lives at home assisting her mother with the duties of the household.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The hard and confining toil of the farm is greatly relieved by varying it with stock raising. The growth of the cities has been so great - in other words, the growth of the non-producers has been so great, that the products of the farm command a much higher price than ever before. This is notably so with livestock. The farmer now makes most any grade of livestock raising pay him for his labor. His work then will consist, in part, in growing hay and corn for his animals and in marketing the latter. Orchard and garden products may be grown as side ventures, and many other products may be raised for the prices they will bring. Among the progressive agriculturists and stock men of Putnam county, who have made an intelligent study of these lines with the best results in view and have concluded that greater profits can be made in the careful raising of good grades of stock than in anything else to which the farmer can turn his attention, is Jesse M. Jones, who owns a valuable landed estate in Monroe township. His birth occurred on October 17, 1863, in the locality where he has spent his life. He is the son of Hiram and Hannah (McCorkle) Jones. Grandfather Jones came to Putnam county in 1840, from Kentucky, where he was born, and he spent his remaining years in this county. His son, Hiram, grew up on the farm here and spent his life in farm work, dying February 15, 1870, when his son, Jesse M., of this review, was a small boy. Jesse M. Jones, who was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Jones, spent his youth with his grandfather, Mathew S. McCorkle, and he is at present living on the farm which was entered by Mr. McCorkle, who was a native of Fleming county, Kentucky, and who was one of the first settlers in Putnam county. When he came here he had the sum of one hundred dollars which enabled him to enter eighty acres of land from the government.
Jesse M. Jones had the advantages of the usual common school education, gained at intervals with farming on the home place. On December 11, 1884, he married May Allen, born in Putnam county, June 2, 1866, the daughter of Robert and Mary E. (Slavens) Allen, whose maternal grandfather, Dr. John Slavens, was born in Montgomery county, Kentucky, March 1, 1811. He came to Putnam county, Indiana, in 1826, and was one of the early physicians here, known throughout the country.
Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Jones, named as follows: Edna Zella, born October 1, 1885; Glenn S., born February 9, 1887; Lucius Chapin, born June 25, 1889.
Mr. Jones began life in a rather humble manner, but he was always inclined to hard work; this, in connection with good management, soon gave him a good foothold and he rapidly accumulated property until now he is the owner of one of the best and most valuable farms of Monroe township, consisting of three hundred acres, which he tills in such an adroit manner as to make it yield a handsome income from year to year, but the chief occupation of Mr. Jones is in stock raising, at which he is regarded by all as being very adept and on his place some fine specimens of all kinds of stock are to be found at all seasons; he feeds the products of his place very largely to his stock, preparing them for market where they seldom fail to bring fancy prices. He recently sold seventy-four head of hogs at eight dollars and eighty cents per hundred, or a total of one thousand five hundred forty-six dollars and nine cents, which is considered a record for the county, in which he is regarded by everyone as one of the leading and progressive stock raisers.
Politically he is a Republican – indeed, there never was a Democrat in his family. He has a neat and attractively located home and everything about his place shows thrift and prosperity and that a gentleman of excellent taste and foresight has its management in hand.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The subject of biography yields to no other in point of interest and profit. It tells of the success and defeats of men, the difficulties they have encountered, and gives an insight into the methods and plans which they have pursued. The obvious lessons therein taught will prove of great benefit if followed, and the example of the self-made man should certainly encourage others into whose cradle smiling fortune has cast no glittering crown to press forward to nobler aims and higher ideals. A man who profited by the worthy example of father and grandfather, both shining examples of the noble self-made American, is Jacob Huffman, an enterprising young farmer, living near Bainbridge, Putnam county, where he is well established on paternal acres and where he is carrying on the various phases of agricultural work in a manner that would do credit to the veteran farmer who had studied the condition of climate, soils, seed-time and harvest for a much longer period than has he.
Mr. Huffman is a native of Putnam county, born January 28, 1880, the son of Jacob and Sarah Ellen (Stadler) Huffman, one of the best known of the old pioneer families of this community, a complete record of which is to be found elsewhere in this volume, hence will not be duplicated here, except to mention their children, as follows: Marr, Mrs. E. J. I. Proctor; Charles, of Greencastle; Allen, of Greencastle; John, a farmer; Meriam, of Los Angeles, California; Alice, Mrs. T. I. McKeehan; Minnie, Mrs. G. O. Gorham, of Portland, Oregon; Ida, Mrs. Jeff Bugg, and Jacob, the subject of this sketch.
Jacob Huffman spent his boyhood days much like other lads born on the farm working during the crop seasons as soon as he was old enough and attending the district schools during the winter months, until he had acquired a very serviceable education. He took quite naturally to farming and stock raising and decided to devote his life energies to this line of endeavor, and, although yet quite a young man, he has succeeded remarkably well and the future will no doubt amply reward such painstaking and persistent efforts as he is now putting forth. He is very comfortably situated on his father's old homestead of one hundred and fifty-seven acres, where he is carrying on general farming and where he has so labored as to now have a well-improved and well-kept place that is on a par with any in the community. He has a neat and comfortable dwelling and his place is well stocked.
Mr. Huffman was married on October 17, 1900, to Lizzie Pearl Chadd, a young woman of splendid tastes, the daughter of Thomas and Amanda (Browning) Chadd, a well known family of Putnam county. This union has resulted in the birth of one winsome daughter, Hertha Huffman, born November 13, 1904. The Chadd family was early and prominently identified with the development of the farming interests of Putnam county, and Mrs. Huffman's parents yet reside on a farm four miles east of Greencastle. Their children are Samuel and Otho, of Greencastle; Alva and Orphus, farmers; Lydia, unmarried; Elizabeth P., wife of the subject. The subject's paternal grandfather, Jacob Huffman, was a native of New England, and, starting out on his own account, drifted into Kentucky, where he married Catherine Sellers, a native of Virginia. In 1829 he came to Putnam county and entered the land where the subject now resides; here he reared his family and he and his good wife died here.
Mr. Huffman is a Democrat in his political relations, but he has never sought or held public office. He is justly proud of the fact that three generations of the Huffman family have lived on the land he now owns. He is a young man of excellent character and is well liked among his neighbors. Both he and his wife are members of the Christian church at Fillmore.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
In all the relations of life Jacob Huffman, Sr., who has long since passed to his reward in the great beyond, proved himself equal to the responsibilities which were thrown upon him and because of his many sterling qualities he won the regard of the entire community in which he so long lived in Putnam county. His career was one of unceasing activity and it presented much that is pleasing as well as profitable to the young man just starting out in life.
Mr. Huffman was born in Harrison county, Kentucky, March 21, 1874, the son of Jacob and Catherine (Sellers) Huffman, the former a native of New England and the latter of Virginia. Catherine, born July 17, 1792 died February 24, 1879. Their children were Polly, Mrs. William Coffman; Esther, Mrs. Stephen Ross; John; Susanna, Mrs. James Berg; Elizabeth, who died unmarried; Jacob; Sarelda, Mrs. Michael Smith; Hiram. When a small boy he came with his father, Jacob Huffman, in 1829 to Putnam county, Indiana, and was thus one of the early pioneers here. The elder Huffman entered land in section 36, Monroe township, from the government, which is still in the possession of his descendants and has been so skillfully tilled by each succeeding member of the family that the land has in no way lost its original strength and fertility. Here, in the forest, which up to the coming of the Huffmans had scarcely heard the ring of a woodman's ax, the elder Huffman began clearing a spot for his cabin and started life anew, soon having a comfortable home, but not without the hardest toil. His son Jacob assisted him as soon as he was old enough, and for a short time during the winter months he attended the little log schoolhouse in that neighborhood, receiving a meager text-book training. He grew to be a hardy man, unusually strong physically, standing six feet and weighing two hundred pounds. He was, of course, a very hard worker and never stopped for obstacles, and he became very well-to-do as a result of his close attention to farming, owning at the time of his death several hundred acres of good land, and having owned at one time about fourteen hundred acres.
Politically he was a Democrat, but never sought office, and in religious matters he was a Primitive Baptist in belief, but not a member of any church. He was regarded by all as a good, honest, kind-hearted man, of whom no one could say any harm, his integrity and honor being above reproach.
Jacob Huffman married Sarah Ellen Stadler, the daughter of Marshall W. and Elizabeth (Ross) Stadler, natives of Kentucky, the former born July 28, 1805. Her father was a pioneer herb doctor in Indiana and a prominent farmer, and his children were: Mary Margaret E., Susanna E., Sarah Ellen, Nancy J., Martha B., Armelda A. and James F. In this county Sarah Ellen Stadler grew up and was educated, like her husband, in the early schools of her neighborhood. The fol1owing children were born to them: Mary, Jane, Charles, Allen, John, Meriam, Alice, Minnie, Ida, Jacob, all living in Putnam county with the exception of Meriam and Minnie, the former being in California and the latter in Oregon.
Mr. Huffman's death occurred on November 2, 1905, having passed his fourscore milestones, and was hale and hearty even during the last years of his life.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
One of Putnam county's hardy pioneers who has long since joined "the innumerable caravan that moves to the pale realms of shade," but who left a rich inheritance behind him, not so much in worldly goods but in the remembrance of good deeds and a clean life, was William Wood, who was born in Botetourt county, Virginia, in 1780, where he grew to maturity and married Sarah ___, and it was in 1828 that they emigrated to Putnam county, Indiana, locating near the present Brick Chapel, Monroe township, having made the long trip overland on horseback, bringing their first born four children. Entering land here, they began life in true pioneer fashion, spending the balance of their lives on this farm, Mr. Wood dying in 1843 and Mrs. Wood in 1846. They were Methodists and members of the first class organization of this denomination that met at Brick Chapel, and they are buried in the cemetery there. Their family consisted of seven children, named as follows: Susan married Edward Rogers and lived near Bainbridge until he died; she died in this county when past eighty years of age; William C.; Sarah married Willis Carter and lived near Rochester, Indiana, both dying at advanced ages; Polly, Mrs. Sam Parker, resided in Fulton county, Indiana, and is buried there; Willis Wood died unmarried; Nelson Wood married first, Millie Vermillion and second, Catherine Leatherman; he had four children; she later married Mr. Rundel; Nancy Ann married William McCray and they both died in Monroe township, the latter in 1909, at the advanced age of ninety-two years; Dolph Wood lived in this county, married Rachael Leatherman, sister of Catherine, and lived and died in Madison township.when past seventy years of age.
William Wood was born July 22, 1811, in Botetourt county, Virginia, and died August 7, 1861. He married Lucinda Stark, who was born March 30, 1823, and who died May 11, 1885, February 11, 1839, being celebrated as their wedding day. She was the daughter of Thomas and Gatie Stark, and she was born in Bourbon county, Kentucky, and when a child came to Indiana, locating near the Brick Chapel in Monroe township. Thomas Stark was born October 29, 1791, and died May 3, 1859. Under the old state militia order, Governor Combs appointed William Wood second lieutenant of a company in Col. James Fish's regiment. Mrs. William Wood spent her life in Clinton township on the farm of which the present Nelson place is a part. He owned one hundred and sixty-nine acres and built a good house near a fine spring and there William Wood lived and died, being fairly successful as a farmer: his death occurred August 7, 1861, being survived by his wife until May 11, 1885. They were Methodists and are both buried in the cemetery at Brick Chapel in the same lot as their parents on both sides.
Twelve children were born to Mr. and Mrs. William Wood, ten of whom reached maturity, namely: Sarah A. lives with Nelson Wood; Arthur lives in Champaign, Illinois; Nelson, whose sketch appears in another page of this work; Mary married Richard Fisk and lives in Wilson county, Kansas; Jane married Miller Wilson and both died in Indianapolis; Andrew was killed when eighteen years of age by the accidental discharge of a gun; Hayden lives in Clinton township; Nancy Ann is the wife of William Shonkwiler, of Benton county, Indiana; Susan G. married Harvey McDonald and died when a young woman; William C. died when sixteen years of age; Benjamin F. died in childhood; Lucinda also died in childhood.
It is a fact worth recording that in 1852 William Wood, then township supervisor and working the road on the township line between Monroe and Clinton townships when ex-county commissioner, Elisha Cowgill passed and suggested that Mr. Wood name the hill or the creek and that he would name the other, giving Mr. Wood his choice, and the latter gave the name of Big Ow1 to the creek, which it still bears. Mr. Cowgill named the place Bunker Hill. William Wood was a Whig and later a Republican, being well posted on all public affairs, but would not accept office. He was a worthy Methodist, also a worthy member of the Masonic fraternity. He was charitable to the afflicted and needy, a good neighbor and friend. He was widely known and highly respected, his integrity and honor being above reproach. He was noted for his kindness in sickness and went far and near to wait on the afflicted.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
One of the progressive and substantial farmers and stock raisers of Clinton township who has long endeavored to promote the general welfare of the community while advancing his own interests is Nelson Franklin Wood, who was born in Monroe township, this county, April 23, 1843, and when an infant he was brought to the place where he now resides. A full sketch of his parents will be found on another page of this work. He remained at home until he felt the stirrings of patriotic pride which promoted him to offer his services in defense of the national honor, and enlisted in the spring of 1863 in Company F, One Hundred and Twenty-third Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and he served in a very creditable and gallant manner, enduring all the vicissitudes of his company through many strenuous campaigns, and was discharged with his regiment in 1865, having been retained at Charlotte, North Carolina, for some time; even while in the army he was his mother's main support and he always took a delight in ministering to her every want.
Mr. Wood married, on September 5, 1866, Amanda L. Hinkle, widow of William Morrison, and whose parents lived in Montgomery county, but she was born at Ladoga, Indiana. Her father came here from Botetourt county, Virginia. Mrs. Wood was sixteen years old at her first marriage and twenty-three at her second. Mr. and Mrs. Wood lived the first year at the former's home. He erected his present dwelling about that time and has since conducted the home farm, he having bought out all the other heirs and he has so skillfully tilled the place that it is just as productive as in the days when his father first began to till it. He has added many modern improvements and has an excellent farm. He keeps some good stock and poultry.
One son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wood, William D., who died when twenty years of age, being a young man of much promise. An invalid sister of the subject has made her home with him for years. He also continued to care for his mother during her lifetime. He has served in several township offices and both he and his wife are members of the Methodist church, having been among the familiar faces at the Union Chapel for forty years, and they are regarded as among the leaders in the congregation there. Mr. Wood is a trustee of this church and a class leader in the same. Fraternally he is a Mason, having been identified for some time with Morton Lodge. No. 469, the chapter and the commandery at Greencastle also have the honor of his membership. He belongs to the local post of the Grand Army of the Republic. He is a man in whom everyone reposes the utmost confidence and he has numerous warm friends throughout the county.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Earnest labor, unabating perseverance, good management and a laudable ambition to succeed - these are the elements that have brought Alvin B. Hanks prosperity and won for him the good will and respect of all with whom he has come in contact. A native of Putnam county, where he first saw the light of day on December 25, 1851, he has spent the major part of his life in his native locality and is, therefore, well known here. His parents were Stephen E. and Eliza M. (Ketchins) Hanks, the former born August 29, 1813, and died May 1, 1883; the mother was born December 11, 1811, and died April 7, 1896. They were for many years numbered among the well-know-n and highly respected residents of Putnam county, Indiana, where they resided from the fall of 1851, when the father bought a tract of land, which, however, he did not enter upon until the spring of 1852. Stephen Hanks was a stanch Democrat in his political views and, though he never sought public office for himself, he took an intelligent interest in current public affairs. He also took considerable interest in church work as a member of the Christian church, and at his death he was buried in the Brick Chapel cemetery. The Hanks family to which he belonged was closely related to Nancy Hanks, the mother of Abraham Lincoln.
Alvin B. Hanks was born but a few months after the arrival of his parents in Putnam county, and he is the third in order of birth of the three children which now survive out of a family of nine born to his parents, the other survivors being Mrs. Olivia Priest, of this county, and John. Alvin B. Hanks received his education in the common schools, having attended at the Locust Grove school house and he early took an active part in the operation of the home farm. He has all his life devoted his chief attention to the time-honored occupation of husbandry and in this line of effort he has achieved a definite success. He is the owner of a splendid farm, comprising one hundred and seventy acres of as good land as can be found in Monroe township, the greater part of which is in cultivation. He carries on a general line of farming and also devotes some attention to the raising of livestock. The place is well improved, containing a comfortable and attractive residence, commodious barns and other necessary buildings, the general appearance of the place conveying an air of comfort and prosperity.
On December 24, 1872, Mr. Hanks was united in marriage with Helen Shumaker, a native of Floyd township, Putnam county, born November 17, 1853, and this union has been blessed with four children, namely: Aden B., Pearl, Belle and Eva. Mrs. Hanks is a daughter of James and Elizabeth (Howren) Shumaker, of Ohio, where they were married in 1834, and two children were born to them. At an early day they moved to Indiana and settled in Floyd township, Putnam county, entering land and improving a farm. They remained there until all of their children were grown, when they sold out and retired to Bainbridge. Two years later they found a good home here with their daughter, Mrs. Hanks, where both died, he on August 5, 1894 and she on February 1, 1897. They belonged to the Bainbridge Christian church. He was a Republican, and filled the office of justice of the peace a number of years. In young manhood he was a school teacher. Their children were Newton, Daniel, Alvira (Mrs. King), Henry, Mary J. (Mrs. William Herrod), Lydia (Mrs. Winkinson), Abner died young, Julia (Mrs. Samuel Walls), Helen (Mrs. Hanks), Monroe. In politics Mr. Hanks is a pronounced Democrat and active in the party campaigns, though the only public office ever held by him was that of truant officer. Practical and progressive in his farming operations, shrewd, yet absolutely honest in his business affairs, courteous to his acquaintances and of a strong social disposition, Mr. Hanks has won many warm friends throughout the community.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The name Dills deserves to rank with the leading families of Madison township, for ever since William Dills came here from the Buckeye state he has been a leader in agricultural affairs and has taken considerable interest in the progress of the county in general. He was born in Shelby county, Ohio, August 19, 1830, the son of John and Agnes (Moreland) Dills. In 1845 the family moved to Putnam county, Indiana. The family first went from Kentucky to Ohio, making their long journeys through rough countries in old-fashioned covered wagons. They located seven miles west of Greencastle on the state road, in the eastern part of Madison township. Soon after coming here the father died leaving a widow with four small children, William, of this review, being the youngest; Urasmus D., born September 12, 1824, died in early life; Martha Jane, born December 13, 1828, died May 5, 1833. Two other children were also sons, so the mother kept the farm, developed it as best she could until the children were large enough to work it, thus keeping the family together. They were David M., who became a tanner and currier, and he died in the city of Cincinnati; Caroline has remained with her brother William; Watson P. married and went to Iowa, now being a resident of Dallas county. The mother, after rearing her children in comfort and respectability, passed to her rest in 1854, when fifty years of age, William being fourteen years of age at that time. He was then compelled to care for himself, consequently he received only a meager schooling, but later in life he became well informed by general reading. He saved his wages and when twenty-one years old had a start and, in time, he added more land to the home place and gave every evidence of a successful future.
When twenty-four years of age Mr. Dills married Serena Wood, daughter of Nelson and Millie Wood, of Madison township, she being twenty-one at the time of their marriage. Mr. Dills commenced farming on his own account with eighty acres of land. Continuing to prosper he added to the place until he had a farm of about three hundred acres. Selling out, he purchased a fine farm on the Little Walnut, partly bottom land, but in a few years he purchased back the old Dills farm, then bought the Nelson Wood farm of three hundred and sixty acres, which he added to and which he still owns. About twenty years ago he bought his present well improved farm of two hundred acres, having been formerly owned in part by the widow of John Tucker. Mr. Dills has rebuilt the dwelling and outbuildings and in many ways added substantial improvements, and in connection with this farm he continued to operate the former Wood farm, four miles distant. He is a good manager of crops and all the diversified phases of agriculture, and he is an extensive stock raiser and dealer, feeding large numbers of hogs, cattle and mules, and he has bred some good shorthorn and Hereford cattle, registered. He is not an exhibitor, but breeds up his own stock, which is greatly admired by all, who readily concede him to be an unusually good judge of cattle. He has paid as high as fifty-five dollars per acre for his land and paid thirty dollars for most of it. He has made extensive improvements on each farm he has owned, laying a great deal of tiling and in many ways bringing his farms up to the highest standard. He is a firm believer in tiling. He has a very substantial, attractive and well furnished home which is regarded by the many friends of the family as a place of hospitality. From this splendid dwelling an inspiring view may be had of the surrounding country.
Mr. Dills' family consists of four children, named as follows: Otho C., who is in partnership with his father; Walter S., who is farming near Muskogee, Oklahoma, is also a real estate and sand dealer; Charles E. also lives near Muskogee, Oklahoma; Laura M. is a high school teacher in Bedford, Indiana; a special and accomplished teacher of German, having graduated from DePauw University, and her first teaching was German in the high school; when not in the regular school work she spends her time at home. The mother of these children, a woman of many beautiful traits of character, was called to her rest on March 29, 1909.
Mr. Dills confines himself very closely to his business, hence his abundant success; although a good Democrat, he takes no part in public life and does not aspire to office; however, he is ready to aid in placing the best men in the local offices so that the affairs of the county will be properly managed at all times. He is a plain, unassuming, honest and industrious farmer and stock man-one of Putnam's honored and substantial citizens.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The venerable gentleman whose career is briefly sketched in the following lines is one of the oldest residents of Washington township now living and his life has been such as to gain the confidence and good will of the people of his community and to make him well and favorably known throughout the county of which he has so long been an honored citizen. In the highest sense of the term he is a self-made man and as such has met with success in material things such as few attain and made a record which may be studied with profit by the young men of the rising generation.
Jacob C. Rogers was born near Portland Mills, Putnam county, Indiana, March 14, 1823, from which date to the present time, a period of eighty-seven years, he has been a resident of the county and actively interested in its development and progress. His parents, Asa N. Rogers and Polly Crabtree, were born and reared in Hardin county, Kentucky, and shortly after their marriage came to Putnam county, Indiana, locating near Portland Mills in what is now Clinton township, where Jacob C., their oldest son, was born the year following their arrival. Subsequently they had other children, sixteen in all, several of whom died in infancy, a daughter, Sarah, dying unmarried, all the others excepting the subject leaving this county at maturity and seeking their fortunes elsewhere.
Asa N. Rogers entered the land on which they settled and experienced all the vicissitudes of pioneer life. He was a man of great industry and energy and an excellent citizen, but was not permitted to enjoy much of the fruits of his labors, dying one month and four days after the sixty-fifth anniversary of his birth, his good wife departing this life the same year.
Jacob C. Rogers spent his childhood and youth amid the stirring scenes of the pioneer period and was put to work in the woods and fields as soon as his services could be utilized. While still quite young he became an expert with the ax and made a full hand at clearing and all kinds of farm labor several years before reaching the age of manhood. This active out-door life was conducive to splendid physical development and he grew up strong in body and with a resolute purpose to make the most of his opportunities and become of some use to the world. When nineteen years old he married and begun life for himself, choosing for a wife and helpmeet Miss Betsy Legan, who came to the county the year preceding her marriage and who was only a few days younger than himself.
The land in Washington township on which Mr. and Mrs. Rogers set up their domestic establishment had been entered a number of years before by his father, and at the time indicated the only improvements consisted of a small cabin, which with the few acres of cleared land surrounding appeared but a niche in the midst of the forest. The dwelling was of round logs, with puncheon floor, a "shake" roof, a door made of clapboards hung on wooden hinges, light being admitted to the one room by means of the removal of a section of a log from one of the walls. The furniture used by the young couple was of the most primitive kind, in keeping with the surroundings, their only table for some time being a chest, which also answered for a cupboard, stools taking the place of chairs and the cooking being done at the large fireplace which took up the larger part of one side of the apartment.
Later Mr. Rogers made an addition to the building and otherwise improved it and it answered the purpose of a dwelling for a number of years, all of his children having been born within its walls. The old house is still standing and in a good state of preservation, being a forcible and eloquent reminder of a time forever past and of experiences the like of which can never again occur.
When Mr. Rogers moved his wife to their new home, which he had purchased from his father, the sum total of his available cash amounted to only two dollars, one-half of which he spent for flax seed. His beginning was indeed upon a modest scale, but by well-directed industry, prudent management and economy he made substantial progress and in due time had a good farm in successful cultivation and was on the high road to prosperity. He added to his land at intervals and in the course of time became one of the largest holders of real estate in Putnam county, his possessions at one time amounting to considerable in excess of one thousand one hundred acres, all in a body and admirably situated in one of the richest agricultural districts of central Indiana.
Realizing the need of a large and more comfortable home than the log dwelling which the family had so long occupied, Rogers subsequently built a much more commodious and pretentious frame edifice which answered the purposes of a home until 1890, when he erected his present beautiful and attractive residence, which stands on an eminence about eight miles southwest of Greencastle and commands a magnificent view of the surrounding country in every direction, including the county seat and beyond. Here, amid all of the comforts and luxuries which minister to man's happiness, he is spending the closing years of a long and strenuous as well as eminently successful life, being independent as far as worldly wealth is concerned and at peace with his fellow men, his conscience and his God. While enterprising as a farmer and familiar with every phase of modern agriculture, Mr. Rogers has not depended upon the soil alone for his income, having long since learned that more could be made from livestock than from crops. For many years he was largely engaged in stock raising, having had at one time as high as one thousand five hundred sheep on his place, besides a large number of fine horses, cattle and hogs, from which he added greatly to his fortune. In his young manhood Mr. Rogers turned his hand to any kind of honorable work he could find to do. He is proud of the fact of having cleared and improved three hundred acres of fine land with his own hands and while thus engaged he turned his leisure to good account by working at blacksmithing, which trade he had learned of his father, his services as a mechanic being highly prized by his neighbors as well as profitable to himself. Mrs. Rogers proved an earnest co-worker with her husband in their efforts to get a start in the world and added to their earnings by spinning, weaving and doing other kinds of work during the early part of their married life. Mr. Rogers now contemplates with much pleasure those early experiences when life was new and hopes were high and finds in his past little to regret and much to commend. On arriving at an age when he found it no longer necessary to prolong the struggle to add to his means, having accumulated a sufficiency for his own future comfort besides providing comfortably for his children, he discontinued active labor and, as already indicated, is now living in honorable retirement on the beautiful home farm of three hundred and fifty acres in Washington township which he reserved for his own use.
Mr. Rogers is the father of fifteen children, all of whom grew to maturity and all but one married and reared families, thirteen of the number living at the present time, nine being residents of Putnam county. To each of these children he gave an eighty-acre farm, or its equivalent in money, and now in his old age they seem to vie with each other in ministering to his comfort and showing him honor, being obedient sons and daughters of whom any father mightwell fee1 proud. After a long and mutually happy wedded life of fifty-four years' duration, Mrs. Rogers, on the 14th of March, 1906, was called to her eternal rest and on November 8, 1908, Mr. Rogers married his present wife, Mrs. Ellen Reese, widow of the late J. C. Reese, of Bowling Green, this state.
The following are the names of the children born to Mr. Rogers and his first wife: George W., a soldier in the Civil war, enlisting at sixteen years of age, is now living at Los Angeles, California; James W., of Washington township; Franklin, a farmer of Putnam county; Reuben, a blacksmith by trade; Jacob Edgar, who owns a farm adjoining the family homestead; Daniel, who lives on a farm in the same neighborhood; Joseph died at the age of twenty-three, leaving a widow; Stephen, who departed this life when nineteen years old; Sarah married John Graham and lives in Douglas county, Illinois; Julia, wife of S. J. Swinford, lives in Coles county, Illinois; Mary, now Mrs. H. Rollins, resides in Washington township, where her husband is engaged in agricultural pursuits; Emma, who married John White, also lives in the same township; Kate married Henry Heiber and makes her home near Russellville; Lucy, wife of Charles Webster, lives at Roachdale, Indiana; and Allie, the youngest, lives in Boone county, being now Mrs. Thomas Duree.
Mr. Rogers has always been enterprising and public spirited and ready at all times to lend his influence to measures and movements having for their object the welfare of his fellowmen. His character has always been above reproach, his word as sacred as his bond and all who know him speak in high praise of his sterling qualities of manhood and citizenship. He has lived long and wisely and his friends, who are legion, unite in the earnest prayer that he may be spared many years to bless the world.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The best history of a community or state is the one that deals most with the lives and activities of its people, especially of those who, by their own endeavors and indomitable energy, have forged to the front and placed themselves where they deserve the title of progressive men. In this brief review will be found the record of one who has outstripped the less active plodders on the highway of life and among his contemporaries has achieved marked success in the business world, the name of James Everett Vermilion,
Greencastle merchant, being honored by all owing to his upright life and habits of thrift and industry.
Mr. Vermilion was born November 11, 1869, in Greencastle and here he received his education, graduating from the public schools in 1886, after which he entered DePauw University, where he made a good record, but did not finish the course. Deciding to enter the law, he went to Wichita, Kansas, and studied law under his uncle for a year, but, not taking as kindly to the legal profession as he had anticipated, he returned to Greencastle and after a short time went to Indianapolis where he took a business course, after which he came back to his native city and clerked in his father's store until the latter's death, at which time he purchased the interests of the other heirs and has since been in full charge. He has built up a very extensive and lucrative patronage with the city and surrounding country, which is continuously increasing, his store being one of the finest, neatest and best kept in the city. He carries a full line of dry goods, carpets, ready-to-wear goods for ladies, and many kindred lines, of the best quality, all carefully selected and sold at reasonable prices. His store is the gathering place for rural visitors from all parts of the county and here they always find courteous and considerate treatment.
Mr. Vermilion is a Republican and he has manifested considerable interest in local affairs for some time, always ready to do anything he could for the betterment of Greencastle and vicinity. For two years he very ably served as city councilman from the second ward. He is a member of the Christian church, and he is leading knight of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks; he is past chancellor of the Knights of Pythias; he also holds membership with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Before the Spanish-American war he was second lieutenant of Company I, First Regiment, Indiana National Guard.
On June 12, 1895, Mr. Vermilion married Maude Wolfe, the refined and popular daughter of Dr. William and Belle (Porter) Wolfe, an excellent family of Brazil, Indiana, where Mrs. Vermilion was a social favorite. One child has graced this union, named Hazel, now attending school.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The family of this name has beer, long and favorably known in Putnam county, especially in and around Madison township. John William Stroube, perhaps the most prominent of the connection, is a son of Oliver R. and Eliza J. (Blackerby) Stroube. He was born in the southeast corner of Madison township, three and one-half miles southwest of Greencastle, December 27, 1865. He is the second of eight children, six of whom reached maturity and are all living, namely: Frank M.; John W.; Charles K., a physician at Roachdale; Earl P., of Madison township; Ida M., wife of Doctor Pollom, at Cayuga, Vermillion county, Indiana; Minnie B., wife of E. R. Bartley, of Greencastle. The father died April 3, 1901, on his old home farm, since sold; his widow now resides in Greencastle.
John William Stroube remained at home until the completion of his twenty-first year, meantime attending the common schools and assisting in the farm work. September 11, 1887, he married Ida M., daughter of James H. and Eva (Stoner) Torr, of whom more particulars may be learned from a sketch elsewhere in this volume. Ida M. was born in the old Torr homestead, October 26, 1866. After his marriage Mr. Stroube engaged in farming. In Apri1, 1903, he removed to his present place, four miles west of Greencastle. His farm contains ninety acres, mostly included in the Torr homestead. His wife's father died October 31, 1903, but his widow is still living on part of the old home place. In November, 1908, Mr. Stroube was elected trustee of Madison township and took office January 1, 1909, to serve four years. He has nine teachers under his supervision. Mr. Stroube encourages home pupils to become teachers and has measurably succeeded, as most of his teachers are residents of the township. He has a high school with a three-year course and the total enrollment is two hundred and sixty. The school buildings are above the average in structure and conveniences and Mr. Stroube visits the schools, attends the institutes and otherwise connects himself with the instructors, so as better to keep in touch with the educational system. Mr. Stroube is a prominent Democrat and has served in many party conventions. Mary Edith, a young lady of eighteen and Mr. Stroube's only living child, is a student in the senior class of the Greencastle high school.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Oliver Stroube was born July 19, 1836, in Bracken county, Kentucky, and was married March 10, 1862, to Eliza J. Blackerby, a neighbor girl and schoolmate. He was a grandson of Nicholas Stroube, who migrated from Pennsylvania to Bracken county. His son John, the father of Oliver, was born in Bracken county and married a Reeder. Nicholas built a stone fence which is still standing and recently owned by Mrs. J. L. Hamilton, of Greencastle, who is a niece of Mr. Stroube. Oliver was a farmer and owned a farm in the southeast corner of Madison township, three miles southwest of Greencastle. On this place he spent the most of his life and there met his death, April 3, 1901. For some years he served as a justice of the peace in Madison township. His widow is now living with her daughter. The six children of Oliver Stroube are as follows: Frank M., present sheriff of Putnam county; John William, trustee of Madison township; Charles N., a physician at Roachdale; Earl P., a farmer in Madison township; Ida M., wife of Dr. Reginald Pollom, of Cayuga, Indiana; Armenia B., now Mrs. E. R. Bartley, of Greencastle.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
This prominent deceased citizen of Madison township was born in Shelby county, Kentucky, March 29, 1828. When six months old he was brought to Indiana by his parents, William and Maria (Kimberlin) Torr. His father died when James H. was fourteen years old and he remained with his mother until some years after his majority. October 4. 1855, he married Eva Stoner, daughter of Peter and Mary (Wells) Stoner. Eva was born in Madison township, April 16, 1833, and after one year with her mother-in-law, retired with her young husband in 1856 to her present farm. It consisted of one hundred and sixty acres, heavily mortgaged, but all this was soon cleared off and the places increased to some six or seven hundred acres. About twenty years ago the family moved to the present home, which was built by ex-Sheriff James Brandon. At this place James H. Torr died, October 31, 1902. He was successful as an agriculturist, being a general farmer and stocktrader of more than the usual shrewdness. He prospered and left a fine estate, over which his widow still presides. He was full of energy and push, notwithstanding protracted periods of ill health, and made a great success in business. In politics he was an enthusiastic Republican and was a life-time member of the Methodist church, holding various positions in the official body. He was much attached to his family and preferred being at home to any other place on earth. Of the children, Florence died in childhood; Josephine married Charles Allen, of Madison township; William married Clara Busby and lives on part of the old farm; Charles married Hattie Busby and is in the real estate business at Muskogee, Oklahoma; Franklin married Fanny King and resides on the old home place; Ida married Will Stroube, who lives on a part of the old homestead; Mary married Edmund F. Watts and they own the old home.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
This estimable lady, who bore the maiden name of Catherine Leatherman, was born August 20, 1841, on the old family homestead, six miles west of Greencastle in Madison township, which her father, John Leatherman, purchased in pioneer times and developed from a wild and impenetrable wilderness.
The Leatherman family moved to this state from Kentucky and were among the early settlers and substantial residents of the part of Putnam county in which they located. Frederick Leatherman, the grandfather of Mrs. Randel, was a Kentuckian by birth, came to Indiana about the year 1823 and settled in Putnam county, where his death subsequently occurred. The family of this sturdy pioneer consisted of four sons, John, Abraham, Daniel and Blan, all of whom married and all but the oldest moved from Indiana to other states - Abraham to Illinois, Daniel to Iowa, and Blan to Wisconsin.
Frederick Leatherman originally located on what is now the Farrow farm, Madison township, and was among the first to make permanent improvements in that locality. He died suddenly many years ago while returning home from Lawrenceburg, whither he had gone to trade, being in the sixty-sixth year of his age at the time of his decease. He was a soldier during the early Indian wars of Kentucky, Virginia and elsewhere, took part in a number of battles and had many narrow escapes during his thrilling experiences on the frontier. His first wife dying shortly after moving to Indiana, he subsequently was twice remarried, his third companion surviving him for some years.
John Leatherman, oldest son of the above mentioned Frederick, was born in Kentucky, April 1, 1799, and accompanied his parents to Putnam county, locating near the home place in Madison township, where he remained about two years, removing at the expiration of that time to a tract of land on Walnut creek which he purchased and improved. His first dwelling was a small cabin of the usual pioneer pattern, which answered the purposes for which intended until 1832, when it was replaced by a much larger and more comfortable brick edifice, the latter at the time of completion being one of the finest country residences in the county. Mr. Leatherman made the brick of which the building was constructed and occupied it until his death, in March, 1879. It stood on a beautiful and sightly eminence and until destruction by a storm some years ago was one of the well known landmarks of Madison township.
John Leatherman married, in 1819, Mary Penny, who was born about the year 1794, and who bore him children as follows: Perminda, wife of Benjamin King; Sarah, who became the wife of Henry Wright; Rachel married Dolphus Wood; Eliza, wife of Samuel Wright, who still lives in Nebraska; Washington moved to Nebraska and died in 1894 of old age; Benjamin died in Nebraska in April, 1909; Theresa married John Irwin and lives in Kansas; Frederick lived and died in Putnam county, Indiana, and was a prominent farmer and representative citizen; Jane married Isaac Irwin and moved to Nebraska, where her death occurred, and Daniel was accidentally killed in 1881 by the falling of a tree, since which time the family homestead has been in the possession of strangers.
John Leatherman was not only an enterprising and successful farmer, but also became widely known as a minister of the Primitive Baptist church, in the faith of which he was reared and of the doctrines of which he afterwards was recognized as an able expounder. He was ordained in early manhood and for some years preached only at irregular intervals, but later gave the great part of his time to his holy office. During his active ministry he served four congregations, viz.: Bethel church, on Little Walnut near his home; New Hope, near the town of Morton; Rocky Fork and Otter Creek in Parke county. He was a stalwart Christian, fearless in the presentation of the truth, and exerted a wide and beneficial influence on the religious thought of his own and other communities. He departed this life on the 6th day of March, 1879, and was laid to rest in the Baptist cemetery in Clinton township, where also repose the ashes of many other old settlers of the county. Mrs. Leatherman preceded her husband to the grave on September 6, 1875, each being seventy-nine years of age when called to the other world.
Catherine Leatherman spent her childhood and youth at the family home and was early instructed in those domestic duties which, while she was still young, made her almost indispensible to the household. She grew to womanhood with a proper conception of life and never knew by experience what it was to eat the bread of idleness. In such schools as the county afforded she received a fair knowledge of the branches then taught and until her twenty-fifth year remained at home of which from a much earlier age she proved a guiding and controlling spirit. In the year 1866 she became the wife of Nelson Wood, who, in 1870, moved to the farm, which she still owns and with whom she lived in mutually happy wedlock until his lamented death in 1881, a period of fifteen years. Three children were born to this union, Ella, the oldest of whom, married William Thomas and lives on the home farm which her husband operates. Their offspring, five in number, are, Ida, a teacher in the public schools of Madison township, Fay, May, Ona, and Serena, the second and third being twins. Seba, the second of the family, married John Latham and died young, leaving one child, Jane Pearl, now the wife of Otto Vermillion in Madison township. Lee, who married Terre King, and lives in Clinton township, being the youngest of the family, had two children, Lucille and Charles Nelson.
In 1882 Mrs. Woods became the wife of John Howard, with whom she spent the four years ensuing in the city of Greencastle, removing at the expiration of that time to Madison township where her husband's death occurred in 1893. Later she entered the marriage relation with John Randel, who on November 12, 1907. left her a widow again, since which time she has lived on her farm in Madison township, where, surrounded by many friends, loyal and true, she is spending her life in quiet and content, proving an excellent neighbor, a valued counsellor and a helper in time of need.
Mrs. Randel is the only living representative of the Leatherman family in Putnam county and as such, exemplifies the many estimable qualities of mind and heart for which her ancestors were distinguished and by a life void of offense she is maintaining in all its luster the brightness of the family escutcheon. She is a woman of excellent character and high social standing, respected by all with whom she mingles and her daily life and influence have been a blessing to the community in which she resides.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN