When John Swinford died William Wright bought out some of the heirs, owning two hundred and eighteen acres of the old Swinford farm and there lived until he moved to Greencastle. He had previously purchased all the Wright homestead, consisting of two hundred acres. He was a successful business man and became well-to-do. On his place fine stock were to be found at all times, first-class cattle being his hobby and he took a great pride in them. He was regarded as one of the leading farmers and stock men in the county and was highly respected for his honorable dealings with his fellow men. William and Thankful Wright had six children: John Wesley died in childhood; Jesse M. lives in Lamar, Colorado; George W. is living retired in Greencastle; Sarah Ann married William Brothers, of Greencastle; Perry Wilson, subject of this sketch; Willis E. died when twelve or fourteen years of age.
Perry W. Wright spent his youth on the home farm, which he worked when he became of proper age and attended the district schools in the meantime. He spent four years in western Iowa and Kansas in his early youth, then returned to the home farm. On September 15, 1909, he married Josie Hathaway, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Gillespie) Hathaway, an excellent family of Clinton township. He is engaged in general farming in a manner that stamps him well abreast of the times. He is also a lover of good stock, and everything about his place shows thrift and good management.
Politically Mr. Wright is a Republican and he keeps in touch with his party. Fraternally he belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Mr. Wright has two children by a former marriage with Lizzie Talbot: Raymond, a student in DePauw University, will graduate in 1911; William Wendel is a high school student.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The King family has been well established in Madison township since the picturesque days of the first settler, and from that time to this those who have borne the name have maintained the high standard of citizenship which the older ones sought to foster, and of this worthy class Charles W. King is deserving of special notice. He has been contented to spend his life at home, having been born on the old King homestead in Madison township February 19, 1848, the son of Benjamin P. and Perminda (Leatherman) King, both born in Indiana, possibly Putnam county, in 1820. They married in this county and lived on a farm here where their first five children were born; then they moved to Illinois when Charles W. of this review was a baby. The family remained in the last named state about ten years, returning to Madison township, Putnam county, about 1859 or 1860 and settled on the farm now owned by Charles W. King. It was a new place, but was soon cleared and placed under cultivation; here the father, Benjamin P., died when his son, Charles W., was about sixteen years of age, the former being forty-eight and he is numbered with the eternal sleepers in the Little Walnut cemetery. He was a good farmer, a hard worker and honest. Following are his children: John R., living in Washington township, Putnam county; Cerena married Zadoc Plummer and is living in Kansas; Rachael married Joseph Omens, and she died at Golden, Colorado; William is living in Hendricks county, Indiana; Charles W., of this review; Denman P. is living in Chrisman, Illinois; Thirsa married Maletus Peterson, of Montgomery county, and she died in Kansas; Sarah married Elijah Houck and they are living in Greencastle; Frederick lives in Edgar county, Nebraska.
After the father's death the elder sons remained at home and worked the place, the mother thus being able to keep the family together. After the children grew up she married John Howard, of Montgomery county, where she spent the remaining years of her life, dying on August 9, 1881.
Charles W. King remained at home until his brother married a second time. He and his brother Denman P. were conducting the farm very successfully, but the farm was sold when the mother married. After working out two seasons Charles W. King married, after which event he rented land for three years, during which time he got a good start and then bought back the old home place, where he has lived ever since. He has made many changes and improvements in the same and has shown himself to be an excellent farmer in every respect. He has been very successful and has added additional land until he now has one hundred acres. A portion of the present frame house is a part of the old log building that was placed here before Benjamin P. King purchased the farm.
Mr. King is not a public man, but has long taken some interest in politics, having served his township as assessor back in the eighties. In 1904 he was elected township trustee for four years, filling both these offices in a very creditable manner. He has also served on the Democratic central committee and is always ready to further the interests of his party in Putnam county.
Mr. King was married on December 7, 1871, to Emily J. Beard, who was reared in Vigo county, but who at the time of her marriage was living in Putnam county. After a very congenial and happy married life of about thirty-seven years, this good wife and mother was called to her rest on September 15, 1908.
Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. King, one dying when four years of age; the living are, Benjamin, a teacher in the Greencastle schools is married and has one child, Frances; Della married Purnell Thomas and died when twenty-two years of age; Terre is the wife of Lee Woods, of Clinton township, this county, and they are the parents of two children, Lucille and Nelson.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Among the well-known and highly respected citizens of Putnam county is George W. Black of Greencastle. Mr. Black was born near Mt. Sterling, Montgomery county, Kentucky, September 27, 1843, the son of Andrew and Margaret (Lockridge) Black, both representatives of good old families. They grew to maturity in their native state, met and married there and in 1850 they migrated to Putnam county, Indiana, locating one mile west of Greencastle on a farm where Mr. Black, by hard work, soon had a good home and a well cultivated farm which yielded a good income. He was a good manager and a man of thrift and at the time of his death, which occurred in Greencastle in 1892, he was the owner of valuable lands aggregating four hundred and forty acres, near this city. He was considered one of the best farmers in this vicinity and he always kept some good stock on his place, being especially fond of fine horses, for he had been reared in a country noted for its rare specimens of the equine family, and this love for good horses has come down to his son, George W. of this review. Mr. Black was a Republican politically and a strong worker in the party, and in religious matters he was a Presbyterian. He was well liked in this county and had hosts of friends here. His wife preceded him to the silent land by nearly twenty-eight years, dying in 1864.
George W. Black accompanied his parents to Putnam county in 1850, and he assisted with the work on the home farm and attended the neighboring schools during the winter months. He managed the farm for his father for a year, then came to Greencastle in 1570 and began a livery business which he soon built up to large proportions, enjoying a very liberal patronage from the first. He always kept an excellent grade of horses and a well equipped barn in every respect. He also engaged in the coal business and built up a very satisfactory patronage also in this. For the past ten years, Mr. Black has conducted sales of horses once a week, which have been largely attended by prospective buyers who came from all parts of the country.
April 15, 1904, Mr. Black married Mrs. Martha Jane Thomas. This union is without issue. Politically Mr. Black is a Republican, but he does not find time to mingle much in party affairs. He is a member of the local Methodist church.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
In examining the life record of Christian Landes, which has been terminated by death, we find many qualities of head and heart that are worthy of emulation, for he was of a type of hardy soils of the soil who delight in being kind to their neighbors, generous to the needy and always ready to lend a helping hand in any worthy cause. He was born in Augusta county, Virginia, April 5, 1814, the son of John and Frances (Branneman) Landes, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Virginia, each excellent old families. Christian's elder brother came to Indiana about 1835, the former following him soon afterward. They had learned the blacksmith's trade and at once set up a shop in Greencastle. Abraham Landes, Samuel Landes and Henry Landes, brothers, also came to Putnam county in those early days. A full history of this family is to be found elsewhere in this work, as is also the history of the Hillis family, into which Christian Landes married in 1840, choosing for a life partner Elizabeth A. Hillis, sister of John A. Hillis. Christian Landes continued to work as a blacksmith for over ten years in this vicinity, during which time he became well known as a very skilled workman, being a partner with his brother Samuel, part of the time in a general store under the firm name of Landes Brothers, Samuel looking after the store and Christian the shop, Samuel finally leaving the store and moving to Iowa where he spent the remaining years of his life. Abram Landes owned a farm southwest of Greencastle where he lived until his death. The father of these children also came to this county and purchased what has since been known as the Dunbar farm in Madison township, northwest of Greencastle, dying at his home about three miles from this city, reaching the age of sixty-eight years. Frances Landes died in Virginia. John Landes married a second time, his last wife being a Miss Netzer, who survived him many years. No children were born to them. There was another John Landes who spent his life in Virginia.
In 1849 Christian Landes purchased the farm on the Manhattan road, where Christian Stoner, his grandson, now lives, he having built the present home about 1866. He set up a shop on that place and continued blacksmithing in connection with farming for many years, making a success of both, and here he spent the remainder of his life, having closed his shop a few years before he died, giving his attention exclusively to his farm, his death occurring March 16, 1893, having been preceded to the silent land by his wife on December 25, 1891, at the age of sixty-nine years, she having been born on January 18, 1823, in Flemingsburg, Kentucky (see sketch of John L. Hillis). They are buried at Forest Hill, Greencastle. Both were active members of the Methodist church at Mount Olive, which is located about one mile from the old Landes homestead. This place consisted of over two hundred acres, which was partly improved when Mr. Landes bought it. He improved it in many ways and proved to be a very skillful farmer as well as blacksmith. He was a hard working man and never sought public offices. He was a useful man in his community; everybody trusted him explicitly owing to his unquestioned integrity and strict honesty in all his dealings with his fellow men.
To Mr. and Mrs. Christian Landes twelve children were born, ten reaching maturity, namely: Mary J. married William Butler and lives in Greencastle. Mr. Butler served through the Civil war, the hard experiences proving too much for his constitution and he finally died as a result of his exposures, September 5, 1899, at the age of sixty-nine years, never having been strong since his army career. He lived ten years in Terre Haute. He and his wife reared one daughter, Elizabeth T., who married Elbert C. Minton, of Lafayette, Indiana. William H. Landes also served through the Civil war, after which he went to Montana, where he died at the age of forty-nine years; Samuel E. is a carriage maker in Greencastle; Sarah E. married Samuel P. Bowen, of Greencastle; Laura E. married Peter S. Stoner, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this work; Katie A. married Jonathan Houck (see his sketch); Albert P. Lands is a painter and paper hanger in Greencastle; Flora F. married James E. Houck (see his sketch); Grant A. Landes is a manufacturer at Anderson, Indiana; George C. is in the insurance business and is now trustee of Greencastle township, living in Greencastle.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The history of Putnam county is not a very old one. It is the record of the steady growth of a community planted in the wilderness within the last century and has reached its magnitude of today without other aids than those of industry. The people who redeemed its wilderness fastnesses were strong-armed, hardy sons of the soil who hesitated at no difficulty and for whom hardships had little to appall. The early pioneers, having blazed the path of civilization to this part of the state, finished their labors and passed from the scene, leaving the country to the possession of their descendants and to others who came at a later period and builded on the foundation which they laid so broad and deep. Among these early pioneers was Albert F. Morris, the father of the gentleman whose name appears at the head of this sketch. Albert F. Morris was born near Sharpsburg, Nicholas county, Kentucky, and was the son of Daniel C. and Ann Morris. Daniel C. Morris was born inside the stockade at Bryant's Station, Kentucky, at a time when the little band of settlers were gathered there as a protection against hostile Indians. One of his brothers was Morris Morris, the father of General Morris, of Indianapolis. When the Morris family came from Kentucky to Putnam county, Indiana, they first located in Cloverdale, though at that time the town contained but few families. Here Albert F. was reared to the life of a farmer, remaining there until 1853, when he moved to near Reelsville, where he remained four years, locating then northwest of Greencastle. About 1853 his father died and he accompanied his mother to Missouri, where her death subsequently occurred. While in the West, he entered a tract of government land in Iowa, which he afterwards traded for a farm southwest of Cloverdale, Putnam county. After his marriage he lived on this tract two years, and then sold that and bought a farm near Reelsville. After living on this farm four or fire years, he bought and moved to a part of the Hart homestead, seven miles northwest of Greencastle, where he remained until the fall of 1866. In that year he sold his interest to J. R. M. Hamrick and bought the John Piercy farm, three miles northeast of Cloverdale, this farm comprising two hundred and seventy-eight acres. He made this his home until 1877, when he moved to Cloverdale, where he had bought seventy acres of land at the south edge of the town, where he remained until his death, which occurred in 1878. He was survived a number of years by his widow, who died in 1897.
Albert F. Morris married Celinda Hart, daughter of Thomas and Joycie Hart, whose home was on the Little Walnut creek, seven miles northwest of Greencastle. To Albert F. and Celinda Morris were born two children, Thomas Hart, the immediate subject of this sketch, and Joycie Ann, who became the wife of James Y. Davis, and they now live at Arkansas City, Kansas. Politically Mr. Morris was an ardent Democrat and held a prominent place in the councils of his party, though at no time was he a seeker after office for himself. He was held in the highest esteem among his neighbors and was frequently called upon to settle estates and arbitrate differences between neighbors. Public spirited and progressive in his make-up, he exerted his influence in every way possible to advance the best interests of the community in which he lived and for many years he was numbered among the most prominent men of the township.
Thomas Hart Morris was born August 22, 1852, and was reared under the paternal roof. He attended the public schools, including the high school at Cloverdale, after which he became a student in old Asbury (now DePauw) University at Greencastle. During his school period he continued his farm work, and after leaving his studies he engaged in teaching school for a couple of terms. About 1873 Mr. Morris took up farming operations on his own account on his father's farm, continuing in this way four or five years, when he bought a farm of ninety acres, located a mile and a half west of Brick Chapel, which he managed, though still residing on his home place in the southwest part of Jefferson township. About 1877 he went into the implement business at Cloverdale, which he conducted with satisfactory success, and in 1887 he added a hardware department. He continued the business until 1895, when he sold it to T. M. Layne for ten thousand dollars, the business being now run by the Cloverdale Hardware and Lumber Company. For a while Mr. Morris was in partnership with Mr. Layne and it was during their association that the present commodious and well arranged building was erected, the store being a credit to the town. For some time Mr. Morris also owned a hoop factory at Cloverdale, but subsequently he transformed it into a saw mill and sold it also to Mr. Layne. He then returned to his farm in section 29, Jefferson township, where he now resides and where he is very comfortably situated. He owns two hundred and seventy-eight acres of good land, all of which is under cultivation, and which yields bountiful crops in return for the labor bestowed upon it. The place is well improved, containing an attractive and comfortable residence, spacious and substantial barns and other necessary buildings, and the farm is numbered among the good ones of the township.
Mr. Morris has been married three times. In 1884 he married Ella Irwin Graham, a daughter of Felix and Mary (Irwin) Graham, the latter being a sister of Joseph I. Irwin, a wealthy and well-known citizen of Columbus, Indiana. Mrs. Morris died in 1886, without issue, and in 1891 Mr. Morris married Belle V. Mugg, a daughter of Richard and Elizabeth Mugg, of near Quincy, Owen county, this state. To this union were born two children, Albert G., who is attending school, and Lena, who died in 1904. Mrs. Belle Morris died in 1898 and in April 8, 1901, he married Sadie Dickinson, daughter of John and Martha (McLain) Dickinson. To them has-e been born three children, Mary Mabel, Alberta Frances and Edna May.
Politically Mr. Morris maintains an allegiance with the Democratic party and takes an intelligent interest in public affairs, though he is not an office seeker. Religiously he and his wife are members of the Christian church at Cloverdale, to which they give an earnest and liberal support. They are genial and sociably inclined and are well liked by all who know them. Mr. Morris possesses business ability of a high order, as was emphasized by his successes in commercial enterprises, and among his associates his advice and judgment is valued highly.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The true western spirit of progress and enterprise is strikingly exemplified in the lives of such men as Edward R. Hibbitt, whose energetic nature and sticktoitive qualities have enabled them to conquer many adverse circumstances and advance steadily to leading positions in their respective lines of endeavor or in business life. Mr. Hibbitt is a worthy representative of this class and is now doing a very satisfactory business in harness and leather goods, maintaining an up-to-date shop and store in Greencastle, which is known throughout this and adjoining counties.
Mr. Hibbitt was born May 30, 1861, in Louisville, Kentucky, the second son of Edwin Augustus and Mary (King) Hibbitt, an excellent Kentucky family, the father having been born in Louisville, September 19, 1831. His parents emigrated to this country from England, the father dying when Edwin A. was twelve years of age; consequently he was thrown upon his own resources, but, being a lad of grit and ambition, he soon succeeded in making his way, apprenticing himself to the harness-making trade at which he worked in Louisville until he came to Putnam county, early in the sixties. He located near Limedale and later moved to Greencastle where he continued his trade and engaged in the harness business until his death, which occurred February 11, 1902, at an advanced age. He was a fine old character whom everybody respected and admired for his industrious, sober and honest life, being kind, generous to a fault and interested in the welfare of his neighbors. He enjoyed a large trade and always handled a good grade of material, of the highest class workmanship. Politically he was a Democrat, and in his lodge relations held membership with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
August 25, 1858, Edwin A. Hibbitt married Mary King, a native of Louisville, Kentucky, who preceded her husband to the grave many years, dying February 26, 1885.
Edward R. Hibbitt was educated in the common schools of Greencastle, receiving a very good education. He learned the harnessmaker's trade and the "ins and outs" of the leather business under his father, and he successfully engaged in business at Bainbridge, Rockville and Noblesville and with his father in Greencastle, and he is now carrying on a very satisfactory trade in his father's old stand, which is the largest store or shop of its kind in the county and which is patronized extensively at all seasons, some of his regular customers coming from remote sections of the county, for here they are sure of obtaining full value and the best leather goods which the market affords. The store is well arranged and well kept and his shop is provided with the latest model machinery and tools and none but skilled artisans are employed.
Mr. Hibbitt is a prominent member of the Masonic lodge and the Knights of Pythias. Politically he is a Democrat and a Methodist in his religious beliefs. He was married on May 30, 1882, to Julia Williams, representing a highly respected Greencastle family. This union has resulted in the birth of two children, Ethel and Ralph.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The history of a state is but a record of the doings of its people, among whom the pioneers and their sturdy descendants occupy places of no secondary importance. The story of the plain common people who constitute the moral bone and sinew of the state should ever attract the attention and prove of interest to all true lovers of their kind. In the life story of the subject of this sketch there are no striking chapters or startling incidents, but it is merely the record of life true to its highest ideals and fraught with much that should stimulate the youth just starting in the world as an independent factor.
Francis M. Allee is descended from one of Putnam county's honored early pioneers. This pioneer, John Allee, was born in Montgomery county, Virginia, September 2, 1803. When one year old he was taken by his parents to Barren county, Kentucky, where, in his early manhood, he was doubly bereaved of both parents, at which time he was penniless and practically thrown upon his own resources. However, he was endowed with a liberal quantity of grit and determination, qualities which characterized his subsequent years, and he determined to make a success of life. He was reared on a farm and secured a fair education in the common schools of the Blue Grass state. On reaching a proper age he secured employment as overseer of a plantation, on which many slaves were employed and on which was a large distillery, tobacco being one of the principal field crops. He gained the confidence of his employer, who would at times be gone from the plantation for a year. The young man was a good mathematician and penman and for his services he received a liberal salary. He was economical and with the money he saved he bought land, when, in 1830, he came to Putnam county, Indiana, his purchase being in section 16, Jefferson township. He made this his permanent home and resided there until his death, which occurred in 1875.
John Allee married Lucretia Pruitt, a native of Kentucky, and among their children was Francis M. Allee, the immediate subject of this sketch. John Allee became a prominent and successful farmer. He came to this county in rather limited financial condition, but he was industrious and resourceful and as he prospered he added to his land holdings until at one time he owned one thousand acres of good land, which was accumulated literally "by the sweat of his brow." He worked on the construction of the old National road through this county, receiving for his labor the magnificent wage of fifty cents a day. Conditions in those days were unfavorable in many respects. In order to dispose of the grain raised on his farm, he found it necessary to haul the grain to Lawrenceburg, on the Ohio river, and to Cincinnati, ten days being required to make the round trip. He usually made the trip pay both ways, by bringing back goods for local merchants. He took a deep interest in public affairs and served as trustee of his township several terms. He was a stanch Republican and a firm supporter of the Union and during the Civil war he was uncompromising in his devotion to the national cause. He was a member of the state militia, and as colonel, was at the head of the organization in Putnam county. He was widely known in this section of the state and enjoyed the unbounded confidence of all who knew him.
Francis M. Allee was born in Jefferson township, Putnam county, Indiana, in 1839, November 5th having been his natal day. He was reared on the home farm and received his elementary education in the common schools, supplementing this by attendance at old Asbury (now DePauw) University, at Greencastle. Primitive conditions existed in that early day and Mr. Allee relates with interest many of the incidents of his boyhood. As to the customs and conditions, coal oil lamps were then unknown in this community, the common light being provided by "grease lamps," which consisted of open receptacles of grease, in the neck of which lay a piece of cloth, the lower end of which lay in the grease. This light was even more common than candles. Fire was often preserved by a rotten hickory tree that burned all summer near the house. Cooking was done in front of the wide fireplace which was a feature of practically every home. Corn meal was obtained by grating corn on a tin grater, and before that improvement was introduced it was ground on a rock. The pioneer larder was supplied with wild fruit, nuts, squirrels and other wild game - in fact, squirrels were so plentiful that only the hind quarters were used and they were a nuisance to the pioneers because of their fondness for the newly planted corn, which they would dig up as fast as it could be sowed. Farm work was laborious because of the lack of time and labor-saving facilities. Wheat was mowed with a cradle and shocked by the women and children. Cooking stoves were unknown in this section until the advent of one bought by the subject's father. Table sugar was very crude in quality and dark brown in color, and home-made molasses was the ordinary medium for sweetening.
In his young manhood Mr. Allee engaged in teaching school for three or four winters, but finding this occupation detrimental to his health, he went back to the farm, to which he devoted his future energies. He was successful in the latter pursuit and became the owner of over a thousand acres of land, most of which he has divided with his children, his present holdings amounting to three hundred and forty acres, all of which is highly cultivated and well improved. He has carried on general farming operations, with which he has combined the raising of livestock, fattening many hogs and cattle for the market. Though now able to retire from active labor of any nature, Mr. Allee retains an active interest in agriculture, the spirit of idleness being a stranger to his make-up.
0n November 17, 1860, Mr. Allee was united in marriage with Sarah E. Sandy, who was born in Owen county, Indiana, the daughter of William B. Sandy, and to this union have been born eight children, namely: Lucretia E., William V., Juliette F., Sarah Jeannette, Lizzie R., Amanda M., Herbert S. and Daisy M. Of these, Lucretia, William, Lizzie and Amanda are deceased. Juliette married first Eilliam Trent, and after his death she married Alfred Elmore. They live at Mt. Meridian and they have three children living, Mabel, Herbert and Reba. Sarah Jeannette married L. W. Seller and they live east of the subject in Jefferson township. Their son Hubert is now attending the high school at Greencastle. Herbert, who lives south of his father in Jefferson township, married Effie Dorsett and they have one son, Noble. Daisy M. became the wife of Vennard McCammack and lives on the farm in Jefferson township where her father first settled. She has one daughter, Sarah Viola.
Politically Mr. Allee is a Republican, having cast his first vote for Abraham Lincoln the day after he attained his majority, and he has voted for every Republican candidate for President since. However, he is not blindly partisan in local public affairs and has had many friends in both parties. He was at one time elected trustee of his township without opposition, his candidacy having been endorsed also by the Democrats. Two years later he was re-elected over a strong opponent, running far ahead of his own ticket. Fraternally he is a member of the Masonic order, having joined in 1859 and now being a member of Cloverdale Lodge, No. 322. Though not a member of any church, he gives a cordial support to all churches, which he assists in a financial way and to which he gives his moral support. He donated the land on which the New Providence Baptist church now stands and also donated a tract of high land for cemetery purposes, besides reserving additional land for a similar purpose when needed. Mr. Allee is a well preserved man for his age, and possesses a disposition that enables him to see and enjoy the bright side of life. He has experienced the hard knocks and vicissitudes of life, and therefore sympathizes with others who are trying to work their way up in life. He is genial and hospitable and his friends are in number as his acquaintances.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The agricultural interests of Putnam county are well represented by Peter Simpson Stoner, who is one of the practical and enterprising farmers of Greencastle township, his well tilled and highly improved fields being admired by all who see them, and he has also been long known as one of the best judges of livestock in the southern part of the county. Not many agriculturists of this county are better known than he, for his entire life has been spent here in the locality where his ancestors established good homes and left behind them the greatest of inheritances - good names and unblemished reputations.
Mr. Stoner was born in Madison township, October 31, 1845. For a full history of his family the reader is directed to the sketch of his brother, Lycurgus Stoner, appearing elsewhere in these pages. Peter S. remained on the paternal homestead until he was eighteen years of age, when, fired by a patriotic zeal that knew no quelling, he enlisted as a recruit, in 1864, in Company E. Twenty-first Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, the same company and regiment in the Union army in which his brother Lycurgus was a soldier, joining the regiment at Baton Rouge, Mississippi, reaching there about the time of Banks' expedition up Red river, but he did not participate in the same. Later he was sent to Alexandra, Louisiana, to assist in holding that country; returning to Baton Rouge, he was discharged January 16, 1866, when under twenty years of age, having seen about two years' service. The following spring he came to Washington township, this county, and for two years farmed in partnership with his two brothers, Lycurgus and William Payne. About that time their father died and Peter S. received one hundred and eighty-four acres of the same farm he had been working. He then worked his place independently, but continued to deal in stock in partnership with his brothers. Prospering, he later added to the home place until he had one of the most desirable farms in the township, containing two hundred acres, which he still owns, the land lying along the Big Walnut, being nearly all bottom land. In 1883 he came to his present farm in Greencastle township, three miles southwest of the city, this being the old Layton farm, containing one hundred and eighty-three acres, along which runs the Vandalia railroad. About twenty years ago he erected his present imposing and beautifully located dwelling, standing on an elevation from which an inspiring panorama may be had of the surrounding country, three railroads, an interurban line and the city of Greencastle being included within the range of vision.
Mr. Stoner is a general farmer, raising abundant crops of all kinds, but a great deal of his time is devoted to stock raising and feeding, this being his principal dependence. He formerly owned another farm of one hundred and ninety acres, which he sold to his son, also owned a one-third interest in the old homestead in Madison township, but he sold that to his brother Lycurgus. Politically he is a Republican, but has never found time to take more than a passing interest in political affairs. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic post at Greencastle.
Mr. Stoner was married on October 23, 1873, to Laura Elizabeth Landes, daughter of Christian and Elizabeth (Hillis) Landes, one of the best known and most highly respected families in Putnam county. Mrs. Stoner is a cousin of Charles Landes, late of Greencastle, now deceased (see his sketch and portrait elsewhere in this work). On the farm formerly owned by Mr. Landes now lives Christian E. Stoner, son of Peter S. Stoner, who was named for his grandfather Landes. Mrs. Stoner's parents died in the early nineties, dying within one year of each other, each about seventy years of age.
Mrs. Stoner was born June 1, 1852, and her death occurred May 20, 1901. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Stoner. Christian E., who married Nellie Koessler and they are the parents of two children, Simpson, Jr., and Katherine; and Edith, the wife of A. A. Houck, who was born in Indiana of German parentage, his parents spending their lives in this state. Mr. Houck is a commercial salesman, representing the St. Louis Coffin Company, covering the states of New York and Pennsylvania. He makes his home with Mr. Stoner, and he and his wife are the parents of two children, Russell and Hugh Stoner.
Peter S. Stoner is a member of Mt. Olive Methodist Episcopal church, this being one of the oldest buildings in the county. He takes considerable interest in church work and, in fact, whatever tends to the betterment of his community and county. Personally he is a pleasant man to meet, hospitable in his home and kind to his neighbors.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Among the substantial and influential citizens of Warren township, Putnam county, Fred Masten must be numbered, for here he has long been successfully engaged in farming and stock raising and his reputation has always been unassailable. He is the son of Mathias and Nancy (Elmore) Masten and the grandson of Reuben and Margaret (Garrison) Masten, the former a native of North Carolina, whose father was a native of England and, coming to America from that country prior to the Revolutionary war, served during the same in the patriot army. Reuben Masten came to Hendricks county, Indiana, during its early settlement, entered a tract of land on which he erected a log house, cleared a plot of ground and began farming, which he continued to follow. He and his wife were the parents of ten children, named as follows: Hesekiah, Darius, Mathias, Harry, John, Jesse, Mahala, Mary, Anna and Emma. These four are living, Jesse, Mrs. Mary Roberts, Mrs. Emma Hodson and Mathias. The father of these children was a devoted member of the Quaker church and was known for his strict honesty and his defense of moral and upright living. He was kind and indulgent to his family, always vigilant of their needs. He and his good wife are both now sleeping the sleep of the just in the family burying plot in Hendricks county. Mr. Masten having attained the advanced age of eighty-four years before he was called to his reward.
Mathias Masten spent his boyhood days on the farm and received a limited education in the old-time subscription schools. When a mere lad he volunteered for service in the Union army and was assigned to Company H, Fifty-fifth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, later joining the One Hundred and Seventeenth Regiment Indiana Cavalry, and after a service of one year was honorably discharged, February 15, 1864. He married, in 1865, Nancy Elmore, daughter of Willis Elmore, of Putnam county. They moved to a rented farm in Hendricks county and shortly, by the assistance of his father, he bought a farm of eighty acres in Putnam county, which he later sold, and bought and sold, in turn, several other farms. He finally moved to Cloverdale, where he owns property and he still looks after his farm. He is an ordained minister of the old-school Baptist church and spends a portion of his time in this work. He is a quiet, unassuming man and has hosts of friends in this county. Politically he is a Republican. He and his wife are the parents of eight children, named as follows: Ida, now Mrs. Allen, was born March 30, 1866, and they are the parents of three children, Laura, Raymond and Nannie, the latter deceased; Alfred Masten, born August 6, 1871, died August 15, 1872; Oscar, born October 6, 1873, married Cora Sears and they have one child, Mary Louise; Reuben W., born March 26, 1880, married Minnie Butler and they are the parents of four children, Zella, Ruth, Reba and Walter Monroe; Mrs. Emma Terry, born December 14, 1881, is the mother of two children, Gladys M. and Ella V.; Everett, born August 6, 1881, married Iva Lewis, and three children have been born to them, Lee, Lucile and one that died in infancy; Ella, born August 19, 1889,received a common school education and is living at home; Fred, of this review.
Fred Masten, the immediate subject of this sketch, was born July 17, 1869, in Putnam county, and he spent his boyhood days on his father's farm, receiving the advantages of a common school education. October 12, 1890, he married Mary E. Mathews, daughter of Richard F. and_Arminda (McCammack) Mathews, of Jefferson township, Putnam county. Richard F. Mathews, Mrs. Masten's father, is a prosperous farmer of Jefferson township. He was born in Kentucky and came to Putnam county at an early date, and settled on the farm where he now lives in Jefferson township. He and his wife are the parents of five children: Mary E., wife of the subject of this sketch, is the oldest; Robert W., Aris, Richard E., Pyna E. Mr. Mathews was trustee of Jefferson township two terms several years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Masten moved to a rented farm and after a few years moved to the land which now constitutes his home, in section 12, Warren township, where besides farming his own land he has leased and is farming a large tract of adjoining land. He has been very successful as a general farmer and handles some good stock from year to year. He has a neat home and is becoming well fixed from a material standpoint. He is now very acceptably serving Warren township as its trustee. He is a member of the Missionary Baptist church at Union Valley, Jefferson township. Politically he is a Republican.
To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Masten the following children have been born: Jewel, born October 18, 1891; Mamie E., born June 6, 1895; Hallie A., born July 16, 1899; Frank M., born December 19, 1900; Kenneth C., born July 30, 1902; Piercy C., born April 11, 1904; Robert W., born April 2, 1908.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
In one of the most exacting of all callings the subject of this sketch hasattained distinction, being recognized as one of the most successful teachers in the county of Putnam. He is a well educated, systematically developed man, his work as an educator having brought him prominently to the notice of the public, the result of which is a demand for his services where a high standard of professional excellence is required. He is a gentleman of scholarly tastes and studious habits, keeps abreast the times in advanced educational methods and his general knowledge is broad and comprehensive.
Alcany Farmer was born in Greencastle, this county, on December 16, 1862, and is a son of Benjamin and Marion (Bridgewaters) Farmer, being a member of one of the most prominent families of the community. The subject's paternal grandparents were James and Emily (Parks) Farmer. James Farmer was a native of Boone county, Kentucky, born August 26, 1806, and in about 1830 he came to Monroe county, Indiana, with his parents, three brothers, Robert, John and Prior, also accompanying them. John and Robert died in Monroe county, while Prior went to Iowa, where his death occurred. Mr. Farmer's parents spent the remainder of their days in Monroe county and there their deaths occurred. James Farmer married Emily Parks, who was born October 21, 1808, and who was a daughter of Benjamin Parks. The latter came from North Carolina to Virginia, and thence to Indiana and was a eidely known preacher of the Baptist church. After a short sojourn in Monroe county he came to Putnam county and located near Putnamville. To James and Emily Farmer were born the following children: Benjamin, Mary Ann, Matilda, Louisa, Thomas, Nancy, Cynthia Isabelle, Samuel, James P. and Sarah Ellen. Mary Ann became the wife of Alex McCarty and they moved to Oregon. Matilda married John Nosler and they too went to Oregon to live. Louisa became the wife of Joseph Ruark and they both died at their home in Marion township, this county. Thomas resides at Greencastle. Nancy became the wife of James W. Raines, who is now deceased, and she now resides at Cloverdale. Cynthia Isabelle became the eife of Dr. Thomas Bryan and they moved to Missouri, where their deaths occurred. Samuel died from the effects of an accidental gunshot wound in 1899. James P. went to Arkansas, and later to Indian Territory, where his death occurred. Sarah Ellen is the wife of S. J. Ruark and they live in Greencastle. The father of these children followed the plasterer's trade for a time at Greencastle, being assisted by his son Benjamin, and among their contracts was that of plastering the old court house at Greencastle, another son, Thomas, having hauled the lime for them. Eventually James Farmer bought a tract of land in Marion township, to which the family removed, and there he spent his later years. He added other lands to his first purchase and at the time of his death he owned between three hundred and four hundred acres. He was an earnest worker in the Baptist church, in the interest of which he gave liberally of his time and means. Politically he was a Democrat. His death occurred on November 29, 1875, and that of his wife on December 28, 1887.
Alcany Farmer was reared under the parental roof and secured his education in the public schools, supplemented by attendance at the Danville Normal School. When he was two or three years old the family moved to Hendricks county and located on a farm, where they remained about eight years, then moving back to Putnam county and locating on a farm which Benjamin Farmer owned just east of Greencastle. The subject remained with his parents until he was about seventeen years old, when he started out into life on his own account. He first worked as a farm hand, but two years later he began teaching school, and here he soon discovered he had found the sphere in which his talents could be put to their best use. He was successful from the start and during all the subsequent years he has been identified with the pedagogical profession, and during this period of twenty-eight years he has taught in but fire schools, this fact standing as a marked testimonial to his general efficiency and popularity as a teacher. During three years of this period Mr. Farmer relinquished his professional work for the office of township trustee, to which position he had been elected by the citizens of Cloverdale township, but aside from this interruption his work has been carried on consecutively since his first term. He taught one term in Greencastle township, one in Jefferson township, one in Warren township, three in Cloverdale township, and the remainder of the time he has taught at the Poplar Grove school. Mr. Farmer has also served as justice of the peace in Cloverdale township, serving in this capacity about twelve years, and during that period his official acts were characterized by a strict sense of fairness and justice. Soon after his marriage Mr. Farmer bought one hundred and fifty-five acres of land, situated about four miles west of Cloverdale, and to this he has added two hundred and ten acres. To the cultivation of this land he has given careful attention and has met with splendid success. The place is well improved and cared for and is numbered among the good farms of the township.
On September 20, 1883, Alcany Farmer married Sarah E. Butler, a daughter of John W. and Adeline (Shaw) Butler, she being a native of Jefferson township, this county. Her father was a native of New Jersey and her mother was born in Ohio, being a daughter of Upton and Susan (Branneman) Shaw. Susan Branneman was a daughter of Jacob and Matilda (Baker) Branneman, the former having been a native of Germany, who came first to Pennsylvania, moving later to Virginia, then to Ohio, and later to Putnam county, Indiana, where he died in 1872, at the age of ninety-seven years. Upton Shaw was a native of Maryland, subsequently went to Virginia, where he married, and during the late twenties came to Putnam county, Indiana, where he entered over six hundred acres of land in Jefferson township. Mrs. Farmer's mother died when the former was less than two weeks old and she was reared by her maternal grandparents. To Mr. and Mrs. Farmer have been born two children, Gracie P. and Elmer E., both of whom are school teachers, the former teaching in Madison township and the latter in Jackson township. Both of these children rounded out their public school educations by attendance at the Danville Normal School. Fraternally Mr. Farmer is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America. He is a gentleman of excellent personal qualities and is held in high esteem throughout the community where he has spent so many of the active years of his life.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN