Abram Hillis, Sr., was born in 1799 and his death occurred in June, 1868, at the age of sixty-nine. His wife survived him until 1884, reaching the advanced age of eighty-three years; side by side, they are now sleeping the sleep of the just on the old homestead at Mt. Pleasant church. They were Presbyterians. Although they held membership in the Presbyterian church at Greencastle, Mr. Hillis helped build the Methodist church near his home. He was not a public man in any sense of the word; a musician, he was a fifer at muster times, and was frequently called upon to play, especially during the call of troops during the Civil war. He was a fine marksman with a rifle and a great hunter, enjoying killing wild game. He would not shoot a squirrel except in the head. He w-as a splendid type of the sterling pioneer, rugged, hard-working, honest.
To Mr. and Mrs. Abram Hillis, Sr., thirteen children were born, ten of whom lived to maturity; a daughter died when seventeen years of age; the other nine were named as follows: Elizabeth, who married Christian Landis, a blacksmith and farmer, died while living on the farm; John L., of this review; William went to Oregon when a young man, spending his life there, all trace of him being lost until two years ago, when he died; George, who was a carpenter and farmed on the old homestead, reared six children, and died when about sixty-nine years of age; Mary married A. S. Finley and lived at Bainbridge until her death, at the age of sixty-seven; Sarah married Logan Foxworthy, who ran a planing mill in Greencastle; after his death his widow went to Colorado, where she died; Henry was a contractor and operated a stone quarry (see sketch of Mrs. Sarah E. Hillis); James H., a farmer in Harrison county, Missouri, spent severa1 years in Kentucky; Abram lives on the old homestead; Emma married William Foreman, a Kentuckian, who married while attending DePaue, lived then in Kentucky for many years, but now at Phoenix, Arizona.
John L. Hillis remained at home until he was twenty-one years of age, assisting with the work about the place and attending the district schools. In company with a number of other young men, he went to Kansas to try his fortune, also spent one or two years in Iowa, then returned to Indiana. He learned the carpenter's trade and followed this until President Lincoln's call for brave men to save the national honor induced him to enlist in defense of the flag, on July 6, 1861, as a result of the call for three years' service, in Company E, Twenty-first Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and he remained with the regiment until its final discharge, participating in all the trying campaigns and bloody engagements of his company, never being in the hospital. He went to New Orleans with General Butler. After two years' service he was transferred to the heavy artillery, in which he continued until the cessation of hostilities. Although in constant service, he was not wounded or captured. For his faithful services he became sergeant in the quartermaster's department. He veteranized in 1864 and was discharged, January 10, 1866. He had been kept for several months after the close of the war at Alexandria on Red river to care for government stores, having been in the service over four and one-half years. Two of his brothers, Henry and James, were also in the Union army, Henry serving two short terms of enlistment and James three years.
After the war, John L. Hillis returned to Putnam county and built a planing mill at Bainbridge and continued to work at the carpenter's trade, but in 1868 he turned his attention to agriculture, coming to his present farm two miles southwest of Greencastle, where he has a well improved farm of one hundred acres near Limedale Station, where William Stagg burned lime for many years in the early days. In 1879 Mr. Hillis erected an attractive, substantial and large brick house, which is in keeping with everything about the place, for he has one of the neatest farms in this locality, on which he carries on general farming and for years he has made the growing of small fruits a specialty, being well versed in horticulture. He also keeps some good stock and poultry.
Mr. Hillis was married on February 22, 1866, to Indiana Stoner, for history of whose family see sketch of Lycurgus Stoner. The following children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Hillis: Alva L., a civil engineer at Marinette, Wisconsin; Mary E. married William O'Hair, of Monroe township; Olive C. is the widow of Herbert Kelly, who was a jeweler in Greencastle; Frank L. is a locomotive engineer for the Vandalia railroad, with headquarters at Terre Haute; Edgar H. is a farmer in Colorado; Bertha L. is living at home; Jennie N. married Zefa Burkett and lives in Clinton township.
Politically Mr. Hillis is a Republican; however, he is not an office seeker, preferring to devote his exclusive attention to his farm and individual affairs. He is a member of Post No. 1, Grand Army of the Republic.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The gentleman to a brief review of whose life the reader's attention is herewith directed is among the foremost business men of Cloverdale and has by his enterprise and progressive methods contributed in a material way to the industrial and commercial advancement of the community. Possessing splendid executive and business ability, he has been successful in a material way and because of his sterling qualities he is numbered among the representative men of the town in which he lives.
Mr. McCoy is a native of Putnam county, having first seen the light of day three miles south of Cloverdale on the 4th day of July, 1877, and he is the son of Samuel S. and Cynthia (Funican) McCoy, highly respected residents of that community. Mr. McCoy was reared under the parental roof and when a year old the family removed to near Manhattan, and shortly afterwards into that town, where the father conducted a general store. There the subject spent his boyhood and attended the public schools. He then took a course of study in the academy at Greencastle, after which he engaged in teaching school. He taught for three years in Washington township and then for a year was principal of the schools at Putnamville. He held a high school license and while at the latter place he taught some high-school subjects. In March, 1899, Mr. McCoy went to Cloverdale and entered the hardware store of T. M. Layne. From the beginning of his connection with the store he was given some part in its management, and additional responsibilities were put upon him until by 1904 he had the full management of the business. After the death of Mr. Layne, which occurred on December 27, 1908, the Cloverdale Hardware and Lumber Company was formed, which acquired by purchase the business formerly conducted by Mr. Layne. Mr. McCoy became a member of this company and was continued as the active manager of the store, which position he still retains. The company has a capital stock of thirty thousand dollars, and besides the hardware business, it owns the building and ground, a large separate warehouse, and a large and well equipped planning mill in Cloverdale. Mr. McCoy maintains a personal supervision over all the details of the business in all its branches and the success which has come to the company is largely due to his indefatigable efforts and marked business ability. The officers of the company are as follows: President, J. W. Croxton; vice-president, A. N. Holloway; secretary-treasurer, Estes Duncan.
In October, 1901, Mr. McCoy was united in marriage with Lelia B Davis, the daughter of R. C. Davis, her home having formerly been at Cataract and later at Quincy, Owen county, this state. Their union has been blessed in the birth of a son, Kenneth D., who was born on January 23, 1903.
Fraternally, Mr. McCoy is a member of the Knights of Pythias and the Modern Woodmen of America, while religiously he and his wife are members of the Church of Christ.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The career of the gentleman whose name introduces this sketch illustrates forcibly the possibilities that are open to the man who possesses a sound mind and well balanced judgment and the requisite energy to direct the same in their proper channels. It also proves that ambitious perseverance, steadfastness of purpose and untiring industry will eventually be rewarded and that true success is the legitimate result of individual effort. James William Scott has led a very strenuous life, replete at times with stirring incidents akin to the tragic, although he has never indulged in self-laudation nor attempted to make capital of his many thrilling experiences. He is in fact a man of quiet demeanor and all of his relations with his fellows have been characterized by that becoming modesty which marks the unobtrusive though true and courteous gentleman.
Mr. Scott is a native of Bath county, Kentucky. born near the town of Bethel on July 11, 1843. His father, George Washington Scott, also a native of the above county, was of Scotch-Irish lineage, his grandparents immigrating to this country from Ireland many years ago and settling presumably in Virginia.
Minerva Rogers, wife of George W. Scott and mother of the subject, was a daughter of William Rogers, Jr., whose father, William Rogers, Sr., was a companion of Daniel Boone and was with that intrepid backwoodsman and hunter when his little company of settlers were besieged by the Indians on the Kentucky Run, not far from the present site of Richmond. The Rogers family originally settled in Virginia, near Culpeper Court House, where William Rogers, Jr., was born while the father was being besieged in the block house as stated above.
When about eight years of age William Rogers, Jr., removed with his parents to Bath county, Kentucky, where he grew to maturity on a farm which was originally a cane brake in a dense, unbroken wilderness. Ere a house could be erected, a space had to be cleared and when finished the little frontier dwelling was not as high as the growth of cane by which surrounded. After residing on this place for a few years the elder Rogers purchased a farm on Bald Eagle creek near where that stream empties into Flat creek, and it was there that the subject's grandparents spent the remainder of their days. His wife dying, Mr. Rogers, Sr., subsequently remarried and lived to a ripe old age, leaving an honored name which his descendants prize as a priceless heritage.
William Rogers, Jr., served in Col. "Dick" Johnson's regiment during the war of 1812 and was at the battle of the Thames, where the celebrated Indian chief Tecumseh lost his life, killed, it is believed, by the Colonel himself. Later he bought a farm in Bath county, Kentucky, near his old home where he reared a large family and spent the residue of his life, dying when nearly one hundred years of age.
The marriage of George Washington Scott and Minerva Rogers was solemnized about 1840, the union being terminated by the death of the wife four years later. Subsequently Mr. Scott married Elizabeth Baxter and moved to Putnam county, Indiana, settling at Cloverdale, where he devoted his attention to agricultural pursuits until his death, which occurred at Greencastle in the year 1863.
James William Scott was less than a year old when his mother died and while still quite young was brought by his father to Putnam county, where he spent his childhood and early youth. In 1859, hen a lad of sixteen, he ran away from home and returned to Kentucky, where he began to make his own way as a farm laborer, receiving ten dollars per month and perquisites. Determined to surmount his environment and become something more than a mere passive agency in the world, he worked hard, gained the confidence of his employer and, with the prestige of his grandfather, a wealthy and influential farmer and slave-holder who lived near by soon found himself on the high-road to success. Espousing the cause of the South at the breaking out of the Civil War, he enlisted in September, 1862, in the Ninth Regiment Kentucky Volunteers, Confederate States Army, which formed a part of the army under the command of the famous Confederate leader, Gen. John Morgan.
Mr. Scott shared all the vicissitudes and hardships in which the regiment took part and was with his intrepid commander in many of the skirmishes, battles and daring actions for which he was noted, one of which was the capture of two thousand five hundred Federals when his own force numbered less than eight hundred men, and this too in the face of three regiments of Federals who arrived on the scene in time to see Morgan retire with all of his prisoners. While returning from this raid Mr. Scott had his feet so badly frozen that all of his toe-nails came off, also much of the flesh. He had ridden two days and two nights without rest and when the men halted he threw himself upon the ground and almost instantly fell into a profound sleep. On being awakened by some of his comrades his feet and limbs were so badly frozen that he could not walk; being carried to a farm house near by, he sat for three days with his feet in a tub of cold water, a treatment which proved only partially successful as he was enabled to walk only with great difficulty and much suffering at the expiration of the time indicated, because of the fearful condition of his feet, which the meanwhile had become black and sloughed off until the bones in several places were exposed. He dressed himself on learning of the Federal advance and followed in the rear until the two armies became engaged at Stone River. In the excitement of the battle he forgot all about his injured members and, regardless of the intensely cold weather, he again waded through deep, freezing water which left him in much worse condition than before.
At the battle of Missionary Ridge Mr. Scott's regiment was on the extreme Confederate right and there, as elsewhere, he proved all that a brave and intrepid leader should be, fighting with determination until his command was ordered to retreat before the greater force of the enemy. He also participated in the battle of Buzzard Roost, Resaca, Peach Tree Creek (where his regiment forced the fighting until outflanked), Big Shanty, Kenesaw Mountain, where he was a short distance from the spot where General Polk met his death, and numerous other engagements and skirmishes. At the time of Morgan's raid through southern Indiana and Ohio, his regiment was so worn out that the General did not deem it fit for such strenuous duty, accordingly it remained in the South in the cause of the Confederacy.
At the battle of Peach Tree Creek, where, as already stated, his regiment led the advance and forced the fighting, Mr. Scott, although too sick for duty, remained on the field performing valuable service until the close of the engagement. He was then ordered by the physician to leave the ranks and care for himself until able to rejoin his command; accordingly, he retired to a farm house where for some weeks he lay quite sick. While there he learned of the fall of Atlanta, which doubtless had a tendency to hasten his recovery, as he soon afterwards started to rejoin the army, but did not overtake his regiment until it had reached Savannah in the winter of 1864-5. From that city the Confederate forces fell back through the Carolinas to Columbia, where Mr. Scott was one of the last to cross the bridge before it was burned. After the battle of Goldsboro, President Davis shipped his Confederate treasury, including four wagon loads of specie money, to Raleigh, and he called on General Wheeler for his best brigade to escort him and his entire cabinet and valuable treasures to that city. General Dibree's brigade, of which Mr. Scott was a member, was selected for this honor, and Mr. Scott guarded these treasures for about four days. With other members of his company he received twenty-six dollars of this money, the bulk of it being captured with President Davis. This duty being carried out, the command was ordered by the Federals to go no further as the movement constituted a violation of Lee's terms of surrender. After crossing the Savannah river at the place where General Greene crossed in the Revolution, the force intrusted with the above mission yielded to the Federals, each man being permitted to retain such personal property as was in his possession when paroled in May, 1865. At Chattanooga, where they were escorted by a lieutenant and two privates, many of the paroled men lost their property, their horses and saddles being taken by Federal officers, but later, by order of General Thomas, all of their belongings were restored to them, the subject recovering a saddle, bridle, a horse and a mule. Disposing of the latter animal for forty dollars, he purchased an entire suit of clothes, which he donned as soon as possible, making the exchange in the woods nearby, where he left his old garments together with all of their crawling inhabitants.
In January, 1866, Mr. Scott returned to Cloverdale and has since made this village his home. On May 30, 1867, he was united in marriage with Eliza M. Harrah, whose birth occurred about two and a half miles northwest of Cloverdale, where her father, Pressley Harrah, had long been a resident, the latter a son of a Kentucky pioneer who entered land and made a settlement in Warren township, at a very early day. After his marriage Mr. Scott farmed as a renter until obtaining a start in the world, later, in 1873, purchasing eighty acres in Warren township, which with an eighty-acre tract inherited by his wife enabled him to engage in agriculture and stock raising upon a more extensive scale. He added to his holdings at intervals until at one time he owned six hundred acres of valuable real estate in Putnam county, besides other valuable property which made him one of the well-to-do men of the community.
Mr. Scott has been quite successful in all of his transactions, possessing, as he does, business ability of a high order and his motto has always been to live within the income and make every dollar earned produce another. He has added materially to his fortune by trading, buying and selling livestock and by judicious investments in land and other kinds of property. He lived on his farm in Warren township until September, 1907, when he purchased a healthful and attractive home in Cloverdale, where he has since resided, his wife having died in the year 1897.
To Mr. and Mrs. Scott were born nine children, namely: Samuel L., a telegraph operator at Jordan village on the Monon line; he married Lettie Snyder and is the father of four children, of whom two are living, Scott and Nina. William, the second son, is a farmer near Clay City, Indiana; his wife, formerly Mary Rule, died after bearing him three children, of whom Everett and Thomas survive. Later he contracted a marriage with Edith Hilburn, the union resulting in the birth of three children, Margaret, Ralph and Cecil. Minerva is the wife of Charles Emory Cooper and lives in Warren township, where her husband is engaged in farming. Their family consists of seven children, viz.: Wilbur, Laura, Ethel, Emmett, Ruth, Leslie and Eugene Scott. Margaret Frances, who became the wife of James Coston, of Terre Haute, is the mother of three children, Dwight, Reese and Bononni. Lucy Ellen, now Mrs. Harley Harris, lives in Jefferson township and has three children, Forest, Harrold and Mabel Esther. James B., who lives on the home farm in Warren township, married Ethel Truesdell and is the father of a daughter, Lucille, and a son, Marcellus. Charles P. is unmarried and lives with his brother William on what is known as the Eel River bottoms; Elizabeth, wife of Walter Vermillion, resides in Indianapolis; Mary Jane departed this life in 1398, at the age of twenty-three.
Mr. Scott has been a life-long Republican, though not an office seeker nor aspirant for any kind of public distinction. Religiously, the Presbyterian church holds his creed with which body his wife was also identified.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Andrew J. Rockwell was born in Wayne county, Ohio, April 12, 1831, and was reared under the parental roof, his father having been a widely known and successful hotel keeper. When about twenty years old Andrew Rockwell yielded to the allurements of the West and went to California, where he remained for eight years. He was first employed in a hotel there and subsequently went into that business himself. Eventually he disposed of that enterprise and went into the lumber business, and at the same time served as superintendent of an Indian reservation, where he had between four and five thousand red men under his charge. He was also for two years overseer of the San Quinten penitentiary in that state. Returning East in 1861, Mr. Rockwell located in Owen county, Indiana. The Southern insurrection aroused Mr. Rockwell's patriotic impulses and in the summer of 1862 he took an active part in raising Company F, Seventy-first Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry. At the organization of the company he was elected captain, but resigned in favor of another man. He was, however, subsequently re-commissioned and commanded his company until his discharge from the service because of physical disability. He was a valiant soldier, a splendid disciplinarian and a popular commander. With his command he took part in a number of hotly contested engagements, including those at Richmond and Muldraugh's Hill, Kentucky. On his retirenlent from military service, Captain Rockwell returned to Owen county and resumed his farming operations. On the 18th of June, 1863, he was married, and in September of the following year he moved to Cloverdale, Putnam county, Indiana, where he resided continuously up to the time of his death, which occurred on Thursday, October 21, 1909. During the long period of over forty years he was engaged in the mercantile business there and became not only widely known, but was highly esteemed by all. After retiring from the mercantile business, Captain Rockwell engaged in the insurance, real estate and notary business, in which he engaged up to the illness which preceded his death. His business dealings were characterized by a stanch and unimpeachable integrity and an honesty of purpose which gained for him early in his business career an enviable reputation among his fellows - a reputation which was never in after years impaired in even the slightest degree. At the time of his death, one who knew him well said of him: "In writing the life of Captain Rockwell, one could say volumes as to his worth as a Christian man and a good citizen, but to those of his wide acquaintance that is unnecessary, for his life was as an open book and he was known as a11 honest man and a true friend, which is the best legacy any man can leave." It has been said of Captain Rockwell that he had as many friends in his home community and in Putnam county as any man within its borders. For many years Captain Rockwell was a consistent member of the Christian church, in which he took an active part, serving as an elder, and also being an enthusiastic supporter of the Sunday school. He was a charter member of Gen. Frank White Post, No. 422, Grand Army of the Republic. On the 18th of June, 1863, Captain Rockwell was united in marriage with Malissa Caroline McCoy, a daughter of Jesse C. and Eleanor (Tilley) McCoy. To Captain and Mrs. Rockwell six sons were born, two living, George B. and Charles A. The former was reared in Cloverdale, assisted his father in the store and for four years was employed in the Bank of Cloverdale as cashier, subsequently becoming bookkeeper in the Central National Bank at Greencastle. Charles A. Rockwell was reared in the parental home at Cloverdale and received his educational training in the public schools. When old enough he entered his father's store to the interests of which he devoted himself closely until his appointment, in 1897, as postmaster of Cloverdale, which office he has held continuously since, to the entire satisfaction of the department and the patrons of the office. He was re-appointed by President Taft in 1910, which will make seventeen years continuous service. He is a man of splendid business qualifications and sterling qualities of character and stands high among his business associates and friends. On May 8, 1895, Charles A. Rockwell was married to Winifred Sinclair, a daughter of Isaac L. and Celestin J. (Hartlin) Sinclair, her birth having occurred in Owen county. This union has been blessed with one daughter, Georgia. Fraternally Mr. Rockwell is a member of the Knights of Pythias, having become a member of that order when the lodge was organized at Cloverdale. He has held every chair in the local lodge and for the past ten years he has served as master of exchequer. He is also giving his order efficient service as deputy grand chancellor of the state for the thirteenth district. He is a member of the Church of Christ, as is his brother George, who also is a member of the Knights of Pythias. In politics the brothers follow in the footsteps of their honored father, rendering stanch allegiance to the Republican party. Charles has been a very active worker in the party ranks and has attended every state convention since attaining his majority, several times as delegate. He has served as a member of the central committee from his township and as vice-chairman of the county central committee. He is a man of definite influence and prestige in the community and is eminently entitled to representation in a work of this character.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
RICHARD M. HAZELETT Mr. Hazelett was born on October 2, 1819, one and one-half miles northwest of Bloomington, Indiana. son of Samuel and Nancy (Miller) Hazelett. William Hazelett was the founder of this family in America. He came from Londonderry, Ireland, in 1784, and located in Philadelphia, later moved to Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and from there he finally took his family to Bourbon county, Kentucky. In 1825 he came to Putnam county, Indiana, among the first settlers, being the first Hazelett in the state. He was a typical pioneer of the early days in this country and nothing delighted him better than to move to a new country and start life over amid primitive surroundings. The greater the dangers and hardships the better pleased he seemed to be. Richard M. Hazelett grew up on his father's farm in Marion township, this county, assisting with the clearing and development of the place. He received his schooling in the early district schools, which were usually taught in log houses during a few months in the winter when farm work could not be carried on, his principal schooling being gained at Brice Miller's log school house situated on a farm which he afterwards owned. When twenty-one years of age he started in life for himself by purchasing Bennefield's sawmill in partnership with his brother William, which he operated in connection with looking after the home farm. He accumulated rapidly and all through life was very successful in all that he undertook. Mr. Hazelett was married on May 18, 1843, to Malvina Bunten, a native of Mercer county, Kentucky, having been born there September 28, 1824. This union resulted in the birth of the following children: William J., Mary M., Samuel A., Sarah A., Louisa J., all living in Greencastle township, with the exception of William J., who is deceased. Richard M. Hazelett was a Republican in politics. He took an active interest in politics and was a conspicuous figure in many conventions and local gatherings of his party. He was nominated for Congress and after a spirited contest was defeated. He was secretary and treasurer of the first company that built the first gravel road in Putnam county, he being the prime mover in this praise-worthy enterprise. He was one of the first directors of the First National Bank, also the Greencastle Iron & Rolling Mills. He was one of the most successful and influential men of his day and generation in this section of the state and probably did as much, if not more, to stimulate general progress in Putnam county than anyone else, being prominent in business, political and social circles. He had unusual executive ability, was a noted organizer and promoter, possessed keen foresight and soundness of judgment. He was one of the organizers of the first Grange, having taken a great interest in this movement. He was a faithful member of the Christian church. Mr. Hazelett was captain of the Home Guards during the war between the states, and he received a commission from Governor O. P. Morton, offering him a colonelcy in the Union army. Mrs. Hazelett was called to her rest on April 1, 1860, and in 1864 Mr. Hazelett married Mary V. (Nicholson) Humes, of Eminence, Kentucky. Mr. Hazelett became well-to-do by reason of his fine business ability and his close application to his affairs, becoming the owner of several hundred acres of land in Putnam county and was widely known not only as an agriculturist but also as an extensive stock breeder and feeder. This excellent citizen and commendable character was called to his reward on July 31, 1897. His sister, America, survives, having been born December 24, 1824, being the first white female child born in Marion township, Putnam county. At this writing she is living in Indianapolis. Mr. Hazelett's son and worthy successor, Samuel A. Hazelett, is given proper notice on another page of this work.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
WALTER W. McGAUGHEY, M.D. Walter M. McGaughey, the second of these three children, was born in Parke county, Indiana, May 1, 1871. His father was born September 16, 1839, near Fincastle, Putnam county, Indiana, and followed farming pursuits all of his life. He lived in Russell township for a number of years and then moved to the northern part of the county where he died in 1874, on his homestead. He served as a Union soldier in Company B, Seventy-eighth Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and during his campaigning contracted the disease which eventually caused his death. Walter M. McGaughey was two and a half years old when brought to Putnam county by his parents. He attended the district schools and worked on the farm during the summers until the fifteenth year of his age. Later he spent six months in the Danville (Indiana) Normal School and at the age of sixteen years secured a license to teach, but was refused a school on account of his youth. He worked on the farm during the following summer and fall and next year taught school at Russellville. After this practical experience he returned to Danville for another term in the normal and during the succeeding three winters taught at Hebron school, meantime spending three months of each year at Danville. In the fall of 1894 he entered DePauw University and took a scientific course in chemistry and mathematics. Such was his diligence that he was able to take the regular four-year course in three years. In the fall of 1893 he took charge of the high school at Fincastle, but after a stay of six months resigned as principal and returned to school. For the last six months of his graduation year, 1896-7, he had charge of the physics department in Greencastle high school, but kept up his college work and was graduated in 1897. He taught in the Greencastle high school during the following year and was occupying this position when the Spanish-American war opened. He enlisted and served as sergeant-major with Lieutenant-Colonel Fee, spending the summer at Camp Alger, in Washington, and Camp Mead, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Being mustered out, he resumed his work in high school in the spring of 1898 and in the following fall entered the Indiana Medical School, at Indianapolis. While there he had charge during his first and second year of the class in mathematics in the city night school, besides being tutor in chemistry at the medical college. During his last year he was substitute teacher in mathematics at the Manual Training High School, was graduated in May, 1902, and began the practice in Greencastle. In 1903 he became city health officer, and next year was appointed surgeon of the Big Four railroad, which position he has since held. While in college Doctor McGaughey became a member of the Delta Upsilon fraternity and later joined the order of Knights of Pythias. He is a member of the county, state and national medical associations and the pension examining board. He is engaged in general practice and surgery and has met with success as the result of close application to business and especial qualifications for the duties of his profession. On June 13, 1901 Doctor McGaughey married Elizabeth B., daughter of James E. and Margaret E. Matthews. She is a native of Greencastle and her father was a manufacturer of kegs and barrels. Doctor and Mrs. McGaughey have one daughter, Margaret Emily, born February 4, 1906.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
JOHN SIBLEY DOWLING Thomas Dowling married Sarah J. Sibley, March 7, 1857. She was the daughter of John and Elizabeth (May) Sibley, who lived near the city of New York. Her father was a native of Vermont; coming West in an early day, he was one of the first settlers in Indiana, living first at Ft. Harrison, where he sought protection from the Indians, who were then numerous and hostile. However, he did not live at the fort long, until he pushed out into the wilderness and developed a farm. Mrs. Thomas Dowling survived her husband many years, passing to her rest on December 19, 1904. She was born August 16, 1837. Five children were born to them, named as follows: John S., of this review; Mary is the wife of John Palmer Hallman, and is living in New York City; Jennie is the wife of Arthur H. Brower, of New York; Fenelon E. is in the employ of the government in Honolulu, Sandwich Islands; Elizabeth is the wife of H. C. Hampton, living in Terre Haute. John S. Dowling was educated in the public schools, where he made rapid progress, entering Asbury (now DePauw ) University when thirteen years of age, where he remained two years, then entered Racine College, Racine, Wisconsin, where he remained for two years. Thus well equipped, he began his business career in 1875 by entering the office of the Wabash & Erie canal as secretary to his father, where he remained for two years, then spent one year in the office of the Evansville & Terre Haute Railroad Company, then one year in the general freight office of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company, in Chicago, where Paul Morton, now the noted railroad magnate, was also employed. Then for a period of two and one-half years he worked in the office of the Illinois Central Railroad Company, at Chicago. In 1881 he entered the Vandalia offices at Indianapolis. October 1, 1883, he was appointed agent of this road at Greencastle, Indiana, and he has since been discharging the duties of the same in his usual faithful and conscientious manner, this company regarding him as one of its most efficient and trusted employes. Fraternally Mr. Dowling is a charter member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Lodge No. 1077, also the Ben Hur lodge and the Modern Woodmen of America. In politics he is a Democrat and belongs to the Episcopal church. Mr. Dowling was married on January 1, 1898, to Nellie Fee, daughter of J. F. Fee, a highly respected family of Greencastle, and this union has resulted in the birth of two children, Thomas Francis, now attending school, and Sarah, who died at one year old.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
EDMUND BURK LYNCH Edmund B. Lynch, sixth of his father's children, was born at Greencastle, Indiana, April 13, 1862. He attended the public schools for some years, but before he was out of his teens he began railroading. His first job was in the yards of the Louisville, New Albany & Chicago Railroad Company, where he worked at switching during the year 1879. He then went to the Indianapolis & St. Louis road as a brakeman, which position he held for a year and gave up to accept a place with the Wabash & Missouri Pacific in transportation work. In 1882 he returned to the Indianapolis & St. Louis and was appointed conductor, in which capacity he had charge of a train until 1886. Later he served as conductor on many roads, including the "Cotton Belt." From 1888 to 1895 he was with the St. Louis & Southwestern; from 1892 to 1895 was a passenger conductor between Cairo, Illinois, and Pine Bluff, Arkansas. In June, 1902, he quit the railroad business, came to Greencastle and bought the furniture and undertaking plant of W. P. Ledbetter, which has since occupied his attention, carrying a stock valued at about ten thousand dollars. He also owns a farm of thirty-five acres and belongs to the class of citizens described as well-to-do. Mr. Lynch is a thirty-second degree Mason, being connected with the Consistory and Shrine at Indianapolis, and the Greencastle lodges of the order. He is also a member of Lodge No. 43, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias Lodge No. 16, and the Elks Lodge, No. 1077, at Greencastle. While in Arkansas in 1890 he was commissioned as deputy United States marshal, and served one year. On Decenmer 23, 1891, Mr. Lynch married Fanny, daughter of Lewis Moore and a native of Memphis, Tennessee. She met her future husband after her removal to Pine Bluff, Arkansas. They have had five children: Edmund B., Jr., born at Pine Bluff, Arkansas, in 1896; Paul Fleming, born in 1894; John Earl, born in 1896; Arthur Moore, born at Greencastle in 1898; Ralph, who was born in 1901, died the next year. Mrs. Lynch, the subject's wife, died on January 15, 1910, after an illness of about one year. The family are Baptists. The subject is a Democrat in his political belief. The subject's mother brought the first cook stove into Putnam county. Her mother, Katherine, was the best posted woman on Scripture in the county. Three generations have occupied the house and three acres of ground which constitute the present home of Mr. Lynch. It is located at the foot of West Washington and Gillespie streets, the latter being named in honor of the original owners. The place was noted for the hospitality of the mother and grandmother and the other members of this fine old family.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
JAMES WASHINGTON COLE. James Washington Cole was born in Dearborn county, Indiana, February 2, 1830, the eldest son of Solomon and Sarah (Remy) Cole, the former born in Maryland, near Philadelphia, August 11, 1784, and the latter born near Winchester, Virginia, January 12, 1797. Their marriage occurred April 29, 1819, in Indiana, to which state they came about the time the state was admitted to the Union. The Coles were of English origin and among the earliest of those who came and conquered the forests of Indiana. James W. Cole, the eldest of nine children, was reared to a life of toil. He came to Putnam county, Indiana, in the spring of 1863 and engaged in the pump manufacturing business. In 1865 James W., Robert S., William R. and John J. Cole organized a company, incorporated for ten years under the laws of Iowa, at Mt. Pleasant, that state, with a capital of thirty thousand dollars, for the manufacture of lightning rods and pumps. In 1875 they were able to re-organize with a paid-up capital of two hundred thousand dollars. They eventually gave up pump manufacturing. In 1863 James W. Cole came to Putnam county, and became president of the company, which did a large and lucrative business. Mr. Cole was in many ways a notable man. He was very philanthropic and took a broad and liberal stand in favor of all movements for the social and moral uplift of the community. Full of energy, and of good business judgment, he usually pushed to success whatever he undertook. Fraternally, he was a Knight Templar Mason and an Odd Fellow. He was a Republican of very decided views and enthusiastic in supporting the party ticket, but he never sought office. He died June 5, 1907, at his home in Greencastle. On December 24, 1853, Mr. Cole married Susan Olivia Mathers, who died March 30, 1891, without issue. September 21, 1892, Mr. Cole married Phila Olds, of Erie, Pennsylvania, a lady of distinguished ancestry. Her parents were Lewis Wilson and Louisa E. (Ackerly) Olds, the former born in East Mill Creek, Erie county, Pennsylvania, July 21, 1822, and the latter at Middletown, New York, March 11, 1826. Lewis W. Olds was a son of Asa Gilbert Olds, a native of Alstead, New Hampshire (born November 15, 1877) (No typo), and Lucy Church, a native of Winsted, Connecticut. John Church, father of Lucy Church Olds, enlisted, when eighteen years of age, in the patriot army at Saybrook, Connecticut, and was with Arnold at the siege of Quebec in 1776. Lewis W. Olds and Louisa E. Ackerly were married May 9, 1848. To them came seven children, viz.: Inez, Clark, Nettie, Phila, William C., Florence and Charlotte Marian. Mr. Olds was a man of great ingenuity and large business capacity. He was engaged in the pump manufacturing business in Erie, Pennsylvania, for many years and was one of that city's leading and influential citizens. It is claimed that he was the first man in the United States, if not in the world, to reduce the old log pump to an article of commerce. He died June 25, 1908. Mrs. Cole, the fourth of the children, was born at Erie, Pennsylvania, and is a graduate of the high school of that city. She was regent of Washburn Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, for four years, and is a member of the Century Club, of which she was also president for one year. She is a member of the Episcopalian church. One child, James Gilbert, born September 20, 1894, is now in school.
"Weiks History of Putnam County Indiana" by Jesse W. Weik. 1910
It is always pleasant and profitable to contemplate the career of a man who has made a success of life and won the honor and respect of his fellow citizens. Such is the record of the well-known gentleman whose name heads this sketch, than whom a more whole-souled or popular man it would be difficult to find within the limits of Cloverdale, Putnam county, where he has his home. Charles A. Rockwell was born in Cloverdale December 2, 1870, and is a son of Capt. Andrew J. and Malissa C. (McCoy) Rockwell, the former of whom was for nearly a half century one of the honored and influential citizens of Putnam county.
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
It is natural, and therefore proper, that the descendants of the old settlers, those who cleared the land of its primitive woods, should see that the performance of the early years are fittingly recorded and remembered. It has been said by one of the greatest historians that those who take no interest in the deeds of their ancestors are not likely to do anything worthy to be remembered by remote descendants. Could the lives of the early settlers be fully and suitably written, what an interesting and wonderful tale it would be. Think of the journey from the East to the deep woods of the West, and of the trials and hardships of clearing the soil and rearing the family. And think of the pioneer gatherings and the shooting matches, the early schools and churches under the branches of trees, of the camp meetings and the famous old circuit-riders. Think of the husking matches, the coon, wolf, fox and bear hunts with dogs in a merry chase, and then presume to say that the old settlers did not have much real pleasure intermingled with the hardships. If you will talk with an old settler now he will tell you with a great deal of emphasis that the old times were far more enjoyable than the present. He means it. And he ought to know better than you, because he was present at both periods and you were not. Such was the life and such the pioneer named at the head of this humble notice. No name in Putnam county has been more highly honored or more influential than that of Hazelett and no man of the past generation will be longer remembered than Richard M.
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
The family of this name emigrated from Scotland in the sixteenth century and settled in the north of Ireland when the Scotch form of the name (Macgaughey) was changed to the familiar Irish "Mc." In 1732 they came to the American colonies and Wi1liam McGaughey, great-grandfather of the well known Putnam county physician, who was born in 1762, located in Pennsylvania. He had two sons, Andrew and William, family names which have been handed down through generations. Both sons joined Washington's army and served for seven years. After the war Andrew went to Vincennes, while William, the youngest, located in Kentucky, and it is from him that the Putnam county branch has descended. December 2, 1778, he married Prepare Clark, who was born in 1771 (This is no typo, verified in book) and died May 10, 1835. By this union there were ten children, seven boys and three girls. Michael, one of the former, born March 20, 1812, came to Indiana in early manhood and settled in Putnam county, September 23, 1837, he married Sarah Lane, a native of Putnam county, by whom he had twelve children, ten sons and two daughters. He prospered as a farmer and became the owner of six or seven hundred acres of land. He was among the first of the county's pioneers and survived until 1864. William McGaughey, eldest of his sons, was born in September, 1839, and reared in Russell township, Putnam county. He married Emma, daughter of Addison Campbell, a well-known millwright of the county, and the former now resides at Bloomingdale, in Parke county, Indiana. William and Emma (Campbell) McGaughey had three children: Charles Grant, born December 1, 1868, is a resident of Colorado Springs, Colorado; Clara, the youngest, was born in November, 1874, and was afflicted with blindness.
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
Tracing his ancestry back to excellent Irish ancestry, John Sibley Dowling, the efficient agent of the Vandalia railroad at Greencastle, is an example of what thrift, industry and energy properly and honestly applied may accomplish, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles, and by reason of these worthy qualities he has become well established in reference to this world's affairs. He was born in Terre Haute, Indiana, May 15, 1858, the son of Thomas and Sarah J. (Sibley) Dowling, the father having been born December 21, 1809, in county Carlow, Ireland, the fourth son of Peter and Katherine (Fenelon) Dowling. Thomas Dowling came to America in 1817, with his parents, both of whom died soon afterwards, having located in Washington City. They left a family of six children, all small. Thomas apprenticed himself to Gales & Seaton, publishers of the Washington Intelligencer, serving his time out and working himself up to an editorship. Having learned thoroughly the newspaper business he came West, in 1832, and located in Terre Haute and on June 13, 1832, bought of Col. John Osbon the Wabash Courier, a morning paper, now known as The Star, and published it until 1840, when he sold it to Jesse Connard. A year or two later he established the Wabash Express, which he published until 1845, selling out to David Danielson. He then assisted in the building of the Wabash & Erie canal, with which he held the very responsible position of resident trustee or manager in Indiana from 1849 to 1874, in which year the affairs of the company were wound up. In 1864 he built Dowling Hall, for many years the only place of amusement in Terre Haute and a fine theatre in that day. He purchased a farm in White county in the fifties, consisting of two thousand acres, which he operated for ten years. He was a very successful business man and was one of the influential men of Vigo county and that section of the state. He was a brilliant writer and wielded a potent influence through the columns of his paper, always taking a stand for the right as he saw and understood the right and he vas a1ways interested in the development of his community. He was first a Whig and later a Democrat. He was prominent in state politics and was elected to the Legislature. He was a member of the national Democratic committee from this state when he died, December 5, 1876.
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
About the middle of the last century Ireland sent over to this county a young man of more than usual promise, who was destined to make a name for himself in America. He studied medicine and became noted as Dr. M. J. Lynch. He settled in Greencastle about 1849 and, being a man of classical education, was appointed teacher of Latin at Asbury University. Like most Irishmen, he had a natural turn for politics and his activities secured him an appointment as consul to Ireland under President Buchanan. His skill and reputation in medicine caused him to be sent to Pittsburg Landing as an expert on smallpox. Doctor Lynch married into a historic and distinguished family. Many years ago a widow named Gillespie came from Ohio with her four daughters and three sons, and erected a house on West Washington street in Greencastle, which afterwards became a landmark as the Gillespie homestead. The house now standing was built in 1830 of brick made on the ground and logs cut nearby. The family owned a tan yard, which was conducted by Daniel G. Thomas and James Gillespie, and became a notable as well as a valuable industry during the early days of the county. It was Leah Gillespie, one of the three daughters, who became the wife of Doctor Lynch. She was a school teacher in her younger days and a woman of more than the usual attractions of both mind and person. She was related to James G. Blaine, whose mother was a Gillespie, and gave that distinguished statesman his middle name. Doctor and Mrs. Lynch had eight children: James E., deceased; John T., a railroad conductor at Cairo, Illinois; Daniel, deceased; William Wallace, deceased; the fifth child died in infancy; Edmund B. and Emmett McMichael, and Paul A., deceased. Doctor Lynch died in October, 1879, in his fiftieth year, his wife passing away in 1891, when sixty-six years old.
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis IN
This name recalls an honored and venerable citizen who in his active years was known throughout the state. At the time of his death he was one of the oldest native-born Indianans, and few men used so long a life to so good a purpose.
B.F. Bowen & Co., Publishers, Indianapolis INDeb Murray